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IMPAIRABLE (when Fate Strikes ) - Literature - Nairaland

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Twist Of Fate. / The Stormy Fate / A Date With FATE (A Comic Drama Series On Love And Destiny) (2) (3) (4)

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IMPAIRABLE (when Fate Strikes ) by Nicheey(m): 8:20pm On Nov 18, 2017
Disclaimer ,all character in this story are neither dead or alive ,this is as a result of the writer's imagination .

Warning ,non of this work should be copied without the writer's permission (Nicheey1@gmail.com,+2348082726296)

Finally I owe no body anything ,whether I update or not e be no body business .

(Strictly English with mixture of hardcore Nigerian pidgin and slangs ,foreigners are advice to get the Nigerian pidgin translator if there's any ,cause they'll need it )


Impairable is a fictional story consisting of vampires and werewolves ,when fate strikes .

Adam who has been friends with elly for a really long time left her for a new werewolf girl he meet ,though elly love him but kept it to her self

Elly tried telling him several but in different ways ,elly is who is in her early 16 is a witch of the strongest coven in ogoni (don't judge me ogoni people ,I'm ogoni too)

The new girl on the other hand name is Emily ,she's from a family of were wolf ,she was born in the half moon of Surat ,northern part of the country ,though she spent most of her transition in the southern belt .

Adam was Elly's best friend who felt nothing but plutonic love for her,adam was 17 same class with elly ,they've been best friends since they were 5 .


Adam had to chose where he stands,the witches Who he grew up with or the werewolves he just met .

The war started when elly emotionally cast a spell on one of the Emily's family who didn't take time to retaliate by haunting them as prey ,though Elly's spell was for Emily unfortunately something went wrong along the line and it went to the wrong person (Emily's kidsis)

The vampires were caught in the cross fire ,the vampires and witches never agrees ,fighting a long war which the witches believed the war was fought since from their 5th generation ,the war was about a territory ,though the witches successful made the vampires stayed in a particular territory (they Dont associate ) .

The war against the werewolves weaken the witches who were outnumbered ,then the vampires revolt ,at first haunting the witches before they had some treaty to end hostilities ,like the saying goes ,a friend enemy is my enemy ,the werewolves launched at the vampires in full force ,this made things in the town of tai to cease ,as schools were closed for the unknown ,humans dying everyday .

Vampires retaliated in a more brutal way ,haunting the werewolves ,the werewoves was being lead by Emily ,the witches by elly ,and the vampires by Areah .

The werewolves came crawling to the witches for help ,will the witches accept or decline ??

It's left for u to find out .

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Re: IMPAIRABLE (when Fate Strikes ) by Nicheey(m): 11:03pm On Nov 19, 2017
Impairable ,episode 1

It a beautiful morning ,Adam is still on bed ,drooling ,"carck!carck!carck! " the sound kept coming slowly

,Adam change his sleeping position ,seems the sound is penetrating through ,he pulled out his pillow and covered his both ears ,

making his dark face grease ,could you please stop knocking at the window ? He said with a loud sleepy voice ,wake up! Or we'll be late for school a voice said ,

Adam ignored the voice and pull the pillow over his head and added to the one already on his head ,"carck!carck!carck!"

You won't stop ,will u ? Adam said fustrated then gaze at the knocker ,you win ! Adam said then got up from bed ,woo hoo! The voice exclaimed .

Good Morning Mrs barisi elly greeted Adam's mum who is making break fast ,she is a dark slim woman from the northern part of the country ,people say adam took her look ,while some said Adam looks more like her than his father

Morning elly Mrs barisi greeted elly who is standing beside her ,she wore a slim jean trouser and white top ,she's pretty like a diamond in the sky ,with a birth mark on her left side of her eyes

Let me guess you've gone to wake your friend already Mrs barisi said ,with a nod and giggles elly answered with hmm hmm ,well that's nice of you ,Mrs barisi said

Hey elly ,come on in ,a voice said from the parlour ,I'll be right back elly said to Mrs barisi as she made her way to the parlour ,hey leton how was your night ? Elly asked immediately she entered the parlour

Was awesome leton said ,elly looked at leton who is still on house dress ,her long hair unmake ,she was still having her pajamas trouser ,aren't you going to school? Elly inquired ,I'm sick leton said ,well that's bad ,elly said feeling leton's neck ,how long has it been ??just this morning leton said

There's the trouble shooter adam said immediately he entered ,why aren't you dressed up?? Elly asked ,chill Lady ,break fast haven't been had ,he said then drop his weight beside his sister leton ,making the couch to make a "puff " sound ,whoa you look horrible he said to leton immediately she sneezed ,I know leton said wiping the saliva with the back if her hand

Hey kids get your asses to the dinner their mother said from the kitchen ,c'mon I'll lead you granny adam said to leton jokingly ,nahh I ain't old leton protested ,I can go on my own ,this ain't a debate kid adam said ,let the poor girl be ,elly said interrupting their argument ,c'mon leton let's go to the dinner ,she said stretching her hand towards leton which she took in handy

Some have food but can't eat ,some can eat but have no food ,we have food and we can eat ,glory be to God Amen ,Amen leton adam and elly chorused immediately the mother finished

Break fast this morning is fried egg tea and bread ,eat slowly elly whisper to adam ,adam stopped suddenly took a gaze at her then said "sorry mum" leton laughs with Adam ,what ever elly said ,and sip her tea,the mother only chuckled

Okay mum I'll be on my way ,adam said to his mum ,can I give you something to give to Anna? Leton asked adam ,nope! He said immediately, gimme I'll give it to her elly said to leton ,"sweet" leton exclaimed

Here ,she handed a book to elly ,thank you ,she said after elly collected it ,you seriously aren't planning to wear that canvas are you ??

Elly asked adam who was already letting the lace of the canvas loose ,what's wrong with it ? Adam asked with a keen look in his face, have you gotten amnesia ??

Today's Monday elly said gesturing with her Hands ,so ? Adam asked back ,you're leading the opening speech of the incoming principal idiot ,

Oops I forgot ,he shove the canvas aside ,and brought out a black pairs of shoes ,mehn I hate this shoe ,he said under his breathe ,get used to it leton said to him and drop her weight on the couch beside him

We'll be late for school ,elly remained adam ,mehn ,how do I look he said looking at elly ,you look miserable leton said ,wasn't talking to you she said without looking at her ,elly looked at ADM ,adam had pairs of slim black jeans with a Nigerian shyder pairs of shoes ,with his trunk fit jacket ,well?? Adam's voice remained elly

Leton was right ,you look miserable, elly said to adam with a dead tone ,leton giggled ,oh shut up! Let's get going already adam said to elly

They both made their way out of the house ,leton stare at them from the house's window ,they were playing as the walked ,they look happy don't he ? Her mother asked,yes mum elly said with a nod

Watch out for episode 2,mean while visit www.cooldolly..com

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Re: IMPAIRABLE (when Fate Strikes ) by Nicheey(m): 6:38pm On Nov 21, 2017
"Makaveli in this, Killuminati
All through your body
That blows like a 12-gauge shotty, feel me!
And God said he should send his one begotten
To lead the wild into the ways of the man
Follow me! Eat my flesh, flesh of my flesh!"

Come with me!
Hail Mary, nigga, run quick, see
What do we have here now?
Do you wanna ride or die?
La la-la-la la la la la"
I ain't a killer, but don't push me
Revenge is like the sweetest joy next to gettin'
Picture paragraphs unloaded, wise words being
Peeped the weakness in the rap game and
sewed it
Bow down, pray to God, hopin' that he's listenin'
Seein' niggas comin' for me
Through my diamonds, when they glistenin'
Now pay attention: bless me please, Father, I'm a
In these killing fields, hail Mary, catch me if I go
Let's go deep inside the solitary mind of a
Screams in the dark, evil lurks, enemies see me
Activate my hate, let it break to the flame
Set trip, empty out my clip, never stop to aim
Some say the game is all corrupt and bleeped in
this shit
Stuck, niggas is lucky if we bust out this shit
Plus, mama told me never stop until I bust a nut
Bleep the world if they can't adjust, it's just as
well, hail Mary"

Tupac's Hail Mary featuring Young noble ,Prince and outlawz,played in the background as adam as elly walked in to the school, all eyes were on them

all eyes are on us adam ,elly whisper to him ,adam took a quick survey of everywhere ,well let them look he said and put his hand across Elly's should .


Good morning my fellow students ,and our new principal ,it a good thing we back again after a long term brake ,like the old times and now you're all welcome back

I know we all had different things we did ,this is school times now , I urge you all to act like it.

I want to give a toast to our town ,Tai is 13years now ,he said (people clapped ,some yelled ) to unity he said raising his hand up ,to unity the students shouted raising their hands.

adam walked out of the pulpit ,towards elly who has a board smile on her face ,how was I ? he whisper into her ears ,you were elegant ,nice work champ she said and gave him a soft punch on his shoulder .

hey Adam some one called ,as adam and elly were walking down the school hallway ,adam turn and gave him a "what?" stare ,how does it feels to be a champ? the boy asked ,adam smiled and gaze at elly who smiled like the devil ,Feels awesome adam said and made his way out of the boy

"ouch" elly said under her breathe ,then turn about to leave then a voice called ,she knew that voice ,she turn slowly and face the caller ,,the boy had glasses on ,he's dark in complexion ,had pagge trousers on .,with a big pointed shoes

what?! elly said calmly ,you areeee beeetifull today,the boy stammed,elly smile ,with out saying a word she turn and left ,bloody nerd she muster under her breathe ,immediately Adam put his hand across her neck ,I thought you already left ,elly said as the walked

nope ,I can't leave you behind he said ,you promised to help with my further maths assignment, stupid! elly said jokingly ,what was that all about ?adam asked ,what ? elly asked without staring at him ,why did nerdy called u ? he asked more precisely

oh that bloody nerd ,thought he had something important to say ,imagine he's saying I'm beautiful, while stammering like an idiot,oops ,shouldn't have asked adam said as the got out of the school ,oh shut up elly said laughing ,hey Dont tell me shut up ,Adam said drowsly ,shut up elly said again ,then run ,come back here ,Adam said ,catch me if u can elly shouted back

adam sight then took on his heels ,while by papers and students watch them with giggles.

to be continued

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Re: IMPAIRABLE (when Fate Strikes ) by Nicheey(m): 11:27pm On Nov 22, 2017
may una help me ask mods waytin I do em,em no gree me post words way pass 100,like kilode?
Re: IMPAIRABLE (when Fate Strikes ) by zesh(m): 11:29pm On Nov 23, 2017
The storyline is great but iam sorry to say this but it is some how jampacked which makes it istressful to read
Re: IMPAIRABLE (when Fate Strikes ) by sharpwriter(m): 12:00am On Nov 24, 2017
may una help me ask mods waytin I do em,em no gree me post words way pass 100,like kilode?

Hi do you write romance? can you write like 50k plus words in a month?
Re: IMPAIRABLE (when Fate Strikes ) by Nicheey(m): 12:17am On Nov 24, 2017

Hi do you write romance? can you write like 50k plus words in a month?

Uhm romance ?? ,yeah I can if I'm being paid ,and provided the tools or gadget necessary,I even have a romantic story I'm writing right now in some book
Re: IMPAIRABLE (when Fate Strikes ) by Nicheey(m): 12:20am On Nov 24, 2017
The storyline is great but iam sorry to say this but it is some how jampacked which makes it istressful to read

I noticed ,I'll try spacing them next time ,believe spacing words while typing with a c1 isn't fun
Re: IMPAIRABLE (when Fate Strikes ) by sharpwriter(m): 12:29am On Nov 24, 2017

Uhm romance ?? ,yeah I can if I'm being paid ,and provided the tools or gadget necessary,I even have a romantic story I'm writing right now in some book

Of course you will be paid. There is a project I hope to hijack on a freelance website, and if it is successful, I will outsource it to a writer here. I like your real English and punctuation. However, how long do you think it will take you to write a 50,000 words romance story?
Re: IMPAIRABLE (when Fate Strikes ) by sharpwriter(m): 12:30am On Nov 24, 2017

Uhm romance ?? ,yeah I can if I'm being paid ,and provided the tools or gadget necessary,I even have a romantic story I'm writing right now in some book
And what do you mean by tools and gadgets?
Re: IMPAIRABLE (when Fate Strikes ) by Nicheey(m): 1:27am On Nov 24, 2017
Imperiable Episode 2

Mum? I'm home elly said from the house corridor

As she took off her canvas ,she made her way into the blue painted bungalow,Rumour has it that ,that bungalow comes alive in the full moon of Surat

Hey elly ,how did school go? a voice said from the Parlour's ,Do you mind reduce the volume? Elly shouted while covering her ears ,suddenly the volume was minimized,School went well ,elly said

where's mum she asked ,mum went to the city ,the boy answered ,any thing home to eat? I'm starving elly inquired, Well ,I made some EBA ,had it with the soup mum made yesterday, the boy said while his concentration was in the TV front of him

great! elly exclaimed depressing

"is it too late to say sorry ?,girl I know oo that I let you down ,is it too late to say sorry now?, ooh,ooh sorry ,ooh ooh ,sorry ,girl I know oo that I let you down is it to late to say sorry now?"

sorry by Julius Berber blass from the home speakers ,

the boy is the younger brother of elly ,he's 14 same school with his sister ,unlike elly he's quiet but violent ,He has this feelings everything evolves around violence ,he's dark in complexion ,looks more like their mother .

when their mother had him her family and coven throw her out (males are forbidden in their family lineage and coven) she refuse getting rid of the toddler who has done nothing wrong than being birthed by her

she gave up everything for his sake ,Probably for mother's love ,she had him fortified ,as no harm magically can befall him ,by so doing reducing her powers


adam you back already ? the mother asked rhetorically ,how did school went,she asked and took a gaze at her son

Went well mum ,where's leton? adam asked

His mother ignored his question and continued playing keke high way on her m
android ,just then leton entered through the back door

leton? the mother called ,yes mum leton voice echoed from kitchen ,serve your brother lunch ,he's starving she said and stare at adam, yes mum leton said


Get up Emily ,this is only the first transition ,it'll hurt ,an average old man standing above her(she's in a wide dung pit) I can't, it hurts Emily's voice attached with despair

You're the emyria ,You change at will ,not until the full moon ,now get up or I'll make you ,the man said rashly ,Emily ignored him and kept grunting

Awrrr 'carck,cacck,snapp' snarl ,Emily turn to a half wolf half human ,make it full the man shouted ,I'm trying Emily voice came mighty

this is helpless the man muster under his breathe


I hate this ,Areah said from her sleeping bed ,what do you hate honey? her mother inquires ,the way the witches treats us ,it's so unfair ,killing us for fun,making us life like rats in the dark,Areah's voice has anger in it

what to do? the mother mustered, we're vampires ,they hate us ,we hate them ,makes it a fair choice,She said stroking areah's shoulder ,But mum you're Duchene, you have the power ,why haven't you wage war? Areah asked (areah just like Elly's younger brother has the monopoly of violence)

oh dear ,her mother face changed at the mention of war ,the last one we had is still costing us this much ,my mother taught me never start a fight you can't win

So you're saying we can't win the witches? areah asked with her face harden ,making her dark hair curve ,not now the mother whispered ,maybe when you're Duchene you'll understand ,war isn't about numbers or possession ,it's about strength

the mother peek her on her cheek ,go to bed ,tomorrow's another day

"Rara ,o o o ,ra ra o o ,ra ra o o o ,
she tell me say she never had it like this way
so everyday she calling me to come her way
say me I no dey dull I dey rock my day

ehh ehh ehh
she say she want everything all desame

ahh yeah
she Cally me eminado
I tell am say no be love o

she say she's falling for me already ,she wantu do it all again ,she wants to see me tonight oo ,I tell am say I no dey come

she say she dey ring down my bell already ,she ever ready ready ehh

She wanna give me to night oo (rara o o o) say she wanna give me tonight oo (rara o o o)"

tonight by R2bees ft wizkid plays in the background

as Emily has her bath,after a hestic training ,trying to turn to a full wolf outside the full moon

Areah sleeps with her much sitting beside her on her sleeping bed

Elly texts with Adam

watch out for episode 3

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Re: IMPAIRABLE (when Fate Strikes ) by Nicheey(m): 1:31am On Nov 24, 2017

Of course you will be paid. There is a project I hope to hijack on a freelance website, and if it is successful, I will outsource it to a writer here. I like your real English and punctuation. However, how long do you think it will take you to write a 50,000 words romance story?

well I should be done in a month ,if I have a good android ,and 50k isn't a whole lot if the amount is amusing grin

Of course you will be paid. There is a project I hope to hijack on a freelance website, and if it is successful, I will outsource it to a writer here. I like your real English and punctuation. However, how long do you think it will take you to write a 50,000 words romance story?

well I should be done in a month ,if I have a good android ,and 50k isn't a whole lot if the amount is amusing
Re: IMPAIRABLE (when Fate Strikes ) by Nicheey(m): 1:36am On Nov 24, 2017
And what do you mean by tools and gadgets?
typing on Nokia c1 is hell,despite the fact I'm a fast typist
how do u want the work delivered ? electronic or the old paper and Biro?
@to your question,Good android ,or system (desktop ,laptop)
Re: IMPAIRABLE (when Fate Strikes ) by sharpwriter(m): 6:14pm On Nov 24, 2017

typing on Nokia c1 is hell,despite the fact I'm a fast typist

how do u want the work delivered ? electronic or the old paper and Biro?

@to your question,Good android ,or system (desktop ,laptop)

Chai.... I want person with laptop, who can easily see the word count, and as well send to my email. Meanwhile, I havent gotten the job yet. I dont even know if the project is already given out until I check. Till den sha.
Re: IMPAIRABLE (when Fate Strikes ) by Nicheey(m): 7:44pm On Nov 24, 2017

Chai.... I want person with laptop, who can easily see the word count, and as well send to my email. Meanwhile, I havent gotten the job yet. I dont even know if the project is already given out until I check. Till den sha.

no lele ,till that time

you could mail me anytime if you've got any jab ,I'm game

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Re: IMPAIRABLE (when Fate Strikes ) by Nicheey(m): 5:58pm On Nov 25, 2017
Impairable episode 3

"You said you come in peace so I take u home ,I gave you and I gave you clothes ,I taught you how to move your feet when you didn't ,still you wanna leave cause you feel alone "

"You Dont know what the light if the know it's your life, they'll tryna take away the secrets so you cannot fight ,I know you must be upset you lost your family in the flight ,but you gotta listen "

"Don't try to find your space ship ,it might be out there waiting ,stay in my backbag for ever "

Back bag by Julius Berger ft lilwayne plays from Elly's phone

'Knock knock' come in ,elly yelled ,the door open and a woman in her mid 30ties walked in

How was your night?the woman inquired

Elly who was sitting on her bed with a book on her lap immediately gaze at the woman

Mum,elly said excited ,then went towards her and gave her a hug

I thought u said you were coming yesterday? Elly asked scornfully,oh dear the mother said while cuddling her ,Surat is coming the mother whispered,elly eye balls widen in horror ,Surat? She asked rhetorically

What are we going to do ,elly asked with panick in her voice ,I don't know , I'm blank ,the mother said while rubbing her hands through Elly's hair

What about the coven? elly asked

They still didn't let me in ,neither did my family greeted nor talked with me while in obio-akpor

We'll survive elly said softly ,yes we'll ,we've always have the mother concluded


Turn of the music the mother voice came from upstairs, Adam turn it off with a mumble

Whoa finally at peace leton said loudly ,you almost deaf my ears leton said ,adam stare at her like she was a rare kob,then shake his head

The mother came downstairs wearing an hausa atire dress ,whoa mum ,leton exclaimed

Adam stare at his mother goodish dress

mum hope you sew mine too leton inquired ,nope ,the mother said sharply, then head for her hand bag

Going some where mum? Adam asked ,the mother look over her shoulder ,put some dark sun shed glasses ,then walk out of the house

Have never seen mum like that ,leton said

I have ,but I don't remember the period ,mum was entirely another person then ,I think the call that day Surat

Surat? Leton exclaimed? How's that day ?she asked ,crazy things happens before the main event

Just then his phone peeped ,a message from elly

He opened it without hesitating

Immediately his phone fell of from his hand

Jesus! Leton exclaimed as the phone his the tie floors ,are you okay she asked ,adam ignored her

She picked up the phone and sees the message

"Surat is coming " plain and straight ,she felt a sharp pain in her spine ,she dropped the phone on the table and drop her weight on the couch behind her

Mum! Adam shouted as he ran out to the car park


Nice work Emily ,a mid age woman compliment her drawings

Thanks mum she said with a smile ,Emily the emyria in the keyik clan was born in the mischievous night of surat

Where she got possessed by the spirits that are set loose on surat night

She was help by a powerful witch who died while helping her

Her mother rub her hand through her hair ,how is training going ?

Emily cease her work,then gaze at her mum ,I Dont wanna be emyria ,she said with sadness in her voice ,I just want to be like the normal females

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Re: IMPAIRABLE (when Fate Strikes ) by Nicheey(m): 7:19pm On Nov 25, 2017
"" My days are years if you walk away
I'll cry cuz I'm not ashamed
If you say goodbye girl i'm gonna break
I know my heart won't be the same
Not a lie just to make you stay
You'll see my heart if you walk away
I wish you told me, there was something
guess you held it in too long
Girl i know you're locked up i your doubt
But i know that we can work it out
Folashade oooo, Dariji mi oooo x2
folashade by praiz plays in the car's speakers

Mum we are running from our town? it ain't fair ,elly protested

what will you have me do then ,Halijah Said without staring at her ,with her both hands on the wheel

There must be something ,something we can do to save it ,elly suggested

oh dear ,No one can fight the Surat ,no one has ever ,her mum said calmly

I lost your father to Surat ,halijah said wimpy ,I don't wanna lose any of you she said quietly ,

elly stare at her mum,she knew nothing will change her mind now,that moment all she could think of was adam

she rested her back at the sit ,she exhale ,already admitting defeat arguing with her mother

elly?her brother called

yes? she asked while she stare back

we'll be fine ,he said then throw his face to his side window

elly nodded her head ,sure we'll she said loud and stare at her mother until her mother return the stare


Mum? adam shouted and ran out to the car park while his sister rested her head on the couch pillow

immediately she got out of the house ,their innoson 4×4 truck drove out

Adam stood and stare until the the truck went out of seight

Has it begun already he asked him self


darkness filled the vast jungle

The faint smell of burning torches filled the atmosphere

"Craaaaaaaak"! thunder strikes numerous times

we have little time left ,an average man said while looking at the sky

yes we do ,a voice said from behind ,he turn quickly ,it an old man with walking stick

He look at the atmosphere ,it comes ,it comes ,I see it come ,the old man said

what comes alaanin ,the average man asked ,The old man look at him then turn his gaze to the sky

the old man nod his head slowly

alaanin ,the average man called in low tone

Surat comes ,the old man said and made his way down the cliff with the aid of his walking stick

the average man stood still ,his eye balls flicks continuously ,Not again the man muster under his breathe


Emily sits in the middle of a circle of burning woods
with a deer whose neeck is split

An old man holding a bowl of the deer's blood

Sprinkle the blood around her ,while he chant a word continuously

he gave her the bowl which she collected with both hands

drink !,the oldman said using his hand to gesture

Emily drink

drop the bowl of blood beside her

the old man gave a loud shout ,Emmmmyyriaa

then fell on his kness and bow

immediately the fire increased ,burning furiously

Emily's eyes went black

she stood up majestically

emyriaa the people of her clan shouted and fell on their knees

They all bow

Emily voice came strong and mighty

"I am you as you are to me "

theirs large movement of Emily's clan ,they training has been completed

They're coming to southern belt of the country ,Rivers state to be precised.

Watch out for episode 4,(Surat is coming )

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Re: IMPAIRABLE (when Fate Strikes ) by Nicheey(m): 8:57pm On Nov 26, 2017
Impairable episode 4

"Ohhh ohhh ,yeah yeah

If you give ur heart to me

I no go let you go

Girl I no go do u ba'sabi baby trust

In me

When you give your heart to me ,I no go let you go,girl I no go do u wrong girl ,baby trust in me

I go dey ur body like skintight ,way I go dey

By ur side cause 10 times way I no get shipiam

You dey by my side

Oh na!na!na!na!na!

Ehh ehh ehh my baby o!

O!o!o!o! Sweety o!"

Skintight by Mr eazi ft terry G plays (background).

Halijah look outside her side window

Still having her hand on the steering

The Innoson supra 4×4 truck running at 120/150 mph

Her phone rings ,The face of Adam showed in the

Screen ,with "Hunnie " written below is picture

She sigh weakly ,It come ,it come ,she kept mustering

Never again ,this time I'll put up a fight

She said under her breathe

She remove her scarf ,dropping it on the side sit

Adam called again ,this time she terminated the

The call and switched off the phone

Hot tears drip from her eyes ,she clean it immediately

Holding her self back from crying

Her face turn Moody, I'll miss them she said

But I'm doing this for them ,If I die ,I die

She said under her breathe

Tears kept dripping down her eyes

She put the car to a halt ,with the tyres

Forcefully stopped (sudden brake)

"The other day ,I felt awe with the police

The shocking thing was to send me to my vers

Is the ego my only disease?

To do right when no one else will?

But it'll will be worth it

Though I Dont deserve this

Take all I have please

Love me ,leave me naked "

Naked by Brymo plays in the background.

As she buried her head crying


I can't reach her ,Adam said to leton

Who had her concentration on her brother

Probably waiting for him to tell her something

What are we going to do ? Leton asked reluctantly

I Dont know ,adam said ,sitting down on the couch

We gotta call the police ,leton said standing

Adam stare at her weakly, That's the last people we should call

He said

We can't help it ,leton said ,or you got a better idea ?

Yes ,let's call elly Adam said

What'll she do?leton said looking at him

With hate

You have no idea ,he said.


There was long convoy of trucks

Emily and her kid sister were in the middle of the convoy

Emily looking quite different than usual

She had a pale dark dress on ,with dark stripes tired around her long dark black hair

She put her hand across her kid sister who smiles at her

Where are we going ,her kid sister broke the silence ,I don't know emily lied

Will I like it there ?? She asked meekly

You should ,Emily said
Assure me ,her kid sister said raising her smallest finger up(fifth finger )

Emily looked at the finger then at her sister ,
Pinki swear ,the kid said with a bright smile

Emily raise hers up ,(both fingers got locked together for some secs before the kid broke the lock)

It is done ,the kid said ,emily smiled at her
While her hand stroking her hair.

*voice from the television*Today's residents are advice to stay in doors (the female weather reporter said )

A big hurricane is passing by ,the entire Niger Delta has been put on a lock down ,We'll be here with updates ,please stay with us.

Elly who was sitting beside her brother
Shakes her hand ,since when do hurricane comes to Niger Delta? She asked randomly

Her brother stare at her ,then shake his head
Did you even hear what the reporter said ??he asked, Elly looked at him with a "what " stare on her face

A big hurricane is passing by,residents are advice to stay indoors ,he said mimicking the reporter's voice

The entire Niger Delta has been put on a lock down ,he continued

Elly smirk at him

Suit your self ,he said angrily
Then stood up and left the Parlour's to his room

Elly was switching through the channels when her phone rang ,Adam's face pop up in the phone screen with "mine" written under

Hey adam watsup ?!She asked immediately she picked the call

Can you come over ?,Adam's voice came through from the other side

Why? Can't you see a hurricane is passing ? She answered his question with another question

It's about my mum ,Adam voice was in a low pitch tone ,Omg is something wrong with her? She asked

While she put on her jacket
I'll be there in a flash ,she said

Then hung up

Danny ! Danny!! ,she shouted her brother's name

Danny came down from the stairs ,what?? He yelled at elly

Wear your jacket,we going to Adam's house elly said loudly .

Halijah was half way out of port Harcourt

It began raining

She reduce her speed from 120-150mph to 80-100mph
She turn on her wippers

After 5mins of driving the vast lonely road
She saw a signboard ahead with "slow down,military check point"

She slowed down

Soon she approach the check point

Personnel from the Nigeria navy
Stood ,using their hands to wave her down

One of the personnel came at her ,he was wearing the Nigerian military camou raincoat

She rolled down the window ,Good afternoon ma'am
The personnel greeted

Morning ,halijah said with a bright smile ,
How may I help you ,she asked

May I see your papers ma'am, he said politely

Sure ,halijah reach out to the truck's dash boards and brought out the papers ,here you go

She said handing then to him

The personnel checked it thoroughly then handed the papers to her

Drive safe ma'am ,He said and saluted
Thank you halijah said then drove off

1 Like

Re: IMPAIRABLE (when Fate Strikes ) by Nicheey(m): 11:29pm On Nov 26, 2017
may una comment na ,ahbi may I stop Ni?
Re: IMPAIRABLE (when Fate Strikes ) by Nicheey(m): 10:35am On Nov 27, 2017
Watch out for impairable episode 6 this night !
Re: IMPAIRABLE (when Fate Strikes ) by Nicheey(m): 6:16pm On Nov 30, 2017
Impairiable episode 6

"Let us get high ,still have tonight ,yesterday for the memory,everything alright ,take a break from reality ,take a flight to mars.

So let us get high ,fall from the sky,Away! The mirage is awa

Everything ,you've come to know today ,when the day face and fade away

On the road to the massacre ,you're your own savior ,if you need someone to care ,I'll do you that favour

Ohh ohh ohh,ohh ohh ohh ohh ×4

Mirage by Brymo plays (background ).

As the convoy of cars and trucks drive down the way from Kaduna -abuja road

Just a day left ,the leader of Emily's clan said under his breathe ,an aged woman beside him(his wife ) put her Hand on his

People will die ,the man went on ,We could die

He said then gaze at the bright face staring at him with an assuring smile .

We'll survive ,the woman whisper to his hearing ,her voice came sharp as the speed of light

She had her dark hair packed with a black scarf

wearing black on black

Her husband looked at her in the eyes ,she smiled at him .

As elly and Danny walk in the pedestrian footway
Just beside the large lonely roads ,it was almost dark ,The street lights were turn on making the street clearer

It was Dewing ,Their breathe brought out smog.
Both Danny and elly wore gloves and jackets

They both walk side by side without conversing between them selves .

As areah and her mother stood beside each other facing the window

It'll be dawn soon ,Aliyah Said ,

what will become of us ? Areah asked ,staring at her mother ,Her mother stroke her shoulder gently ,I can't tell ,Aliyah replied

While she gaze at her daughter who has distraught in her eyes

Fear Not hunnie ,I'll be here ,always and forever ,Her mother said ,then take her gaze to the sky ,We'll be fine she said the last words reluctantly.

Halijah , a voice called ,You know what to do if you still want to be part of this coven ,the female voice came devilished .

No mother !,halijah said with a shuddering feeling

Don't call me mother ,you abominable thing ,her mother curse ,

Danny has to die ,can't you see ? Her mother asked rhetorically ,Not my Danny halijah spark

Oh dear ,We have no choice than cast you out ,If you keep coming we'll keep casting you out ,until you fix things,The aged woman who was in the ogoni native dress said heartlessly

She turned her back on her and face her coven members who felt remorse for her daughter but dare not show it

Fine ,I'll stop coming ,But know one thing ,When you need me I'll be the last person you'll see

Halijah said with broken voice ,And left the place ,Her mother turn immediately she had left ,On her face was emotions which she has hidden from both her coven members and her daughter


Hey Adam ,elly said immediately she got in the palour ,Adam just wave at her as she come to him.

Danny Stare at leton ,Never seen a girl before ?
Leton voice came sharp ,Danny kept mute then walk over to where his sister was ,Leton shake her head in frustration.

Hey Adam Danny said ,Hey Danny you finally left the house ? Adam teased, Danny stare at his sister then to Adam ,Leave me alone ,He said the go over to where leton was and sat beside her

Adam shake his head ,What happened to your mum? Elly asked ,reminding him of his mother .

She just left all of a sudden ,Like it happened during the day of Surat Adam said to her with a low tone.


Mum? Mum? Adam kept calling ,His mother ignored him and head to the car's park ,His younger sister stood quietly watching her brother

Adam immediately drags his sister's by her hand and hide when he saw a huge shadow cast on the the white cottons

The front door opened ,Adam held his sister to him self with his hand covering her mouth ,as he struggle to keep mute and control his breathe

You shall not pass ,A voice said from behind the shadow ,Show your self ,You ungodly creature

The creature was almost close to where adam and his sister were hiding

The shadow turn towards the voice's direction, Bit by bit it became visible,It was an ugly thing ,Half bull whithe a horse leg ,And hands like a hyena

And who is thy to deny me passage the creature said loudly

It is I,Halijah ,Daughter of the great wizard hazize,The voice came thick

Hazize's Descant ,You have no power over me ,The creature said shaking his hand slowly ,

We'll see about that halijah said.

Immediately the creature ran towards halijah in full speed,Slowly slowly it stopped then knelt in front of halijah

What! The creature exclaimed surprise ,halijah looked at it with a dead calm eyes ,say hey to Carcula She said then rip it's heart out

She moved side ways and left the forbidden thing fall off on the marble floor ,She dropped the heart just ontop of it .

Immediately in various corners something like an electric vroom covered the house ,Sounding every where

Halijah Stood firmly with her both hands raised ,Ready for combat


The sound keep coming

Adam could clearly see see the creature body laying dead, *Cough!* immediately he covered leton's mouth ,His mother turn back immediately then smile at where he was hiding

Caaaaahh! The electric defence has been bypass ,The vroom stopped ,She drag a chair close to the door and sat on it ,Crossing her legs ,with her both hands laying on the chair handle with blood dripping from them.

She wore a syder black top ,With some Hausa craft design on the both shoulders,and a black latex Slim trousers and 3inches black high heels,her hair tied to the back with a black scarf

The door opened gently ,Welcome !Welcome! Halijah said loudly

An elf like creature walked in ,With her white hair moving side ways as she walks

She wore a white gown dripping blood ,she walked elegantly

"Tahh da da laa",tahh da da laa" she kept making this sound as she walked towards halijah

To what do I owe this pleasant surprise ?
Halijah voice came sharp

The creature ignored her ,And continue making the sound

I hate being interrupted,the creature said randomly

You have no place here elf ,Halijah said loudly,This is my town ,My people ,My country
Halijah concluded

Carcula don't think so ,The elf said almost in a whisper ,Give me a reason I shouldn't kill u like the witches have killed so far the elf look at her contempt

Cause you can't halijah said with disdain in her voice

"Tahh Dada laa"tahh Dada laa' she hummed

As she walk around halijah in a circular movement

Halijah remain as she was ,Suddenly the elf drip blood from her mouth slowly

What are you doing to me ? The elf spark .
Still sitting there "taah da da lala " Halijah him the words

*coughing* blood kept dripping from the elf's mouth

Give me a reason I shouldn't kill you ,Halijah said while hitting her thumb slowly against the chair handle

The elf ignored her ,Immediately more blood l
Pours out ,"Ahhh " She scream in agony

Well I don't need a reason to kill you ,Halijah said ,Immediately blood ran off from every part of her body ,Soon she fell dead .

Tell carcula I'll be waiting for the next meeting ,I most avenge my husband ,This time I'll be the one bring the war to your footsteps ,
She said randomly as thou she was talking to someone ,Immediately the shadow cast on the cotton walked out .

They entire town of tai was left in ruins ,Some waked ,some dead ,some mutilated ,Blood spill over the roads ,Disintegrated bodies litter every where

Fire burning ,people going crazy ,Lot of witches killed ,Lots of vampires killed

A baby crying beside her dead mother

"There is fire all over the city no one can see ,and every one around me said that ,Nothing was heard or seen ,wake up in a city that couldnt sleep.

It's burning everywhere and still,no body care

You should see how the people believe still ,

They say help from heaven will come soon,Ohh ohh brother ,ohh ohh,ohh ohh I know you remember

Those good times in the city "

In the city by brymo plays (background) .

As ambulances drove pass

As fire fighters trying to subdue the fire from spreading

As Aliyah griefs her husband's death ,while elly and Danny sat watching

As different police cars came in the town ,With armed police

As airforce black hawk helicopters hovers in the air space of tai.

To be continued...

May una try comment na

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Re: IMPAIRABLE (when Fate Strikes ) by Nicheey(m): 7:41pm On Nov 30, 2017
Phelixdegreat( m ), thobbie007 ( m ), drippingink3, CuteTolex ( f),

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muhamadnur , Rex1 , chigold121 , Chigold121 , izywzy , spikedawson ,

clearboos , estybee , ....
Re: IMPAIRABLE (when Fate Strikes ) by Nicheey(m): 11:23pm On Dec 06, 2017
"Baby I'll show you(baby I go show you pepper)×3

You think say u sharp oo,I know say ,you know say u mad oo,u follow ada go ,o'rile u think say I no no,O'fitogonda ,you go after pari you talk say na work o,jo'opara'ame ,I see say your brain don dey touch oo

You this boy?! Sheybi u say u love me? Waytin u find go der ? You this boy !shebi I give u warnings ,but u no wan hear ,this boy?your head no dey work ,na trash u dey talk ,I get another boy way fine ,way fine pass u ,I go show u pepper".

Pepper-by Falz and simi plays from the truck speaker's

Suddenly the covoy halted ,There was over 60 trucks and vans ,Mostly innoson 4×4 thundra pickups

Emily peeped from her side window to catch a glimpse of what might be happening

Hey! Emily?! Her kid sis called with a sleepy voice ,rubbing both eyes with her hands

Yes nini? Emily said, Ahhww did I woke u up? She asked rhetorically ,while she stroke her back gently

Where are we now ? The little girl asked ,we still at the road NiNi ,emily said almost in a whisper, Don't worry soon we'll be home ,she looked at nini who was staring to her face ,Our new home ,Emily whispers the last words..

Why stop? A man sitting beside the man driving A innoson 4×4 truck asked ,The truck's ain't moving ,the driver said

What you mean the truck ain't moving ? Start the engine, the man ordered

Immediately the driver try starting the engine which didn't start

Step down ,let me start it ,while u check the bonet ,the man said ,without delay the driver came down ,while the other man shift to the driver's sit

Every thing seems fine here ,the driver said as he opened the bonet ,Try starting it ,he requested, okay! The man one in the driver's sit shouted

Three men from the near by trucks came by to see what the problem was

Y'all good? One of the men asked ,Yes yes ,the man in the driver's sit exclaimed, what's wrong ,another asked the driver ,I can't seem to find out

Suddenly all the vehicles head lights went off ,The sky was cloudless

Try starting it again, the man at the bonet said ,Hey ? You hear me?? He asked ,there was no reply ,he went over to the driver's door ,didn't see the man ,guys ? He said, yet no reply

He looked around ,couldn't find the 3 men ,Suddenly the body of the man at the driver's sit fell ontop the truck, Ahh ,ahh,The driver shouted,

Other men began coming out ,some ran to him ,while some checked if the bodies still have life in them ,Call the Ovi,Call the ovi!,a man shouted amidst the noise

There was sounds snarls ,arm your selves, the same man shouted

"Cark,tack" bones cracking ,they men all turned to w olves,snarling loud,Immediately one of the wolf took off ,Something appeared from the darkness ,Took the wolf by the neck and smash its head against the granite road

Seeing this the other wolves took few steps back ,Snarling louder than before ,The thing was like a shadow, Darker than darkness ,Ahh!the man whose head got smashed against the road groan in pains

The shadow looked at the man who was still groaning,"bow'bow'bow" the shadow smashes his head with it's feet

"Noise",it said ,I hate noise"

To be continued

1 Like

Re: IMPAIRABLE (when Fate Strikes ) by Nicheey(m): 9:05pm On Dec 10, 2017

It look around ,while making it's self visible bit by bit ,The snarls of the wolves have died down ,The wolves had him surrendered ,he was dark as night and fearful as death ,His black gown flaunts side ways as the breeze blows ,His face was dark ,darker than any thing you could imagine ,With his hand(left)glue to a black staff with a python head .

An old man came walking slowly towards the unknown thing ,The wolves gave way for the old man as he approach,immediately he had passed the gap was closed back, The old man stood front of the thing ,Without emotions in his face ,nor fear in his voice he speak ,To what do I owe this pleasant surprise from carcular's 10th subordinate, he asked ,while watching the thing with calm dead eyes.

Alaanin!,the thing said loudly,while it took steps towards the old man,Have you got a death wish? The thing asked

the old man who could be in his early 70s stood firmly without moving a muscle ,his boot stood against the granite road, His eyes were tired ,in his mind he was prepared to die ,Than hand over his clan's weapon to carcular

the thing stood front of the old man,looking him in the eyes ,"where is she"?! The thing whisper in the old man's ear,The old man looked down at his boot,avoiding the faceless thing ,"she's gone" he said in a low tone

"Lies" the thing said with a calmed voice ,"she's right here " the thing said ,The old man already proven wrong put his hand behind his back ,then took 5 steps backward ,"you'll have to pass through us to get her"he said then pulled out a fougasses and threw at the thing ...


Wake the hell up,Elly whispers as she taps Danny ,Let me sleep !!,Danny said with a sleepy voice ,No! We gotta go ,we got school tomorrow ,elly said ,oh man ! Could u spare just 10 mins ? Danny asked raising his hands ,no! Elly whispered in his ears

Angrily Danny got up ,without saying a word to his sister he walked to where he hand hung his jacket and wore it ,Let's go ,shall we ? He asked elly who was looking at him ,Sure ,elly shrugged

After have told em 'we are going ,she said
What ever ,Danny said under his breathe

Adam?adam? She kept tapping him ,yeah? He asked with a sleepy voice, Danny and I are going ,she said while stroking his dark hair ,okay !,he said weakly ,aren't you gonna see me off ? She asked ,you want me to? He asked back, maybe !elly answered.

Watch out for episode 7...

Biko may una mention any mods here ,it's bout time I hit front page na

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Re: IMPAIRABLE (when Fate Strikes ) by Nicheey(m): 5:50pm On Dec 21, 2017
Impairable episode 7.

"I'll give you what you wanting, baby come and chop my money Oo, baby back to the dancing, baby this one no be joking Oo, Star boy give you what you wanting, all this niggahs name my pikin Oo.

baby back to the dancing, baby this no be joking Oo.

so I say, no man say no man can take my joy away, (ehn ehh ehh) I just wanna get more money and live my life my way, free smoke, free Hennessy, more life to my enemies(ahh eh)the wan take way the energy, the can't take away the energy ."

energy by runtown plays in the back ground...


I'm sorry about ur mum, Elly said looking at Adam, Adam nodded his head slowly, it's Surat, isn't it? he said and asked, hmm hmm, Elly hummed with a nod, but hey, hey, look at me, she said holding Adam's face with her both hands, their body was quite close as Adam could feel the fur of her Jacket, we'll pull through, she said looking at Adam with an assuring smile, You have my word ,believe me, she said now rubbing his face with her left hand while the other on his face.

I believe u you, Adam said touching her hand on his face, that's why have got u, she said with a bold smile.

if you both are done could we be going now?? Danny's voice came from behind, oops Elly hissed out, I should be going, she said then give him a hug, I'll text you once I'm home, she said as she walk out if him.

Danny and Elly walk off, the weather is now colder than before ,Elly 's phone peeped, she brought it underneath her jacket inner pocket ,damn she said, while she stare at her phone screen ,what's wrong? Danny asked with less concern ,it's mum, she has called 6times, Elly said while she dialed her mother's number.


there were unclad bodies littered in the granite road, ahhh ahhh, The old man groans in pains, the snart of wolves was loud, three rushed at the unknown creature, he caught two by their necks ,the third came running at him in full speed ,quickly he jump and bite the thing on it's neck ,ahh the thing gave a shout ,and drop to it's knees ,with the Wolf still holding it's neck with it teeth .

he snapped the necks of the wolves he was holding ,immediately three rush at him again ,one bite it's hand, another his second hand, while the third bite it's left side of the thing's neck, the thing struggles ,but the wolves were stringed, the old man stood up, walk towards the thing, his left leg was bleeding slowly ,his fore head had blood dripping, his both hands lay heavy bruises and injuries ,he was unclad.

Standing in front of the thing as it struggles ,with over 10 wolves behind him, all surround the thing.

"tell carcula he'll have to kill us all to have the emyria " he said looking at the faceless thing,"Send carcula my regards ".

He said the turn to walk out of the thing, "You'll be hunted and killed in your hundred s, your descendants shall be haunted ,your clan will be wiped out, all your legacies erased, You'll regret this day till you die. "the old man who had stopped mid way With out turning nodded his head

immediately all the wolves rushed at the thing.

this be continued...

1 Like

Re: IMPAIRABLE (when Fate Strikes ) by Nicheey(m): 5:32am On Dec 28, 2017
happy new year in advance....

Impairable episode 7


hello mum? Elly answered immediately the phone connected, where are you? her mum voice was loud .
Danny and I went to get some stuff, we're on our way back, Elly answered. don't come directly to the house, meet me at the church gate, her mother's voice sounded from he Samsung Galaxy, mum's what's wrong? Elly asked.

*peep*the call was disconnected, what's up? Danny asked, change of plans, we're meeting mummy at the church, she said putting her hands into her jacket pockets, you think it's grandma? Danny asked without looking at her, I don't know!,Elly answered reluctantly.

Halijah brought the innoson truck to a halt, she's been driving for a day now, the car was covered in dust, She roll her side glasses up, It was cold, extremely cold, she turn on the truck's warmer, and the driver's sit heater, making the sit warm, She turned on the television in the front dash board *female presenter*the hurricane is starting now, all residents are advice to be in doors, motorist are advice to get off the road, *

*voice went inaudible * halijah looked out from her side window ,the street lights in Wide roads make things easily seen ,she pressed a button in the car Sterling(wheel)the television went black ,then turn back on, showing the map of Abuja (federal capital territory) .

still far, she said under her breathe ,the destination on the map was kaduna.soon it started rainy, she increased the warmer, she was feeling cold despite having her sit heated.

she look behind and saw 3 blankets nearly forded on the back sit, she pull them to her self slowly, she was breathing heavily, She wrapped her self in one of the blanket ,place one of the wheel, and another covering her hands.

she placed her head gently on the wheel , she pressed a button that made the truck got lock ,she closed her eyes slowly and slept off.


do you think you did the right thing? An age woman said without looking, referring to an age man who just got in the truck .

I hope I did, the man answered, his leg was bleeding slowly, who was it? the woman asked, it was the 10th beast, The woman gave a smirk .

we can't fight them,the old voice was filled with concern,yes we can't the old man answered,but we could try ,the old man said .

he place his hand on hers ,his hand was bruised with injuries ,there's lot of dried blood oh his hand.

Don't worry,we will be fine ,he said looking at her as she continues her neating .

There was lot of noise as the convoy of trucks starts moving ,there was Wolves running beside the truck ,probably for precaution .


where are they? Leton asked rubbing her eyes ,she just woke up from a nap .who ? Adam asked ,danny and elly ,leton answered stretching her hands .oh they already left ,adam said with less concern .

Any thing from mum? Leton yelled from the kitchen ,
nope ! Nothing ,adam yelled back .

Leton came to the parlour With two cups, here she said .handing a cup to adam , what's in it? Adam asked As he collects it .milk, leton said with a sigh ,immediately sat down gently beside her brother.

Can we call the police now ? Leton asked with concern.what will the police do ? Adam asked after a sip of milk,they'll do their job ,leton said loudly.

To be honest , this isn't what the police can do , just trust me we will be... Trust... Trust you? Leton caught him off ,have always trusted you ,she said .but this is mum,I can't trust you with her ,she said standing up .

You're gonna be sending innocent people to their graves leton ,adam shouted as she climbed up to her room.

Danny stopped ,look around the area they were , this is not good , he said to elly's hearing .what's not good ? Elly asked looking at him in the face ,something's is out here with us , danny answered.

Elly looked around ,I don't see any thing she whispered , its here ,I can feel it ,danny said .

Let's go back elly said pulling her brother ,no !,danny said standing firmly ,if we go back it will strike ,expect we strike first we can't beat it ,danny said .

How do you intend to fight what you can't see ? Elly asked frighte.

Danny bend down slowly and pick up a stick ,wah are you doing ? Elly asked pulling his jacket ,hang on ,he said .

He threw the stick into a dark corner ,immediately the stick was thrown back .

Elly gasped ,covering her mouth so she don't scream ,she checked her time it was an hour to 12am ,elly elly? Danny called twice ,yes ?! Elly answered in a whispered ,you know what ustin bolt is known for ?.

Elly nodded her head gently ,good ,cause we'll need that to save us ,he said standing upright...

Watch out for episode 8

Compliment of the season people

1 Like

Re: IMPAIRABLE (when Fate Strikes ) by Nicheey(m): 10:47pm On Jan 01, 2018
Happy new year people
Re: IMPAIRABLE (when Fate Strikes ) by Nicheey(m): 10:16pm On Jan 11, 2018
impairable episode 8.

" The club isn't the best place to find a lover
So the bar is where I go (mmmm)
Me and my friends at the table doing shots
Drinking fast and then we talk slow (mmmm)
And you come over and start up a conversation with just me
And trust me I'll give it a chance now (mmmm)
Take my hand, stop, put Van The Man on the jukebox
And then we start to dance
And now I'm singing like
Girl, you know I want your love
Your love was handmade for somebody like me
Come on now, follow my lead
I may be crazy, don't mind me
Say, boy, let's not talk too much
Grab on my waist and put that body on me
Come on now, follow my lead
Come, come on now, follow my lead (mmmm)
I'm in love with the shape of you
We push and pull like a magnet do
Although my heart is falling too
I'm in love with your body
Last night you were in my room
And now my bedsheets smell like you
Every day discovering something brand new
I'm in love with your body
Oh I oh I oh I oh I
I'm in love with your body
Oh I oh I oh I oh I
I'm in love with your body
Oh I oh I oh I oh I
I'm in love with your body
Every day discovering something brand new
I'm in love with the shape of you"

shape of you by ed sheraan.plays in the background.

*rings* rings*Elly phone rings severally, Elly laying flat beside her brother ,her forehead has blood dripping from side way.

Adam's face pop up on the phone's screen ,the call got disconnected .
his face pop up again.

"ahrrrh" she screams in agony."danny !danny!" she kept calling , "please wake up". she said in a broken voice.

"look what we have here " a voice said ,"please !,please!"don't hurt us ".Elly whimpered.

"carck" carck" the sound erupted beside Elly .immediately she turned towards her brother ,Danny wasn't there ."danny"?!.she whispered.

"howl"""" ,the sound kept coming front of Elly .hurriedly she crawl her way out of the lighten road to the dark footpaths.


Adam's phone rings from the center table ."Adam?!" let on called from downstairs."what?" a voice came from up ."your phone is ringing"leton said moving towards the table.

"tell her I don't wanna talk to her " a voice said from the staircase ,"seriously"?. leton asked gesturing with her hands upwards.

she picked up the phone,_without looking she picked the call.

*voice on the phone *:Adam ?heard from Elly ?.

"whoa" leton said between her teeth ,"Mrs barisuka"its leton" she said loudly.

*voice on the phone *:have u heard from Elly?(she asked again )
leton: they already left maa.

*voice on the phone *:they aren't picking their calls.

"bang" a loud explode erupted just behind their house .

danny came from back yard carrying Elly on his shoulder .

"_oh my God "_ leton whispered.

to be continued....

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Re: IMPAIRABLE (when Fate Strikes ) by Nicheey(m): 1:07am On May 28, 2018
IMPAIRABLE EPISODE 8 continuation...

*"I don't wanna give you the wrong impression,I need love and affliction.Hope I ain't sounding to desperate,I need love and affliction.love... love... love... love and affliction."*... future love by Rihana ft futur plays in the background.

What happened? leton asked with horror in her voice. we got attacked danny answered while laying his sister on the long couch.

jesus christ".adam exclaimed immediately he came down. what happened to her he asked randomly. she's fine danny said ignoring his question.

"ahhh ahhh ah" elly waked up all of a sudden grasping for breathe... It is time. surat has come...she said in horror.

leton swallowed hard. then turn a gaze at her brother, we'll be fine adam assured her.


howl" howwwwwwwwwwwl"... it is time aliyah said staring up at the sky...

drive faster,an old voice said from behind. yes sir a man answered. why the rush ? an old woman beside him asked. it is time the old man said reluctantly... the woman lay low her head. our last day together she said stretching her hand towards the man. no one's dying ameria... he said looking at her eye ball to eye ball. certainly not today...


ahh ahh,it hurts a girl cried out. areah! the girl's mother shouted with anger.let her go,she said turning behind her.

make me,a voice said strongly.

you'll wish you never existed,the woman said and immediately charge at the thing.

omg how's she? a asked immediately she got into adam's family's parlour. she's fine mum,danny answered while he hugged her. you're bleeding his mother said panicking. I'm fine mum,just do your thing. danny said looking desperate.they're gonna be here soon,he concluded.

*bang!!!* ,I think they're here already leton said in a panick voice.

halijah! halijah...a familiar voice called.

an old woman came in staggering,maa !halijah yelled while she ran to her.

it's okay maa,I'm here. halijah said holding her in her arms. they,they areeee com-in.the old woman manage to spill out the words.yes maa I know,halijah said with a shaky voice.

danny! she called...halijah turned quickly to danny,maa wants to see you. she said hastily.

I'm sorry danny,for everything. the old woman apologized,give me your hand she said opening hers. danny gaze at his mum who nodded at him,go on,his mother said with tears dripping from her both eyes.


* Lyrics
What would I do without your smart mouth
Drawing me in, and you kicking me out
Got my head spinning, no kidding, I can’t pin you down
What’s going on in that beautiful mind
I’m on your magical mystery ride
And I’m so dizzy, don’t know what hit me, but I’ll be alright

My head’s under water
But I’m breathing fine
You’re crazy and I’m out of my mind

'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I’ll give my all to you
You’re my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I’m winning
'Cause I give you all, all of me
And you give me all, all of you
all of me by john legend plays in the background.


the old woman died holding hands with Danny.


an old man lay flat on the granite road,bodies litter every where. beside him an old woman barely breathing...

halijah(adam's mum) got the innoson thundra 4 to a halt...

thick darkness cover the skies,wind blows violently. a loud shout erupted from nowhere, I guess this is it. halijah said under her breathe.


watch out for impairable season 2

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Re: IMPAIRABLE (when Fate Strikes ) by HtwoOw: 7:07am On May 28, 2018
Hmmmmm, So when does the real story sell ?

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It Changed Me Forever / Natasha: ''A Girl Like Me'' / ADAM (rebooted)--dark Fantasy/sci-fi

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