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Deposed African Leaders And Where They Are Now by smemud(m): 6:31am On Nov 16, 2017
DAKAR, Senegal – As shock continues over the fate of Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe, who vowed to rule until death but now finds himself in military custody, here's a look at other larger-than-life African leaders who spent years in power, then lost it.



Jammeh took power in 1994 in a bloodless coup, ruling the tiny West African nation for more than 22 years. His regime was accused of overseeing human rights abuses to silence opponents. In a stunning turn of events, Gambians last year elected opposition coalition candidate Adama Barrow, who was forced to wait in neighboring Senegal during a weeks-long political standoff until Jammeh finally flew into exile in Equatorial Guinea with his family and close aides. Jammeh has not been heard from since.



Mobutu seized power in a military coup in 1965, five years after the vast, mineral-rich nation gained independence from Belgium. His leadership had the support of the United States and other Western governments. After a legendary, corrupt dictatorship that lasted more than 30 years and left the country then called Zaire in shambles, he was overthrown in 1997 by Laurent Kabila. Mobutu took refuge in Morocco in 1997, where he died of prostate cancer.



Idi Amin's eight-year rule was defined by the deaths of up to 300,000 people. He was famously mercurial, targeting certain ethnic groups but also journalists, lawyers and others he saw as possible opposition. Yet for more than 25 years he was never punished for bringing misery to the once-prosperous country and never expressed remorse. He sought exile in Saudi Arabia after his government was ousted in 1979. He died there in 2003 after being on life support and suffering from kidney failure.



At age 27, Gadhafi emerged in 1969 as leading a group of officers who overthrew the monarchy of King Idris. Gadhafi became a symbol of anti-Western defiance in a Third World recently liberated from European colonial rulers. He ruled with brutality during his nearly 42 years in power, leaving behind an oil-rich nation drained of its institutions. Rebels overwhelmed the capital in 2011 and drove him into hiding in Sirte, where he was pulled from a drainage tunnel and killed. He became the first ruler killed in the Arab Spring uprisings that swept the region.



Former warlord Taylor was president between 1997 and 2003 and was accused of greed and savagery. The second of the country's back-to-back civil wars, which together killed more than 250,000 people, occurred under his rule. He fled to Nigeria in 2003 as part of a deal to end the war, which he had financed by trafficking in diamonds from neighboring Sierra Leone. He was extradited to face charges of crimes against humanity at a U.N.-supported Special Court for his role in fomenting conflict in Sierra Leone. In 2012 he became the first former head of state convicted by an international war crimes court since World War II. He is serving a 50-year sentence in Britain.



Compaore came to power after a bloody 1987 coup that killed the West African nation's revolutionary leader Thomas Sankara. After ruling for more than 27 years, Compaore tried to amend the constitution to seek another term in office. Faced with a popular uprising, he was forced to step down in 2014. He fled into exile and is now living as a citizen of Ivory Coast. Human rights groups want him extradited to face justice for several murders he is accused of during his reign, including that of Sankara.



Habre's rule from 1982 to 1990 was marked by human rights abuses that eventually saw him forced from power by current President Idriss Deby. For more than 20 years, Habre lived a life of luxurious exile in Senegal until paramilitary police took him into custody. The Extraordinary African Chambers was created by the African Union and Senegal to try him for crimes committed during his presidency. In May, he was found guilty of crimes against humanity, war crimes, torture and sex crimes and was sentenced to life in prison. It was the first conviction of a former head of state by an African court for crimes against humanity.



Mengistu Haile Mariam ruled Ethiopia from 1974 to 1991 and is blamed for the killing of hundreds of students, intellectuals and politicians during the "Red Terror" against supposed enemies of his Soviet-backed military dictatorship. He fled a rebellion in 1991 and was taken in by Mugabe in Zimbabwe. His army had helped to train Mugabe's guerrillas in their struggle for independence from white rule. Mengistu was convicted in absentia by an Ethiopian court in 2006 of genocide and later sentenced to death, but Zimbabwe has refused to extradite him.


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Re: Deposed African Leaders And Where They Are Now by hatchy(f): 6:33am On Nov 16, 2017
Sit tight leadership syndrome is very typical with African leaders who most times started well but end up being disgraced out of power,exiled or eventually killed like common criminals.

Power to a typical African is something he craves for like no other thing. A man contesting for an ordinary Town union president or Club meeting is ready to spend all his resources to vie for the position and in some cases twist the rules to perpetuate himself in power.

Communities and Town Chieftaincy tussle has left many dead and properties destroyed because someone is power hungry or drunken in it.

Perhaps Chief MKO Abiola would have been alive today.This is a man who was already made Billionaire but was too power hungry which led to his sudden demise under suspicious circumstances because he wanted what he already had --Power, because when you have money,you dine with kings and royals and install kings and politicians.
But his greed for absolute political power became his undoing.

"Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely "

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Re: Deposed African Leaders And Where They Are Now by madridguy(m): 6:42am On Nov 16, 2017
Re: Deposed African Leaders And Where They Are Now by Queenlovely(f): 6:45am On Nov 16, 2017

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Re: Deposed African Leaders And Where They Are Now by Nobody: 6:49am On Nov 16, 2017

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Re: Deposed African Leaders And Where They Are Now by luvinhubby(m): 6:52am On Nov 16, 2017
Remaining Paul Biya of Cameroon.

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Re: Deposed African Leaders And Where They Are Now by Nobody: 7:06am On Nov 16, 2017
African leaders would never learn, sit tight leaders never told a nice story, GOODLUCK JONATHAN didn't learn, MUGABE at 93 years refused to learn, what stops him from choosing a successor who would protect his interests and bow out honorably exactly what GOODLUCK would have done. where than is wisdom in 93yrs it has been proven over time that wisdom is not a function of Age!!!!!


Re: Deposed African Leaders And Where They Are Now by saintneo(m): 7:17am On Nov 16, 2017
Remaining Paul Biya of Cameroon.
M7 of Uganda


Re: Deposed African Leaders And Where They Are Now by sainty2k3(m): 8:33am On Nov 16, 2017
What about Gbagbo?
Why always Africa
Re: Deposed African Leaders And Where They Are Now by Greyworld: 8:36am On Nov 16, 2017
Jubril of Niger/Nigeria


Re: Deposed African Leaders And Where They Are Now by NwaAmaikpe: 9:20am On Nov 16, 2017

Zimbabwe's fate will be worse than Libya's if they allow the West incite them to take away their Messiah.

I and sapiosexuals worldwide stand with Robert Mugabe; the world's most educated leader!

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Re: Deposed African Leaders And Where They Are Now by BruncleZuma: 9:20am On Nov 16, 2017
1. Every African Dictator Ever

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Re: Deposed African Leaders And Where They Are Now by cremedelacreme: 9:22am On Nov 16, 2017
Buhari will soon join the list. angry

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Re: Deposed African Leaders And Where They Are Now by AishaBuhari: 9:22am On Nov 16, 2017
Useless Africa
Useless African Leaders
Hell is Africa
Africa is Hell
Africa is Greed
Greed is Africa

What a creation!

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Re: Deposed African Leaders And Where They Are Now by Ajebusta(m): 9:23am On Nov 16, 2017
Abacha of Nigeria.. The one wey India olosho use apple kill.... Add am...


Re: Deposed African Leaders And Where They Are Now by SageTravels: 9:23am On Nov 16, 2017


Re: Deposed African Leaders And Where They Are Now by Nobody: 9:24am On Nov 16, 2017
Lovely write up !!!!!!!!! Africans and the poverty mentality. The reason why many of us want to live like people who steal from the government purse.

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Re: Deposed African Leaders And Where They Are Now by Uyi168: 9:24am On Nov 16, 2017


Re: Deposed African Leaders And Where They Are Now by Alwaysking: 9:25am On Nov 16, 2017
Good to know
Re: Deposed African Leaders And Where They Are Now by Saintsbrown(m): 9:25am On Nov 16, 2017
I wish Rochas sees this.
Rochas wants to acquire all the properties in Nigeria to his family.


Re: Deposed African Leaders And Where They Are Now by Rmxr: 9:25am On Nov 16, 2017
They were making sense until they called Libya a third world country. Libya that was far developed than most European countries during Gaddafi's time. But then again, it's fox news, so I'm not surprised. Donald trump's favorite channel

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Re: Deposed African Leaders And Where They Are Now by Bede2u(m): 9:27am On Nov 16, 2017
Of all these idiots listed, it was only Ghaddafi that developed his country. However he did at the cost of human freedom and life. At some point, it was believed that he is the richest man alive, worth up to $70 billion.
In 2008 or so he paid some America's A-list artists (including Beyonce and J Lo) $1 million each to perform at his private birthday party

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Re: Deposed African Leaders And Where They Are Now by prettyboi1(m): 9:27am On Nov 16, 2017
Mugabe was ousted not for the sake of the people but for personal interest. I hope the circle doesn't repeat itself.

What of that american woman that was jailed?

Exactly. You have just said the truth. The people who organized Mugabe's ouster just want their own taste of power. I bet you, they won't put any elections out for the people to vote....or even if they do that, they may just rig it totally to their favour. Politics & power are both about self-interest & selfishness.


Re: Deposed African Leaders And Where They Are Now by Caseless: 9:28am On Nov 16, 2017

I'm not happy Mugabe is toppled, just like I hated the way ghadaffi was removed.

I blame the overambitious Grace, his wife, for everything.

Useless woman. She should be the one telling the man to step down, but she goaded him.


Re: Deposed African Leaders And Where They Are Now by jonadaft: 9:28am On Nov 16, 2017

Youre a fooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool for the rubbish you wrote about Gadhafi

Where did you get the rubbish from?

The west will always just label anyone who is not ass-licking them a bad person.
They were the ones that initiated the rebelling against Gadahfi's government just to steal their oils the way they did in Iraq

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Re: Deposed African Leaders And Where They Are Now by Brainardc(m): 9:28am On Nov 16, 2017
More of this please.. ...
Re: Deposed African Leaders And Where They Are Now by fatdon2(m): 9:28am On Nov 16, 2017


Re: Deposed African Leaders And Where They Are Now by safiaaBUTTHOLE: 9:29am On Nov 16, 2017
This list is incomplete without Laurent Gbagbo


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