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Are Jehovah’s Witnesses Tolerant Of Other Religions? - Religion - Nairaland

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Are Jehovah’s Witnesses Tolerant Of Other Religions? by lovingJehovah: 7:20pm On Dec 04, 2017
We follow the Bible’s advice to “respect everyone”—regardless of their religious beliefs. (1 Peter 2:17, Today’s English Version) For example, in some countries there are hundreds of thousands of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Even so, we don’t try to pressure politicians or lawmakers into restricting or banning the work of other religious groups. Nor do we campaign to have laws passed that would impose our moral and religious convictions on the general community. Instead, we extend to others the same tolerance that we appreciate receiving from them.—Matthew 7:12.
Re: Are Jehovah’s Witnesses Tolerant Of Other Religions? by Richdotcom: 10:39pm On Dec 04, 2017
That is totally wrong, judging from my experience.... let me share a story with you, Many a time I have had encounters with Jehovah witnesses and when ever I try saying an opening praying I am always met with an shocking shut down, maybe I am not “worthy” enough to say an opening prayer in my living room right before you preach to me.

One other incident I can vividly remember was a day I was coming back from church with some hadnbill to share, on my way back I met some of these jw guys, they stopped me and after preaching and all they were about giving me their awake booklet, I told them before I take this you will have to take my hand bill too, i was arrogantly turned down and these guys were still there trying to convince me to take the awake booklet .... lol
When they discovered I wasn’t going to take it unless they accept my handbills they finally walked away.

Don’t come here and tell us about acceptance, when we all know that who ever leaves JW for a church or any other religion will be ostracized, be careful with stuffs you post online.

I have friends that are jwee I have followed them
To Kingdom Hall a number of time but whenever I invite them to my church it’s a no!!! And a shocking characteristic is that the see every other Christian or religious leader as fake !!!

Not to talk of the fact that the young girls are not allowed to date or marry guys that are not JW....

Oga poster I love guys ooo but be careful with atuffs you post online you don’t need to lie to look good!!! If you are not bold enough or proud enough to say and Stand by what you believe and practice them something is wrong somewhere.


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Re: Are Jehovah’s Witnesses Tolerant Of Other Religions? by lovingJehovah: 1:18am On Dec 05, 2017
Thank you for expressing your thought.
That is totally wrong, judging from my experience.... let me share a story with you, Many a time I have had encounters with Jehovah witnesses and when ever I try saying an opening praying I am always met with an shocking shut down, maybe I am not “worthy” enough to say an opening prayer in my living room right before you preach to me.
Well, we will not stop you from saying a prayer to God. If you want to say your prayer, it is between you and God and no one else's business. In the factual truth, Jehovah's witnesses cannot shut you down from praying to your God. Are you telling God that excuse, Sir?Did you truly intend to pray? I have never seen that happening when a JW would have the power to stop one from exercising his fundamental right. The only obvious is one forcing a Jehovah's Witness to participate in a prayer he did not solicit. I have encountered situations like that a lot when people try to force me to close my eyes, clap or say Amen to their prayers. We do not force people to participate in our prayers. Jesus did not teach us that method. If prayer is what you want, go ahead and we do not stop that.
One other incident I can vividly remember was a day I was coming back from church with some hadnbill to share, on my way back I met some of these jw guys, they stopped me and after preaching and all they were about giving me their awake booklet, I told them before I take this you will have to take my hand bill too, i was arrogantly turned down and these guys were still there trying to convince me to take the awake booklet .... lol
When they discovered I wasn’t going to take it unless they accept my handbills they finally walked away.
Good one! We do not force anything on anybody. It is not our way. We persuade and if one is not responding we let him be. Let us be fair, if they were actually giving out money, would you have acted the same way?
Don’t come here and tell us about acceptance, when we all know that who ever leaves JW for a church or any other religion will be ostracized, be careful with stuffs you post online.
Check the emboldened above and think. To ostracise is to exclude one (make one leave) a group or company but in a case where the person has left willingly, what further good does ostracism do but to formally announce the departure? We do not ostracise, rather people choose to ostracise themselves from the law that Christ gave us by acting against it (Ephesians 5:3). We do not condone evil acts in our religion. Anyone found carrying out such act is disfellowshipped or reproved 1 Corinthians 5:13. We do not consider such ones as enemies though. They still come to our Kingdom Halls and attend our events. When they repent of their sinful ways they are welcomed back as our brothers. We do not throw anyone away. It is called discipline. But, disfellowshiped ones do not join us in preaching. We will not condone illicit conducts in our religion for the sake of increasing in population, favouritism or to please people on the outside. To us, the word of God comes above anything and anyone.
I have friends that are jwee I have followed them
To Kingdom Hall a number of time but whenever I invite them to my church it’s a no!!! And a shocking characteristic is that the see every other Christian or religious leader as fake !!!
I for one come from a Catholic and Voodoo background and I have relatives who are from so many religions and even the most mocked in Nigeria. I have been to many churches and I have been invited to many. I can tell you from a personal experience that you have not been to as much church as I have been.

You will display the same attitude that you accuse the Jehovah's Witnesses of if people in the church of Satan invites you to their church event. If someone in white garment church invites you to their cast and bind all night will you go? If a Hindu or a Buddhist invites you to his temple, will you go? Be forthright my brother. Or will you display the holier-than-thou attitude that you yourself condemn?

We read the news every day of pastors who boldly burn shrines in people's villages call people witches and wizards because of their religions. We see people get stoned, burned and mobbed even by the same people who label the Jehovah's witnesses evil for not attending their churches. People who prey on the weak and deny them of their fundamental human right to worship claim Jehovah's witnesses do not come to their churches. There are so many things I cannot express on a public forum not to denigrate people. I have seen it all out there and I am proud to be a JW.

Jehovah's Witnesses are not so keen to just have people come to our Kingdom Halls. Before you get invited, you surely must have heard the preaching from someone. In your situation, you joined a friend who is a JW. Our goal is to pass the message in the Bible to people and not to populate our kingdom halls. We are not interested in bringing people to fill up the whole place. We can sell that product but, no!
We have a standard to follow and it is that of Jesus. Preaching the message about God and his kingdom is our priority. And, if we are not convinced that what we have is the truth about God why would we be preaching it? It will be a waste of time. Every genuine marketer believes that he has the best product of all that exists and he sells it with conviction. We do not condemn any religion, but we condemn false religious beliefs that disagree with the Bible.
Not to talk of the fact that the young girls are not allowed to date or marry guys that are not JW....
No one is a prisoner in our religion. We all share freedom. No one is compelled to accept a rule. We only give admonitions from the Bible and let people decide on their own faiths. Saying young girls are not allowed is like blaming the JW for all the wrongs in the world. There are many JW who married non-JW but the Bible admonishes that we should marry within the faith. Listen, we are under the law of Christ and nothing is done under compulsion. Decide for yourself but Ephesians 5:10 keep making sure of what is acceptable to God. We are all guided by principles. That is what Christianity should be. You serve God from your own heart not under compulsion or grudge.
Oga poster I love guys ooo but be careful with atuffs you post online you don’t need to lie to look good!!! If you are not bold enough or proud enough to say and Stand by what you believe and practice them something is wrong somewhere.
I appreciate reading your thought. Keep it coming. We have a standard set for us in the Bible and that is what we all endeavour to keep. We do not compromise to please men. Obedience to God is of utmost value to us than the glory of men. We speak the truth.


Re: Are Jehovah’s Witnesses Tolerant Of Other Religions? by Richdotcom: 4:03pm On Dec 06, 2017
First you need to understand that there is a difference between being tolerant and indifferent .... do a little study on that, no body is talking about JW stopping me from praying or not.... don’t deviate

Actually you ain’t answering my question or trying to explain the action but rather you are trying to make it look cool.... as for your question if it was money that was being shared if I would have rejected? It’s very very much laughable!!! How much will shared on the road? A billion dollar? you guys don’t want to collect me own handbill but want to give me yours and “collect” my money as a donation? If my hand bill is unclean don’t you think my money is unclean too? Hahahahahahahahahah

Being ostracized I talked about is asking friends and relative of to stop associating and communication with the person in question that left the assemble.
What kind of cult is that? Thus if I leave your assemble and my wife don’t, automatically she is advises to stop talking to me and not to have anything to do with me? It’s sad and devilish!!!

Oga you don’t even know me, thus you don’t know if you gone to as many church as I have, neither do you know what my actions and reactions to situations will be like.
I have travelled to different countries in the world I have a lot of friend that I have followed to their worship center be it Muslim, Hindu etc..... even the cast and bind cele your talking about there is a Shepard of a church that happens to be a very good friend of mine till day, so what are you trying to say?

Here is the foolishness in saying I can’t go to church or I can’t go here or go there.... when your in the hospital do you ask the doctor if he is a Christian or not? When you go to the bank for a transaction do you ask the manger if he is Hindu or not?

There is one very funny school of thought a lady shared with me, she said the elders (or what do you ppl call it)in her assembly or Kingdom Hall advise her and other young people not to further their education to the university level reason being the they will get corrupted in today’s kind of university systems and also what the lectures will teach is the wisdoms of men, God is to teach them the true wisdom.... I was shocked because I have met a lot of JW in my profession, I have also met a lot of scholar that are JW too?

The other day a boy died in my hospital because the parent said we are JW we don’t do blood transfusions..... but when we give them antibiotics, they gladly took it.... hahahahahah
I laughed so hard because these people refuse blood transfusion but took also “blood” and drank it because it’s in not red and fluid... lol
I don’t understand!!!

Religion is confusing us!!!

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Re: Are Jehovah’s Witnesses Tolerant Of Other Religions? by lovingJehovah: 6:55pm On Dec 06, 2017
I appreciate your comment.
First you need to understand that there is a difference between being tolerant and indifferent .... do a little study on that, no body is talking about JW stopping me from praying or not.... don’t deviate
Just a reminder, my article is about 'tolerance'.
Actually you ain’t answering my question or trying to explain the action but rather you are trying to make it look cool.... as for your question if it was money that was being shared if I would have rejected? It’s very very much laughable!!! How much will shared on the road? A billion dollar? you guys don’t want to collect me own handbill but want to give me yours and “collect” my money as a donation? If my hand bill is unclean don’t you think my money is unclean too? Hahahahahahahahahah
I do not believe any Jehovah's Witness has ever referred to your bill as unclean. We do not use the word donation, but a contribution.
Being ostracized I talked about is asking friends and relative of to stop associating and communication with the person in question that left the assemble.
What kind of cult is that? Thus if I leave your assemble and my wife don’t, automatically she is advises to stop talking to me and not to have anything to do with me? It’s sad and devilish!!!
Well, no one asked wives to stop talking to their husbands because they are disfellowshipped. Even in the Bible, there is a provision for unbelieving mates. The Bible has principles and we cannot bend them to please anyone or accommodate popular beliefs. Jesus said that his sheep will hear his voice and here we are. In all you are saying, you are a puritan and your opinion is what really matters to Christians. You did not even back up your thought using the Bible. We do not follow dictates of men but the word of God.

Oga you don’t even know me, thus you don’t know if you gone to as many church as I have, neither do you know what my actions and reactions to situations will be like.
I have travelled to different countries in the world I have a lot of friend that I have followed to their worship center be it Muslim, Hindu etc..... even the cast and bind cele your talking about there is a Shepard of a church that happens to be a very good friend of mine till day, so what are you trying to say?
Wow! Astonishingly you have been far and wide and no disrespect to your achievements but I wasn't talking about countries. I told you about my family's multi-religious background to explain the views from in and out. What church do you represent?

Here is the foolishness in saying I can’t go to church or I can’t go here or go there.... when your in the hospital do you ask the doctor if he is a Christian or not? When you go to the bank for a transaction do you ask the manger if he is Hindu or not?
'Worship' makes the difference. Would you expect Jesus to join the Pharisees in prayer when he himself condemned the public display that they called prayer? No! We do not keep enmity with others or pre-judge. We try to see the good in others. You should also ask when we go out to preach to them if we isolate. No! We do not care what and who people are but we are interested in sharing the message about Jehovah and his son, Jesus to all sorts of men.
There is one very funny school of thought a lady shared with me, she said the elders (or what do you ppl call it)in her assembly or Kingdom Hall advise her and other young people not to further their education to the university level reason being the they will get corrupted in today’s kind of university systems and also what the lectures will teach is the wisdoms of men, God is to teach them the true wisdom.... I was shocked because I have met a lot of JW in my profession, I have also met a lot of scholar that are JW too?
Oh, nice! It is good that you shared that statement you heard and the reality of your experience. There are many professionals who are JW working in diverse sectors and fields. Nevertheless, what we watch out for is the pursuits of riches and the mundane things of the world and losing out on the real prize. We are all encouraged to maintain a balance so as not to make a lean that might suppress our love and zeal in the service of Jehovah. In the Bible, Timothy actually left behind the opportunity to school in the highly esteemed Athens for the sake of preaching the good news and he was a great assistance to apostle Paul. Would it be a crime for one to leave behind the opportunity to pursue things of this world for the sake of pursuing a full-time goal in the service of God? Moses also left all the glory in Egypt to play a vital role in the deliverance of God's people. No one is forced to quit school, but we are admonished to pay more than the usual attention to spiritual matters because Matthew 6:33 exhorts us to seek first God's kingdom. At the end of the day, what is the use of the certificates? It becomes trash when one is old or incapacitated. But he who does the will of God remains forever.
The other day a boy died in my hospital because the parent said we are JW we don’t do blood transfusions..... but when we give them antibiotics, they gladly took it.... hahahahahah
I laughed so hard because these people refuse blood transfusion but took also “blood” and drank it because it’s in not red and fluid... lol
I don’t understand!!!
Are there no other boys in town? This same boy keeps dying in all anti-jw comments on Nairaland. Everyone kills the same boy online every time they talk about JW and blood transfusion.
I really doubt if you are in the medical field. No certified health practitioner would utter such remark and end it with "hahahahahah". Do you know that you are culpable for this comment? Have you ever heard of the "Patient Rights"? It is taught in medical schools.
How did antibiotics become blood? Can you share the name of this hospital?
Religion is confusing us!!!
Religion can also be explained as a pursuit or interest followed with great devotion. Money, music, career, science etc. No matter what one says, there is something that he puts his faith and time in and that is his religion. If you broaden your perception, you will come to understand that millions all around the world grope in banality because they ignore the basic counsels written in the Bible. The Bible best describes it as a chase after the wind. It will always get to that final moment for everyone.
Re: Are Jehovah’s Witnesses Tolerant Of Other Religions? by Richdotcom: 4:47pm On Dec 07, 2017
I appreciate your comment. Just a reminder, my article is about 'tolerance'.
I do not believe any Jehovah's Witness has ever referred to your bill as unclean. We do not use the word donation, but a contribution.
Well, no one asked wives to stop talking to their husbands because they are disfellowshipped. Even in the Bible, there is a provision for unbelieving mates. The Bible has principles and we cannot bend them to please anyone or accommodate popular beliefs. Jesus said that his sheep will hear his voice and here we are. In all you are saying, you are a puritan and your opinion is what really matters to Christians. You did not even back up your thought using the Bible. We do not follow dictates of men but the word of God.
Wow! Astonishingly you have been far and wide and no disrespect to your achievements but I wasn't talking about countries. I told you about my family's multi-religious background to explain the views from in and out. What church do you represent?
'Worship' makes the difference. Would you expect Jesus to join the Pharisees in prayer when he himself condemned the public display that they called prayer? No! We do not keep enmity with others or pre-judge. We try to see the good in others. You should also ask when we go out to preach to them if we isolate. No! We do not care what and who people are but we are interested in sharing the message about Jehovah and his son, Jesus to all sorts of men.
Oh, nice! It is good that you shared that statement you heard and the reality of your experience. There are many professionals who are JW working in diverse sectors and fields. Nevertheless, what we watch out for is the pursuits of riches and the mundane things of the world and losing out on the real prize. We are all encouraged to maintain a balance so as not to make a lean that might suppress our love and zeal in the service of Jehovah. In the Bible, Timothy actually left behind the opportunity to school in the highly esteemed Athens for the sake of preaching the good news and he was a great assistance to apostle Paul. Would it be a crime for one to leave behind the opportunity to pursue things of this world for the sake of pursuing a full-time goal in the service of God? Moses also left all the glory in Egypt to play a vital role in the deliverance of God's people. No one is forced to quit school, but we are admonished to pay more than the usual attention to spiritual matters because Matthew 6:33 exhorts us to seek first God's kingdom. At the end of the day, what is the use of the certificates? It becomes trash when one is old or incapacitated. But he who does the will of God remains forever.
Are there no other boys in town? This same boy keeps dying in all anti-jw comments on Nairaland. Everyone kills the same boy online every time they talk about JW and blood transfusion.
I really doubt if you are in the medical field. No certified health practitioner would utter such remark and end it with "hahahahahah". Do you know that you are culpable for this comment? Have you ever heard of the "Patient Rights"? It is taught in medical schools.
How did antibiotics become blood? Can you share the name of this hospital?
Religion can also be explained as a pursuit or interest followed with great devotion. Money, music, career, science etc. No matter what one says, there is something that he puts his faith and time in and that is his religion. If you broaden your perception, you will come to understand that millions all around the world grope in banality because they ignore the basic counsels written in the Bible. The Bible best describes it as a chase after the wind. It will always get to that final moment for everyone.

Thanks for being truthful, a lot of people I have asked such question regard excommunicated of non members, not going to school... either denied or refuse to reply, Its really funny..... this is nothing but a means of mind control where by the younger generation are admonished not to pursue university education because one apostle in the Bible didn’t.

If you think or feel I am not in the medical field It’s your opinion, you feel bittered that I laughed, you should rather direct that bitterness to the dohman in JW that caused the death of that boy... I can feel the bitterness in your reply because I laughed at the foolishness is such doctrine and dogmas?

You see ignorance is a disease, this is the very reason they asked you guys not to go to school, d Internet is your friends do a search on antibiotics and how it’s manufactured.... these guys don’t want you people to be enlightened because Immediately you do, you will start questioning some dogman in the JW belief system.

Also do you know that every other biblical translation except the NKJ version was edited by the Freemanson fraternity? ....... even the very one you guys use in your Kingdom Hall .... I bet you will doubt it but do a research on it... search for the company or person that did the translation and check for their ties with the Freemason.... lol

If I still tell you that the JW is a multi billion dollars company with shares in MTV and other multinational companies you will say its a lie... check Wikileaks ( if you know what it is) and see.

Good night and sleeep well...

1 Like

Re: Are Jehovah’s Witnesses Tolerant Of Other Religions? by lovingJehovah: 6:04pm On Dec 07, 2017
Thanks for being truthful, a lot of people I have asked such question regard excommunicated of mine members, not going to school... either denied or refuse to reply, I really really funny..... this is nothing but a means of mind control where by the younger generation are admonished not to pursue university education because one apostle did......
I am very familiar with your red meat rhetoric. You were not sincerely asking people questions. The deal is, you have always had a goal to disparage the Jehovah's Witnesses. It is quite obvious that you have a programmed list of questions and familiar topics you recycle whenever you meet any Jehovah's witness. In Psychology, it is the desire for power and control caused by insecurity or complex. You discover that you crave to blast any Jehovah's witness that you meet and for some time now, you have been deriving fun or satisfaction from it. It is addictive and may extend to other aspects of your life if you do not watch out for it.
As I clearly said, we do not ask anyone not to get an education. We encourage seeking first God's kingdom above anything else as Jesus said in Matthew 6:33. We do not encourage the love of the world and the desires of the materialism of this system of things as 1 John 2:15 can corroborate. We admonished everyone to find a balance not to lean on materialism and stiffle their spirituality. JW are educated everywhere in the world and there are many professionals who are JW. We receive the best training ever.
There are hundreds of thousands of nuns and Priests out there who quit schools for the seminaries, I wonder why you pretend not to see those. Jehovah's witnesses do not force anyone to quit higher learning. We admonish all to pay more attention to the signs of the time as we draw nearer to the conclusion of the system of things.
Many Yahoo yahoo boys quit schools, footballers, musicians, politicians, actors etc. Have you ever referred to them as mind-controlling? For example, Music renders millions who do not make it to the top hopeless in life, have you ever referred to music as mind-controlling? How about football? How about Priests and nuns? Would you play a biased victor?

If you think or feel I am not in the medical field you are right, I can feel the bitterness in your reply because I laughed at the foolishness is such doctrine and dogmas?
If I visit a doctor or nurse who sounds like you, I would object to receiving any form of treatment from him. In your last comment, you derived pleasure from giving a patient blood and unsolicited substance instead of the right treatment. That was shocking to me. Really nauseating. I have nothing to be bitter about when I don't know you personally. God bless your heart.
You see ignorance is a disease, this is the very reason they asked you guys not to go to school, d Internet is your friends do a search on antibiotics and how it’s manufacture.... these guys don’t want you people to be enlightened because Immediately you do, you will start questioning some dogman in the JW belief system.
Also do you know that every other biblical translation except the NKJ version was edited by the Freemanson fraternity? ....... even the very one you guys use in your Kingdom Hall, .... I bet you will doubt it but do a research on it... search for the company or person that did the translation and check for their ties with the Freemason.... lol
Can you post a reference or source?

Good night and sleeep well...
You are such a sweetheart LOL. The ending is so winsome. One would never expect such an ending to have a gruesome beginning.

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Re: Are Jehovah’s Witnesses Tolerant Of Other Religions? by Nobody: 9:25pm On Dec 07, 2017
That is totally wrong, judging from my experience.... let me share a story with you, Many a time I have had encounters with Jehovah witnesses and when ever I try saying an opening praying I am always met with an shocking shut down, maybe I am not “worthy” enough to say an opening prayer in my living room right before you preach to me.

One other incident I can vividly remember was a day I was coming back from church with some hadnbill to share, on my way back I met some of these jw guys, they stopped me and after preaching and all they were about giving me their awake booklet, I told them before I take this you will have to take my hand bill too, i was arrogantly turned down and these guys were still there trying to convince me to take the awake booklet .... lol
When they discovered I wasn’t going to take it unless they accept my handbills they finally walked away.

Don’t come here and tell us about acceptance, when we all know that who ever leaves JW for a church or any other religion will be ostracized, be careful with stuffs you post online.

I have friends that are jwee I have followed them
To Kingdom Hall a number of time but whenever I invite them to my church it’s a no!!! And a shocking characteristic is that the see every other Christian or religious leader as fake !!!

Not to talk of the fact that the young girls are not allowed to date or marry guys that are not JW....

Oga poster I love guys ooo but be careful with atuffs you post online you don’t need to lie to look good!!! If you are not bold enough or proud enough to say and Stand by what you believe and practice them something is wrong somewhere.


lolz they seem unique to themselves , they never err

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Re: Are Jehovah’s Witnesses Tolerant Of Other Religions? by Richdotcom: 12:39am On Dec 08, 2017

lolz they seem unique to themselves , they never err

Don’t mind them, they will never own up to their dogman.... rather they will use their edited bible to justify their actions, then when you try pointing it out to them they will say your hating or your are trying to bad mouth JW ... lol

1 Like

Re: Are Jehovah’s Witnesses Tolerant Of Other Religions? by lovingJehovah: 2:58am On Dec 08, 2017
Jesus said that his faithful servants are unique in the sense that they are not a part of the world. It seems that you corroborate that.
We are imperfect hence we err. But the Bible says that a righteous man falls 7 times. The beautiful thing about honest worshippers of Jehovah is the ability to show genuine repentance and return to serving Jehovah again.

lolz they seem unique to themselves , they never err

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Re: Are Jehovah’s Witnesses Tolerant Of Other Religions? by lovingJehovah: 3:28am On Dec 08, 2017
You see, the people who are telling you all the lies ahout Jehovah's Witnesses and sending you forth to denigrate them did not arm you enough for the mission.
Your goal here is not to represnt the good news of God but to tear down a group of people who chose to live according to the Bible. There are many aspects of your doctrines that you cannot defend using your own Bible yet you pick on trivials that someone told you about the Jehovah's Witnesses and you add viperous lies to false stories to make us appear vicious.
Jehovah is not man. At the bottom of all that you have vituperated against us, the truth is the obvious headlines on the frontpages of Nairaland and newspapers all over the world. The negative realities concerning pastors that you revere and canonise. When news about your church pops up, you defend it with your lifeline. Think! Why do you find it hard to share the same measure of hate toward them? The answer is in 2 Corinthians 6:8 "through glory and dishonor, through bad report and good report. We are regarded as deceivers and yet we are truthful".
Now, let me ask a question that will make you shrivel. What church do you represent?

Don’t mind them, they will never own up to their dogman.... rather they will use their edited bible to justify their actions, then when you try pointing it out to them they will say your hating or your are trying to bad mouth JW ... lol

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