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Can You Confirm The Bolded With Me And Give Me Advice? - Religion - Nairaland

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Can You Confirm The Bolded With Me And Give Me Advice? by Nobody: 8:37am On Nov 09, 2017
I spend money on MADNESS, but today is the first day of the rest of my life. I am going to complete a spending tracker and will monitor my spending habits, no more WASTING MONEY.

Also what do you think about this? Can you give me advice please.

I am obsessed with things being brand new.

I always want to be brand new, infact, I envy babies and small children and I wish that I could go back to the day I was born and start a new life.

I have changed my number so many times, in the space of 1 year I have had 12 numbers.

I am constantly changing email address, because I want a ‘new’ one – I have even run out of email name combinations for my email address with the email provider, with multiple email providers

I have even changed my name at one point but changed it back

I always wants to re-invent himself, and be a new person

Always doing factory reset on my phone, always cleaning my house, always writing things and when it looks messy throwing it away - spent so much money on note books

Always changing school and jobs

How can I stop this behaviour?

Church hasn’t worked for me, counselling did not work..

I remember when I bought a brand new laptop but because I felt I had contaminated it – I sold the laptop for 2nd hand on the day I bought it, because I wanted a brand new one
Re: Can You Confirm The Bolded With Me And Give Me Advice? by Julivas(m): 1:03pm On Nov 09, 2017
Kindly go to God in prayer and ask HIM to help you, then you have to be determined in your heart to stop the behaviour.
God helps you.

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