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How Guys Act When They Want To Have Sex With A Lady (Funny Memes) / She Promised To Give Me Sex Tomorrow / My Girlfriend Just Broke Our 5 Year Relationship. Pls I Need Advise!!! (2) (3) (4)

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Advice by Ochinex(m): 5:08pm On Dec 14, 2017
Nairalanders, please I need your advises. There is this girl that loves me so much, but I am still trying to love her back in return.

Though, I have had sex twice, and she is the second person I had sex with. One thing happened when i had sex with her, though i used protection throughout the sex duration but the funny thing there was that my mind started playing games with me;started seeing signs and symptoms of Hiv like rashes, sore throat, weakness etc. After sometime, it left.

I waited for 4 months to run some test (Hiv/malaria) and I was told I had malaria. Since then, I promise never to have sex again, but now, she surfaced again and our meeting date is tomorrow around 11am, what should I do please?.
Re: Advice by Loyalblak007(f): 5:10pm On Dec 14, 2017

1 Like

Re: Advice by AnodaIT(m): 5:12pm On Dec 14, 2017
Seems your village people have arrived once again with reinforcement


Re: Advice by Estherbelsblog: 5:12pm On Dec 14, 2017
Say no to pre-marital sex they wont hear



Re: Advice by HallaDaTruth: 5:19pm On Dec 14, 2017


Re: Advice by SuperSuave(m): 5:32pm On Dec 14, 2017
hahahaha grin the girl fit no tear race o

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Re: Advice by agbonkamen(f): 5:34pm On Dec 14, 2017
The only advice you need now is to roast your dick wait the babe
Re: Advice by Bilabong(m): 5:36pm On Dec 14, 2017
Set up Web Cam so we can see u live and direct u on the go


Re: Advice by biafraisdead(m): 5:38pm On Dec 14, 2017
Nairalanders, please I need your advises. There is this girl that loves me so much, but I am still trying to love her back in return.

Though, I have had sex twice, and she is the second person I had sex with. One thing happened when i had sex with her, though i used protection throughout the sex duration but the funny thing there was that my mind started playing games with me;started seeing signs and symptoms of Hiv like rashes, sore throat, weakness etc. After sometime, it left.

I waited for 4 months to run some test (Hiv/malaria) and I was told I had malaria. Since then, I promise never to have sex again, but now, she surfaced again and our meeting date is tomorrow around 11am, what should I do please?.

Lalasticlala , Mynd44 , Seun , Rocktation , farano
go and die
Re: Advice by moorevic(m): 5:50pm On Dec 14, 2017
SEnd us a picture of your dick here for us to ascertain your prowess, idiot. angry angry
Nairalanders, please I need your advises. There is this girl that loves me so much, but I am still trying to love her back in return.

Though, I have had sex twice, and she is the second person I had sex with. One thing happened when i had sex with her, though i used protection throughout the sex duration but the funny thing there was that my mind started playing games with me;started seeing signs and symptoms of Hiv like rashes, sore throat, weakness etc. After sometime, it left.

I waited for 4 months to run some test (Hiv/malaria) and I was told I had malaria. Since then, I promise never to have sex again, but now, she surfaced again and our meeting date is tomorrow around 11am, what should I do please?.

Lalasticlala , Mynd44 , Seun , Rocktation , farano
Re: Advice by TheKINGSLAYER(m): 5:56pm On Dec 14, 2017
Nairalanders, please I need your advises. There is this girl that loves me so much, but I am still trying to love her back in return.

Though, I have had sex twice, and she is the second person I had sex with. One thing happened when i had sex with her, though i used protection throughout the sex duration but the funny thing there was that my mind started playing games with me;started seeing signs and symptoms of Hiv like rashes, sore throat, weakness etc. After sometime, it left.

I waited for 4 months to run some test (Hiv/malaria) and I was told I had malaria. Since then, I promise never to have sex again, but now, she surfaced again and our meeting date is tomorrow around 11am, what should I do please?.

Lalasticlala , Mynd44 , Seun , Rocktation , farano

u dey call mods, u no dey shame o grin grin ask yourself if this topic goes to fp will u b happy undecided undecided. anyway my advice for you is if you love yourself better run for your life and stop thinking with your dick. use your head bro.
Re: Advice by LadyMarionette(f): 6:01pm On Dec 14, 2017
undecided If you are phrasing it like this: I am to have sex...., then please don't do it. You aren't ready. There's no shame in not being ready. Even for a guy.
Re: Advice by Nobody: 6:07pm On Dec 14, 2017
Don't do what your mind does not accept.

1 Like

Re: Advice by RedDistrict: 6:10pm On Dec 14, 2017
Get condoms
Re: Advice by noshiobec(f): 6:25pm On Dec 14, 2017
See question o ..what should you do?.. .That's up to you to decide na
Well since you asked for advice I would say when she comes visiting, you can share the gospel with her if you are a Man of faith ( Christian) ,the Qur'an if you are a Muslim or have a constructive argument about ur fate(Atheism) if that's the case. Good luck.

1 Like

Re: Advice by Nobody: 6:31pm On Dec 14, 2017
I'm Sorry But You Are Without Brain...
On One Cares about You Having Sex Or Dying...
Re: Advice by habsydiamond(m): 6:35pm On Dec 14, 2017
I pray u won't develop panic attack after having sex with her and noticing u have started having different symptoms through which you will be thinking u are possessed with HIV.
Re: Advice by GhettoHustler007(m): 7:22pm On Dec 14, 2017
Damn!! They've Made It Look Like it's Cool That's Fornication Bro. Big Sin Think About It
Re: Advice by dasparrow: 7:41pm On Dec 14, 2017
Look at this fornicator! Later on you people will begin to quote bible once the topic homosexuality is being discussed when most of you preaching to homosexuals are chronic sinners yourself and don't stand a chance of seeing God if you continue in your sinful ways.
Re: Advice by Biggty(m): 8:30pm On Dec 14, 2017
This time it won't be only malaria u are going to catch, you may catch gonorrhea
Re: Advice by infogenius(m): 8:33pm On Dec 14, 2017
Nairalanders, please I need your advises. There is this girl that loves me so much, but I am still trying to love her back in return.

Though, I have had sex twice, and she is the second person I had sex with. One thing happened when i had sex with her, though i used protection throughout the sex duration but the funny thing there was that my mind started playing games with me;started seeing signs and symptoms of Hiv like rashes, sore throat, weakness etc. After sometime, it left.

I waited for 4 months to run some test (Hiv/malaria) and I was told I had malaria. Since then, I promise never to have sex again, but now, she surfaced again and our meeting date is tomorrow around 11am, what should I do please?.

11am? Go to work
Re: Advice by Nobody: 8:40pm On Dec 14, 2017
U want advice... stick ur tongue in her wet juicy ass,then kiss ur momma with that same mouth idiots in dis forum are outnumbered. Fuccccck!!!
Re: Advice by Gofwane(m): 8:42pm On Dec 14, 2017
Seems your village people have arrived once again with reinforcement
grin grin as per since the first attempt didn't work. Abi?
Re: Advice by Greenbullet(m): 8:58pm On Dec 14, 2017
Take 1 bluebullet(#300)
Trama--l(#100mg 1 pill)
Action bitter( 1 sachet)
Viagra pill (50 naira)

U go murder the babe.

1 Like

Re: Advice by earthsync(f): 9:35pm On Dec 14, 2017
Nairalanders, please I need your advises. There is this girl that loves me so much, but I am still trying to love her back in return.

why are you forcing yourself to love someone you don't love, you owing her a favour of are you just using her to gain something in return?

she surfaced again and our meeting date is tomorrow around 11am, what should I do please?.


hmm looks like the girl is manipulative, you do what she wants without turning her down, I could be wrong sha, is the girl a cultist or anything like that??
Re: Advice by Premiumwriter: 9:43pm On Dec 14, 2017
Seems everyone on nairaland is on savage weed embarassed
Re: Advice by DIKEnaWAR: 10:32pm On Dec 14, 2017
Get a cold water, with towel, get on the bed, remove your clothes, ask her to touch you in your sensitive areas and cut off your d1ck with a knife you hid somewhere on the bed. Watch yourself bleed to death and post it on nairaland afterwards.

Re: Advice by free2ryhme: 11:21pm On Dec 14, 2017
Nairalanders, please I need your advises. There is this girl that loves me so much, but I am still trying to love her back in return.

Though, I have had sex twice, and she is the second person I had sex with. One thing happened when i had sex with her, though i used protection throughout the sex duration but the funny thing there was that my mind started playing games with me;started seeing signs and symptoms of Hiv like rashes, sore throat, weakness etc. After sometime, it left.

I waited for 4 months to run some test (Hiv/malaria) and I was told I had malaria. Since then, I promise never to have sex again, but now, she surfaced again and our meeting date is tomorrow around 11am, what should I do please?.

Stupidity is a disease
Re: Advice by Nobody: 3:37am On Dec 15, 2017
Nairalanders, please I need your advises. There is this girl that loves me so much, but I am still trying to love her back in return.

Though, I have had sex twice, and she is the second person I had sex with. One thing happened when i had sex with her, though i used protection throughout the sex duration but the funny thing there was that my mind started playing games with me;started seeing signs and symptoms of Hiv like rashes, sore throat, weakness etc. After sometime, it left.

I waited for 4 months to run some test (Hiv/malaria) and I was told I had malaria. Since then, I promise never to have sex again, but now, she surfaced again and our meeting date is tomorrow around 11am, what should I do please?.

Even your time of meeting proves how jobless you guys can be.

By the way....

Re: Advice by Tajbol4splend(m): 3:40am On Dec 15, 2017
Seems your village people have arrived once again with reinforcement

Re: Advice by Tajbol4splend(m): 3:42am On Dec 15, 2017
Iku to ba pa ojugba eni, owe lon pafunni

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