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What Does Heaven Have To Offer? - Religion - Nairaland

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What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by darkhorizon: 2:05pm On Aug 27, 2017
To the theist/religious people in here(Christians and Muslims). What does Heaven have to offer?

What are the activities that will most likely be taking place in Heaven, Does the Bible and Quran make mention of this.
And besides,how is the aging system in Heaven since it is supposedly for eternity,is it that me and my fore father's of a thousand years ago will exist in the same form or what?

I am just curious, I need answers?

cc : kingebukasblog explorers lastmumu agentofallah felixomor hardmirror johnydon22 hopefulandlord seun Pastafarian hahn.
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by seluchi(f): 2:08pm On Aug 27, 2017
Read your Bible shocked
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by darkhorizon: 2:14pm On Aug 27, 2017
Read your Bible shocked
I am Agnostic,and was never a Christian.
So it's not a bad idea if you could help me out.
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by hahn(m): 6:22pm On Aug 27, 2017
Heaven has nothing to offer

You can imagine how boring and the kind of nepotism going up there that Lucifer found it necessary to revolt and even other angels had to agree with him. Despite god's cover up story it really does not sound different that North Korea.

Imagine god sitting all day in heaven watching billions of people burn while he sits back drinking wine Jesus made from water playing dominoes with people's lives. Sounds like a very psychotic barbecue party

I'd rather go to hell. At least I am guaranteed that there are no fanatics there.

And considering we have not heard the devil's side of the story it might even be better than heaven

Remember, "Garri no get advert but e sell pass sardine" grin

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Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by darkhorizon: 6:22pm On Aug 28, 2017
Heaven has nothing to offer

Imagine god sitting all day in heaven watching billions of people burn while he sits back drinking wine Jesus made from water playing dominoes with people's lives. Sounds like a very psychotic barbecue party

Exactly my thoughts,no one deserves such suffering. And to think that people feel comfortable saying their fellow humans will burn is disheartening.

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Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by Nobody: 7:07pm On Aug 28, 2017
To the theist/religious people in here(Christians and Muslims). What does Heaven have to offer?

What are the activities that will most likely be taking place in Heaven, Does the Bible and Quran make mention of this.
And besides,how is the aging system in Heaven since it is supposedly for eternity,is it that me and my fore father's of a thousand years ago will exist in the same form or what?

I am just curious, I need answers?

cc : kingebukasblog explorers egunmogaji lastmumu agentofallah felixomor hardmirror johnydon22 hopefulandlord seun Pastafarian hahn.
Heaven has a lot to offer. In it you find peace, joy,love not hatred. In it you would see God and then you would ask him all the questions you have be yearning. That place is so beautiful that you wouldn't want to visit this earth.

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Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by Nobody: 8:20pm On Aug 28, 2017

Heaven has a lot to offer. In it you find peace, joy,love not hatred. In it you would see God and then you would ask him all the questions you have be yearning. That place is so beautiful that you wouldn't want to visit this earth.

EgunMogaji doesn't wear his religion on his cuffs and definitely not on social media.

EgunMogaji is secured and intune with his religion to not turn it into a charade.

Why the heck is EgunMogaji talking about himself in the second person?


Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by butterflylion: 8:38pm On Aug 28, 2017

Exactly my thoughts,no one deserves such suffering. And to think that people feel comfortable saying their fellow humans will burn is disheartening.

SMH! All these Atheists and their primary school questions. You asked a question and already had an impression on your mind even though according to you, you were never a Christian. grin issorait o!

Since you already had definite thoughts about what or how you feel heaven is and what God's disposition would be then why bother asking?

Remember you are an agnostic or has agnosticism suddenly taken on a new meaning? grin

a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God.

Same way to an agnostic nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of heaven. Go back to your shell!
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by Deicide: 9:48pm On Aug 28, 2017
In Heaven, you get to get 72 Virgins free grin
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by Deicide: 9:49pm On Aug 28, 2017

SMH! All these Atheists and their primary school questions. You asked a question and already had an impression on your mind even though according to you, you were never a Christian. grin issorait o!
Answer the question and stop attacking the op sad
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by bloodofthelamb(m): 9:56pm On Aug 28, 2017

1 Like

Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by hopefulLandlord: 10:18pm On Aug 28, 2017
Muslim heaven is a male teenager's dream

Christian heaven too has nothing to offer, The Bible doesn't say much about what heaven is supposed to be like. Most of the claims about heaven are exaggerations of the Bible. The Bible says the Gates are made of pearl. What are the gates for? Are they made just as an excuse to irritate clams? Are the gates supposed to keep someone out or to keep souls from escaping?

The sales pitch for heaven is that there is only happiness and no sorrow. But it also says that many people's loved ones won't be there. Since they can't feel sorrow about that, are they ecstatic that their loved ones are being tortured forever? Either your memories are removed or your human empathy is removed. Is it really you that is left over once some parts of you have been removed?

If life matters to me now, it will always have mattered to me, even when I am gone. Death cannot change that.

Your best hope is to be locked in a gold cage with your memories of having an actual life being erased just so you can kiss ass for eternity.

Life is pleasant, death is serene. The transition might be troublesome but we all have to go through it. You shouldn't fear death so much. Heaven and hell are imaginary. You should reject the indoctrination. Life is much better that way.

To quote a friend: "Heaven's supposed to be this really great place, right? So how come a third of the angels got pissed off??"

NB, a must read for every atheist

I don't miss believing in a concept of heaven, because I don't want immortality and I have no interest in pursuing it. But I won't deny a sort of bereavement I went through when I put aside belief in an afterlife, simply because I realised I wouldn't be seeing my loved ones again. There was a time when I honestly believed death was not the end and I would get to see my grandmother, among others, whatever comes after. Losing that belief was, in a way, like losing her again. Even though it was at the end of the day an illusion.

Sometimes I think atheists too quickly dismiss theists' hopes for an afterlife as foolishness instead of empathising with how its an actual grief mechanism.


Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by Ranchhoddas: 11:09pm On Aug 28, 2017
The streets are lined with gold. Or so they say.

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Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by hopefulLandlord: 11:14pm On Aug 28, 2017
The streets are lined with gold. Or so they say.

yeah, because you know gold would still be special even in heaven

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Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by Ranchhoddas: 11:19pm On Aug 28, 2017

yeah, because you know gold would still be special even in heaven
Whoever wrote that part did not think it through.


Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by Ranchhoddas: 11:22pm On Aug 28, 2017

EgunMogaji doesn't wear his religion on his cuffs and definitely not on social media.

EgunMogaji is secured and intune with his religion to not turn it into a charade.

Why the heck is EgunMogaji talking about himself in the second person?

Third person.
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by butterflylion: 11:34pm On Aug 28, 2017
Whoever wrote that part did not think it through.

Revelations 21: from verse 9 down

One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.” And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God. It shone with the glory of God, and its brilliance was like that of a very precious jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal. It had a great, high wall with twelve gates, and with twelve angels at the gates. On the gates were written the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. There were three gates on the east, three on the north, three on the south and three on the west. The wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. The angel who talked with me had a measuring rod of gold to measure the city, its gates and its walls. The city was laid out like a square, as long as it was wide. He measured the city with the rod and found it to be 12,000 stadia in length, and as wide and high as it is long. The angel measured the wall using human measurement, and it was 144 cubits thick. The wall was made of jasper, and the city of pure gold, as pure as glass. The foundations of the city walls were decorated with every kind of precious stone. The first foundation was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald, the fifth onyx, the sixth ruby, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth turquoise, the eleventh jacinth, and the twelfth amethyst. The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl. The great street of the city was of gold, as pure as transparent glass

That's the only place streets of gold was mentioned in the Bible and it was not referring to heaven but the new Jerusalem. So those who wrote that part did not say gold was in heaven because the new Jerusalem will be on this earth.

Now you can thank me for curing your ignorance because I do not know the Bible you read that told you heaven needed Gold or had its streets made with Gold. Smh
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by dalaman: 11:43pm On Aug 28, 2017

yeah, because you know gold would still be special even in heaven

grin grin. No be small thing.

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Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by dalaman: 11:44pm On Aug 28, 2017
Muslim heaven is a male teenager's dream

Christian heaven too has nothing to offer, The Bible doesn't say much about what heaven is supposed to be like. Most of the claims about heaven are exaggerations of the Bible. The Bible says the Gates are made of pearl. What are the gates for? Are they made just as an excuse to irritate clams? Are the gates supposed to keep someone out or to keep souls from escaping?

The sales pitch for heaven is that there is only happiness and no sorrow. But it also says that many people's loved ones won't be there. Since they can't feel sorrow about that, are they ecstatic that their loved ones are being tortured forever? Either your memories are removed or your human empathy is removed. Is it really you that is left over once some parts of you have been removed?

If life matters to me now, it will always have mattered to me, even when I am gone. Death cannot change that.

Your best hope is to be locked in a gold cage with your memories of having an actual life being erased just so you can kiss ass for eternity.

Life is pleasant, death is serene. The transition might be troublesome but we all have to go through it. You shouldn't fear death so much. Heaven and hell are imaginary. You should reject the indoctrination. Life is much better that way.

To quote a friend: "Heaven's supposed to be this really great place, right? So how come a third of the angels got pissed off??"

NB, a must read for every atheist

I don't miss believing in a concept of heaven, because I don't want immortality and I have no interest in pursuing it. But I won't deny a sort of bereavement I went through when I put aside belief in an afterlife, simply because I realised I wouldn't be seeing my loved ones again. There was a time when I honestly believed death was not the end and I would get to see my grandmother, among others, whatever comes after. Losing that belief was, in a way, like losing her again. Even though it was at the end of the day an illusion.

Sometimes I think atheists too quickly dismiss theists' hopes for an afterlife as foolishness instead of empathising with how its an actual grief mechanism.

This is deep.
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by Ranchhoddas: 12:34am On Aug 29, 2017

Revelations 21: from verse 9 down

That's the only place streets of gold was mentioned in the Bible and it was not referring to heaven but the new Jerusalem. So those who wrote that part did not say gold was in heaven because the new Jerusalem will be on this earth.

Now you can thank me for curing your ignorance because I do not know the Bible you read that told you heaven needed Gold or had its streets made with Gold. Smh
You don't think completely.
Even if it is New Kafanchan, the point is of what use are gates and high walls.
You only use gates and high walls to prevent thieves and burglars. Are they expecting thieves in New Jerusalem?
About the gold, the only reason they used gold was because it was the most precious substance they could think of.
Diamond for instance is more valuable than gold but it was not used because they did not know of it.
Diamond was discovered less than 500years ago.

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Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by butterflylion: 12:39am On Aug 29, 2017
You don't think completely.
Even if it is New Kafanchan, the point is of what use are gates and high walls.
You only use gates and high walls to prevent thieves and burglars. Are they expecting thieves in New Jerusalem?
About the gold, the only reason they used gold was because it was the most precious substance they could think of.
Diamond for instance is more valuable than gold but it was not used because they did not know of it.
Diamond was discovered less than 500years ago.

On the contrary you are the one who does not think completely.

Verse 27 of the same Revelations 21

Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.

Figure that out!

Also regarding your Diamond and gold comparison I laugh in pygmy!

Only a highly prized diamond, like a very large stone or an unusual color, will hold its value or become more valuable over time. Since there is so much variability in the four C's and there is no set unit price that is recognized in worldwide markets, diamonds are valuable but not as valuable as gold......feel free to do your own research.

Next time make an effort to think "completely".

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Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by Bolaji21(m): 12:49am On Aug 29, 2017
To the theist/religious people in here(Christians and Muslims). What does Heaven have to offer?

What are the activities that will most likely be taking place in Heaven, Does the Bible and Quran make mention of this.
And besides,how is the aging system in Heaven since it is supposedly for eternity,is it that me and my fore father's of a thousand years ago will exist in the same form or what?

I am just curious, I need answers?

cc : kingebukasblog explorers egunmogaji lastmumu agentofallah felixomor hardmirror johnydon22 hopefulandlord seun Pastafarian hahn.
Psalms 115:16 The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD'S: but the earth hath he given to the children of men.
Man was not created to Live in heaven and he'll never have to live there. The eternity of Man is here on earth. Just imagine the earth without sin, there you have it.
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by Ranchhoddas: 1:09am On Aug 29, 2017

On the contrary you are the one who does not think completely.

Verse 27 of the same Revelations 21

Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.

Figure that out!

Also regarding your Diamond and gold comparison I laugh in pygmy!

Only a highly prized diamond, like a very large stone or an unusual color, will hold its value or become more valuable over time. Since there is so much variability in the four C's and there is no set unit price that is recognized in worldwide markets, diamonds are valuable but not as valuable as gold......feel free to do your own research.

Next time make an effort to think "completely".
Of what use are gates and high walls then?

You should read the article you copied from to the end and understand the concept of value. Rarity is what determines value. Unusual diamonds are rarer so they are more valuable. Why are the streets not lined with such diamonds as opposed to gold that is more common.
Apart from that, there are still a myriad of substances that are more valuable than gold.
Why not those ones?
Simple answer. They did not know.

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Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by Nobody: 1:38am On Aug 29, 2017
Darkhorizon, I respectfully request that you remove my userid from the quotes.

I really hate hearing from these religious wing bats.
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by darkhorizon: 4:46am On Aug 29, 2017

This is deep. Well said.
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by hopefulLandlord: 6:33am On Aug 29, 2017

This is deep.

This is deep. Well said.
thanks guys

1 Like

Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by butterflylion: 7:17am On Aug 29, 2017
Of what use are gates and high walls then?

You should read the article you copied from to the end and understand the concept of value. Rarity is what determines value. Unusual diamonds are rarer so they are more valuable. Why are the streets not lined with such diamonds as opposed to gold that is more common.
Apart from that, there are still a myriad of substances that are more valuable than gold.
Why not those ones?
Simple answer. They did not know.

All I see is desperation oh desperation on display. Ignorant desperation! This is from the article you said I should read to the end so let me post it here. It's a common sense article from an expert. I will highlight those areas you deliberately overlooked cheesy

For hundreds of years, gold has been considered a very secure investment. The price of gold per ounce is the same across the world. The price doesn't change if gold is new bullion or heirloom jewelry.

Unlike oil, the price of gold won't drop if the market suddenly becomes flooded with gold. Since the value of gold is predictable and stable, gold has more value than diamonds[/b].

Natural diamonds are created when carbon is subjected to extreme pressure over millions of years. Diamonds were first mined in India more than 3,000 years ago. Carats are the unit of weight used for diamonds and other gemstones. One carat is about .2 grams.

The price of a diamond is determined by what experts call the four "C"s -- carat, clarity, cut and color. A rating is assigned to each characteristic, which helps determine value.

A one-carat pear-shaped white diamond with good clarity can range from $1,800 to $2,000.

[b]Just like a car, a diamond's value decreases once it leaves the showroom. Only a highly prized diamond, like a very large stone or an unusual color, will hold its value or become more valuable over time.

Since there is so much variability in the four C's and there is no set unit price that is recognized in worldwide markets, diamonds are valuable but not as valuable as gold

Miller explains the concept of value.

"Several things in the past were much more valuable than they are today. Spices, for example, were very important to make food tasty when there were no refrigerators to keep meat fresh or ovens to cook the food properly," Miller said.

"If you are in the middle of a desert where water is scarce, a gallon of water could be more valuable than a pound of gold because people need water to live."

Anything can increase in value because of demand. For instance, video game makers know the demand for new video games will peak at the Christmas season, so they time product releases to take advantage of the higher demand and match price to demand. Once the product has been on the market for a while, demand decreases and so does the price.

"When economists try to figure out what anything is worth we look to markets to give us the answer," Miller said

Ranchhoddas I don't think you know what value is. All nations of the world speak the same language when it comes to Gold. Every nation invests in gold. Every nation has gold reserves and that is because Gold has been around for longest and is the most stable.

In fact it keeps appreciating. It's the only mineral we do not have a synthetic equivalent.

Note the part where it says that demand increases value and even if supply exceeds demand when it comes to gold the value NEVER depreciates. Value is not the same thing as cost. Diamond is costly but not valuable when compared to gold. God is a good economist and knows the value (be it future or present) of all the minerals he made.

If Gold today was of no value and was worth nothing then you would question that portion of scripture but that scripture was written when there was no mad scramble for gold investments and gold bullions such as we see today and will continue to see. Gold is more valuable than diamonds and the reason is in the same article you couldn't understand.

Also in the same revelations 21 RUBY was mentioned. Ruby is worth more than diamonds and yet ruby is part of the foundations. Read below

The wall was made of jasper, and the city of pure gold, as pure as glass. The foundations of the city walls were decorated with every kind of precious stone. The first foundation was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald, the fifth onyx, the sixth ruby, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth turquoise, the eleventh jacinth, and the twelfth amethyst. The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl.

If Ruby which is worth more than Diamond is found in the foundation and used as decoration then why talk about Diamonds when something more valuable is already there.

Also notice TOPAZ which only became known last century yet it was already mentioned.

Also note BERYL which is an extremely rare gem. Red beryl is estimated to be worth 1,000 times more than gold and is so rare that one red beryl crystal is found for every 150,000 diamonds. Yet Beryl is part of the foundation of this city.

Also note SAPPHIRE which is also worth more than diamond is part of this foundation.

If those gemstones which are more expensive than diamonds are already there then why your ignorant fixation on Diamond?

All the world's economists know why Gold is the preferred choice when it comes to investing their nations income. You would make a very bad economist!

A lot of you read but do not understand what you read. It's either that or you deliberately choose dishonesty over facts sitting right in front of you.

I have helped you with a breakdown since you chose not to do that. You and everyone else can follow my comment very easily.

Value is different from cost.

Value is different from worth

Value is different from price

Value is different from expensiveness.

If you can master the meaning of these statements you would make a good economist.

Have a good morning. grin


Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by hahn(m): 8:25am On Aug 29, 2017

Psalms 115:16 The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD'S: but the earth hath he given to the children of men.
Man was not created to Live in heaven and he'll never have to live there. The eternity of Man is here on earth. Just imagine the earth without sin, there you have it.

Never gonna happen. The same god that couldn't create earth the first time surely won't be able to achieve it if given a second chance
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by hahn(m): 8:26am On Aug 29, 2017

Heaven has a lot to offer. In it you find peace, joy,love not hatred. In it you would see God and then you would ask him all the questions you have be yearning. That place is so beautiful that you wouldn't want to visit this earth.

Do you have pictures of this "beautiful" place? Have you ever been there? Is there anyone from your family that is there right now?

Share you story with us please smiley
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by dalaman: 9:25am On Aug 29, 2017

Also notice TOPAZ which only became known last century yet it was already mentioned

How can something that was known last century be mentioned about 2000 years ago if it wasn't already known?
Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by Ranchhoddas: 9:49am On Aug 29, 2017

All I see is desperation oh desperation on display. Ignorant desperation! This is from the article you said I should read to the end so let me post it here. It's a common sense article from an expert. I will highlight those areas you deliberately overlooked cheesy


Ranchhoddas I don't think you know what value is. All nations of the world speak the same language when it comes to Gold. Every nation invests in gold. Every nation has gold reserves and that is because Gold has been around for longest and is the most stable.

In fact it keeps appreciating. It's the only mineral we do not have a synthetic equivalent.

Note the part where it says that demand increases value and even if supply exceeds demand when it comes to gold the value NEVER depreciates. Value is not the same thing as cost. Diamond is costly but not valuable when compared to gold. God is a good economist and knows the value (be it future or present) of all the minerals he made.

If Gold today was of no value and was worth nothing then you would question that portion of scripture but that scripture was written when there was no mad scramble for gold investments and gold bullions such as we see today and will continue to see. Gold is more valuable than diamonds and the reason is in the same article you couldn't understand.

Also in the same revelations 21 RUBY was mentioned. Ruby is worth more than diamonds and yet ruby is part of the foundations. Read below

If Ruby which is worth more than Diamond is found in the foundation and used as decoration then why talk about Diamonds when something more valuable is already there.

Also notice TOPAZ which only became known last century yet it was already mentioned.

Also note BERYL which is an extremely rare gem. Red beryl is estimated to be worth 1,000 times more than gold and is so rare that one red beryl crystal is found for every 150,000 diamonds. Yet Beryl is part of the foundation of this city.

Also note SAPPHIRE which is also worth more than diamond is part of this foundation.

If those gemstones which are more expensive than diamonds are already there then why your ignorant fixation on Diamond?

All the world's economists know why Gold is the preferred choice when it comes to investing their nations income. You would make a very bad economist!

A lot of you read but do not understand what you read. It's either that or you deliberately choose dishonesty over facts sitting right in front of you.

I have helped you with a breakdown since you chose not to do that. You and everyone else can follow my comment very easily.

Value is different from cost.

Value is different from worth

Value is different from price

Value is different from expensiveness.

If you can master the meaning of these statements you would make a good economist.

Have a good morning. grin
I don't know why you are quoting all these rubbish.
You keep using "diamonds" as if there is only one kind of kind of diamond.
Red diamonds for example are more valuable than gold. Why were they not used instead?
Gold like any other substance is valuable because of its rarity. It will drop in value if it becomes commonplace.
I remember reading the story of Mansa Musa who singlehandedly devalued gold in regions in Africa and the Middle East.
The Topaz mentioned in the Bible is not the same as the one recently discovered. Don't kid yourself.

Your other gemstones are still not the most precious in the world.

This is list of most valuable substances.
The question is why were they not used?
Every other thing you have written is meaningless gymnastics?
I can also see you are refusing to tell us the reason for gates and high walls.


Re: What Does Heaven Have To Offer? by butterflylion: 10:14am On Aug 29, 2017
I don't know why you are quoting all these rubbish.
You keep using "diamonds" as if there is only one kind of kind of diamond.
Red diamonds for example are more valuable than gold. Why were they not used instead?
Gold like any other substance is valuable because of its rarity. It will drop in value if it becomes commonplace.
I remember reading the story of Mansa Musa who singlehandedly devalued gold in regions in Africa and the Middle East.
The Topaz mentioned in the Bible is not the same as the one recently discovered. Don't kid yourself.

Your other gemstones are still not the most precious in the world.

This is list of most valuable substances.
The question is why were they not used?
Every other thing you have written is meaningless gymnastics?
I can also see you are refusing to tell us the reason for gates and high walls.

Dude you have lost this one. The kind of topaz mentioned in the Bible was not specified but you can trust God to use the finest of qualities and purity smiley

Here is a quote about Ruby.

Rubies are the most valuable members of the corundum family. Large gem-quality rubies can be more valuable than comparably sized diamonds and are certainly rarer
. There is a relative abundance of smaller, 1-3 carat blue sapphires compared to the scarcity of even small gem-quality rubies.

Here you are saying that gold would drop in value if it becomes common place but the experts disagree with you and it was already mentioned in the article. So let me refresh your vision with the extract again.

The price doesn't change if gold is new bullion or heirloom jewelry.

Unlike oil, the price of gold won't drop if the market suddenly becomes flooded with gold

Yet in your ignorance you said the value of gold would drop if it becomes common place. This is why I said you have no idea what value is.

So now your argument is no longer about diamonds but why others more precious were not used ba? Kikikikikikikiki grin grin

You are gradually running out of leg room cheesy

Gates and walls are used for boundaries and fortification.

Same revelations 21 says there will be 12 gates around this city and each gate would have an angel stationed there. However the gates WILL NEVER BE SHUT.

you can see it from verse 24 to the end.

The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their splendor into it. On no day will its gates ever be shut, for there will be no night there. The glory and honor of the nations will be brought into it. Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.

There is purpose in all that God does and there is also purpose behind why he deliberately left out Diamond.

No other gem is as valuable or consistent as gold. God loves consistency. Note we are not talking about price or worth or expensiveness. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT VALUE!

You posted Forbes that talks about expensiveness while we are talking about VALUE. i wonder why no country invests in any of your list of most expensive gems but would rather go for ever reliable gold. cheesy. THEY UNDERSTAND AND KNOW VALUE! YOU ONLY SEE PRICE! THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN VALUE AND PRICE! LET ME SAY IT AGAIN, THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN VALUE AND PRICE!

Price is determined by the intersection of supply and demand! Value is not!

The cost of a product or service is the amount you spend to produce it. the price is your financial reward for providing the product or service. Value is what your customer believes the product or service is worth to them.

I believe I am done here. cheesy

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