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A Thread For Christians - Let's Put Critical Thought To Shame - Religion (6) - Nairaland

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The Bible Is A Book Of Lies. Let’s Put Down All The Lies In The Bible / Daddy Freeze Shows 'Paul O' Paul Okoye's Mansion To Shame Those That Pay Tithes / A Thread For The Intelligent. Let's Put Critical Thought To Work (2) (3) (4)

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Re: A Thread For Christians - Let's Put Critical Thought To Shame by frank317: 9:17am On Sep 17, 2017
God usually gives non Christians a long rope and exercises enormous and extraordinary patience with them by giving them long years maybe they'll repent and change their ways.as for little kids that died,God knows best.but a lot of time its usually because God doesn't want that child to come into that particular family or parents through which he or she was born because he won't be able to fulfill God's Will for his life.nothing just happens without a reason or without God being aware. There are always reasons

U seem to be good at telling superstories to kids. Breaking new... There are no kids here. What's unbelievable here is how an adult like u believe these meaningless made up stories.

Many young unbelievers have died at different ages. What has God's patience got to do with the death of a sinful 17 years old boy or girl.

U seem to have excuses for God for his incompetence (if he exists). So much assumption and mistake correction from a God who already knows the future. He does not want a child to be born in a family, what is he doing allowing the child to be born in the first place. Then he kills them and allow the parents to pass through unnecessary pain he should have avoided in the first place.

Please all these ur excuses no make sense abeg, how do you even believe them?
Re: A Thread For Christians - Let's Put Critical Thought To Shame by mrwonlasewonie: 10:14am On Sep 17, 2017

U seem to be good at telling superstories to kids. Breaking new... There are no kids here. What's unbelievable here is how an adult like u believe these meaningless made up stories.

Many young unbelievers have died at different ages. What has God's patience got to do with the death of a sinful 17 years old boy or girl.

U seem to have excuses for God for his incompetence (if he exists). So much assumption and mistake correction from a God who already knows the future. He does not want a child to be born in a family, what is he doing allowing the child to be born in the first place. Then he kills them and allow the parents to pass through unnecessary pain he should have avoided in the first place.

Please all these ur excuses no make sense abeg, how do you even believe them?
in all this God knows best
Re: A Thread For Christians - Let's Put Critical Thought To Shame by budaatum: 3:21am On Sep 19, 2017
I guess this is the other side of butterflylion's supposedly intelligent water no man thread.

Imagine there was no Garden of Eden. No Adam and Eve.

The fact the op said I should 'imagine', is an invitation to speculate on assumptions i may or may not hold to be valid, which is welcome if logical. My response too wouldbe the following. (thanks for it MhizzAJ)
We wouldn't ve been in existence if there was no Adam and Eve..so there would ve been no need for Jesus nah

For the ops response to this reply to be


No. We would have been. The Adam and Eve story is only a Christian belief.. It's not a historical story. Surely you don't believe Adam and Eve are the ancestors of all the Brazilians, Puerto Ricans, Russians, Chinese, Indians and Nigerians you've never met.

Different religions and cultures all have their own stories. Adam and Eve is the Abrahamic version, a core part of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Faulty conclusion.

Sonofluc1fer, hmmmm.
P.s. I'm still fuming at reading all that water!
Re: A Thread For Christians - Let's Put Critical Thought To Shame by sonofluc1fer: 8:15am On Sep 19, 2017

I guess this is the other side of butterflylion's supposedly intelligent water no man thread.

The fact the op said I should 'imagine', is an invitation to speculate on assumptions i may or may not hold to be valid, which is welcome if logical. My response too wouldbe the following. (thanks for it MhizzAJ)

For the ops response to this reply to be

Sonofluc1fer, hmmmm.
P.s. I'm still fuming at reading all that water!
grin cheesy

You should read my reply to butterTROLLlion.
Re: A Thread For Christians - Let's Put Critical Thought To Shame by budaatum: 12:13pm On Sep 19, 2017

grin cheesy

You should read my reply to butterTROLLlion.
I did. Only reason I'm not kicking your butt is I'd have to kick that troll's but a zillion times for wasting my time and that would probably be a waste of time anyway.
Re: A Thread For Christians - Let's Put Critical Thought To Shame by sonofluc1fer: 11:13am On Sep 21, 2017

I did. Only reason I'm not kicking your butt is I'd have to kick that troll's but a zillion times for wasting my time and that would probably be a waste of time anyway.

Are you new here? I confused you for Otem. Probably cos of the Atum.

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Re: A Thread For Christians - Let's Put Critical Thought To Shame by Daeylar(f): 1:34pm On Sep 21, 2017

So either way Jesus needs to die !!!

Sounds like God planned to kill him from the very start shaa

Just looked at this thread again,
Well, I don't know If Jesus would need to die, according to the op, there was no Adam, Eve or garden of Eden, so there may not have been any need for Jesus, or there may have been, I don't know.

As for the 2nd statement, I don't know what to say

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Re: A Thread For Christians - Let's Put Critical Thought To Shame by geoworldedu: 8:29pm On Sep 21, 2017
I prayed for an affordable house within a particular price range and not far from my work place and a peaceful place,God answered me supernaturally way more than I expected.I got the house even cheaper and more spacious

I asked God that I wanted to finish a particular program I was doing in school within a particular period of time and I am testifying to the glory of God he answered my prayer.I prayed that as I finish school I don't want to loiter the streets looking for job that immediately I finish the hob should come and it came exactly the way I prayed it

I dealt with a life threatening disease for 11 years and God destroyed that disease in my life

If I continue elaborating on numerous ways God has answered me I will type for a long time and wouldn't do other things

Bros, similar things like this also happened to me but the difference is that I DIDN'T ASK any god. I just set my goals and I saw them happening. In fact around those periods my prayers were curses upon curses for Yahweh the evil son of God. OtemAtum can tell it better.
Re: A Thread For Christians - Let's Put Critical Thought To Shame by mrwonlasewonie: 5:43pm On Sep 22, 2017

Bros, similar things like this also happened to me but the difference is that I DIDN'T ASK any god. I just set my goals and I saw them happening. In fact around those periods my prayers were curses upon curses for Yahweh the evil son of God. OtemAtum can tell it better.
Re: A Thread For Christians - Let's Put Critical Thought To Shame by geoworldedu: 9:04pm On Sep 22, 2017
do u think similar things can't happen to people who don't pray to any god? Ask Bill Gate and co.
Re: A Thread For Christians - Let's Put Critical Thought To Shame by sonofluc1fer: 6:31pm On Sep 23, 2017

Just looked at this thread again,
Well, I don't know If Jesus would need to die, according to the op, there was no Adam, Eve or garden of Eden, so there may not have been any need for Jesus, or there may have been, I don't know.
Re: A Thread For Christians - Let's Put Critical Thought To Shame by Mujtahida: 8:02pm On Sep 23, 2017

So either way Jesus needs to die !!!

Sounds like God planned to kill him from the very start shaa
Yes na,. He's called the lamb of God slain before the foundations of the world (Rev 13:cool That's why the christian god is obsessed with sin.
Re: A Thread For Christians - Let's Put Critical Thought To Shame by Mujtahida: 8:11pm On Sep 23, 2017

Thanks for the attempt.

I think religion forms a core part of a person's life, views, ideologies, and thoughts, whether consciously or unconsciously.

One who claims to love God should also have a love for truth, not fear. We are higher animals, not because we walk on two feet, or have nice shiny hair, but because of our ability to reason. To remember the past, and learn from it. To walk past the veil of ignorance and into light. It's why we dominate the world more than any other species.

Like a new phone, we come into this world clean and empty. Just a skeleton, a little brain and some other essentials. The mind is basically clean of ideas, nationalities, tribe. A new being in a strange world. You open your eyes to a new world, and based on geography, an OS begins to be installed on your system.

Language - which you will use to describe and appreciate the world.
Culture - habits and behaviors that would separate you from others.

Sometimes, the decisions we take were influenced by our parent's and we continue with them through life, never questioning them, rather assuming them to be true by default. We inherit not just physical property, but ideas, behaviors, and traits.
It is normal, as one matures, to begin to ponder and ask why we act and think the way we do. That's the sign of an educated mind.

Stories are powerful. A great story can lift your emotions, a bad one can spoil your day. The story of Adam and Eve teaches about Original Sin, the concept that their disobedience brought terror, conflict, and suffering to the world. By disobeying God's instruction, they forever soiled our relationship with God.

It is based on this story that the Christians claim a Messiah - one who would died to reunite them with God.

The Jews predicted a Messiah, one who would come to save his people.

Let's ignore for now Jesus' legitimacy as the Messiah. If there was no ORIGINAL SIN, there'd be no need for GOD to come down to save us from HIMSELF. The story of Jesus and the disciples would be a good story, not a great one. What makes this ordinary story so powerful is the idea that THE CREATOR died to save us from DESTRUCTION. We forget this destruction wasn't coming from the Devil, it was coming from God himself. What does that say about GOD, that his unforgiveness caused his Son to lay his life for us? Who showed the greater act of love? God or Jesus?

In my opinion, Christianity provides the POISON and the ANTIDOTE. The first story administers THE POISON (original sin). Christ is an ANTIDOTE to a fake POISON.

Typical Jewish dialectism. Thesis - antithesis - synthesis. If you get familiar with how the Jewish mind operates you will be amazed at the crap that Christianity is. The christian God's obsession with sin is typical Jewish thinking.
Re: A Thread For Christians - Let's Put Critical Thought To Shame by SUPOL(m): 11:38am On Sep 27, 2017

Why not Ifeyinwa and Uche? or Tunde and Yemisi? How do you know it was Adam and Eve?

Bros, calm down. Let's think this through.

If Adam and Eve were the first people, Cain and Abel would be the first and second children in the world.

After Cain murdered Abel(I wonder why we teach kids shit like this), where did he find women to marry? Where did these women come from?

I'm not saying the story is false. It probably is.
Anyways, the Asians do not trace their history to Adam and Eve. You should get out of the world in your head, and observe the world outside a bit, the world outside the Bible.
Genesis 4:1 And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD.

That simply means that eve had given birth to daughter(s) before Cain n Abel. Those days daughters are not counted check other geanologies mentioned in d Old Testament.
You cannot fault d written holy Word of God. It senior u n ur father.
Re: A Thread For Christians - Let's Put Critical Thought To Shame by budaatum: 4:44pm On Sep 27, 2017

You cannot fault d written holy Word of God. It senior u n ur father.
It is amazingly simple, it seems, to create Gods. The above is an example of the process which must be well studied and understood least one be led astray. It was written, made holy, then became the infallible Word of God. So let no one apply their critical faculties to its content therein but bow down and worship its holiness, is the implication.

A Trinitaranic Process of Deification, despite the long held adage not to mistake the moon for the finger pointing to it as exemplified in the first commandment.

I thank Eve. If she had not listened to the serpent and eaten of the Fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil we'd steal be naked, and ignorant I guess. And don't go telling me that God as depicted in that story, did not lie. Adam and Eve did not die as It had promised they would (baring some linguistic acrobatics).

Please note, this is not intended as a response to the author. It is however an issue as it stunts the growth of the individual who accepts a thing to be true and infallible without proper scrutiny. But that is the way of humans. Nations that have abandoned the childish ways of understanding the Bible have learnt how to say, "And there was light". While those who worship their Bible are learning to say "Let there be light".

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Re: A Thread For Christians - Let's Put Critical Thought To Shame by budaatum: 4:49pm On Sep 27, 2017


Are you new here? I confused you for Otem. Probably cos of the Atum.
Understandable. Atum was at the very beginning as Otem would tell you.
Re: A Thread For Christians - Let's Put Critical Thought To Shame by bahaushe1: 5:24pm On Sep 27, 2017
Imagine there was no Garden of Eden. No Adam and Eve.

Would Jesus/God still need to die for us to have a relationship with it?

God would have populated the earth with humans in a way and manner He wills.
Re: A Thread For Christians - Let's Put Critical Thought To Shame by bahaushe1: 5:28pm On Sep 27, 2017
who gave birth to the women? Where did they come from?

Prophet Adam was created from clay made up of sand from various parts of the world. His wife, Eve, was created from one of his ribs. They bored children in pairs who were alternated in marriage.
Re: A Thread For Christians - Let's Put Critical Thought To Shame by bahaushe1: 5:33pm On Sep 27, 2017
Cain married women from other races and bore male and female offsprings na

Both Cain and Abel had twin sisters.
Re: A Thread For Christians - Let's Put Critical Thought To Shame by bahaushe1: 5:39pm On Sep 27, 2017

Why not Ifeyinwa and Uche? or Tunde and Yemisi? How do you know it was Adam and Eve?

Bros, calm down. Let's think this through.

If Adam and Eve were the first people, Cain and Abel would be the first and second children in the world.

After Cain murdered Abel(I wonder why we teach kids shit like this), where did he find women to marry? Where did these women come from?

I'm not saying the story is false. It probably is.
Anyways, the Asians do not trace their history to Adam and Eve. You should get out of the world in your head, and observe the world outside a bit, the world outside the Bible.

Cain and Abel each had a twin sister. God ordered Prophet Adam ( PBUH) to swap the sisters to the bothers in marriage.

However, one of them rejected this order because his female twin is more beautiful and wanted to marry her. He harboured grudge against his brother and killed him.
Re: A Thread For Christians - Let's Put Critical Thought To Shame by bahaushe1: 7:21pm On Sep 27, 2017

Thanks for the attempt.

I think religion forms a core part of a person's life, views, ideologies, and thoughts, whether consciously or unconsciously.

One who claims to love God should also have a love for truth, not fear. We are higher animals, not because we walk on two feet, or have nice shiny hair, but because of our ability to reason. To remember the past, and learn from it. To walk past the veil of ignorance and into light. It's why we dominate the world more than any other species.

Like a new phone, we come into this world clean and empty. Just a skeleton, a little brain and some other essentials. The mind is basically clean of ideas, nationalities, tribe. A new being in a strange world. You open your eyes to a new world, and based on geography, an OS begins to be installed on your system.

Language - which you will use to describe and appreciate the world.
Culture - habits and behaviors that would separate you from others.

Sometimes, the decisions we take were influenced by our parent's and we continue with them through life, never questioning them, rather assuming them to be true by default. We inherit not just physical property, but ideas, behaviors, and traits.
It is normal, as one matures, to begin to ponder and ask why we act and think the way we do. That's the sign of an educated mind.

Stories are powerful. A great story can lift your emotions, a bad one can spoil your day. The story of Adam and Eve teaches about Original Sin, the concept that their disobedience brought terror, conflict, and suffering to the world. By disobeying God's instruction, they forever soiled our relationship with God.

It is based on this story that the Christians claim a Messiah - one who would die to reunite them with God.

The Jews predicted a Messiah, one who would come to save his people.

Let's ignore for now Jesus' legitimacy as the Messiah. If there was no ORIGINAL SIN, there'd be no need for GOD to come down to save us from HIMSELF. The story of Jesus and the disciples would be a good story, not a great one. What makes this ordinary story so powerful is the idea that THE CREATOR died to save us from DESTRUCTION. We forget this destruction wasn't coming from the Devil, it was coming from God himself. What does that say about GOD, that his unforgiveness caused his Son to lay his life for us? Who showed the greater act of love? God or Jesus?

In my opinion, Christianity provides the POISON and the ANTIDOTE. The first story administers THE POISON (original sin). Christ is an ANTIDOTE to a fake POISON.

Thought provoking post for any religiously inclined person.

First I am a Muslim and I am commenting from that perspective.

I do not know much about the concept of original sin.

What I believe is that God created the earth, heaven, and His throne. When He decreed to populate the earth with mankind the angels in heaven complain that mankind will be evil doers , that we will disobey God and spill blood on earth. God told them that they do not know what He knows.

God then created Adam from clay made up of dust from different regions of the earth ( differences in races among mankind) and him (Adam) God created his wife - Eve.

They were kept in Paradise under specific instructions but Devil lured them into disobeying of the instructions and then they were send down to the earth.

Their disobedience to God's instruction was decreed by God as means through which He will populate the earth and it is to serve as a reminder to ALL children of Adam that Devil is our greatest enemy, he lured our father into disobeying God and will stop at nothing to do same to us his children.

Adam is a Prophet of God (the first to be send to the world) . Like all other Prophets and Messengers of God he is a pious person, his sin of disobeying God didn't take that away from him.

After Adam, God continue to send Prophets and Messengers to different generations of mankind with guidance and warning. Some were given scriptures while others were send to reinforce the laws of the scriptures that preceded them. ALL the Prophets and Messengers are HUMAN BEINGS known to the people send to.

Prophethood begins with Prophet Adam and ends with Prophet Muhammad. They all called for worship of God alone without associating any partner to Him.

The concept of God having Son is absurd because it is not beffiting for an Eternal God to possess a child. It is also not correct that a servant of God directs his worship to another servant instead of God.

Of course God grant leave to His Prophets and Messengers to perform miracles but doesn't make them equal or co-equal to God.
Re: A Thread For Christians - Let's Put Critical Thought To Shame by SUPOL(m): 8:39pm On Sep 27, 2017

It is amazingly simple, it seems, to create Gods. The above is an example of the process which must be well studied and understood least one be led astray. It was written, made holy, then became the infallible Word of God. So let no one apply their critical faculties to its content therein but bow down and worship its holiness, is the implication.

A Trinitaranic Process of Deification, despite the long held adage not to mistake the moon for the finger pointing to it as exemplified in the first commandment.

I thank Eve. If she had not listened to the serpent and eaten of the Fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil we'd steal be naked, and ignorant I guess. And don't go telling me that God as depicted in that story, did not lie. Adam and Eve did not die as It had promised they would (baring some linguistic acrobatics).

Please note, this is not intended as a response to the author. It is however an issue as it stunts the growth of the individual who accepts a thing to be true and infallible without proper scrutiny. But that is the way of humans. Nations that have abandoned the childish ways of understanding the Bible have learnt how to say, "And there was light". While those who worship their Bible are learning to say "Let there be light".
The carnal mind cannot understand the things of the Spirit because they are Spiritually discerned.
Re: A Thread For Christians - Let's Put Critical Thought To Shame by sonofluc1fer: 8:34pm On Sep 28, 2017
Genesis 4:1 And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD.
Funny. I wonder who shared the story. There were only '3' people in the world, and one was a baby. The other a rib-lady and the other a man who was never a child.


That simply means that eve had given birth to daughter(s) before Cain n Abel.
hey.. calm down bro. How did you reach this conclusion? undecided


You cannot fault d written holy Word of God. It senior u n ur father.
It's blasphemy to call the Bible the word of God. Have you actually read it?

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Re: A Thread For Christians - Let's Put Critical Thought To Shame by sonofluc1fer: 8:35pm On Sep 28, 2017
@bahaushe1, thanks for your contributions. I've read your comments and will give a proper reply over the weekend. Head dey pain me here. grin

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Re: A Thread For Christians - Let's Put Critical Thought To Shame by SUPOL(m): 8:46pm On Sep 28, 2017

Funny. I wonder who shared the story. There were only '3' people in the world, and one was a baby. The other a rib-lady and the other a man who was never a child.

hey.. calm down bro. How did you reach this conclusion? undecided

It's blasphemy to call the Bible the word of God. Have you actually read it?
The conclusion is in the second part of that verse "I have gotten a man from the Lord"
That is to say she was giving birth to female children.
Re: A Thread For Christians - Let's Put Critical Thought To Shame by sonofluc1fer: 10:30pm On Sep 28, 2017
The conclusion is in the second part of that verse "I have gotten a man from the Lord"
That is to say she was giving birth to female children.
If I say you gave me a pen, does that imply you have been giving me pencils before?


Re: A Thread For Christians - Let's Put Critical Thought To Shame by mrmrmister: 10:44pm On Sep 28, 2017
The conclusion is in the second part of that verse "I have gotten a man from the Lord"
That is to say she was giving birth to female children.

You're definitely living up to the title of this thread. grin grin
Re: A Thread For Christians - Let's Put Critical Thought To Shame by bahaushe1: 12:40am On Sep 29, 2017
@bahaushe1, thanks for your contributions. I've read your comments and will give a proper reply over the weekend. Head dey pain me here. grin

May Allah ease your pain.

Re: A Thread For Christians - Let's Put Critical Thought To Shame by budaatum: 12:54am On Sep 29, 2017
The carnal mind cannot understand the things of the Spirit because they are Spiritually discerned.
The Pharisees and Sadduces said that too. Then as is written, a Messiah came to explain saying, don't listen to those liars who give out stones instead of bread. Don't listen to those who save their lamb from drowning in a well on the Sabbath but condemn others when they save theirs. Don't listen to those who clean their hands on the outside but not the hearts inside, which are dirty as muck. And if you don't quite get it, he further said, I'll send you a thing called the Holy Spirit to further assist you. But I guess the response then as it is now was, "Crucify him! Crucify him! Crucify him!"

I put to you that accepting that certain things cannot be understood is, spiritually speaking, crucifixion of that Messiah and a waste of the blood it is said he shed for you. And is indicative of the non acceptance of 'Christ' in ones life.
Re: A Thread For Christians - Let's Put Critical Thought To Shame by sonofluc1fer: 7:49pm On Nov 06, 2017
Apologies. This is a reply that has been long in coming.


Thought provoking post for any religiously inclined person. First I am a Muslim and I am commenting from that perspective.
I do not know much about the concept of original sin.
That's cool. Hopefully, I get to learn something new.


God then created Adam from clay made up of dust from different regions of the earth ( differences in races among mankind) and him (Adam) God created his wife - Eve.
Pause and take a loot at your hands, the designs on your palms. Your eyes, your ears, your feet. Note the colors. Twist your tongue and squeeze your cheeks. Do you really believe all that was made from dust? You're more complex than that.


They were kept in Paradise under specific instructions but Devil lured them into disobeying of the instructions and then they were send down to the earth.
This differs from the Christian version of creation. I was taught that the Garden of Eden was on Earth, and after Adam and Eve disobeyed God, he chased them away from his garden.


Their disobedience to God's instruction was decreed by God as means through which He will populate the earth and it is to serve as a reminder to ALL children of Adam that Devil is our greatest enemy, he lured our father into disobeying God and will stop at nothing to do same to us his children.
Can we say that God was irresponsible too? Or do we just blame all of the mess on this world on man? It's not like we asked to be created.


Adam is a Prophet of God (the first to be send to the world) . Like all other Prophets and Messengers of God he is a pious person, his sin of disobeying God didn't take that away from him. After Adam, God continue to send Prophets and Messengers to different generations of mankind with guidance and warning. Some were given scriptures while others were send to reinforce the laws of the scriptures that preceded them. ALL the Prophets and Messengers are HUMAN BEINGS known to the people send to.
Prophethood begins with Prophet Adam and ends with Prophet Muhammad. They all called for worship of God alone without associating any partner to Him.
Thanks for throwing more light on this. It seems the difference between Christianity and Islam goes beyond mere disagreements on Jesus' claim that he is/was God.


The concept of God having Son is absurd because it is not beffiting for an Eternal God to possess a child. It is also not correct that a servant of God directs his worship to another servant instead of God.
When it comes to matters of faith, I find it difficult to use the term 'absurd'. Faith, by definition, is absurd. It isn't supposed to appeal to the brains or thinking. It demands a suspension of rational and thinking by the believer. One man's "Faith" is another's "mumu".


Of course God grant leave to His Prophets and Messengers to perform miracles but doesn't make them equal or co-equal to God.
Cool, maybe one day, we could have a discussion on Islam.

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