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How To Keep Your Cholesterol Level Down - Health - Nairaland

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How To Keep Your Cholesterol Level Down by princesunny(m): 4:59pm On Sep 13, 2017
How To Keep Your Cholesterol Level Down

Cholesterol is a fat which is produced by the liver. Our bodies need it to function on a daily basis. There is an outer layer of cholesterol on all of your cells. However, too high of cholesterol levels can lead to many health complications. In many of the developed countries such as the U.S. and Canada, there has been a growing concern about high levels in both adults and children.
So what causes high levels of cholesterol? There can be a variety of factors such as age, gender, activity levels, diet, and many more. For example, let’s take age. It appears like so many other health issues, after 20 years we start to slowly decline, the same is true in regards to your cholesterol levels. So as we grow older, it is extremely important that we maintain a healthy lifestyle and thus appropriate cholesterol levels.

How many of you out there enjoy a large classic breakfast. You know bacon and eggs, toast, hash-browns and a large glass of cold milk. Well if you eat too much saturated fat, you will likely have high cholesterol. Unhealthy fat is found in products from animals that include beef, pork, milk, eggs, butter, and cheese products. Not to say that you cannot eat any of these foods. Just remember that after 20 years of age... you will have to be moderate when consuming these products.
Unfortunately for all you snack lovers, anything packaged that contains coconut oil or palm oil may also include a lot of saturated fat. Chips, crackers, cookies and such that are store bought are likely such candidates and therefore definite enemies of your battle to maintain healthy cholesterol levels. But once again moderation is the key word here.

Another important thing to help you maintain the battle is your general overall health. You need to keep in touch with your physician and have regular checkups. Doing so will ensure that you do not have any other diseases that will make high cholesterol levels dangerous.

Sometimes in life we come across that nasty word... heredity. Why would such a word be nasty? Because our parent's bad genes can be passed on to us and to our children. So if high levels of cholesterol are common in your family's lineage, then for sure you need to be aware of the risk for you.

This is such an obvious prevention that it seems silly even to mention it. Smoking... smoking cigarettes and other tobacco related product kills. It can do so in oh, so many ways. Most people think of lung cancer when thinking of diseases caused by smoking. Who would have ever thought of high cholesterol! But the research shows that smoking can kill you in more ways than one.

So it's up to you. High cholesterol levels can be controlled by simple things such as your diet, you activity, your regular visits to the doctor. Enjoy your life by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Do not let high cholesterol make you a member of growing concern.


Cc: lalastical

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Re: How To Keep Your Cholesterol Level Down by wendyberry(m): 5:01pm On Sep 13, 2017
nice post op...
la-la this post is worth fp... health is wealth

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