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Bolton Wanderers FC Fans In Nigeria: Let's Meet Here! - European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) (5) - Nairaland

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Re: Bolton Wanderers FC Fans In Nigeria: Let's Meet Here! by darequam(m): 2:42pm On Sep 26, 2010
Vs arsenal- we were looking so good b4 the red card
vs villa- it ended a draw but, we merited a win and was the best on d pitch.
Now against United- if only the means justifies the end.
We outplayed em in all angles.

Get ready for a wonderful era from the wanderers.
Re: Bolton Wanderers FC Fans In Nigeria: Let's Meet Here! by darequam(m): 2:44pm On Sep 26, 2010
Just when they tot we aint capable, we showed how able we were and capped an excellent form

Re: Bolton Wanderers FC Fans In Nigeria: Let's Meet Here! by darequam(m): 2:45pm On Sep 26, 2010
Trotters surprise the reds as Owen had adopted a K.Davies style to rescue his team,

Re: Bolton Wanderers FC Fans In Nigeria: Let's Meet Here! by emibros: 4:09pm On Sep 26, 2010
Nice1 dare, yeah that owen's goal was exactly s.k.d type goal, i was dissap0inted all bec0s we deserve 2 win d game if u watched it,elmander l0st 6 clear chances 1 0n 1 , nice game 2 lee,zat knight, petr0v,holden. Buh a good game, elmander's w0rk rate was just perfect. Buh he needs 2 get it right against big teams. Bolton f0reva
Re: Bolton Wanderers FC Fans In Nigeria: Let's Meet Here! by lekside44(m): 10:11am On Sep 27, 2010
up bolton. bolton 4 life
Re: Bolton Wanderers FC Fans In Nigeria: Let's Meet Here! by emibros: 12:45am On Sep 28, 2010
@lakeside u r n0t a true tr0tters,reas0n is bc0s u d0n't really p0st here,if u r true then keep dis thread alive,by updating ur fell0w whites news ar0und d club!
Re: Bolton Wanderers FC Fans In Nigeria: Let's Meet Here! by lekside44(m): 9:52pm On Sep 28, 2010

@lakeside u r n0t a true tr0tters,reas0n is bc0s u d0n't really p0st here,if u r true then keep dis thread alive,by updating your fell0w whites news ar0und d club!
who says,

in fact this is my 8th year with bolton. i have a passion for the club which is very natural, but always feel some disapointment. anyway, with sundays result, i am very proud of them.
Re: Bolton Wanderers FC Fans In Nigeria: Let's Meet Here! by emibros: 2:17am On Sep 29, 2010
You d0n't need 2 be dissap0inted, the club is getting bigga nw,i said 2 my friends that our team will be above liverp0ol till d end of this year,very 0ptimistic about that ! Just keep on believing,will get there s0meday ok.that's the landmark of a true fan(positive belive) @ lakeside
Re: Bolton Wanderers FC Fans In Nigeria: Let's Meet Here! by emibros: 2:19am On Sep 29, 2010
You d0n't need 2 be dissap0inted, the club is getting bigga nw,i said 2 my friends that our team will be above liverp0ol till d end of this year,very 0ptimistic about that ! Just keep on believing,will get there s0meday ok.that's the landmark of a true fan(positive belive) @ lakeside
Re: Bolton Wanderers FC Fans In Nigeria: Let's Meet Here! by emibros: 2:20am On Sep 29, 2010
You d0n't need 2 be dissap0inted, the club is getting bigga nw,i said 2 my friends that our team will be above liverp0ol till d end of this year,very 0ptimistic about that ! Just keep on believing,will get there s0meday ok.that's the landmark of a true fan(positive belive) @ lakeside
Re: Bolton Wanderers FC Fans In Nigeria: Let's Meet Here! by darequam(m): 8:52pm On Sep 29, 2010
Well spoken, emibros
, leke, we don't have money to spend like other teams does but, we've been able to stay up for 10yrs in the league, if we had a team studded with stars like barca, and we play shite, i would be disappointed. But having in mind that over the years we've tried to bring out qualities from players who r said to be past their best, i wouldn't bother myself too much on some poor result.
Now the team is abit decent, so all we have to do is be optimistic and hope to maintain the stability untill the time when we'll be able to add more exciting players.
Now we av two good wingers, with an half decent defense and forwards. Coyle is looking to solve all these gradually and has brought in Alonso, Moreno, if we r successful with the sale of Cahill for about 15 mill, i am sure the money would be well spent in addressing our troubled parts,
I always laf at my friends when they tease me about being a trotter, telling em thier children and generation would sing bolton praises when the time comes.

Its bolton till i die
i ma die being a trotter
Re: Bolton Wanderers FC Fans In Nigeria: Let's Meet Here! by emibros: 1:08am On Sep 30, 2010
Nicely said bro, yeah infact we ve d best left and right wingers in premiership atm,i challenge any1 wh0 says otherwise, dis seas0n will be g0od 4 us,that i am very sure.
Re: Bolton Wanderers FC Fans In Nigeria: Let's Meet Here! by emibros: 10:44pm On Sep 30, 2010
What is ya take on dis weekend game away to westbr0m, we have a full squad 2 select 4rm,and c0ach owen coyle will have a selecti0n dielema in d defense,cos garry cahill has returned . As 4 me i think a 3-1 vict0ry will d0! Your opini0n.
Re: Bolton Wanderers FC Fans In Nigeria: Let's Meet Here! by darequam(m): 8:01pm On Oct 01, 2010
As much as i'll like us to win, we should av in mind that this Westbrom team has gone thru alot of improvement, and that Odemwinge would be lookn to score a goal to celebr8 nigeria. I predict a win or draw for us.
Re: Bolton Wanderers FC Fans In Nigeria: Let's Meet Here! by emibros: 1:36am On Oct 02, 2010
Nice1 @ dare, yeah he is h0t,i just heard he w0n the premiership player of the m0nth with their coach named manager of the m0nth,so i think their spirit will be very high than ours,buh i see us winning slenderly ! Trotters 4 lyfe.
Re: Bolton Wanderers FC Fans In Nigeria: Let's Meet Here! by emibros: 4:22pm On Oct 02, 2010
0-0 so far 2ndhalf just started
Re: Bolton Wanderers FC Fans In Nigeria: Let's Meet Here! by darequam(m): 7:15pm On Oct 02, 2010
I told u it was gonna be close to a draw
Re: Bolton Wanderers FC Fans In Nigeria: Let's Meet Here! by emibros: 8:38pm On Oct 02, 2010
Yeah u did said it, buh we had d game under c0ntr0l inthe 2ndhalf ! Next is st0ke,i think zat knight is d0ing betta dan garrycahill,he was instrumental 2day.
Re: Bolton Wanderers FC Fans In Nigeria: Let's Meet Here! by yousouph(m): 9:44pm On Oct 02, 2010
up bolton
Re: Bolton Wanderers FC Fans In Nigeria: Let's Meet Here! by medjai(m): 1:35pm On Oct 03, 2010
happy times for the Trotters. Just one loss so far but one win too. I think the season is promising
Re: Bolton Wanderers FC Fans In Nigeria: Let's Meet Here! by emibros: 9:28am On Oct 04, 2010
@yusuf, are u a bolt0n fan,@medjaj yeah very very pr0misin i see d team clinchn a uefa cup sp0rt,and overall d team will be ab0ve livap0ol until nextyear,take that 4rm me
Re: Bolton Wanderers FC Fans In Nigeria: Let's Meet Here! by emibros: 9:30am On Oct 04, 2010
@yusuf, are u a bolt0n fan,@medjaj yeah very very pr0misin i see d team clinchn a uefa cup sp0rt,and overall d team will be ab0ve livap0ol until nextyear,take that 4rm me
Re: Bolton Wanderers FC Fans In Nigeria: Let's Meet Here! by javalove(m): 1:04pm On Oct 04, 2010
I love bolton. . .U guys should keep the thread alive!!!

I blog on the-wanderer.co.uk. .

#Javalove. . .unless otherwise stated. . .!
Re: Bolton Wanderers FC Fans In Nigeria: Let's Meet Here! by darequam(m): 6:23pm On Oct 04, 2010
i blog on burndenaces.co.uk
its the oldest bolton forum and hence the reason y it carries the name of our previous ground.
U can show ur luv 4 bolton by contributing to what we discuss here.

Now for the news of the day, Bolton skipper Kevin Davies gets England call up.
Here he describes how he feels about it ,

we should all pray he gets his time on the pitch, as with a good delivery from his teammates, he is only a flickon away from scoring. A goal on a debut would really boost his morale.

Bolton till i die
i ma die being a trotter
Re: Bolton Wanderers FC Fans In Nigeria: Let's Meet Here! by Vieira(m): 7:34pm On Oct 04, 2010
Bolton are a disgraceful club, better known for acts of thuggery on the pitch and long balls.
I hope that Coyle brings some element of class to the legacy left by fat sam.
Re: Bolton Wanderers FC Fans In Nigeria: Let's Meet Here! by medjai(m): 10:55pm On Oct 04, 2010

Bolton are a disgraceful club, better known for acts of thuggery on the pitch and long balls.
I hope that Coyle brings some element of class to the legacy left by fat sam.

thuggery, how?? If anything, I think Bolton have been on the receiving end of 'thug' like acts from other teams. Nigel de Jongs career threatning tackle on Holden and Fabregas' stamp on a Bolton player(cant remember his name) in the run up to one of their goals in 4-1 win last season. I really dont know what you mean by 'thug like acts'.
Re: Bolton Wanderers FC Fans In Nigeria: Let's Meet Here! by Vieira(m): 12:12am On Oct 05, 2010
Are you serious?

Is your Captain not Kevin "Elbows" Davies?

Is one of your heroes not El Hadji "scum of the earth" Diouf?
Re: Bolton Wanderers FC Fans In Nigeria: Let's Meet Here! by Djswaggz(m): 5:31am On Oct 05, 2010
Nuff respect to u guys sha! Though I'm blue blooded I get impressed wiv loyalty when I c it! Kip up d good work guys!
Re: Bolton Wanderers FC Fans In Nigeria: Let's Meet Here! by javalove(m): 7:42am On Oct 05, 2010

Bolton are a disgraceful club, better known for acts of thuggery on the pitch and long balls.
I hope that Coyle brings some element of class to the legacy left by fat sam.

Shame on you dude. . .With very little resources and players not as classy as Arsenal's we have made europe twice, got to the finals of the cup game and are still in the league for 10 years now. . .

Shame on you once again as the Bolton u diss have defeated you times without number cleanly. .

We don't cheat or dive for penalties like your diving bastards!!!!

If you say Bolton players are thugs, the Fabrigas should have been stoned to death long ago!!!!


#Javalove. . .unless otherwise stated. . .!
Re: Bolton Wanderers FC Fans In Nigeria: Let's Meet Here! by medjai(m): 8:16am On Oct 05, 2010

Are you serious?

Is your Captain not Kevin "Elbows" Davies?

Is one of your heroes not El Hadji "scum of the earth" Diouf?

Diouf, a Bolton legend? do you fukking mean this? How many games did he get at Bolton? The bulk of his Bolton career was spent playing from the bench. Besides, Diouf's had been a bad boy from his time at Liverpool. I remember he spat on a Rangers or is Celtic fan while at Liverpool.
Kevin Davies and elbows?? When did they ever go together?
Re: Bolton Wanderers FC Fans In Nigeria: Let's Meet Here! by javalove(m): 8:55am On Oct 05, 2010

Diouf, a Bolton legend? do you fukking mean this? How many games did he get at Bolton? The bulk of his Bolton career was spent playing from the bench. Besides, Diouf's had been a bad boy from his time at Liverpool. I remember he spat on a Rangers or is Celtic fan while at Liverpool.
Kevin Davies and elbows?? When did they ever go together?

Dude. . .you lie!!!!

Diouf had his best career moments with Bolton. .Yes he was a legend. .he worked his socks off for the club and was very instrumental for our qualifying for Europe. . .He scored the only goal against Sevilla at the rebook and also worked hard against Bayern. .

Up till now, he has not replicated the energy and commitment at Blackburn compared to while he was with us. . .Why do you think Big Sam signed him

I wish we still had him tho. .

Get your facts right before spewing gibberish!!!

#Javalove. . .unless otherwise stated. . .!
Re: Bolton Wanderers FC Fans In Nigeria: Let's Meet Here! by medjai(m): 10:38am On Oct 05, 2010

Dude. . .you lie!!!!

Diouf had his best career moments with Bolton. .Yes he was a legend. .he worked his socks off for the club and was very instrumental for our qualifying for Europe. . .He scored the only goal against Sevilla at the rebook and also worked hard against Bayern. .

Up till now, he has not replicated the energy and commitment at Blackburn compared to while he was with us. . .Why do you think Big Sam signed him

I wish we still had him tho. .

Get your facts right before spewing gibberish!!!

#Javalove. . .unless otherwise stated. . .!
are you saying that you can comfortably include Diouf's name among legendary Trotters like Coyle, Nolan, Davies, Okocha or Djokareff? He scored against Sevilla? So scoring in Europe makes you automatic legend, right?? He was invaluable to Bolton yet he was sold to Sunderland for £2.6m in 2008 at age 27-supposed to be his prime. Diouf is NOT a Bolton legend, not even close.
If you weren't in such a hurry to show your loyalty, you would have seen that I'm on Bolton's side, mate. . .

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