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Jesus Is The Only Way: My Personal Experiences - Religion - Nairaland

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M Skid Responds To Maraji's "Jesus Is The Only Way" Claim / My Personal Encounter With Jesus On 8th June, 2019 / Drugs/Sex/Indulgence Not The Solution. This is the Only Way Out of Depression (2) (3) (4)

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Jesus Is The Only Way: My Personal Experiences by Originakalokalo(m): 2:46am On Nov 25, 2017
I have read the scriptures and by the grace of God, I have the understanding.

Before I introduce you to some scriptures, lemme share my personal experiences with you.

In June, I slept in the afternoon. I saw a man, who told me that my sister is going to die.

That " They" have seen her struggles. That there is no amount of prayer that can stop it. I was warned not to bother praying.

That it is time to come and rest.

I was in 1st semester of my masters degree program.

In the dream, I was told that this passing on shall happen before we resume.

I woke up and discussed with my wife. I didn't understand the meaning of " before we resume." The school was on session.

End of July, we went on a strike.

On September 13, I got a call from home.

My daddy died in an accident.

On 18, The six weeks strike was called off.

We resumed. My sister is still alive.

Let's analyse this dream


Re: Jesus Is The Only Way: My Personal Experiences by Originakalokalo(m): 3:02am On Nov 25, 2017
1. I was told that Daddy is coming home to rest.

He started his ministry around 1985.

He died with an uncompleted church, with less than 20 members.

Why? His message is only about heaven.

He speaks the truth undiluted. It was struggles, hunger, all the way.

Now, this is it. It is Certain that there is a place of rest. At death point, I WILL HOLD THIS BELIEVE.

John 5:21 For as the Father raiseth up the dead, and quickeneth them; even so the Son quickeneth whom he will.

John 5:28 Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice,

And they that hear shall live.

When I saw my dad's lifeless body,

I wept. This scriptures above told me what will become of him.

My brother, there is a place of DEATH.


Look at what John the Baptist said:

John 3:36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life:

and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.

John the Baptist said this. Not Jesus.

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Re: Jesus Is The Only Way: My Personal Experiences by OtemSapien: 3:08am On Nov 25, 2017
Yes there is heaven for Christians. I've been there and I know, peaceful but boring. There are other uncountable afterlives for various people of the world, all peaceful. Death is sweet.

However, you said you dreamt that your sister was going to die, but it wasn't her that died but your father? How that?


Re: Jesus Is The Only Way: My Personal Experiences by Originakalokalo(m): 3:11am On Nov 25, 2017
2. I know God hears me. An infection of over 20 years vanished by my prayer of faith, less than 5 minutes prayer.

God's love for me is so much that he TOLD ME WHAT WAS COMING. SO THAT I WILL NOT GRIEF MUCH.

Else, who am I to see the time of the end of a man who is greater than me?

John 16 vs 13:

John 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth:

for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.


Did you see that in the scripture above?

That is the work of the Holy Spirit.

There are many experiences I may not share with you now.

Eternal life is real.

Confess Christ. Believe him. How?

Not only by confessing him.

If you believe him, you will do what he says.

He is the only one that can give you LIFE.

No one else can.

14 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Jesus Is The Only Way: My Personal Experiences by Originakalokalo(m): 3:27am On Nov 25, 2017
Yes there is heaven for Christians. I've been there and I know, peaceful but boring. There are other uncountable afterlives for various people of the world, all peaceful. Death is sweet.

However, you said you dreamt that your sister was going to die, but it wasn't her that died but your father? How that?

The ways of God.

It was the way God wanted to reveal it.

I love my parents so dearly. They suffered.

If I had been told it was going to be my dad,

It wouldn't have been easy on me. I even prayed after the dream for God's will to be done.

After the accident, they called me from home to pray, that Daddy is involved in an accident.Around 11 pm. September 13.

I missed the call. When I saw it, A still small voice said in my innermost part...


Someone who was not sick, nothing.

I rebuked the spirit.

Not knowing that my dad had died before they called. He died at 8pm.

They didn't know he had died. The man who took him to the hospital did not disclose to them.

I got the information before them.

But I didn't know it was the Spirit of God.

Jesus said he has life in him.He proved it.

I believe him. I have life too.

Even if I die suddenly, He will plead for me.

When my soul doesn't know what to do and where to go to, In confusion,

Jesus said he will send his Angels to come instantly and take me home.

In this, death has lost its power .

Death, where is thy sting?

Hades, where is your victory?

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Re: Jesus Is The Only Way: My Personal Experiences by OtemSapien: 3:40am On Nov 25, 2017

The ways of God.

It was the way God wanted to reveal it.

I love my parents so dearly. They suffered.

If I had been told it was going to be my dad,

It wouldn't have been easy on me. I even prayed after the dream for God's will to be done.

After the accident, they called me from home to pray, that Daddy is involved in an accident.Around 11 pm. September 13.

I missed the call. When I saw it, A still small voice said in my innermost part...


Someone who was not sick, nothing.

I rebuked the spirit.

Not knowing that my dad had died before they called. He died at 8pm.

They didn't know he had died. The man who took him to the hospital did not disclose to them.

I got the information before them.

But I didn't know it was the Spirit of God.

Jesus said he has life in him.He proved it.

I believe him. I have life too.

Even if I die suddenly, He will plead for me.

When my soul doesn't know what to do and where to go to, In confusion,

Jesus said he will send his Angels to come instantly and take me home.

In this, death has lost its power .

Death, where is thy sting?

Hades, where is your victory?
So you mean your god was telling you lies. Mind you, most dreams about someone dying shouldn't be taken literally. When I was a christian, I have dreamt about many people dying, but till today none of them have died. Death in dream most often doesn't mean death in reality. Most times when you are not keeping in touch with someone as you used to, then you can have a dream seeing the person dead. What it means is that you need to start keeping in touch with the person again. If you can remember when you had that dream, you were some distances away from your sister. I mean you were not together in the same roof with her then and most likely you were not calling her regularly on phone, so your unconscious was trying to tell you to get in touch with her but you took it as a literal revelation of death. Your father dying later after sometimes is just a mere coincidence of nature, it has nothing to do with your dream.

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Re: Jesus Is The Only Way: My Personal Experiences by Originakalokalo(m): 3:55am On Nov 25, 2017
My dad served a God. He believed in a Jesus.

I was told he is coming home I rest.

And it happened.

If he served God, and believe in Jesus,

And he got rest. Not hell,

Then I will serve that God, and him alone till I die.

This is not about what I read in the Bible alone,

This is about my personal experiences.

John 4 vs 43:. I am come in my father's name. And ye receive me not.


He is the Creator of Heavens and Earth.

Who is this ANOTHER that Jesus was talking about?

Islam came 600 years after Christ.

Now, 17 percent of those in Israel are Muslims.

2percent are Christians.

Isaiah 65vs1. I am sought of them that asked not for me;
I am found of them that sought me not: I said,

Behold me, behold me, unto a nation that was not called by my name.

65: vs 2 I have spread out

my hands all the day unto a rebellious people, which walketh in a way that was not good, after their own thoughts;

Unfortunately, the Gentiles found God.

We found Jesus.

ANYONE, regardless of what you are or believe or do,

Who doesn't believe in the only way to Everlasting Life


I am sorry to say this.

If you leave this world without Jesus,

You are condemned.

It's not about the fear of death.

It is about what happens to you after here.

Do everything possible to be saved.

Relocate if it will be impossible for you to change your believe where you are.

Nobody will answer for you when it is time.

I believe because it is my father's religion" will not save you.

All man for himself.

Accept Christ today.

God bless you my brother/ sister.

17 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Jesus Is The Only Way: My Personal Experiences by Originakalokalo(m): 3:57am On Nov 25, 2017

So you mean your god was telling you lies. Mind you, most dreams about someone dying shouldn't be taken literally. When I was a christian, I have dreamt about many people dying, but till today none of them have died. Death in dream most often doesn't mean death in reality. Most times when you are not keeping in touch with someone as you used to, then you can have a dream seeing the person dead. What it means is that you need to start keeping in touch with the person again. If you can remember when you had that dream, you were some distances away from your sister. I mean you were not together in the same roof with her then and most likely you were not calling her regularly on phone, so your unconscious was trying to tell you to get in touch with her but you took it as a literal revelation of death. Your father dying later after sometimes is just a mere coincidence of nature, it has nothing to do with your dream.


You will need to convince someone else.

You are wasting your time with me.


Re: Jesus Is The Only Way: My Personal Experiences by Originakalokalo(m): 4:05am On Nov 25, 2017

So you mean your god was telling you lies. Mind you, most dreams about someone dying shouldn't be taken literally. When I was a christian, I have dreamt about many people dying, but till today none of them have died. Death in dream most often doesn't mean death in reality. Most times when you are not keeping in touch with someone as you used to, then you can have a dream seeing the person dead. What it means is that you need to start keeping in touch with the person again. If you can remember when you had that dream, you were some distances away from your sister. I mean you were not together in the same roof with her then and most likely you were not calling her regularly on phone, so your unconscious was trying to tell you to get in touch with her but you took it as a literal revelation of death. Your father dying later after sometimes is just a mere coincidence of nature, it has nothing to do with your dream.

1 Timothy 4:1

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

4:2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

4:3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

Your doctrines are of the Devil.

Your time is coming.


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Re: Jesus Is The Only Way: My Personal Experiences by OtemSapien: 4:22am On Nov 25, 2017

1 Timothy 4:1

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

4:2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

4:3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

Your doctrines are of the Devil.

Your time is coming.


Don't take me for an enemy. What I stated up there was the actual fact. No amount of Timothies can erase such fact. BTW, how is the History of the world from devil and what is devil?


Re: Jesus Is The Only Way: My Personal Experiences by Originakalokalo(m): 4:27am On Nov 25, 2017

So you mean your god was telling you lies. Mind you, most dreams about someone dying shouldn't be taken literally. When I was a christian, I have dreamt about many people dying, but till today none of them have died. Death in dream most often doesn't mean death in reality. Most times when you are not keeping in touch with someone as you used to, then you can have a dream seeing the person dead. What it means is that you need to start keeping in touch with the person again. If you can remember when you had that dream, you were some distances away from your sister. I mean you were not together in the same roof with her then and most likely you were not calling her regularly on phone, so your unconscious was trying to tell you to get in touch with her but you took it as a literal revelation of death. Your father dying later after sometimes is just a mere coincidence of nature, it has nothing to do with your dream.


The time given to me was right. Perfect. Before we resumed.

My sister did not struggle. " They have seen her works"

My sister has not done anything yet for the kingdom of Christ.

My Dad has been in the business of God for years.

Died in the struggle.

4 days before a strike was called off.

" Before we resume"

My brother, you are only wasting your time trying to convince me.

Tell that to the spirit in you.

That Spirit of the devil only wants to destroy you.

All those blasphemy you have done on this site have been by that Spirit.

This same spirit shall go before you to condemn you after your death.

That is what they do.

They cause you to sin.They condemn you.

Even as a child of God. They deceive you to sin. When you open your mouth to pray, they come to condemn you.

The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy.

He has stolen your soul. He has not killed it yet.


33 Likes 7 Shares

Re: Jesus Is The Only Way: My Personal Experiences by Ranchhoddas: 7:14am On Nov 25, 2017

My dad served a God. He believed in a Jesus.

I was told he is coming home I rest.

And it happened.

If he served God, and believe in Jesus,

And he got rest. Not hell,

Then I will serve that God, and him alone till I die.

This is not about what I read in the Bible alone,

This is about my personal experiences.

John 4 vs 43:. I am come in my father's name. And ye receive me not.


He is the Creator of Heavens and Earth.

Who is this ANOTHER that Jesus was talking about?

Islam came 600 years after Christ.

Now, 17 percent of those in Israel are Muslims.

2percent are Christians.

Isaiah 65vs1. I am sought of them that asked not for me;
I am found of them that sought me not: I said,

Behold me, behold me, unto a nation that was not called by my name.

65: vs 2 I have spread out

my hands all the day unto a rebellious people, which walketh in a way that was not good, after their own thoughts;

Unfortunately, the Gentiles found God.

We found Jesus.

ANYONE, regardless of what you are or believe or do,

Who doesn't believe in the only way to Everlasting Life


I am sorry to say this.

If you leave this world without Jesus,

You are condemned.

It's not about the fear of death.

It is about what happens to you after here.

Do everything possible to be saved.

Relocate if it will be impossible for you to change your believe where you are.

Nobody will answer for you when it is time.

I believe because it is my father's religion" will not save you.

All man for himself.

Accept Christ today.

God bless you my brother/ sister.

What about people who were in Africa before the white men came?
Where would they go after death?

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Re: Jesus Is The Only Way: My Personal Experiences by Ranchhoddas: 7:19am On Nov 25, 2017
Yes there is heaven for Christians. I've been there and I know, peaceful but boring. There are other uncountable afterlives for various people of the world, all peaceful. Death is sweet.

However, you said you dreamt that your sister was going to die, but it wasn't her that died but your father? How that?
I once read something like this--that your belief influences your destination post-death. People of similar persuasions end up together till they realize the illusion and then take the next step on their spiritual evolutionary journey.


Re: Jesus Is The Only Way: My Personal Experiences by Originakalokalo(m): 10:10am On Nov 25, 2017
I once read something like this--that your belief influences your destination post-death. People of similar persuasions end up together till they realize the illusion and then take the next step on their spiritual evolutionary journey.

It's not true sir.
Re: Jesus Is The Only Way: My Personal Experiences by Ranchhoddas: 10:27am On Nov 25, 2017

It's not true sir.
So what's true? How do you know?
Re: Jesus Is The Only Way: My Personal Experiences by OtemSapien: 11:21am On Nov 25, 2017
I once read something like this--that your belief influences your destination post-death. People of similar persuasions end up together till they realize the illusion and then take the next step on their spiritual evolutionary journey.
Pls can you give me link to where you read such? I'm very delighted to hear this.
Re: Jesus Is The Only Way: My Personal Experiences by Originakalokalo(m): 3:58pm On Nov 25, 2017
The father has life.

The son has life.

He gives eternal life to those who believe in him.

JESUS is Lord and Savior.

Pls accept him.

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Re: Jesus Is The Only Way: My Personal Experiences by Originakalokalo(m): 4:10pm On Nov 25, 2017
So what's true?
How do you know?

Take this man example

If you believe that there is no God for instance

And that God wants worship, reverence, etc

But you failed to do these.

And after death, he exists,

Are you saying you will just "follow people of like mind"

While he watches you?

It's the doctrines of the devil.

It is not true.


Re: Jesus Is The Only Way: My Personal Experiences by Ranchhoddas: 4:21pm On Nov 25, 2017

Take this man example

If you believe that there is no God for instance

And that God wants worship, reverence, etc

But you failed to do these.

And after death, he exists,

Are you saying you will just "follow people of like mind"

While he watches you?

It's the doctrines of the devil.

It is not true.
If God wants worship as you say, don't you think he should find a way to let me know, to prevent me from making the mistake of worshipping the wrong God?

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Re: Jesus Is The Only Way: My Personal Experiences by Ranchhoddas: 4:23pm On Nov 25, 2017
Pls can you give me link to where you read such? I'm very delighted to hear this.
Our Ultimate Reality by Adrian Cooper.

1 Like 1 Share

Re: Jesus Is The Only Way: My Personal Experiences by Originakalokalo(m): 4:44pm On Nov 25, 2017
If God wants worship as you say, don't you think he should find a way to let me know, to prevent me from making the mistake of worshipping the wrong God?

Yes. He has done that already.

Do this in sincerity of heart.

Pray every day for guidance. Tell him you don't want to worship a wrong God.

Open your heart. He will guide you.

If you do this out of sincerity of heart, he will show you the way


Re: Jesus Is The Only Way: My Personal Experiences by Originakalokalo(m): 4:52pm On Nov 25, 2017
I once read something like this--that your belief influences your destination post-death. People of similar persuasions end up together till they realize the illusion and then take the next step on their spiritual evolutionary journey.

Murderers, Rapists, Thieves, will just "follow like minds"

and all will be well with them?

Lies from the pit of hell.


Re: Jesus Is The Only Way: My Personal Experiences by Ranchhoddas: 4:57pm On Nov 25, 2017

Yes. He has done that already.

Do this in sincerity of heart.

Pray every day for guidance. Tell him you don't want to worship a wrong God.

Open your heart. He will guide you.

If you do this out of sincerity of heart, he will show you the way

Asking sincerely for God to reveal Himself is often the last step before a former religionist turns to atheism.

Been there, done that!


Re: Jesus Is The Only Way: My Personal Experiences by Originakalokalo(m): 5:37pm On Nov 25, 2017
Asking sincerely for God to reveal Himself is often the last step before a former religionist turns to atheism.

Been there, done that!

Asking God to reveal himself to you in sincerity of heart, in other to serve him is different from

Asking him to "turn stone to bread" if he is truly God.

He owns the Earth and Heaven.
If you're asking for a sign, or asking out of lack of sincerity, he knows.

I can vouch for him.

He is a good God. People have prayed this prayer out of confusion of heart, on who to serve.

They had answers.

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Re: Jesus Is The Only Way: My Personal Experiences by Originakalokalo(m): 6:20pm On Nov 25, 2017
Jesus said Whoever believe in me


He said the father has life. And he gives it to whoever he Wills.

And that the Son has life too. He gives it to whoever he will too.

This is assuring.

This is the greatest assurance ever.


Re: Jesus Is The Only Way: My Personal Experiences by OtemSapien: 10:18pm On Nov 25, 2017

Murderers, Rapists, Thieves, will just "follow like minds"

and all will be well with them?

Lies from the pit of hell.

All these people committed crimes on earth, you didn't make them face the consequences of their crimes here on earth, so you are now expecting them to be punished in the afterlives of peace? It's just like school students who did very bad things in their secondary schools, but were not punished. They got their certificates and entered the university, then you are expecting the university to punish them for what they did wrong in their secondary school. How does that make sense?
The unforgiving being aka Yahweh who tried to do such stuffs as 'eternity in fire' is currently held captive in a spiritual cage. God Almighty is not an 'unforgiving being'.


Re: Jesus Is The Only Way: My Personal Experiences by hakimi1974(m): 10:22pm On Nov 25, 2017

All these people committed crimes on earth, you didn't make them face the consequences of their crimes here on earth, so you are now expecting them to be punished in the afterlives of peace? It's just like school students who did very bad things in their secondary schools, but were not punished. They got their certificates and entered the university, then you are expecting the university to punish them for what they did wrong in their secondary school. How does that make sense?
The unforgiving being aka Yahweh who tried to do such stuffs as 'eternity in fire' is currently held captive in a spiritual cage. God Almighty is not an 'unforgiving being'.
wow. true talk, these one got me thinking.


Re: Jesus Is The Only Way: My Personal Experiences by Deffi(m): 7:41am On Nov 26, 2017

All these people committed crimes on earth, you didn't make them face the consequences of their crimes here on earth, so you are now expecting them to be punished in the afterlives of peace? It's just like school students who did very bad things in their secondary schools, but were not punished. They got their certificates and entered the university, then you are expecting the university to punish them for what they did wrong in their secondary school. How does that make sense?
The unforgiving being aka Yahweh who tried to do such stuffs as 'eternity in fire' is currently held captive in a spiritual cage. God Almighty is not an 'unforgiving being'.

Unfortunately, it is not that simplistic. This entire world is a scene where what we do on it WILL DETERMINE where we go in the next world. It is not simplistically automatic as entering University automatically after secondary school as you put it!

'Where' you go are only two places, and your choice on earth will eventually lead you into ONE of the two places. See Hebrews 9:27.


Re: Jesus Is The Only Way: My Personal Experiences by Deffi(m): 7:49am On Nov 26, 2017
We all will be judged according to what we did with the Messiah God Almighty sent to deliver us, The Lord Jesus Christ, The Amen, The Great I Am.

I believe the o.p. God bless you, bro.

(See my signature guys!)

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Re: Jesus Is The Only Way: My Personal Experiences by OtemSapien: 8:08am On Nov 26, 2017

Unfortunately, it is not that simplistic. This entire world is a scene where what we do on it WILL DETERMINE where we go in the next world. It is not simplistically automatic as entering University automatically after secondary school as you put it!

'Where' you go are only two places, and your choice on earth will eventually lead you into ONE of the two places. See Hebrews 9:27.

Is your hell fire forever and ever? If it is, then whoever made a 'forever and ever' punishment for a murderer, a rap*ist, a fraudster, etc himself deserved to be flogged with holy cane because such judgement is the most dishonest and unrighteous judgements ever. I will give you what an ordinary village man used to rationalise the fact that an 'everlasting punishment' doesn't make sense, see below:


1. Now I Omokwo have five children. And the names of my children were Ajanigo, Alolo, Ufedo, Ariga and Ebo.
2. Now before my face, four of my five children changed to the religion of the foreigners. For when they went to the school of the foreigners to learn, they were taught their religion, saying, after death shall be heaven and fire only.
3. And those who believe in Zeusus shall go to heaven while they who do not believe in him shall go to the fire to be there forever. Now I called my children and said to them, where do you think that your distant great grandfather Mona shall be now as we speak?
4. And they said, he shall be in the fire because he did not know Zeusus in his days.
5. And I said, why should he go to the fire because he did not know Zeusus? Does he have any fault for not knowing Zeusus? For in his days, Issa was he whom they told him about. And they did not even say that Issa died for the world. But he did not believe all their stories because there are greater stories here also which we pass from mouth to mouth to our children and grandchildren.
6. Now Alolo said to me, father, we do not wish that our ancestors should go to the fire, but the reality is that they shall be there forever. And Omokwo said, you children are making me laugh. For it is as if you are drunken with emu.
7. Now Ariga said, it is not an excuse that they do not believe in God while they were alive. And they shall by now be wailing in the fire. For they shall not be forgiven, no matter how they now plead for mercy. For there is no mercy in the fire of God.
8. Now Ufedo, being the last child of the family, who did not know much of the things which they spoke, was called apart by me. And I said to him, you are the youngest of my children, but I have made you greater than your four elder brothers.
9. And you alone have I accepted as my only child. And you are my first and last born. And all the things which I have are yours. And only through you should anyone come to me. Now have the key to my room.
10. Now Ufedo was very glad. And when his brothers sought after their father for food, he said to them, you are not worthy to be seen in my presence. Go and see Ufedo your little brother and accept him as your Lord and master. And if you do not accept him as such, you shall see my wrath.
11. For I have put in his charge all powers of this house. And through him alone can you be reconciled with me.
12. Now when the children of Omokwo went to Ufedo that he should give them the key to the storehouse so that they might take food and other things which belonged to the father, he said to them, call me Lord.
13. And they took him and beat him up in anger.
14. Now when Omokwo heard how they had maltreated his only acceptable son, he went after them and caught them. And he beat them with the rod and locked them up, saying, you shall be in that room forever. And I shall neither give you food or water.
15. Now the children of Omokwo thought that it was only a joke. And they cried out for help for three days, for they were very hungry. And Ufedo entered into the locked room after three days. And they said, now we have accepted you as the firstborn and even the only son of our father.
16. Now give us food and water to drink.
17. And Ufedo said, it is too late to do so. For the time when this was possible has long past. And there is no forgiveness for you.
18. Now at that time, Adeiza the grandson of Omini came from Okerune to see Omokwo. And he said, Omokwo the great one, I have come to do to you what Mona your ancestor did to Agidi my own ancestor. For in those days, Mona came even on foot to see Agidi my ancestor.
19. Now I have deemed it fit to come to see you in this place and share with you some experiences which are disturbing my minds. For even now, I have lost hope of the coming of anything or any god called Otem.
20. For rather than a saviour of our land from the religions of the foreigners, what we have is the massive conversion of our children to those foreign religions while they burn our own objects of meditation, calling them the objects of the devil.
21. Now I think there is no hope anymore. For even as I speak, my children have become Ishlamites. And they touched the ground with their foreheads to worship that which they call Alla.
22. Now I Omokwo said, I know that you Adeiza are an influential homo in Okerune and around. And you have much fame. And if you say that there is no hope, who am I to say that there is?
23. For even my own children are now Krishtenis and they see me as a demon and a devil now. And they say that my ancestors their ancestors are burning now in the fire. And they say that if I do not believe the story of that Zeusus who died in the land where I did not know about, then I shall be cast into fire when I die.
24. Now Adeiza said, let them come here so that I may talk to them so that they might change. For it is for the purpose of taking you to Okerune to talk with my own children have I also come.
25. Now let our hands help one another.
26. Now I said to Adeiza, I cannot bring those children to you here, for they are locked up in the room as a punishment for their wickedness. And they shall remain in that place forever.
27. When Adeiza could not persuade me to release them, I said to him, follow me. And he followed me to the place where my children lay. And Ufedo followed us also. And when we were in the place, we coughed greatly because of the ground pepper I had sprinkled there.
28. And Adeiza said, for how many days have you kept them here without feeding them? And I said, for three days. And Adeiza said, you are the most wicked being I have ever seen.
29. For what offence could have been so great committed against you to warrant starvation of your our creatures which you gave life to?
30. Now while Adeiza spoke, they groaned in pain and said, let us accept Ufedo as our lord now. Let him be everything and anything you have made him to be, but take us out of this hot room and feed us. For you are our father.
31. And I said, no, for it is not my principle to let you out forever. And Adeiza said to me, you are mad, Omokwo. Shall we chase a bad child to the tiger to prey upon?
32. Now set them free or else I shall set them free myself and go apart from you forever.
33. Now when Adeiza said this, I wept. And my children wondered why I wept. And I said, it is only the third day, but I cannot withstand the suffering I put my children to anymore.
34. How then shall there be a god who shall cast his homo in the fire forever without feeding them or forgiving them. Behold I say, such god should be given a chieftancy title in the kingdom of the monsters. For it is not possible for a father to subject his children to starvation and confinement for petty things done, let alone leaving them in a fire forever.
35. Therefore Ajanigo, Alolo, Ebo and Ariga, go and think about that idea of a fire burning your ancestors forever and relate it with the experience you have had here today.
36. For I tell you the truth, whoever makes an afterlife of fire for humanity is a devil and his rivals and superiors who are better than him shall not allow such kind of fire to remain burning. For even as Adeiza forced me to end this punishment, so shall the higher beings who are wise stop whoever that being is who made an eternal fire as a place to be after death.
37. For foolishness is the portion of Yahweh if indeed he ever nursed such kind of afterlife in his mind, let alone making it real. Therefore my children, forgive me for subjecting you through these three days of fasting and heat. For this I do to save you and your future from becoming useless to yourself by wasting your time worshipping a god who is a terrorist.

I will also show you the proof that such state of punishment never existed in our homo sapiens era. It was stopped millions of years back in the homo erectusus era.
Doctufos: Mulah 2:18-31

18. And I followed after him into a fire. And I saw in it a creature whose figure was great and the terror of his face was mighty.
19. And he said, I am Satan. And while I wailed in the fire, he laughed and said, I have all the power and authority to punish your species in my everlasting fire.
20. Now there were some who screamed and cursed, saying, God, you are evil. For you have made this fire to torment us and not to even torment Satan as your book have said. For this Satan does not even appear as if the fire hurts him at all. And all his angels are not affected by your fire also. For they laugh weird laughter at us and punish us, feeling no pain at all.
21. And we cry in the fire, but Satan whom you have made the fire for is always laughing in it. For he feels no pain at all. And he still has the strength to strike us with his weapons, laughing hard. Yet you said that you have made this place for Satan and his angels.
22. Now while they wailed, the evil creature said, I am your god Yahweh, the deceiver himself. I have made the fire for you because you become my followers on earth and then you are bound by my laws.
23. For my laws cannot be broken. For if you break any of my laws, you shall be punished here forever.
24. Now while our wailings continued, a great light came and lightened up the darkness of the smoke of fire. And we heard a voice, saying, I have come to free your souls. For you are seeing the illusions of what you believe in. For you are not in any real fire, but you suffer the imagination of the god whom you worship. For like one on earth who take the weed of tekum and see hallucinations of fire, so are you all.
25. For the afterlife is like a dream of never returning. Now imagine the afterlifes of your choice and you shall find yourself there.
26. And it was so, for every afterlife we all imagined became the places we went. But the imaginations were not our own, for our thoughts were only connected to the thoughts of some good gods who have themselves by their imaginations made good afterlives thousands of years before.
27. And I found myself in this peaceful Valley which I have imagined, knowing not that it is really in existence.
28. And your mother found herself in an afterlife where pets are in abundance, for she imagined that she was with her dead pet dog Ruchi. And she found herself with her. And she was amazed.
29. And when she imagined this Valley of knowledge, she appeared here also. And we were united again.
30. And we become your Guardian angels, saying, when Mulah shall die, we shall not let him pass through the fire of Yahweh at all as we passed through it.
31. Now Mulah, this is the message which you shall take to the world. For some shall know how to submit to their own instincts rather than the philosophy of a god.

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Re: Jesus Is The Only Way: My Personal Experiences by castrol180(m): 8:32am On Nov 26, 2017
God is great... Allahu akbar

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Re: Jesus Is The Only Way: My Personal Experiences by theunnamed: 8:35am On Nov 26, 2017
Leme reserve space first

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