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Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? - Foreign Affairs (373) - Nairaland

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Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by andrewza: 3:25pm On Jun 21, 2013

south africa should have spied on seleka rebels, thats how good/modern military forces operate.

if you dont spy the result you get is in this photo below !

Intended can not be seen through pictures not to mention level of training, condition of weapons, extra extra . SA forces in CAR where for some time saying things were on edge. If the regional forces and local forces had actual done somting other than step aside, switch sides or run away the battle could have been won, or fought to a draw, delayed till reinforcements. But intended can not be seen through a picture.
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by agaugust: 3:25pm On Jun 21, 2013
andrewza: THey over through batista a american backed puppet government, name one cuban victory over SA.

post source to prove your claim of many military victories in cuba's war history. we are waiting.
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Msauza(m): 3:27pm On Jun 21, 2013

sit down in johannesburg and use south african UAV drone to take photos of an american airport in new york city the same way nigeria did.

Bwahahahahaha!!! Useless satellite. You must instead donate those satellites to your department of tourism.
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by kwamenkria: 3:28pm On Jun 21, 2013
@Drag on

Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by agaugust: 3:30pm On Jun 21, 2013
andrewza: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-17015873
112 million

@Andrewza you were born very craaaaazy, you are still posting the NBS report that world bank rejected. did BBC do research city to city all over nigeria ? you were born shaaaaaameless
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by andrewza: 3:32pm On Jun 21, 2013

post source to prove your claim of many military victories in cuba's war history. we are waiting.

so you saying that fidel and chey just walked in to cuba and batista left

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_history_of_Cuba a bit light in dtials but it shows that cuba sent solders all over the world
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by NaijaPikinGidi: 3:32pm On Jun 21, 2013

Bwahahahahaha!!! Useless satellite. You must instead donate those satellites to your department of tourism.

You seem to be stung on the nose anytime satelites are mentioned! Check out your tantrum highlighted above. Calm down ... it's only a facts based debate ... something you hate to accept on a thread like this.
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by andrewza: 3:33pm On Jun 21, 2013

@Andrewza you were born very craaaaazy, you are still posting the NBS report that world bank rejected. did BBC do research city to city all over nigeria ? you were born shaaaaaameless

yet i gave you your world bank and imf reports, the facts remain.
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by agaugust: 3:33pm On Jun 21, 2013

nigerian idepency was achieved on 1 October 1960. Befor that you where a british colony and had no control over your foreign policy and you internal policy was run by brits. Any force you sent was a british forces using african solders not a nigerian force.

....and those world war II black nigerian hausa/igbo/yoruba soldiers are white-british men abi ? you were craaaaazy since you were born
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by agaugust: 3:40pm On Jun 21, 2013
andrewza: http://data.worldbank.org/country/nigeria

the world bank data in your weblink is out dated year 2010, its clearly stated there boldly to read, and there is no current figure for first quarter 2013 and world bank has said nobody in this world knows the true figures both now or long ago since research was never done...so...you still wrong very wrong.

nigeria has one of the fastest growing economies in the world at 7% a year. from 2010 to 2013 it has improve by about 30% extra GPD and that means production and that means more wealth and more new jobs and businesses due to economic rapid expansion. a 2010 figure that was not even a genuine research figure in the first place, becomes very out-dated imaginary data.

if you like falsehood mr satellite, raise your own children on a foundation of lies

you see why world bank refused to update that website figure ? you can think ? or you got no h.ead ?

i know you have never been to a university so, universal standard research data validation/verification principles will be very strange to you.
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by dragon2(m): 3:42pm On Jun 21, 2013
Spy drones are the poor man's satellite,Neither the U.S nor Russia use drones for spying in truth.The drones used by the U.S. in large numbers are Armed drones.That is a different kit altogether.You cant use spy drones in a hostile territory without air superiority cause they are not designed to outmaneuver SAMs.Only china and the U.S. at the moment are known to have recently acquired the capability of shooting down satellites from space.Jamming or hijacking is still the preferred method.

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Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by andrewza: 3:50pm On Jun 21, 2013

....and those world war II black nigerian hausa/igbo/yoruba soldiers are white-british men abi ? you were craaaaazy since you were born

no but they were led, armed and trained by white men
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by agaugust: 3:50pm On Jun 21, 2013
drag_on: @agaugust
Simply military tactics will be to attack logistic support for the troops.cut out their anti-retro viral(HIV) supply,and they will become too weak to fight.

i learned a new war simulation and combat strategy today, i will inform my colonel boss in the office. true.
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Msauza(m): 3:51pm On Jun 21, 2013
How does it feel like if I pass this important information that my ancestors wherever they are laid have once defeated the mighty Britain empire. Something which the whole Nigeria in general cannot boast about. The Zulus without any foreign help managed to wipe out heavily armed British army and recorded in their name the most famous victory ever achieved by the black nation.
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by andrewza: 3:53pm On Jun 21, 2013
drag_on: Spy drones are the poor man's satellite,Neither the U.S nor Russia use drones for spying in truth.The drones used by the U.S. in large numbers are Armed drones.That is a different kit altogether.You cant use spy drones in a hostile territory without air superiority cause they are not designed to outmaneuver SAMs.Only china and the U.S. at the moment are known to have recently acquired the capability of shooting down satellites from space.Jamming or hijacking is still the preferred method.

show a source that most drones are armed, show a source that the US uses drones for target acquisition, show a source the us uses satellites to to give soldiers in the field real time information.
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by agaugust: 3:54pm On Jun 21, 2013
andrewza: and IMF


your source says IMF is confused about the NBS report too, same report world bank rejects...wrong economic data.

"It’s a bit of a conundrum,” W. Scott Rogers, the senior resident representative of the IMF in Nigeria, said in a May 16 interview in Abuja, the capital. “Income per capita has gone up yet poverty isn’t improving and we’re having a difficult time understanding why that is or how that could be."

case closed

Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by andrewza: 3:56pm On Jun 21, 2013

the world bank data in your weblink is out dated year 2010, its clearly stated there boldly to read, and there is no current figure for first quarter 2013 and world bank has said nobody in this world knows the true figures both now or long ago since research was never done...so...you still wrong very wrong.

nigeria has one of the fastest growing economies in the world at 7% a year. from 2010 to 2013 it has improve by about 30% extra GPD and that means production and that means more wealth and more new jobs and businesses due to economic rapid expansion. a 2010 figure not even a researched figure becomes very out-dated.

you see why world bank refused to update that website figure ? you can think ? or you got no h.ead ?

i know you have never been to a university so, universal standard research data validation/verification principles will be very strange to you.

the world bank does not trust nigerian government sources actually nobody does. The numbers could be higher. GDP does not mean jobs, nor increased production nor lower poverty.

they refuse to update because nigeria can not collected simple data
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by dragon2(m): 3:59pm On Jun 21, 2013
@ andrewza i didn't say most drones are armed. i said that the drones in most use by the U.S.(powers that be) are Armed Drones.The Armed drones come with target acquisition.
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by chris365(m): 4:00pm On Jun 21, 2013
drag_on: @ kwame nkria
Analyse the data ,look out especially for 'rate of infection'

no boss. You shouldn't have gone through that stress for the child. He's too stvpid for that.
Just allow him to have his fun with his game of stupidity.
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by andrewza: 4:01pm On Jun 21, 2013
drag_on: @ andrewza i didn't say most drones are armed. i said that the drones in most use by the U.S.(powers that be) are Armed Drones.The Armed drones come with target acquisition.

i mean for the USA, show proof that most of there drones are flying around armend.
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by agaugust: 4:02pm On Jun 21, 2013

drag_on: concerning the poverty in Nigeria Myth here is a piece which most Nigerians will agree with.

weblink source http://www.thisdaylive.com/articles/poverty-threshold-in-nigeria-myth-or-reality-/147595/ smiley

[size=16pt]this settles the debate. thanks[/size]
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by agaugust: 4:10pm On Jun 21, 2013

NK v SK stared has a civil war but both nations are at a point where they are nations now. Has i said had bifara won or even forced a draw then bifar could be called a nation. But they lost

you did not realy look hard http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkish_invasion_of_Cyprus.

And how will algeria attack SA

north korea and south korea never fought as as two separate independent nations, they stand along a separation line and fought civil war to create a long lasting break up.

turkey greece war was a cyprus war on cyprus' land, i know it very much so i did not count it because it involved a 3rd nation and a 3rd territory we dont know who was much on battlefront, the turks/greeks ot north/south cyproits ? i like to avoid confusion when i see it.
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by agaugust: 4:15pm On Jun 21, 2013

so you saying that fidel and chey just walked in to cuba and batista left

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_history_of_Cuba a bit light in dtials but it shows that cuba sent solders all over the world

you are quoting war of 1898, when we are talking modern war. can i also quote nigerian war in 1800 generation when the british first invaded to colonize lagos ?

the 1898 war you quoted was fought by america/britain against spain in cuba, few cubans were there, how is that great war history ? and is it those same 1898 cubans that fought south africa in angola in 1988 about 100 years later ?

you craaaaazy !!
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by dragon2(m): 4:20pm On Jun 21, 2013
@andrewza The predator drone is the primary Armed drone of the U.S. and the one being deployed in targeted killing of taliban,al-qaeda and their associates.But to make it easier for you.The only "TRUE" battlefied reconnisance drone is the RQ-170 Sentinel if i am right.This is because its a stealth drone.The RCS of most so called spy drones make it impossible for stealth work in enemy airspace where you don't have air superiority,even their speed means they can be shot down by simple shoulder mounted SAMs.Iran even claimed to shoot down a sentinel. If you do have air superiority then drones are an option.However satellites give you unhindered access to enemy positions even if you dont have air superiority.In short most "reconnaissance drones being sold are for defence,border patrol etc.
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by andrewza: 4:28pm On Jun 21, 2013

you are quoting war of 1898, when we are talking modern war. can i also quote nigerian war in 1800 generation when the british first invaded to colonize ?

the 1898 war you quoted was fought by america/britain against spain in cuba, few cubans were there, how is that great war history ? and is it those same 1898 cubans that fought south africa in angola in 1988 over 100 years later ?

you craaaaazy !!

i am not talking of 1898 but of the cold war.
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by CraigB: 4:31pm On Jun 21, 2013
patriot4: Brother, you have tried. The problem is that there seems to be no moderator. Some kids from one sex crazed country think that they can rewrite history and defy logics on this forum.
What a pity. Nairaland should know that these kids are only trying to run it down.

Admitting defeat, as you should. You didn't need a moderator when Agaugust was in his heyday, along that other All4 person. Now that he's fallen, having succumbed to the sword of debate, you are crying for a moderator.

We see you.
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by andrewza: 4:38pm On Jun 21, 2013
drag_on: @andrewza The predator drone is the primary Armed drone of the U.S. and the one being deployed in targeted killing of taliban,al-qaeda and their associates.But to make it easier for you.The only "TRUE" battlefied reconnisance drone is the RQ-170 Sentinel if i am right.This is because its a stealth drone.The RCS of most so called spy drones make it impossible for stealth work in enemy airspace where you don't have air superiority,even their speed means they can be shot down by simple shoulder mounted SAMs.Iran even claimed to shoot down a sentinel. If you do have air superiority then drones are an option.However satellites give you unhindered access to enemy positions even if you dont have air superiority.In short most "reconnaissance drones being sold are for defence,border patrol etc.

the predator is the most common armed drone in US service but that does not mean that the majority of drones used by america are armend. not yet in any case. There are a few UCAV strike platforms in development

global hawk can out fly most 3rd world countries Air defense

iran claimed to have hacked it not shoot it. there is a difference

satellites are not always on station, not real time, are easy to fool, blocked by cloud or even smoke and generally of limited tactical value.
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by CraigB: 4:43pm On Jun 21, 2013

nigeria has one of the fastest growing economies in the world at 7% a year

"Fastest growing" does not mean "grown". Big difference.

Facts aren't going to be changed by this.
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by agaugust: 4:43pm On Jun 21, 2013

the world bank does not trust nigerian government sources actually nobody does. The numbers could be higher. GDP does not mean jobs, nor increased production nor lower poverty.

they refuse to update because nigeria can not collected simple data

so where did you get 100 million figure since you now confesed there is NO data ? grin

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