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What Happens To Our Spirit And Soul After Death? - Religion - Nairaland

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What Happens To Our Spirit And Soul After Death? by anitapreeti(f): 2:39pm On Oct 22, 2017
This question was raised in my Sunday school class today as an aside (it wasn't properly discussed) I have been pondering on it.
Please can someone who has a better understanding expound on this subject for me and anyone else who cares to know with relevant Bible passages.

Re: What Happens To Our Spirit And Soul After Death? by gbemi9ja: 3:10pm On Oct 22, 2017
If truly you wish to know, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be open, each and every one us has a spiritual guide, be open minded what you seek may not be in the bible, that is why your spirit is still seeking for the answer, you shall know the truth and the truth you shall set you free. as for your question you (your spirit/soul) return home, consider earth as a boarding school.
Re: What Happens To Our Spirit And Soul After Death? by Nobody: 3:26pm On Oct 22, 2017
This question was raised in my Sunday school class today as an aside (it wasn't properly discussed) I have been pondering on it.
Please can someone who has a better understanding expound on this subject for me and anyone else who cares to know with relevant Bible passages.

from God we come to him we go and made account of our live on earth, and the necessary reward shall be given...
Re: What Happens To Our Spirit And Soul After Death? by orisa37: 4:41pm On Oct 22, 2017
When we die, our Spirits become the properties of The Supreme Spirit(God The Almighty) for Reuse as The Lord pleases.
Re: What Happens To Our Spirit And Soul After Death? by shadeyinka(m): 7:12pm On Oct 22, 2017
This question was raised in my Sunday school class today as an aside (it wasn't properly discussed) I have been pondering on it.
Please can someone who has a better understanding expound on this subject for me and anyone else who cares to know with relevant Bible passages.

The difference between your body soul and spirit is in their identities

body: Your Physical Identity ( this is how physical beings recognize you)

soul: Your Personal/Internal identity ( this is how you recognize yourself) It consists of the faculties of your Will, Emotion and Intellect. That is the part of you you call Me or I

spirit: Your Spiritual Identity ( this is how spiritual beings recognize you eg. God, Angels, Demons etc

I hope you now understand. Man is Trinity. Each identity is fully you and yet different from each other

Death is not annihilation.
Death is a separation BTW your body, and the union of your soul and spirit

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Re: What Happens To Our Spirit And Soul After Death? by shadeyinka(m): 7:13pm On Oct 22, 2017
This question was raised in my Sunday school class today as an aside (it wasn't properly discussed) I have been pondering on it.
Please can someone who has a better understanding expound on this subject for me and anyone else who cares to know with relevant Bible passages.

The difference between your body soul and spirit is in their identities

body: Your Physical Identity ( this is how physical beings recognize you)

soul: Your Personal/Internal identity ( this is how you recognize yourself) It consists of the faculties of your Will, Emotion and Intellect. That is the part of you you call Me or I

spirit: Your Spiritual Identity ( this is how spiritual beings recognize you eg. God, Angels, Demons etc

I hope you now understand. Man is Trinity. Each identity is fully you and yet different from each other

Death is not annihilation.
Death is a separation BTW your body, and the union of your soul and spirit

Bible Reference:
Lazarus and the Rich Man

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Re: What Happens To Our Spirit And Soul After Death? by MuttleyLaff: 11:58pm On Oct 22, 2017
This question was raised in my Sunday school class today as an aside (it wasn't properly discussed)
I have been pondering on it.
Please can someone who has a better understanding expound on this subject for me and anyone else who cares to know with relevant Bible passages.

Yahveh God formed man from the dust of the ground,
and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life;
and man became a living soul (i.e. living being)

- Genesis 2:7

So also it has been written:
"The first man Adam became into a living soul (i.e. living being);"
the last Adam became a life-giving spirit (i.e. was made a quickening spirit)

- 1 Corinthians 15:45

What Happens To Our Spirit And Soul After Death?
There are different genres of death but that is beyond the scope of this answer to go into

Simplistically, death fundamentally is separation
and there is physical death and spiritual death

From the moment we are born, our death-clock or clock of life starts to count down
this is mainly why, earth is more properly called "the land of the dying"

After this particular and inevitable death (i.e. physical death), one becomes a dead being, as opposed, a living soul
The soul, not only becomes separated from the spirit
it is separated from earth (i.e. from the land of the dying)
and also loses all and/or any consciousness with earth (i.e. the land of the dying) and with anything in it/anybody on it
With an absence of a body, the soul, no more, has any dealings with life or anything on earth (i.e. the land of the dying)

16Besides, a wide area separates us.
People couldn't cross it in either direction even if they wanted to.
30The rich man replied,
"No, Father Abraham! If someone comes back to them from the dead,
they will turn to God and change the way they think and act.'
31Abraham answered him,
"If they won't listen to Moses' [Teachings] and the Prophets,
they won't be persuaded even if someone comes back to life"

Luke 16:26, 30-31

And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment
- Hebrews 9:27

All of us must appear in front of Christ's judgment seat.
Then all people will receive what they deserve for the good or evil they have done while living in their bodies

- 2 Corinthians 5:10

Now what happens to the spirit and soul after death, is that the spirit, after death, always goes back to God.
The soul, however, immediately after the hand of the clock of life had stopped,
and which by now, has become just like a deflated balloon that totally but gradually ran out of air
is transferred to a waiting station or lounge.

And be not afraid of those killing the body, and are not able to kill the soul,
but fear rather Him, who is able both soul and body to destroy in gehenna

- Matthew 10:28

So, there, in the waiting station or lounge, the soul waits, until the call and judgement which it is waiting for, begins.


Re: What Happens To Our Spirit And Soul After Death? by GodsMopol: 6:29am On Oct 23, 2017
When we die, our Spirits become the properties of The Supreme Spirit(God The Almighty) for Reuse as The Lord pleases.

You are deep
Re: What Happens To Our Spirit And Soul After Death? by ifenes(m): 7:28am On Oct 23, 2017
After death you go back to your original state which is non-physical, call it God, spirit, Air.... It's all the same. We all have a non- physical state beyond the laws of physics. It's a cycle of existence we will alway be in. Physical and non- physical


Re: What Happens To Our Spirit And Soul After Death? by urbanemind(m): 7:33am On Oct 23, 2017
with all these explanations ,i can guarantee the op is more confused than she was when she came here for answers...


Re: What Happens To Our Spirit And Soul After Death? by GodsMopol: 9:28am On Oct 23, 2017
This question was raised in my Sunday school class today as an aside (it wasn't properly discussed) I have been pondering on it.
Please can someone who has a better understanding expound on this subject for me and anyone else who cares to know with relevant Bible passages.


Well, from my little understanding

When we are created, God created us as spirit, reason because God is a Spirit, and God created man-Gen 1:26-28, before God formed man with a flesh to handle objects as spirits cannot handle objects. Gen 2:7

Now, the breathe made the clay to come alive, meaning, all the dealings of the soul is with the body Gen 2:7

So, the moment one dies, the spirit separates from the body, well, the soul becomes inactive until rapture, the body remains dead until its quickened for judgement, well, from my shallow understanding, well, I believe the soul will come alive during judgement

We can remember Jesus saying, do not fear him that can destroy the body, but him that can destroy the soul and the body. So I believe the soul and the body shall be destroyed, and for the Christians, our Spirit will go with our resurrected body.

John in 1 John 3:2 said, we shall be like him when he appears

Well, am still learning
Re: What Happens To Our Spirit And Soul After Death? by Uyi168: 9:36am On Oct 23, 2017
The truth is,no one knows

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Re: What Happens To Our Spirit And Soul After Death? by urbanemind(m): 11:24am On Oct 23, 2017
The truth is,no one knows

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Re: What Happens To Our Spirit And Soul After Death? by Kobojunkie: 6:58pm On Feb 16, 2024
■ This question was raised in my Sunday school class today as an aside (it wasn't properly discussed) I have been pondering on it.
Please can someone who has a better understanding expound on this subject for me and anyone else who cares to know with relevant Bible passages. Thanks!
For those not of the blood of Jacob, after death, they simply cease to exist in the grave - Genesis 3 vs 19 - 24.. For others who are of the blood of Jacob, and born-again, after death, they sleep in the grave and will be raised by Jesus Christ after His return - John 5 vs 19 - 29. undecided
Re: What Happens To Our Spirit And Soul After Death? by Zaheertyler(m): 9:32pm On Feb 16, 2024
For those not of the blood of Jacob, after death, they simply cease to exist in the grave - Genesis 3 vs 19 - 24.. For others who are of the blood of Jacob, and born-again, after death, they sleep in the grave and will be raised by Jesus Christ after His return - John 5 vs 19 - 29. undecided
When you fail a class what do you do?
When you pass you go up to the next
Re: What Happens To Our Spirit And Soul After Death? by Kobojunkie: 9:39pm On Feb 16, 2024
When you fail a class what do you do? When you pass you go up to the next
What is the relation between this response of yours and my previous comment? undecided
Re: What Happens To Our Spirit And Soul After Death? by Zaheertyler(m): 9:42pm On Feb 16, 2024
What is the relation between this response of yours and my previous comment? undecided
It's self explanatory
Re: What Happens To Our Spirit And Soul After Death? by Kobojunkie: 9:44pm On Feb 16, 2024
It's self explanatory
Maybe to you but not to others. What has classroom, pass or fail, to do with death and what happens after? undecided
Re: What Happens To Our Spirit And Soul After Death? by Zaheertyler(m): 9:46pm On Feb 16, 2024
Maybe to you but not to others. What has classroom, pass or fail, to do with death and what happens after? undecided
Reincarnation and Ascension
Like I said it's self explanatory or should I still explain
Or you want to complicate this simple thought too?
Re: What Happens To Our Spirit And Soul After Death? by Kobojunkie: 9:52pm On Feb 16, 2024
Reincarnation and Ascension. Like I said it's self explanatory or should I still explain. Or you want to complicate this simple thought too?
These ideas of yours have absolutely nothing to do with what is contained in Scripture and nothing revealed by Jesus Christ. undecided
Re: What Happens To Our Spirit And Soul After Death? by Zaheertyler(m): 9:57pm On Feb 16, 2024
These ideas of yours have absolutely nothing to do with what is contained in Scripture and nothing revealed by Jesus Christ. undecided
He did
God is the judge
He judges your heart because that's what he is after
And with a feather
If your heart is heavier than it you repeat until you learn your lesson
If your heart is light you ascend
That's why you must forgive forgive forgive and live with love for yourself first before you can love others because forgiveness and self hate is the number 1 cause of a burdened heart
Dumbass grin grin
Re: What Happens To Our Spirit And Soul After Death? by Kobojunkie: 10:00pm On Feb 16, 2024
He did God is the judge He judges your heart because that's what he is after
And with a feather If your heart is heavier than it you repeat until you learn your lesson If your heart is light you ascend That's why you must forgive forgive forgive and live with love for yourself first before you can love others because forgiveness and self hate is the number 1 cause of a burdened heart Dumbass grin grin
You are still just telling tales, tales that are removed from what is stated in Scripture. Try to escape from the many tales fed to you by the religious, and consult scripture as you would any other book written in human language, to learn facts about the God of Israel and His Truth. undecided
Re: What Happens To Our Spirit And Soul After Death? by Zaheertyler(m): 10:09pm On Feb 16, 2024
You are still just telling tales, tales that are removed from what is stated in Scripture. Try to escape from the many tales fed to you by the religious, and consult scripture as you would any other book written in human language, to learn facts about the God of Israel and His Truth. undecided
Me religious keh?? Lol
I'll shut up if you can name one religion or religious person that has made that statement before
You think because it's God it has to be complicated and you have to think for 10 months
Whereas his laws are simple like ,123 and abc
Re: What Happens To Our Spirit And Soul After Death? by Kobojunkie: 10:12pm On Feb 16, 2024
■ Me religious keh?? Lol I'll shut up if you can name one religion or religious person that has made that statement before You think because it's God it has to be complicated and you have to think for 10 months
Whereas his laws are simple like ,123 and abc
You post your prayers meant for who you want us to believe is your God here on Nairaland. That is what religious people do. You use unrelated analogies to try to explain that which pertains to who you want us to believe is God, that is what the religious are notorious for. I can go on and on but that religious side to you is not hidden at all. undecided
Re: What Happens To Our Spirit And Soul After Death? by Zaheertyler(m): 10:21pm On Feb 16, 2024
You post your prayers meant for who you want us to believe is your God here on Nairaland. That is what religious people do. You use unrelated analogies to try to explain that which pertains to who you want us to believe is God, that is what the religious are notorious for. I can go on and on but that religious side to you is not hidden at all. undecided
Are you judging me for posting my thoughts? cry cry
Re: What Happens To Our Spirit And Soul After Death? by Zaheertyler(m): 10:22pm On Feb 16, 2024
Re: What Happens To Our Spirit And Soul After Death? by Kobojunkie: 10:22pm On Feb 16, 2024
Lmao Are you judging me for posting my thoughts? cry cry
Your thoughts reflect your religiosity is what I am telling you. We all post out thoughts here too, so no reason to assume yours are being specially judged. undecided
Re: What Happens To Our Spirit And Soul After Death? by Zaheertyler(m): 10:27pm On Feb 16, 2024
Your thoughts reflect your religiosity is what I am telling you. We all post out thoughts here too, so no reason to assume yours are being specially judged. undecided
Okay good
Allow me post my thoughts in peace
I'm just a passerby

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