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5 Ways To Cure Mouth Odour In Nigeria - Health - Nairaland

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5 Ways To Cure Mouth Odour In Nigeria by chatinent: 10:42am On Oct 07, 2017
Copyright. No part of this post should be reproduced or constitute plagiarism, without author's consent or acknowledgments.
Medical name: Halitosis (Bad Breath).

Symptoms: One can develop a bad breath through various media, majorly, some of which are:
- food: some food may cause bad breath, like onions and garlic containing sulfur compound so smelly. Some other liquid substance like juices etc. proteinous food substance may also contribute to bad breath after eaten and other particles remain in mouth.
- dry mouth. When the mouth is in dearth of saliva, it may cause mouth odour. Always keep it wet.
- physical hygiene, poor balanced diet and illness. Poor diet and physical hygiene may also cause the mouth odour. Illness may also lead to halitosis.
There are microscopic organisms too that when this food particles are left unkempt in the mouth, they come and feast on it, leaving their decay and excruciating exceptions behind making the mouth to smell like erosion is taking place in the stomach.
How to cure.
Mouth odour can be very embarrassing. You fit dey talk with person, the person no dey reply. Nna, what's up na? You go dey win arguments anyhow. Father lord! You' a genus ooo.

1. Avoid eating food containing those mentioned above and not brushing it off while going out. Even if you must eat, do brush it off with toothbrush and toothpaste not with charcoal, toothbrush and salt or whatever.
2 . Keep your mouth wet. One reason you need to take a nap at noon and sleep at night. Also, after you wake up, do brush your teeth.
3. Brush twice daily. It is recommended oh dear Nigerians; morning and night.
4. Do you want to check how your breath seem? Take an handkerchief and exhale to it, adjacent to your noise. Try this anytime. Or, take a mirror and start removing those milky stuff off your teeth, when at large quantity, smell it. LOL. Don't go coma after smelling it o. Do regular checkup by yourself. Make your mouth a top priority. You know, when your crush notices your mouth is AK-47 Pump Action, they'll avoid you. sad
5. Always brush in the morning! sad Which kind wickedness be this ?
In conclusion, let always take note of the more important things, and health being fit is top priority - Richie.

Origin: http://chatinent.com.ng/index.php?showtopic=433&st=0&#entry858

17 Likes 1 Share

Re: 5 Ways To Cure Mouth Odour In Nigeria by taylor88(m): 10:43am On Oct 07, 2017

2 Likes 1 Share

Re: 5 Ways To Cure Mouth Odour In Nigeria by chatinent: 6:18pm On Oct 14, 2017
dominique, Sissy3, lalasticlala
Re: 5 Ways To Cure Mouth Odour In Nigeria by veekid(m): 8:12pm On Oct 14, 2017
dominique, Sissy3, lalasticlala
do they have mouth odour? Is that why you're calling em?


Re: 5 Ways To Cure Mouth Odour In Nigeria by BreezyCB(m): 8:12pm On Oct 14, 2017
6. Don't drink Chelsea Dry Gin

grin grin grin
Re: 5 Ways To Cure Mouth Odour In Nigeria by CME01: 8:12pm On Oct 14, 2017
Brush twice a day. So the night brushing can not wait till day break...�

All these people that brushes once in 3 days will be inclined to quote me...

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Re: 5 Ways To Cure Mouth Odour In Nigeria by Everythinggoes: 8:13pm On Oct 14, 2017
Its a very good post but i tell you alot of People with mouth odour dont know they really have it unless ur being told. One of the Best way to cure mouth odour is by puting a bit of alum into warm water with salt and wait for the alum to disolve then use it to brush and wash ur mouth. Continue this for two weeks and i tell you you Will have a fresh breath because the alum Will wash off all the bacterial off ur mouth. I told alot of People this and they appreciate this and its totally safe because alum it self is used to purify water

64 Likes 1 Share

Re: 5 Ways To Cure Mouth Odour In Nigeria by Kraspo(m): 8:13pm On Oct 14, 2017
Even if you are broke, single and jobless with no money, the sole fact that you don't have mouth or body odour is something to be grateful for.


Re: 5 Ways To Cure Mouth Odour In Nigeria by cristianisraeli: 8:13pm On Oct 14, 2017

1. Avoid eating food containing those mentioned above and not brushing it off while going out. Even if you must eat, do brush it off with toothbrush and toothpaste not with charcoal, toothbrush and salt or whatever.
2 . Keep your mouth wet. One reason you need to take a nap at noon and sleep at night. Also, after you wake up, do brush your teeth.
3. Brush twice daily. It is recommended oh dear Nigerians; morning and night.
4. Do you want to check how your breath seem? Take an handkerchief and exhale to it, adjacent to your noise. Try this anytime. Or, take a mirror and start removing those milky stuff off your teeth, when at large quantity, smell it. LOL. Don't go coma after smelling it o. Do regular checkup by yourself. Make your mouth a top priority. You know, when your crush notices your mouth is AK-47 Pump Action, they'll avoid you. sad
5. Always brush in the morning! sad Which kind wickedness be this ?
In conclusion, let always take note of the more important things, and health being fit is top priority - Richie.

Origin: http://chatinent.com.ng/index.php?showtopic=433&st=0&#entry858

stop eating garlic!!!
Re: 5 Ways To Cure Mouth Odour In Nigeria by donblade85555(m): 8:14pm On Oct 14, 2017
Re: 5 Ways To Cure Mouth Odour In Nigeria by asumo12: 8:14pm On Oct 14, 2017
Re: 5 Ways To Cure Mouth Odour In Nigeria by anonymuz(m): 8:14pm On Oct 14, 2017
You are correct especially dry mouth

1 Like

Re: 5 Ways To Cure Mouth Odour In Nigeria by rotexteymie(f): 8:14pm On Oct 14, 2017
grin angry
Re: 5 Ways To Cure Mouth Odour In Nigeria by donblade85555(m): 8:15pm On Oct 14, 2017
some people should please read and comprehend this post....Thanks for the info

anyway for funny jokes and riddles that will make you laugh like a mad man visit www.laughkillme.com
Re: 5 Ways To Cure Mouth Odour In Nigeria by Ogujioforh(m): 8:15pm On Oct 14, 2017
Re: 5 Ways To Cure Mouth Odour In Nigeria by poksmahn(m): 8:15pm On Oct 14, 2017
Another epidemic which kain government be dis?

1 Like

Re: 5 Ways To Cure Mouth Odour In Nigeria by agarawu23(m): 8:16pm On Oct 14, 2017
Only for Nigerians?
Re: 5 Ways To Cure Mouth Odour In Nigeria by Nobody: 8:16pm On Oct 14, 2017
so mouth odour cannot be cured...if you like brush ten times a day...this same people no go let you hear word...talk talk talk :-(

2 Likes 2 Shares

Re: 5 Ways To Cure Mouth Odour In Nigeria by davillian(m): 8:17pm On Oct 14, 2017
Keep the mouth wet grin grin grin.
With breast milk.


Re: 5 Ways To Cure Mouth Odour In Nigeria by kay29000(m): 8:17pm On Oct 14, 2017
Nice one OP. Also, taking lime or lemon is good gor fresh breath.
Re: 5 Ways To Cure Mouth Odour In Nigeria by Spells(m): 8:17pm On Oct 14, 2017
grin grin some people own na follow come oh...


Re: 5 Ways To Cure Mouth Odour In Nigeria by JoshMedia: 8:18pm On Oct 14, 2017
The picture though
Very funny one

Check my signature
Re: 5 Ways To Cure Mouth Odour In Nigeria by alhajimikehell(m): 8:18pm On Oct 14, 2017
no 6 )dont talk
Re: 5 Ways To Cure Mouth Odour In Nigeria by iLickAnalFungus(m): 8:18pm On Oct 14, 2017
Bad breath is the worst thing that can happen to a human


Re: 5 Ways To Cure Mouth Odour In Nigeria by Nobody: 8:19pm On Oct 14, 2017
Pussy odour nko
Re: 5 Ways To Cure Mouth Odour In Nigeria by viic: 8:19pm On Oct 14, 2017
Check this out a nairalander named isaacojonugwaemmanuel from kogi state built the first hybrids motor rocket in Nigeria and named after late Lt col Mohammed Abu Ali....

4 Likes 1 Share

Re: 5 Ways To Cure Mouth Odour In Nigeria by owomida1: 8:19pm On Oct 14, 2017
Copyright. No part of this post should be reproduced or constitute plagiarism, without author's consent or acknowledgments.
Medical name: Halitosis (Bad Breath).

Symptoms: One can develop a bad breath through various media, majorly, some of which are:
- food: some food may cause bad breath, like onions and garlic containing sulfur compound so smelly. Some other liquid substance like juices etc. proteinous food substance may also contribute to bad breath after eaten and other particles remain in mouth.
- dry mouth. When the mouth is in dearth of saliva, it may cause mouth odour. Always keep it wet.
- physical hygiene, poor balanced diet and illness. Poor diet and physical hygiene may also cause the mouth odour. Illness may also lead to halitosis.
There are microscopic organisms too that when this food particles are left unkempt in the mouth, they come and feast on it, leaving their decay and excruciating exceptions behind making the mouth to smell like erosion is taking place in the stomach.
How to cure.
Mouth odour can be very embarrassing. You fit dey talk with person, the person no dey reply. Nna, what's up na? You go dey win arguments anyhow. Father lord! You' a genus ooo.

1. Avoid eating food containing those mentioned above and not brushing it off while going out. Even if you must eat, do brush it off with toothbrush and toothpaste not with charcoal, toothbrush and salt or whatever.
2 . Keep your mouth wet. One reason you need to take a nap at noon and sleep at night. Also, after you wake up, do brush your teeth.
3. Brush twice daily. It is recommended oh dear Nigerians; morning and night.
4. Do you want to check how your breath seem? Take an handkerchief and exhale to it, adjacent to your noise. Try this anytime. Or, take a mirror and start removing those milky stuff off your teeth, when at large quantity, smell it. LOL. Don't go coma after smelling it o. Do regular checkup by yourself. Make your mouth a top priority. You know, when your crush notices your mouth is AK-47 Pump Action, they'll avoid you. sad
5. Always brush in the morning! sad Which kind wickedness be this ?
In conclusion, let always take note of the more important things, and health being fit is top priority - Richie.

Origin: http://chatinent.com.ng/index.php?showtopic=433&st=0&#entry858

Give babes 5 ways to cure puccy odour biko


Re: 5 Ways To Cure Mouth Odour In Nigeria by marwanafrica: 8:19pm On Oct 14, 2017
And above all try and use toothpaste called EUTHYMOL, NOT all this useless toothpaste they are producing here in Nigeria


Re: 5 Ways To Cure Mouth Odour In Nigeria by searchhussein(m): 8:20pm On Oct 14, 2017
Even if you are broke, single and jobless with no money, the sole fact that you don't have mouth or body odour is something to be grateful for.
like seriously?? undecided

1 Like

Re: 5 Ways To Cure Mouth Odour In Nigeria by anonymuz(m): 8:20pm On Oct 14, 2017
6. Don't drink Chelsea Dry Gin

grin grin grin
why that's my favorite and I am with one now

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Re: 5 Ways To Cure Mouth Odour In Nigeria by euroboy95: 8:20pm On Oct 14, 2017

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