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Is Satan A Catholic - Religion - Nairaland

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Is Satan A Catholic by jagunlabi(m): 8:53pm On Mar 27, 2010
There are inidications. . . with all them paedophile cases.
Here is Mr. Condell,
Re: Is Satan A Catholic by Jroy(m): 10:44pm On Mar 27, 2010
no. satan exist before religion. Genesis
Re: Is Satan A Catholic by e36991: 10:57pm On Mar 27, 2010

There are inidications. . . with all them paedophile cases.

Here is Mr. Condell,


Topic: Evidence The Devil Is In The Vatican - Pope's Chief Exorcist

Re: Is Satan A Catholic by Kay17: 5:49pm On Mar 28, 2010
Christians trying to distance themselves from the Catholic Church. nevertheless, they created the foundation of Christianity, compiled the Bible and the tradition to follow unconditionally the Bible and revelation.
Re: Is Satan A Catholic by Ogaga4Luv(m): 6:58pm On Mar 28, 2010
[size=13pt]OK, i will return to respond to this topic. . . smiley[/size]
Re: Is Satan A Catholic by Nobody: 7:08pm On Mar 28, 2010

[size=13pt]OK, i will return to respond to this topic. . .  smiley[/size]
this will excite the only known hell candidate on NL
Re: Is Satan A Catholic by Ogaga4Luv(m): 7:14pm On Mar 28, 2010
[size=13pt]not as you think- - -i'm only too RECOGNIZE , but very soon you shall know everyone is HELL candidate. . . even outside the NL. smiley [/size]

this will excite the only known hell candidate on NL
Re: Is Satan A Catholic by TewMuch: 7:25pm On Mar 28, 2010
If satan is a catholic, then everyone is in trouble. The catholic church is the first church and all other churchs are an off shoot of the catholic church. Also, as we know islam sef copy the christian principles. So see how you sound so silly making that conclusion from a useless conspiracy theorist video? dont judge some individuals by a group. The church only enforces celibacy, and these priests are not ready to follow the rules, and the most available to them are children. I always wonder how parents can leave their children alone with an adult, be it priest, cousin or whatever. I dont trust anyone. Its like saying all muslims are suicide bombers. You generalize too much.
Re: Is Satan A Catholic by Ogaga4Luv(m): 7:29pm On Mar 28, 2010
[size=13pt]SATAN is not troublesome. . . .i have been a Satanist and honestly speaking i would not like reading wrong comments on SATAN who doesn't deserve hatred in the first place. He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he that dares not reason is a slave. cool[/size]
Re: Is Satan A Catholic by Nobody: 8:26pm On Mar 28, 2010

[size=13pt]SATAN is not troublesome. . . .i have been a Satanist and honestly speaking i would not like reading wrong comments on SATAN who doesn't deserve hatred in the first place. He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he that dares not reason is a slave. cool[/size]
Where is satan ur master? Where does he/she lives so we can see?
Re: Is Satan A Catholic by Chrisbenogor(m): 8:42pm On Mar 28, 2010

Where is satan your master? Where does he/she lives so we can see?
My guess is if we can find jesus satan would be right next to him grin grin
Re: Is Satan A Catholic by jesus3: 9:14pm On Mar 28, 2010
hmmm hmmm hmmm

My guess is if we can find jesus satan would be right next to him  grin grin
Re: Is Satan A Catholic by Ogaga4Luv(m): 12:59am On Apr 02, 2010
[size=13pt]SATAN my master lives in the world. . . so strange you didn't know the ruler of the world.[/size]

Where is satan your master? Where does he/she lives so we can see?
Re: Is Satan A Catholic by jagunlabi(m): 6:03am On Apr 02, 2010

My guess is if we can find jesus satan would be right next to him grin grin
Hmmm!Those two are inseparable, aren't they, like the siamese twins.Jesus even pay regular visits to the hell republic, according to his followers.
Re: Is Satan A Catholic by Ogaga4Luv(m): 5:03pm On Apr 02, 2010
wink wink wink

Hmmm!Those two are inseparable, aren't they, like the siamese twins.Jesus even pay regular visits to the hell republic, according to his followers.
Re: Is Satan A Catholic by ednut1(m): 4:26pm On Apr 04, 2010
Religion says satan tried 2 overthrow god abi, but god cast him out. I believe he came bk and outsted god and he now rules. Look around and confirm. The same religion say he collect permission 4rm god b4 acting. Am thinkn he might nt be evil afta all. Lol go watch the arrivals and u will know satan is a catholic

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