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Guys: Checkout The Sweet And Romantic Words Every Girls Wants To Hear - Romance - Nairaland

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Guys: Checkout The Sweet And Romantic Words Every Girls Wants To Hear by Yarnvibes(f): 7:56am On Dec 02, 2017
​What sweet things can you say to your girlfriend to make her cry? Here are 10 of the gentlest, sweetest, most affectionate words and phrases that will make your beloved very happy and will make her cheeks burn with a bright flame of love.

Keeping a relationship can be complicated and not everyone can handle it correctly. But it is important to remember that the deeper the love between a boy and a girl, the more valuable those minor signs of attention are.

Romantic words for a girlfriend and affectionate compliments just have to be said from time to time.

It is always flattering to hear a deserved compliment sometimes about your intelligence, strength, and beauty. Not only are these words nice to hear, it also feels good to say these things to someone.

Your girlfriend sometimes just needs to hear that she is gorgeous and that she is the most beautiful, most attractive, most charming, most delightful human being in the world.

These words will make her feel special. It is worth noting that these things really work, but they should be said sincerely. If you do not feel this way, just wait until the timing is right. Everyone deserves to hear the truth. But if you truly love her and you want to know how to tell her, then by all means.

Now, here are the messages for girlfriend to make her cry and fall more in love.

1. You gave my life meaning — now, you are the meaning of my life.

2. When I’m with you, I feel lucky. All my friends are jealous of me because I have you.

3. I feel so happy when I am next to you, and when you’re not around, my heart hurts.

4. Thanks to your beautiful smile, all my stress, troubles and problems have vanished. You’re like the dawn, like the sun which banishes the darkness.

5. I regret not meeting you much earlier, so many years have been wasted without you by my side.

6. I desperately want to spend the rest of my life trying to make you happy.

7. You are the reason why I want to become a better man and to change, so I could be worthy of your love.

8. My stomach is full of butterflies when your hands touch my face.

9. When you have to go, and you look at me, my heart literally stops, and I do not want you to go anywhere…

10. I got up this morning thinking about you, and I went to bed thinking about you.

And of course, don’t forget to add “I love you!” to your message! As you’ve seen, there are plenty of beautiful words, and you should say them to your beloved. These words raise her mood and melts her heart towards you.

Love your pretty girls and beautiful women, and tell them how great they are, they totally deserve it. Also, you may think of your own cute things to say to your girlfriend; she will be pleased to hear them.


Lalasticlala Dominique Ishilove Mynd44

Re: Guys: Checkout The Sweet And Romantic Words Every Girls Wants To Hear by whitebeard(m): 8:02am On Dec 02, 2017
What..!! Hell no..!!
Re: Guys: Checkout The Sweet And Romantic Words Every Girls Wants To Hear by wisino1(m): 8:13am On Dec 02, 2017
My friend you are not correct ..........the only sweet thing a woman wants to hear is send me your account number trust me its works like magic

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Re: Guys: Checkout The Sweet And Romantic Words Every Girls Wants To Hear by johnbuck81(m): 8:21am On Dec 02, 2017
My friend you are not correct ..........the only sweet thing a woman wants to hear is send me your account number trust me its works like magic
is not always like that...not all girls crave for money that way. my girl loves those kind of sweet words and she HARDLY takes money from me unless I OVER-insist.

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Re: Guys: Checkout The Sweet And Romantic Words Every Girls Wants To Hear by chicoMX(m): 9:11am On Dec 02, 2017
If you truly love her, the words will come naturally..yiu don't have to practice or memorize it.

just say those words!!


Re: Guys: Checkout The Sweet And Romantic Words Every Girls Wants To Hear by Heloct(f): 9:28am On Dec 02, 2017
Words are cheap.
Re: Guys: Checkout The Sweet And Romantic Words Every Girls Wants To Hear by IJMBEXCEL: 10:10am On Dec 02, 2017
Words are cheap.
yea.....action speaks.
Re: Guys: Checkout The Sweet And Romantic Words Every Girls Wants To Hear by SpComedy: 11:16am On Dec 02, 2017
Top much of programed words, actions and inflated expectations is what is ruining most relationship/marriages today, love comes and flows naturally between the two, that's how our forefathers were able to manage 1 or more wives and had a low recorded case of divorce (If there was any).
Re: Guys: Checkout The Sweet And Romantic Words Every Girls Wants To Hear by Nobody: 11:18am On Dec 02, 2017
I just thought about you and decided to get you a brand new Mercedes tomorrow

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