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Pastor Chris & The Superhuman Complex – 2 Corinthians 5:17 by petres007(m): 1:37pm On Mar 04, 2010 |
Fearfully looking around for the NL anti-SPAM bot ![]() |
Re: Pastor Chris & The Superhuman Complex – 2 Corinthians 5:17 by petres007(m): 1:39pm On Mar 04, 2010 |
It was sometime around 10pm, three days to Christmas last December. I’d just finished my meal in a restaurant close to my hostel in school (UNILAG) and was just about leaving when I heard Pastor Chris’ voice over the TV (Atmosphere for Faith) and looked up hoping it wasn’t a mere ad and that the programme was really just about to start so I could watch. I hadn't had the time to watch him preach or listen to any of his tapes for quite a while so I felt this was a rare chance to do so and I could spare some extra 30 minutes. What’s more? I was in a really good mood! I mean, after a plate of well cooked egusi soup and eba (my favourite). I decided to relax and watch. After the introductory montage a lady came on and did the usual prep talk. Something like – “get ready to hear the word of God from the man of God Pastor Chris”… bla, bla, bla. Then the main man himself came on. It was an excerpt from a full length video from a conference they had. He was mostly spewing out his usual crap about the Christian being more than meets the eye, in the sense that when you become a Christian, you become some kind of superhuman. And then he gave the most shocking example I'd ever heard, as an illustration. He said “years ago when he first discovered these things”(the supposed secret about the superhuman capabilities of the Christian), he would cut some of his flesh out (pointing to his arm) and after some time, place the flesh back from where he cut it out and “decree” or “command” or “speak” the flesh back into place and before long, the cut out flesh would blend back into his body – the bleeding would stop, it would heal up and even look as if nothing happened there. No scars. No pains. |
Re: Pastor Chris & The Superhuman Complex – 2 Corinthians 5:17 by KunleOshob(m): 1:49pm On Mar 04, 2010 |
Are you sure it is not the anti CEC/pastor Chris spam bot that is deleting your threads? ![]() |
Re: Pastor Chris & The Superhuman Complex – 2 Corinthians 5:17 by Cephas007: 2:28pm On Mar 04, 2010 |
KunleOshob: Na true o! ![]() But how can they pull something like that off? There are other threads on pastor chris and the other big name celebrity pastors that haven't been locked and the posters haven't lost their posting privileges as a result. I don complain tire. I even opened a thread to ask for the mods' help and attached a copy of the write-up I've been trying to paste (and getting banned over, being accused of SPAM) - |
Re: Pastor Chris & The Superhuman Complex – 2 Corinthians 5:17 by Marcwilliems(m): 3:08pm On Mar 04, 2010 |
Superhuman complex?? Funny. Do u guys fully believe the bible or u just feel its another religious book? If its the latter i would understand with u.but if u claim to align with d former , i wonder what u believe, GOD allowed His word to b clearly written in english and still u cannot grasp it? Its as simple as ABC, IF ANY MAN BE IN CHRIST HE IS A NEW CREATION- |
Re: Pastor Chris & The Superhuman Complex – 2 Corinthians 5:17 by Cephas007: 3:24pm On Mar 04, 2010 |
Marcwilliems: This is exactly why I wanted to start this thread. So folks like you can see exactly how these men have twisted the scriptures and somehow engraved it in your minds. Just wish some NL moderator could help out with this. |
Re: Pastor Chris & The Superhuman Complex – 2 Corinthians 5:17 by KunleOshob(m): 3:50pm On Mar 04, 2010 |
Cephas_007: may be you should post it in bits so the spam bot doesn't activate due to it's length. |
Re: Pastor Chris & The Superhuman Complex – 2 Corinthians 5:17 by afiq(m): 4:14pm On Mar 04, 2010 |
Superhuman what ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Pastor Chris & The Superhuman Complex – 2 Corinthians 5:17 by Cephas007: 5:13pm On Mar 04, 2010 |
KunleOshob: I thought of that too and tried it this morning but got in trouble with the bot again. I've complained, AGAIN, requesting that I be unbanned and asking for any tips from the mods that might help. Really dunno wats wrong sha. I feel this thread is even embarrasing. Wish there was a way to delete it. I mean, after seeing the title you come here and then nothing to read related to he title. Anyway sha, |
Re: Pastor Chris & The Superhuman Complex – 2 Corinthians 5:17 by Cephas007: 5:17pm On Mar 04, 2010 |
afiq: Bros its really interesting o, I saw the video/tv broadcast in december and swore to bring it up here. Just help me pray to the mods to do something about their spam bot that has been acting like a member of CEC plc (according to KunleOshob ![]() |
Re: Pastor Chris & The Superhuman Complex – 2 Corinthians 5:17 by mabell: 6:37pm On Mar 04, 2010 |
@ cephas and kunleoshob, Get busy, nothing else to talk about or is it joblessness that is catching up with you. somebody is openly declaring his faith, why not declare yours! ![]() |
Re: Pastor Chris & The Superhuman Complex – 2 Corinthians 5:17 by Nobody: 6:50pm On Mar 04, 2010 |
mabell:Im Amazed by d ways xtians of nowadays reason&attack fellow xtians.Paul said some pple preach d gospel with strife&envy,since dey still preach christ,they re in order.Meaning we shd not criticise anythng about d gospel if its done in d name of christ |
Re: Pastor Chris & The Superhuman Complex – 2 Corinthians 5:17 by Africankel(m): 8:45pm On Mar 04, 2010 |
No Comment! |
Re: Pastor Chris & The Superhuman Complex – 2 Corinthians 5:17 by Ganjaseed: 12:13pm On Mar 05, 2010 |
petres_007: Make i help you past am then. The Superhuman Complex part I – 1 Corinthians 5:17 It was sometime around 10pm, three days to Christmas last December. I’d just finished my meal in a restaurant close to my hostel in school (UNILAG) and was just about leaving when I heard Pastor Chris’ voice over the TV (Atmosphere for Faith) and looked up hoping it wasn’t a mere ad and that the programme was really just about to start so I could watch. I hadn't had the time to watch him preach or listen to any of his tapes for quite a while so I felt this was a rare chance to do so and I could spare some extra 30 minutes. What’s more? I was in a really good mood! I mean, after a plate of well cooked egusi soup and eba (my favourite). I decided to relax and watch. After the introductory montage a lady came on and did the usual prep talk. Something like – “get ready to hear the word of God from the man of God Pastor Chris”… bla, bla, bla. Then the main man himself came on. It was an excerpt from a full length video from a conference they had. He was mostly spewing out his usual crap about the Christian being more than meets the eye, in the sense that when you become a Christian, you become some kind of superhuman. And then he gave the most shocking example I'd ever heard, as an illustration. He said “years ago when he first discovered these things”(the supposed secret about the superhuman capabilities of the Christian), he would cut some of his flesh out (pointing to his arm) and after some time, place the flesh back from where he cut it out and “decree” or “command” or “speak” the flesh back into place and before long, the cut out flesh would blend back into his body – the bleeding would stop, it would heal up and even look as if nothing happened there. No scars. No pains. [size=14pt]Why I brought this up[/size] Simple answer – the bible nowhere teaches this [color=#990000]17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, behold, the new has come. [/i] – 2 Corinthians 5:17 (RSV) The problem comes from the part where it says “he is a new creation”. I remember he (Pastor Chris) said some years ago in other videos, that this meant that the Christian is a “new species”- “one that didn’t exist before”. "One made in the class of God". Well, this is nowhere near what the bible is actually talking about when it speaks of the born again Christian being a new creature. [size=14pt]A common mistake[/size] One of the most common mistakes the professing church makes today when trying to interpret the scriptures is to pluck a verse out of its original context and then twist it to mean whatever they want it to. That’s called lifting scripture out of context! Back in SSCE days, we were taught the importance of interpreting sentences or statements in the context of the passage it was lifted from. I haven’t taken a look at recent UME Use of English past question papers but I can tell you, as a veteran, that it is tested every single year. I remember when we were being taught to attempt those kinds of questions in UME prep classes. We were warned over and over again not to give in to the temptation of interpreting the statement/sentence with any preconceived notions or ideas we may have had about the statement or sentence. I love JAMB! They’re very clever. If you tried to answer the question with a preconceived notion, which is usually a common one they know most people will be familiar with, you will surely find that answer among the options! And it was always the wrong answer to pick. What were they trying to teach us? To learn to interpret the things we read – comments, statements and sentences that are part of a larger body of text, IN THEIR PROPER CONTEXT! And that surely includes bible verses and passages. And we’re going to correct that mistake here, as regards 2 Corinthians 5:17, as it is (to the best of my knowledge) one of the verses of scripture that’s commonly abused in this way. Let’s take another look at it: 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, behold, the new has come. [i] – 2 Corinthians 5:17 (RSV) You see, by isolating this verse of scripture, it’s very easy to impose any crazy interpretation to it, like most of our current crop of preachers do. Some of them in ignorance, others deliberately. And this is what I believe Mr. Oyakhilome has done (does, actually, as it’s one of his favourites) with this verse. [size=14pt]Comparing scripture with scripture[/size] One more thing before I continue. The next most common error modern-day church folk make in interpreting scripture is that they fail to compare it with other related scriptures. This is the proper thing to do when the original, immediate context of the verse(s) doesn’t seem to reveal much about the verse in question. Like someone put it, you let “scripture interpret scripture”. And this is what we’re going to do in trying to understand what 2 Corinthians 5:17 really is about because the immediate context doesn’t say much to completely clear up the air about the meaning of verse 17, unless you start reading from chapter 1 verse 1 and pay close attention. I encourage you to please make out time and read 2 Corinthians from the very beginning right up to the end of chapter 5 or better still, all the way to chapter 13, so you can get the full picture. Paul nowhere said anything about being superhuman. While reading, please remember the bible originally wasn’t written in verses and chapters. That was introduced much later for easy referencing. You’ll agree with me that 1 Corinthians chapters 1 – 5 would be a little too much to paste here right? So we’ll look at another verse that explains it better. Thankfully it’s Paul writing here too. 22 Put off your old nature which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful lusts, 23 and be renewed in the spirit of your minds, 24 and put on the new nature, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness. 25 Therefore, putting away falsehood, let everyone speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another. 26 Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, 27 and give no opportunity to the devil. 28 Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his hands, so that he may be able to give to those in need. 29 Let no evil talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for edifying, as fits the occasion, that it may impart grace to those who hear. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, in whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, with all malice, 32 and be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. [color=#990000][/color] - Ephesians 4 I think verses 22-24 really clarify what Paul was talking about in 1 Corinthians 5:17. The Christian is “renewed” and given “a new heart”. A heart that now not only longs to live the holy and righteous life God has always desired, but is now empowered by God to do so. Biblically, this is a marked departure from the norm with unsaved people (Jeremiah 17:9). So Paul wasn’t talking about people becoming new, “superhuman” creatures when they become Christians. Like a friend of mine pointed out when speaking about this issue sometime ago, everything about the person remains the same. His name remains the same, his face remains the same, his wife and kids remain the same, his job remains the same, his bank account remains the same and err… his car doesn’t suddenly turn into a space ship. Christians are completely normal everyday people with no superhuman abilities whatsoever, except for God’s saving grace that cleanses us from sin as result of faith in work of Christ and a new heart to live righteously for God right in the midst of a sinful and rebellious world. And no, Christians can’t cut out their flesh, place it back and then decree it back into place. Soon I hope to do a follow up article called the “The Superhuman Complex part II – The lie that Christians can’t be sick”. Other scriptures to read up: Ephesians 2:1-10, Titus 2:11-14, Jeremiah 31:31-34 and Ezekiel 36:26. |
Re: Pastor Chris & The Superhuman Complex – 2 Corinthians 5:17 by KunleOshob(m): 1:01pm On Mar 05, 2010 |
The pastor chris critique spam bot failed to work this time around ![]() |
Re: Pastor Chris & The Superhuman Complex – 2 Corinthians 5:17 by ukotmi: 1:11pm On Mar 05, 2010 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() i have already read what you wanted to post. The same thing happened when i posted an article Mission to kiyi' in the travel/tourism board. but I am very sure you didn't listen to what pastor Chris said in that broadcast What you wrote is quite different from what he said. Did he say that he intentionally cut his body or that he accidentally sustained a wound? The two are not the same thing. Please before we rush to post lets verify that we are posting the accurate statement not one we have distorted. I have access to about 21 Christian channels including MFM,Chosen, Kingdom Life, LoveWorld, DeeperLife Channel, ABN, Dove, ACBN etc and always flip through them to see what is on. I listened to the said message hence could expose the distortion. So if any one comes up here with a distorted fact, and i happened to have listened to it, then ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Pastor Chris & The Superhuman Complex – 2 Corinthians 5:17 by Cephas007: 5:53pm On Mar 05, 2010 |
ukotmi: Hello, I did hear him very clearly. I remember his exact words - "when I first discovered these things, I would cut some/part (not sure which word he used here)" . . . I also remember his demonstration as he said this. He wasn't talking about "sustaining" a wound. The only time he talked about sustaining injury was not about himself, but about Jesus as a little boy. He said he was sure that Jesus as a little boy would heal up (you know, X-Men style ![]() I also noticed that in your post you did not ask if i heard him correctly but simply asserted that that wasn't what he said. Just dunno what to say to you. I mean, he (Pastor Chris) has said more damning things than that. Lastly, you said you saw the said broadcast/video. I don't know, I wasn't there with you. But I'll bet it wasn't the same video we saw or it was you who didn't hear him well or simply didn't believe your ears! ![]() You read my write-up? Good. I was in a restaurant and watched that video with just one other person (a guy) and he was just as surprised as I was after Pastor chris said that he used to cut out part of his flesh and put it back. I know what I heard okay? I just wonder why you're so quick to defend him even though he's known to say crappy stuff like that. |
Re: Pastor Chris & The Superhuman Complex – 2 Corinthians 5:17 by Marcwilliems(m): 5:59pm On Mar 05, 2010 |
@ poster: the scripture is 2nd corinthians 5 vs 17, and d original Greek margin reads like this"IF ANY MAN BE IN CHRIST HE IS A NEW SPECIES OF BEING'', why not accept what God has said. The qstn we should ask is this Why did Jesus come and die? Was His death and resurrection successful? What impact does it have on us now? But we don't, PSALM 82:6 SAYS "I HAVE SAID, YE ARE GODS, AND ALL OF YOU ARE CHILDREN OF THE MOST HIGH''. And think of it if we have eternal life- the same life God has- doesn't it tell u we are different and superhuman?? Have u read the story of John the divine who was boiled in hot oil yet did not die? What about paul who was stoned left for dead, but rose up and started preachin immediately(acts 14:19) .another time he a viper fastened itself on him he didn't die. Isn't than superhuman? Common brothers lets know and appreciate what Christ has brought to us- eternal life (zoe in greek) - and live at the level God has called us to live instead of arguing about mundane issues. , the world awaits the manifestation of God's sons (Romans 8:19), but how can we manifest when we are still arguing on petty issues? While we are still arguing the devil is killing hundred of thousands daily- haiti for example, |
Re: Pastor Chris & The Superhuman Complex – 2 Corinthians 5:17 by Marcwilliems(m): 6:12pm On Mar 05, 2010 |
And about Pastor chris cutting himself, that is pure falsehood from u! HE SAID HE HAD A CUT- BY MISTAKE- NOT THAT HE DELIBERATELY CUT HIMSELF! lets be very very careful with what we type, say , post or communite about spiritually sensitive matters and not spread falsehood among the body of Christ, remember these words "IF ANY MAN DEFILE (DESTROY) THE TEMPLE OF GOD, HIM SHALL GOD DESTROY, " 1ST CORINTHIANS 3:17, GOD IS NOT RUNNING A DEMOCRACY WHERE THERE IS FREEDOM OF SPEECH-- LET IT SINK. |
Re: Pastor Chris & The Superhuman Complex – 2 Corinthians 5:17 by Enigma(m): 6:20pm On Mar 05, 2010 |
Marcwilliems: This post shows that the pastor is a heretic teaching his uninformed/misinformed followers heresy. Those who claim to be the "gods" under Psalm 82:6 are the ones who also shall die like men under Psalm 82:7 |
Re: Pastor Chris & The Superhuman Complex – 2 Corinthians 5:17 by Cephas007: 6:30pm On Mar 05, 2010 |
Marcwilliems: Really wish I had enough time online to talk about these issues. Your post here is a classic representation of CEC plc (according to KunleOshob ![]() I'll address only one of the things you said because I know that when it comes to studying/understanding the bible, you people simply take your heads off and just believe whatever the man of gawd tells you. You said that the greek version renders it 2 Cor 5:17 "IF ANY MAN BE IN CHRIST HE IS A NEW SPECIES OF BEING". I put it to you that is not true. [b]Thats what Pastor chris and the others told you the greek version says, and you have never checked it out yourself. Prove me wrong by posting it here and be sure to include your source. The NIV is one of the most literal translations of the bible in modern English we have today. Here's how it renders that verse: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! - NIV And below are other translations: This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! - NLT So there is a new creation when any man is in Christ. The old life has passed away, behold, the new is come. - MNT So that if any one is in Christ, he is a new creature: the old state of things has passed away; a new state of things has come into existence. - WNT |
Re: Pastor Chris & The Superhuman Complex – 2 Corinthians 5:17 by JeSoul(f): 6:35pm On Mar 05, 2010 |
Cephas, you're indulging them too much sef. I propose a solution to this issue once an for all: -Adherents of the "Superhuman" doctrine should set up a video camera (cellphone camera will do too) and hit record. Proceed to cut sizeable gashes in themselves in at least 2 places. Then in however time (few days or so) it takes for the flesh to grow and fill back, they should record the same spot of the cut and provide as evidence they are indeed superhuman. Any takers? MarcWill? |
Re: Pastor Chris & The Superhuman Complex – 2 Corinthians 5:17 by Nobody: 6:38pm On Mar 05, 2010 |
Cephas does your write up contain http links? That may be the prob |
Re: Pastor Chris & The Superhuman Complex – 2 Corinthians 5:17 by Marcwilliems(m): 6:41pm On Mar 05, 2010 |
Re: Pastor Chris & The Superhuman Complex – 2 Corinthians 5:17 by Cephas007: 6:45pm On Mar 05, 2010 |
Enigma: Thanks and God bless for pointing this out. ![]() Its a trademark of WoLFers to lift verses out of context and distort to suit their heresies. Marcwilliems: @Marcwilliems, There's just one thing I seem to like about your defense of our dear pastor here. It seems to me that you know that if he really did say that he cut himself and put it back, then there's something seriously wrong going on. Again Sir, I know what I heard. If you really believe I've "misquoted" him ![]() To even think that Pastor Chris has been on about this Superhuman thing for years (I used to be a member of CEC) and even did a sermon which was recorded and titled (in part) . . . the life of a SUPERMAN. The choir (led by sis. Osi) even did a "customized" song to go along with it. Some of the lines where something like: I'm a "super super superman" . . . and all of us dey jump dey dance dat time . . . It is well o ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Pastor Chris & The Superhuman Complex – 2 Corinthians 5:17 by JeSoul(f): 6:50pm On Mar 05, 2010 |
Cephas_007: ![]() ![]() |
Re: Pastor Chris & The Superhuman Complex – 2 Corinthians 5:17 by Enigma(m): 6:51pm On Mar 05, 2010 |
Marcwilliems: What you are showing is that you are just about a beginner in studying the Bible or, maybe even worse, someone who takes his understanding of the Bible not form personal study but from what a heretic "pastor" says. Even when we try to learn from others we must be discerning in choosing who we learn from --- thus we must avoid "learning" from heretics! Look, Christianity has existed for 2000 years ---- your "pastor" started By the way it is considered rude to use so many capital letters; it is considered as "shouting"! (Have that lesson for free; if I have time I will also be happy to give you Bible lessons for free) |
Re: Pastor Chris & The Superhuman Complex – 2 Corinthians 5:17 by Cephas007: 6:51pm On Mar 05, 2010 |
davidylan: No David, My write-up doesn't contain any http links at all. Dunno what the problem is. JeSoul: Sis, no mind me, jare. Its so disheartening reading their posts. I mean, look at this - Marcwilliems: I thank God with all my heart for pulling me out of that mess. Its really frightening. ![]() |
Re: Pastor Chris & The Superhuman Complex – 2 Corinthians 5:17 by Marcwilliems(m): 6:55pm On Mar 05, 2010 |
@ cephas. U know little of what you yourself post. What makes a specie different from another one- is it not the life it possesses? What is life? Do u understand urself at all? The scripture u posted to show i'm wrong only proves i'm right! THE OLD LIFE HAS GONE- A NEW LIFE (MARK THE WORD "LIFE " ![]() Well i don't think i'll have to argue with you guys.POST WHATEVER U LIKE- But u sure can't stop the truth. These things i have experienced, practiced and known for my self. No amount of propaganda by my fellow "unbelieving" believers can take what i know about the Spirit of God through direct fellowship. I'll leave you to argue all day- i'm not being affected, what i know (thru study, meditation, fellowship and so on) will always be keep debating while we keep reaching out to souls with the Gospel of the resurrected Christ who has given us HIS VERY LIFE. Peace be unto you. |
Re: Pastor Chris & The Superhuman Complex – 2 Corinthians 5:17 by Cephas007: 6:59pm On Mar 05, 2010 |
Enigma: Enigma, Its very obvious these folks know nothing about studying/interpreting scripture. They only have the crap they got from their heretic preachers and shamelessly spew out ![]() |
Re: Pastor Chris & The Superhuman Complex – 2 Corinthians 5:17 by Cephas007: 7:02pm On Mar 05, 2010 |
Marcwilliems: Jeez . . . what's this ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Pastor Chris & The Superhuman Complex – 2 Corinthians 5:17 by JeSoul(f): 7:15pm On Mar 05, 2010 |
Marcwilliems:So Marc, why don't you cut off your own skin like Pastor Chris and show us irrefutable evidence you are superhuman? Okay forget that. Can you start by telling us what things specifically you can do - physically, spiritually or otherwise- as a "superhuman" being? |
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