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Chinese Police To Muslims: Hand In All Your Qurans Or Face Harsh Punishment - Foreign Affairs (9) - Nairaland

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Re: Chinese Police To Muslims: Hand In All Your Qurans Or Face Harsh Punishment by osazsky(m): 9:38pm On Sep 29, 2017

Force people to accept Islam? Did that took place in your dream?
go study your Qur'an or u want me to show u Mohammed teachings
Re: Chinese Police To Muslims: Hand In All Your Qurans Or Face Harsh Punishment by Nobody: 9:41pm On Sep 29, 2017
its been a while I did this. Won't like to argue over religion in a public space, but I'll make some passing remarks, so it won't look as if I chickened out. I find 4 points worthy of note, and I'll address them accordingly.

Firstly, you agreed there was (forced conversion) in Christianity's history. Have nothing to say. The point is not contentious.

Secondly, you stated that "it was against the teaching and action of Christ himself". I think I find it difficult to agree. The actual truth was that he was powerless. He wasn't blessed (like moh'd or moses) with a nation where he could exercise absolute control over the people. If he was the head of a town and not a local preacher, the result would have been drastically different. I have so many examples to give, but one that particularly comes to my mind is in the book of Matthew. Mathew 10:14-15 gives us an insight into the mind of ur Christ. He placed a curse on any nation that refuses to "listen" to the words of his disciples (which in actual fact, is Christ words). So if someone who practically has no power can CURSE a country just because they refused to "listen" to his words, what do u think such a person will do if he has a million army at his back? Your guess is as good as mine. (For sake of brevity, I'll keep my opinion short and simple)

Thirdly, you asserted with an air of superiority, that "same can't be said of Mohammed". That's false. There's a quranic verse that emphatically states that "there's no compulsion in religion". So I don't know where u saw yours. It'll be interesting if you bring evidence from the Qur'an which enjoins Muslims to force others to convert. Besides, they were Jews and Christians living in Mohammed's city until the day he died. Furthermore, there's a concept called "dhimmi" in Islamic jurisprudence. I'll wish u make further research on that.

Fourthly(doubt if there's such term ut for the sake of convenience, help me manage it), you said Mohammed's Islam "would have been dead without the sword". Whoa! Thats a fantastic prediction that'll stun the best of mathematicians. How do u arrive at such bogus conclusion? Do u know the first person to convert to Islam? Was the sword put on her ( I doubt if u know the person..although Google could help u out) before she became a Muslim, what about the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth persons to convert to Islam, did mohd coerce them? Now coming down to Nigeria, how did Islam get to Nigeria, were the Mais in Kanem-Borno Empire coerced to join Islam? What about the Sarakuna (meaning kings) in hausaland. We Fulanis do say we brought Islam to Nigeria, but deep within me, I know that's false. Islam had been in Nigeria prior to the birth of Shehu Dan Fodio (interestingly, his Islamic knowledge came from hausaland). What about in Nupe land, were they forced as well? How did Islam get to Indonesia, Malaysia, Senegal, Mali? Almost all Fulanis are Muslims, where we forced? Who placed the knife on our throats to convert?

Conclusively, I hope to see ur response to this vexing points I've raised but conversely, I'm not intending to reply u with a long post again. I'm a very liberal Muslim, believing that religion should be a personal thing.My human identity supersedes my Islamic identity and that's the main reason I picked your comment, amongst the various daft comments I read. We shouldn't rejoice over calamity that befalls a group because we're all humans. Today it's Uiyghurs, tomorrow it might be Christians.

I love intelligent people.
Please please please, continue writing, the world needs people like you.

I am not a Muslim but I am very tired of Islamophobia.
Re: Chinese Police To Muslims: Hand In All Your Qurans Or Face Harsh Punishment by Bambela(m): 9:41pm On Sep 29, 2017
China is on the part to peaceful existence
Re: Chinese Police To Muslims: Hand In All Your Qurans Or Face Harsh Punishment by TundeHashim(m): 9:42pm On Sep 29, 2017

Christ placed a curse on does who did not accept but he never killed or stole caravans
Good! Thats exactly what I'm saying. He placed a curse because he was powerless.When your teacher flogs u unjustly, the only thing u can do is to protest in ur mind (or curse the teacher) BECAUSE YOU'RE POWERLESS!!!! simple. With respect to Nakhla raid, the truth is I have my personal objection to the story ( because it doesn't add up). However, I'll follow the mainstream defense to explain things to u. Those raids were carried out in response to the mekkans who seized the property of Muslim emigrants to medina.
Re: Chinese Police To Muslims: Hand In All Your Qurans Or Face Harsh Punishment by Solorrman(m): 9:42pm On Sep 29, 2017
Chinese government for kuku ma send them out of the country. Some people eye no fit see ordinary knife na to start stabbing, i no blame the chinese at all.

Too much radicalism in Islam, some people go just decide to take everything personal for crazy reasons.

Dem full naija also.

Modified : Those of una quoting me saying trash, am a muslim too but not into all that crazy jihad/terrorist shiit. It's pointless
just bkos u say u are a muslim doesnt make u a muslim,there is no way a muslim would say what u say. yes i agree with u abt terrorism being very bad beside its not any way teaching of islam but u have to justify,for example do u think the whole uygur chinese are terrorist ? u want them chased why ? why dnt u suggest catching the terrorist and leaving the peace lovers to survive,if its u and ur family i know u would not accept the proposals
Re: Chinese Police To Muslims: Hand In All Your Qurans Or Face Harsh Punishment by TundeHashim(m): 9:43pm On Sep 29, 2017

I love intelligent people.
Please please please, continue writing, the world needs people like you.

I am not a Muslim but I am very tired of Islamophobia.

Thank u bro...I'm really grateful!
Re: Chinese Police To Muslims: Hand In All Your Qurans Or Face Harsh Punishment by Nobody: 9:48pm On Sep 29, 2017
Thank u bro sis...I'm really grateful!

Fixed. wink
Re: Chinese Police To Muslims: Hand In All Your Qurans Or Face Harsh Punishment by Legendbeloved(m): 9:49pm On Sep 29, 2017
Oga buy a ticket and head to China to fight the government there, but remember, these are Buddhist, not Christians, they don't turn the other cheek when slapped, they prefer an eye for two eyes

That does not stop me from saying the truth
Re: Chinese Police To Muslims: Hand In All Your Qurans Or Face Harsh Punishment by TundeHashim(m): 9:49pm On Sep 29, 2017

Fixed. wink

I'm sorry ma..thanks again

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Re: Chinese Police To Muslims: Hand In All Your Qurans Or Face Harsh Punishment by Legendbeloved(m): 9:50pm On Sep 29, 2017
Oga buy a ticket and head to China to fight the government there, but remember, these are Buddhist, not Christians, they don't turn the other cheek when slapped, they prefer an eye for two eyes

I have already do the best that i can do to help.
Re: Chinese Police To Muslims: Hand In All Your Qurans Or Face Harsh Punishment by Legendbeloved(m): 9:54pm On Sep 29, 2017
[b]Funny you mentioned Muslim and peace in one sentence.... Look at the world and mention one religion that commands "holy war" against those who don't believe in its teachings.

Islam Is Peace and we Muslims go in peace
Re: Chinese Police To Muslims: Hand In All Your Qurans Or Face Harsh Punishment by atk5: 9:57pm On Sep 29, 2017
What a useless move by the Chinese govt, but I like that in one way coz more people will convert to Islam just bcs of this harassment, that is one aspect of Islam. Secondly, if they like they should block all source of internet connections, all that I know there are thousands of people who can memorize and even publish the holy Qur'an up head, so there is no big deal about. And I want the Chinese govt to also note that ISLAM is the fastest growing religion on EARTH, coz the more pressure the stronger they are. "A word is enough for the wise"
Re: Chinese Police To Muslims: Hand In All Your Qurans Or Face Harsh Punishment by decasey(m): 9:57pm On Sep 29, 2017
This should be done all over the world
bros na small na, just wait very soon another country will fallow .....
Re: Chinese Police To Muslims: Hand In All Your Qurans Or Face Harsh Punishment by ayolaboss(m): 9:58pm On Sep 29, 2017
enemy of peace
Re: Chinese Police To Muslims: Hand In All Your Qurans Or Face Harsh Punishment by Nobody: 10:14pm On Sep 29, 2017
The beauty of Islam is soooo immeasurable
You can take away all the Quran in the world,but you can not take it from the heart.
Its words,so melodious and full of wisdom.
A guide book to living a successful life here in this world,and getting eternal bliss in heaven.
Islam,a religion of all the prophets
Re: Chinese Police To Muslims: Hand In All Your Qurans Or Face Harsh Punishment by dragunov: 10:14pm On Sep 29, 2017
Which kain wahala be this now. Someone cannot be Muslim in peace?
Re: Chinese Police To Muslims: Hand In All Your Qurans Or Face Harsh Punishment by osazsky(m): 10:17pm On Sep 29, 2017
Good! Thats exactly what I'm saying. He placed a curse because he was powerless.When your teacher flogs u unjustly, the only thing u can do is to protest in ur mind (or curse the teacher) BECAUSE YOU'RE POWERLESS!!!! simple. With respect to Nakhla raid, the truth is I have my personal objection to the story ( because it doesn't add up). However, I'll follow the mainstream defense to explain things to u. Those raids were carried out in response to the mekkans who seized the property of Muslim emigrants to medina.
that's the problem of islam POWER, so cos Mohammed lead an army he decides to kill all infidels, must u kill, leave the afterlife for ur Allah and concentrate on ur self u don't need to kill people if dey don't accept ur ideology, Mohammed even killed armless people children and took the wife's of d infidels as sex machine, defiled a 12 yes old child, all DAT Mohammed did u as a human don't y think dey were wrpong , his teaching, but Christ is perfect even at death he never killed anyone, he never slept with toodlers, all he did were miracles ,healing , he brought joy to those who have been rejected, he resurrected Lazarus, he molded a bird with sand and gave it life, Jesus was not powerless he had d power to command tunder to kill those DAT crucified him yet he didn't in other to fulfill d profecy Jesus was not powerless and u know y ? because he is God and not a prophet,
Re: Chinese Police To Muslims: Hand In All Your Qurans Or Face Harsh Punishment by dragunov: 10:19pm On Sep 29, 2017
even if all the qurans are taken away overnight, it remains in the memory of hafiz
In that case, a bullet to the head will take it out of his memory.
Re: Chinese Police To Muslims: Hand In All Your Qurans Or Face Harsh Punishment by dragunov: 10:21pm On Sep 29, 2017

The Chinese found out that not even Buddhism nor any other religion is growing in their land cept Islam...they wanna avert what's happening in Europe and America.But can they?
They will.
Re: Chinese Police To Muslims: Hand In All Your Qurans Or Face Harsh Punishment by osazsky(m): 10:23pm On Sep 29, 2017
What a useless move by the Chinese govt, but I like that in one way coz more people will convert to Islam just bcs of this harassment, that is one aspect of Islam. Secondly, if they like they should block all source of internet connections, all that I know there are thousands of people who can memorize and even publish the holy Qur'an up head, so there is no big deal about. And I want the Chinese govt to also note that ISLAM is the fastest growing religion on EARTH, coz the more pressure the stronger they are. "A word is enough for the wise"
y won't it be d fastest religion wen u guys marry 10 wives and have up to 30 children cos una prek nor dey rest till death and after death 7 virgins are waiting for d dead prik
Re: Chinese Police To Muslims: Hand In All Your Qurans Or Face Harsh Punishment by Aliyumahmud007: 10:28pm On Sep 29, 2017
Some people are jst mentall deranged,how could u support killing of innocent souls? No matter the difference in skin colour or religion we are all human being nd equal. Bt know one thing,dey can only kill Muslims bt can't kill islam. No matter wot,islam shall always increase nd prevail
Re: Chinese Police To Muslims: Hand In All Your Qurans Or Face Harsh Punishment by NwaliE01: 10:42pm On Sep 29, 2017
Which kain wahala be this now. Someone cannot be Muslim in peace?
have you ever seen muslim domicle in peace?
Re: Chinese Police To Muslims: Hand In All Your Qurans Or Face Harsh Punishment by Kokaine(m): 10:45pm On Sep 29, 2017

In that case, a bullet to the head will take it out of his memory.
you can take his life but not his soul. if he died in such a state, Alhamdullillah! this dunya is brief, even the shooter is not promised tomorrow, but in the akhira, he will receive his wages in full.

for the kafir, in the hearafter, they will seek to offer their children, their wives, and everything in the world to bail themselves off Allah's wrath, but it will not be accepted from them. the torment is in a blazing flame with no smoke, every time they get burnt, their skin will be replaced with a new one for the torment to be repeated. their torment is everlasting.
Re: Chinese Police To Muslims: Hand In All Your Qurans Or Face Harsh Punishment by jafaranka: 10:46pm On Sep 29, 2017
Islam is the religion of GOD(ALLAH), he spreads it, guide it cherish it and bless the one he wills with it.
God has never and will never bless u with something other than Islam, believe me or not, there will be a day you will
Re: Chinese Police To Muslims: Hand In All Your Qurans Or Face Harsh Punishment by TundeHashim(m): 10:54pm On Sep 29, 2017
that's the problem of islam POWER, so cos Mohammed lead an army he decides to kill all infidels, must u kill, leave the afterlife for ur Allah and concentrate on ur self u don't need to kill people if dey don't accept ur ideology, Mohammed even killed armless people children and took the wife's of d infidels as sex machine, defiled a 12 yes old child, all DAT Mohammed did u as a human don't y think dey were wrpong , his teaching, but Christ is perfect even at death he never killed anyone, he never slept with toodlers, all he did were miracles ,healing , he brought joy to those who have been rejected, he resurrected Lazarus, he molded a bird with sand and gave it life, Jesus was not powerless he had d power to command tunder to kill those DAT crucified him yet he didn't in other to fulfill d profecy Jesus was not powerless and u know y ? because he is God and not a prophet,

I'm not here to argue whether Christ is God or not, perfect or imperfect, powerful or not. I'm here to defend my religion against false charge and most importantly, to make Christians show compassion for the plights of the Uiyghurs not because they're Muslims, but because we're all humans.

Now you've raised some false charges against Islam. And I think I'll follow a saying which empowers me to correct a wrong with my hand (if I can). You started by saying since mohd commands an Army of Muslims, he decided to kill all infidels. I don't know where u got your facts from. Probably, you could tell me where you got your facts from that mohd commanded the killing of ALL infidels. In his stay in medina, I can't recall an incident where he ordered the slaying of all infidels. In all his conquests, I can't remember where he said infidels should be killed simply because they're infidels. Since he who asserts must prove, it is necessary you bring evidence of mohd commanding his soldiers to kill infidels SIMPLY BECAUSE they're infidels. I'm waiting for that.

You said he killed armless people. Waiting for your evidence. And that reminds me, have you forgotten Numbers 31:17 where the yhwh Jesus worship commanded the Israelites to kill everyone amongst the little boys and every woman that has had sex before. More disturbing is the next verse which says the Israelite could take the remaining virgins amongst the midianites for themselves. OBVIOUSLY, mohd ain't like that such yhwh. So if u wanna accuse mohd of such monstrosities, look inwardly into ur bible and see the things written in it. Took the wives of his enemies as sex machine. That's a strong accusation...I remember I've read criticisms like that...I'll need yr evidence. And lastly, you said he defiled a 12 year old.before I lecture you on this, try find out the life expectancy of Arabs living in the desert 1000 years ago.

And lastly u said he's not powerless; a powerful person doesn't ask for the help of another when he's about to be hanged!

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Re: Chinese Police To Muslims: Hand In All Your Qurans Or Face Harsh Punishment by oloyede90(m): 10:55pm On Sep 29, 2017
Waooooo..... datz a gud move Religion of destruction Religion of blood shed I hope the same should happen all over d world
stark illiterate
Re: Chinese Police To Muslims: Hand In All Your Qurans Or Face Harsh Punishment by oloyede90(m): 10:55pm On Sep 29, 2017
Waooooo..... datz a gud move Religion of destruction Religion of blood shed I hope the same should happen all over d world
stark illiterate
Re: Chinese Police To Muslims: Hand In All Your Qurans Or Face Harsh Punishment by Abdulkatcha(m): 11:01pm On Sep 29, 2017
the beauty of Islam is so immeasurable You can take away all the Quran in the world,but you can not take it from the heart. Its words,so melodious and full of wisdom. A guide book to living a successful life here in this world,and getting eternal bliss in heaven.
Re: Chinese Police To Muslims: Hand In All Your Qurans Or Face Harsh Punishment by salam1(m): 11:17pm On Sep 29, 2017
Go and read the history of the christian church, forced conversions were the order of the day anywhere its adherents stepped foot
they no beta Dan you but gullibility and sentiment will not let dem say the truth. They lyk it or not Islam the light of Islam can never be extinguished. Some people supporting dis moves are only doing due to sentiment.
Re: Chinese Police To Muslims: Hand In All Your Qurans Or Face Harsh Punishment by ArewaYouths: 11:18pm On Sep 29, 2017

I knew but my question was how are you different from them? They're driven by hate and you're just like them even though your religion might be different.

You must be a fool, how can you compare me with Islamic terrorists fighting for prophet Muhammad

Both of them have killed thousands of people
Re: Chinese Police To Muslims: Hand In All Your Qurans Or Face Harsh Punishment by Nobody: 11:21pm On Sep 29, 2017
Chinese police order Muslims to hand in all copies of the Koran and prayer mats or face 'harsh punishment'

According to sources in the region, officials have been warning neighbourhoods and mosques that ethnic minority Muslim families are being forced to hand in religious items including the Koran and prayer mats. They face severe punishment if they are discovered.

The spokesman for the exile World Uyghur Congress group, Dilxat Raxit said they received a notification saying that every single ethnic Uyghur must hand in any Islam-related items from their own home.

Copies of the Koran and related items must be handed into the government authorities, and there are will be notices being broadcast via WeChat, China's most popular social media app.

According to local officials, Xinjiang authorities earlier this year, began removing all Korans published more than five years ago due to extremist content.

The Korans were taken as part of the 'Three Illegals and One Item' campaign that was underway in Xinjiang, which is against 'illegal' religious items owned by mostly Muslim Uyghurs.

This operation bans 'illegal' publicity, religious activities, religious teaching, and items believed to be tools of terrorism including flammable objects, and knives.

The Uyghur American Association said in a recent press release that China has introduced new regulations that further criminalise religious practice and belief.

China says it is facing threats from domestic cults and radical Islam, however, critics have accused Beijing of a broader pattern of harassment, detention and abuse.

Read the whole: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/china/article-4929064/amp/Chinese-police-ask-Muslims-hand-copies-Koran.html

China doesn't want any wahala from d RELIGION OF PEACE grin

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Re: Chinese Police To Muslims: Hand In All Your Qurans Or Face Harsh Punishment by Nobody: 11:25pm On Sep 29, 2017
This is pure persecution. The Chinese govt ought to know that the more you try to suppress a thing, the more it rebounds to much greater dimension. I don't support terrorism by Islamist terrorists or by anyone for that matter, but to ban the Koran is an overkill.

What is good for the goose is good for the baboon
What about the innocent people persecuted and killed by FULANIMOSLEM HERDSMEN in AGATU, BENUE STATE AND SOUTHERN KADUNA? angry

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