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9 Common Problems Of A Wordpress Website by todhost(m): 3:23am On Oct 30, 2017 |
WordPress is the most popular Content Management System(CMS) used on the web today for creating powerful blogs and websites. It has lots of advantages and also have some disadvantages. The disadvantages often scare some persons who do not know how to cope with them and the run away from using WordPress to create blogs and for website development Every content management system undergo some updates and upgrades released over time. The updates are usually designed to fix identified bugs and patch security issues. Some other bugs may take a long time to fix. There are several WordPress bugs and which count as disadvantages which you will need to put into consideration when using WordPress for website development. You will need to understand how to address these bugs as you decide on the use of WordPress for your website development. Some of these issues include: translation, security, bad programming, support, bad default configuration, source code, customization, updates and resources. Translation One major problem with WordPress is the problem of translation. Most of the volunteers who are involved in WordPress do not have proper skills and expertise knowledge in the areas of translation. The volunteers involved in WordPress Anyone can be a volunteer, you only need a WordPress account and you can start translating from English into different languages without any restrictions. Translators can do a very poor quality job and end up with very bad translations from English to foreign languages, turning the easy to use dashboard into non-sense admin area. In some of the WordPress versions, especially the newest one, translations are incomplete. By updating the system, you might end up having your website in both English and the other languages you used before. So if you need to build a website for a client who does not understand English, you rather do the translation and help the community out with your work, or you choose another method to build your website. Security Problems Security is a major concern in WordPress. One major concern is the brute force attack;. Btute Force Attacks occurs when someone tries to access the dashboard of your WordPress site or your FTP account by trying out different user names with different password combinations. If you choose a strong password and changed the default admin user name, you can reduce the chance of getting hacked, but there is no guarantee that you will always win. Another big security hole is the quality and source of third-party themes and plugins which are made by both professional development companies and also by the hackers themselves. This underscores the need to carefully review the plugins before use and be sure that you confirm the credibility of the developer before implementing a plugin on your WordPress website. These files are verified, but sometimes the developers can hide fishy code that will not catch the attention of the verifier. This has become a major security concern for WordPress. These security problems cannot be resolved just with updates. They need to pay more attention on the themes and plugins that are being updated and verify the users who are doing it. Employing highly skilled programmers and WordPress expert to review the code could be a solution. Bad Programming The Core WordPress is developed by Automatic Inc, a professional web development company, who pay really close attention to details, most third-party plugins and themes are created by many other individuals and organizations who are, in some cases, really unskilled. Not optimized code can not only slow down your site or cause errors, but can also be the back-door for a hacker to break into your site. Lack of Support Although there is an active and very large WordPress community providing support to users and developers and answering most of user questions, there are cases when you have to figure out things by yourself. The official WordPress support is represented by volunteer, plugin and theme developers, WP assistants or people from all around the world. When buying a commercial theme or plugin, you will get a level of support from the company who sold it to you, but you might still have unanswered questions at the end of the day. You can also purchase WordPress support from different companies or buy guides to learn this system. Default Configuration To really be safe with WordPress, you need to tweak some default settings and secure your website, speed it up and make it really good for users. Basically when you install WordPress on your site, you will have to make some adjustments. For instance, you will have to activate SEF URLs for better SEO, so search engines such as Google can find your pages and content more easily. The visual editor might also cause problems for newbie users, because by default some important features are hidden, which the user have to figure out. Source Code WordPress gets regular updates but despite the frequent updates, there are still parts of the core where old PHP techniques are used for global variables, functions, and classes. WordPress produces bloated code with its WYSIWYG visual editor and you can easily see this when you write an article in the editor and then toggle to HTML editor where you can see the source code. Some free themes and plugins have been found to have hidden codes and links to suspicious websites. When removing these codes, the theme and the whole website will stop working. In some cases the dashboard can also be affected, disabling the option to change the theme or modify your site as you wish. Customization For you to be able to implement some customization in WordPress, there is the need for some good knowledge of PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. You also need to understand the WordPress framework itself to be able to modify the files and functions to archive the results you want. SQL queries are also hard to customize because you need knowledge of MySQL and PHP or you need to hire a web programmer to make your website in WordPress so it is better to make one from scratch without using any CMS. Updates WordPress core gets a monthly update. But some plugins can have daily updates. Updating your plugins or theme every day can in such cases be frustrating. You don't have to do it, but it is recommended. However if you have already modified your theme or the plugins you are using, watch out, because the update will overwrite all your modified files. Will not create a backup or a copy of the files you have edited, so you will lose your modifications. In this situation you will need to live with the constant update notification. Server Resources WordPress websites use a huge amount of server resources because the core WordPress and third-party extensions includes a high number of PHP functions and SQL queries. There are problems regarding CPU usage and nobody seems to know the solution or even to identify the source of the problem. If you buy managed WordPress hosting some plugins that are heavy resource consumer are banned. So you will not be able to install the necessary plugins to your site, because your hosting provider will not allow that. Caching your website is one way to reduce resource usage by your WordPress website. Conclusion You now know some of the major problems associated with the use of a WordPress website. What is important here is that you should be able to have solutions to address these problems. These problems do not suggest that the WordPress CMS is bad. No, it is not bad. The fact is, that it is the best CMS around, and it is powering over 75 million websites world-wide. Its key plus is that it is very simple to use and is free. However there are still some cases when you should not use WordPress for your project: if you want to create a simple website, which does not need to be updated. In this case you can create the site in plain HTML and CSS. You should not use WordPress for sensitive projects that need high security. You should also avoid using WordPress if you can't afford a reliable web host that supports WordPress Hosting. 2 Likes 2 Shares
Re: 9 Common Problems Of A Wordpress Website by HeWrites(m): 7:05am On Oct 30, 2017 |
FTC 1 |
Re: 9 Common Problems Of A Wordpress Website by tstx(m): 7:05am On Oct 30, 2017 |
Hmmm. Enlightening |
Re: 9 Common Problems Of A Wordpress Website by Kizyte(m): 7:05am On Oct 30, 2017 |
OK nice, abeg someone should give advice on what to do, my Adsense Account was deactivated by Google due to illegal activities. I've written to Google requesting for reactivation but was declined. |
Re: 9 Common Problems Of A Wordpress Website by SageTravels: 7:06am On Oct 30, 2017 |
Summary. |
Re: 9 Common Problems Of A Wordpress Website by psalmhorah(m): 7:06am On Oct 30, 2017 |
hnmm...wat of possible problems faced by bet 9ja guys |
Re: 9 Common Problems Of A Wordpress Website by Sapiosexuality(m): 7:25am On Oct 30, 2017 |
Is this exclusive to WordPress or every other website creator tool?, run on WordPress, has not given me any reason to consider these list as problems. I think any site can be hacked if hackers want to. |
Re: 9 Common Problems Of A Wordpress Website by Nobody: 7:26am On Oct 30, 2017 |
I still prefer blogger... |
Re: 9 Common Problems Of A Wordpress Website by Singlecliq: 7:33am On Oct 30, 2017 |
The OP have stated some salient points about not only WordPress but all CMSes because the last time I checked brute force attack occurs to all CMS from joomla,prestashop and the likes as they all have default admin username and URL after installation, so they all susceptible to the attack. BAD PROGRAMMING. With WordPress powering the largest chunk in the CMS world, we would definitely have more programmers either skilled and unskilled. Remember it is open source. LACK OF SUPPORT. WordPress commands the largest community you can ask questions and get answers. I don't know what you meant by lacking support and hope you know they are open source and free too which means all the codes are there for you to see. nothing hidden DEFAULT CONFIGURATION. The last time I checked WordPress is the easiest to customize amongst all other CMS. Point is invalid UPDATES. You initially complained about security, now this. How will they beef up security without rolling out updates? hmm. If you can modify the code from a plugin, why not develop your own. I think it is much more better that way than modifying someone else's code. My advice is to look for a plugin that would suits what is needed and if you can't find it, look for a good WordPress developer that can have it developed. WordPress makes its installation as simple as it can ever be, leaving you with enough PLUGINS option to choose from. 1 Like |
Re: 9 Common Problems Of A Wordpress Website by Webman007: 7:35am On Oct 30, 2017 |
Your points mostly not true...a simply googling will provide tons of rebuttal on those... Booked will be right back... 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: 9 Common Problems Of A Wordpress Website by Sibe007(m): 7:38am On Oct 30, 2017 |
Insightful. Thanks for sharing |
Re: 9 Common Problems Of A Wordpress Website by infogenius(m): 7:47am On Oct 30, 2017 |
Nice article. The bottom line is to be able to find solutions to the problems discussed in the article. Who can separate me from WordPress? 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: 9 Common Problems Of A Wordpress Website by JeffreyJamez(m): 7:48am On Oct 30, 2017 |
Kizyte: It's gone bro. forget about it. |
Re: 9 Common Problems Of A Wordpress Website by Mak4web(m): 8:02am On Oct 30, 2017 |
okay |
Re: 9 Common Problems Of A Wordpress Website by vadeonly(m): 8:22am On Oct 30, 2017 |
ygf function |
Re: 9 Common Problems Of A Wordpress Website by miketayo(m): 8:29am On Oct 30, 2017 |
olamil43: What's wrong with PHP |
Re: 9 Common Problems Of A Wordpress Website by Dollabiz: 8:35am On Oct 30, 2017 |
Oh |
Re: 9 Common Problems Of A Wordpress Website by Finstar: 8:41am On Oct 30, 2017 |
This is completely bull crap.. Poo I mean, to be on the safer side. WordPress still remain the best for any one who wants to take blogging serious. I don't even have the strenght to type an epistle on this.. Do whatever rock your boat. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: 9 Common Problems Of A Wordpress Website by miketayo(m): 8:43am On Oct 30, 2017 |
It's adviceable to write Ur own code than using CMS |
Re: 9 Common Problems Of A Wordpress Website by hemsquare(m): 8:52am On Oct 30, 2017 |
Please where can I learn WordPress ?? Though my budget is slim. |
Re: 9 Common Problems Of A Wordpress Website by Singlecliq: 9:03am On Oct 30, 2017 |
hemsquare: I can teach you. contact me with the number on my profile |
Re: 9 Common Problems Of A Wordpress Website by BiafraIShere(m): 11:02am On Oct 30, 2017 |
Good information, poor delivary! |
Re: 9 Common Problems Of A Wordpress Website by todhost(m): 6:53pm On Oct 30, 2017 |
Thank you for all your comments. This article was not intended to discourage the use of WordPress or to run down that very powerful CMS. The fact is that each of the points raised here indicate a vulnerability for WordPress. The article is to guide you on what to avoid and what not to take for granted. All CMSs have downsides and you need to take the right steps to secure and keep them safe from attackers. Hope you can now better appreciate this article. |
Re: 9 Common Problems Of A Wordpress Website by ifyboy60(m): 8:09pm On Oct 30, 2017 |
Webman007:they are mostly true. if u are a php coder u will understand better. |
Re: 9 Common Problems Of A Wordpress Website by Singlecliq: 9:40pm On Oct 30, 2017 |
ifyboy60: which bad programming convention did WordPress follow? Oga WordPress core codes is more secured that you can ever think of. No be WordPress say make you install plugin that have not been updated for over two years with negative reviews. Enough of this WordPress thing abeg |
Re: 9 Common Problems Of A Wordpress Website by Singlecliq: 9:44pm On Oct 30, 2017 |
miketayo: Agreed but you should always be on deck to update your application because new vulnerability are found on weekly/monthly basis. Remember when SQL injection did hit the web some years back. 1 Like |
Re: 9 Common Problems Of A Wordpress Website by chubysoft1(m): 10:05pm On Oct 30, 2017 |
Wordpress is simply the best CMS for now. I've tried drupal, magento, joomla, etc all lacking user-friendliness. But Wordpress although it has it's acute headache as a web developer, it's still the best. BELIEVE THAT (In Roman Reigns voice) |
Re: 9 Common Problems Of A Wordpress Website by ifyboy60(m): 10:09pm On Dec 17, 2017 |
Singlecliq:sorry for d late reply, issue is if I can hack any version of WordPress dat gives me d ability to hack into thousands of site built using dat version. |
Re: 9 Common Problems Of A Wordpress Website by Singlecliq: 10:16pm On Dec 17, 2017 |
ifyboy60:You said if you can. That means you can also hack any web app too. Hope you know WordPress core codes is updated almost every month. All web apps are susceptible to be hacked, not even the proprietary ones. |
Re: 9 Common Problems Of A Wordpress Website by Doerstech(m): 5:34am On Dec 18, 2017 |
Hmmmmmmm am coming right back |
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