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Investors Lose Money In Fake "Hedge Fund" BTD Multiglobal LTD - Investment - Nairaland

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Investors Lose Money In Fake "Hedge Fund" BTD Multiglobal LTD by gokuu(m): 2:26pm On Nov 28, 2017
BTD Multiglobal, the fake self-acclaimed "hedge fund" that promised returns of 30% monthly (well over 360% annually) has finally come out to say that it is experiencing massive losses in its investments.

They have sent the following email to their subscribers and will be shutting their office down temporarily for "security reasons."

The email in and of itself is mere word salad, it uses fake finance terms in the wrong contexts and just puts incoherent words together to throw investors off. I really pity many of the hood-winked Nigerians that have put their savings into this fraud.

See the email:


[b]We are sorry to inform you that all efforts to resuscitate the investment fund from further collapse at the initiation of the recovery period has failed. At present, the Futures and Options traded funds of BTD IFS is not economically and financially sustainable, this is so because it is neither economically viable nor profitable, in spite of the implementation of new strategies and optimization of all our financial models, we continually experienced a plunge in the market and some of this was largely due to the following:
Deteriorating capital funds and tight liquidity in capital injection system.
Lower returns from markets and downturn in the market trades.
Volatile Foreign Exchange rates influencing the NCF (Net Cash Flow) inward and outbound for all investors.
Excessive financial leverage in terms of returns delivery to investors.
Serious liquidity issues resulting from a significant fall in profit and a substantial rise in risk that threaten the company's capacity to meet it's financial commitment in the short term.[/b]


Here are the financial statistics of the funds under management within November 30th, 2016 to November 1st, 2017:

₦ 480,068,263

₦ 1,058,741,455

₦ 1,213,328,379

₦ 948,407,494

₦ 80,070,000

₦ 628,152,000

With the current statistics it is evident that a 6-months projection which started on the 1st of June 2017 for a recovery period is not sufficient to coherently deliver on the promise of an absolute fund recovery. Moving forward from the position of the Fund, the company has decided to split investors into two categories not mandating any extension period for any investor while carefully considering all terms and agreement binding all concerned parties.


We have two recommendations for this current crisis, Investors are required to make their choices:
(A.) Termination and Liquidation
Existing Investors
First time investors

(B.) Re-financing and Restructuring

(A1.) Termination and Liquidation for Existing Investors: After careful consideration of the financial and economic viability of the funds based on the statistics of all financial holdings, T & L is considered as an option for investors who no longer wish to participate in this enduring journey of re-balancing the fund to a stable and viable position.
T & L involves the following specifications:
Similar to a sell-off of investment to cut all losses short, ALL active plans of investors in this category will be refunded back into their premium wallets excluding active 360 days fixed term plan which seem to be viable for the profit being long term plans.
We will terminate all currently open market contracts and trades for the liquidation purpose.
Considering the company has not made any profit at present and is still not at an economically profitable position, all profits accrued all through the recovery period on the investment portal will invariably be withdrawn, the wallet balances will be dated to balances as at the beginning of the recovery period.
The calculation for the holding of each investor is calculated as

Investor's Wallet-Balance Holding at 31st of May 2017. x Current Liquidated Balance
/ NAV (Net Asset Value) at 31st of May 2017.

Example; Investor A deposited NGN 1,000,000 into the funds in January of 2017, having an assumed balance of NGN 1,500,000 in April, makes a successful withdrawals of NGN 700,000 in April, while reinvesting NGN 800,000 into several other plans, the company initiated a recovery on the 1st of June 2017, restricting his further withdrawals, Investor A reinvests all his funds all through the recovery period to have a balance of NGN 1,390,000 at the end of the recovery period, choosing to be in the T & L category, only the sum of NG 800,000 would be calculated as his share of the total balance in the NAV {Net Asset Value} given that was his last balance before the recovery period and the equivalence will be calculated as the T & L payment share, given an assumed NAV of NGN 2,000,000,000, Investor A owns 0.04% of the total liquidated balance, Assumed the liquidated balance is NGN 100,000,000, the amount being paid to investor A would be totaled at NGN 40,000.
Every investor holding in the NAV {Net Asset Value} of the fund will be calculated in proportion to the balance at the start of the recovery period and final value of the liquidated balance.
We require all investors to make their choices between 1st of December 2017 and 22nd of December 2017.

(A2.) Termination and Liquidation for New Investors: Specifically stated in the terms of agreement in point 6.0.4. “As a first time investor, the first sum invested, in case of market crash or fall, monies invested by the investor shall be refunded 50% within the time period to be stated/given by B.T.D”, We shall proceed to settle all investors who decide to terminate and liquidate the agreed sum within the next 90 days from 3rd of January when all decisions of all investors must have been concluded.
We require all investors to make their choices between 1st of December 2017 and 22nd of December 2017.

(B.) Re-Financing and Restructuring: The key aim of this recommendation is to reach an agreement on the future conditions of the funds under management, we intend to protect the returns earned from the investors by projecting into a better future of consistent returns by taking some actions that counters the challenge of deteriorating capital.
The key aim of this is to avoid liquidation, enabling stability and eventually continuity. In January of 2018, a new phase starts in which generating cash flow through laid out financial plan and agreements with some investing partners to improve the company's liquidity covering short-term needs with short-term funds while focusing on the long term.
All current plans will be closed and pegged at their current value excluding the 360 days fixed term plan which will be allowed to mature at it's right time considering the market plans in long term are still favorable, with the return on investment for all 360 days plan now at 100% instead of the 240% initially stated.
Clients in this category will be given quarterly reports and share in earnings from each quarter which will be deducted from their pegged accrued returns from all investments in 2017.
At the stage of eventual stability, investors can invest the capital into different fixed term plans for more returns.
We require all investors to make their choices between 1st of December 2017 and 22nd of December 2017.

We have some new models through which investors can contact;

A. Email Communication:
Recoveryreport@btdinvestments. com - For questions regarding the recovery period report.

Support@btdinvestments.com - For general information and enquiries

accountmanager@btdinvestments. com - For specific information about investors investment account

B. Phone-Lines: Active Monday to Friday 9:00AM - 12:00PM
(+234) 906-9358-296
(+234) 906-9501-567
More phone lines to be communicated to all investors soon.

C. Website Live Chat: Active Monday to Friday 9:00AM - 3:00PM

D. Facebook Page Chat: Active Monday to Friday 9:00AM - 3:00PM

E. Office: Closed until 05-12-2017 (For Security reasons)
Re: Investors Lose Money In Fake "Hedge Fund" BTD Multiglobal LTD by EZEIGBO1OFIMO: 11:25am On Nov 29, 2017
The idiot called king was running a ponzi scheme and shouting hedge fund up and down like a deranged fool, now the house of cards have fallen. I only pity people who believed that he was running a hedge fund , and yet didn't ask to see his positions and holdings in the "imaginary" futures he was trading.

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