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Beautiful Photos From Shanghai Summer Trip - Travel (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Beautiful Photos From Shanghai Summer Trip by Lexusgs430: 10:41pm On Sep 06, 2017

Kai Dem hear only one language Go

Even if you later change mind they will continue to go and not return back oooo.

If you cannot joinnow, you joinlater .........
Re: Beautiful Photos From Shanghai Summer Trip by Solitin40: 10:51pm On Sep 06, 2017

Can Nigeria ever be like that ?

No, they have missed the opportunity because very soon Biafra will go.

When Biafra go they will not have money and human capital to develop Nigeria.
Please guys let's ignore this dude and not reply his tribalism with tribalism but with silence. Trust me that's the way we can beat tribalist.

IGNORE HIM and watch as our silence kill him inside and drive him mad.

Thanks for cooperating.


Re: Beautiful Photos From Shanghai Summer Trip by chukxie(m): 11:59pm On Sep 06, 2017
Spitters? Is that a form of racial abuse?

No! Honestly, No! I would never use racial slurs against a people I've gained so much from.
Re: Beautiful Photos From Shanghai Summer Trip by chukxie(m): 12:02am On Sep 07, 2017

thats because Shanghai was built (from mid 1800s and onwards ) by the French. thats why it is called the Paris of the Orient.

You're right. There's actually a colonial part of Shanghai called 'French Concession'.
Re: Beautiful Photos From Shanghai Summer Trip by chukxie(m): 12:33am On Sep 07, 2017
Oga Op u no get any pics wey u dey? The topic is misleading. I could easily have gone online and claim that I took a vacation to Alaska. tongue

Bro, I understand you. But the thing is I'm not good -looking. Putting my photo on here would attract attacks from NL e-bashers/punchers.

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Re: Beautiful Photos From Shanghai Summer Trip by Nobody: 12:34am On Sep 07, 2017
The city looks lovely! The architecture is stunning. How was the food?
Re: Beautiful Photos From Shanghai Summer Trip by chukxie(m): 12:38am On Sep 07, 2017
You try........

306 kilometres train? When would Nigeria achieve those type of speeds on rail?

Those 'bad boys' can go up to 320 km/hr. Nigeria can afford high speed trains but corruption wouldn't let it.


Re: Beautiful Photos From Shanghai Summer Trip by Lexusgs430: 12:43am On Sep 07, 2017

Those 'bad boys' can go up to 320 km/hr. Nigeria can afford high speed trains but corruption wouldn't let it.

Imagine Nigeria having rail networks, linking all states ? Is that just a pipe-dream ?

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Re: Beautiful Photos From Shanghai Summer Trip by chukxie(m): 12:46am On Sep 07, 2017

"Lies"? You funny die! Of what benefit(s) would uploading photos of places I've never been to be to me? Is Mr. Seun going to pay me? Is doing so going to make me popular?
Re: Beautiful Photos From Shanghai Summer Trip by chukxie(m): 12:50am On Sep 07, 2017

I trust Singapore, you'd be fined for spitting before you know it.

Yes! Even chewing gums, smoking in public, throwing litters on the floor ... can attract fines.


Re: Beautiful Photos From Shanghai Summer Trip by chukxie(m): 12:52am On Sep 07, 2017
Did you fok Chinese girls?is it true that they don't shave their pussssssy?

No, I didn't because I'm happily married. I've retired from chasing kpekus. grin


Re: Beautiful Photos From Shanghai Summer Trip by chukxie(m): 1:01am On Sep 07, 2017

Wow. Sounds exactly like the situation here. House prices and rent are out of control.

Housing prices in Shanghai are outrageously over-priced. The gov't there has put in place measures to rein in on real estate developers but those measures appear not to be working. In places like Pudong, Hongqiao...I hear one square metre sells from about 40k Yuan and above! shocked
Re: Beautiful Photos From Shanghai Summer Trip by chukxie(m): 1:11am On Sep 07, 2017
Chukxie, beautiful pictures as usual. Shanghai looks gorgeous. Very European looking architecture. Not what I'd have expected.

Hailings to you my guy! Longest time! Our photo thread dey vegetative state ooo. It needs resuscitating oooo! Some guys here have been alluding I probably grabbed those photos from God-knows-where. I laugh in Chinese grin
Re: Beautiful Photos From Shanghai Summer Trip by chukxie(m): 1:14am On Sep 07, 2017
....This your name sounds like CHUKWU...

Please don't misbehave there oo.

Nice pics anyway

Hahahaha! Guy you no well oooo ! See as you make me dey laugh like person wey kiss craze grin I be Akwa Ibom /Edo ooooo!
Re: Beautiful Photos From Shanghai Summer Trip by chukxie(m): 1:15am On Sep 07, 2017
This guy is not tell us the truth.

This is not Shanghai oooooooh! Big lair!!!

So Unah for this nairaland sit down dey watch the picture and Unah believe am. I bow for Unah wella oooh

This place no bi Shanghai oh.

This place nah Shagamu!!!

Enhh!! Come ma house come fight me if u fit.

No be only Shagamu, na Amu you for talk. grin


Re: Beautiful Photos From Shanghai Summer Trip by chukxie(m): 1:33am On Sep 07, 2017

Oh my God. Exactly this. Went to China last year (Beijing/Shanghai) then Japan (Hiroshima/Iwakuni) and the contrast was incredible. The Japanese citizens were so polite, in comparison to the Chinese citizens who would just walk up to us and take pictures without asking simply because we were black.

We went to the Forbidden City in Beijing, you would think we were the tourist attractions!!! It was truly astounding. You'd be standing and minding your own business just for someone to walk up right next to you and be smiling for a picture that their friend would take and they would just walk off without acknowledging your existence. Very few actually asked. I don't blame though, how often do they get to see black people in the flesh.

And the queue jumping. My God. Rich o, poor o. All of them have doctorate degrees in jumping queues.

That being said, I preferred Beijing to Shanghai. I was put off by the obvious European influences in the Bund but the architecture, especially the modern architecture is incredible. If the OP is cool with it I can add some of my pictures.

You're right on the points you highlighted. As a black person in China be always ready to be stared at. The reason is because there are very few blacks in China compared to the number of Caucasians and other slightly plain skinned people. However, if you went to places in Guangzhou like XiaoBei Road, Sanyuanli, GuaYuan East Road, you'll hardly get stared at because there are lots of blacks there.
And yes, you can add some photos if you want after all we're here to have fun while learning from one another.


Re: Beautiful Photos From Shanghai Summer Trip by chukxie(m): 1:41am On Sep 07, 2017
The city looks lovely! The architecture is stunning. How was the food?

Good! Shanghainese cuisine is slightly sweet compared to Hunan cuisine that is spicy - which I'm used to.


Re: Beautiful Photos From Shanghai Summer Trip by greatseed: 4:52am On Sep 07, 2017
It looks like this pictures were culled from the Internet. Show ur face in d pics or idonblieveit
Re: Beautiful Photos From Shanghai Summer Trip by chukxie(m): 4:52am On Sep 07, 2017

the difference between these two country is enormous.... here are a few:
- older Japanese are even more respectful, older Chinese are even more racist
- Japanese would rarely try to cheat you, while most Chinese would
- lose your belonging (phone/bag etc) in japan, and chances are you will find it with all its content in no time.. in China, good luck.
- in Japan, everyone is treated like a royalty (bows etc), in China you are treated like garbage even if you are royalty.
- Japanese have class, manners, respect while Chinese dont
- Japanese women are clean sophisticated while all Chinese women "seem" dirty even if they aint.
- in Japan, if the price tag says 1000, that means it costs 1000... in China it means it costs no more than 700 and you have to haggle with seller
- if you are lost in the metro in Japan, people will go out of their way to get you where you are going... if you are lost in Chinese metro, then just pray!

the one thing they all have in common is fukced up teeth and women never trimming their pubic hair, lol!

foreigners are still a big attraction to Chinese in big cities like Beijing and Shanghai, so imagine in the smaller places... they will pop champagne if seeing you. up until not long ago, we (foreigners) were still viewed as the demon of the west. so they stare, point fingers when they see us, and even take pictures.

yes, Beijing is more like the traditional China, while Shanghai is the modern city... but Beijing is catching up really fast.

The setback of using generalization in writing is that it takes the shine off an otherwise good write-up. To understand the oftentimes 'uncivil' nature of some Chinese people, one has to understand a bit of history of China. China just opened up to the world barely five decades ago after years of being in seclusion. Until just over a decade or so ago ordinary Chinese people couldn't travel abroad. The people are gradually coming out of their shells to the reality of modern age that's why most times I overlook their display of ignorance. It's true a number of Chinese people are characteristically unruly, dishonest and even sometimes racist. The racist part is attributable to brainwashing by God-knows-who that in the hierarchy of life the whites are at the top of the ladder, next is the yellow race, then the brown and lastly the blacks. In all fairness, aren't some Nigerians characteristically unruly and dishonest and tribalistic as exemplified by the tribal bigotry readers are incessantly inundated with on NL? Every country has got its own fair share of the good, bad and ugly. I have friends in Japan who complain of racism even though Japanese people are generally courteous, friendly and tolerant to foreigners. Let's try and have fun whenever we can because life's to short.


Re: Beautiful Photos From Shanghai Summer Trip by Nov6(m): 6:20am On Sep 07, 2017
Okay... bring frog meat while returning

that picture got me cracked up,
poverty is a curse, i reject it
Re: Beautiful Photos From Shanghai Summer Trip by 400billionman: 8:23am On Sep 07, 2017
Lalasticlala oya now shocked

If not for Bourdillion style, Lagos would have been better and comparable to these cities.

But Bourdillion shortlist, nominate and interview all characters into public offices from the highest to the lowest offices in the ministries.

The current one is lipsrsealed

Useless city angry angry

- Dusty, rough, patternless and completely useless with smoking trucks, buses and poorly designed curvature useless and completely wastefull and poorly managed city

- Ambode sef embarassed embarassed embarassed

Hate speech.


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Re: Beautiful Photos From Shanghai Summer Trip by Nobody: 10:22am On Sep 07, 2017

You're right on the points you highlighted. As a black person in China be always ready to be stared at. The reason is because there are very few blacks in China compared to the number of Caucasians and other slightly plain skinned people. However, if you went to places in Guangzhou like XiaoBei Road, Sanyuanli, GuaYuan East Road, you'll hardly get stared at because there are lots of blacks there.
And yes, you can add some photos if you want after all we're here to have fun while learning from one another.

Thanks boss. I'll add some of my pics. I do hope to go to China and Japan again. I think there's a lot that we as Nigerians can learn from both countries.


Re: Beautiful Photos From Shanghai Summer Trip by Nobody: 10:24am On Sep 07, 2017
A few more. Some nighttime pics as well and of course I had to take a picture of the McLaren I saw.


Re: Beautiful Photos From Shanghai Summer Trip by Nobody: 10:24am On Sep 07, 2017
Last batch

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Re: Beautiful Photos From Shanghai Summer Trip by MrBrownJay1(m): 10:44am On Sep 07, 2017

The setback of using generalization in writing is that it takes the shine off an otherwise good write-up. To understand the oftentimes 'uncivil' nature of some Chinese people, one has to understand a bit of history of China. China just opened up to the world barely five decades ago after years of being in seclusion. Until just over a decade or so ago ordinary Chinese people couldn't travel abroad. The people are gradually coming out of their shells to the reality of modern age that's why most times I overlook their display of ignorance. It's true a number of Chinese people are characteristically unruly, dishonest and even sometimes racist. The racist part is attributable to brainwashing by God-knows-who that in the hierarchy of life the whites are at the top of the ladder, next is the yellow race, then the brown and lastly the blacks. In all fairness, aren't some Nigerians characteristically unruly and dishonest and tribalistic as exemplified by the tribal bigotry readers are incessantly inundated with on NL? Every country has got its own fair share of the good, bad and ugly. I have friends in Japan who complain of racism even though Japanese people are generally courteous, friendly and tolerant to foreigners. Let's try and have fun whenever we can because life's to short.

PLS focus on the way i pointed to OLDER Chinese being racist, because thats who was brainwashed into believing that we were demons from the west (the older generation who grew up with evil communism). the new generation is cool, but them OLDER ones!?, kai!!

its a known fact that older Chinese hate darker people, i have so many direct experience to that (but i will leave it for another discussion).
even as foreigners, they would accept a white devil of the west, while still look down on blacks...because we remind them of the lower class in their society. ever wondered why the Chinese dont want to sunbathe and get a tan? ever wonder why they use umbrella when the sun shines? thats because being brown in China is seen as something negative, something bad. thats how poor people coming from rural areas look, those that have been working outside under the sun.

yes i know, it sounds harsh to say what i am saying, but believe me, if you think you know Chinese because of the many racist ones you meet in big cities like BJ and SH, then come to the smaller towns to have a culture shock. a Chinese will do business with you, YES, as money is their sweetener, but deep down inside chances are he hates your black guts.

i have traveled all over China for work and some of the things you encounter in smaller cities is down right disgusting.

here below are Chinese at the beach, doing everything they can to NEVER get a tan (aka a black face).


Re: Beautiful Photos From Shanghai Summer Trip by Nobody: 10:58am On Sep 07, 2017

that picture got me cracked up,
poverty is a curse, i reject it
Re: Beautiful Photos From Shanghai Summer Trip by chukxie(m): 11:49am On Sep 07, 2017

PLS focus on the way i pointed to OLDER Chinese being racist, because thats who was brainwashed into believing that we were demons from the west (the older generation who grew up with evil communism). the new generation is cool, but them OLDER ones!?, kai!!

its a known fact that older Chinese hate darker people, i have so many direct experience to that (but i will leave it for another discussion).
even as foreigners, they would accept a white devil of the west, while still look down on blacks...because we remind them of the lower class in their society. ever wondered why the Chinese dont want to sunbathe and get a tan? ever wonder why they use umbrella when the sun shines? thats because being brown in China is seen as something negative, something bad. thats how poor people coming from rural areas look, those that have been working outside under the sun.

yes i know, it sounds harsh to say what i am saying, but believe me, if you think you know Chinese because of the many racist ones you meet in big cities like BJ and SH, then come to the smaller towns to have a culture shock. a Chinese will do business with you, YES, as money is their sweetener, but deep down inside chances are he hates your black guts.

i have traveled all over China for work and some of the things you encounter in smaller cities is down right disgusting.

here below are Chinese at the beach, doing everything they can to NEVER get a tan (aka a black face).

We're on the same page, mate. Thing is I don't paint a whole canvass with a broad stroke. Having said that I think having been living in and out of China since 2007, I pretty much can write volumes on some of the negative attitudes of some Chinese people who choose to be either overtly or covertly ignorant and intolerant towards black people. Believe you me I've been to some tiny and remote villages in this humongous country called China, and like you I've experienced some blunt display of racism, too. I've been pointed at. Been laughed at. Been called 'hei gui' (black ghost/devil). On a couple of occasions on the metro I've sat down with nobody wanting to seat next to me because I'm black! However, on the flip-side there have been times when total strangers have shook my hands (happens often); hugged me (a few times); asked to take photos with me; offered me cigarettes (I don't smoke); bought me drinks; been exceptionally nice to me, invited me to dinner; pointed me in the right direction when I lost my way... I've gotten unbelievably great ESL jobs in China from which I made and still making pretty good money - the sort of money I couldn't make in neither South Korea nor Japan. One of the ways I get back at racist and ignorant Chinese people is by talking to them in Chinese. I know quite a lot of mainstream and old-school Chinese swear words. grin. I use them when the need arises - which is rare though. All in all, mate, let's have fun. Ignore any racist eejit you encounter. And if you can't stomach such a fellow, speak to him or her in Chinese and watch him or her scurry off.


Re: Beautiful Photos From Shanghai Summer Trip by chukxie(m): 11:59am On Sep 07, 2017

Thanks boss. I'll add some of my pics. I do hope to go to China and Japan again. I think there's a lot that we as Nigerians can learn from both countries.

Nice one! Tuale!


Re: Beautiful Photos From Shanghai Summer Trip by kruusy: 12:06pm On Sep 07, 2017
I dream dat one day Biafra will be like dis
Re: Beautiful Photos From Shanghai Summer Trip by MrBrownJay1(m): 12:28pm On Sep 07, 2017

We're on the same page, mate. Thing is I don't paint a whole canvass with a broad stroke. Having said that I think having been living in and out of China since 2007, I pretty much can write volumes on some of the negative attitudes of some Chinese people who choose to be either overtly or covertly ignorant and intolerant towards black people. Believe you me I've been to some tiny and remote villages in this humongous country called China, and like you I've experienced some blunt display of racism, too. I've been pointed at. Been laughed at. Been called 'hei gui' (black ghost/devil). On a couple of occasions on the metro I've sat down with nobody wanting to seat next to me because I'm black! However, on the flip-side there have been times when total strangers have shook my hands (happens often); hugged me (a few times); asked to take photos with me; offered me cigarettes (I don't smoke); bought me drinks; been exceptionally nice to me, invited me to dinner; pointed me in the right direction when I lost my way... I've gotten unbelievably great ESL jobs in China from which I made and still making pretty good money - the sort of money I couldn't make in neither South Korea nor Japan. One of the ways I get back at racist and ignorant Chinese people is by talking to them in Chinese. I know quite a lot of mainstream and old-school Chinese swear words. grin. I use them when the need arises - which is rare though. All in all, mate, let's have fun. Ignore any racist eejit you encounter. And if you can't stomach such a fellow, speak to him or her in Chinese and watch him or her scurry off.

well said... sadly i wish i could speak fluent mandarin like you do, but after living a year in Beijing (and thinking i could speak some Putonghua), i landed in Shanghai and they spoke Shanghai hua, and i had to almost learn the language again. so no, i didnt have the right skills to reply in Chinese in the remote parts (although i wish i could), especially in the Cantonese side. the flip side was that i felt better treated in the muslim part (Urumqi) than the top cities.

as for moneywise, yes China is also by far the country were i was paid the most... but nevertheless had to move as the weather (pollution) was getting to me.

btw the thought of you sitting in a crowded metro and nobody sits by your side brought so many Chinese memories. lol!


Re: Beautiful Photos From Shanghai Summer Trip by Yewandequeen(f): 12:29pm On Sep 07, 2017
Since I have never been there, let me get a chair and watch you guys converse.

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Re: Beautiful Photos From Shanghai Summer Trip by gozzlin: 12:44pm On Sep 07, 2017

a city loses so much of its appeal if/when its citizen lack basic manners... "hello", "thank you", "sorry", "after you" etc are unknown to the majority of people that lives in SH or BJ, because the majority come from poor rural areas. the wealthy ones are the worst of them all, jumping queues, being loud and disrespectful, spitting everywhere (even in elevators and planes). kai!

You seem to have traveled widely. Which cities in the world do you think have the highest level of SAVOIR VIVRE?

I plan to tour the world in the not distant future, this info is vital to me. Thanks.

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