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Sexual Pressure: Girls And Their Needless Victim Mentality - Romance - Nairaland

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Sexual Pressure: Girls And Their Needless Victim Mentality by thiefnubu(m): 12:08pm On Sep 16, 2017
The average girl assumes she is entitled to refuse sex, but when she wants it, the guy whose dick she wants is incapable of refusing to fvck.. . After all, guys are supposed to be hornny all the time.... Unlike girls, we have absolutely nothing else to think about or do sad... . Girls will always be like.... "Lilian, you mean you continously gave him green light, even as far as sitting with your legs left 'accidentally' wide open... and he simply asked if you have the Bulletin for next week's Sunday school shocked angry. . ...he must be impotent or gay" . .. .

This is the kind of crazy general mentality prevalent among ladies that makes them criticize a dude who is trying his legitimate best, despite her refusal, to get inside her Vagina .. . And then at another time she gets very angry with another or the same guy for ignoring her sexual advances or not fvcking her to her satisfaction.. undecided......

Guys also suffer sexual pressure.... It's just that girls are mostly subtle about it.....But when their sexual frustration peaks, some go real crazy... Indeed.. . "Hell hath no Fury like a woman scorned"

There are a million and one reasons why an adult may or may not refuse/initiate sex.... And there are also a million and one reasons why another adult may try within legal boundaries to convince the other adult to change his/her mind smiley ... And last I checked, the girls generally enjoy sex as much as or more than the guys....yet one continues hearing phrases like "he used me and dumped me" cry.. . Aunty, nobody used anybody undecided.. . You both enjoyed it while it lasted ... Things can go wrong for you once in while.. .. In case you didn't know, that's how the world works.. . Shit happens to everyone, girls inclusive ... So please drop the persistent victim mentality... sad

If you ladies don't want to have sex, then don't do it... Just quit bringing down guys in order to justify your position.. Some of us are also in the same position and you don't see us crying fowl...

NB... This post does not in any way support or try to justify inflicting illegitimate sexual pressure on any gender..

Written by Tinubu aka Buygala

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Re: Sexual Pressure: Girls And Their Needless Victim Mentality by Adaumunocha(f): 12:09pm On Sep 16, 2017
Re: Sexual Pressure: Girls And Their Needless Victim Mentality by Fuckusernamesjor(m): 12:20pm On Sep 16, 2017

Re: Sexual Pressure: Girls And Their Needless Victim Mentality by tosyne2much(m): 12:54pm On Sep 16, 2017
Well written my lawyer
Re: Sexual Pressure: Girls And Their Needless Victim Mentality by Nobody: 12:59pm On Sep 16, 2017
hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Please is it in King James Bible
Re: Sexual Pressure: Girls And Their Needless Victim Mentality by thiefnubu(m): 1:16pm On Sep 16, 2017
hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Please is it in King James Bible

The closest I think should be this verse

Proverbs 21:9 It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop,than with a brawling woman in a wide house smiley
Re: Sexual Pressure: Girls And Their Needless Victim Mentality by thiefnubu(m): 1:17pm On Sep 16, 2017
Well written my lawyer

Thanks boss smiley
Re: Sexual Pressure: Girls And Their Needless Victim Mentality by IamLEGEND1: 1:19pm On Sep 16, 2017

Re: Sexual Pressure: Girls And Their Needless Victim Mentality by JONNYSPUTE(m): 2:41pm On Sep 16, 2017
Re: Sexual Pressure: Girls And Their Needless Victim Mentality by uk10(m): 3:07pm On Sep 16, 2017
Smh guys can't refuse sex but women can,there is nothing like equality
Re: Sexual Pressure: Girls And Their Needless Victim Mentality by Nobody: 3:11pm On Sep 16, 2017
I love this piece mehn.
Nice write up.
Re: Sexual Pressure: Girls And Their Needless Victim Mentality by Nobody: 3:27pm On Sep 16, 2017
Nonsense!. Who said girls don't get used?. that you both enjoyed the act doesn't mean one of the parties wasn't at the receiving end. That you just had sex with a girl, you'll never hear her say he used and dumped me. There's more to being used and dumped than sex. Based on sample opinion: guys desire sex more than girls, and it's usually on rare occasion that a man would find a woman who's a nymphomaniac but men are naturally sex driven.

That you refused a girl sex doesn't mean she'd think you're impotent. That's a misconception. Girls actually respect men who act like men by standing their grounds even though we may make frawning faces, just as a man would hold a lady who turns down his sexual offers in high esteem.

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