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Was Jesus Black? Looking At Revelation 1:14-15 by OLAADEGBU(m): 4:10pm On Oct 27, 2017 |
It's often claimed by the Black Hebrew Israelites that Jesus was a black man, that the real Jews are black, and that we can know this because of a verse in Revelation 1 where it says Jesus has hair white like wool and feet like burnished bronze. The problem is, this is not a reference to hair texture or skin colour: Was Jesus a black man? 1 Share
Re: Was Jesus Black? Looking At Revelation 1:14-15 by analice107: 5:55pm On Oct 27, 2017 |
Does it matter if he was an Indian? Not to me. He was born, He died for my atonement and redemption, He resurrected for my justification, He has ascended into Heaven, He will come back to Rapture His flock. I don't care if He were from Fiji. The beginning and ending of why Jesus came was for Him to have blood with which to use as a Ransome for my life, and He did. That blood was Red. I'm only interested in the blood. If He was black man, was His blood Red? If He was Semite, was His blood Red? If He was white, was His blood Red? If it wasn't then, let's have this discussion, but if it was, then, i don't care. 4 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Was Jesus Black? Looking At Revelation 1:14-15 by Originakalokalo(m): 6:05pm On Oct 27, 2017 |
analice107: Splendid!!! |
Re: Was Jesus Black? Looking At Revelation 1:14-15 by Nobody: 6:07pm On Oct 27, 2017 |
He's not black but fair in complexion. Don't ask me how I got to know |
Re: Was Jesus Black? Looking At Revelation 1:14-15 by bloodofthelamb(m): 6:09pm On Oct 27, 2017 |
analice107:. I'm with you. It does not matter if He was green or purple. Our skin colour does matter, what matter is who we are inside. |
Re: Was Jesus Black? Looking At Revelation 1:14-15 by uboma(m): 9:49pm On Oct 27, 2017 |
Finding out the skin colour of Jesus Christ when he was on earth as a human being is not a requirement for salvation. I wonder why some persons expend so much energies and time defending that Jesus Christ was Black as a human on earth 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Was Jesus Black? Looking At Revelation 1:14-15 by OLAADEGBU(m): 8:12pm On Nov 09, 2017 |
OLAADEGBU: Hair like wool? The verse says his hair was white like wool, not that it was textured like wool, or that it appeared as wool. If I said that someone's hair was red like an apple, does that mean we should envision them with a bunch of apples on their head? Or if someone’s hair is brown like chocolate, that we should imagine their head has a bunch of chocolate on it? Jesus is not said to have hair like wool, but to have hair the colour of wool. It actually says in verse 14 that it was white like snow as well, and obviously Jesus doesn’t have hair that was shaped or textured like snowflakes. White like wool, not textured like wool or in the likeness of wool. Why was it white like wool? This may be because Jesus was in a glorified/heavenly state, and just as we see from verse 16 that his face was shining like the sun, the hair of Jesus was also radiating and illuminating the glory and holiness of God Himself. The fullness of the glory of Christ was seen by some of the disciples in Matthew 17 during the transfiguration on the mount, where it says: AND HE WAS TRANSFIGURED BEFORE THEM, AND HIS FACE SHONE LIKE THE SUN, AND HIS CLOTHES BECAME WHITE AS LIGHT. – MATTHEW 17:2 The clothes he was wearing became white as a result of the glorification, implying that they weren't originally white. "Became" implies a process of change. They used to be a colour other than white, and then they became white from the glory. It is most probable that the hair of Jesus was white in the same context that his clothes were white, being totally and completely lit up from the glory of God emanating from him. 1 Like |
Re: Was Jesus Black? Looking At Revelation 1:14-15 by Nobody: 8:56pm On Nov 09, 2017 |
Yeah and he related specifics with Horn of Africans. |
Re: Was Jesus Black? Looking At Revelation 1:14-15 by OLAADEGBU(m): 2:19am On May 03, 2019 |
OLAADEGBU: A cult called the Black Hebrew Israelites try to argue that Jesus was originally a black man as an attempt to justify that black people are the real Jews and the white man is the devil. But when we really look at their only proof-text of Revelation 1:14-15 where it says his feet were like brass and hair like wool, we see there is no justification for calling Jesus a black man coming from the text. |
Re: Was Jesus Black? Looking At Revelation 1:14-15 by lepasharon(f): 3:48am On May 03, 2019 |
OLAADEGBU: So he's white? Good on you. |
Re: Was Jesus Black? Looking At Revelation 1:14-15 by sulasa07(m): 10:52am On May 03, 2019 |
OLAADEGBU:According to Islam texts, Jesus(Isa) was black 1 Like |
Re: Was Jesus Black? Looking At Revelation 1:14-15 by OLAADEGBU(m): 6:40pm On May 03, 2019 |
Re: Was Jesus Black? Looking At Revelation 1:14-15 by OLAADEGBU(m): 6:42pm On May 03, 2019 |
sulasa07: The Isa of the Qur'an is not the Jesus of the Bible. Doesn't Isa mean Esau? ![]() |
Re: Was Jesus Black? Looking At Revelation 1:14-15 by OLAADEGBU(m): 11:19am On Aug 29, 2019 |
OLAADEGBU: 1. The Greek word used for "bronze" and "brass" is ambiguous. Difficulties arise when we look at the original word that is used here. The word used here in Greek is χαλκολίβανον or "chalkolibanon" which can mean bronze, refined brass, golden ore, or even white/shining copper: See table below: However, we cannot be certain of which alloy his feet are said to be like as this word in Greek is used not anywhere else in Scripture prior to this verse, or anywhere else in ancient Greek literature: "The feet are likened to chalkolibanon. This word is not found anywhere before this book, and neither here nor in its other occurrence (2:18) does the context make clear what it means. Bronze glowing in a furnace may be right but we have no way of knowing. The chalko-points to an alloy of copper (chalkos = copper), but the evidence does not permit us to say with any certainty which alloy. The reference to the furnace strengthens the conviction that something metallic is in mind." – Morris, L. (1987). Revelation: an introduction and commentary (Vol. 20, p. 58). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press. "Fine brass. This may stand as a translation of χαλκολίβανος, a word which occurs here and in ch. 2:18 only, and the second half of which has never been satisfactorily explained. It may have been a local technical term in use among the metalworkers of Ephesus" – Spence-Jones, H. D. M. (Ed.). (1909). Revelation (p. 7). London; New York: Funk & Wagnalls Company. "The difficult compound word χαλκολιβάνῳ, "bronze," is found just twice in Revelation (here and 2:18) and nowhere else in ancient Greek literature." – Aune, D. E. (1998). Revelation 1–5 (Vol. 52A, p. 96). Dallas: Word, Incorporated. 1 Share
Re: Was Jesus Black? Looking At Revelation 1:14-15 by OLAADEGBU(m): 10:50pm On Aug 29, 2019 |
2. Feet like burnished bronze may be a symbolic simile for attributes of Christ, not a reference to skin colour. Furthermore, the reference to the bronze coloured feet may be a simile for divinity and divine judgement: "Among the lampstands John saw Someone "like a Son of Man," an expression used in Daniel 7:13 to refer to Christ. The description was that of a priest dressed in a long robe … with a golden sash around his chest. The whiteness of His hair corresponded to that of the Ancient of Days (cf. Dan. 7:9), a reference to God the Father. God the Son has the same purity and eternity as God the Father, as signified by the whiteness of His head and hair. The eyes like blazing fire described His piercing judgment of sin (cf. Rev. 2:18). This concept is further enhanced by His feet which were like bronze glowing in a furnace (cf. 2:18). The bronze altar in the temple was related to sacrifice for sin and divine judgment on it." – Walvoord, J. F. (1985). Revelation. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 2, pp. 930–931). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books. "Christ's feet are described as "like bronze as having been fired in a furnace," which suggests his moral purity and will become the basis for his demand that those among whom he walks must reflect this purity in the midst of moral torpitude (cf. 3:18, where "fired" is used in this manner)." Beale, G. K. (1999). The book of Revelation: a commentary on the Greek text (pp. 209–210). Grand Rapids, MI; Carlisle, Cumbria: W.B. Eerdmans; Paternoster Press. Figures in the early church understood his bronze feet could mean a variety of things including a metaphor for the apostles themselves, for the two natures of Christ, for the human nature of Christ, and for the church itself. It says in verse 14 that his eyes were like a flame of fire the end of verse 15 that his voice is like a roar of many waters. Does this mean Jesus had orange eyes? Did Jesus' voice actually sound like water, or is this a simile for power and authority of speech? In 16 it says that he was holding stars and that a sword was coming out of his mouth. Was Jesus actually holding literal stars and was a literal sword coming out of his mouth, or is this metaphorical imagery for the attributes and functions of Jesus? A very strong argument can be made that the literary genre this book is written in (Apocalypse) permits us to adopt the view that this is metaphorical, poetic imagery attempting to portray some aspect of the person of Jesus, just as the surrounding verses in 14 and 16 do. |
Re: Was Jesus Black? Looking At Revelation 1:14-15 by OLAADEGBU(m): 9:42am On Aug 30, 2019 |
Conclusion Jesus did not have hair like wool. His hair was white like wool and like snow, but the hair itself is not said to be like wool. Just like saying someone has hair that is orange like carrots does not mean that their hair looks like a bunch of carrots. But what about his feet? To call Jesus black based on this text is not only going above and beyond the certainty of the original Greek word used here (chalkolibanon) which can also refer to brass, gold, copper, and any kind of alloy, it is to ignore the metaphorical imagery that contextualizes and surrounds these specific verses. It is far too ambiguous and can just as equally mean fine brass (which is golden). Furthermore, it says in verse 16 that Jesus's face was like the sun shining in full strength, which means his face isn't described as being bronze like his feet are. We all know this is a reference to Jesus being the light of the world and being lit up in glory, which is the whole point. We know Jesus here doesn’t actually have yellow-white skin on his face but simply a face that shines in glory like the sun. Likewise, we need not assume Jesus had bronze-coloured feet (with a yellow-white face) but feet that were sanctified, purified, purified with fire, and divine. |
Re: Was Jesus Black? Looking At Revelation 1:14-15 by StarLightSatta: 1:23am On Dec 25, 2022 |
The Hebrew Isrealites are not a cult. It's propaganda from the West to keep God's real chosen people asleep. The truth is the ancient Israelites were a black people. They came from Africa. The Israelites are a black people scattered in Africa and all throughout the earth, through various slave trades. If you say the Hebrew Isrealites are a cult then you have to say the Roman Catholic Church and the protestant churches derived from the Roman Catholic Church are a cult because they practice pagan feast days such as Christmas, Easter, New Year's, Mother's day, Father's day, etc. The Israelites, Christ, disciples, early Christians, etc. never celebrated pagan feast days. As for color in the bible, there are various scriptures which prove the Israelites were a black people. The reason why the color of Christ and his people, the Israelites, are important is because he only came to save them. Christ said himself that he was only sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel (Matthew 16:24 KJV). Examples of color in the bible are in various scriptures. Man was created from the dust of the ground, various shades of brown (Genesis 2:7 KJV). The Garden of Eden is in Africa (2:10-13 KJV). Moses hand became leprous, white as snow (Exodus 4:6-7 KJV). Marium became leprous, white as snow, as a curse for her behavior (Numbers 12:10 KJV). Job said my skin is "black upon me" (Job 30:30 KJV). Solomon described himself as being "black but comely [beautiful]" (Solomon 1:5 KJV). The tribe of Judah was described to be "black unto [like] the ground" (Jeremiah 14:2 KJV). The Israelites faces were described to be "blacker than coal" (Lamentations 4:8 KJV). Their "skin was black like an oven because of the terrible famine" (Lamentations 5:10 KJV). In Ezekiel, the angels were described in appearance "like burning coals of fire" (Ezekiel 1:13 KJV). In Daniel, the Ancient of Days [Most High God] was described as having a garment as white as snow and "the hair of his head like the pure wool" (Daniel 7:9 KJV). The only people with woolly hair are black people. Daniel also described a man [Christ], similar to the Revolution 1:14-15 description, as "his arms and his feet like in colour to polished brass..." (Daniel 10:5-7 KJV). Brass is brown in color. Burnt brass is dark brown/black. In the New Testament, Simeon was called "Niger" (Acts 13:1 KJV). Niger means black (Nigeria means land of the blacks). Paul was mistaken for an Egyptian (Acts 21:38). The ancient Egyptians were black. You can research this on your own. Before the renaissance era in Europe, in the 14 century, the Israelites were black. But their images were whitewashed. Unfortunately, Christianity has been whitewashed in a deliberate attempt to exclude black people from the bible. The depiction of Christ in the poster is from Israel United in Christ. For more information to find out the unadulerated truth of the bible please visit: |
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