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4 Tips To Help You Turn A Rejection Into A Job Opportunity - Jobs/Vacancies - Nairaland

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4 Tips To Help You Turn A Rejection Into A Job Opportunity by PatrickOkunima(m): 6:51am On Sep 21, 2017
Have you heard this lately in your job search?:

“We have decided to move forward with another candidate.”

“Our search has been put on hold.”

“We think you’re a great fit for our company, just not the right one for this position.”

“Let’s keep in touch…”

I know how frustrating the Job Search can be, and these statements usually take the wind right out of you. Today, we’re going to talk about a few techniques to turn this into something positive — sometimes immediately.

Every Time You Make a Connection in an Interview, Think of It As Building Your Network

All too often, we look at the interview process from a static, linear perspective: submit information, get the interview(s) and either get the job or not. I will grant you that not getting the job is frustrating. But how you handle losing the battle can result in you winning the war.

A huge part of the interview process is establishing rapport — winning hearts and minds. Instead of seeing another door closing when you don’t get the job, look at it as another door opening. You’ve worked hard to make a new connection–professionally, sometimes even personally, bonding with the people in the company where you interviewed.

Shouldn’t you capitalize on it?

Here are some pointers on how to do so:

1. They Know You’re Looking… So Ask for Help Networking

If you’ve just impressed them enough to have multiple interviews, they should give you high marks and gladly refer you — but you have to ask.

2. Keep in Touch

Create a system to reach out to each and every person you talk to throughout your job search. This is no different than a sales campaign. The person who isn’t buying today may be ready to purchase (read: hire) tomorrow.

3. Get to Know the People With Whom You Interview

This personal connection will get your calls, emails and requests answered quicker. Frankly, it’s pretty difficult to get any results networking without making a connection personally.

4. Set Reciprocity in Motion

Find out what you can do for them. Helping someone first is the quickest way to endear yourself to them. This is a super powerful social construct; put it to work for you.

Parting Words

Not getting the offer— particularly after several rounds of interviews — is frustrating, no doubt. But you’ve worked hard to make it this far. In this economy, getting to the first round of interviews is tough enough. So when you do make a connection, treat it like gold. Managed well, these relationships can drive your job search for you.

SOURCE: Patrick Okunima CV Writing Services (www.patrickokunima.com)

cc: Lalasticlala, Mynd44

4 Likes 2 Shares

Re: 4 Tips To Help You Turn A Rejection Into A Job Opportunity by braxjay(m): 7:11am On Sep 21, 2017
well said.

i totally came here to be FTC grin and to say a word of prayer for the guy just below me in NO 2 tongue

Number 2 guy,

place your right hand on your head and repeat after me

my father my father!

if Na butter wan delay my bread give me like that i get BEANS grin

oya open ya mouth and ka-ka lo-ko-po-ko.....


Re: 4 Tips To Help You Turn A Rejection Into A Job Opportunity by Tony90(m): 7:12am On Sep 21, 2017
Re: 4 Tips To Help You Turn A Rejection Into A Job Opportunity by pTomz(m): 7:13am On Sep 21, 2017
cry cry cry
To find work fr naija na another work hinself

Re: 4 Tips To Help You Turn A Rejection Into A Job Opportunity by pTomz(m): 7:13am On Sep 21, 2017
John Q? undecided
Re: 4 Tips To Help You Turn A Rejection Into A Job Opportunity by braxjay(m): 7:22am On Sep 21, 2017
John Q? undecided

tongue modified
Re: 4 Tips To Help You Turn A Rejection Into A Job Opportunity by Sard(m): 7:29am On Sep 21, 2017
The tips are great, but not as easy as they sound.
Asking your hiring managers for referral doesn't sound ethical or even possible sometimes to me, but I may be wrong.
Re: 4 Tips To Help You Turn A Rejection Into A Job Opportunity by Nobody: 7:32am On Sep 21, 2017
U're on Point@OP

Re: 4 Tips To Help You Turn A Rejection Into A Job Opportunity by Tony90(m): 7:37am On Sep 21, 2017
well said.

i totally came here to be FTC grin and to say a word of prayer for the guy just below me in NO 2 tongue

Number 2 guy,

place your right hand on your head and repeat after me

my father my father!

if Na butter wan delay my bread give me like that i get BEANS grin

oya open ya mouth and ka-ka lo-ko-po-ko.....
Re: 4 Tips To Help You Turn A Rejection Into A Job Opportunity by carlarock: 7:44am On Sep 21, 2017
Well said.,keep in touch. Lemme go and see this people today or tomorrow, it's going to be one week oh after agreeing on how much to pay, time and just everything about the job.......since then no call me till now.,na me go go back to them oh. God pls help me
Re: 4 Tips To Help You Turn A Rejection Into A Job Opportunity by Headlesschicken(m): 7:58am On Sep 21, 2017
undecided Why not think to create one n v people come for u...
Re: 4 Tips To Help You Turn A Rejection Into A Job Opportunity by peacebirdone: 8:16am On Sep 21, 2017
Number one makes sense. But you not loyal
Re: 4 Tips To Help You Turn A Rejection Into A Job Opportunity by GreatManBee: 8:25pm On Sep 21, 2017
Have you heard this lately in your job search?:

“We have decided to move forward with another candidate.”

“Our search has been put on hold.”

“We think you’re a great fit for our company, just not the right one for this position.”

“Let’s keep in touch…”

I know how frustrating the Job Search can be, and these statements usually take the wind right out of you. Today, we’re going to talk about a few techniques to turn this into something positive — sometimes immediately.

Every Time You Make a Connection in an Interview, Think of It As Building Your Network

All too often, we look at the interview process from a static, linear perspective: submit information, get the interview(s) and either get the job or not. I will grant you that not getting the job is frustrating. But how you handle losing the battle can result in you winning the war.

A huge part of the interview process is establishing rapport — winning hearts and minds. Instead of seeing another door closing when you don’t get the job, look at it as another door opening. You’ve worked hard to make a new connection–professionally, sometimes even personally, bonding with the people in the company where you interviewed.

Shouldn’t you capitalize on it?

Here are some pointers on how to do so:

1. They Know You’re Looking… So Ask for Help Networking

If you’ve just impressed them enough to have multiple interviews, they should give you high marks and gladly refer you — but you have to ask.

2. Keep in Touch

Create a system to reach out to each and every person you talk to throughout your job search. This is no different than a sales campaign. The person who isn’t buying today may be ready to purchase (read: hire) tomorrow.

3. Get to Know the People With Whom You Interview

This personal connection will get your calls, emails and requests answered quicker. Frankly, it’s pretty difficult to get any results networking without making a connection personally.

4. Set Reciprocity in Motion

Find out what you can do for them. Helping someone first is the quickest way to endear yourself to them. This is a super powerful social construct; put it to work for you.

Parting Words

Not getting the offer— particularly after several rounds of interviews — is frustrating, no doubt. But you’ve worked hard to make it this far. In this economy, getting to the first round of interviews is tough enough. So when you do make a connection, treat it like gold. Managed well, these relationships can drive your job search for you.

SOURCE: Patrick Okunima CV Writing Services (www.patrickokunima.com)

cc: Lalasticlala, Mynd44
Re: 4 Tips To Help You Turn A Rejection Into A Job Opportunity by PatrickOkunima(m): 3:28pm On Sep 25, 2017
Well said.,keep in touch. Lemme go and see this people today or tomorrow, it's going to be one week oh after agreeing on how much to pay, time and just everything about the job.......since then no call me till now.,na me go go back to them oh. God pls help me
Re: 4 Tips To Help You Turn A Rejection Into A Job Opportunity by PatrickOkunima(m): 8:25pm On Jan 22, 2018
U're on Point@OP

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