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Your Cat Knows Something You Don't - Health - Nairaland

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Your Cat Knows Something You Don't by teegist: 12:11pm On Oct 27, 2017
Your Cat Knows The Importance Of Napping, Do You?.

Most times you find it nearly impossible to get enough sleep at night, and sleep deprivation causes a lot of bodily and mental illness, keeping us from performing at our best and enjoying life to the fullest.
While a good night’s sleep is essential, a daily nap can boost us up even when we’re not getting quite enough night sleep. Cats know this and as such they don't joke with their nap time.

The Benefits Of Napping

1. Increases alertness

When your eyelids are almost too heavy to keep open, you’re not doing your best work. Make time for a nap and then go back at it. Studies show that a 40 minute nap increases alertness by 100%.

2. Improves learning and working memory

Naps improve your working memory and also improves your memory retention; during sleep, recent memories are transferred to the neocortex, where long-term memories are solidified and stored.

3. Prevents burnout and reverses information overload

While we often refuse to take a nap because we feel like we have too much to do, studies have shown that putting in extra hours without rest dramatically reduces your productivity. It would be better to take a 30 minute nap and return to your work refreshed.

4. Heightens your senses and creativity

According to foremost nap scientist Sara C. Mednick, napping can improve your sensory perception as effectively as a night of sleep. Napping also improves your creativity by both loosening up the web of ideas in your head and fusing disparate insights together.

5. Improves health.

When you sleep, you release growth hormone, the antidote to cortisol which which boosts your immune system, primes your sexual function, reduces stress and anxiety, and aids in muscle repair and weight loss. Napping gives your brain a chance to rest and your body a chance to heal.

6. Improves mood

The neurotransmitter serotonin regulates our mood, sleep, and appetites. It produces feeling of contentment and well-being. But when our bodies are stressed, higher levels of serotonin are used and the production of more is blocked. As a result, we can become anxious, irritable, depressed, overwhelmed, and easily distracted. According to Mednick, “napping bathes your brain in serotonin, reversing those effects and creating a more positive outlook.”

Save money, take a nap and boost your energy the natural and more effective way.
It’s awesome. Seriously, napping. It’s awesome.

Remember, all you need to do it carve out 20 minutes somewhere in your day. One study showed that even a 6 minute nap improves memory function.

Make cats your napping role models and stay healthy!


Via TeeGist Blog

Re: Your Cat Knows Something You Don't by WizPrince1(m): 2:20pm On Oct 27, 2017
Great one

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