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God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye - Religion (9) - Nairaland

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Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by Nobody: 11:45am On Dec 03, 2017
To think that I used to respect this man as one of the few respectable men in the pastorpreneural business!!!

It's all about the Benjamin's Man.
Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by Throwback: 11:46am On Dec 03, 2017

I came across this piece on a Whatsapp page and it so represented my views on tithing that I could have written it myself. Please enjoy the read!

The Trial of Pastor Jones (Author unknown)

Judge: Mr. Jones you have been charged with multiple counts of extortion. Your crime spree covers 20 years and thousands of victims. You have defrauded people out of their money with fear and manipulation, telling them they had to tithe 10% of their income as per the LAW to your Regd. organization (called Church) and that God would bless them if they did. You also told them that if they didn't tithe God would curse them.

How do you plead?

Mr. Jones: I plead not guilty your Honor, I have done nothing wrong. I have only preached what the Bible says. In the Bible Abraham tithed to Melchizedek and God blessed him for his faithful giving. The Bible even says he was rich in silver and gold.

Judge: Is it not true, Mr. Jones, that in Genesis Chapter 13 verse 2 the Bible says Abraham was rich with livestock, silver and gold?

Mr. Jones: Yes, you are exactly right, that's what I just told you.

Judge: Ok, we read about Abraham being a rich man in chapter 13 but it is not until Genesis chapter 14 that we read about Abraham's tithe to Melchizedek. So Abraham was already a rich man before he tithed to Melchizedek, wasn't he?

Mr. Jones: Yes, I suppose you are right.

Judge: So his riches were not the result of his tithe to Melchizedek?

Mr. Jones: No.

Judge: Mr. Jones, you also say God blessed him for his faithful giving. How many times is it recorded that Abraham gave tithes to Melchizedek?

Mr. Jones: Well, just once.

Judge: So the Bible never said that he gave week after week?

Mr. Jones: No it does not.

Judge: Where did Abraham get the things that he gave to Melchizedek?

Mr. Jones: Well the Bible says it was from the plunders of war?

Judge: So you are telling me that he gave from the plunders of war?

Mr. Jones: Yes that's what the Bible says.

Judge: So he basically took things that were not really his in the first place and gave them as the tithe?

Mr. Jones: That is what the scripture seems to indicate.

Judge: Is it recorded that he ever took anything from his own possessions and tithed them to Melchizedek or anyone else?

Mr. Jones: I guess not

Judge: You guess not, you are a teacher and you are only guessing, is it or is it not written that he ever gave any of his own possessions as a tithe to anyone?

Mr. Jones: No it is not written anywhere that I have seen.

Judge: Is it recorded as to what exactly Abraham did give Melchizedek?

Mr. Jones: I believe it says plunder?

Judge: So plunder could be any number of things?

Mr. Jones: Yes, I suppose

Judge: It could have been food, cattle, sheep, the people's possessions or any number of things. It does not say it was all money correct?

Mr. Jones: Yes you are correct, it does not say just money

Judge: As a matter of fact money is never mentioned in that account at all is that correct Mr. Jones?

Mr. Jones: Yes your Honor, money is never mentioned just goods and food and people.

Judge: So there is no way you can say with any certainty that Abraham in fact gave Melchizedek any money at all?

Mr. Jones: That is right.

Judge: I only have one last question for you
Mr. Jones, did God command Abraham to give this plunder tithe to Melchizedek?

Mr. Jones: No, it appears that he did this voluntarily.

Judge: So are you trying to tell me that because of this voluntary, one time gift by Abraham, that may not have even consisted of money, all Christians everywhere are obligated to bring 10% of their weekly paycheck to a local Regd.Organization-church?
Considering all the evidence I would say you are beyond any shadow of a doubt guilty of deliberately trying to make the scriptures says things they have not said for financial gain.

Mr. Jones: Ok your Honor, I can see how foolish I was to try and use the story of Melchizedeck to try and get the people to tithe money. But there are many other verses that will support my belief on tithing. Jacob said he would give God 10% of everything. I think we should follow his example.

Judge: Let's see what Jacob said. Please read the verse you are talking about for me Mr. Jones.

Mr. Jones: In Genesis chapter 28 starting at verse 20 it says. Jacob vowed a vow, saying, "If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat, and clothing to put on, so that I come again to my father's house in peace, and Yahweh will be my God, then this stone, which I have set up for a pillar, will be God's house. Of all that you will give me I will surely give the tenth to you."

Judge: You said we should follow Jacobs example, is that right Mr. Jones?

Mr. Jones: Yes that is right, he vowed to give a tenth and we should too.

Judge: Let me point out one thing for you Mr. Jones, Jacob said he would Give God a tenth, ONLY if He blessed him first. So as you said previously, we should follow Jacob's example and tell God that we will only give him a tenth if he blesses us first. Is that right?

Mr. Jones: That is not what I meant.

Judge: What did you mean then?

Mr. Jones: That we should give God a tenth also.

Judge: There you go again, trying to make the scripture say what you want it to say for your benefit. I would also like you to tell me the scriptures that say that Jacob kept his vow with God. I would also like to know where he gave the tenth to because there was no temple or levites to give it to at that time.

Mr. Jones: I can not think of any scriptures that say where or if he ever tithed after his vow.

Judge: It seems fairly obvious to me that Jacob made a voluntary and conditional vow to God. This in no way can be used as a reason to demand others to bring their income to you or any other place.

Mr. Jones: I do have a few more scriptures that I believe will show that we are supposed to tithe.

Judge: You have not said anything yet to convince me one little bit that people are obligated to tithe money to the local organizational institutions -churches and that you were justified in what you were doing. You have taken scripture and misapplied it to your beliefs and for your gain. But in order to be fair to you I will allow you to present more evidence.

Mr. Jones: In the book of Malachi chapter 3 starting at verse 8 it says, will a man rob God? yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, In what have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation. Bring ye all the tithes into the store-house, that there may be food in my house, and prove me now with this, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. So you see your Honor, we are commanded to bring the tithes into the storehouse or God will curse us.

Judge: Answer me this Mr Jones, Who was God Speaking to here?

Mr Jones: To the People of Israel

Judge: Can you please read Malachi 2: 1 Please Mr Jones

Mr Jones: Now This command is for you O PRIEST !!

Judge: Did God stop talking to the Priest in Chap. 3, Mr Jones?

Mr Jones: No your Honor!

Judge: Answer me this Mr. Jones, were you aware that God never required anyone to tithe money?

Mr. Jones: No I didn't know that.

Judge: The tithe spoken of here was always edible products never money.

Mr. Jones: Well your Honor that is because they didn't have money at the time so God had them tithe food instead.

Judge: Not true, money is first mentioned in Genesis and Malachi was written hundreds of years later. God had them bring food in so that the levites, the fatherless and widows may eat and be satisfied. The tithe was used mainly to take care of people. Also notice it says in the verse you quoted, that there may be food in my house. The food was the tithe. How do you completely overlook the word food in those verses?

Mr. Jones: I don't know

Judge: I also want you to know that these verses speak to nation under the Old Testament law. As you may or may not know Jesus fulfilled the law, it is no longer binding. Once again you have tried to completely take a scripture out of context and apply it to others for your benefit. Can you give me a single scripture where God changed the tithe from food to money?

Mr. Jones: I do not know of any.

Judge: So if God never changed it from food to money who did?

Mr. Jones: Man must have.

Judge: So far all you have done Mr. Jones, is take Old Testament scriptures out of context and try to apply it to believers under the New Covenant. Is this all the proof you have?

Mr. Jones: I do have a New Testament scripture that will show that Jesus told us to tithe.

Judge: Ok let me hear it.

Mr. Jones: Jesus said in Matthew 23:23 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint, dill, and cumin, and have left undone the weightier matters of the law: justice, mercy, and faith. But you ought to have done these, and not to have left the other undone. See Jesus said we should be tithing.

Judge: Let me ask you a question, who was Jesus talking to?

Mr. Jones: The scripture says the Scribes and Pharisees.

Judge: Are you a scribe or Pharisee?

Mr. Jones: Of course not.

Judge: Jesus also said in that passage, you have left undone the weightier matters of the law. Are we under the law Mr. Jones?

Mr. Jones: No.

Judge: Why not?

Mr. Jones: Because Jesus fulfilled it.

Judge: When did Jesus fulfill the law?

Mr. Jones: When He was crucified.

Judge: So the law was still in effect until Jesus death?

Mr. Jones: That is correct.

Judge: I think you know where I am going with this don't you?

Mr. Jones: Yes your Honor. Since Jesus had not yet been crucified and the law was still binding the Pharisees were required to tithe because it was part of the law. Once the law ended, tithing ended also.

Judge: I want you to take a look at that verse again. Also tell me, what were they tithing?

Mr. Jones: The scripture says it was mint, dill and cumin.

Judge: Is money mentioned?

Mr. Jones: No it was not.

Judge: Once again it was edible products that they were tithing, not money. Do you have anything else you would like to say?

Mr. Jones: If people only tithed edible products like the scripture says, then how would the church survive? We have our mortgage payment, utility bills, staff salary and a host of other things that we have to pay each week. We depend on the money from the people.

Judge: By "church" you mean your organization isn't it Mr Jones ?
-The need does not justify the means. In other words, just because you have all these debts does not give you the right to twist and manipulate scripture and cause people to give under fear of being cursed by God to meet your needs. Does It Mr Jones?
In closing, let me recap a few things for you Mr. Jones.
-The tithe was never money;
-The tithe was an Old Testament law, which is no longer binding. When it was binding the tithe was used to take care of people, not buildings.
- We are under a new covenant now.
Paul instructs the Corinthian believers how they are to give. He says in second Corinthians chapter 9 verse 7, Let each man give according as he has determined in his heart; not grudgingly, or under compulsion; for God loves a cheerful giver. So each believer is supposed to give as he or she has determined in his or her heart.
If they determine to Give 10% well and good, If they keep aside some every week to meet this more better.If you are trying to make people give under the threat of being cursed or any other reason even blessing, you are wrong. Someone can not give cheerfully if they are being forced to give. If 'your church can not survive on freewill offerings maybe God is not part of your church at all.
Mr Jones, do you intentionally put your people under a Curse or a Bondage?

Mr Jones: Of Course not !!

Judge: Can you Read in context Gal 3:10-11: For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them ....
Gal 5:1-4 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage....

Mr. Jones: I never realized all these things, I have always been taught that we had to tithe money to the local church and that is what I have always taught. I can see now that I was completely wrong. I did not study the scripture for myself, I only took mans word for it.
Yes ' am guilty. I will not teach this error anymore.
Sentencing....... All Arise .....


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Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by demwolex: 11:46am On Dec 03, 2017
It's well
Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by jossytech(m): 11:47am On Dec 03, 2017
The commandment to tithe, or contribute a tenth of one’s belongings, was part of the Law given to the ancient nation of Israel. However, the Bible makes it clear that this Law—including the “commandment to collect tithes”—does not apply to Christians.—Hebrews 7:5, 18; Colossians 2:13, 14.

Rather than giving required tithes and offerings, Jehovah’s Witnesses imitate the early Christians and support their ministry in two ways: by performing their personal ministerial work without pay and by making voluntary donations.

We thus follow the Bible’s direction to Christians: “Let each one do just as he has resolved in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”—2 Corinthians 9:7.

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Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by hamzeiy: 11:47am On Dec 03, 2017

My father! My father!!

Ride on sir!

Tithing dates far back before the Mosaic law. It is a covenant practice born out of revelation and insight into the deep things of God.

Father Abraham gave tithes.
Jacob gave his tithe.

And if we are Abraham's children and are now partakers of Abraham's blessings, then we must equally engage the deeds of Abraham (Hebrews 7).

Many are busy shouting, "we are now under grace, and not under the law, therefore the law should be done away with". Is this only regarding tithing?

I hope grace has now nullified the law that says thou shall not kill, thou shall not commit fornication, thou shall not lie, thou shall not worship any other god besides me, etc.

Many have become abusers of grace because they don't understand what grace is and what it has come to do.

Grace is the divine ability to do God's will without limitation where ordinarily, men would fail. Grace rides on the wheels of Mercy.

It is this mercy (divine pardon) that everyone enjoys today as a result of the blood that Jesus shed on Calvary. That is why, when many ought to have died instantly after committing a sin, they live on. Mercy suspends at outright almost instant consequence for sin and gives many chances for repentance.

The death of Jesus didn't abolish tithing because if it does, then it also abolished the sin of murder, idolatory and fornication.

His death only grants us divine pardon from the immediate consequences of sin.

I stand with Daddy G.O

Suddenly you guyz just realise the laws of moses still stands ( he who commits sin is nt expected to cast the first stone ? Aka grace tins). I taught you are protected from such laws through grace as explained by most of your modern day pastors including the "GO"you mentioned not this new definition of grace you're trying to make just to support your god sorry your GOs point of view.
We should stop deceiving our selves

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Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by victorD3: 11:48am On Dec 03, 2017
What Christians need is personal conviction.

Only a sheep would do something because their G.O says it's right.

These people are fighting so hard. Things would never be the same again.

Thanks to minds like FRZ who've made things clearer to Nigerians.

But trust me a lot of them won't still adhere, like the poster above me.

I believe what God wants from us is Charity works rather than tithes and offerings as highlighted by Jesus in Matthew 25:31—46 ..

Sometimes i wonder why people say there is no radical christainity. it is thesame vain muslim Come out from their worship place after being braining washing to kill non Muslims, that some christains just seat down in church listen to one man's idea about tithe and after that they dont even try to consider the bible again on the topic.

If the teachings was to kill muslims trust me many christains will zombishly be ahard to do that.

I think its thesame radicality be it christains or muslim.

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Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by Nobody: 11:48am On Dec 03, 2017

I copied the e-version without editing sir.
Tithes are obligatory

It's a fact that Tithe is compulsory........ But any Individual that want to pay tithe should pay it to Widows, Orphans, Levites, Fatherless, Motherless, Foreigners who have no land, Etc.
Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by sureheaven(m): 11:50am On Dec 03, 2017
The Church" does not belong to him, it belongs to Christ and Christ's message is for the world. If anybody running a purported-church cannot deal with that, he/she should change it to something else.

None of the disciples used the platform provided by benevolence in the Church to become fifthly wealthy in their time ( I guess they were not as smart or inspired as the pastors of today not to do that). Early disciplines were more concerned about spreading the word of God and helping people

No need to criticize pastors who preache about tithes and take make it mandatory for their members to pay so far they're not taking the money from their members account. If it's ok by u, pay and if not ok don't pay.
Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by semyman: 11:52am On Dec 03, 2017
Calling God's name in vain because of the scams you perpetrate, be ready for your punishment. If you have your doubts go check what became of the inheritance of 'Jesu Oyingbo' Emmanuel Odumosun

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Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by mickeymimi: 11:52am On Dec 03, 2017
Jesus did not collect tithes because he was from the Tribe of Judah Jesus apostles did not collect tithes

Jesus was born in the law a and followed until it was all nailed and settled on cross of Calvary
To set us free from law of sin and death ....*if you sin under the mosaic law certain judgement awaits you(

If you must collect the tithes .....you have to follow the process through ..of sharing it ..allocations and uses .... years to share it ......a priest and a levites has to be involved ,,, the atonement of sin and to observe the feast of the tabernacle.

You can not collect tithes and leave the rest of GOds instructions on it out.

Read >

Levites Among Us Today

Posted on February 1, 2011 by charlesdbordner
Jacob had twelve sons, who each became the Patriarch of twelve great tribes. One of the sons was named Levi, and it was his tribe that was chosen to become the special guardians of every aspect of the Temple. They were given a special special relationship to God that no other tribe had. They were to minister on behalf of God to whole nation of Israel.

Now, Moses and Aaron belonged to the tribe of Levi, and by virtue of Moses’ positive response to God’s call to become the Hebrews’ national deliverer, and Aaron’s willingness to help Moses, these two brothers were given a greater blessing. Moses became the giver of God’s Law for all humanity. But Aaron became the first PRIEST.

So you see, ALL Levites had a special relationship to God that no other Hebrew had. But Aaron and his descendants had a more special relationship to God that not even the Levites had. He and his descendants were the ONLY Levites who could enter the Holy of Holies, and minister DIRECTLY to God.

Read on https://charlesdbordner./2011/02/01/levites-among-us-today/
Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by Friedyokes: 11:54am On Dec 03, 2017
What Christians need is personal conviction.

Only a sheep would do something because their G.O says it's right.

These people are fighting so hard. Things would never be the same again.

Thanks to minds like FRZ who've made things clearer to Nigerians.

But trust me a lot of them won't still adhere, like the poster above me.

I believe what God wants from us is Charity works rather than tithes and offerings as highlighted by Jesus in Matthew 25:31—46 ..

perfect...never stop telling the truth ...remain blessed
as you continue
Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by DONFASZY(m): 11:56am On Dec 03, 2017

""My own opinion""

U didn't only just say ur opinion, U dropped a fact.

Though I don't believe in any religion, I still call for people to use their head n protect their wealth.

Thank u

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Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by obailala(m): 11:59am On Dec 03, 2017

I see you're enlightened.

I'm not interested in FRZ's personality, whether old or new testament , God said to bring all tithes to his house. if the scripture said it, I believe it. I do it no questions asked.

like I said earlier, I'm not God's auditor.

so I don't question the scripture whether Jesus talked about it or not. Jesus said I did not come to abolish the law but to perfect it.

so I don't choose somethings to do. I'm not perfect and I don't talk as such but its really bad to twist God's injunction for a person.

if pastors buy private jets with my tithe, praise God, my tithe is helping the Gospel whether in Nigeria or abroad. I'm not bothered about it, call me gullible its okay.

praise God. my life is moving forward.

its not because of the my tithe only but I already possess the blessing. and because of the blessing I tithe.

important point

You aren't God's auditor, neither are you FRZ's, so therefore, if the bible says it, you will do it, irrespective of if the same bible tells you that that law wasn't directed at you? Irrespective of if the same bible later told you that that law has been superceded?

The same laws which prescribed said you should also slaughter a lamb at the alter and rub its blood on your head to cleanse you of your sins, the same laws also command you to not wear any garment made of more than one type of fabric (e.g. you shouldnt wear a denim matetial jeans trouser and a cotton t-shirt). The same laws also prohibit you from shaving your side hair (just like osama bin laden and co did till his death) and there are many other strange things written in the bible under those laws, togethet with the tithe.

So my question for you is, since you claim the mandatory law of tithing is written in the bible and that's why uou must follow it, why do you disregard those other things I wrote above whoch are also clearly written in the bible?... Can you rationalise the wisdom in your cherry-picking obeyance of the Law as they were all written in the same bible?

And of course, dont read me wrong, there's nothing bad about paying your tithe, I also do pay myself 90% of the time as I'm led by the spirit (although not always to a church), but for anyone to come preach to me that paying of tithe regularly and always is a mandatory commandment of God to even new convenant Christians who arent even jews, I'm sorry, the bible never said that; that is heresy.


Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by inice(m): 12:00pm On Dec 03, 2017
God said to me clearly, " Never fail to pay your tithe. " since that day my orientation changed. If you are a Christian and don't pay your tithe. You are only following daddy freeze and daddy freeze is doing the will of his father, the..................
Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by nicemuyoo: 12:01pm On Dec 03, 2017
Tithe can only be used to take care of levites( bloodline) and strangers, widows, orphans. It is an abomination to use tithe for project, church building etc it is against scriptural truth. It is called misappropriation and it becomes a sin. The tithe was never used for building temple, churches or buy anything. Tempo building was done by voluntary donations. Tithe is agricultural produce by the way. There is a difference between theological teaching and scriptural and historical fact that is what people need to understand.
[qquote author=UbanmeUdie post=62928535] shocked

My father! My father!!

Ride on sir!

Tithing dates far back before the Mosaic law. It is a covenant practice born out of revelation and insight into the deep things of God.

Father Abraham gave tithes.
Jacob gave his tithe.

And if we are Abraham's children and are now partakers of Abraham's blessings, then we must equally engage the deeds of Abraham (Hebrews 7).

Many are busy shouting, "we are now under grace, and not under the law, therefore the law should be done away with". Is this only regarding tithing?

I hope grace has now nullified the law that says thou shall not kill, thou shall not commit fornication, thou shall not lie, thou shall not worship any other god besides me, etc.

Many have become abusers of grace because they don't understand what grace is and what it has come to do.

Grace is the divine ability to do God's will without limitation where ordinarily, men would fail. Grace rides on the wheels of Mercy.

It is this mercy (divine pardon) that everyone enjoys today as a result of the blood that Jesus shed on Calvary. That is why, when many ought to have died instantly after committing a sin, they live on. Mercy suspends at outright almost instant consequence for sin and gives many chances for repentance.

The death of Jesus didn't abolish tithing because if it does, then it also abolished the sin of murder, idolatory and fornication.

His death only grants us divine pardon from the immediate consequences of sin.

I stand with Daddy G.O[/quote]
Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by alen4smith(m): 12:02pm On Dec 03, 2017
What Christians need is personal conviction.

Only a sheep would do something because their G.O says it's right.

These people are fighting so hard. Things would never be the same again.

Thanks to minds like FRZ who've made things clearer to Nigerians.

But trust me a lot of them won't still adhere, like the poster above me.

I believe what God wants from us is Charity works rather than tithes and offerings as highlighted by Jesus in Matthew 25:31—46 ..

the poster above you is a pastor he is fighting his own fight no blame am

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Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by mickeymimi: 12:03pm On Dec 03, 2017
Malchi 3 Mis interpreted by main stream christianity


One of the main Scripture these peddlers of God’s word use to support their doctrine of demanding and extorting "tithes and offerings" from those who are seeking God's favor is Malachi 3:

Let’s look at one of the main Scripture that all these self-appointed gospel peddlers love to use: (those who peddle the word of God for profit and gain - see 2 Corinthians 2:17 below), these tithes and offerings extorters, ministers who follow the doctrine of Balaam (Jude 1:11); who claim these verses in Malachi 3 give them the authority to extort "tithes and offerings" from the people that are seeking to be saved from this evil and adulterous world; and that is Malachi chapter 3.

But, first let us look at Malachi chapters 1 and 2 to see who the word "man" refers to in verse 8 of Malachi 3 when God asks the question, these gospel peddlers love to quote when they want more of your money in their control; and that is "Will a man rob God? They never tell you who God is speaking to in this Scripture (they just speak about it in such a way to lead you to believe that God was speaking to you the member of their human organizations) - they have deceived you into believing God was speaking to you rather than to them - more specifically God is speaking to the Levites and the priesthood of Aaron and not the people giving the tithes and offerings to them

These Levites and priests behavior had caused the people to be discouraged in that by saying the "Lord’s table is contemptible" (much like those today who take your tithes and offerings to buy for themselves the best of goods and services while refusing to help those who are not a member of their church); they were making the people give defected and sick animals for God as tithes and offerings; and taking the best of the livestock and grain offerings for themselves to sell for profit. Nor were these priests of Levi keeping God’s command to the Levites in Deuteronomy 26:12-13, where God said to them… "12 When you have finished laying aside all the tithe of your increase in the third year--the year of tithing--and have given it to the Levite, the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, so that they may eat within your gates and be filled, 13 then you shall say before the LORD your God: "I have removed the holy tithe from my house, and also have given them to the Levite, the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, according to all Your commandments which You have commanded me; I have not transgressed Your commandments, nor have I forgotten them""

The Levites were commanded to receive tithes and offerings from the people; however, in the third year they were to share this tithe given to them by those who had livestock and land to tithe on with "the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow". In Malachi 3, these "sons of Levi" were not during this because they did not fear God.The below listed Scriptures tell us what most of the ministers today are about - these are the tele-evangelists, the super-ministers, and the mega-church ministers who believe building bigger churches are more important than taking care of the needs of the widows and the poor and needy in their community.

Notice, the Holy Spirit through the apostle Paul says, "many" not a few ministers are peddling God's word for profit from your "tithes and offerings"

2 Corinthians 2:17... "For we are not, as so many, peddling the word of God; but as of sincerity, but as from God, we speak in the sight of God in Christ."
Here again in Jude 1, the Scripture points us to those who "run greedily in the error of Balaam for profit". They live in mansions and very costly temples while claiming to serve God and His Christ Jesus. Many of you know these super ministers and their up and coming students of their greed (see Rev. 2:14).

Jude 1:11... "Woe to them! For they have gone in the way of Cain, have run greedily in the error of Balaam for profit, and perished in the rebellion of Korah."

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Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by Chiebukar(m): 12:04pm On Dec 03, 2017

My father! My father!!

Ride on sir!

Tithing dates far back before the Mosaic law. It is a covenant practice born out of revelation and insight into the deep things of God.

Father Abraham gave tithes.
Jacob gave his tithe.

And if we are Abraham's children and are now partakers of Abraham's blessings, then we must equally engage the deeds of Abraham (Hebrews 7).

Many are busy shouting, "we are now under grace, and not under the law, therefore the law should be done away with". Is this only regarding tithing?

I hope grace has now nullified the law that says thou shall not kill, thou shall not commit fornication, thou shall not lie, thou shall not worship any other god besides me, etc.

Many have become abusers of grace because they don't understand what grace is and what it has come to do.

Grace is the divine ability to do God's will without limitation where ordinarily, men would fail. Grace rides on the wheels of Mercy.

It is this mercy (divine pardon) that everyone enjoys today as a result of the blood that Jesus shed on Calvary. That is why, when many ought to have died instantly after committing a sin, they live on. Mercy suspends at outright almost instant consequence for sin and gives many chances for repentance.

The death of Jesus didn't abolish tithing because if it does, then it also abolished the sin of murder, idolatory and fornication.

His death only grants us divine pardon from the immediate consequences of sin.

I stand with Daddy G.O

Pls sir read Gen 14 : 18- 25 again and slowly, Melchizedek gave tithe to Abraham (then Abram), not the other way round.
Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by nicemuyoo: 12:05pm On Dec 03, 2017
Tithe can only be used to take care of levites( bloodline) and strangers, widows, orphans. It is an abomination to use tithe for project, church building etc it is against scriptural truth. It is called misappropriation and it becomes a sin. The tithe was never used for building temple, churches or buy anything. Temple building was done by voluntary donations. Tithe is agricultural produce by the way. There is a difference between theological teaching and scriptural and historical fact that is what people need to understand.
Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by mickeymimi: 12:10pm On Dec 03, 2017

In Malachi 1:6-8, it is shown that God were speaking to the leaders (the Levites and Priests of Israel) who were defrauding and robbing God of the tithes and offerings not the people who brought the tithes to them (the people continued to give and tithe to them even while these corrupt Levites and priests stole from God - and the widows, the poor and strangers in the land). These priests were not giving God His due honor before the people by taking care of those widows and orphans in need nor were they sacrificing the best of the grain and livestock to God rather they were keeping the best for themselves to sell and increase their own wealth from the things tithed and offered by those who were required to tithe. Just think of the glory our God in heaven would receive if these so-called "tithes and offerings" ministers actually followed these old Covenant instructions by helping the poor and needy with your "tithes and offerings" money instead of helping themselves. Today, we as Christians are called upon in the New Testament (or Covenant) which requires much more in giving and helping those in need than the Old Testament. For, we as Christians shall be judged by our treatment of those in need and those well to due Christians will be judged by what they did with their money (Matthew 19:16-24; Luke 12:33; Luke 19:1-10 and Matthew 25 - more on this later).


Malachi 3:8-12... "8 Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say, "In what way have we robbed You?' In tithes and offerings. 9 You are cursed with a curse, For you have robbed Me, Even this whole nation. 10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, That there may be food in My house, And try Me now in this," Says the LORD of hosts, "If I will not open for you the windows of heaven And pour out for you such blessing That there will not be room enough to receive it. 11 "And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, So that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground, Nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you in the field," Says the LORD of hosts; 12 And all nations will call you blessed, For you will be a delightful land," Says the LORD of hosts."

[b]Now, we see here God were speaking to those who were of the Levitical priesthood (Malachi 1:6-8; Malachi 2:1,4,7-8; Malachi 3:3-5). God in Malachi chapter 3 gives us the time of Christ correction of these sons of Levi for their sins against Him in verses 3:1-3. Notice the phrase "I send My messenger"(v. 3:1) this phrase refers to John the Baptist (Malachi 4:5-6 and Matthew 17:9-13) who came and prepared the way for Christ Jesus; and his message was "to bear witness of the Light" (John 1:7) and "the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins" (Mark 1:4) so people would receive Christ as the One who Saves (Luke 7:26-30)
. Next, we have the phrase, "the Lord, whom you seek, Will suddenly come to His temple, Even the Messenger of the covenant" (v. 3:1) this phrase refers to Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior (the second Adam) who came to pay the penalty for the sin of Adam and of all Mankind; and to make another Covenant (a New Covenant) with the people whom God would call, a chosen people of priests for His new nation (Hebrews 8 and 1 Peter 2:9-10). So you see, we have the time frame for the purifying of the "sons of Levi" (the priesthood) as the Holy Spirit says of the Messenger of the Covenant, "He will purify the sons of Levi, and purge them" (v. 3:3). Christ Jesus, as the Messenger of the Covenant have already purged these "sons of Levi" and purified those who would be called and chosen by God. The priesthood has changed, and Christ is the High Priest of this royal priesthood (Hebrews 2:1;4:14-15; and Hebrews chapters 5-10 of which I will speak more of later). When we get to the phrase, "who can endure the day of His coming?" (v. 3:2), this further identify the arrival of Christ to purify and purge the priesthood (sons of Levi) that "they may offer to the LORD an offering in righteousness" (v. 3:3). I ask this question are there "sons of Levi" offering up "an offering in righteousness" today? Are not the priests of the New Covenant royal priesthood offering up offerings to God and His Christ in righteousness today? Malachi is the last book of the old Covenant because this closes out the old nation of Israel for the bringing in of the new Covenant as it is written in the book of Hebrews.

too long
Cont reading on Link < http://411tithesofferings.411-cashflow.com/Malachi3Mis-Interpreted.html
Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by obailala(m): 12:10pm On Dec 03, 2017
God said to me clearly, " Never fail to pay your tithe. " since that day my orientation changed. If you are a Christian and don't pay your tithe. You are only following daddy freeze and daddy freeze is doing the will of his father, the..................
FrZ only read out what's written in the bible (the constitution of Christianity), except you are saying the bible was written by 'the......', then you arent saying anything. Can you prove FRZ wrong by pointing out what he's said which isnt in the bible?... I bet you cant, no one opposing him has, they only attack his personality and call him a non-Christian, and then claim that tithing is a 'revelation' - this is a subtle acknowledgement that going by just what's in the bible, you can't fault FRZ.
Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by afilaka(f): 12:14pm On Dec 03, 2017
I'm a xtian 100, I just bear a Muslim surname, i ans an English name so u can't use that as an escape route

You are looking for a low moral life like you to drag to your level, am so unavailable. People like you are agents that are sent to fetch more people into the world of darkness, am not available. #DevilGetThyServantAwayFromMe #stopQuotingMe #AintNice
Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by omoelerin1: 12:15pm On Dec 03, 2017

My father! My father!!

Ride on sir!

Tithing dates far back before the Mosaic law. It is a covenant practice born out of revelation and insight into the deep things of God.

Father Abraham gave tithes.
Jacob gave his tithe.

And if we are Abraham's children and are now partakers of Abraham's blessings, then we must equally engage the deeds of Abraham (Hebrews 7).

Many are busy shouting, "we are now under grace, and not under the law, therefore the law should be done away with". Is this only regarding tithing?

I hope grace has now nullified the law that says thou shall not kill, thou shall not commit fornication, thou shall not lie, thou shall not worship any other god besides me, etc.

Many have become abusers of grace because they don't understand what grace is and what it has come to do.

Grace is the divine ability to do God's will without limitation where ordinarily, men would fail. Grace rides on the wheels of Mercy.

It is this mercy (divine pardon) that everyone enjoys today as a result of the blood that Jesus shed on Calvary. That is why, when many ought to have died instantly after committing a sin, they live on. Mercy suspends at outright almost instant consequence for sin and gives many chances for repentance.

The death of Jesus didn't abolish tithing because if it does, then it also abolished the sin of murder, idolatory and fornication.

His death only grants us divine pardon from the immediate consequences of sin.

I stand with Daddy G.O
Little wonder, from your emotion and the way you were so haste to condemn T B Joshua and called him a sorcerer yesterday, because he said tithe is no compulsory. I can now see you are a benefactor of tithe either directly or indirectly. No oppressor will want the oppressed to be free.

Now, back to your argument. O ya turn your Bible to Genesis 14 start from verse 18. You will see that Melchizedek the priest came to meet Abraham with gift. He had more than enough. He never demanded any tithe from Abraham after blessing, rather he was willing to give him the gift as well. Hebrew 7:4 says he received the the tenth of the spoils from Abraham because he was greater than Abraham. Heb 7:7 'And without all contradiction the less is blessed of the better'
Perhaps you should direct me to where Abraham was paying the tithe every month or year, and where Jacob paid his tithe.
Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by roolnaado(m): 12:15pm On Dec 03, 2017
Open Heaven 3 December 2017 (Sunday) – TITHING IS TRUSTING
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. Proverbs 3:5
Bible Reading: Proverbs 3:5-7
Pro 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Pro 3:6 in all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Pro3:7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.

To experience exploits in your life, you must have a personal relationship with God. You must believe that He lives and love Him with all your heart. You must also learn to trust in Him.
The command to pay tithes on your earnings simply places a demand on you to trust in God. Your response to this command shows the level of trust you have in Him.
If you can pay your tithe correctly, it shows that you trust God for your livelihood, but if you find it difficult to be faithful in doing this, it simply
shows that you trust more in your earnings than in God to sustain you.
After l became newly born again and we were taught to pay tithes, l laughed and said in my mind, “These people do not know that I am a mathematician. If 100% is not enough for me, how can 90% be enough after I have paid 10% as tithe?
Thank you very much! Even though these people are not educated, they still want to use their smartness to take 10% of my income from me. Let them try and take it. However, down the line, God convinced me by Himself and I observed remarkable changes in my life. In those days, I was a lecturer in the university. I had a car but was afraid to drive in Lagos, so I got a driver.
At the end of the month, I would pay my driver his salary, but by the middle of the next month, I would have to borrow money from him to buy petrol (gasoline). This happened month after month. I continued to struggle with my finances and even had to spend all my earnings.
However, when I started paying my tithes I suddenly realised I did not need a driver anymore, because boldness came from nowhere and I could now drive myself.
Also, did not have to visit hospitals again because l now had the Great Physician as my doctor. My children did not fall sick again, and that leakage in my finances was blocked off.
All of a sudden, doors of opportunities began to open to me because l trusted the Lord. Are you still struggling with tithing? If you are, it only shows that you do not
trust God to take care of you.
The truth is, whatever you are paid may never be sufficient to meet all your needs because you are limited to that source, whereas you are open to various devourers.
In contrast, when you tithe, you will have access to resources beyond your income because God’s storehouse will be opened to you, and He will also block every source of losses in your life. It is a matter of choice. Why don’t you start trusting God
from today by paying your tithe faithfully?

To everyone saying it is in reaction to the tithe dilemma. This topic was not written this year.
Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by GoodGovernance: 12:15pm On Dec 03, 2017
1.Tax and Tithe are Similar.

2,Tax for the country's development,whilst tithe for the church development.

3.But Unfortunately,Taxes are looted by corrupt country leaders, just as tithes are looted by church leaders for personal aggrandizement
Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by perryy(m): 12:17pm On Dec 03, 2017

My father! My father!!

Ride on sir!

Tithing dates far back before the Mosaic law. It is a covenant practice born out of revelation and insight into the deep things of God.

Father Abraham gave tithes.
Jacob gave his tithe.

And if we are Abraham's children and are now partakers of Abraham's blessings, then we must equally engage the deeds of Abraham (Hebrews 7).

Many are busy shouting, "we are now under grace, and not under the law, therefore the law should be done away with". Is this only regarding tithing?

I hope grace has now nullified the law that says thou shall not kill, thou shall not commit fornication, thou shall not lie, thou shall not worship any other god besides me, etc.

Many have become abusers of grace because they don't understand what grace is and what it has come to do.

Grace is the divine ability to do God's will without limitation where ordinarily, men would fail. Grace rides on the wheels of Mercy.

It is this mercy (divine pardon) that everyone enjoys today as a result of the blood that Jesus shed on Calvary. That is why, when many ought to have died instantly after committing a sin, they live on. Mercy suspends at outright almost instant consequence for sin and gives many chances for repentance.

The death of Jesus didn't abolish tithing because if it does, then it also abolished the sin of murder, idolatory and fornication.

His death only grants us divine pardon from the immediate consequences of sin.

I stand with Daddy G.O

Wise up , outside accepting Christ as your personal lord and saviour other requirements for Christians as written to the church by the first appostles , are found in the Bible verses belly

The Acts 15:24 Since we have heard that some persons have gone out from us and troubled you with words, unsettling your minds, although we gave them no instructions,
The Acts 15:25 it has seemed good to us, having come to one accord, to choose men and send them to you with our beloved Barnabas and Paul,
The Acts 15:26 men who have risked their lives for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Acts 15:27 We have therefore sent Judas and Silas, who themselves will tell you the same things by word of mouth.
The Acts 15:28 For it has seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay on you no greater burden than these requirements:
The Acts 15:29 that you abstain from what has been sacrificed to idols, and from blood, and from what has been strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you keep yourselves from these, you will do well. Farewell.
The Acts 15:30 So when they were sent off, they went down to Antioch, and having gathered the congregation together, they delivered the letter.
The Acts 15:31 And when they had read it, they rejoiced because of its encouragement.
The Acts 15:32 And Judas and Silas, who were themselves prophets, encouraged and strengthened the brothers with many words.
The Acts 15:33 And after they had spent some time, they were sent off in peace by the brothers to those who had sent them.
The Acts 15:34
The Acts 15:35 But Paul and Barnabas remained in Antioch, teaching and preaching the word of the Lord, with many others also.
Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by gafarolabisi2(m): 12:18pm On Dec 03, 2017
even though I am Muslim and a practising one, but I so much love and cherish pastor Adeboye. if he said do, so shall it
Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by GoodGovernance: 12:18pm On Dec 03, 2017
1.Tax and Tithe are Similar.

2,Tax for the country's development,whilst tithe for the church development.

3.But Unfortunately,Taxes are looted by corrupt country leaders, just as tithes are looted by church leaders for personal aggrandizement

Any ""pastor'' that becomes very wealthy, just by being a church leader, is a thief!

Similarly,any president that becomes very wealthy, by just being a country leader,is a thief!
Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by kalybaly: 12:19pm On Dec 03, 2017
But the righteous one will avoid Hellfire, who gives from his wealth to purify himself. Surah Al-Layl 92:17-18. And Allah said: خُذْ مِنْ أَمْوَالِهِمْ صَدَقَةً تُطَهِّرُهُمْ وَتُزَكِّيهِم بِهَا وَصَلِّ عَلَيْهِمْ. Take from their wealth a charity by which you cleanse them and purify them, and invoke blessings upon them. Surah At-Tawbah 92:103.

But then most of you christians are quick to judge Islam from what you hear outside. Wouldnt you like to borrow this excerpt for your defense on the tithing propaganda. You give by faith. Have you ever seen the islamic clerics making such fortune of their brothers(followers).

(My opinion) If the pastor have he has to give as well to the needy.. this is how the cycle should be.
Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by perryy(m): 12:19pm On Dec 03, 2017
Outside accepting Christ as personal lord and saviour, other requirements to becoming a real christian are found in the Bible verses below. The appostles who gave the requirements other things outside those listed as burden. Read.

The Acts 15:24 Since we have heard that some persons have gone out from us and troubled you with words, unsettling your minds, although we gave them no instructions,
The Acts 15:25 it has seemed good to us, having come to one accord, to choose men and send them to you with our beloved Barnabas and Paul,
The Acts 15:26 men who have risked their lives for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Acts 15:27 We have therefore sent Judas and Silas, who themselves will tell you the same things by word of mouth.
The Acts 15:28 For it has seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay on you no greater burden than these requirements:
The Acts 15:29 that you abstain from what has been sacrificed to idols, and from blood, and from what has been strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you keep yourselves from these, you will do well. Farewell.
The Acts 15:30 So when they were sent off, they went down to Antioch, and having gathered the congregation together, they delivered the letter.
The Acts 15:31 And when they had read it, they rejoiced because of its encouragement.
The Acts 15:32 And Judas and Silas, who were themselves prophets, encouraged and strengthened the brothers with many words.
The Acts 15:33 And after they had spent some time, they were sent off in peace by the brothers to those who had sent them.
The Acts 15:34
The Acts 15:35 But Paul and Barnabas remained in Antioch, teaching and preaching the word of the Lord, with many others also.

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Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by tit(f): 12:21pm On Dec 03, 2017
adeboye is a bandit!
a broad day light robber!
a sars!!

adeboye, sango told me he will strike you today!!!

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Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by Investnow2017: 12:21pm On Dec 03, 2017
The writing of the Bible which spanned some 1600 was completed in 98CE. And God sealed the Bible as completed as recorded at Revelation which is the last book of the Bible says:"I am bearing witness to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone makes an addition to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this scroll; 19 and if anyone takes anything away from the words of the scroll of this prophecy, God will take his portion away from the trees of life and out of the holy city, things that are written about in this scroll. 20 “The one who bears witness." Rev. 22:18, 19.

Thus God sealing the Bible means that his word is COMPLETE and not lacking.
Therefore, for one individual to come around and say God told me this or that is fraud. God cannot bypass his word and tell someone something even contrary to his word. All those claiming to be men of God, claiming to be called by God, and using such in a bid to intimidate the gullible are all frauds. There are many infact innumerable examples here in Nigeria who claim that they hear the voice of God; they are actually acting for their god SATAN THE DEVIL. Beware of them. Jesus Christ says such persons would be many in these last days. Matthew 24: 11, 12 and 24, 25. BEWARE OF THEM. THEY ARE THEIVES who want to use all forms of cunny to take and extort money from you. They are heartless like their god the devil. They never cite God's word to support their claims, or even when they do they twist it for their own benefit. When has money money money become the main subject for pastors to harp continuously disturbing the silent space? They are theives and soon Jesus Christ will come and chase them finally from feeding fast on the people. Their judgment are certain and they cannot escape it.

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