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The Solomonic Dynasty by Nobody: 2:54pm On Nov 16, 2017 |
The Solomonic dynasty This dynasty also know as the House of Solomon, ruled Ethiopia from 1270 till 1974 AD with few interruptions and with some emperors being symbolic in between. Ethiopian tradition says that in the 10th century BC, Queen of Sheba went to Israel to meet King Solomon and whilst there, she was pregnant by him. She then returned to Ethiopia and the child was born and was name "Menelik I". After some years, Menelik I went to Israel to meet his father and spent some years with him. He then stole the Ark of the Covenant and took it with him to Ethiopia in his return. He then became ruler of Ethiopia when his mother Queen of Sheba died and his descendants ruled Ethiopia until the Axumite empire was laid to waste in 10th century AD. This dynasty was later restored in the 13th century AD by Yakuno Amlak after he deposed the ruler of the Zagwe dynasty. In reality, this dynasty was a mythical creation for political and religious purposes. List of Ethiopian emperors after the restoration of the so called Solomonic dynasty 1. Yakuno Amlak 2. Yagbe'e Seyon 3. Senfa Ared IV 4. Hezba Asgad 5. Qedma Asgad 6. Jin Asgad 7. Saba Asgad 8. Wedem Arda 9. Amda Seyon I 10. Newaya Krestos 11. Newaya Maryam 12. Dawit I 13. Tewodros I 14. Yeshaq I 15. Andreyas 16. Takla Maryam 17. Sarwe Iyasus 18. Amda Iyasus 19. Zara Yaqob 20. Baeda Maryam I 21. Eskender 22. Amda Seyon II 23. Na'od 24. Dawit II 25. Gelawdewos 26. Menas 27. Sarsa Dengel 28. Yaqob 29. Za Dengel 30. Susenyos I 31. Fasilides 32. Yohannes I 33. Iyasu I (Iyasus the Great) - Yeshaq Iyasu ruled for some months in between. 34. Tekle Haymanot I (Tekle Haymanot the Cursed) 35. Tewoflos 36. Yostos 37. Dawit III (Dawit the Singer) 38. Bakaffa 39. Iyasu II - Hezqeyas ruled for a year in between. 40. Iyaso 41. Yohannes II 42. Tekle Haymanot II 43. Susenyos II 44. Salomon II 45. Tekle Giyorgis I 46. Iyasu III 47. Hezqeyas 48. Baeda Maryam II 49. Salomon 50. Yonas 51. Egwala Seyon 52. Iyoas II 53. Gigar 54. Iyasu IV 55. Gebre Krestos 56. Shale Dengel 57. Yohannes III 58. Tekle Giyorgis II 59. Yohannes IV 60. Menelik II 61. Iyasu V (Lij Iyasu) 62. Zewditu 63. Haile Selassie • Rulers not part of Solomonic dynasty are exempted from the above emperor list. For more, check:- 1 Like |
Re: The Solomonic Dynasty by RedboneSmith(m): 2:57pm On Nov 16, 2017 |
I read the Zagwe dynasty also traces descent from Moses, but that claim is probably mythical too. |
Re: The Solomonic Dynasty by Nobody: 3:01pm On Nov 16, 2017 |
RedboneSmith:Yes |
Re: The Solomonic Dynasty by RedboneSmith(m): 5:39pm On Nov 16, 2017 |
Hati13: Is there a connection between the Zagwes and the kings of Aksum like Ezana? |
Re: The Solomonic Dynasty by Nobody: 6:51pm On Nov 16, 2017 |
RedboneSmith:Both were basically from Cushite stock, but the ancestors Axumite were Semiticied just like the ancestors of all Ethiosemitic speakers. So we can say that Axumite Kings were Semiticied Agew while Zagwe Kings were Agew. Majority of the Cushite ppl in Eritrea and northern Ethiopia were different Agew ppl. There was intermarriage between the Axumite royal family and the Agew rulers of Lasta in the latter stage of Axumite empire. The Agew rulers of Lasta then founded the Zagwe dynasty in mid 12th century AD, but they were considered illegitimate rulers by Amhara and Tigray ppl. 1 Like |
Re: The Solomonic Dynasty by Olu317(m): 6:18am On Nov 18, 2017 |
Hati13:Do these listed names ancestors and descendants have any rituals that involves Heifer or Ram? |
Re: The Solomonic Dynasty by Nobody: 2:29pm On Nov 18, 2017 |
Olu317:I don't know what Heifer or Ram means. |
Re: The Solomonic Dynasty by Olu317(m): 7:53pm On Nov 18, 2017 |
Hati13:Heifer belong to cow/bull's family. And ram, I meant animal. in fact, birds such as pigeons, dove are used for sacrifice by Abraham descendants,especially the Hebrews . There are other animals been used generally by Hebrews. Abraham's and his descendants uses white Ram as sacrifice of redemption for their first male child when need be. The Ram is associated with Davidic lineage, while the Heifer is associated with the Aaron's lineage. I asked these questions about the purportedly listed. And I want to know if this list of solomonic dynasty didn't use it. And if they didn't, then their claims is suspicious. Funny enough, Ooni of ILE IFE and descendants are associated with white Ram( For redemption of male child, which is associated with Oooni ancestors) . While ,, white cockerel, dove ,pigeons and other animals are also in use. And another family lineage known as ObaTala in Yoruba land is associated with Heifer usage as sacrifice. |
Re: The Solomonic Dynasty by Nobody: 8:31pm On Nov 18, 2017 |
Olu317:Ok I don't think the listed emperors, their ancestors and descendants had that sacrifice rituals. Ethiopia Orthodox Christian is primarily based it self on Old Testament than New Testament, but I never read in Ethiopian history where there was sacrifice by the Christians here. |
Re: The Solomonic Dynasty by Olu317(m): 10:31pm On Nov 18, 2017 |
Hati13:Oh k. Seem they are Christians instead of ancient Hebrews religion followers. .. Without the usage of specific animals associated with Hebrews, then they don't have strong proof because Hebrews are associated with rituals in the ancient times. The usage of these animals is for one thing or the other ,which is believed to be powerful because of the blood of such animals. Sacrifice as it is known is for one purification or for one cleansing or the other.... |
Re: The Solomonic Dynasty by Nobody: 5:51am On Nov 19, 2017 |
Olu317:Are Yorubas from ObaTala linkage the only among other Yorubas who follow sacrifice rituals? |
Re: The Solomonic Dynasty by Olu317(m): 8:33am On Nov 19, 2017 |
Hati13:Nearly all Yoruba follow rituals in Yoruba land. But I specifically mentioned About Oba tala because he was a priest and when need be to sacrifice, he was associated with using Heifer as a sacrifice. They do burn or kill the animals for rituals. While, Adimlia, ancestors and descendants uses Ram as it is associated with his ancestors. Then, he was associated with using white birds such dove/pigeon/cockerel to do sacrifice which must be white. These two groups do use other animals as I have mentioned also. 1 Like |
Re: The Solomonic Dynasty by Nobody: 12:24pm On Nov 19, 2017 |
Olu317:Thanks for the info 1 Like |
Re: The Solomonic Dynasty by Olu317(m): 5:45am On Nov 20, 2017 |
Hati13:You are welcome 1 Like |
Re: The Solomonic Dynasty by TSOM(m): 1:56pm On Nov 20, 2017 |
What if - just as an alternate assumption - the succeeding emperors did actually haunt and hunt offsprings of the true descendants of Solomon's son who had legitimate claims to the throne? It's a plausible reality given such predictable happenings in the past by usurpers and conquerors. |
Re: The Solomonic Dynasty by Nobody: 2:58pm On Nov 20, 2017 |
TSOM:But it's very difficult to find who was really the true descendants of King Solomon at that time not only in Ethiopia, but through out the world given that the King lived around the 10th century BC time. From what I've read, the Ethiopians of the 9th and 10th century AD purposely incorporated religious, cultural, social and political institutions of the Old Testament into their Orthodox Christianity. Then they started to identify themselves as the 2nd Zion (Israel). The royal families started to be connected with King David and Solomon. The Christian priests also started to be connected with the high priests of Israel. The legend of Queen of Sheba also started to be connected with Ethiopia. |
Re: The Solomonic Dynasty by TSOM(m): 3:10pm On Nov 20, 2017 |
Hati13:Then the supposed assertive of the Solomonic lineage is speculative at best. The Ethiopians sure had interactions with Hebrews and some are descendants of Hebrew migrants themselves. It's just like the supposed genealogy of the biblical Adam is more of a maze than a road map. Are the Ethiopians distant relatives of the Hebrews? With available facts, yes, they are. Are its rulers of Solomonic origin? Well, we can't given a definitive answer. I like the theory though. |
Re: The Solomonic Dynasty by Nobody: 3:29pm On Nov 20, 2017 |
Emperors and Empress that have pic and photo - emperor Yekuno Amlak - emperor Dawit II (more known as "Lebne Dengel" and "Wanga Seged" ) - emperor Fasilides - emperor Yohannes IV
Re: The Solomonic Dynasty by Nobody: 3:40pm On Nov 20, 2017 |
- emperor Menelik II - Iyasu IV (deposed before his coronation) - empress Zewditu - emperor Haile Selassie
Re: The Solomonic Dynasty by Nobody: 3:49pm On Nov 20, 2017 |
TSOM:Yeah the legend they created was interesting. I think the emperors really thought that they were descendants of King Solomon and Queen of Sheba, but everything about was myth. They may even not had been the descendants of the last Axumite King. The History of Ethiopia needs a lot of deep research to make it relatively more objective. |
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