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The God Africans Had Belief Before Europe Invasion - Religion - Nairaland

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The God Africans Had Belief Before Europe Invasion by FMK(m): 7:12am On Mar 16, 2010
Sure  before  europe colonization  african had belief to God    Our   Kingdoms existed before  as   Sosso Empire,  Ghana Empire  Mali EMpire  Kingdom of   Kongo   had before   their way  to worship God   and God  Fullfiled their needs according to their necessities  no religion war existed in that time  and the power of God  manifested to those nations  but when the Europe invaded the African and destroyed nations and brought to us

jesus christ and Muhamed   that brought war  and the manifestation of God  disapeared  because they brought the strategy  of taking our Power

when the priest saying  Happy a Poor in spirit because the Kingdom of God is on their hands,  the african people giving all their fortune to the church (Catholic and protestant)  with belief that they are going to see God and  people becoming more Poor   and the priests becoming more riches  with fortunes stolen from the people  and killied african prophets because they got more power
Re: The God Africans Had Belief Before Europe Invasion by PastorAIO: 6:48pm On Mar 16, 2010
If there was no war in africa before the white man came then who were people like Shango fighting? Chickens?
Re: The God Africans Had Belief Before Europe Invasion by FMK(m): 6:50pm On Mar 16, 2010
Pastor AIO:

If there was no war in africa before the white man came then who were people like Shango fighting? Chickens?

religion war i said between christian and muslims
Re: The God Africans Had Belief Before Europe Invasion by Ndipe(m): 9:38pm On Mar 16, 2010
Pastor AIO:

If there was no war in africa before the white man came then who were people like Shango fighting?  Chickens?

Good one
Re: The God Africans Had Belief Before Europe Invasion by Nobody: 12:18am On Mar 17, 2010
FMK is correct. The concept of religious wars is ALIEN to Africa and African religion.

The African did not believe his or any other person's religion was superior, or the ''only route to God''.

THAT demonic idea came with christianity and islam.
Re: The God Africans Had Belief Before Europe Invasion by FMK(m): 6:31am On Mar 18, 2010
they know their Guiltiness and they are full of shame
Re: The God Africans Had Belief Before Europe Invasion by Sangman(m): 5:15pm On Mar 18, 2010
So any war fought in pre colonial time was just war for the sake of war? Please, People have always killed each other in the name of "God" and "the gods". The European and Arab just gave it some restructuring.

If there was no war in africa before the white man came then who were people like Shango fighting? Chickens?
LOL, abi o.
Re: The God Africans Had Belief Before Europe Invasion by FMK(m): 3:29pm On Mar 19, 2010

Good one

are you one of them ? religious Warriors leading people to darkness ? grin
Re: The God Africans Had Belief Before Europe Invasion by PastorAIO: 1:13pm On Mar 20, 2010
People have gone to war on account of imperialistic ideologies. Certain religions believe in bringing about a global 'peace' and these have been used as an excuse wage war. Zoroastrianism. Judaism which through it's offshoots, christianity and islam, has done the same.

Shango religion, and other ATR are not really global religions in ambition. In fact some are protective and secretive with their religion not willing to share lest they give other people their power.
Re: The God Africans Had Belief Before Europe Invasion by FMK(m): 1:34pm On Sep 13, 2012
that war never end

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