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RCCG Holy Ghost Congress 2017 : Theme - Songs Of Victory (fifth Day) - Religion - Nairaland

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RCCG Holy Ghost Congress 2017 : Theme - Songs Of Victory (fifth Day) by DailyDevotion1: 7:03am On Dec 09, 2017
RCCG Holy Ghost Congress 2017 BY Pastor E.A. Adeboye : Theme - Songs of Victory (Fifth Day)
by Adegbola Akanni on December 09, 2017 in Pastor E. A. Adeboye, Rccg holy ghost congress, Yearly Churches programs and Events

Did you miss Holy Ghost Congress 2017: Songs of Victory ( Day 1 - 4 ), click here to follow http://www.muyilight.com/search/label/Rccg%20holy%20ghost%20congress

Holy Ghost Congress 2017: Songs of Victory (Fifth Day)
*Minister:* Pastor E.A. Adeboye
*Topic:* Songs of Victory
*Bible Text:* Exodus 16:1-3, 11

*_Victory, Victory, Halleluyah, Halleluyah, Halleluyah, Victory, Victory, Halleluyah; Jesus conquer the devil patapata_* 4xce
*_He has given me victory I will lift Him higher, Jehovah I will lift Him higher_* 4xce

*_I will sing unto the Lord, a joyful song, I will praise His Name; for the Lord is good_* 4xce

*_Who is like unto thee, O Lord , among the gods? who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders?_* Exodus 16:11.

*Two Important Words:* Songs and Victory

*Songs:* When God created man, the original plan of God is for man to sing songs: Revelation 4:11, Isaiah 55:12 Genesis 1:31. God created you to praise Him, and that is why you found that man is a singing animal.

*_Now the battle is over, now the battle is over, now the battle is over; I am more than a conqueror._*

*Victory:* To win, to overcome in a contest, or war. As a child of God, you need to know you have a determined enemy. Thank God you have an ally: John 10:10, Ephesians 6:12. The Goodnews is your ally is stronger than your enemies: Psalms 24:7-10.

*The Techniques Of Your Adversary; The Devil.*
1. When the devil want to attack, is when you are celebrating, because he knows you are relaxed: 1Samuel 18:5-7, Joshua 7, 2 Kings 2:9-24. _Whenever you are celebrating; keep on praying._
2. When the devil want to attack directly, he does it massively: Exodus 14:5-28, 2Chronicles 20:1-25, Isaiah 59:19.
3. When the devil want to attack, he does it subtly, that it will be difficult for you to fight: Ephesians 6:11, 1Samuel 24:1-6, 1Samuel 25:1-11.
4. When the devil want to attack, he will use a combination of forces; internal enemies and the external enemies: Matthew 10:36, Judges 15:1-19.
5. When the devil want to attack, he tries to turn God against you: Numbers 23:1-23, Numbers 25:1-9.

_Every law that must be suspended just for you to be elevated will be suspended._
_Leave them to me, I will deal with all your false accusers._
_Any member of your family that is against your progress in life; if they refuse to repent, they will not see the new year._
_There is a family; every chaos situations in your family is settled._
_Shout Jesus._
_Every family members that want._
_The time is now to fulfil all my previous promises._
_As you enter into the new year, you will steadily climb steps of joy._
_Your greatness is about to begin._

*Key Points:*
*There is something called the final victory:* _The bible tells us that the last victory to conquer is death. There is no victory if you don't make it to heaven. Our victory is only absolute, when we make it home. The greatest victory is to finish well.:_ 2Timothy 4:7-8, Revelation 15:2-3.

*Prayer Points*
1. Praise the Almighty God that You are still alive today.
2. Father, all the enemies within, please deal with them Yourself in Your own way.
3. Father, as for the external enemies, those who will not repent among them, arise and scatter them.
4. Father, make Your wall of fire round me and all mine to remain solid.
5. Father, please don't let me be my own enemy.
6. Father, let me enjoy peace from now on, even in the presence of my enemies.
7. Father, please let me finish well.
8. If there is any other battles personal to you that you are facing, discuss it with God.

Did you miss Holy Ghost Congress 2017: Songs of Victory ( Day 1 - 4 ), click here to follow http://www.muyilight.com/search/label/Rccg%20holy%20ghost%20congress

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