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Lagos: Africa's Largest City In Pictures - Travel (9) - Nairaland

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Re: Lagos: Africa's Largest City In Pictures by cnwokike(m): 11:29pm On Oct 09, 2017
Who would like to explore mud, world most polluted city stop making dull sense.
At least human skulls are not mines there.
Re: Lagos: Africa's Largest City In Pictures by cnwokike(m): 11:36pm On Oct 09, 2017
Una can be very unserious oo, how can you be comparing those potopoto city with Ikorodu, I tire for all this pigs oo

Now this unfortunate baby monkey that has all his been limited to a certain space and little land mass with dirty waters called Ikorodu creek that was only make popular by skull mining baddos still have no regards for humans far more advanced than him?

This is why I don't fancy democracy, if it were during Abacha's regime, your entire lineage including your big chested, cheating, cock riding mother would have been wiped out.
Re: Lagos: Africa's Largest City In Pictures by KanuJEWSarePIGS: 11:41pm On Oct 09, 2017

Is this one okay?

Is China a third world country?
Yes or No?

Kanu's Gangs of Itiboribos.
Re: Lagos: Africa's Largest City In Pictures by cnwokike(m): 11:44pm On Oct 09, 2017

Is China a third world country?
Yes or No?

Kanu's Gangs of Itiboribos.
Get me a proof that China is a first world country and I won't call you bastard.
Re: Lagos: Africa's Largest City In Pictures by shegra58: 11:46pm On Oct 09, 2017

China and India are Third World countries my friend. You should not forget that Orile, Okoko, Ajegunle are also in Lagos.
Don't be fooled by the pictures.
China and India are third world countries? your Grammar is made in Aba grin grin
Re: Lagos: Africa's Largest City In Pictures by cnwokike(m): 11:50pm On Oct 09, 2017
China and India are third world countries? your Grammar is made in Aba grin grin

Get me a proof that these countries are first world countries and I will know that you are not a slowpoke
Re: Lagos: Africa's Largest City In Pictures by Nobody: 11:57pm On Oct 09, 2017
Re: Lagos: Africa's Largest City In Pictures by shegra58: 12:00am On Oct 10, 2017

Get me a proof that these countries are first world countries and I will know that you are not a slowpoke
I will do that as soon as you rephrase your sentence wink
Re: Lagos: Africa's Largest City In Pictures by cnwokike(m): 12:08am On Oct 10, 2017
I will do that as soon as you rephrase your sentence wink
Please rephrase it for me
Re: Lagos: Africa's Largest City In Pictures by omololu2020(m): 1:41am On Oct 10, 2017

Exactly! Have you travelled to Ontisha before?
well Google is very easy to use,you will see everything with your eyes,in terms of land size and population, Onitsha has nothing on ikorodu, ikorodu is more bigger and has more population, according to the last census.
Re: Lagos: Africa's Largest City In Pictures by omololu2020(m): 1:47am On Oct 10, 2017

I can't even insult your father because you don't have one. Ask your momma whom she opened her hairy legs for that resulted you.

Aside Ikorodu, how many villages have you visited? Fatherless imp from a humpful harlot he calls mother.
why will I visit your potopoto region in the south east,is just like you telling a dutch or German to start visiting Afghanistan or Syria.Onitsha can only be compared to a place like ado ekiti grin

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Re: Lagos: Africa's Largest City In Pictures by omololu2020(m): 2:22am On Oct 10, 2017

Exactly! Have you travelled to Ontisha before?
no I have not,but with the information am seeing on Google, and base on the last census, ikorodu is the 13th most populous city in Nigeria, while Onitsha is far behind ikorodu, and in terms of land mass,ikorodu is far more bigger than Onitsha
Re: Lagos: Africa's Largest City In Pictures by omololu2020(m): 2:28am On Oct 10, 2017
List of most populated city in Nigeria. Ikorodu on number 13, Onitsha on the 39th slot. Stop being dull and dumb
a lot of ebos are so dull.how can someone be saying Onitsha is more bigger and has more population than ikorodu grin

Maybe he is joining some other land to make Onitsha big sha, just imagine me now adding bayeku,adamo,igbogbo,agric,odoguyan cheesy

2 Likes 1 Share

Re: Lagos: Africa's Largest City In Pictures by cnwokike(m): 6:08am On Oct 10, 2017
why will I visit your potopoto region in the south east,is just like you telling a dutch or German to start visiting Afghanistan or Syria.Onitsha can only be compared to a place like ado ekiti grin
You forget that Adorable Ekiti is in South West?
By implication, South West have it's share of potopoto
Re: Lagos: Africa's Largest City In Pictures by Oxtonguy: 6:09am On Oct 10, 2017
Nigeria is more populated that ENGLAND and France put together. Does it make Nigeria better than these places?

I have not doubt that your d**k has taken over the function of your brain.
Wohhh, slow pork you are so dump to realize I am responding to another of his pseudo assertion, he also claimed that stinky village Onitsha is more populated than Ikorodu. Most of you here don't even have any idea of what you are saying.
Re: Lagos: Africa's Largest City In Pictures by IAmSkinny: 6:27am On Oct 10, 2017
List of most populated city in Nigeria. Ikorodu on number 13, Onitsha on the 39th slot. Stop being dull and dumb
Trust me, I won't honour your mentions again.
Unlike you, I don't trust all these Internet junks called information. I trust Wikipedia and here is something you should see.
From the picture below, you can clearly see Ontisha occupies more land mass than Lagos as a whole. Now check out the population except you wanna tell me that Ikorodu has all the combined population load of Lagos state. Now study it carefully.
Lagos has a population of 12m, Ontisha has 7m.
Cc omolulu2020
Pictures attached

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Re: Lagos: Africa's Largest City In Pictures by GoldNiagara(m): 7:10am On Oct 10, 2017
in all these beautiful houses and skycryppers posted , which one can be identified as yours?

You will not know. But I am sure no one from your village, I mean your entire village has one.
Re: Lagos: Africa's Largest City In Pictures by cnwokike(m): 7:37am On Oct 10, 2017
Wohhh, slow pork you are so dump to realize I am responding to another of his pseudo assertion, he also claimed that stinky village Onitsha is more populated than Ikorodu. Most of you here don't even have any idea of what you are saying.
Am too busy for a pretty monkey like you. I have money to money... Keep on typing nonsense on NL with your idle hands
Re: Lagos: Africa's Largest City In Pictures by IAmSkinny: 7:57am On Oct 10, 2017
a lot of ebos are so dull.how can someone be saying Onitsha is more bigger and has more population than ikorodu grin

Maybe he is joining some other land to make Onitsha big sha, just imagine me now adding bayeku,adamo,igbogbo,agric,odoguyan cheesy
I see you are the abusive type. I am not Ibo neither do I hav Ibo relatives. I have been to Awka, Onitsha and Ikorodu before. You have been to Ikorodu only and you rely heavily on internet misinformation to back up your false claims. Here is someone (me) who have travelled the three location telling you something and u are just arguing out of mere hatred I guess.
I refuse to engage you again until you travel out of your domain and visit these said locations.
I shall let learned Nairalanders who are familiar with the SE and SW judge this.
Re: Lagos: Africa's Largest City In Pictures by malton: 8:49am On Oct 10, 2017

Not only me and the OP.probably the owner of the following website too





I'm not saying it is wrong usage to refer to a place as large on the basis of population. It is in fact as correct as it can get. What I meant was that it's a vague expression.

Most sites use the statement as a clickbait. But it is not the most coherent they could employ. So the people that challenged the assertion as mistaken or wrong were justified in doing so.
Re: Lagos: Africa's Largest City In Pictures by omololu2020(m): 10:17am On Oct 10, 2017

I see you are the abusive type. I am not Ibo neither do I hav Ibo relatives. I have been to Awka, Onitsha and Ikorodu before. You have been to Ikorodu only and you rely heavily on internet misinformation to back up your false claims. Here is someone (me) who have travelled the three location telling you something and u are just arguing out of mere hatred I guess.
I refuse to engage you again until you travel out of your domain and visit these said locations.
I shall let learned Nairalanders who are familiar with the SE and SW judge this.
ikorodu is the 13 largest city in Nigeria, Onitsha is not even in top 20
Re: Lagos: Africa's Largest City In Pictures by cnwokike(m): 11:46am On Oct 10, 2017

I see you are the abusive type. I am not Ibo neither do I hav Ibo relatives. I have been to Awka, Onitsha and Ikorodu before. You have been to Ikorodu only and you rely heavily on internet misinformation to back up your false claims. Here is someone (me) who have travelled the three location telling you something and u are just arguing out of mere hatred I guess.
I refuse to engage you again until you travel out of your domain and visit these said locations.
I shall let learned Nairalanders who are familiar with the SE and SW judge this.

Thank you brother. That guy needs help.
Re: Lagos: Africa's Largest City In Pictures by londoner: 8:09am On Oct 12, 2017

Tell me where you know in Nigeria that doesn't stink
Even the president office is full of rats
What a useless country

Have you not seen the big rats on the streets of New York? They have a problem with vermin and cockroaches too even in the upscale neighbourhoods.Buckingham Palace has the same problem.

Even though the president has rats Abuja on the whole doesn't smell unless it's by an open gutter.
Re: Lagos: Africa's Largest City In Pictures by Oxtonguy: 3:08pm On Oct 16, 2017

Re: Lagos: Africa's Largest City In Pictures by Oxtonguy: 3:10pm On Oct 16, 2017
Bordilion estate, Lekki

Re: Lagos: Africa's Largest City In Pictures by Oxtonguy: 3:11pm On Oct 16, 2017

Re: Lagos: Africa's Largest City In Pictures by Oxtonguy: 3:14pm On Oct 16, 2017

Re: Lagos: Africa's Largest City In Pictures by Oxtonguy: 3:15pm On Oct 16, 2017
Broad street

Re: Lagos: Africa's Largest City In Pictures by Oxtonguy: 3:16pm On Oct 16, 2017

Re: Lagos: Africa's Largest City In Pictures by Oxtonguy: 3:19pm On Oct 16, 2017

Re: Lagos: Africa's Largest City In Pictures by Oxtonguy: 3:35pm On Oct 16, 2017

Re: Lagos: Africa's Largest City In Pictures by Oxtonguy: 3:49pm On Oct 16, 2017
Las Lagos

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