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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Islam for Muslims / Judgement Day (signs, Stages & Proceedings) (21551 Views)
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Re: Judgement Day (signs, Stages & Proceedings) by babs787(m): 8:12pm On Oct 29, 2008 |
Case of prophet Ibrahim (as) abd his father (Aazar) Prophet Ibrahim (AS) will meet his father (whose face will be black and covered with dust). The latter will implore him to appeal for mercy to Allah (swt) on his behalf. The following conversation will ensue between them: Ibrahim: Didn’t I tell you not to disobey me? Azar: I will not disobey you today Ibrahim: (appealing to Allah) O lord! You promised not to disgrace me on the day of resurrection; and what will be more disgraceful to me than cursing and dishonoring my father? Allah: (responding) I have forbidden Paradise for the disbelievers. O Ibrahim! Look! What is underneath your feet? Ibrahim: He will look and there he will see a Dhikh; ( an animal – male Hyena, blood stained), which would be seized by the legs and flung into the hell fire. Case of oppression Allah will also redress all acts of injustice and oppression. He will return the rightful possessions of the wronged to them, to such an extent that the seller of milk who diluted it with water will be asked to separate it. It will be such a terrible moment that Allah will even avenge the obligation of the hornless goat from the horned goat. Those who unjustly take land measuring up to a hand span will have seven folds of the measuring of that land hang around their neck. Those who have taken what they did not have right to, will carry it on their heads this day. Those who stole or took camels will carry it on their heads while they will be grunting, those of cow while it would be mooing and those of goat while it will be bleating. Case of Zakat defaulters The gold or silver of the person who has them but fails to pay the Zakat due on it will be melted into slabs and heated in the hell fire. Thereafter, his sides, forehead and back will be branded therewith. When the slabs become cool, they will be heated up again and the branding will continue in proportion to his default. In the same way, the owner of camels who does not discharge what is due in respect of them will be thrown on his face in a wide level plain to be trampled upon by the camels. These camels will be strong and fat. They will trample on him and tear him apart with their teeth. When the last of them would have passed over him, the first of them will begin the process again. One who owns cows and goats but does not discharge his obligations in respect of them will be thrown on his face in a wide level plain when none of the animals will be missing and none will be without horns. They will gore him with their horns and will trample on him and when one side has finished the other side will begin. Case of show off Three groups of people will be arraigned before Allah. They are the martyr, the rich and the servant. They will be shown all the bounties that had been bestowed upon them. They will recognize them. Thereafter, they will be asked the motives behind their actions. They will al answer in the following manner: Martyr: I fought in your cause and was martyr. Allah: You lie. You fought so that you might be called a warrior and so you were known!! Rich man: I spent my money in your cause so as to win your pleasure. Allah: you lie. You did all that so that you might be called a philantrophist and so were you called. Servant: I acquired knowledge and taught it, and I studied the QURAN to win your pleasure. Allah; you lied. You acquired knowledge so that you might be called a servant and you studied the Quran so that you might be called a Qaari (good reciter of the Quran), and you you were called. Judgement will then be passed on them. They will all be dragged on their faces and cast into hell fire. |
Re: Judgement Day (signs, Stages & Proceedings) by Nimshi: 5:40am On Oct 30, 2008 |
Re: Judgement Day (signs, Stages & Proceedings) by babs787(m): 7:39pm On Oct 30, 2008 |
@Nimshi I have been there. |
Re: Judgement Day (signs, Stages & Proceedings) by ttruth(m): 1:29pm On Feb 04, 2010 |
That is the reason why the sunni and shia will forever be at war with each other |
Re: Judgement Day (signs, Stages & Proceedings) by AbuZola3(m): 2:04pm On Feb 04, 2010 |
Barakallahu fihi @babz |
Re: Judgement Day (signs, Stages & Proceedings) by babs787(m): 6:20pm On May 18, 2010 |
CASE OF OPRESSON, EMBEZZLEMENT AND FRAUD Allah (swt) will also redress all acts of injustice and opression. He will return the rightful possessions of the wronged to them; to such an extent that the seller of milk who diluted it with water will be asked to separate it. It will be such a terrible moment that Allah will even avenge the obligation of the hornless goat from the horned goat. Those who unjustly take land measuring up to a hand-span will have seven folds of the measuring of that hang around their neck. Those who have taken what they did not have right to, will carry it on their heads this day. Those who stole or took camels will carry it on their heads while they will be grunting, those of cow will be mooing while those of cow will be bleating. CASE OF ZAKAAT DEFAULTERS The gold or silver of the person who has them but fails to pay the Zakat due on it will be melted nto slabs and heated in the hell fire. Thereafter, his sides, forehaead and back will be branded therewith.When the slabs become cool, they will be heated up again and the branding will continue in proportion to his default. In the same way,the owner of camels who does not discharge what is due in respect of them will be thrown on his face in a wide level plain to be trampled upo by the camels. These camels will be strong and fat. They will trample on hi and tear him apart with their teeth. When the last of them would have passed over him, the first of them will begin the process all over again. One who owns cows and goats but does not discharge his obligations in respect of them will be thrown on his face in a wide level plain when none of the animals will be missing and none will be without horns. They will gore him with their horns and will trample on him and when one side has finished the other side will begin. CASE OF SHOW OFF Three groups of people will be arraigned before Allah (swt). They are the matyr, the rich man and the servant.They will be shown all the bounties that had been bestowed upon them. They will recognise them. Thereafter, they will be asked the motives behind their actions. They will answer in the following manner: Martyr: I fought in your cause and was martyred. ALLAH: You lie. You fought so that you might be called a warrior and so you were known! Rich man: I spent my money in your cause so as to win Your pleasure. Allah; You lie. You did all that so that you might be called a philanthropist and so were you called. Servant: I acquired knowledge and taught it, and I studied the Quran to win Your pleasure. Allah: You lie. You acquired knowledge so that you might be called a servant and you studied the Quran so that you might be called a Qaari (good reciter of the Quran),and so were you called. Judgement will then be passed on them. They will be drageed on their faces and cast into hell fire. AL-MIIZAN (The Justice Scale) Al-Miizaan means the scale. It refers to the weighing of actions and deeds in the scale as part of the Judgement Day proceedings. No one wil be free from its crushing anxieties and bewilderment. It is one of the three moments the prophet has said that nobody will remember the other. Others are during the acceptance of books of deeds and the crossing over the bridge over hell (siraat). People will come forward one by one to weigh what is in their records of confirmation. If virtues outweigh vices, such a fellow will be fortunate to enter paradise. If otherwise, the hell will be his share. Allah said Quran 101 v 6-11:Then, he whose balance of deeds will be (found) heavy, will be in a life of good pleasure and satisfaction;but he whose balance (of good deeds) will be (found) light, he will have his abode in a fire blazing fiercely. PRIVATE TALK BETWEEN ALLAH AND THE BELIEVER The believer will be brought near hs Lord unti; He covers him with his Screen and makes him confess his sins. Allah will ask him,'do you know that you committed such and such sin?'. He will say,'I screen your sins in the world and I forgive them for you today. Then the records of his good deeds will be folded and given to him. |
Re: Judgement Day (signs, Stages & Proceedings) by babs787(m): 7:57am On May 20, 2010 |
FALLING INTO CAMPS THE ANNOUNCER He will announce that every nation or people should follow what they used to worship. The people of the cross will go with ther cross. The idolaters will go with their idols. Worshippers of every false deities will go with their gods. It will then remain those who used to worship Allah (swt), from the righteous and the mischievous ones, and some of the people of the book (the christians and jews). The hell will be presented to them as if it were a mirage. Then, it will be said to the Jews,'what did you used to worship'?. They will say,'we used to worship Uzayr (Ezra), the son of Allah and they will be told, 'you are liars'. They will be made to fall into the Hell. The christians will aso be asked the same question, they will say,'we used to worship the messiah, the son of God'. They would be told,'you are liars' and they will be made to fall into the Hell too. The pious one and the hypocrites will still remain. It will be said to them,'what kept you here when all other people have gone'? They will say,'we left them (in the world) when we were in greater need of them than we are today. We heard the call of one proclaiming,'let every nation follow what they used to worship' and now we are waiting for our Lord. Then Allah (swt) will come in a shape other than the one they first saw and He will say,'I am your Lord and they will say,'You are our Lord,'and none will speak to Him but the prophets. It will be said to them,'do you know any sign by which you can recognise Him'? They will say,'by the shin. Allah will then uncover His shin whereupon all believers will prostrate themxelves before Him. CASE OF THE HYPOCRITE After the believers have prostrated, there will remain those who used to prostrate themselves in the world for showing off and for gaijing good reputation. They will try to prostrate but they will not be able to do so, for Allah will turn their backbones into a single (vertebrate) bone like one piece of wood. Allah said in Quran 68 v 42: The day that the shin be laid bare and they shall be summoned to prostrate but they shall not be able. AS-SIRAAT (THE GREAT BRIDGE) After the court proceedings, the Siraat will be extended over the Hell. QURAN 19 V 71-72: There is not one of you but will pass over it (Hell), this is with your Lord, a decree which must be accomplished, then we shall save those who used to fear Allah and were dutiful to Him. And we shall leave the wrongdoers therein (humbled) to ther knees (in Hell). The companions asked, 'O Allah's messenger, what is the Siraat'?. He said,'it is a slippery bridge on which there are hooks, tongs and spits (like a thorny seed that is wide at one end and narrow at the other and has thorns with bent end). It is thinner than the hair and sharper than the sword. The flame of the Jahaanaam will be rising increasingly, while the thorny plants therein too, will be protruding forthwith. The bridge will be intensely enveloped in darkness but the light of the virtuous ones will guide them. The prophet will stand by the bridge with spirit of integrity and kinship standing on his right and left of the bridge. The first group from the believers will pass over it in a twinkle of an eye like lightning. Those following them woukd pass over with the speed of the wind and then the speed of flying birds, followed by horses and camels according to the quality of their deeds. The prophet (saw) will continue stabding at the bridge, supplicating,'Rabbi Sallim!Rabbi Sallim! (Lord, keep them safe)! (Lord, keep them safe)!. When the quality of people's deeds decline, the speed will slow down till a man will come who would not be able to walk, but will creep along. The last person on the bridge will cross as if being dragged over th bridge. On both sides of the bridge will be hanging hooks which will attach themselves to those they are commanded to seize. He who is merely scratched will be saved but those who are hepaed up will fall into the fire. |
Re: Judgement Day (signs, Stages & Proceedings) by babs787(m): 6:34pm On Jun 15, 2010 |
LIFE IN HELL (AL-JAHANNAM) The unbelievers would be led to hell in crowd until when they arrive there, its gates will be opened. And its keeper will say ,'did Messenger not come to you from among yourselves, reharsing to you the signs of your Lord, and warning you of the meeting of this day of yours? The answer wil be: 'yes' , (Quran 39 v 71) Those who will enter hell will be led into it in batches. The last batch of its denizens will be those who would have been heaped up by the hjanging hooks on the sides of the Siraat. There are those who will be in the hell forever. There are those who will be there for a while. This latter people will be those who believed in the oneness of Allah but are guilty of one sin or the other which would make them to be adjudged to hell. It is necessary to mention here that a day in the hereafter is 50,000 years of our earthly existence. Hence, if somebody is sentenced to a month's stay in the Hell, that meants he will be there for one million and five hundred thousand years. Of course,a year therein will be about eighteen million years! The Hell's fule will be men and stones. The appointed wardens over it will be stern and severe Angels who never flinch the command they receive from Allah but do precisely and willingly what they are commanded. The most prosperous person (the richest man who enjoyed the best food items and drinks, had fleet of cars, had countless mansions and properties, had the most beautiful wives and a lot of children, had many titles, was respected by all, wielded a lot of power, traveled to many countries etc) in the world who had been adjudged to Hell will be brought out and cast once for a moment in the fire and will be asked, 'son of man, did you enjoy anything in life?" He would say, 'Never, O lord! In this is a reminder for those who have made their wealth and position their gods, and will not obey Allah in their endeavors. This world's fire is just like the flame of Hell fire that has been washed seventy times before it was brought into this world. There are seven stages in hell. These are popularly known as doors or gates of Hell. The different kinds of hell meant for different kinds of sinner. They are 1 Jahannam (Hell fire) 2. Dhatalahab (Flaming fire) 3. Hutamah (Crushing disaster) 4. Sa' iir (Burning) 5. Saqar (scorching fire) 6. Jahiim (fierce fire) 7. Haawiyah (abyss of fire) |
Re: Judgement Day (signs, Stages & Proceedings) by Tudor6(f): 11:23pm On Jun 16, 2010 |
If a character like mohammed or osama bin laden can go to heaven I dont see why in any fair judgement I will go to hell. . . |
Re: Judgement Day (signs, Stages & Proceedings) by babs787(m): 8:00am On Jun 17, 2010 |
Hey my friend Longest time no see. You are welcome back. |
Re: Judgement Day (signs, Stages & Proceedings) by babs787(m): 6:17pm On Jun 24, 2010 |
There is no moment of respite or rest from the extremely unimaginable throes of hell. The pains are suffered outwardly and inwardly. Every part of the body will suffer its own separately. There shall be no vacant space in hell. Each of its denizens will have a portion to cover. It is not an abode for all but for the proud and haughty one, the sinners, the criminals, the polytheists, unbelievers,hypocrites,transgressors, rejecters of truth, the tyrants, the murderers, the oposers of Allah and His Messenger (saw), the unjust, the concealer of Allah's revelation, the prosecutor of the believers, those who prefer this world to the hereafter, those who committed suicide, the cruel, those who devour properties of orphans and women who dress nakedly and have attachments on their heads. The majority of the inhabitants in hell will be women. Among many other, firaun and his chiefs, wives of prophet Nuh and Lut (AS), Abu Lahab and his wife, jinns who are not muslims will all be present therein. Abu Talib will also be there but he will be the least tormented. There are those who will be caught by the fire up to their ankles, some up to their knees, some up to their waists and some up to their necks. Each gate of hell is meant for specific class of sinners. Every sin has its own punishment. Those who steal or misappropritate others properties shall be asked to return them to their owners.They will be asked to go and fetch it from the pit of hell. Thise who fornicate shall be chastised for it. Those who are guilty of many sins altogether shall have to suffer the variety of chastisements for each of their crimes. For those who caused mischief on earth, their uncontrolled tongue, lips and tongues shall be clipped with very big and sharp scissors. As for those who pass derogatory remarks about others, they shall slash out their own flesh and eat it. The slanderers shall wear copper nails on their fingers and prick themselves requently with them. Those who devour orphan's property shall have very large lips as those of camel eating fire. The usurers will be like mad men and shall have very big bellies filled up with snakes; the passerby will trample over them but they will not be able to move away while the snakes will bite them continuosly. As for women who make men claim children that are not theirs, they will be hung down by their bosom in the Hell. As for those who studied the Quran but neither recite it nor act on its orders, sleep and neglect the enjoined prayers, their heads shall be continuously smashed with big rocks. As for those who go about telling lies that are spread all over the world, their sides of mouths, nostrils and eyes shall be torn off from front to back. Snakes and scorpions will continuously bite and sting those who did not pay their zakaat. Their treasures will be heated and their backs will be branded with them. The ,least tormented of the denizens of the hell will be the person who will have two brands of fire under his feet whereby his brain will be on the boil, he will imagine himself the worst tormented and yet he will be least tormented of them. |
Re: Judgement Day (signs, Stages & Proceedings) by babs787(m): 7:09pm On Jul 12, 2010 |
The Jahannam is an enormous creature. As many as seventy thousand angels will draw each of its seventy thousand reins. Its pit is so deep that when a stone is thrown inside it, it will take seventy years before it gets to its bottom. Think about this, if you throw a human being from wherever you are to the farthest part of the world, how many days or months will it take him to get there? Then, if somebody will continue to fall and roll down a pit of fire for a span odf seventy years, it is indeed terrible! Yet, the hypocrites will be at the bottom of the Hell. This Jahannam was kindled for one thousand years until it became red, it was kindled for another one thousand years and it became white; it was kindled again for another one thousand years until it became intensely dark. Therein are snakes as huge as the necks of the Backtarian camel,each of them will birw, and the inflicted pain will be to the depthj of seventy years. There are also scorpions that wil sting the denizens, each of their sting will last for forty years non-stopping. They shall have shades but not that of coolness. It is a shade of thick black smoke. When the denizens would have suffered heat and torture, they will desire a col shade. Alas! They will only see shadows of smoke rising in three columns and enveloping them. The sparks of the hell is as huge as a palace as if they are yellow camels. Allah in the Quran as unveiled that Jahannam is lyingin wait.That a hell called Laza will burn to the skull while hutamah will mountr right to the hearts. The Hell will be filled to the brim. All its parts will integrate. Its denizens shall have their bodies deformed, their beauties uglified and their looks will becom,e like that of a mad man. The distance between the shoulders of a person in hell will be three days of a fast rider. Each of his molars (teeth) will be like the mountain of Uhud. The thickness of his skin will be the distance of a three-day journey. His buttocks will occupy a space of two hundred and fifty miles. Since they are to live for ever (without dying again), hunger would be inflicted on them to the extent of their punishments. They will demand for foods and drinks. They will only be offered what can neither lessen their unbearable pang of hunger and thirst nor nourish their body in any way. Their eating and drinking are additional punishments to exarcebate the degreee of their torments. |
Re: Judgement Day (signs, Stages & Proceedings) by Nobody: 8:00pm On Jul 17, 2010 |
i just fear for my christian family,i pray Almighty Allah shall make them muslims |
Re: Judgement Day (signs, Stages & Proceedings) by babs787(m): 7:20pm On Jul 26, 2010 |
Their foods are: a. Zaquum: It is an extremely bitter tree which grows from the bottom of Hell. Its fruit are like the head of devils. If a piece of it were to fall on earth in this world,it will spoil all the privisions of the people. b. Ghisleen: liquid waste product coming out of the private parts of the fornicators and the stinking slippery saliva from the mouth of the drunkards. c. Dorii: A bitter thorny plant which chokes in the throat and would have to be swallowed with hot water. d. Ghassaq: A filthy fluid of puss and blood. e.Naar: Fire food. Their drinks include: A.Hameem: A boiling hot fetish flowing water, cutting into pieces everything in the stomach, melting and breaking everything therein; and it shall be poured to them over their heads. B: Maa'u Sodeed: Mingled liquid pus, chokes the drinker in the throat that he would not be able to swallow it, death will come to him from all direction, yet he would not die. C. Maa'u-l-Muhl: Thick hot water, that if any of them tries to drink it, it will tear the skin off his face. D. Mau Nahru Ghautoh: The filthy odour from the private parts of the fornicatresses, it wil form a river which will flow and cause a terrible harm to those in hell. Their garments shall be of fire. They will eat food of fire. They will drink water of fire. They will sit on fire and be caulted therein. They would be bound in seventy cubit chains. Fire will cover their faces. They shall have beds and bedcover from Hell fire. |
Re: Judgement Day (signs, Stages & Proceedings) by thehomer: 10:19pm On Jul 26, 2010 |
@babs787 Your narrative is quite long but several questions come to mind. What is the source of your information on these mythical beings? Do you realize that you'll also be going to some other hell if you're wrong? Why do you worship such a God? Is it fear or love or respect? babs787: Wow how do you know? Also, I'm not sure but how about the 70 virgins concept? Is that also supposed to be true? |
Re: Judgement Day (signs, Stages & Proceedings) by babs787(m): 8:08pm On Jul 27, 2010 |
@thehomer Your narrative is quite long but several questions come to mind. ok What is the source of your information on these mythical beings? Would you believe if I give you Islamic source? Do you realize that you'll also be going to some other hell if you're wrong? Wrong as? If you are referring to the post, then I am not making any mistake because there is hadith and Quranic verse to back it up. Why do you worship such a God? Is it fear or love or respect? I worship God for fear that He created me for a purpose, laid down how to live a non-regrettable life, provided me a guide and told me what my fate would be if I did not follow His wish. I worship God for love because I love and He loves me in return. When you are doing His will, He would tell His angels that He loves such a person and the angels would lvoe the person in return. I also love him because he provides my need and answers my prayers when I make supplication. I also respect Him because He is the omnipotent, the Creator that created all things even you and none is comparable to Him. He begets nor is He begotten, Has no son and only Him is the Savior. Quote from: babs787 on June 24, 2010, 06:17 PM Some of the reasons are, Some are never satisifed nor grateful with whatever you might have provided. When there is a small misunderstanding, they would go far as telling you that 'you called yourself a man when you bought a motorcycle for me when husband like you are buying Jeep for their wives (just an illustration) or is this the kind of dress your fellow husbands buy for their wives. Another reason is that they abuse a lot and so many more? Also, I'm not sure but how about the 70 virgins concept? Is that also supposed to be true? Can I have where you cull it from? |
Re: Judgement Day (signs, Stages & Proceedings) by thehomer: 1:48pm On Jul 28, 2010 |
babs787: I won't just believe it. I'll still wonder how that source got the information. And try to compare this information to what is currently known. babs787: Well I don't think the Hadith and Quran are good enough sources due to the multiple interpretations possible. Also, how did we get these books? By a person claiming to have received a revelation. I tend to distrust such sources. It's no better than one claiming that you'll go to hell since the Bible says so and the person goes ahead to quote bible verses. babs787: Worshiping out of fear of punishment implies that you are a bad person. babs787: This we can test. Are you ready? babs787: I was not created. I was born. His omnipotence seems lacking. babs787: Since we are all about gender stereotyping here, men are no better. Some beat their wives, abandon them when they feel they're no longer pretty enough and go for younger women etc. babs787: Men do the same and worse. Most killers are men. I think this is worse than verbal abuse. babs787: I was just asking a question I wanted to find out your take on it since the concept has been around for so long. It's even a recruiting tool. Got it from this site Here's the relevant portion with the relevant verses.
Re: Judgement Day (signs, Stages & Proceedings) by babs787(m): 8:08pm On Jul 30, 2010 |
You are not compel to believe it. Allah gave man and Jinn freedom to choose and you would be rewarded for whatever path you choose Well I don't think the Hadith and Quran are good enough sources due to the multiple interpretations possible. Multiple interpreatations? I am not aware of that or you are tryiing to say different Engligh Language usage but the same meaning. Also, how did we get these books? By a person claiming to have received a revelation. I tend to distrust such sources. Like I said, it is not compulsory that you must accept but you would know when the time comes but I pray that it would not be too late then. He did not claim but received that. Some of the message came to pass, some still happening and some still to come. It's no better than one claiming that you'll go to hell since the Bible says so and the person goes ahead to quote bible verses. Leave bible out of this as I do not want to go into that. Worshiping out of fear of punishment implies that you are a bad person. Quite funny that it only that quote you are able to hide under. I explained based on your questions: I worship God for fear that He created me for a purpose, laid down how to live a non-regrettable life, provided me a guide and told me what my fate would be if I did not follow His wish. Re read again please. This we can test. Are you ready? Go on please. I was not created. I was born. His omnipotence seems lacking. It is from your quote above I realised that I have been having discussion with an evolutionist and I do not think that having a further discussion would have any impact. Besides, the thread is for those that believe that they were created, not evolved from ape and would give account one day to the Creator. Since we are all about gender stereotyping here, men are no better. Some beat their wives, abandon them when they feel they're no longer pretty enough and go for younger women etc. Sir, there are different punishment for different sins. Try to get that Men do the same and worse. Try to go to any of the Nigerian markets for a start. Most killers are men. I think this is worse than verbal abuse. No, different punishment for different sins Quote There is nothing like 72 virgins there sir. Re-read again. |
Re: Judgement Day (signs, Stages & Proceedings) by thehomer: 8:33pm On Jul 31, 2010 |
babs787: I think Allah should also have made himself so evident that not believing would be absurd. e.g One does not need to be told to believe in the possibility of drowning in an ocean. babs787: No I mean different people have interpreted the same passages in different ways. babs787: No it's just a claim. One that is hard to believe making it less plausible. babs787: I'm just pointing out similarities in approach babs787: I've responded to the other lines. But it does imply that you are a bad person. babs787: Are you ready to pray for a result that we can both verify? babs787: There you go with your usual misconception. I think you should educate yourself on evolution. Do you know what an ape is? babs787: So the punishment for females is that they will not make it into heaven? babs787: Could you be clearer? babs787: Of course the punishment for women has to be greater than that for men. This God seems quite biased against women. babs787: I'm sorry the quote about the number of virgins is higher up in the article. Here it is.
Re: Judgement Day (signs, Stages & Proceedings) by azharuddin: 7:14am On Aug 02, 2010 |
@babs787 Please continue with the thread, dont let anybody interrupt you. These forums are becoming a place for people to mock our religion rather than learn new things about Islam. Its a shame. I was greatly influenced by the thread 'What did you learn in Islam recently' where yourself and others have very good contributions. Please continue the thread regarding the topic brother. May Allah save us all from the fires of hell. Ameen. |
Re: Judgement Day (signs, Stages & Proceedings) by babs787(m): 6:31pm On Aug 04, 2010 |
@thehomer I think Allah should also have made himself so evident that not believing would be absurd. e.g One does not need to be told to believe in the possibility of drowning in an ocean. Mind you, some may not believe that ocean would drown and that they would always find a way out. No I mean different people have interpreted the same passages in different ways. Could you spill that out please? No it's just a claim. One that is hard to believe making it less plausible. It is not a claim to the believers but would always be to atheist. I'm just pointing out similarities in approach Where is the pointer? I've responded to the other lines. But it does imply that you are a bad person. Bravo. A good person judging someone ![]() Are you ready to pray for a result that we can both verify? Let me clarify this in case you do not know. Allah answers prayer in three ways 1. Allah answers prayer. 2. Allah may not answer you probably it may shorten life span or cause problems for the person. 3. Allah may answer the prayer in another way. There you go with your usual misconception. I think you should educate yourself on evolution. Do you know what an ape is? Common dude, you do not need to educate me on that. You may take a leaf form your folks in the like of KAG, manmuswac, Nferyn etc. A is the alphabet that differentiates Atheism from Theism. You could go to search engine and satisfy Atheism first becoming coming here to argue with a Theist or Creationist.
Read my post for understanding. Of course the punishment for women has to be greater than that for men. This God seems quite biased against women. Where did you see that? I'm sorry the quote about the number of virgins is higher up in the article. Here it is. Does that you did not read very well or understood the post before coming here ![]() Quote I would have loved you giving me the hadith the way it is written, the book number. |
Re: Judgement Day (signs, Stages & Proceedings) by babs787(m): 7:00pm On Aug 04, 2010 |
@Azharuddin Please continue with the thread, dont let anybody interrupt you. These forums are becoming a place for people to mock our religion rather than learn new things about Islam. Its a shame. I was greatly influenced by the thread 'What did you learn in Islam recently' where yourself and others have very good contributions. Please continue the thread regarding the topic brother. May Allah save us all from the fires of hell. Ameen. Salam brother and thank you for the post. The thread continues and there would be no distraction. |
Re: Judgement Day (signs, Stages & Proceedings) by thehomer: 8:18pm On Aug 06, 2010 |
babs787: ![]() babs787: Well for one thing, why are there various sects in Islam? They all claim to be using the same book as guide. babs787: No it's just a claim to all who are not muslims. babs787: The pointer is that they are both books that are taken to be absolutely true but only by adherents to the faiths. babs787: My understanding of being bad is roughly that of a person deliberately performing an action that harms other people. But in this case, I mean that your belief in God and worshiping Him for fear of punishment is simply not something that someone who likes his God would do. babs787: Of course go ahead and make your excuses for Allah. I wonder, when you pray and Allah refuses to answer, does he give you any reasons? babs787: It seems that I do since you're making a very common mistake. babs787: What's the relevance of this? babs787: You already said the majority of inhabitants of hell will be women. Why would that be so? babs787: It simply is that I did not want to post the entire article here. As you've seen from the subsequent post, the number is there. babs787: The book numbers and so on are there in the quote I posted. Read it. |
Re: Judgement Day (signs, Stages & Proceedings) by azharuddin: 12:13am On Aug 21, 2010 |
@babs assalamualaikum If you dont mind, can you share the name of this book. |
Re: Judgement Day (signs, Stages & Proceedings) by dmomie(f): 11:54pm On Aug 23, 2010 |
@thehomer, what exactly are you? |
Re: Judgement Day (signs, Stages & Proceedings) by babs787(m): 6:27pm On Aug 24, 2010 |
@Azharuddin assalamualaikum Salam dear brother, I am just seeing your post hence my late response. The title of the book is 'The judgement day; sign, stages, symbols and proceedings by Zafaran Adeniyi. Maa Salam. |
Re: Judgement Day (signs, Stages & Proceedings) by azharuddin: 7:38pm On Aug 24, 2010 |
Thanx a lot bro, |
Re: Judgement Day (signs, Stages & Proceedings) by thehomer: 8:45am On Aug 25, 2010 |
d_momie: I am a learner. Why do you ask? |
Re: Judgement Day (signs, Stages & Proceedings) by dmomie(f): 12:14pm On Aug 25, 2010 |
thehomer:contrary to wat u wrote, it seem more antagonizing dan learning, Guess ur tryn to learn the hard way (pls no strings attached) |
Re: Judgement Day (signs, Stages & Proceedings) by thehomer: 9:43pm On Aug 25, 2010 |
d_momie: I tend to seem antagonistic when certain issues are raised without satisfactory backup. What can I say? Learning is hard work. |
Re: Judgement Day (signs, Stages & Proceedings) by babs787(m): 6:40pm On Jan 18, 2011 |
The hell shall be made a mat for the disbelievers. Yokes will be fastened round their necks. They will be beaten with iron maces.They will ask for relief and beg for mercy but would not be granted. They will appeal to angel Malik that[b] 'let your Lord put an end to us[/b]? He will tell them, 'stay as you are'. The hell will grow fiercer and the punishment will not be lightened for them whatever their plights. The hell will be darkening their faces and changing their colour. Their skin will roast and burn but would perpetually be changed for fresh skins. Their skins and intestines will scald from within. Fire will surround them from all directions. Their intestines will burst and fire will burn it. They will know nothing except the reality of Hell. Since they did not believe in Allah (swt), they will not see Him. They will be shown where they would have been in Paradise if they had done well. This will increase their regrets and pains. They will weep, sigh, sobb, regret, grieve and engage in self-recrimination. Their cry will be to such an extent that if a ship is placed on their tears, it will sail. They will surely shed blood in place of tears. At the peak of their anguish, Shaytan will address all the denizens of hell thus: Quran 14 v 22: Verily, Allah promised you a promise of truth. I also promised you but I betrayed you. I had no authority over you except that I called you, so you responded to me. So, do not blamde me, but blame yourselves. I cannot help you nor can you help me. I deny your former act in associating me as partner with Allah (by obeying mei n the life of the world). Verily, there is a painful torment for the wrong-doers. |
Re: Judgement Day (signs, Stages & Proceedings) by thehomer: 8:36pm On Jan 27, 2011 |
babs787: ![]() ![]() 1 Like |
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