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Help! I Sweat A Lot And Uncontrollably like a Goat - Health - Nairaland

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Help! I Sweat A Lot And Uncontrollably like a Goat by zulex880: 10:49am On Oct 24, 2017
Good morning NL, please i have a problem of sweating too much no matter the weather condition, I sweat easily just a 5 minutes walk outside and I start sweating like a Goat all over my face.
I hardly go out these days cos of this shi it's really embarrassing please i really need help.
Just imagine yourself in my shoes talking to someone (Mostly girls) and you are wiping ur face every damn second embarassed


Please you all should help me move this topic to front page, i really need a remedy on this
Re: Help! I Sweat A Lot And Uncontrollably like a Goat by zulex880: 10:51am On Oct 24, 2017
cc Lalasticala
Please I'm on my knees you guys should help me out
Re: Help! I Sweat A Lot And Uncontrollably like a Goat by zulex880: 10:54am On Oct 24, 2017
Mynd44 please help a guy in need embarassed
Re: Help! I Sweat A Lot And Uncontrollably like a Goat by MaryBenn(f): 10:57am On Oct 24, 2017
sad Avoid spicy or salty food
Get a clinical antiperspirant
Bath often(when time permits)
Avoid wearing tight fitted clothes

You should also know that it's your nature, so you cannot totally stop it you can only control it. Visit a pharmacy or supermarket and get an antiperspirant
Re: Help! I Sweat A Lot And Uncontrollably like a Goat by Florblu(f): 11:00am On Oct 24, 2017
Is Lala a doctor?

Guy reduce your salt consumption and check the content of your body cream.

While at this, always use antiperspirant so you won't have to smell like an He-goat(Obuko)
Re: Help! I Sweat A Lot And Uncontrollably like a Goat by zulex880: 11:05am On Oct 24, 2017
Is Lala a doctor?

Guy reduce your salt consumption and check the content of your body cream.

While at this, always use antiperspirant so you won't have to smell like an He-goat(Obuko)
He should help take it to front page so I get better response, btw I don't smell tho I sweat a lot.
Re: Help! I Sweat A Lot And Uncontrollably like a Goat by zulex880: 11:14am On Oct 24, 2017
sad Avoid spicy or salty food
Get a clinical antiperspirant
Bath often(when time permits)
Avoid wearing tight fitted clothes

You should also know that it's your nature, so you cannot totally stop it you can only control it. Visit a pharmacy or supermarket and get an antiperspirant

Thanks a lot
Re: Help! I Sweat A Lot And Uncontrollably like a Goat by dondavad: 12:14pm On Oct 24, 2017
Good morning NL, please i have a problem of sweating too much no matter the weather condition, I sweat easily just a 5 minutes walk outside and I start sweating like a Goat all over my face.
I hardly go out these days cos of this shi it's really embarrassing please i really need help.
Just imagine yourself in my shoes talking to someone (Mostly girls) and you are wiping ur face every damn second embarassed


Please you all should help me move this topic to front page, i really need a remedy on this

but chairman " goat day sweat "!!!!!!
just asking oooo

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