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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Daddy Freeze Replies Pastor Adeboye’s Response To His Teachings On Tithing (55773 Views)
Daddy Freeze Replies Leke Adeboye On Farming And Trade By Barter / Pastor Nicolas Uagbor: "Daddy Freeze May Die Before Next Year". Freeze Replies / Daddy Freeze Replies Apostle Suleman On Tithing (Free The Sheeple) (2) (3) (4)
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Re: Daddy Freeze Replies Pastor Adeboye’s Response To His Teachings On Tithing by slimtoney(m): 11:14am On Nov 07, 2017 |
Abudu2000: Please can you address the rot that has become of your so called churches and stop being a hypocrite by dragging mosques into this non-sense |
Re: Daddy Freeze Replies Pastor Adeboye’s Response To His Teachings On Tithing by Nobody: 11:15am On Nov 07, 2017 |
This guy is becoming a nuisance. |
Re: Daddy Freeze Replies Pastor Adeboye’s Response To His Teachings On Tithing by kenoz(m): 11:17am On Nov 07, 2017 |
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Re: Daddy Freeze Replies Pastor Adeboye’s Response To His Teachings On Tithing by PaChukwudi44(m): 11:18am On Nov 07, 2017 |
nairavsdollars: RCCG 20 million? who dash monkey banana |
Re: Daddy Freeze Replies Pastor Adeboye’s Response To His Teachings On Tithing by shine12: 11:18am On Nov 07, 2017 |
NERDYDREAMS: Show me where Paul or Jesus preached paying tithe. But I can show you where Christians gave money in the new testament and it was not called Tithe. 2 Corinthains 9: 7 Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 1 Corinthians 16:2 On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with your income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made. If we are saying we will use being "Biblical" as a basis, then you can commit murder because 1 Samuel 15: 3 says: Now go and completely destroy the entire Amalekite nation--men, women, children, babies, cattle, sheep, goats, camels, and donkeys." You try and destroy your enemy's property and kill enemy women and babies and see if you wont go to jail or even be sentenced to death. What I find unbelievable is the way Christians have mixed the Bible together to the point of not being able to understand the context, reason behind and the the difference between the old and new covenant. 4 Likes |
Re: Daddy Freeze Replies Pastor Adeboye’s Response To His Teachings On Tithing by Unik3030: 11:19am On Nov 07, 2017 |
Benita27:i like u for that response, majority of people here are nairaland as paradise that's y they stylishly lick the ass of the so called moderators forgetting there's life outside nairaland 1 Like |
Re: Daddy Freeze Replies Pastor Adeboye’s Response To His Teachings On Tithing by EPAINYOU: 11:20am On Nov 07, 2017 |
Oildichotomy: Can someone dash this boy sense. He has no biblical evidence for the question. No one does. All I see here is, ''who is this boy? Freeze leave us alone, it is not by force to pay tithe.'' What is at stake here is the truth. Who has it? If you do, give biblical evidence. Freeze has given his. Una dey shame us for public o. 3 Likes |
Re: Daddy Freeze Replies Pastor Adeboye’s Response To His Teachings On Tithing by Thylord(m): 11:21am On Nov 07, 2017 |
CNNN:because he is making sense and trying to liberate the gullible fish brain mumus. 3 Likes |
Re: Daddy Freeze Replies Pastor Adeboye’s Response To His Teachings On Tithing by martineverest(m): 11:22am On Nov 07, 2017 |
Larrey:well said 1 Like |
Re: Daddy Freeze Replies Pastor Adeboye’s Response To His Teachings On Tithing by Gap2020(m): 11:22am On Nov 07, 2017 |
Smellymouth: 1 Like |
Re: Daddy Freeze Replies Pastor Adeboye’s Response To His Teachings On Tithing by Unik3030: 11:22am On Nov 07, 2017 |
layonke:u dey craze!!!u better free your mind from spiritual slavery b4 it's too late. God's elect that couldn't say a word when Christians were killed in thousands just because he doesn't want to hurt the people in power. God's elect that has branches more than dangote in d world but couldn't help Nigeria in any way other than playing gamble with prophecies. 2 Likes |
Re: Daddy Freeze Replies Pastor Adeboye’s Response To His Teachings On Tithing by talk2percy(m): 11:23am On Nov 07, 2017 |
I love this Daddy Freeze guy! This man knows his bible more than most of this thieving pastors. Adeboye, answer him and back it up biblically too... 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Daddy Freeze Replies Pastor Adeboye’s Response To His Teachings On Tithing by Next2Bezee(m): 11:23am On Nov 07, 2017 |
Chybeibe: The truth hurts. 2 Likes |
Re: Daddy Freeze Replies Pastor Adeboye’s Response To His Teachings On Tithing by anonimi: 11:23am On Nov 07, 2017 |
majamajic: Very nice. Adeboye should respond with Bible passages as appropriate. 1 Like |
Re: Daddy Freeze Replies Pastor Adeboye’s Response To His Teachings On Tithing by martineverest(m): 11:24am On Nov 07, 2017 |
CNNN:does he's not far from truth |
Re: Daddy Freeze Replies Pastor Adeboye’s Response To His Teachings On Tithing by Next2Bezee(m): 11:25am On Nov 07, 2017 |
layonke: Were you there when God elected him? Some Nigerians wonder gullible people like you forget to worship God and instead worship your pastors. 2 Likes |
Re: Daddy Freeze Replies Pastor Adeboye’s Response To His Teachings On Tithing by martineverest(m): 11:25am On Nov 07, 2017 |
shadrach77:that's what our pastors preach |
Re: Daddy Freeze Replies Pastor Adeboye’s Response To His Teachings On Tithing by Habyz(m): 11:25am On Nov 07, 2017 |
donblade85555:Daddy freeze is an OAP. With your statement I'm beginning to wonder if you aren't jobless yourself. 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Daddy Freeze Replies Pastor Adeboye’s Response To His Teachings On Tithing by Nobody: 11:26am On Nov 07, 2017 |
positivelord: I pay my tithe once in a while, and that's I want to do it.. at times I just use the money for something else and tithe doesn't guarantee u a place in heaven 1 Like |
Re: Daddy Freeze Replies Pastor Adeboye’s Response To His Teachings On Tithing by jamace(m): 11:26am On Nov 07, 2017 |
nairavsdollars:#freethesheeple |
Re: Daddy Freeze Replies Pastor Adeboye’s Response To His Teachings On Tithing by Nobody: 11:27am On Nov 07, 2017 |
Smellymouth:They keep confusing morality with religiosity,forgetting that it is perfectly possible to be irreligious and have high moral standards.This Adeboye and other so-called men of God are practically worshipped in Nigeria. 4 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Daddy Freeze Replies Pastor Adeboye’s Response To His Teachings On Tithing by martineverest(m): 11:27am On Nov 07, 2017 |
NERDYDREAMS:u already took side....... Everybody is equal and relevant in God's sight 1 Like |
Re: Daddy Freeze Replies Pastor Adeboye’s Response To His Teachings On Tithing by mboma(m): 11:28am On Nov 07, 2017 |
nairavsdollars:my people perish cos they lack common sense.. and so 20m people, are they God? #rubbish talk 1 Like |
Re: Daddy Freeze Replies Pastor Adeboye’s Response To His Teachings On Tithing by jacyhelen(f): 11:28am On Nov 07, 2017 |
Larrey: There are no blessings in tithing. Giving and tithing are two different things. The Bible made it cleae who you should give to, it's definitely not pastors. Hebrews 13:16 16 And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. This is what obviously pleases God. You don't have to twist the word of God for your own benefits. Giving unnecessarily to thieving pastors is a waste of time that comes with no blessings. In fact, it is deep wickedness for a man to be aware that his so called tithes are being used maliciously and still continue to contribute to the pastor's wealth when there are poor people insight everywhere in the country. The bible says we should be as wise as a serpent for a reason. Proverbs 19:17 17 Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done. Anything else but this simply means you are wasting your time. God isn't a money doubler, when you give to your pastors expecting 30 folds it means you believe God is a money doubler and your tithes is not freely given but it's an investment. 33 Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. 34 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Luke 12:33-34 NIV Sell your Possessions and give it to the POOR and not tithe it to the temple. Jesus never preached tithes but he preached giving to the poor. That should tell you a lot. 44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ 45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ Matthew 25:44-45 NIV The only way to give to God is to give to the poor period! 5 Likes |
Re: Daddy Freeze Replies Pastor Adeboye’s Response To His Teachings On Tithing by aribisala0(m): 11:29am On Nov 07, 2017 |
philcz:That is how Joshua went round the wall of Jericho till it fell. The wall of blindness covering people's eyes will soon fall and Freeze is the Joshua to make that happen 2 Likes |
Re: Daddy Freeze Replies Pastor Adeboye’s Response To His Teachings On Tithing by martineverest(m): 11:29am On Nov 07, 2017 |
sharpwriter:u made my day 2 Likes |
Re: Daddy Freeze Replies Pastor Adeboye’s Response To His Teachings On Tithing by Sage7(m): 11:30am On Nov 07, 2017 |
It might interest you to know that Pastor Adeboye does not even know him. Cut me some slack jor. Attention seeker |
Re: Daddy Freeze Replies Pastor Adeboye’s Response To His Teachings On Tithing by martineverest(m): 11:31am On Nov 07, 2017 |
Gotze1:attack the message not d messager 2 Likes |
Re: Daddy Freeze Replies Pastor Adeboye’s Response To His Teachings On Tithing by layonke: 11:32am On Nov 07, 2017 |
Register on this platform to win a property for free. |
Re: Daddy Freeze Replies Pastor Adeboye’s Response To His Teachings On Tithing by lexy2014: 11:33am On Nov 07, 2017 |
Larrey:do u expect them to explain away their source of income?just do ur own research. Pls check acts 4:32-35 especially verse 35. Deuteronomy 14 from verse 22 is very explicit but d emotions of Christians won't let them c beyond what they have been told in church 2 Likes |
Re: Daddy Freeze Replies Pastor Adeboye’s Response To His Teachings On Tithing by PointZerom: 11:33am On Nov 07, 2017 |
DEUTERONOMY 14:26—HOW CAN THIS PASSAGE PERMIT THE USE OF STRONG DRINK WHEN OTHER PASSAGES CONDEMN ITS CONSUMPTION? PROBLEM: According to Deuteronomy 14:26 , God permitted the purchase of wine or strong drink for conducting a feast before the Lord. However, Leviticus 10:8–9 forbids the use of strong drink by the priests, and passages like Proverbs 20:1 , 23:29–35 , and 31:4–5 seem to forbid the use of strong drink by all. How can this passage permit the use of strong drink when these other passages clearly condemn its use? SOLUTION: It is clear that the Scriptures condemn the use of strong drink. For example, Leviticus 10:8–9 forbids the priest from drinking wine or strong drink when he is supposed to minister in the tent of meeting. Also, Proverbs forbids the use of wine or strong drink by kings or rulers, lest they pervert justice. Further, many passages warn of the deceitfulness of strong drink (Prov. 20:1 ) and condemn the use of it in general. The word translated “eat” in Deut. 14:26 is a general term for consuming and may include the idea of drinking as well as eating solid food. However, the passage does not grant permission to drink strong drink or to drink to excess. Such action is specifically condemned in the NT as well as the OT. It was a common practice to dilute the strong drink (i.e., normally fermented grape juice) with about three parts water to one part wine. In this weaker form, imbibed with meals in moderation, there was no fear of excess. It is only in this sense that “wine” was permitted in the Scriptures and then only in a culture that was not alcoholic. While moderate drinking of this diluted wine may be permissible, in a culture shot through with alcoholism (such as ours), it is not profitable. Paul warns us in 1 Corinthians 6:12 that “All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful.” Paul declared that “It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother to fall” (Rom. 14:21 , niv). God desires that our lives be influenced by the Spirit, not by the spirits. The Bible is opposed to both strong drink and drunkenness (1 Cor. 6:9–10 ; Eph. 5:18 ). It pronounces woes on those who drink either strong drink or who drink in excess ( Isa. 5:11 ; Amos 6:1 , 6 ; Micah 2:11 ). Christian leaders are urged to be temperate (1 Tim. 3:3 , 8 ). All are warned that too much alcohol is abhored by God ( Amos 6:1–8 ). And although moderate amounts were recommended for medicinal purposes (1 Tim. 5:23 ), nowhere does the Bible commend strong drink as a beverage. The only reference to taking “strong drink” is as a pain killer in extreme circumstances: “Give strong drink to him who is perishing” (Prov. 31:6 ). Deuteronomy 14:26 should not be taken as an excuse to imbibe strong drink for several reasons. First, the stated command was not to drink it, but simply to buy it. There were other legitimate uses for owning alcohol, namely for cooking, healing (cf. Luke 10:34 ), and pain-killing. Second, the very next verse speaks only of “eating” food, not of drinking strong drink. Third, even if drinking is implied along with eating (v. 26 ), the Jews always diluted it with about three parts water to one part wine before they drank it in moderation with their meals. Done in this light form in such moderate amounts with food guaranteed them against the excesses known in today’s alcoholic cultures. Fourth, it is still always wrong to use an unclear passage (such as Deuteronomy 14:26 ) to contradict all the clear ones (cited above) against strong drink. In view of all these factors, it is best to conclude with the Apostle Paul, “It is good neither to eat meat nor drink wine nor do anything by which your brother stumbles or is offended or is made weak” (Rom. 14:21 ). 2 Likes |
Re: Daddy Freeze Replies Pastor Adeboye’s Response To His Teachings On Tithing by blueblood1(m): 11:33am On Nov 07, 2017 |
[quote author=Larrey post=62148094]Hmm. I pay my tithe and Not supporting or opposing daddy freeze, but the pastors should explain more to us about tithe with Bible verses. [/quodte] So you are too dumb to search the Bible yourself. Must you wait for a pastor to explain what is clearly written In black and white? 2 Likes |
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