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Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? - Foreign Affairs (2703) - Nairaland

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Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Xbee007(m): 9:31pm On Nov 18, 2015
I don't know why the United States Of American keep preventing Nigeria from acquiring state-ot-the-art weapons due to some stupid human right trash. Meanwhile, they are selling weapons to Saudi Arabia, perhaps they are the definition of good 'human right model''.https://www.hrw.org/news/2015/11/18/us-reject-bomb-sales-saudi-arabia
The fact is Nigerian Army do not need the USA in cameroon "fighting BH". We can handle them by ourselves. Instead they should call their Human Rights Watch Dogs to order and give Nigeria a breathing space.
Small time now if NA finish the Boko boys u will hear it all over the Western News Agency that they were able to do that with the help of USA.
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by iblawi(m): 9:48pm On Nov 18, 2015

"The CHAKA Blue Force Tracking system is a GPSenabled
system that provides military commanders
and forces with location information about own military
forces. The system provides a common picture of the
location of friendly forces and therefore is referred to
as the “Blue Force” tracker. The system is currently
utilized by the SA National Defence Force.
The CHAKA Blue Force Tracking system can track
land, air and maritime assets as the user requirements
and specifications ensured that this is obtainable.
The system consists of a CHAKA software enabled
computer, used to display location information, a
satellite terminal and satellite antenna, used to transmit
and receive location and other military data, a Global
Positioning System receiver (to determine its own
position) and mapping software, in the form of a
Geographic Information System (GIS), that plots the
BFT device on a map. The system displays the
location of the deployed Blue Force Tracking units on
the computer’s terrain-map display in their respective
locations. The Blue Force Tracking unit continually
transmits its own location over the encrypted network.
The CHAKA software enabled computer then
monitors the location and progress of own forces
and consolidate the data into a common operational
picture, or COP."

"BattleTek IV supports war simulation exercises
and training on the tactical and operational level of
command. The system helps to improve Leadership
competencies and to practice the “Art of War”.
The objectives of simulations are to exercise:
• Combat decision making on a tactical level.
• Functioning and execution of C² measures.
• Planning and execution of Staff and HQ
• Execution of battle control.
The BattleTek IV system provides comprehensive
simulation support in terms of land, air and naval
based warfare and conflict activities. The system
is flexible in application and easy to maintain or
expand. It utilises standard hardware components,
infrastructure and IT equipment.
BattleTek IV may also be used to evaluate and test
plans and decision support, and to test and improve
Standard Operational Procedures (SOPs), doctrine
and procedures.
As it is WISE compliant it can be used as an
exercise or scenario stimulator for HLA, MIP and
DIS compliant systems. This supports the mantra:
“Train as you Fight and Fight as you Train”.
BattleTek IV caters for Multi Player, Multi Forces
(Red, Blue and Neutral) and has a comprehensive
After Action Review capability. It is scalable
(supports 200 clients and can easily support
up to 15 000 entities) has a fully integrated
Geographic Information System (GIS) functionality
with 2D map view."

Post the source.

Stop posting different pics of different places with no South African military personnel. You can't just post a pics that shows nothing South African. What if the pics are from another country.

The pics I posted is the Chaka system in South African army. We want to see your officers in the control room like the 1 we posted.

Ours is better than yours tongue tongue

1 Like

Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Nobody: 10:06pm On Nov 18, 2015

Post the source.

Stop posting different pics of different places with no South African military personnel. You can't just post a pics that shows nothing South African. What if the pics are from another country.

The pics I posted is the Chaka system in South African army. We want to see your officers in the control room like the 1 we posted.

Ours is better than yours tongue tongue
Here's the source: http://www.landforcesafrica.com/uploads/sponsors/6679_brochure_en.pdf
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Patchesagain: 10:20pm On Nov 18, 2015

Yes I did, the photo is from Proforce website, same as the UN painted white LAV.

Busted? How? By posting from Proforce website? http://www.proforcedefence.com/picgallery/index.html

You posted a photo of the cobra
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Patchesagain: 10:26pm On Nov 18, 2015

LOL....United Nations dont buy junk equipment, they buy NATO standard. Nigeria has penetrated the arms export market, now we are competing with you ! We will soon overtake you like we did with GDP.....LOL....eny is hurting you real bad. Go ask UN how many they bought, its none of my business. Fact is that UN is now buying proudly made in Nigeria defence products, deal with it.

Lol, this guy thinks that selling one vehical now means they will compete with us?

In a mere couple of months Denel has received R1 BILLIONS worth of orders for the RG31 N35 and , do you think you can compete?

Also, you havent even provided any proof its sale

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Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Patchesagain: 10:27pm On Nov 18, 2015

How did I deceive anyone? Do I own the photo?

I said from my first post that is is built by proforce, I dont own the photo, its copied directly from proforce website


If you have any problem with the photo, you can go fight them at proforce office.

You say the photo is not on proforce website? Its number 28 of the 55 photos gallery. You must have been born with cataract in your two eyes grin grin

So you AND proforce are liars?


Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Patchesagain: 10:30pm On Nov 18, 2015

The error comes from the company, not Agaugust. The image is image 28 in their picture gallery.

The Vehicle the company is currently developing is also in that photo-gallery. Nobody is trying to fool anybody, at-least not in this thread or mine.

So Augustine does not know what the Cobra looks like?


Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Patchesagain: 10:31pm On Nov 18, 2015

You are an iidiot!

The surveillance system is only a part of the Nigerian Navy's wider Regional maritime capability initiative.

Regional AWARENESS capability

Also, we are talking about GROUND FORCES
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Patchesagain: 10:32pm On Nov 18, 2015

Yes, the Nigerian military did not learn anything new it did not previously know. Amani Africa II in terms of training, for a country like Nigeria, was only a Jamboree, a Carnival.

We did not learn anything.

I mean, the tactics employed by the SANDF as well as the tiny nations who joined the ACIRC are from the 70s. Those tactics have no place in today's battle field.

How are those tactics from the 1970's?

look! Koreans showing off 1970's tactics!


and americans


How did your men not learn anything if Nigeria does not perform Brigade sized exercises?

You are pathetic, this is nothing more than the usual Nigerian hubris


Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Patchesagain: 10:37pm On Nov 18, 2015
To the South-Africans,

What does your Chaka system do?

Here is what we (I) (Nigerians) know it does.

"Chaka which will enable a commander with
situational awareness to electronically plan, send and
control the execution of operations."

Well done

We know this.

Do you have such a thing?

(I wont even ask about intergrated data-link, Bluefor trackers etc)
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Patchesagain: 10:38pm On Nov 18, 2015

-Nigerian Proforce LAVs are used by the Rwandan police in the Central African Republic, "you remember this country right?"...... Same country SANDF special forces conspicuously ran away from after getting beaten blue-black.

- Proforce LAVs were also delivered to South-Sudan, but i do not know the country that ordered it, probably Rwanda.

Citations please.
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Patchesagain: 10:38pm On Nov 18, 2015

[s]-Do you live in Africa?

- Are you sure you are African?

- Ever heard of African family values/Respect?

" You don't visit a man in his house in Africa and insult his wife's cooking".[/s]

Lol, Henry120 avoids the question as hard as he can.
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Patchesagain: 10:40pm On Nov 18, 2015

It is not as good as what the Navy has, it is not even as good as what the Airforce has.

Yet they...... These Saffers, won't left us rest.

Where are you getting this info from?

Again, do you want to compare capabilities?
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Patchesagain: 10:41pm On Nov 18, 2015

"The CHAKA Blue Force Tracking system is a GPSenabled
system that provides military commanders
and forces with location information about own military
forces. The system provides a common picture of the
location of friendly forces and therefore is referred to
as the “Blue Force” tracker. The system is currently
utilized by the SA National Defence Force.
The CHAKA Blue Force Tracking system can track
land, air and maritime assets as the user requirements
and specifications ensured that this is obtainable.
The system consists of a CHAKA software enabled
computer, used to display location information, a
satellite terminal and satellite antenna, used to transmit
and receive location and other military data, a Global
Positioning System receiver (to determine its own
position) and mapping software, in the form of a
Geographic Information System (GIS), that plots the
BFT device on a map. The system displays the
location of the deployed Blue Force Tracking units on
the computer’s terrain-map display in their respective
locations. The Blue Force Tracking unit continually
transmits its own location over the encrypted network.
The CHAKA software enabled computer then
monitors the location and progress of own forces
and consolidate the data into a common operational
picture, or COP."

"BattleTek IV supports war simulation exercises
and training on the tactical and operational level of
command. The system helps to improve Leadership
competencies and to practice the “Art of War”.
The objectives of simulations are to exercise:
• Combat decision making on a tactical level.
• Functioning and execution of C² measures.
• Planning and execution of Staff and HQ
• Execution of battle control.
The BattleTek IV system provides comprehensive
simulation support in terms of land, air and naval
based warfare and conflict activities. The system
is flexible in application and easy to maintain or
expand. It utilises standard hardware components,
infrastructure and IT equipment.
BattleTek IV may also be used to evaluate and test
plans and decision support, and to test and improve
Standard Operational Procedures (SOPs), doctrine
and procedures.
As it is WISE compliant it can be used as an
exercise or scenario stimulator for HLA, MIP and
DIS compliant systems. This supports the mantra:
“Train as you Fight and Fight as you Train”.
BattleTek IV caters for Multi Player, Multi Forces
(Red, Blue and Neutral) and has a comprehensive
After Action Review capability. It is scalable
(supports 200 clients and can easily support
up to 15 000 entities) has a fully integrated
Geographic Information System (GIS) functionality
with 2D map view."

[size=15pt]FVCKIN WRECKED [/size]


Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Patchesagain: 10:42pm On Nov 18, 2015

Post the source.

Stop posting different pics of different places with no South African military personnel. You can't just post a pics that shows nothing South African. What if the pics are from another country.

The pics I posted is the Chaka system in South African army. We want to see your officers in the control room like the 1 we posted.

Ours is better than yours tongue tongue


1 Like

Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Nobody: 10:47pm On Nov 18, 2015

How are those tactics from the 1970's?

look! Koreans showing off 1970's tactics!


and americans


How did your men not learn anything if Nigeria does not perform Brigade sized exercises?

You are pathetic, this is nothing more than the usual Nigerian hubris

Mumu South-African!

Why don't you name the African country which faces a North-Korea or Russia type threat in Africa?


Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Patchesagain: 10:49pm On Nov 18, 2015

Mumu South-African!

Why don't you name the African country which faces a North-Korea or Russia type threat in Africa?

Mumu Nigerian!

Tell us how that assault is 1970's style and differs from todays tactics!
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by iblawi(m): 10:57pm On Nov 18, 2015

Here's the source: http://www.landforcesafrica.com/uploads/sponsors/6679_brochure_en.pdf

[size=32pt]THIEF, OLE, BARAWO [/size]

Pls can someone help me laugh at this guy?

He doesn't even know what he is doing or probably another cheat like others.

He doesn't know want SA Chaka is and was posting pics from Saab site

This what your Chaka looks like dummy

He can't even differentiate between Battle tek iv from Chaka. Mumu

He thinks he can deceive us with fine pics.

We will always be ahead of SA mumu.

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Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by iblawi(m): 11:10pm On Nov 18, 2015
I can't believe South Africa is this backward.

We are far ahead of you.

Your almighty Chaka is bullsshit

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Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by iblawi(m): 11:20pm On Nov 18, 2015


I have to like your pics unlike the criminal that feels he can deceive Nigerians with fine pics. grin grin grin

That is exactly how it looks.
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by iblawi(m): 11:27pm On Nov 18, 2015

Holy fvk!!! The retaardedness in your post is almost unbelievable.....If it wasn't for the fact that i met Agubugu, i would've thought your joking, because before i met him i seriously didnt think someone can be anymore retaarded.

My source is from Saab Grintek, a company which is 70% owned by Saab and 30% owned by Imbani Holdings, it also the company that developed the Chaka C2 system. Also the Battle tek iv is a software system integrated into the Chaka C2 system, its exactly this system which was used to simulate exercises during Amani ii just a few days ago.

Answer this questions honestly.

1) were the pictures you posted from SADF?

2)can you differentiate between Chaka and Battle tek?

3)do you now know the difference between them? If yes, is your Chaka anywhere close to ours C2 at least from the pics?

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Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Patchesagain: 11:29pm On Nov 18, 2015

Answer this questions honestly.

1) were the pictures you posted from SADF?

2)can you differentiate between Chaka and Battle tek?

3)do you now know the difference between them? If yes, is your Chaka anywhere close to ours C2 at least from the pics?

Can you list your capabilities?

No you cannot, because you are posting SURVEILLANCE CAPABILITIES


Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Nobody: 11:29pm On Nov 18, 2015

I have to like your pics unlike the criminal that feels he can deceive Nigerians with fine pics. grin grin grin

That is exactly how it looks.
How am i trying to deceive you bro?? The Images belongs to Frum!! If you say they aren't South African(Which they are) then go debate it with him.

Anyway here are some more pics for you:

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Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Nobody: 11:30pm On Nov 18, 2015

Answer this questions honestly.

1) were the pictures you posted from SADF?

2)can you differentiate between Chaka and Battle tek?

3)do you now know the difference between them? If yes, is your Chaka anywhere close to ours C2 at least from the pics?
1. What?

2. I just did!!

3. No our C2 system is definitely not close to yours.... its light years ahead.

OH BTW post a source of the capabilities of your C2 system please!

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Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by iblawi(m): 11:56pm On Nov 18, 2015

1. What?

2. I just did!!

3. No our C2 system is definitely not close to yours.... its light years ahead.

OH BTW post a source of the capabilities of your C2 system please!
directly from your Saab source, this is what you have?

I asked you if what you have belong to SADF and you are twisting things around.

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Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by iblawi(m): 11:59pm On Nov 18, 2015

1. What?

2. I just did!!

3. No our C2 system is definitely not close to yours.... its light years ahead.

OH BTW post a source of the capabilities of your C2 system please!
directly from your Saab source, this is what you have?

I asked you if what you posted belongs to SADF and you are twisting things around.

The answer is No.

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Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Nobody: 12:09am On Nov 19, 2015
directly from your Saab source, this is what you have?

I asked you if what you posted belongs to SADF and you are twisting things around.

The answer is No.

What do you mean belongs to the SANDF? Its says in the Source that the Chaka system is used by the SANDF!!

And the other photos i posted are also of SANDF equipment!! You can clearly see SAAF personal using the system!!

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Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Msauza(m): 6:01am On Nov 19, 2015

Yes I did, the photo is from Proforce website, same as the UN painted white LAV.

Busted? How? kissBy posting from Proforce website? http://www.prforcedefence.com/picgallery/index.html

The photo is fake, finish and klaar.

Tell your proforce that Okator will punish them for stealing their intellectual property and close down their business, once and for all.


Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Msauza(m): 6:09am On Nov 19, 2015
You know not what you speak of.
Your leader,ojukwu,fled to cote d'ivoire after losing the succession war,leaving behind a disillusioned army of rebels and a starved nation; that tells you the calibre of leaders that propagated the dubious idea of a sovereign state of biafra.If he had stood his ground and perhaps,even died for his cause(like hitler,napoleon and others did),he would have been a matyr and biafra would have been in existence today.
As it is,60% of educated igbo people do not want biafra; they understand that succeding from Nigeria would only spark another vicious cycle of socio-political flunctuations range from the military occassionally seizing power to greedy politicians inciting violence between minority clans.
Biafra would have to relearn democracy.

That's why we Igbos do not want to associate with stupidd people like you. We want self I determination so that next time when we visit Enugu in Biafra we should do so with pride.
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Msauza(m): 6:43am On Nov 19, 2015
[size=32pt]Nigerians don't make noise. [/size]

Another UAV from a different company

Vehicles (UAV- Drones)

The utility of Proforce' Un-manned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) will be felt after the first phase of its launch as they are classified as man-packable and easily deployable for over-the-hill aerial intelligence in any environment.

The Ade-Predator 001 in its operation brings secured and simultaneous tactical situational awareness to ground forces and remote command. Our UAVs operate based on the Vertical Take-Off and Landing(VTOL) flight; therefore it enables fixed hover for precise observation with low-risk retrieval on land or ship.

Proforce UAV platform brings the world of aerial intelligence directly to ground troops. With an excellent user-interface any soldier can easily become an expert in tactical surveillance gathering.

Our UAVs fly beyond a sight and see what is happening anywhere, with an endurance of up to an hour in air. However, night time flying is possible anywhere with thermal or infra-red imaging system.

Proforce UAVs are suitable for quick emergency and disaster response with mission payload, data links and ground control system.

Show us that UAV please and stop going wild about something you dont even know how it looks like.
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Msauza(m): 6:53am On Nov 19, 2015

The error comes from the company, not Agaugust. The image is image 28 in their picture gallery.

The Vehicle the company is currently developing is also in that photo-gallery. Nobody is trying to fool anybody, at-least not in this thread or mine.

Error my foot, that's what we call Photoshop in an IT terminology.

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