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Your True Sex Organ And The Psychology Of Erectile Dysfunction by DJurry(m): 2:34pm On Dec 03, 2017 |
It's just a few minutes left before his world shatters into fragments and he doesn't know yet! Ade has been anticipating this night for a long time; a sensual night of romping the sheets with his beloved wife. He's aroused and she appears to be too. Then, something strange occurs which has never occurred before! He fails to have a full erection. His excitement is quickly doused with utter shame as his wife gives him a quizzical glance and then moves away softly to the right side of the bed. The show has ended! He too moves away, like a wounded soldier, and lays down on the left side of the bed. "What is happening?", he keeps asking himself. If you are bugged by Weak Erection, I'm pretty sure you can relate with Ade's untold story. Now, even though Erectile Dysfunction is not a life-threatening disease, it can seriously hurt your self-esteem as a man and may gradually progress into infidelity, a messy break-up or divorce! Abstinence is humanly difficult so your woman, if uncaring, can find another man to satiate her needs. I wouldn't want this to happen to you so I'm here to help! After numerous observations and studies as a Human Physiologist, I have come to the conclusion that the increasing incidence of disease and the decreasing lifespan of the average Nigerian is due to the growing gap between Humanity and Mother Nature; a gap which was virtually absent during the days of our forefathers who lived a relatively simple life! The growing hustle and bustle of the Modern Age, didn't just bring the good but the bad for it shifts our attention from one important aspect of life: our health. Due to this gap, many diseases, including Erectile Dysfunction prevails. Nevertheless, I believe that we can bridge this gap and enjoy a longer, stronger and happier life by adopting the 5 age-old principles of Healthy Living. I outlined them, for your reading pleasure, in my 7-Page eBook (also in an audio format) which is actually free! By the way, to solve this ugly problem you have, I want you to realize that your true sex organ is not your "little friend" down there but your brain up there! To understand, let me clarify what Erectile Dysfunction, really is. When a healthy man is sexually aroused by either what he thinks, sees or feels, his brain sends neural signals downwards to the penile muscles which cause their relaxation, the consequent inflow of blood and engorgement (erection). However, due to a number of risk factors, which I listed in that eBook, brain signals can fail to cause proper relaxation of penile muscles, leading to the inability of your organ to be engorged with blood and "rise to the occasion". Now, before I conclude, I would like us to run a quick test! Are you ready? Okay! When you woke up this morning, did you notice an erection while still on your bed? If NO, then the dysfunction that troubles you is PHYSIOLOGICAL (in your body) and I highly suggest you get my eBook to see the list of risk factors and identify the cause of yours. You certainly cannot fight an enemy you do not know! However, if you saw an erection in the morning, then what troubles you is simply PSYCHOLOGICAL (in your mind). Your true sex organ, the brain, actually needs to be calm and stress-free to perform well, its work of inducing erections. If you run a mental-draining job or you're in a dire financial crisis for instance, you should not be surprised if you get home and find it difficult to be "turned on" even if external conditions are ideal. Also, having a low self-esteem can cause "Psychological" Weak Erection for it wears off the brain. It wouldn't be surprising if Ade, from the story I shared, encounters another epic failure in bed, the following night. He has lost his confidence! I'm pretty sure the question on your mind now is, "How can I have this eBook?" Well, before I get onto that, I want to inform you of what to expect when you begin studying it. Firstly, you'll learn the blunt truth that led you to having this problem. Secondly, you'll understand the relationship between Weak Erection and Premature Ejaculation. Thirdly, you'll learn the 10 risk factors that increase your chances of having Erectile Dysfunction. Fourthly, you'll learn the 7 reasons why you should do something right now to resolve this issue. Also, you'll learn about the Principles of Healthy Living and how to quickly apply them to solve this embarrassing problem and regain your life. The 7-Page eBook OR the 21-minute Audio (if you prefer) is free, but to have your copy, I ask of one thing from you. Text, as an SMS, "ED; FULL NAME; AGE; LOCATION; OCCUPATION; EMAIL and CHOICE FORMAT" to 0813 049 6612. For example, "E.D; AKPAN SIMON; 30 Years; SURULERE, LAGOS; SELF-EMPLOYED; SIM23@YAHOO.COM; AUDIO. I respect your privacy so I have to do this to protect your email against spam as well as to serve you better. You'll be notified via SMS, within 24 hours, when your free copy has been sent to your email. Be Happy and stay Healthy, now and always! ![]()
Re: Your True Sex Organ And The Psychology Of Erectile Dysfunction by Tampinu(m): 2:40pm On Dec 03, 2017 |
DJurry: |
Re: Your True Sex Organ And The Psychology Of Erectile Dysfunction by DJurry(m): 8:36pm On Dec 03, 2017 |
Why do this, Tampinu? It is unrelated to this thread Tampinu: |
Re: Your True Sex Organ And The Psychology Of Erectile Dysfunction by Tampinu(m): 8:40pm On Dec 03, 2017 |
DJurry: Thank you for the question. It is indeed related to the thread as it concerns Jesus and the truth needs to be told, remember Jesus said we shall know the truth and it shall set us free. Nevertheless, should you insist that you do not wish to see my comments on your posts, I promise to avoid posting further. The Bible says "Christ strenghtens us through all things", even sexual intercourse, I suppose ![]() Rasta Bless. Peace 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Your True Sex Organ And The Psychology Of Erectile Dysfunction by DJurry(m): 10:51am On Dec 04, 2017 |
The incidence of disease is rising and the lifespan of the average Nigerian is falling due to the growing gap between Humanity and Mother Nature. 1 Like |
Re: Your True Sex Organ And The Psychology Of Erectile Dysfunction by DJurry(m): 1:48pm On Dec 05, 2017 |
I believe every Nigerian can draw nearer to Mother Nature and enjoy a longer, stronger and happier life. I propose the 5 Principles of Healthy Living, which I regard as the RED Therapy, as the route to realising this vision. To learn more and join our movement, I invite you to our Facebook Page in the signature below. |
Re: Your True Sex Organ And The Psychology Of Erectile Dysfunction by DJurry(m): 4:57pm On Dec 06, 2017 |
Erectile Dysfunction is not a death sentence but it can ruin your self-esteem as a man and may gradually progress into infidelity, a messy break-up or divorce! I don't think you want this to happen to you. 1 Like |
Re: Your True Sex Organ And The Psychology Of Erectile Dysfunction by DJurry(m): 1:49pm On Dec 08, 2017 |
Your true sex organ is not your "little friend" down there but your brain up there! Until you are sexually aroused by what you think, see or feel, your brain will not send signals downwards to command your penile muscles to relax and enlarge for the occasion. The first step to a full erection is to ensure your mind is at peace. |
Re: Your True Sex Organ And The Psychology Of Erectile Dysfunction by DJurry(m): 5:34pm On Dec 14, 2017 |
I staunchly believe that we all exist to be happy but understand that this special feeling only comes from risking security and comfort so we can rekindle our curiosity, evolve ourselves and empower others to do more. Your physical health is just one of the avenues to express your purpose. Live by design! |
Re: Your True Sex Organ And The Psychology Of Erectile Dysfunction by DJurry(m): 5:56pm On Dec 24, 2017 |
Your body is your temple on Earth and you only live once in it! It cries out to you daily to love and nurture it. How well do you answer its call? As you enjoy the festive season, do let your body enjoy the care it deserves. Treat it right to be healthy now and always! Compliments of the Season ![]() |
Re: Your True Sex Organ And The Psychology Of Erectile Dysfunction by infostemcenter(f): 8:33pm On Dec 24, 2017 |
Hello Friends, Please go with stem cell therapy center Delhi offer this Chrismas for your ED like Erectile dysfunction in India.. Read more on - Success rate of stem cell therapy for Erectile dysfunction |
Re: Your True Sex Organ And The Psychology Of Erectile Dysfunction by Mcsenior(m): 7:19am On Dec 25, 2017 |
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