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Prof. Gabriel Oyibo (GAGUT Theorem): Mad man or Genius - Education - Nairaland

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Prof. Gabriel Oyibo (GAGUT Theorem): Mad man or Genius by pie1ect(m): 11:22pm On Dec 23, 2005
First there was Dr. Abalaka, now we have Dr. Oyibo.......
Fellow Nairalanders,
I've just finshed reading an interview with Dr. Oyibo, where he talks about his Grand Unified Theorem (Gij,j=0). In case you don't know him, he is a top Nigerian physicist. OK, I know his credentials cannot be questioned but I have to question his rationality!

Apparently, there's now an institute (OFAPPIT) where he teahces this theorem, but there's not a single professional review of this "discovery" of his anywhere on the web and worse still, the official website of this so-called institute is hosted on geocities shocked, apparently registered to one Ejima. This is a free website, ffs. Surely, if they were serious about promoting GAGUT or whatever they want to call it, they could afford to pay some $50 (since they already got a web designer) to get themselves a professional-looking website.
I  don't know what the hell is going on with this Prof., but as far I'm concerned, this GAGUT claim is an illusion.
Even the Clay Mathematics institute, which instigated the whole equation-solving thing with their millenium challenge, do not deem it fit to make any mention of this supposedly great "discovery" on their website. I can't even find any books that talk about the GAGUT thingy anywhere.

Methinks: There's no truth in his claims and there's no such thing as GAGUT.

What do you guys think?
Re: Prof. Gabriel Oyibo (GAGUT Theorem): Mad man or Genius by Seun(m): 11:51pm On Dec 23, 2005
Instead of explaining the so-called GAGUT theorem, he goes about saying that his idea has been endorsed by one person or the other knowing that we'll not have time to cross-check the facts. He's comparing himself to Einstein but Einstein did a lot to explain his theory - he did not just say "E = mc2" without telling us what E means!

This is much worse than the case of Emeagwali who at least achieved one minor feat in 1989 before deciding to build a network of websites and go about singing the praises of himself.

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Re: Prof. Gabriel Oyibo (GAGUT Theorem): Mad man or Genius by pie1ect(m): 12:28am On Dec 24, 2005
I thought I was the only one fed up with the Emeagwali guy.
Funny how in one breath, Oyibo says God "created" atum(Adam) and in the very next he says God "manifested". Is GAGUT so big that even he does not understand it? Complete rubbish.
Re: Prof. Gabriel Oyibo (GAGUT Theorem): Mad man or Genius by Akolawole(m): 1:22am On Dec 24, 2005
You get time for this!
Re: Prof. Gabriel Oyibo (GAGUT Theorem): Mad man or Genius by IAH(f): 9:10am On Dec 24, 2005
Nigerians love to blow their own trumpets and celebrate mediocrity...it's in our blood. tongue
Re: Prof. Gabriel Oyibo (GAGUT Theorem): Mad man or Genius by demmy(m): 3:36pm On Dec 27, 2005
Talking about Abalaka anyone know his whereabout presently? He seem to have disappeared or something.
Re: Prof. Gabriel Oyibo (GAGUT Theorem): Mad man or Genius by ajmide(m): 7:02pm On Jan 12, 2006
Hey Guys,

I got info about this prof.. on Elendureports website and I tried to search on Google whether i will even see some papers where he proved his GAGUT but couldn't. Please forward the proof to me or please help get in touch with him, I need the complete proof of his theorem, peradventure, it could be useful some how.
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Re: Prof. Gabriel Oyibo (GAGUT Theorem): Mad man or Genius by DoubleRevv(m): 6:51pm On Jan 17, 2006
this is one of his aides number (I think) +16312423069.

Ask him if he is mad.and if he's work is in any engineering text book. I fit change my course kwik-kwik.

Ps; I think pidgin should be an official language in Nigeria.
gagut sounds like pidgin for "loco"
Re: Prof. Gabriel Oyibo (GAGUT Theorem): Mad man or Genius by jonpinjeff(m): 5:07pm On Mar 01, 2006



Re: Prof. Gabriel Oyibo (GAGUT Theorem): Mad man or Genius by nuggard(m): 1:34pm On Apr 17, 2006
I think we should be debating you, mad man or,
Re: Prof. Gabriel Oyibo (GAGUT Theorem): Mad man or Genius by akay47(m): 3:03pm On Apr 17, 2006
All of you have been so conditioned to believe only the things the white folks say its right or correct that you find it so hard to believe in you ownselves! what a shame! Do you need a prof. from Havard or MIT to tell you GAGUT is actually the answer to the hitherto unlsolvable question of the GRAND UNIFIED THEOREM befor u believe it?! embarassed See, all the things you read on the websites about this Prof. Oyibo are propaganda meant to make you disbelieve in the ingenuity of Africans who are making giant strides in science and technology. Have you ever wondered why there have never been a Nobel award in science to any black since the inception of Nobel awards!!! Does that mean black folks are so dummy in academics?!! Its all political bullshitssssss!!!!!!!!! They only award us Nobel in peace and literature(after a great deal of lobbying) You guys just make me sick!!! If you need to know more about this professor, dig deep enough coz all the things u see about him on the internet are all bunches of lies meant to make you accept that u are inferior and slaves till u die!!! I have gone through his books, read reviews about his book from AMAZON.COM and have been following his work ever since then, i believe him. Unless we all learn to believe in ourselves, we will still remain slaves till we die! Abalaka has shut up coz the west is making alot of money from HIV/AIDS (visit www.boydgraves.com)and they will never promote any black that discovers anything, it's a part of their masterplan and we all play fool to them. Expand your views please.


Re: Prof. Gabriel Oyibo (GAGUT Theorem): Mad man or Genius by okeke: 3:55pm On Apr 27, 2006

I am really happy to read your reply to this bunch of junks from fellow country men. For Oyibo to have been nominated for four consecutive times for nobel price in Physis shows that his work in this issue is not just an intelligent joke talk less of a mad man's making. I will advice those seeing his contribution to science as nonsence to order his books on this issue and start thier journey in probing his work from that point. I will asure that if they are able they might discover something in the process.

Thank you once again.



Re: Prof. Gabriel Oyibo (GAGUT Theorem): Mad man or Genius by akay47(m): 7:28pm On Apr 27, 2006
Okeke, I was so glad to read your response to the topic " Prof. gabriel oyibo; mad man or genius?" I hope people like you will come to redeem our blindfolded youths/leaders who find it so difficult to believe in things that are not stamped as correct by the western world. More new things have been coming out from the professor and recently, a US intelligence unit wrote a report about him and uploaded it on Amazon.com, the largest online bookstore. visit www.geocities.com/igala1 for more on that. cool
Re: Prof. Gabriel Oyibo (GAGUT Theorem): Mad man or Genius by jonpinjeff(m): 2:50pm On Apr 28, 2006

PLEASE FIRE ON. grin grin grin
Re: Prof. Gabriel Oyibo (GAGUT Theorem): Mad man or Genius by chaze(m): 8:28pm On Apr 29, 2006
My goodness!!
I was dumbstruck for days after reading about Prof Oyibo's works early last year. Since then my mind has been stoked to visualize the incredible and fathomless reaches of GAGUT phenomenon. However, the GA GUT caveat always was, "if only it be true".
Subsequently I asked myself: How then is it possible that any sane black man will come into possession of such monumental knowledge and at the same time fail to see that it is the only solution to black agony on planet earth?
After months of pondering this question I logged in today to study more about the erudite prof and to commence what I thought will be a major investigation into his claims. Little did I know that other great guys have been as flabbergasted as I am and that the subject of my attention has been raging for long.
It is awkward to understand how anyone with such stupefying scientific knowledge will find it necessary to make himself available for media attention and seek recognition from "lesser mortals" rather than strike the hammer while the iron is hot. UNBELIEVABLE! You don't need Nobel prize to build a engine, do you?
I know other great scientists and mathematicians for the practical manifestation of their claims, not for the literary appeal of such claims and the controversy they engender.
Israel rode on the back of Einstein's nuclear guruism to command the attention of the world and recapture their homeland. Yet the atomic bomb technology is but a little speck in the galaxy of knowledge within the spectrum of GA GUT.
Such knowledge is worth the value of the entire earth a million times and more. Yet the honourable prof is willing to bat it like ping-ping. Perhaps that's what it really is all about. I don't see any genius will acting so ingeniously.


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Re: Prof. Gabriel Oyibo (GAGUT Theorem): Mad man or Genius by Seun(m): 8:38pm On Apr 29, 2006
recently, a US intelligence unit wrote a report about him and uploaded it on Amazon.com

Bull. why don't you give us a link to the report on amazon.com?
Re: Prof. Gabriel Oyibo (GAGUT Theorem): Mad man or Genius by akay47(m): 12:39pm On May 01, 2006

Bull. why don't you give us a link to the report on amazon.com?

You want the link, then here it is: http://www.llpoh.org/early_success_1/1590331346_.html

quote author=chaze link=topic=4235.msg325310#msg325310 date=1146338937]
You don't need Nobel prize to build a engine, do you?
I know other great scientists and mathematicians for the practical manifestation of their claims, not for the literary appeal of such claims and the controversy they engender.
Israel rode on the back of Einstein's nuclear guruism to command the attention of the world and recapture their homeland.[quote][/quote]

My dear, Einstein only postulated the equation that was used to make the atomic bomb, he did not fund it! neither has he any knowlege how it was built! he only wrote to president D Rosevelt in 1939 suggesting that America makes an atomic bomb( i have a copy of the letter, if u want it ask me to show you). Prof. Oyibo has discovered the equation that is greater than einstein and Newton's combined yet nobody is saying "let's give him support, if he fails to produce anything we sue him" Instead, all you have to say is how u think he is whack when u have no idea how much effort he has put into the discovery of that equation.

Have you forgotten what happened to Sir Boltzman, who first postulated the atomic theory of matter in the late 19th century? He tried explaining it to the whole world but they said he was mad untill he was so depressed that he commited suicide! few years later it was confirmed that Boltzman was right afterall!!! Y'all want to kill oyibo the same way y'all killed Boltzman? Or Micheal Servertus? Haba?!


Re: Prof. Gabriel Oyibo (GAGUT Theorem): Mad man or Genius by egenash: 1:46pm On May 16, 2006
it is unfortunate that the black man does not appreciate his kind. if a white man came up with this discovery we would have applauded him. he has been nominated for a nobel prize a couple of times(doesn't that offer him some credibility). bottomline my point is that as black folk we should support and encourage our own kind cause if we don't nobody will do it 4 us. when a black man makes a claim we should be objective, encourage and correct him when he er's. look at ben okri who was rejected in nigeria  only to hit gold abroad with his famished road abroad. PLEASE NIGERIANS WE HAVE OUR PROBLEMS BUT LET US TRY TO BE OUR BROTHERS KEEPER. it is a very important attitude which we need to develop if we ever hope to turn things around in this blessed country of ours.
Re: Prof. Gabriel Oyibo (GAGUT Theorem): Mad man or Genius by georgeludw: 11:34pm On May 18, 2006
God Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT) or the Unified Field Theory or the Theory of Everything is a gift from the Almighty God.
GAGUT has been scrutinized, reviewed and verified by legendary Mathematicians, Scientists, and Physicists like Professors G. Tsagas, A.D. Khonkin, Jaume Carot, A. Cichoka, P.B. Duboski, A. Animalu, A. Pozzi, I. Abubakar just to name a few from the most prestigious universities and research centers around the world. In addition, some of the most brilliant journalists worldwide have published very thoroughly investigated reports about GAGUT. Some of these reports have attracted the intention of institutions like the Financial Times of London (August 9, 2004, October 27, 2004 and November 23, 2004), the Qtrade, Canada’s leading on-line brokerage firm (October 24, 2004), the Baltimore Sun, one of the leading mainstream newspapers in America, featured article entitled Meet the Worlds Greatest Scientist – Professor Oyibo(December 3, 2004), Wikiverse: A World of Knowledge (October 29, 2004). These News reports about GAGUT have been recognized by the world’s leading News Data base which is called Lexis-Nexis in which news reports about GAGUT have been featured 23 times. The credibility of Lexis-Nexis is so high that news featured in Lexis-Nexis are used in legal court deliberations, by lawyers and legal experts. The news reports about GAGUT have also been featured on the Big News Network, which only reports Big News around the world (October 28, 2004). The American Mathematical Society and the European Mathematical Society have extensively reviewed GAGUT using legendary Mathematicians, Scientists, and Physicists above and others. There have been lots of Television News coverage about GAGUT.
GAGUT has also been covered by Math News, an authoritative news source for significant developments in mathematics worldwide, and has recognized GAGUT as the HOLY GRAIL, a phrase that is used in the scientific and the mathematic world to represent the ultimate research goal for human beings, which is the Unified Field Theory, or the Theory of Everything. MathNews comes out of the University of Turin ( Torino), Italy, one of the oldest universities (1404) in Europe. One of the MathNews reports on GAGUT (July 23, 2005) entitled THE HOLY GRAIL!!! was featured with their report about significant research developments from Massachuttes Institute of Technology (MIT) as well as from Cambridge University in England, and other prestigious universities. MathNews is edited by Professor Umberto Cerruti, a very renown mathematician. GAGUT’s classification as THE HOLY GRAIL by MathNews, therefore has confirmed for mathematicians and non-mathematicians that GAGUT is the long awaited discovery of the secret code to the universe. Many people all over the world are trying to gain access to the Nigerian Born American based, Nobel Prize nominee and cannot gain access so readily. People all over the world are attempting to gain access in order to find out what the Professor’s latest discoveries are. Math News also states that: “To underscore the extent of the impact of his work in the Western world the German armed forces through its nuclear bomb research, is now seriously understudying his work. On a famous German book web cite abebooks.de, the German Federal Armed Forces is offering and promoting one of Oyibo’s works, ‘Highlights of the Grand Unified Field Theorem’ Also at DESY the library of the German Nuclear Bomb Research, Oyibo’s Grand Unified Theorem the discovery of the Theory of Everything and the ‘Fundamental Building Block of Quantum Theory’ is listed. In the US, Oyibo’s are mostly reserved in reference sections in major libraries including those in Stanford, Harvard and several top universities in Europe”.

MATH NEWS Page 24 of 74
This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health
Patti Richards
MIT News Office
Brain Scientists offer insight into vision
July 23, 2004
world wide enquiries jam web site of Nigerian professor who
discovered secrets of the universe
By Sola Fanawopo
Access to the web site of the Nigerian-born, United States-based, Nobel Prize nominee, Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo, (http://www.geocities.com/igala1) has been jammed throughout last weekend, because several people are trying to log on to the web site to read about his latest discovery, 'God Almighty Grand Unified Theorem' (GAGUT).
Several attempts by our correspondent to log on to the site were unsuccessful. An apology boldly displayed on the site greets a visitor. It goes thus: 'Sorry, this site is temporarily unavailable! The web site you are trying to access has exceeded its allocated data transfer.'
Other attempts to access the site through several other search engines such as yahoo, MSN and Google, did not yield the expected result.
To underscore the extent of the impact of his work in the Western world, the German Armed Forces, through its Nuclear Bomb Research, is now seriously understudying his works. On a famous German book web site, abebooks.de, the German Federal Armed Forces is offering and promoting one of Oyibo's works, 'Highlights of the Grand Unified Field Theorem', at EURO10.00.
Also at DESY, the library of the German Nuclear Bomb Research, Oyibo's 'Grand Unified Field Theorem: The Discovery of the Theory of Everything and the Fundamental Building Block of Quantum Theory', is listed.

In the US, Oyibo's books are mostly reserved in reference sections in major libraries including those in Stanford, Harvard and several top universities in Europe.
http://alpha01.dm.unito.it/personalpages/cerruti/mathnews.html 8/11/2005
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The quest for more public information about his works is also going at an alarming pace.
The New York station of Public Broadcasting Service, PBS, has asked him to join the station in producing a documentary on his findings.
According to a release from the New York-based OFAPPIT Institute of Technology, which is the research-based organisation that Oyibo set up as 'the official home' of his GAGUT discoveries, 'this documentary is expected to be a multi-part series on the discovery.'
The institute is also embarking on a fundraising drive to collaborate with the PBS in producing the documentary. The drive targets corporations, foundations and individuals' contributions.
At Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, (MIT) another leading technology and science school in the US, graduate students and some teachers embarked on an aggressive petition drive to make the school authorities invite Oyibo to deliver a public lecture at the school.
According to the MIT petition, 'We feel that a lecture and discussion about the scientific and social implications of this theory would be beneficial to our school by broadening our academic and social awareness.'
But crucial to Oyibo's passion is the need to educate Africans about the discovery that he commendably and boldly named after The Almighty God ' the God Almighty's Grand Unified Theorem or GAGUT
Oyibo insists that the focus of his work is God. 'He sent the revelation, and a revelation comes for a reason.'
He referred to Isaac Newton, a minister of the Church of England in his days, who got a revelation. Oyibo submitted that it was Newton's spiritual basis that helped his scientific findings.
Said Oyibo : 'The message to Newton was to elevate the Europeans through the revelation on how the planets move. He was referring to the universal gravitational law, which governs the motion of the planets and stars.'
According to Oyibo, Newton got the formula through a revelation he could not explain ' he got a solution without an equation. But 100 years later, Professor Poisson, a French mathematician, supplied the equation. Oyibo then observed that 'all knowledge comes from God, in some cases it is acknowledged, others don't.'
Moving on to Albert Einstein who credited the creation of the world to the Big Bang, Oyibo noted that his discovery was sent to deliver the Jews. 'Then the Jewish people were living in ghettos in Europe, undergoing hard times, when there were signs in some public places that 'dogs and Jews' were not welcome. They even put the dogs first,' Oyibo explained with a tinge of distaste.
It was under those circumstances that Einstein discovered the theory of relativity. That changed the fate of the Jews, as that discovery led to the first atomic bomb in the US, to where several Jews then moved, following Einstein's settling down at Princeton University.
Oyibo is now staking out the claim that GAGUT is the father of relativity and 'if relativity lifted the Jews, GAGUT is also sent by God to liberate and lift black people.'
Who is Oyibo?
Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo is a Kogi State, Nigerian-born, mathematical physicist, resident in the United States of America and currently making waves around the world with his GAGUT Theorem ' more like the Holy Grail, the theory of everything, holding the entire secrets of the universe.
Oyibo 's work has advanced Einstein's Relativity and answered questions that the science icon tried to address, regarding the origins of the universe but could not answer, before he died.
With the professor's findings he hopes that with the right funding, even incurable diseases such as AIDS, cancer, Parkinson's syndrome and Alzeimer's disease, would be curable within three years. Based on the GAGUT formula, cells in the affected human body would be 're-tuned' rather than killed. Viruses that attack the body's T-cells are not living organisms and therefore cannot be killed. They merely utilise energy from the T-cells to multiply themselves. Professor Oyibo's discovery will merely help doctors re-tune the cells instead of killing them, providing a permanent cure.
Gabriel Oyibo, who obtained a Ph.D. in Aeronautics and Mathematics from Rensseler Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, has been nominated for the Nobel Prize, thrice now.

http://alpha01.dm.unito.it/personalpages/cerruti/mathnews.html 8/11/2005

Additionally, one should note that Gottigen, the Harvard Germany and the home of one of the three greatest mathematicians of all times. Fredrich Karl Gauss legend is being honored by featuring a specialized group of selected Mathematics works in the Gauss 2005 celebration. The selected works include that of the legendary David Hilbert, (Hilbert Space in Mathematics), who competed with Einstein in the development the general relativity theorem as well as works of Sir Micheal Atiya, a field medal (Nobel Prize equivalent in Mathematics) winner in 1966 and former master (President) of Trinity College of Cambridge University, also considered one of the greatest mathematicians alive, as well as works by other mathematics luminaries. Professor Gabriel A. Oyibo’s book is one of the thirteen books that have been selected to honor Fredrich K. Gauss.

Gottigen, the Harvard of Germany and the home of one of the three greatest mathematicians of all time, Fredrich Karl Gauss is honoring his legend by featuring a specialized group of selected mathematics works in the Gauss 2005 celebration. The selected works include that of the legendary David Hibert, (Hilbert Space in Mathematics), who competed with Einstein in the development of the General Relativity Theory as well as works of Sir Michael Atiya, a Field Medal (Nobel Prize equivalent in Mathematics) winner in 1966 and former Master (President) of Trinity College of Cambridge University, also considered to be one of the greatest mathematicians alive, as well as works by other mathematics luminaries.
Gauss year 2005
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Archives 2005 1-13 27-30
NR. 26 Gabriel A. Oyibo: Grand unified theorem,
NR. 25 Luchezar L Avramov: Trend into commutative algebra
NR. 24 David Hilbert: Knowledge and mathematical thinking
NR. 23 Alexey Viktorovic Bolsinov and Anatolij T. Fomenko: Integrable Hamiltonian of system
NR. 22 Herbert Pieper: Network of the knowledge and diplomacy of doing good - citizen of Berlin mathematics,
NR. 21 Robert Hardt: Six of themes on variation
NR. 20 Franz Xaver Lutz: A mathematical art book,
NR. 19 Sir Michael Atiyah and Daniel Iagolnitzer: Fields medallists ' lectures
NR. 18 Michael Atiyah: Collected works
NR. 17 Alain Connes and Matilde Marcolli: From physics tons of NUMBERS theory via noncommutative geometry NR. 16 Titu Andreescu and Zuming Feng: 103 trigonometry problem - from the training OF the the USA IMO team NR. 15 Yaakov Friedman: Physical applications OF homogeneous ball
NR. 14 Ovidiu Calin and the Chen Chang: Geometric mechanics on Riemannian manifolds

Gauss-Jahr 2005
Buchtipp der Woche
Mathematica-Kollektion am GDZ
Elektronische Ressourcen
Nds. Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen
aktueller Buchtipp der Woche

Archiv 2005 1-13 27-30
Nr. 26 Gabriel A. Oyibo: Grand unified theorem ,
Nr. 25 Luchezar L. Avramov: Trends in commutative algebra
Nr. 24 David Hilbert: Wissen und mathematisches Denken
Nr. 23 Aleksej Viktorovic Bolsinov und Anatolij T. Fomenko: Integrable Hamiltonian systems
Nr. 22 Herbert Pieper: Netzwerk des Wissens und Diplomatie des Wohltuns - Berliner Mathematik, ,
Nr. 21 Robert Hardt: Six themes on variation
Nr. 20 Franz Xaver Lutz: Ein Mathematisches Kunstbuch ,
Nr. 19 Sir Michael Atiyah und Daniel Iagolnitzer: Fields medallists' lectures
Nr. 18 Michael Atiyah: Collected works
Nr. 17 Alain Connes und Matilde Marcolli: From physics to number theory via noncommutative geometry
Nr. 16 Titu Andreescu und Zuming Feng: 103 trigonometry problems - from the training of the USA IMO team
Nr. 15 Yaakov Friedman: Physical applications of homogeneous balls
Nr. 14 Ovidiu Calin und Der-Chen Chang: Geometric mechanics on Riemannian manifolds
It is also noted that GAGUT critics have demanded experimental verification on GAGUT. The response to that demand includes the fact that GAGUT as a Theorem of everything, subsuming all the equations ever written by a human, including relativity equations, quantum equations and other equations, GAGUT is automatically verified by the experiments that verify relativity equations, quantum equations and other equations which are subsets of the GAGUT equation. In addition there are other experimental verifications of GAGUT that have been demonstrated recently, including the following
Independent Experimental results from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY and Carnegie Washington Institute, Washington, D.C. have confirmed the predictions of God Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT).
The third corollary of GAGUT predicts that there is only one stable building block for the material universe. The data gathered from these two prestigious institutions mentioned above are confirming the GAGUT predictions and would lead to a far-reaching and profound revolution of the sciences and science education and general knowledge as we know it today. That revolution would include the revision of all science text books used around the world.
Confirmation of these GAGUT predictions are somewhat similar to the confirmation of the Relativity predictions regarding the bending of light which GAGUT has also independently predicted.
Also, Professor A.O. Animalu has also confirmed GAGUT predictions in a paper entitled, A Review of Oyibo’s Grand Unified Theorem with Realizations of a Hierarchy of Oyibo-Einstein Relativities. Professor Animalu verified experimentally the GAGUT prediction of what would happen when a laser beam passes through a periodically graded glass.
GAGUT is also revealing some new insight into Black Holes.
A Press Conference is being scheduled for September to brief the press.
Let it be known that the Nigerian Senate voted unanimously to create an International African Prize in Science and Technology and to make Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo its maiden recipient.
The Nigerian Senate has unanimously recommended Professor G. Oyibo for the highest academic prize ever given to a scientist, researcher or academician, in the history of humanity, following his successful proof of GAGUT as the long-awaited Holy Grail Unified Field Theory of Everything in a recent series of global lectures. The senate recommendation resulted from a motion that was sponsored by three distinguished senators, Senator Nicholas Yahaya Ugbane, Senator Iya Abubakar and Senator Chris Adighije. One of these Senators, Professor Iya Abubakar is a legendary mathematician having obtained a Ph. D in mathematics from Cambridge University in England. This historic recommendation is contained in the text of the Nigerian Senate Motion No. 151 page 320 presented in the Federal Republic of Nigeria Order Paper on Tuesday, 15th March, 2005. It can be argued that this motion is as significant, if not more significant than the 13th, 14th , and 15th Amendments to the United States Constitution, which were supposed to protect the rights of the black people. This is because this motion seeks to guarantee every black person as well as others an opportunity to win the highest academic prize in the world.
Because of the historical nature of this legal document, which spells out an incredibly significant and even Godly position or statement on behalf of the black race, the black world and indeed the whole world, this entire planet needs to be informed on this development. We are therefore requesting every black person to support the up-liftment of the black race by urging the African Union to implement this motion urgently. President Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria is the current president of the African Union. The text of the motion is as follows:
“ Seeking to Institute the African International Prize for Science and Technology
Senator Nicholas Yahaya Ugbane:
Senator Iya Abubakar:
Senator Chris Adighije:
WHEREAS evidences abound from monuments and inventions reveal Africans and their descendants as the pioneers and leader of the World’s first civilizations. Today, it is also evident that they have continued to pioneer inventions in the modern era;
WHEREAS eminent African Scientist like Benjamin Banneker, a Mathematical Genius used the architecture of ancient Egypt as a model to design and build the city of Washington, DC, the United States Capital, Daniel H. Williams III performed the first open heart surgery in modern medicine, Garrison Morgan invented gas mask and traffic light, Ralph Sampson also invented the first cellular phone which has eventually become the foundation of modern telecommunications industry, inc;
WHEREAS honor is given to whom honor is due, Nobel Prize is given to any individual that has done great exploits and made important contributions to the development of science, medicine, literature or world peace each year in Sweden;
WHEREAS in Science, eminent personalities especially from Europe have won the Prize in different categories since the inception of the award;
WHEREAS an accomplished Nigerian ranked among world’s best scientists, a mathematician and Physicist by the name Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo has discovered God Almighty’s Unified Theorem;
WHEREAS this theorem can be used to proffer solutions to incurable diseases like Aids and Cancer
WHEREAS the mathematical equation known as God Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT) is in his book entitled “Grand Unified Theorem” It’s geometric solutions are used to provide solutions to unsolved human Problems and also define the concept of life, the soul and spirituality and the representation of God as creative as well as a unifying force. This is the Theory Albert Einstein, the foremost Scientist searched for most of his life to no avail;
WHEREAS Murray Gell-Mann reduced 100 sub-atomic particles to three (3) classes of sub-atomic particles called Quarks and Leptons and won the 1969 Nobel Prize in Physics, GAGUT has reduced 118 atomic particles (called elements) to one (1) atomic particle called Hydrogen;
WHEREAS GAGUT has been recognized by the American Mathematical Association (AMA) and the European Mathematical Society (EMS), the equation is capable of solving all mathematical problems;
WHEREAS Professor Edith Luchins, Mathematics Professor and an aide to Albert Einstein who was thrilled by Professor Oyibo’s formulation as the first to complete the task that intrigued and challenged Einstein and many other luminaries in science, thereby placed him in the ranks of world class scientists;
WHEREAS Distinguished Professors, such as Cambridge trained physicist, Professor Joshua C. Anyiwo praised Professor Oyibo’s work as “the cleanest, most carefully articulated, most comprehensive and authentic presentation of as unifying theory of physics” that he has ever encountered;
WHEREAS Professor George Handelman, former head of mathematic department at Brown University and Amos Eaton Professor of mathematics rank Professor Oyibo “among those who made significant contributions to the field”;
WHEREAS Professor Oyibo was nominated on two consecutive occasions for the Nobel Prize in Physics in view of his practical and theoretical contributions in the world of Science;
WHEREAS the Director-General of UNESCO, His Excellency Mr. Koichiro Matsuura has thrown his weight behind Professor Oyibo’s accomplishments in the area of mathematical physics. He has expressed strong desire to involve him in the work of UNESCO International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy and this years celebrations of the International Year of Physics by UNESCO
WHEREAS Professor Fabian Osuji, Honourable Minister of Education Federal Republic of Nigeria at the GAGUT summer workshop held from 19-23 July, 2004, New York, USA remarked Professor Oyibo’s third time nomination last year for the Nobel Prize in Physics as a major recognition of the profound nature of his refreshing contribution to scientific thought;
WHEREAS His Excellency, President and Commander-In-Chief, Federal Republic of Nigeria, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo GCFR, has conveyed the fullness of our excitement and enthusiasm about Professor Oyibo’s great exploits in Science in his message through the Minister of Education to the genius;
AND WHEREAS for this feat Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo has addressed The American Senate on the Dynamics of his Theorem
Be it Resolved and it is hereby Resolved:
(i) that if we want other nations and indeed the world to recognize and appreciate the accomplishments of African geniuses, African nations should as a matter of urgency create mechanism for recognizing and honouring the geniuses and great exploits of our race.
(ii) that this distinguished senate do urge the Federal Government of Nigeria to liaise with other members of the African Union to immediately institute the African International Prize for Science and Technology with the prize money Higher than that of the Nobel Prize
(iii) that it is necessary and expedient for Nigeria and other African Nations to make legislative provision for the enthronement of “African International Prize for Science and Technology”.
(iv) that Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo be honoured as the first recipient with the maiden edition of the award.
(v) that this Senate do congratulate Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo on his achievements and honour him with an invitation to address this Distinguished Senate in the Chamber on his “God Almighty Unified Theorem” (GAGUT)
March 16, 2005 The Senate President announced that he had examined the Votes and Proceedings of Tuesday, 15th March, 2005 and approved same. By unanimous consent, the Votes and Proceedings were adopted.”
Re: Prof. Gabriel Oyibo (GAGUT Theorem): Mad man or Genius by egenash: 3:39pm On May 19, 2006
thank u very much georgeludw. we need more people like u in this country of ours. i was most disappointed when i read comments from people who call themselves nigerians. i think they better follow in the footsteps of micheal jacksons if they are not proud of their origin.condeming their own without even doing their research, although mine wasn't thorough but i am proud to be nigerian and i have love for any nigerian who brings pride to this nation. i just hope our youths will have a positive attitude and outlook towards the future. once again thank you very much
Re: Prof. Gabriel Oyibo (GAGUT Theorem): Mad man or Genius by georgeludw: 2:08am On May 22, 2006
[color=#770077]Press Release
January 30, 2005
GAGUT Proven to Be The Long- Awaited Holy Grail Unified Field Theory of Everything in Global Lectures And Top Math/ Physics Professors Are Stunned

God Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT) has been successfully proven to be the long awaited “Holy Grail, “ the Theory of Everything or the Unified Field Theory to top math, physics and other science professors in a series of global lectures recently organized by the Nigerian Universities Commisssion (NUC) . The global lectures were organized by the NUC to present GAGUT to the professors, researchers, staff and students of all the Nigerian Universities and non Nigerian Universities around the world particularly the professors and researchers of mathematics, physics and the sciences. The Global Lectures also had zonal lectures and interaction component which involved the participation of society at large . The overall goal of the GAGUT global lecture series was to solicit the scrutiny, criticism, and challenges of GAGUT.
The NUC specifically requested the mathematicians, physicists, other scientists, as well as other experts and non experts to scrutinize, criticize and challenge GAGUT thoroughly during all the lectures Professor Peter Okebukola , the Executive Secretary of the National Nigerian Universities Commission ( NUC) was represented by Professor Nurudeen Adedipe who led the NUC delegation that accompanied Professor Gabriel Oyibo, who delivered the GAGUT global lectures in the six geo-political zones of the Nigeria. Professor Nurudeen Adedipe, the coordinator for the global lecture series, a former university vice chancellor/ president clearly indicated that the Nigerian Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Mathematics Centre as well as other organizations were specifically invited , not only to attend the lectures but also to professionally scrutinize, criticize and challenge GAGUT. The president of the Nigerian Academy of Sciences and the Minister of Science and Technology were specifically invited. In fact, the president of the Nigerian Academy of Sciences, Professor Ogunmola attended the GAGUT Global Lecture at the University of Ibadan where he serves as a professor of chemistry. The president of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physicist, also attended a GAGUT global lecture at the University of Ibadan during which he presented an award to Professor Oyibo.
A significant part of the GAGUT global lecture was the GAGUT Command International Lecture in Abuja, Nigeria, in which the international community was invited to attend on November 26, 2004. This lecture was presented to a standing room only crowd of distinguished academicians, including almost all the Nigerian Universities vice chancellors/ presidents, representatives from the United Nations / UNESCO and other academicians from the international community. The lecture was chaired by Professor Fabian Osuji, the Nigerian Minister of Education, who was very instrumental in coordinating the GAGUT Global Lecture.
The Global Lecture was also attended by dignitaries such as a legendary Nigerian mathematician, Professor Iya Abubakar, with undergraduate mathematics degrees from the famous California Institute of Technology (CALTECH) and a Ph.D. in mathematics from Cambridge University in England. Professor Abubakar was at one time head of the mathematics department at the prestigious Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) in Nigeria where he also served as the vice chancellor/ president. Professor Abubakar was for some time Nigeria’s Minister of Defense. Professor Abubakar also served as Director General of the National Mathematics Centre and is currently a Senator in the Nigerian Assembly and the chair of Senate Committee of Science and Technology. Professor Abubakar had also done some seminal research work on the mathematics of wave theory in the 1950's. This is why it was fascinating to hear him declare GAGUT correct during a Nigerian National Television Authority ( NTA) televised interview shortly after the GAGUT Command International Lecture. He categorically stated that the GAGUT equation G ij, j = 0 “is perfectly correct” and further verified that the GAGUT equation can be interpreted as “God does not change.” He also indicated that the verification of GAGUT by another mathematical legend Professor Grigoris Tsagas proves that GAGUT is correct.
Other academic dignitaries attending the GAGUT Command International lecture included Professor Jibril Aminu, a professor of Medicine, a current Nigerian Senator, former Nigerian Ambassador to the United States, former Minister of Education and a former university president, who was instrumental in awarding an honorary Nigerian university degree to Professor Abdus Salam, the 1979 Nobel Prize winner in physics. Senator, Professor Aminu chairs the Nigerian Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs. Professor Oyibo was invited and did present a GAGUT briefing to this committee during the tour. Professor Aminu was so impressed by the briefing that he ordered 22 GAGUT books for himself and the committee members.
Another academic dignitary that attended the lecture was Professor Alexander Animalu, a Cambridge University trained mathematician and physicist, an author of a Cambridge University research classic that has been cited an incredible 729 times, topping the Cambridge University Cavendish Laboratory most cited papers list. His paper is number1out of the top12 papers. Four of Animalu’s colleagues with papers in the top12 have been awarded Nobel Prizes in Physics . Professor Animalu is a former president of the Nigerian Academy of Sciences, a winner of the Nigerian National Merit Award and former Director General of the Nigerian National Mathematics Centre He is a member of the Advisory Board of the Euro-Journal Physica (B) and a member of the Editorial Board of the USA-based international Hadronic Journal and Hadronic Journal Supplement. Professor Animalu has been a research faculty at Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT) and at Stanford University in addition to Cambridge University where he studied directly from Professor Dirac, a Nobel Laureate in Physics. Professor Animalu has conducted research and published works in the area of the Unified Field Theory and actually searched for the Unified Field Theory and therefore is a recognized expert in Unified Field Theory. Professor Animalu has extensively reviewed, scrutinized and verified GAGUT in at least 3 written articles, one of which was published in the year 2000 and recognized by American Mathematical Society (AMS.). This is why it is delightful to report that Professor Animalu in a 27 page extensive and rigorous review, scrutiny and verification of GAGUT entitled, A Review of Oyibo’s Grand Unified Theorem with Realizations of a Hierarchy of Oyibo-Einstein Relativities concluded , “We are, therefore, led to the conclusion that Professor Oyibo’s GUT has a sound mathematical and physical basis and is a viable frame work for a Grand Unified Field Theory of Everything.”
Due to the fact that Professor Animalu has served as the head of the Nigerian National Academy of Sciences and the Nigerian National Mathematics Centre his categorical verification of GAGUT can, at least symbolically and informally, be considered a reflection of the position of these bodies on GAGUT.
An Indian professor who heads the mathematics department at one of the top Nigerian universities was said to have concluded after attending a GAGUT lecture that his 42 year experience in learning and teaching mathematics had been reduced to nothing by GAGUT. The Canadian High Commissioner to Nigeria also attended the GAGUT Global Command International Lecture.
The GAGUT Global Lecture included 12 lectures presented at 6 zonal, geo-political centers, covering the entire country of Nigeria as well as a briefing to President Olusegun Obasanjo at his official residence known as The Villa, a Nigerian Senate briefing, a briefing at the first Nigerian Research and Science Fair, and an unscheduled, but by popular demand presentation at the ECWA Church in Abuja. In all, there were 18 formal presentations and many press briefings and interviews on GAGUT during the GAGUT Global Lecture tour in Nigeria. These many lectures therefore, provided ample opportunities to all the mathematicians, physicists, scientists and other experts to scrutinize, criticize and challenge GAGUT thoroughly. Therefore, the recent call for the so-called defending of GAGUT from the some of same people to whom GAGUT has been successfully presented and defended sounds inconsistent, surprising and disappointing.
It is with great humility and gratitude to God that we can report that the few questions, doubts, challenges raised were successfully answered and resolved. We therefore give praise to God for the opportunity to have successfully presented and defended the validity of GAGUT in the GAGUT Global Lecture Series to a population that is about half the population of the United States.

Grand Unified Theorem (2nd Edition) by G. A. Oyibo
A valuable addition to your personal collection. Definitely worth considering right now!

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By: G. A. Oyibo and Gabriel A. Oyibo
Publisher: Nova Science Pub Inc
Sales Rank: 1,255,298
Media: Hardcover
Release Date: 01 December, 2001
Availability: Usually ships in 1 to 3 weeks
Customer Reviews
Average customer rating:

An objective review without the hood
The good thing about this publication is that the ideas presented are not that far-fetched. It's only astounding that after all these years since Einstein, no one has come up with anything quite as close, yet novel. Another bonus is that the content is quite accessible; as a reader barely requires more than a knowledge of college-level Calculus and Differential Equations to grasp the presentation. I must say that the concepts are outlined in a near poetic manner. This is what I especially enjoyed. The book will make for interesting reading for math, physics and abstract science enthusiasts. I hope the author's work gets extensive review and eventual corroboration. Kudos.

*Off Topic* To the reviewer below:
Thanks for the glimmer of insight into the tragically insecure white boy's most introspective thoughts -- albeit however trite and utterly boring. Now if only you could prove your centuries' old wet dream to be true and muster up enough acumen to construct a simple critique of a book. Oh I forgot, your kind shouldn't be subject to such a daunting quandary after your incredible achievement of having been born with white skin. How original.

Newton, Eistein, Oyibo?
As someone who strongly believes that math is for everyone, and that minorities and girls need to be encouraged in the field, I'm both excited by this publication of Dr. Oyibo's groundbreaking work, and too a bit disheartened that so few are likely to read it or know what it represents as a contribution to the study of both physics and mathematics.

Essentially, he has unified Einstein's Special and General theories of Relativity into a single mathematical proof. Even if this volumn were paper bound and sold for a quarter of the price, few people would purchase this book and fewer would understand much more than the introduction. In any case, hopefully some few will purchase it conspicuously, and then secretly resort to the many abstracts found on the web to better understand its importance.

Alas, we should get the message out there: women, Africans, persons with disabilities, EVERYONE can excel in mathematics!


If you've got a lively spirit and are interested in mental adventures, here are some refreshing stimulating Questions to Ponder: (34) When in doubt call on the powers to facilitate transition of G.+A.+Oyibo! Graham Chapman and Monty Python , an incredible combination , is there any chance that G.+A.+Oyibo or Ancient_philosophy or Geology would ever be considered for a Python skit? Is G.+A.+Oyibo something you would find at the Restaurant at the End of the Universe? would Edmund_Husserl or Animal_communication be availble there too? Another Einstein saying: "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler." Does this apply to G.+A.+Oyibo or Industrial_engineering? Should there be a manual for them? Yet another Einstein saying: "Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." If you are curious about G.+A.+Oyibo or Alexander_Bain, or even Physical_chemistry, remember this Einstein GEM: "The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day. Never lose a holy curiosity. Is there an entertainment dimension to G.+A.+Oyibo or Bertrand_Russell? Will G.+A.+Oyibo issues influence the Presidential Elections? Should they? Is it possible to invest in a(n) G.+A.+Oyibo related IPO? Is there a temptation there? Is confluence of Thomas_Hobbes and Continental_philosophy a 'frontiers of scientific research' topic? Could Mu-law_algorithm be a leading indicator? Would anyone care? Is G.+A.+Oyibo a topic worth eSpark_gaploring in the context of theory Atomists? Is the methodology for assessing G.+A.+Oyibo valid? What about funding G.+A.+Oyibo? Was any support given? Is there a thread of justification for G.+A.+Oyibo in Asynchronous_operation's synthesis? Did Scientific data published for G.+A.+Oyibo indicated a role for Trimline_telephone? Is that an accepted interpretation? Would the German_literature theory withstand Peer-review? Would instrument calibration reveal a different outcome for G.+A.+Oyibo? What published calculations? How much of G.+A.+Oyibo is implied by Ampere? Can Ichthyology contribute to identifying appropriate strategies? Would massive G.+A.+Oyibo related phenomena cause a global earth system change? Would combining it with Propagation_mode cause any problem? What information can be inferred from G.+A.+Oyibo about other processes? Does a science of G.+A.+Oyibo matter? To Whom? Is there some aspect of G.+A.+Oyibo which will impact our Biological Destiny? Will G.+A.+Oyibo contribute to understanding how the Brain works? Does G.+A.+Oyibo or T-carrier shed any light on answering if we can Live Forever? Does G.+A.+Oyibo help in eNoise-equivalent_powerlaining why we sleep?

OFAPPIT Institute of Technology
The Official Home of God Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT)
Department of Mathematics
205 Seaman Neck Road, Dix Hills, New York, 11746
Phone : 631-242-3069 Fax: 631-274-5277
ofappit@hotmail.com Web site www.geocities.com/igala1

Press Release 1/29/06
God Reveals the Secrets of Longevity Through GAGUT

GOD Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT) is a revelation of the secret codes of the universe to humanity in the simple equation, Gij, j = 0. The Gij represents God and the comma defines a change in the equation, Gij, j = 0. Therefore, Gij, j = 0 can be interpreted as the change in God is zero. Creation therefore becomes a transformation of God, the only ENTITY that was in existence at the beginning of creation. Since part of GOD transformed into the material universe during creation it can be understood that GOD existed in Non-material form before creation. One version of that Non-material form is Waves that is called Spirit. GAGUT was blessed with a mathematical proof that GOD existed in the form of Waves, called Spirit before creation. GAGUT also reveals that the material universe is a concentration of some of these GODLY Waves. Using this proof and conclusions GAGUT was able to, in a series of mathematical logic deduce that human lives exist in a form of waves. Through these GAGUT deductions that defined life, GOD revealed the answer to one of humanity’s toughest unanswered questions, which is-What is life? Medical sciences attempt to protect life. But, how can one protect life that one doesn”t know, see, or understand? This is another way of saying that all the good intentions of medical sciences is, at best, gambling or trial and error set of exercises. This is because in order to protect anything one has to know, see or understand what one is supposed to be protecting. God has now blessed GAGUT with the definition and knowledge of life as well as the opportunity to search for ways to protect life in order to achieve longevity. God has revealed to us through GAGUT a new dimension of the criticality of breathing to life and longevity that focuses on the reality that the only time human beings are considered dead is when they stop breathing. Another revelation through the GAGUT search for longevity is that distilled water is critical to life and longevity. Distilled water is the purest form of water that is known to or can be produced by humanity. The US Geological Survey states that, Water is of major importance to all living things; in some organisms, up to 90 percent of their body weight comes from water. Up to 60 percent of the human body is water, the brain is composed of 70 percent water, and the lungs are nearly 90 percent water. About 83 percent of our blood is water, which helps digest our food, transport waste, and control body temperature. Each day humans must replace 2.4 liters of water, some through drinking and the rest taken by the body from the foods eaten.@* The 90 percent of lungs, which is responsible for breathing, the 83 percent of the blood which carries oxygen to the brain and the 70 percent of the brain which is the central part of the human system that are composed of water must be filled up with the purest water, which is DISTILLED WATER. Filling these percentages of these organs with water that is not DISTILLED WATER, like spring, filtered or tap water would be dangerous to life ,just like gasoline that is filled with sand, rocks, and other impurities would be dangerous to a car engine. You are what you eat, drink and inhale and it is those things that make you sick. Therefore, since water is the highest portion of our human system, we are compelled to assure that the water we drink be the purest water possible, which is distilled water, if we are interested in longevity. Since these revelations from God, those mentioned above being a partial list, have been proven mathematically through GAGUT, they therefore form a basis for a rational, new paradigm for pursuing longevity and even immortality. The more comprehensive list of these revelations is to be found in Professor G. Oyibo”s new book,
”God Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT), New Paradigm and Formula for Longevity and Immortality”, and at the GAGUT WORKSHOPS, every Spring, (last week in March), Summer(third week of July), and Fall (last week of October) to be held in Long Island, New York. USA.
GAGUT is therefore requesting all the governments in the world to provide distilled water as drinking water for their populations. All nations, particularly African nations and other nations with less technology and resources, and those that are overwhelmed with deadly diseases, such as AIDS, must help their citizens obtain distilled water or at least boiled water as a matter of urgency and national policy.

Contact: John Glover 631-242-3069 ofappit@yahoo.com www.geocgities.com/igala1


1 Like

Re: Prof. Gabriel Oyibo (GAGUT Theorem): Mad man or Genius by Sabut: 3:48am On May 22, 2006
Has anyone the physics back ground in the forum to give a summarry of Oyibo Theory? What NEW information does it reveal about the universe? Or where can I find such information?
Re: Prof. Gabriel Oyibo (GAGUT Theorem): Mad man or Genius by anton(m): 6:53pm On Jul 09, 2006

You want the link, then here it is: http://www.llpoh.org/early_success_1/1590331346_.html

quote author=chaze link=topic=4235.msg325310#msg325310 date=1146338937]
You don't need Nobel prize to build a engine, do you?
I know other great scientists and mathematicians for the practical manifestation of their claims, not for the literary appeal of such claims and the controversy they engender.
Israel rode on the back of Einstein's nuclear guruism to command the attention of the world and recapture their homeland.

My dear, Einstein only postulated the equation that was used to make the atomic bomb, he did not fund it! neither has he any knowlege how it was built! he only wrote to president D Rosevelt in 1939 suggesting that America makes an atomic bomb( i have a copy of the letter, if u want it ask me to show you). Prof. Oyibo has discovered the equation that is greater than einstein and Newton's combined yet nobody is saying "let's give him support, if he fails to produce anything we sue him" Instead, all you have to say is how u think he is whack when u have no idea how much effort he has put into the discovery of that equation.

Have you forgotten what happened to Sir Boltzman, who first postulated the atomic theory of matter in the late 19th century? He tried explaining it to the whole world but they said he was mad untill he was so depressed that he commited suicide! few years later it was confirmed that Boltzman was right afterall!!! Y'all want to kill oyibo the same way y'all killed Boltzman? Or Micheal Servertus? Haba?!

Good Talk. Sho ya right.
Re: Prof. Gabriel Oyibo (GAGUT Theorem): Mad man or Genius by thegenie(m): 6:27pm On May 03, 2007
reading through the comments and taking note of the id's, it seems this Oyibo thing is indeed racial. before now, it was (well, it is) still black vs white. Now I notice that a majority of those with negetive opinion are bearing id's that seem to place their origin in south-west nigeria. one even went on to vilify Emeagwali! Christ! that guy is a genius by any standard. The fact that his achievement has been exagerated (and perhaps, hyped) by fans (and unfortunately himself) does not make his discovery a no brainer, especially considering his background and the circumstances of his birth. Let's all learn to appreciate efforts by one of us (not necessarily our tribesmen). then we can encourage them and others secretely trying to stumble on something. GAGUT is presented in a way that even non mathematicians / physicist can understand. Before you badmouth Oyibo, read his book first.
Re: Prof. Gabriel Oyibo (GAGUT Theorem): Mad man or Genius by LoveKing(m): 10:17am On May 04, 2007


If you've got a lively spirit and are interested in mental adventures, here are some refreshing stimulating Questions to Ponder: (34) When in doubt call on the powers to facilitate transition of G.+A.+Oyibo! Graham Chapman and Monty Python , an incredible combination , is there any chance that G.+A.+Oyibo or Ancient_philosophy or Geology would ever be considered for a Python skit? Is G.+A.+Oyibo something you would find at the Restaurant at the End of the Universe? would Edmund_Husserl or Animal_communication be availble there too? Another Einstein saying: "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler." Does this apply to G.+A.+Oyibo or Industrial_engineering? Should there be a manual for them? Yet another Einstein saying: "Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." If you are curious about G.+A.+Oyibo or Alexander_Bain, or even Physical_chemistry, remember this Einstein GEM: "The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day. Never lose a holy curiosity. Is there an entertainment dimension to G.+A.+Oyibo or Bertrand_Russell? Will G.+A.+Oyibo issues influence the Presidential Elections? Should they? Is it possible to invest in a(n) G.+A.+Oyibo related IPO? Is there a temptation there? Is confluence of Thomas_Hobbes and Continental_philosophy a 'frontiers of scientific research' topic? Could Mu-law_algorithm be a leading indicator? Would anyone care? Is G.+A.+Oyibo a topic worth eSpark_gaploring in the context of theory Atomists? Is the methodology for assessing G.+A.+Oyibo valid? What about funding G.+A.+Oyibo? Was any support given? Is there a thread of justification for G.+A.+Oyibo in Asynchronous_operation's synthesis? Did Scientific data published for G.+A.+Oyibo indicated a role for Trimline_telephone? Is that an accepted interpretation? Would the German_literature theory withstand Peer-review? Would instrument calibration reveal a different outcome for G.+A.+Oyibo? What published calculations? How much of G.+A.+Oyibo is implied by Ampere? Can Ichthyology contribute to identifying appropriate strategies? Would massive G.+A.+Oyibo related phenomena cause a global earth system change? Would combining it with Propagation_mode cause any problem? What information can be inferred from G.+A.+Oyibo about other processes? Does a science of G.+A.+Oyibo matter? To Whom? Is there some aspect of G.+A.+Oyibo which will impact our Biological Destiny? Will G.+A.+Oyibo contribute to understanding how the Brain works? Does G.+A.+Oyibo or T-carrier shed any light on answering if we can Live Forever? Does G.+A.+Oyibo help in eNoise-equivalent_powerlaining why we sleep?

OFAPPIT Institute of Technology
The Official Home of God Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT)
Department of Mathematics
205 Seaman Neck Road, Dix Hills, New York, 11746
Phone : 631-242-3069 Fax: 631-274-5277
ofappit@hotmail.com Web site www.geocities.com/igala1

Press Release 1/29/06
God Reveals the Secrets of Longevity Through GAGUT

GOD Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT) is a revelation of the secret codes of the universe to humanity in the simple equation, Gij, j = 0. The Gij represents God and the comma defines a change in the equation, Gij, j = 0. Therefore, Gij, j = 0 can be interpreted as the change in God is zero. Creation therefore becomes a transformation of God, the only ENTITY that was in existence at the beginning of creation. Since part of GOD transformed into the material universe during creation it can be understood that GOD existed in Non-material form before creation. One version of that Non-material form is Waves that is called Spirit. GAGUT was blessed with a mathematical proof that GOD existed in the form of Waves, called Spirit before creation. GAGUT also reveals that the material universe is a concentration of some of these GODLY Waves. Using this proof and conclusions GAGUT was able to, in a series of mathematical logic deduce that human lives exist in a form of waves. Through these GAGUT deductions that defined life, GOD revealed the answer to one of humanity’s toughest unanswered questions, which is-What is life? Medical sciences attempt to protect life. But, how can one protect life that one doesn”t know, see, or understand? This is another way of saying that all the good intentions of medical sciences is, at best, gambling or trial and error set of exercises. This is because in order to protect anything one has to know, see or understand what one is supposed to be protecting. God has now blessed GAGUT with the definition and knowledge of life as well as the opportunity to search for ways to protect life in order to achieve longevity. God has revealed to us through GAGUT a new dimension of the criticality of breathing to life and longevity that focuses on the reality that the only time human beings are considered dead is when they stop breathing. Another revelation through the GAGUT search for longevity is that distilled water is critical to life and longevity. Distilled water is the purest form of water that is known to or can be produced by humanity. The US Geological Survey states that, Water is of major importance to all living things; in some organisms, up to 90 percent of their body weight comes from water. Up to 60 percent of the human body is water, the brain is composed of 70 percent water, and the lungs are nearly 90 percent water. About 83 percent of our blood is water, which helps digest our food, transport waste, and control body temperature. Each day humans must replace 2.4 liters of water, some through drinking and the rest taken by the body from the foods eaten.@* The 90 percent of lungs, which is responsible for breathing, the 83 percent of the blood which carries oxygen to the brain and the 70 percent of the brain which is the central part of the human system that are composed of water must be filled up with the purest water, which is DISTILLED WATER. Filling these percentages of these organs with water that is not DISTILLED WATER, like spring, filtered or tap water would be dangerous to life ,just like gasoline that is filled with sand, rocks, and other impurities would be dangerous to a car engine. You are what you eat, drink and inhale and it is those things that make you sick. Therefore, since water is the highest portion of our human system, we are compelled to assure that the water we drink be the purest water possible, which is distilled water, if we are interested in longevity. Since these revelations from God, those mentioned above being a partial list, have been proven mathematically through GAGUT, they therefore form a basis for a rational, new paradigm for pursuing longevity and even immortality. The more comprehensive list of these revelations is to be found in Professor G. Oyibo”s new book,
”God Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT), New Paradigm and Formula for Longevity and Immortality”, and at the GAGUT WORKSHOPS, every Spring, (last week in March), Summer(third week of July), and Fall (last week of October) to be held in Long Island, New York. USA.
GAGUT is therefore requesting all the governments in the world to provide distilled water as drinking water for their populations. All nations, particularly African nations and other nations with less technology and resources, and those that are overwhelmed with deadly diseases, such as AIDS, must help their citizens obtain distilled water or at least boiled water as a matter of urgency and national policy.

Contact: John Glover 631-242-3069 ofappit@yahoo.com www.geocgities.com/igala1


This seems like pure rubbish! the same old human wisdom!
Re: Prof. Gabriel Oyibo (GAGUT Theorem): Mad man or Genius by apasico(m): 11:52am On Jul 14, 2007
Prof. oyibo theory is real and proven, some universities in US have started using his text book for a long time now.

The fact is that he doesn't want the white to take the glory, because they have refused to honour him, instead they want to take the glory from him and give to another white man. You should have known by now, that the white want to be the founder of everything. So it will be a shame to them that a black man from Nigeria discovered what they have been struggling for since.

Look at it that way. The man is a guru in mathematics and physics you all know that. and hope you know he has worked with NASA. And while in NASA he discovered some things there.

He is great, be proud of him.
Re: Prof. Gabriel Oyibo (GAGUT Theorem): Mad man or Genius by Seun(m): 11:54am On Jul 14, 2007
Prof. oyibo theory is real and proven, some universities in US have started using his text book for a long time now.
Which universities specifically? Can you list their names, and give us the source of your information?

1 Like

Re: Prof. Gabriel Oyibo (GAGUT Theorem): Mad man or Genius by pie1ect(m): 9:41am On Aug 28, 2007
Interesting to see how this discussion has developed. I'm not going to go into the issue of racism and what not.
Believe it or not, most of the people on this board are smart people, people who can discern wrong from right.
I find it amazing that we have people falling over themselves to defend the claims of Prof. Oyibo. You can be sure those of us with doubts about these claims, have our reasons (myself included).

First off, let me say the link provided on this page (regarding the US Intelligence review) is an amazon affiliate link.
Guys, lets be objective about this and take the "racial discrimination" blinders off for a minute. I really do want to believe that Oyibo has made a discovery that can change our way of life as we know it.
A few questions though:

- What the hell is OFAPPIT?
- Where did all the Web Hosting Firms in the US disappear to ?
- Last time I checked, the domain names OFAPPIT.COM, OFAPPIT.ORG OFAPPIT.NET were still available.
Some smart-ass fellow has even gone ahead to reserve gagut.com, just in case someone decides to purchase it later. By the way, other variations of the name "gagut" are still available (gagut.org, etc)
- Are you guys trying to tell me, the white folks also discriminate against registering a proper domain name for this ground-breaking Institute?
- Are there any graduates of this dignified Institute applying their knowledge anywhere?

Until these questions are answered, I stick to my guns that these claims are in the main, fraudulent.

Oh and by the way, I purchased the Grand Unified Theorem book on Amazon and I intend to post my views here after I'm done reading it.
[s]I'm sure it won't wash with me, because' I really dislike maths.[/s]
And I called the Cambridge IBC myself just to confirm the claims of awards and what not. Well, what can I say? Lies? Most Definitely.

I've done my own little research on his bogus award claims and trust me, they are mostly lies. Those of you rooting for him have got to be ashamed of yourselves. What the hell, someone even wrote summin' about most critics coming from the south-west of Nigeria. What can I say?

We need fellow scientists to verify the GAGUT claims, and not some random fellows coming on here to tell post lectures on patriotism.

And about the books being in the Libraries at HAVARD. Really?
I didn't realize Havard Library was strictly reserved for Books written by Professors only.

1 Like

Re: Prof. Gabriel Oyibo (GAGUT Theorem): Mad man or Genius by harold77: 4:05am On Feb 11, 2008
Gabriel Oyibo
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Contents[hide]· 1 Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo· 2 Honors and Awards· 3 Publications· 4 References· 5 External links

[edit] Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo
Gabriel Audu Oyibo is a Nigerian mathematician who solved the Grand Unification Theory - popularly known as the "Theory of Everythiing" or "The Holy Grail of Mathematics and Physics", in 1990, by discovering the GOD Almighty's Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT) which is represented by an absolutely exact mathematical equation Gij,j=0, that can be interpreted as GOD (Gij), in GOD's Material (i) and Space Time (j) Dimensions, does not change, where the comma symbolizes change in tensor notation. Gij could also represent everything in the Universe including the Unified Force Field, all of its components, all particles, both atomic as well as subatomic including all quarks, and leptons and all of their interactions.
In a simple language, GAGUT states that GOD or everything including the Unified Force Field or any fundamental force or particle interactions, is conserved within a transformation process over space and time, which cannot be disputed by ANY logical process. It is therefore the provable truth or theorem of everything which has no possibility of errors logically or geometrically. Any experiment which fails to verify the GAGUT equation is deemed to have been done incorrectly since GAGUT is a Theorem. These suggestions or conclusions are based on the reality that GAGUT is the theorem or a provable truth of everything that says everything is conserved within a transformation process over space and time. Some aspects of this theorem have been verified experimentally and extensively in the labs by a famous French alchemist and chemist named Antoine Laurent Lavoisier (1743-1794). Einstein through the E =Mc2 verified Gij,j=0. All other correct equations written by anyone are proven to have origins in and therefore also verify Gij,j=0. The geometric solution of Gij,j=0 is ηn (Eta sub n). This geometric solutions of Gij,j=0 given by ηn are verified by all known mathematical or geometric spaces including Hilbert, complex, vector, real, Banach, Lorentz, Riemann and other spaces. The fundamental or characteristic solutions to GAGUT equations are given by ηn =(gnk)(xk)n+1 where xk are space time coordinates, and k (which is an integer) can go through 0 to 3 in a four dimensional space time, or go through 0 to any number including infinity, if such a number is proven to represent an independent set of space time coordinates, n (which can be Real or Complex) can go from minus infinity to plus infinity, and can even take on other representations, (gnk) represents the dilation, concentration or contraction and other representations of the space time during the transformations within the conservation process of everything including the Unified Force Field all of its components, all particles, both atomic as well as subatomic including all quarks, and leptons and all of their interactions.
The Grand Unification of all the forces of the Universe including the four that are currently known as well as others that may or may not be found later, can be represented in the following way:
(Gij)= (G1ij)+(G2ij)+(G3ij)+(G4ij) +(G5ij)+, +(Gzij)
Where (Gij) is the Unified Force Field , (G1ij) could represent Gravitational force field, (G2ij) could represent Electromagnetic force field, (G3ij) could represent Strong force field, (G4ij) could represent Weak force field, (G5ij),, ,(Gzij) could represent all unknown force fields
ηn and the (gnk) the paths or trajectories and the particle masses or space time concentrations respectively under the influences of these various components of the unified force field, which are Gravitational, Electromagnetic, Strong, Weak, and all of the unknown force fields.
This is how GAGUT demonstrates an extraordinary geometric elegance and an awesome simplicity in the unification of all of the force fields in the universe. GAGUT also proved geometrically that Hydrogen, also called Africanium, is the only real element on the periodic table of "elements" while the remaining 117 previously called "elements" are nuclear compounds of Hydrogen or Africanium, which now has a potential of making science 118 times simpler to study. The GAGUT Singular Element Discovery has been verified experimentally by nuclear fusion processes through which multiple atomic particles join together to form heavier atomic particles, like the nuclear fusion of two Hydrogen (Africanium) atoms to a Helium "atom" (through GAGUT, Helium would be considered to be a nuclear compound of Hydrogen and not an element), in the center of the Sun and other stars, in the Cyclotron and in the Hydrogen Bomb, which Professor Arthur Stanley Eddington of Cambridge University, and the French Nobel Prize winner Jean Baptiste Perrin (who was the first of the two to observe it) were credited with its discovery. Therefore the GAGUT Singular Element Discovery is a Proven Theorem. GAGUT also proved geometrically that it is an ABSOLUTE IMPOSSIBILITY for the Universe to expand, since GAGUT defines the universe as an absolutely infinitely large space, that is full of motions, which is contrary to the current physics educational curricula worldwide, including those of universities like Harvard, Cambridge, Yale and others, that continue to teach the concept of an expanding universe to their students. This is because GAGUT proved geometrically that wherever the universe would be expanding to, has to also be part of the universe (hence there is NO such a thing as an expanding universe).

This is why the GAGUT Singular Equation, the GAGUT Singular Element and the GAGUT Non-Expanding Universe Discoveries are now resulting in what is called the GAGUT Global Educational Revolution Program (GGERP), which has already been introduced to the whole world and all of its leaders through their United Nations ambassadors (by the OFAPPIT Institute of Technology), as the new basis of global education, which countries like Austria have begun incorporating into their educational systems.
GOD also revealed through GAGUT what can logically be called the correct definition of GOD, which is that GOD is the ABSOLUTELY INFINITELY LARGE SPACE OF INTELLIGENCE, which unifies the believers, non-believers, and scientists, and eliminates the concept of atheism.

GAGUT solutions ηn also solves the Clay Mathematics Millennium Problems of the Navier-Stokes and Yang-Mills equations at least, as well as solved the Turbulence problems of Aeronautics.
GAGUT is understood to be a revelation from GOD which Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo was the first human being to be blessed with, and so transcends regular human intellectual pursuits.

GOD Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT), expressed by the formula Gij,j=0, which Professor Gabriel Oyibo was blessed by GOD with its’ discovery, is the long awaited Holy Grail Theorem (provable truth) of Everything. Humanity was actually searching for a theory (approximate truth) of everything. However to the pleasant surprise to humanity, GAGUT came out to be a theorem or an absolute truth about everything. This makes GAGUT really the ultimate or greatest human discovery in history and CAN'T be rediscovered by any other human being since GAGUT is the only absolutely exact equation. Therefore any other equation that any person claims to be representing the Theorem of Everything can only be the GAGUT equation or it is wrong. The result of such a claim would either be wrong or constitute plagiarism if it is correct. This is because it would have been considered plagiarism for Professor G. Oyibo to claim the discovery of the addition formula for adding integers from 1 to an unknown ending number "n" which is equal to (n/2)(n+1), even though Professor G. Oyibo discovered that formula independently along with its mathematical proof, which Professor G. Oyibo later found to be clearly different from the proof presented by Gauss, who is credited with its discovery.
GAGUT therefore provides the provably exact understanding of everything. Intelligence is defined by Webster’s Dictionary as an act of understanding. This means the one who understands the most is the most intelligent. GOD through GAGUT, has therefore declared or ordained Professor Gabriel Oyibo the greatest genius or the most intelligent human being ever created. This makes GAGUT a very explosive human development since all of humanity has been searching and hoping to discover it. The greatest minds and academicians all through the ages, searched unsuccessfully to find this absolute truth or secret code to the universe that we now call GAGUT. Therefore the understanding, scrutinizing, and recognizing of GAGUT was expected to be very challenging to humanity. Relativity theory for example was so difficult to understand that during its discovery, Professor Arthur Stanley Eddington of Cambridge University, a highly respected mathematician, was said to have been interviewed by some journalists who wanted him to clarify the rumor that they heard about relativity. That rumor was that only three people in the world understood relativity theory. After posing the question, “Is it true that only three people in the world understood relativity” to Professor Eddington, he began to scratch his head. When asked why he was scratching his head, Professor Eddington replied that he was trying to think of who the third person (besides Albert Einstein and himself) was. That comment from Professor Eddington together with the rumor itself, underscored the challenges of understanding, scrutinizing, and recognizing relativity theory. Considering that relativity is concerned primarily with gravity, one of the fundamental forces of nature (four are currently known), it is clear the challenges of understanding, scrutinizing, and recognizing GAGUT which unifies all fundamental forces of nature, known and unknown, are far greater than for relativity theory. Professor Librescu and other legendary professors were among the first set of great minds to understand, scrutinize, and recognize GAGUT like Eddington did with relativity. Those great minds expressed their understanding, scrutinizing, and recognizing of GAGUT through their support letters nominating Professor G. A. Oyibo for the Presidential Medal of Science and Physics Nobel Prize awards which can be viewed on www.geocities.com/igala1. These legendary academicians through their own brilliance, dedication, and diligence made a big contribution to humanity by understanding, scrutinizing, and recognizing GAGUT and thereby putting their reputations on the line, particularly by expressing themselves in writing, which also supports one of GAGUT’s implications that Professor Gabriel Oyibo, has been ordained by GOD to be the greatest genius or the most intelligent human being ever created. Excerpts or quotations from some of the letters from these legendary professors supporting that GAGUT implication are presented below:
For example:
Physics Professor Dasgupta (India) concludes that Professor G. Oyibo is closer to GOD (intellectually and in other ways), than any other human being because of GAGUT discovery.
The following is the message from Professor Dasgupta to Professor G. Oyibo:

From : Krishnendu dasgupta Reply-To : "Krishnendu dasgupta" Sent : Wednesday, July 25, 2007 9:24 AM To : gaoyibo@ Subject : God's mission and das gupta

Dear Oyibo, Good Day! I heard that you have been successful in finding the unified field theory. Congratulations! You are more close to God than any of us. I was also working upon this theory, since my theory was different God was different to me. Please write to me as I would like to know where I was wrong. Thanking You ,
Yours, Krishnendu das gupta

Professor Eugene Brunelle, Doctor of Science, Summa Cum Laude, from MIT and former Princeton University Professor declared that history has shown that since 1916 when Einstein popularized the search for the theory of everything, there has not been any human being with a mind as developed or as intelligent as Professor G. Oyibo.
Professor George Handelman, Amos Eaton Professor of Mathematics, RPI, and former Mathematics Professor at Brown University has classified Professor G. Oyibo’s work in the same category with the works of Professor Lord Rayleigh, (Nobel Laureate- Physics), Professor Werner Heisenberg, (Nobel Laureate-Physics), Professor Geoffrey Taylor, Cambridge University Mathematics Professor and Professor Theodore Von Karman, Aeronautics and Physics Professor at CalTech.
Professor Iya Abubakar, Ph. D., in Mathematics from Cambridge University where Sir Isaac Netwon and Sir Stephen Hawking also received their Ph. D.s, categorically verified that the GAGUT equation G ij, j = 0 “is perfectly correct”, and “a big break through”.Prof Iya Abubakar also further verified that the GAGUT equation can be interpreted as “God does not change.” He also indicated that the verification of GAGUT by another mathematical legend Professor Grigoris Tsagas proves that GAGUT is correct.
Professor Alex Animalu, former research Scientist at Stanford University and MIT, a graduate of Cambridge University in Physics and an author of a Cambridge University citation classic with over 729 citations, declared that, "GAGUT is a discovery that takes science or physics beyond Einstein", and in a paper entitled "Review of Grand Unified Theorem with realizations of a Hierarchy of Oyibo-Einstein Relativities" declared:
“We are therefore led to the conclusion that Professor Oyibo’s GUT has a sound mathematical and physical basis and is a viable framework for a Grand Unified Field Theory of Everything.”
Professor Joshua Anyiwo, Cambridge University Graduate and former NASA Research Scientist declared that “Dr. Oyibo's Grand Unified Theorem is the cleanest, most carefully articulated, most comprehensive and authentic presentation of a unifying theory of physics that I have ever encountered;”
Professor Liviu Librescu, the slain Romanian hero of the VPI Massacre (2007), former Professor of Tel Aviv University and Professor of Aeronautics of Virginia Polytechnic Institute declared:
“Dr Oyibo developed powerful mathematical tools to get solutions for the first time of a number of problems in which famous mathematicians and physicists have dedicated their entire life… I trust that the results obtained by Dr Oyibo are of the utmost importance and that the powerful tools developed by him will find many followers from various areas of biomechanics, physics, mathematics, aeronautics, etc.”
Professor S. Adefila, who Holds Petroleum Research Chair in Chemical Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University declared that, “GAGUT is the highest point of academics.”
Professor Edith Luchins, Mathematics Professor, RPI and an aide to Albert Einstein declared “The most exciting contribution to me, personally, is Dr Oyibo’s formulation of Einstein’s Unified Field Theory of the “theory of everything.’ He had presented a lecture “ A Generalized Mathematical Proof of Einstein’s Theory Using a New Group Theory” in March 1995 at a symposium he had organized at RPI … Having met Albert Einstein, and having co-authored reports about him, I am thrilled that Gabriel Oyibo was the first to complete the task that intrigued and challenged Einstein and many other luminaries in science. Moreover, he did so in a mathematically elegant manner. Professor Oyibo’s contributions are extremely important, both theoretically and practically. They place him in the ranks of world-class scientists. He is eminently qualified for the Nobel Prize in Physics. Granting of this well-deserved honor to Dr. Oyibo will be celebrated at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and throughout the academic and scientific worlds.”

GAGUT is a theorem, NOT a theory, which means that it is provable and has been proved mathematically and has been reviewed extensively by some of the greatest mathematicians like Professor Grigoris Tsagas, Former President of the Balkan Association of Geometers, and who has been credited by the American Mathematical Society(AMS),through its Math Reviews (MR) with over 200 significant mathematical research contributions, ranking him in the highest category of mathematical researchers in the world.

GAGUT therefore subsumes the work of Carl Friedrich Gauss, Euler and Sir Isaac Newton to name a few . This explains why Göettingen University , the home university for Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855), one of the three greatest mathematicians of all time selected the latest GAGUT book entitled, Grand Unified Theorem: Discovery of the Theory of Everything and the Fundamental Building Block of Quantum Theory by Gabriel Oyibo, as one of approximately 25 books chosen to honor Gauss during the Gauss 2005 celebration.
Born in Nigeria in 1950, Professor G. Oyibo studied Mechanical Engineering at the Ahmadu Bello University in Zaria, Nigeria, before proceeding to the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute where he got a PhD in Aeronautics and Mathematics in 1981.

Some of the most brilliant and prestigious mathematicians and physicists around the world have supported the nomination of Professor Oyibo for the Nobel Prize in Physics. GAGUT has been published in international journals such as International Journal of Mathematics, Game Theory and Algebra and the Russian Journal of Non Linear Problems in Science and Engineering. GAGUT was reviewed by legendary mathematicians and physicists, such as Professors Greogoris Tsagas (former President of the Balkan Society of Geometers), Pavel Dubowskii (leading academician researcher of the Russian Academy of Sciences), Jaume Carot (famous French mathematical physicist), A.Cichocka (a famous Checkslovakian mathematician), Iya Abubakar (legendary Nigerian mathematician with a Ph. D. in mathematics from Cambridge University), A. Pozzi (famous Italian mathematical physicist), A. Animalu (legendary Nigerian mathematical physicist with physics degrees from Cambridge University) and Edith Luchins (very well known mathematics professor and an aide to Albert Einstein) to name just a few.
Nobel Prize Nomination Link
One particular mathematician, Professor Edith Luchins http://www.geocities.com/igala1/luchins1b.jpg, who wrote nomination letters for Nobel Prize in Physics and Presidential Medal of Science for Professor Oyibo after hearing about GAGUT, was an Personal Aide of Albert Einstein. Professor Edith Luchins wrote,“ The most exciting contribution to me, personally, is Dr. Oyibo’s formulation of Einstein’s Unified Field Theory or ‘the theory of everything . . . I am thrilled that Gabriel Oyibo was the first to complete the task that intrigued and challenged Einstein and many other luminaries in science. Moreover, he did so in a mathematically elegant manner… Professor G. Oyibo’s contributions are extremely important, both theoretically and practically, he is eminently qualified for the Nobel Prize in Physics.”
GAGUT has also been covered by Math News, an authoritative news source for significant developments in mathematics worldwide, and has recognized GAGUT as the HOLY GRAIL, a phrase that is used in the scientific and the mathematic world to represent the ultimate research goal for human beings, which is the Unified Field Theory, or the Theory of Everything. MathNews comes out of the University of Turin (Torino), Italy, one of the oldest universities (1404) in Europe. One of the MathNews reports on GAGUT (July 23, 2005) entitled THE HOLY GRAIL!!! was featured with their report about significant research developments from Massachuttes Institute of Technology (MIT) as well as from Cambridge University in England, and other prestigious universities. MathNews is edited by Professor Umberto Cerruti, a very renowned mathematician. GAGUT’s classification as THE HOLY GRAIL by MathNews, therefore has confirmed for mathematicians and non-mathematicians that GAGUT is the long awaited discovery of the secret code to the universe. That declaration by the MathNews, and the numerous other citations presented above therefore verify that GAGUT is perfect technically, and has been verified by Nature such as processes in the sun and other stars logically, geometrically, and experimentally specifically by the Nuclear fusion and fission in the stars, in the cyclotrons and in the Hydrogen bomb. Therefore, all of the world prize foundations, such as the Nobel, now have all the proofs, reasons, and ingredients that compel them to give those prizes to Professor G. Oyibo, for the discovery of GAGUT. GAGUT and all these proofs that authenticates it as a perfect and an ultimate scientific discovery, or the secret code to the universe, which can only be revealed to humanity by GOD, needs to be propagated to all of humanity, by all human beings, through all media and other ways, such as the BBC, CNN, and all of the print media globally to follow the example of the People’s Daily of China, the world’s fifth largest newspaper. That process would help to eliminate or minimize the human efforts to rediscover GAGUT or to plagiarize GAGUT, since GAGUT has already been discovered through a revelation of the secret code to the universe by GOD to Professor G. Oyibo, and has been verified to be the universal law and an absolute truth.

In the US, Oyibo's books are mostly reserved in reference sections in major libraries including those in Stanford, Harvard and several top universities in Europe. http://alpha01.dm.unito.it/personalpages/cerruti/mathnews.html 8/11/2005 MATH NEWS Page 25 of 74
He is currently Professor of Mathematics and Physics at OFAPPIT Institute of Technology, and had been on the faculties of University of Bridgeport, Connecticut and Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, Long Island Campus, New York.

[edit] Honors and Awards
Professor G. Oyibo has been recognized as being closer to GOD (intellectually and in other ways), than any other human being because of the GAGUT discovery. He has also been recognized by the Nigerian Federal Government as Mathematical Genius which was inscribed on a Nigerian Postage Stamp that was issued in 2005.
Professor G. Oyibo has also been recognized as the Greatest Genius and the Most Intelligent Human Being ever created by GOD. He has also been recognized as the Greatest Mathematical Genius of all time.
Professor G. Oyibo has been recognized by the Nigerian Senate, representing the entire population of Nigeria of over 200 million people, through a Senate Motion No. 151 page 320 presented in the Federal Republic of Nigeria Order Paper on Tuesday, 15th March , 2005.
by recommending him unanimously for the highest academic prize (to be higher than the Nobel Prize) in history.
Professor G. Oyibo was also Knighted by the Attah of the Igala Kingdom as the Amokidojo (translates into english as "Genius from Within"wink in 2004.
Professor Oyibo was awarded the highest Nigerian academic honor, by the Nigeria's National Universities Commission (NUC), to present a thirty days GAGUT Global Series of Lectures throughout Nigerian Universities, so the International, Scientific, Diplomatic, and Non-Scientific communities could challenge, scrutinize, and verify GAGUT, which turned out GODLY and Successfully in 2004.
The German professors of the Göettingen University, the Harvard of Germany and the home of one of the three greatest mathematicians of all time, Fredrich Karl Gauss have recently cited GAGUT as a top development in mathematics. The legendary mathematician was honored by featuring a specialized group of selected Mathematics works in the Gauss 2005 celebration. The selected works include that of the legendary David Hilbert, (Hilbert Space in Mathematics), who competed with Einstein in the development of the general relativity theory as well as works of Sir Michael Atiyah, a Field Medal winner (Nobel Prize equivalent in Mathematics) in 1966 and former Master (President) of Trinity College of Cambridge University, also considered one of the greatest mathematicians alive, as well as works by other mathematics luminaries. Professor Gabriel A. Oyibo’s book on GAGUT, is one of the thirteen books that have been selected to honor Fredrich K. Gauss.
Gauss year 2005
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Archives 2005 1/13 27/30
NR. 26 Gabriel A. Oyibo: Grand unified theorem…
NR. 25 Luchezar L Avramov: Trend into commutative algebra
NR. 24 David Hilbert: Knowledge and mathematical thinking
NR. 23 Alexey Viktorovic Bolsinov and Anatolij T. Fomenko: Integrable Hamiltonian of system
NR. 22 Herbert Pieper: Network of the knowledge and diplomacy of doing good ? citizen of Berlin mathematics…
NR. 21 Robert Hardt: Six of themes on variation
NR. 20 Franz Xaver Lutz: A mathematical art book…
NR. 19 Sir Michael Atiyah and Daniel Iagolnitzer: Fields medallists ’ lectures
NR. 18 Michael Atiyah: Collected works
NR. 17 Alain Connes and Matilde Marcolli: From physics tons of NUMBERS theory via noncommutative geometry NR.
16 Titu Andreescu and Zuming Feng: 103 trigonometry problem ? from the training OF the the USA IMO team
NR. 15 Yaakov Friedman: Physical applications OF homogeneous ball
NR. 14 Ovidiu Calin and the Chen Chang: Geometric mechanics on Riemannian manifolds
GAGUT was awarded the Highest Academic Award in history, which is the African International Foundation Award.

[edit] Publications
1. Oyibo, Gabriel A., Complex variable theorem for the general fundamental solutions for the full Navier Stokes equations. Int. J. Math. Game Theory Algebra Vol. 9 (1999), no. 4, 277--320.
2. Oyibo, Gabriel A., Mathematical modelling for fluid and gas dynamic turbulence, Nova J. Math. Game Theory Algebra Vol. 6 (1997), no. 4, 223--274 .
3. Oyibo, Gabriel A., Mathematical modelling for fluid and gas dynamic turbulence, Applied Mathematics: Methods and Applications (1995), 519—563.
4. Oyibo, Gabriel A.,”Group Theory Journey from Fluid Mechanics to Particle Physics” presented as an invited lecture, Rensselear Polytechnic Institute, Troy New York (1998)
5. Oyibo, Gabriel A., “Generalized mathematical proof of Einstein's theory using a new group theory” Symposium in honor of Professor George Handelman Amos Eaton Professor of Mathematics on his 74th Birthday,, Rensselear Polytechnic Institute, Troy New York (1995)
6. Oyibo, Gabriel A.,”Group Theory Journey from Fluid Mechanics to Particle Physics” presented at an International Conference at Embry Ryddle Aeronautical University , Daytona Beach, Florida (1998)
7. Oyibo, Gabriel A., “Exact Closed Form Solutions for Nonlinear Unsteady Transonic Aerodynamics,” AIAA Journal Vol.27 No.11, (1989)
8. Oyibo, Gabriel A., Exact closed form solutions to the full Navier-Stokes equations and new perceptions for fluid and gas dynamics, Nova J. Math. Game Theory Algebra Vol. 7 No.1(1997).
9. Oyibo, Gabriel A., Generalized mathematical proof of Einstein's theory using a new group thory,Problems of Nonlinear Anaylsis in Engineering systems, An International Russian Journal Vol.2 (1995)
10. Oyibo, Gabriel A., Generalized mathematical proof of Einstein's theory using a new group thory, Nova J. Math. Game Theory Algebra Vol. 4 No.1 (1996), 1-24
11. Oyibo, Gabriel A., Generalized mathematical proof of Einstein's theory using a new group thory, Applied Mathematics: Methods and Applications (1995), 205—223
12. Oyibo, Gabriel A, Formulation of Three Dimensional Hodograph Mwthod and separable solutions for Nonlinear Transonic Flowa, AIAA Journal Vol. 28, No.10 (October 1990)
13. Oyibo, Gabriel A., Exact closed form solutions to the full Navier-Stokes equations and new perceptions for fluid and gas dynamics, Proceedings of BAIL VI, Edited J.J. Miller, Copper Mountain Colorado (August 1992)
14. Oyibo, Gabriel A.,”New Group Theory for Mathematical Physics, Gas Dynamics, and Trbulence”, Nova Science Publishers, New York (1993)
15. John Jara Nutakor and Gabriel Oyibo, An investigation of a solution technique for the three-dimensional hodograph equation, Applied Mathematics: Methods and Applications (1995), 103--158.
16. John Jara Nutakor, Y Sung Jang and Gabriel Oyibo, “Supercritical Wing Design : A three dimensional Hodograph approach”, AIAA Paper presented at the AIAA conference Paul Alto, California USA (1992).
17. Oyibo, Gabriel A., Closed-form solutions for nonlinear quasi-unsteady transonc aerodynamics, AIAA J. 27 (1989), 1572-1578.
18. Oyibo, Gabriel A.; Brunelle, Eugene J., Vibrations of circular orthotropic plates in affine space, AIAA J. 23, 296-300 (1985).
19. Brunelle, E.J.; Oyibo, G.A. Generic buckling curves for specially orthotropic rectangular plates, AIAA J. 21, 1150-1156 (1983).
20. Oyibo, Gabriel A. Unified aeroelastic flutter theory for very low aspect ratio panels, AIAA J. 21, 1581-1587 (1983).
21. Oyibo, Gabriel A. Grand unified theorem representing the unified field theory or the theory of everything. Int. J. Math. Game Theory Algebra Vol.9 No.3 (1999)
22. Oyibo, Gabriel A Grand Unified Theorem: Representation of the Unified Field Theory or the Theory of Everything g, Nova Science Publishers (2001)
23. Oyibo, Gabriel A. Highlights of the Grand Unified Theorem: Formulation of the Unified Field Theory or the Theory of Everything, Nova Science Publishers (2002)
24. Oyibo, Gabriel A Grand Unified Theorem: Discovery of the Theory of Everything and the Fundamental Building Block of Quantum Theory, Nova Science Publishers (2004)
25. Oyibo, Gabriel A. Grand Unified Theorem, Nova Science Publishers (1999)
26. Oyibo, Gabriel A. Grand Unified Theory (GUT) Int. J. Math. Game Theory Algebra Vol. 9 No.3 (1999)
27. Oyibo, Gabriel A Grand Unified Theorem: Discovery of the Theory of Everything and the Fundamental Building Block of Quantum Theory, Theorem Int. J. Math. Game Theory Algebra
28. Oyibo, Gabriel A. Highlights of the Grand Unified Theorem: Formulation of the Unified Field Theory or the Theory of Everything, Theorem Int. J. Math. Game Theory Algebra (2002)
29. Oyibo, Gabriel A. Exact closed form solutions to the full Navier-Stokes equations and new perceptions for fluid and gas dynamics, 13-74 in Applied Mathematics: Methods and Applications (1995), 401--476.
30. Oyibo, Gabriel A, “Grand Unified Theorem representing the Unified Field Theory or Theory of Everything “OFAPPIT Institute of Technology at U.S. Senate GAGUT Briefing, Hart Senate Building, Washington D.C., January 27, 2000.
31. Oyibo, Gabriel A, Coast to Coast four hour GAGUT interview aired by WABC and over 540 other Radio Stations to an audience of over 25 million listeners and which was broadcast on the worldwide Nov. 7, 2000.
32. Oyibo, Gabriel A, GAGUT Global Lecture Series, Kogi State University , Anyigba, Nigeria (2004)
33. Oyibo, Gabriel A, GAGUT Global Lecture Series, ABU, Zaria, Nigeria (2004)
34. Oyibo, Gabriel A, GAGUT Global Lecture Series, Federal Univesity of Technology at Owerri, Nigeria (2004)
35. Oyibo, Gabriel A, GAGUT Global Lecture Series, University of Agriculture, Makurdi , Nigeria(2004)
36. Oyibo, Gabriel A, GAGUT Global Lecture Series, University of Ibadan, Ibaden, Nigeria (2004)
37. Oyibo, Gabriel A, GAGUT Global Lecture Series, National University Headquarters, Abuja, Nigeria (2004)
38. Oyibo, Gabriel A, GAGUT Global Lecture Series, Nigerian National University Science Fair, Abuja, Nigeria (2004)
39. Oyibo, Gabriel A, GAGUT Global Lecture Series, Presidental Villa , Aso Rock Abuja, Nigeria (2004)
40. Oyibo, Gabriel A, GAGUT Global Lecture Series, Ecwa Church, Abuja, Nigeria (2004)
41. Oyibo, Gabriel A, Theory of Everything, an Interview with Professor G. Oyibo, Nova Science Publishers 2002
42. Oyibo, Gabriel A, Theory of Everything, an Interview with Professor G. Oyibo, by News 12 New York Channel 12, Long Island, New York April 8, 2002
43. Oyibo, Gabriel A, Theory of Everything, an Interview with Professor G. Oyibo, by News 55 New York Channel 55, Long Island, New York February 2002.
44. Oyibo, Gabriel A, Theory of Everything, an Interview with Professor G. Oyibo, by WABC Gainsville, Florida (January 2002).
45. Oyibo, Gabriel A, GAGUT Week long presentation to the Miami Dade Country, July 2002
46. Oyibo, Gabriel A, GAGUT Week long presentation to the Miami Dade School system, October 2002
47. Oyibo, Gabriel A, GAGUT presentation to New Yorker Magazine Matthew Gross, April 2004
48. Oyibo, Gabriel A, GAGUT presentation to Miami Herald Newspaper, October 2002
49. Oyibo, Gabriel A, Various GAGUT presentation on Radio and Television stations in New York and New Jersey
50. Oyibo, Gabriel A, GAGUT 100 Weekly LectureSeries from 2002 to 2004
51. Oyibo, Gabriel A, “Grand Unified Theorem representing the Unified Field Theory or Theory of Everything “OFAPPIT Institute of Technology at NASA, NASA GAGUT Briefing, NASA Headquarters, Washington D.C. (2000).
52. Oyibo, Gabriel A, “Grand Unified Theorem representing the Unified Field Theory or Theory of Everything “OFAPPIT Institute of Technology at National Science Foundation, NSF Headquarters, Arlington V.A. (2000).
53. Oyibo, Gabriel A, GAGUT presentation to the Nigerian Nationa l Radio Cooperation, Abuja, Nigeria (2004).
54. Oyibo, Gabriel A, GAGUT presentation to the Nigeria Nationa l Television Authority Cooperation, Ibadan, Nigeria (2004).
55. Oyibo, Gabriel A, GAGUT presentation to the Nigeria Nationa l Television Authority Cooperation, Abuja, Nigeria (2004).
56. Oyibo, Gabriel A, GAGUT presentation to the Nigerian Newspapers like the Guardian, the Punch, and the Daily Trust, Nigeria (2004).
57. Oyibo, Gabriel A, GAGUT presentation to the PANA Press Newspaper, New York(2004).
58. Oyibo, Gabriel A, GAGUT presentation to the Graphic Newspaper, Lokoja Nigeria (2004).
59. Oyibo, Gabriel A, GAGUT presentation at the Brecht Forum , Manhattan (1999).
60. Oyibo, Gabriel A, GAGUT presentation to President Olusegun Obasanjo in New York, Manhattan (2004).
61. Oyibo, Gabriel A, GAGUT presentation to Former President Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, New York (September 1990).
62. Oyibo, Gabriel A, GAGUT presentation to Former President Hassan Muinyi, New York (September 1991).
63. Oyibo, Gabriel A, GAGUT long interview with Our Times Press Newspaper, Brooklyn, January, February, (April 1999).
64. Oyibo, Gabriel A, GAGUT l interview with the Daily Challenge Newspaper with Naya Oriende, Brooklyn, (2003).
65. Oyibo, Gabriel A, GAGUT interview with Laolu Akande for Amsterdam News, Harlem, (2003).
66. Oyibo, Gabriel A, GAGUT interview with Laolu Akande for The Guardian Newspaper, Nigeria (2003).
67. Oyibo, Gabriel A., “Mathematical modelling for fluid and gas dynamic turbulence”, NASA briefing, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton Virginia, USA (1994)
68. Oyibo, Gabriel A., “Conservation Equations of Mathematical Physics”, University wide presentation at the Polytechnic University, Farmindale, New York (1994).
69. Oyibo, Gabriel A., GAGUT National Lecture presented at Lincoln University, (December 3, 2000).
70. Oyibo, Gabriel A., GAGUT presentation at Medger Evers College, (December 2, 2000).
71. Oyibo, Gabriel A., GAGUT presentation at City College, Manhattan (May 2, 2003).
72. Oyibo, Gabriel A., GAGUT presentation at State Office Building, Harlem (July 4, 2000).
73. Oyibo, Gabriel A., GAGUT presentation at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, New York (2001).
74. Oyibo, Gabriel A., GAGUT presentation at African Echoes, Newark New Jersey (2003).
75. Oyibo, Gabriel A., GAGUT presentation at the Temple of the Black Messiah, Philedelphia Pennsylvania (2003).
76. Oyibo, Gabriel A., GAGUT presentation at Khemet Bookstore, New Jersey (2003).
77. Oyibo, Gabriel A., GAGUT Summer 2004 presentation , Hauppauge (July 2004)
78. Oyibo, Gabriel A., GAGUT Fall 2004 presentation , Hauppauge (October 2004).
79. Oyibo, Gabriel A., GAGUT Spring 2005 presentation , Hauppauge (March 2005).
80. Oyibo, Gabriel A., GAGUT Summer2005 presentation , Hauppauge (July 2005).
81. Oyibo, Gabriel A., GAGUT Spring 2006 presentation , Hicksville (March 2006).
82. Oyibo, Gabriel A., GAGUT Summer 2006 presentation , Hicksville (August 2006).
83. Oyibo, Gabriel A., GAGUT Fall 2006 presentation , Hicksville (October 2006).
84. Oyibo, Gabriel A., GAGUT Spring 2007 presentation , Hicksville (March 2007).
85. Oyibo, Gabriel A., GAGUT Summer 2007 presentation , Hicksville (August 2007).
86. Oyibo, Gabriel A., GAGUT Fall 2007 presentation , Hicksville (December 2007).
87. Oyibo, Gabriel A., GAGUT Powernomics radio presentation with Tom Pope, Washington D.C. (2003).
88. Oyibo, Gabriel A., GAGUT LIB radio presentation with Keide Awadu, California, USA (2004).
89. Oyibo, Gabriel A., GAGUT LIB radio presentation with Julius Ricardo Stanton, New Jersey, USA (2007).
90. Oyibo, Gabriel A., GAGUT WBAI radio presentation with Imhotep Gary Byrd, New York (2004).
91. Oyibo, Gabriel A., GAGUT Sharptalk radio presentation with Rev. Al Sharpton, New York, USA (2002)
92. Oyibo, Gabriel A., GAGUT Kiss 98.7 radio presentation, New York, USA (2003).
93. Oyibo, Gabriel A., GAGUT television presentation on Manhattan Cable Network, with Gilchrist Manhattan, New York(2002).
94. Oyibo, Gabriel A., Editor, Advances in Mathematics Research Vol.1, Nova Science Publishers (2002)
95. Oyibo, Gabriel A., Editor, Advances in Mathematics Research Vol.2, Nova Science Publishers (2003)
96. Oyibo, Gabriel A., Editor, Advances in Mathematics Research Vol.3, Nova Science Publishers( 2003)
97. Oyibo, Gabriel A., Editor, Advances in Mathematics Research Vol.4, Nova Science Publishers (2003)
98. Oyibo, Gabriel A., Editor, Advances in Mathematics Research Vol.5, Nova Science Publishers(2005)
99. Oyibo, Gabriel A., Editor, Advances in Mathematics Research Vol.6, Nova Science Publishers(2005)
100.Oyibo, Gabriel A., Editor, Advances in Mathematics Research Vol.7, Nova Science Publishers(2007)
Re: Prof. Gabriel Oyibo (GAGUT Theorem): Mad man or Genius by harold77: 4:09am On Feb 11, 2008
Re: Prof. Gabriel Oyibo (GAGUT Theorem): Mad man or Genius by harold77: 4:15am On Feb 11, 2008
OFAPPIT Institute of Technology
The Official Home of God Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT)
Department of Mathematics
205 Seaman Neck Road, Dix Hills, New York, 11746
Phone : 631‑242‑3069 Fax: 631‑274‑5277ofappit@hotmail.com Web site www.geocities.com/igala1

To: To GOD’S Children
From: John Glover

1. Letter to Presidents of all Countries, Prime Ministers, Royalties, etc. on the GAGUT Global Education Revolution Program (GGERP) (5 pages)
2. US Government National Technical Information Service (NTIS) Xignite World News announcement on GAGUT, Flu Pandemic solution within GAGUT, and Chinese coverage of GAGUT (6 pages)
3. Germans want GAGUT recognized with a Nobel Prize along with research works of the following luminaries in science (3 pages)
4.GAGUT #1 on Yahoo.com (2 pages)
5.Harvard University enriches top libraries with GAGUT Books
(1 page)
6.Austria begins Incorporating GGERP into their educational system (4 pages)
7. 30 Million Nigerian students demand GGERP to be the basis of their
education system (2 pages)
8. Physics Professor Dasgupta (India) concludes that Professor G. Oyibo is closer to GOD, than any other human being because of GAGUT discovery. (2 pages)

Please present GGERP to the President and other leaders of your country urgently, on behalf of Black People to be legislated into law. We are requesting that you read and digest the GGERP program to enable you to became acquainted with it. We are suggesting that you encourage your President to contact Professor G. Oyibo urgently to arrange a briefing on GGERP for the president at the earliest convenient time for the president such as during the president’s UN meeting in New York September 2007, similar to the meeting Professor G. Oyibo has had with President Mwuinyi, and President Nyerere both of Tanzania and President Obasanjo of Nigeria (pictures are attached). As you can see from the Le Soleil article (Senegal) and Business Day article (Nigeria) both of which are attached, the African people worldwide are becoming aware of GAGUT. As it can be seen here, (a Masters thesis pages are attached) Austria (Europe) is already Incorporating GGERP into their educational system. We are also suggesting that your president send a delegation of 100 citizens of your country to attend the GAGUT Workshops that take place at the end of every month of the year, to help get your country started with GGERP. GOD bless you.
John Glover
To Presidents of all Countries, Prime Ministers, Royalties, etc` the Senates, Congresses, Parliaments, Governing Bodies, etc, Presidents of their Board of Education and Presidents of all Universities and Colleges,. as well as all of the State Governors, City Mayors, Secretaries or Ministers of Education, of all countries globally as well as the United Nations and Citizens around the world

Hello! This is John Glover, the coordinator for the GAGUT educational revolution program whose goal is to change the basis of global education from the current 118 elements to 1 element. This would make science 118 times easier to study. We are requesting your cooperation in effecting this change globally, by propagating the program to all of Humanity, by encouraging all Boards of Education in America and in the rest of the world to implement this change and to encourage all the governments in the world to legislate this educational revolution. The positive impact of this global educational revolution on humanity is expected to be bigger than that of the atomic bomb. This global educational revolution has been ordered by GOD, through GAGUT in a secret code expressed by Gij,j=0, through which GOD revealed that only 1 element is the basis for science, not 118 elements (current basis). Below is the press release that explains the basis and necessity of this change which should be presented to every school board in America, and to invite Professor G. Oyibo to present its details to their individual President of their Board of Education and all the Presidents of all Universities and Colleges, as well as all of the State Governors, City Mayors, Secretaries or Ministers of Education, the Senates, Congresses, Parliaments, Governing Bodies, etc, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Royalties, etc. of all countries globally as well as the United Nations particularly UNESCO which is already familiar with GAGUT. GOD bless you.

John Glover

▲OFAPPIT Institute of Technology
The Official Home of God Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT)
Department of Mathematics
205 Seaman Neck Road, Dix Hills, New York, 11746
Phone : 631-242-3069 Fax: 631-274-5277ofappit@hotmail.com Web site www.geocities.com/igala1



God Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT) is a revelation from GOD of the secret code to the Universe for humanity in a simple equation Gij, j = 0. The equation geometrically and exactly reveals that everything in the universe is conserved within a transformation process over space and time. The equations prove the existence of GOD and shows that GOD does not change. The equation is valid for everything material and non-material in the universe. It is also valid for any processes, any forms of matter, waves, forces of all kinds, visible and invisible things and indeed anything from the largest to the smallest in size. It is the only exact and correct equation in mathematics, the sciences and indeed all of knowledge. It is an absolute provable truth which is why it is able to describe the essence of GOD. All correct equations originate from Gij, j = 0. It is therefore the “mother“ of all correct equations. There can not be anything or any process or any truths in the universe that cannot be described exactly by Gij, j = 0. Therefore Gij, j = 0 is an expression of all knowledge of the truth. Which again is why it is not surprising that Gij, j = 0 is able to express exactly the essence of the Almighty GOD. This is why all universities and in fact all institutions of learning that purport to be acquiring and teaching knowledge of the truth should only be teaching and studying Gij, j = 0.
The solutions to Gij, j = 0 reveal that only one stable building block was used by GOD to create and construct all of the material Universe. That one stable building block was shown by GAGUT to be the hydrogen or Africanium Atum
(atom). That automatically reduces the 118 atomic particles, which were call “elements” on the periodic table, to just one atomic particle, the only true element, which is hydrogen now known as the Africanium Atum (atom). This means that all the sciences within the GAGUT equations should be based on one element and not on 118 “elements” as it is currently. That is another way of saying that new science is one that is based on one element and it is the science that should be studied by every institution from now on. The old science is based on 118 elements which is obsolete and should be relegated to the archives. Therefore, all universities and educational institutions should be studying Gij, j = 0 and the new science based on one element. Those universities and educational institutions that are unable to study Gij, j = 0 and the new science based on one element should consider closing down since they are unable to teach the total truth to their students.
These suggestions are based on the reality that GAGUT is the theorem or a provable truth of everything that says everything is conserved within a transformation process. Some aspects of this theorem have been verified experimentally and extensively in the labs by a famous French alchemist and chemist named Antoine Laurent Lavoisier (1743-1794). Einstein through the E =Mc2 verified Gij, j = 0. All other correct equations written by anyone also verify Gij, j = 0. The geometric solution of Gij, j = 0 is Eta sub n. This geometric solutions of Gij, j = 0 given by Eta sub n are verified by all known mathematical or geometric spaces including Hillbert, complex, vector, real, Banach, Lorentz, Riemann and other spaces. GAGUT therefore subsumes the work of Carl Friedrich Gauss, Euler and Newton to name a few . This explains why Göettingen University , the home university for Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855), one of the three greatest mathematicians of all time selected the latest GAGUT book entitled, Grand Unified Theorem: Discovery of the Theory of Everything and the Fundamental Building Block of Quantum Theory by Gabriel Oyibo, as one of approximately 25 books chosen to honor Gauss during the Gauss 2005 celebration.
Additionally, one should note that Göettingen University is the Harvard of Germany and the home of one of the three greatest mathematicians of all times. Fredrich Karl Gauss. The legendary mathematician was honored by featuring a specialized group of selected Mathematics works in the Gauss 2005 celebration. The selected works include that of the legendary David Hilbert, (Hilbert Space in Mathematics), who competed with Einstein in the development of the general relativity theory as well as works of Sir Michael Atiyah, a Field Medal winner (Nobel Prize equivalent in Mathematics) in 1966 and former Master (President) of Trinity College of Cambridge University, also considered one of the greatest mathematicians alive, as well as works by other mathematics luminaries. Professor Gabriel A. Oyibo’s book is one of the thirteen books that have been selected to honor Fredrich K. Gauss.
Gauss year 2005
Specialized paper
Mathematics/computer science
Book?tap the week
Literature search
Special assembly areas
Mathematics/computer science
News services
Mathematica collection at the GDZ
Electronic resources
Nds. State and university library Goettingen
more up?to?date book?tap the week
Archives 2005 1?13 27?30
NR. 26 Gabriel A. Oyibo: Grand unified theorem…
NR. 25 Luchezar L Avramov: Trend into commutative algebra
NR. 24 David Hilbert: Knowledge and mathematical thinking
NR. 23 Alexey Viktorovic Bolsinov and Anatolij T. Fomenko: Integrable Hamiltonian of system
NR. 22 Herbert Pieper: Network of the knowledge and diplomacy of doing good ? citizen of Berlin mathematics…
NR. 21 Robert Hardt: Six of themes on variation
NR. 20 Franz Xaver Lutz: A mathematical art book…
NR. 19 Sir Michael Atiyah and Daniel Iagolnitzer: Fields medallists ’ lectures
NR. 18 Michael Atiyah: Collected works
NR. 17 Alain Connes and Matilde Marcolli: From physics tons of NUMBERS theory via noncommutative geometry NR.
16 Titu Andreescu and Zuming Feng: 103 trigonometry problem ? from the training OF the the USA IMO team
NR. 15 Yaakov Friedman: Physical applications OF homogeneous ball
NR. 14 Ovidiu Calin and the Chen Chang: Geometric mechanics on Riemannian manifolds

GAUSS 2005 selected and featured GAGUT, along with the work of Professors David Hilbert and Sir Michael Atiyah, to honor one of the greatest mathematicians of all time,. Professor Atiyah was not only a colleague of Professor Stephen Hawking at Cambridge University, but also split Newton’s titles at Cambridge with Professor Hawking. As was stated earlier, Newton held the titles of Master of Trinity College and the Lucasian professor at Cambridge University. Professor Atiyah held the position of Master of Trinity College and Professor Hawking has the Lucasian professorship. Furthermore, the research work of Professor Atiyah which is featured on Gauss 2005 had earned him a Field Medal and the Abel Prize, both of which are equivalent to the Nobel Prize. Professor Atiyah’s work also is known to have applications to String Theory. Therefore, it is clear that Professors Atiyah and Hawking are on a comparable ranking. One can then see that since GAGUT is ranked in the same class as Professor Atiyah’s work by GAUSS 2005, GAGUT is therefore being classified in the highest academic research ranking. But as it is well known, Professor Hawking started out with a goal to find the Unified Field Theory, which he later abandoned. Professor G. Oyibo, on the other hand, was blessed by GOD to find that Unified Field Theory. GOD bless you


It is for me a great pleasure and distinct privilege to be here today to deliver fraternal greetings from the Government and people of Nigeria on this auspicious occasion of the gathering of eminent scientists from across the world for the 2004 GAGUT Summer workshop. My presence here today underscores the great esteem which the Federal Government of Nigeria accords one of Africa's most eminent sons, Professor Gabriel Oyibo. President Olusegun Obasanjo and the entire Federal Executive Council are excited about Prof Oyibo's exploits, and would want me to personally convey this to him before the scientists and world intellectual community represented here.
I have also come here with deep emotions as a scientist and someone who has spent his entire working life as a University Teacher and Researcher. As a son of Africa, I am particularly proud that one of our own has come up with an earth-shaking theorem that is bound to radically transform many scientific and mathematical theories which were hitherto held sacrosanct. As pointed out by one of the numerous commentaries on Professor Oyibo's GAGUT theorem, Albert Einstein must be turning in his grave with pride and satisfaction at the level to which his Law of Relativity has been taken by this eminent African scientist.
That Professor Oyibo has been re-nominated this year for the third time for the Noble Prize in Physics is a major recognition of the profound nature of this contribution to scientific thought.
I note with satisfaction that in the course of the last four days, Professor Oyibo has been able to demonstrate to the intellectual community the main ingredients of the God Almighty's Grand Unified Theory (GAGUT), and has no doubt answered any questions that you may have on them. I observed from the workshop outline that Prof Oyibo has presented his two revolutionary textbooks namely (1) Grand Unified Theorem, Representation or the Unified Theory(wthe Theory of Everything and (2) Grand Unified Theorem: Discovery of the Theory of Everything and the Fundamental Building Block of Quantum Theory.
I deeply regret my inability to be present and participate in the abovese ssions of the momentous workshop owing to various other national and international engagements before today. We congratulate Prof Oyibo on his Grand Unified Theorem, G i j, j = 0, which is bound to provide a new basis for the study of science—mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and medicine, especially the understanding of the nature and cure of various diseases that have for a long time defied all attempts at providing enduring remedies.
It is instructive that Prof Oyibo's earlier works have already found useful applications in the solution of problems such as the Navier-Stokes
Equations in Mathematics, Turbulence in Aeronautics and Aerodynamics, Aeroelasticity, Astrophysics and Cosmology, to mention but a few.
We further note that Prof Oyibo's nomination for the Nobel Prize in Physics was forcefully and authoritatively supported by no less a person than (the late) Professor Emeritus Edith Luchins, Albert Einstein's own associate who averred that "Professor Oyibo was the first to complete the task that intrigued and challenged Einstein and many other luminaries in science. Moreover, he did so in a mathematically elegant manner; he is eminently qualified for the Nobel Prize in Physics." Nigeria, indeed Africa and the
entire black world, eagerly await the outcome of this latest attestation to the superlative merits of Prof Oyibo's accomplishments and his suitability for the Nobel Prize in Physics.
I share with you and the world's scientific community the excitement of the theorem advanced by Prof Oyibo that there actually exists only one element (hydrogen), instead of the 118 elements of the Periodic Table which I was taught my students all these years! With this theorem, all our scientific and mathematical textbooks have suddenly become obsolete. Our syllabi in these subjects have also been virtually consigned to the archives, to join those of early scientists who had taught that the earth was flat, and that the earth was the center of the universe!
For me a truly refreshing aspect of GAGUT is its use of geometric solutions to define the concept of life, the soul and spirituality, and the representation of God as a creative as well as unifying force. I would have
loved to participate in the sessions of the workshop that explored the concept of Almighty God as Creator of the Universe, as this would be quite illuminating for the believers and non-believers alike.
We in Nigeria stand prepared to revise our curriculum in all the Sciences to reflect the new facts made known by the Grand Unified Theorem, and hereby call on all others to give full validity to this new theorem.
Only yesterday, I was received in audience by the Director General of UNESCO, His Excellency Mr. Koichiro Matsuura, in Paris. I had the distinct pleasure to narrate to him Prof Oyibo's accomplishments in the area of Mathematical Physics. He immediately extended through me to Prof Oyibo an invitation to participate in the work of the UNESCO International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy. Furthermore, the Director General expressed his desire to involve Prof Oyibo personally in the forthcoming celebrations of the International Year of Physics (2005) by UNESCO.
Finally, I can find no better way of concluding this address than by reading to you the message of His Excellency, President and Commander-in-Chief, Federal Republic of Nigeria, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo GCFR to Prof Oyibo, as I believe that this message clearly conveys the fullness of our excitement and enthusiasm about Prof Oyibo's recent exploits in Science.

▲OFAPPIT Institute of Technology
The Official Home of God Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT)
Department of Mathematics
205 Seaman Neck Road, Dix Hills, New York, 11746
Phone : 631-242-3069 Fax: 631-274-5277ofappit@hotmail.com Web site www.geocities.com/igala1



GOD has blessed Professor G. A. Oyibo with a total understanding of the truth about the universe through the GAGUT equation Gij,j=0. It is therefore a revelation of the secret code to the universe to humanity through Professor G.A. Oyibo. Gij,j=0 is a provable truth or theorem which shows that GOD does not change or everything in the universe is conserved within a transformation process over space and time, also called the Theorem of Everything. This is a fundamental or total understanding of the universe. Intelligence is defined by Webster’s Dictionary as an act of understanding. Therefore the one who understands the most is the most intelligent. Therefore by revealing the deepest understanding of the universe to Professor G. A. Oyibo ,GOD has blessed Professor G. A. Oyibo with the greatest intelligence. Genius is defined by Webster’s Dictionary as a person with extraordinary intellectual power. From that definition one can conclude that GOD has ordained Professor G.A. Oyibo as the greatest genius or the most intelligent person ever created by GOD in human history, since there has not been any known record of any other human being blessed with that level of understanding. GOD further revealed to Professor G.A. Oyibo, the secrets of how GOD created the universe through Eta sub n, the solutions to Gij,j=0, something humanity has been searching for since the beginning of time, which also supports the previous statements. Professor Stephen Hawking of Cambridge University in England, underscored the hugeness of the intelligence required to discover the Unified Field Theory or the Theory of Everything by saying that the discoverer would have to be permitted by GOD to understand the Mind of GOD, which he was not sure was possible in his “Brief History of Time” documentary in 1991. Therefore from Professor Hawking’s position, GAGUT can be described as a divine journey that brought Professor G.A.Oyibo spiritually and mentally under a privileged and blessed influence of the Infinite Mind of the Almighty GOD. Professor G.A. Oyibo is extraordinarily humbled and overwhelmed with that ultimate blessing from GOD,that he has vowed to be totally committed to glorifying the Almighty GOD through propagating GAGUT righteously to all of GOD’s creatures in order to transform all creatures into GOD glorifying entities. Professor G.A. Oyibo is also feeling very blessed that GOD is propagating this GOD news of GAGUT throughout the world from Gottingen University in Germany to People’s Daily Online in China, the world’s fifth largest news paper, to KerelaNext Newspaper of India, to Malaysia Sun, to San Diago Sun, to the Sudan News Network, to individual websites in Holland, to Math News in Italy, to the Tide Newspapers, the Guardian Newspapers, and Daily Trust Newspapers all from Nigeria, to the US Government’s National Technical Infomation Service (NTIS), to various websites in the UK, and other news sources worldwide. The world is praising GOD for blessing humanity with the gift of GAGUT which is being understood to be the greatest human discovery, thereby establishing Professor G. A. Oyibo, the discover of GAGUT, the most intelligent or the greatest genius ever created by GOD in human history. Professor G. A. Oyibo is an African, therefore the African Race can be considered the most intelligent or precious race which should be respected by the whole world. The killings, persecutions, and distablization of the African Race such as the assassinations of Ahmadu Diallo, and Sean Bell must be stopped right away since any one of these individuals could have been Professor G.A.Oyibo.

GOD bless you.

John Glover
Hello!!! This is John Glover. Please find below a link form Xignite WorldNews propagating, pronouncing, and broadcast that GAGUT has been declared the winner of the Africa International Prize for Science and Technology.


Nigeria's Prof Oyibo for Africa International Prize for Science, Technology
Originally published on 9/30/2006 by Radio Nigeria-Abuja in English

Prof Gabriel Oyibo who came up with the God Almighty Grand Unified Field Theorem of Theory of Everything [GAGUT] has been nominated for the maiden edition of the Africa international prize for science and technology.
The award attracts a cash prize higher than the $180, 000 attached to the famous Nobel peace.
The director general of the African International Foundation for Science and Technology, Dr Yakubu Awolawo, announced this at a news briefing in Abuja. Dr Awolawo explained that Prof Oyibo was nominated because his GAGUT theory had brought solutions to several problems.

: Abuja Radio Nigeria-Abuja in English -- Federal government-owned, independent radio
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OFAPPIT Institute of Technology
The Official Home of God Almighty=s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT)
Department of Mathematics
205 Seaman Neck Road, Dix Hills, New York, 11746
Phone : 631-242-3069 and 631-274-5277
ofappit@yahoo.com --Web site www.geocities.com/igala1

Praise GOD Brother, (Sister)

By the grace of the Almighty GOD and in collaboration with the New York State Progressive Baptist Convention (NYSPBC Resolution Number 200510_2) we are announcing the GAGUT FAll Workshop, Monday, October 23-Friday October 27, 2006, and every fourth week in March and third week in July, every year thereafter, which requires your urgent attention. We recognize that you have a very busy schedule. However, it is critical that you squeeze out some time to attend this GAGUT Workshop because it will teach you the theory of longevity and how to apply it practically in order to achieve good health and long life. The theory comes out of God Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT), which is a recent discovery from our institute. The GAGUT discovery is expressed by a formula, Gij,j = 0, which is being studied and discussed in universities, on the internet and other places all over the world. For example, a discussion of the GAGUT Longevity program in the Croatian language from the former Yugoslavia, Europe can be seen on the internet. We further request that you share this information with at least 10 family members, friends and others and encourage them to attend the GAGUT Workshop and pass the information to others as well, within the Each One Teach Ten concept. Finally, we would like to inform you that the GAGUT Longevity knowledge that you gain from this GAGUT workshop would help prepare you to survive the AVIAN Flu pandemic that is being predicted by the US government (http://www.pandemicflu.gov/) and other governments worldwide to begin this Fall, 2006. GAGUT workshops could have prevented the Katrina Disaster, but unfortunately people were not aware of GAGUT. However GAGUT workshops are now available to prepare everybody to survive the pandemic flu disaster only by the grace of the Almighty GOD. We are specifically requesting that you lead a delegation from your church of at least 10 people to this workshop at the end of this month or in October. We can register you and your delegation right now or you can contact us for registration of your delegations by calling our U.S. number (631)-274-5277. God Bless You.
John Glover
Director of GAGUT Workshops and Development

Contact: John Glover 631-274-5277

03-07-2006, 01:48


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ne znam stvaaaaaarno zašto, ali ne vjerujem stranicama na geocities domeni koje imaju slova velièine 48,
Inace, na istom URLu na geocities je home page offapit institute of technology gdje je doticni nigerijski profesor Oyimba zaposlen. Ali nigerija je priznala svog najveceg matematicara prigodnom postanskom markom sa oyimbinim likom. I nominiran je za nobela

Simpa su te piramide na logou, samo zasto egipatske? Pa oridjidji je ona bosanska.

Treba procitati press release:
Press Release 1/29/06
God Reveals the Secrets of Longevity Through GAGUT
God Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT) is a revelation of the secret codes of the universe to humanity in the simple equation, Gij, j = 0. The Gij represents God and the comma defines a change in the equation, Gij, j = 0. Therefore, Gij, j = 0 can be interpreted as the change in God is zero. Creation therefore becomes a transformation of God, the only ENTITY that was in existence at the beginning of creation. Since part of God transformed into the material universe during creation it can be understood that God existed in Non-material form before creation. One version of that Non-material form is Waves that is called Spirit. GAGUT was blessed with a mathematical proof that God existed in the form of Waves, called Spirit before creation. GAGUT also reveals that the material universe is a concentration of some of these Godly Waves. Using this proof and conclusions GAGUT was able to, in a series of mathematical logic deduce that human lives exist in a form of waves. Through these GAGUT deductions that defined life, God revealed the answer to one of humanity’s toughest unanswered questions, which is-What is life? Medical sciences attempt to protect life. But, how can one protect life that one doesn’t know, see, or understand? This is another way of saying that all the good intentions of medical sciences is, at best, gambling or trial and error set of exercises. This is because in order to protect anything one has to know, see or understand what one is supposed to be protecting. God has now blessed GAGUT with the definition and knowledge of life as well as the opportunity to search for ways to protect life in order to achieve longevity. God has revealed to us through GAGUT a new dimension of the criticality of breathing to life and longevity that focuses on the reality that the only time human beings are considered dead is when they stop breathing. Another revelation through the GAGUT search for longevity is that distilled water is critical to life and longevity. Distilled water is the purest form of water that is known to or can be produced by humanity. The US Geological Survey states that, “Water is of major importance to all living things; in some organisms, up to 90 percent of their body weight comes from water. Up to 60 percent of the human body is water, the brain is composed of 70 percent water, and the lungs are nearly 90 percent water. About 83 percent of our blood is water, which helps digest our food, transport waste, and control body temperature. Each day humans must replace 2.4 liters of water, some through drinking and the rest taken by the body from the foods eaten.”* GAGUT is therefore requesting all the governments in the world to provide distilled water as drinking water for their populations. You are what you eat, drink and inhale and it is those things that make you sick. Therefore, since water is the highest portion of our human system, we are compelled to assure that the water we drink be the purest water possible, which is distilled water, if we are interested in longevity. Since these revelations from God, those mentioned above being a partial list, have been proven mathematically through GAGUT, they therefore form a basis for a rational, new paradigm for pursuing longevity. The more comprehensive list of these revelations is to be found in Professor G. Oyibo’s new book,

“God Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT), New Paradigm and Formula for Longevity, “and at the GAGUT WORKSHOPS, every Spring, Summer and Fall, beginning this spring (MARCH 27-31, 2006) to be held in Long Island, New York. USA. All nations, particularly African nations and other nations with less technology and resources, and those that are overwhelmed with deadly diseases, such as AIDS, must help their citizens obtain distilled water or at least boiled water as a matter of urgency and national policy.

Contact: John Glover 631-242-3069

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UPDATED: 10:20, October 02, 2006
Nigerian scientist wins Africa International Prize for SciTech
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Nigerian scientist, Prof. Gabriel Oyibo, has been named the recipient of the maiden edition of the Africa International Prize for Science and Technology.
Announcing the award in Abuja on Saturday, Director-General of the Africa International Foundation for Science and Technology ( AIFST) Yakubu Ugwolawo said Oyibo was recognized for his scientific discovery.
He explained that the three-time nominee for the Nobel Prize in Mathematical Physics was honored for his discovery of the God Almighty's Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT).
"It is for the imperative need to launch the continent of Africa into modern world of growth and prosperity that AIFST resolved to honor Oyibo with its maiden award for the Africa International Prize for Science and Technology," he said.
"In our opinion, this is the highest prize for academic achievement in history of science and technology, because GAGUT is the greatest human discovery," he added.
Ugwolawo said GAGUT, which was the holy grail of mathematics and physics was the equation that Albert Einstein and other luminaries searched for unsuccessfully.
The prize, which would become an annual event, featured the selection of persons and corporate organizations that have conveyed the greatest benefit to mankind by ways of making outstanding discovery or inventions within the field of science and technology.
Ugwolawo explained that the foundation instituted the award to honor and champion the promotion of Africans who have distinguished themselves in the field of science and technology.
"Oyibo, through his discovery of GAGUT, has ascended a greater height and this has been acknowledged by all those who matter in the world of science," he said.
GAGUT, discovered by Oyibo, is a revelation from God of the secret code to the universe for humanity in a simple equation of Gij,j=0.
The equation geometrically and exactly reveals that everything in the universe is conserved within a transformation process over space and time, he added.
He said the equation proved the existence of God and showed that God does not change.
Ugwolawo said "GAGUT is the only exact and correct equation in mathematics, the sciences and indeed all of knowledge; it is the mother of all correct equations."
Source: Xinhua

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▲OFAPPIT Institute of Technology
The Official Home of God Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT)
Department of Mathematics
205 Seaman Neck Road, Dix Hills, New York, 11746
Phone : 631-242-3069 Fax: 631-274-5277
ofappit@hotmail.com Web site www.geocities.com/igala1
GAGUT Spring Workshop 2007
An Intensive, One Week Course on GAGUT, the Discovery of the Unified Field Theory or the Theory of Everything: A Revolution of Science from the 118 Elements Basis to a One Element Basis
Instructor: Professor Gabriel Oyibo
Cost: $1,500.US Dollars per person (includes 2 text books) (1) Grand Unified Theorem, Representation of the Unified Field Theory or the Theory of Everything; and (2) Grand Unified Theorem: Discovery of the Theory of Everything and the Fundamental Building Block of Quantum Theory These books have outranked a book by the 1983 Nobel Laureate in Physics, Chandrasekhar and tied with a book by the 1979 Nobel Laureate in Physics Abdus Salam. This discovery was also the subject of news coverage worldwide at the time of the 2002 and 2003 Nobel Prize in Physics selection DATES: March 26-30, 2007 LOCATION: To Be Announced ATTENDANCE: Apply quickly to reserve your seat, space is limited
1 Introduction to GAGUT This lecture presents the Genesis of the Discovery of GAGUT.
2. GAGUT . The Geometry that Unifies Mathematics This lecture presents GAGUT as a generalization of Geometry and goes on to unify all branches of Mathematics.
3 GAGUT Generalizes RelativityThis lecture presents GAGUT as the origin of Relativity and generalizes Relatavistic Results.
4 GAGUT. The Geometry of the Universe This lecture answers the question:"What is the Universe?"
5. GAGUT. The Unified Field Theory or the Theory of Everything This lecture extends lecture 4 to formulate the Unified Field Theory or 'he Theory of Everything.
6. GAGUT . The Geometry that Unifies and Revises Physics and Other Sciences This lecture presents the various previous attempts in Physics and other sciences to formulate Unified Field Theories (quantum, string, hyper dimensional, etc.) as originating from GAGUT.
7. GAGUT. The Geometry that Unifies the Material Universe & Provides Solutions to Unsolved Human Problems such as Cold Fusion. AIDS. CANCER . etc. This lecture presents how GAGUT prescribes solution to real or practical human problems, including those that have been considered unsolvable before GAGUT
8. GAGUT. The Geometry that Defines LifeThis lecture uses the geometric solutions of GAGUT to define the concept of Life, the Soul and Spirituality.
9. GAGUT. The Geometry that Defines the Essence of the Almighty GodThis lecture explores the concept of the Almighty God using GAGUT, and analyzes the concepts of believers and non-believers.
10 GAGUT. The Geometry that Investigates the Dynamics of how God Created the Universe and the relationship to the Big Bang as well as Older African Creation Theories. This lecture presents God as the Greatest Mathematician, and shows how God developed the building block with which GOD created the Universe, as well as give insight into /solutions to some persistent problems in Cosmology.
For Registration or to order books for quick delivery call (631) 242-3069 (USA) Methods of Payment: Fee of $1, 500 US NAME______________________________Address________________________________TEL_________________
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▲OFAPPIT Institute of Technology
The Official Home of God Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT)
Department of Mathematics
205 Seaman Neck Road, Dix Hills, New York, 11746
Phone : 631-242-3069 Fax: 631-274-5277
ofappit@hotmail.com Web site www.geocities.com/igala1
GAGUT Summer Workshop 2007
An intensive, one week course on GAGUT, the discovery of the Unified Field Theory or the Theory of Everything
March 26-30, 2006
Registration Form
Please return this completed form with your check for $1, 500 US Dollars ( $200 Dollar Non refundable) by June 20, 2004. Make the check out to the OFAPPIT Institute of Technology( Instructions for other types of payments are listed below.)



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Methods of Payment: Fee of $1, 500 US Dollars for a 5 day workshop

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Germans want GAGUT recognized with a Nobel Prize along with research works of the following luminaries in science

1) Professor Sir Samuel Edwards, the Cavendish Professor of Physics from Cambridge University in England

2) Professor Paul Steinhart, The Albert Einstein Professor of Science from Princeton University

3)Professor Jeffrey Goldstone, the Cecil and Ida Green Professor of Physics, Emeritus from MIT

4) Professor Betrand Halperin, the Hollis Professor of Mathematics at Harvard University

5) Professor Dmitri Diakonov, from the Russian Academy of Sciences

6) Professor Eli Yablonovitch, the Extraordinary Professor of Applied Physics from Harvard University

7) Professor Rupert Perrin, the Inventor of the First Pregnancy test

User: Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
< users: Ephraim33
Changes too: Navigation, search
My Nobelpreisträgerprojekt wants to supply possible future Nobelpreisträger with articles. All (serious) candidates or Geheimtipps, who emerge in the literature or in the Internet, are to receive an article, if they have still none.
New suggestions are always welcome!
Table of contents

* 1 determination of the candidates
* 2 evaluation
* 3 publication of the prices 2007
* 4 articles already written
* 5 articles still which can be written
o 5,1 physics
o 5,2 chemistry
o 5,3 medicine
o 5,4 literature
o 5,5 peace
o 5,6 economics
* 6 own suggestions
* 7 see also
* 8 literature

determination of the candidates [Work on]
There are different indications, which scientists for a Nobelpreis could be suitable:

* Number of scientific work
* Number and duration of quotation ions of its work (ISIHighlyCited.com, Science Citation index, h-index,…)
* Membership in scientific combinations (Royal Society, national Academy OF Sciences, Académie of the sciences,…)
* other prices (wolf price (sciences), Albert Lasker Award for basic Medical Research (medicine), peace price of of the German book trade (peace), John Bates Clark Medal (economics),…)
* Pupil/colleague of earlier Nobelpreisträger (a criterion which can be underestimated, because former Nobelpreisträger does not have right to nominate)

Because it no official nominating gives (you are subject 50 years to the secrecy. Older nominating can be scanned: Peace, medicine), are all suggestions/candidate pure speculation.
A goal is it that as much as possible Nobelpreisträger have already 2007 before the publication in October an article. There it to be difficult will write to all approximately 150 candidates to something, will concentrate I first on those, the 1.) in printed reference books to be led, because a greater importance is awarded to those 2.) and the price in the next year no more are old in receipt perhaps to take could, and 3.) to me at the nobelpreiswürdigsten then separate for example Dmitri Diakonov, Gabriel Oyibo, Rupert Perrin, William Hammesfahr, Ranjit Chandra, Eugenie Scott, Agbota Zinsou, Farlis Calle Guerrero and the Spanish coast guard appear personal immediately. But one can never know.
evaluation [Work on]

* 2001 0%=0 of 15 Nobelpreisträger had already before the price an article
* 2002 0%=0 of 13
* 2003 0%=0 of 11
* 2004 17%=2 of 12 (Elfriede Jelinek, Wangari Muta leading seaman shark)
* 2005 38%=5 by 13 (Theodor Hänsch, John Robin Warren, Harold Pinter, Mohammed el-Baradei, IAEO)
* 2006 44%=4 of 9 (Orhan Pamuk, Muhammad Yunus, Grameen bank, Edmund S. Phelps)
* 2007 a goal: more than 60%

publication of the prices 2007 [Work on]

* exact data of the publication (starting from at the end of of August)

articles already written [Work on]

* User: Ephraim33: Yakir Aharonov, Kurt binder, James Bjorken, Robert Brout, Markus Büttiker, Nicola Cabibbo, Praveen Chaudhari, Samuel Edward, Albert Fert, Hermann Gaub, Margaret Geller, Jeffrey gold clay/tone, Bertrand Halperin, Giorgio Parisi, David Payne, Calvin Quate, Eugene Stanley, Eli Yablonovitch

* User: RKraasch: Curtis Callan
* User: Traitor: Joel Lebowitz

articles still which can be written [Work on]
physics [Work on]
Name Suggestion Web on the left of and literature (see completely below)
Emmanuel Desurvire (1955) thomson.com, thomson.com sciencewatch.com, ieee.org
(Dmitri Diakonov) (1949)
Dmitri Ith Diakonov
Dmitri Igorewitsch Diakonow Nobelpreisbörse PAPER, nordita.dk, ruhep.ru
Nicolas Gisin (1952) Nobelpreisbörse gap optique.unige.ch, time.com, esi-topics.com, fr
Makoto Kobayashi (1944)
Kobayashi Makoto physicsweb.org, columbia.edu yes, Who's Who in Japan

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 15. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
Toshikide Maskawa (1940)
Maskawa Toshikide physicsweb.org, columbia.edu yes
Masataka Nakazawa (1952)
Nakazawa Masataka thomson.com, thomson.com tohoku.ac.jp, tohoku.ac.jp
(Gabriel Oyibo) (1952)
Gabriel A. Oyibo
Gabriel Audu Oyibo buffalo.edu,
buffalo.edu EN
(Rupert Perrin) (1928)
Rupert A.L. Perrin ariva.de secinfo.com, findarticles.com
Paul Steinhardt
Paul J. Steinhardt
Paul Joseph Steinhardt thomson.com, thomson.com princeton.edu, isiknowledge.com, EN, fr, sports association,
Yoshinori Tokura (1954)
Tokura Yoshinori columbia.edu, in-cites.com isiknowledge.com, Google search
Yoji Totsuka (1942)
Totsuka Yoji Nobelpreisbörse jspsusa.org, isiknowledge.com
chemistry [Work on]
Name Suggestion Web on the left of and literature (see completely below)
Steven Benkovic
Stephen J. Benkovic Nobelpreisbörse psu.edu, psu.edu
Robert Bergman (1942)
Robert G. Bergman
Robert George Bergman Nobelpreisbörse berkeley.edu, berkeley.edu, berkeley.edu, copernico.it, isiknowledge.com, Who's Who in America
Hans Herbert Brintzinger (1935) Nobelpreisbörse university konstanz.de, Kürschners 2005 (not 2007)

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
Gerald Crabtree (1946)
Gerald R. Crabtree
Gerald Rodney Crabtree thomson.com, thomson.com hhmi.org, isiknowledge.com
Samuel Danishefsky (1936)
Samuel J. Danishefsky Nobelpreisbörse do-berlin.de, columbia.edu, mskcc.org, isiknowledge.com, Who's Who in America

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
Fritz cornerstone (1932) Nobelpreisbörse university protokolle.de, Kürschners

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
David Evans (1941)
David A. Evans
David Albert Evans thomson.com, thomson.com harvard.edu, msu.edu, pitt.edu, EN

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 15. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
Otto God-dear (1920)
Otto R. Gottlieb
Otto Richard God-dear trieste.it,
pt: Otto God-dear terra.com .br, arkat-usa.org, pt
Harry Gray (1935)
Harry B. Gray
Harry Barkus Gray Nobelpreisbörse quantum-chemistry-history.com, isiknowledge.com, EN, Who's Who in America

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
Donald Hilvert (1956)
Don Hilvert
Donald M. Hilvert Nobelpreisbörse ethz.ch, ethz.ch, Kürschners
Ralph Hirschman (1922)
Ralph F. Hirschman
Ralph Franz Hirschman Nobelpreisbörse upenn.edu, scienceblog.com, upenn.edu, vill.edu, Who's Who in America
Henri Kagan (1930)
Henri B. Kagan
Henri Boris Kagan Nobelpreisbörse cirs-tm.org, fi.edu, Who's Who in France

* Literature of and over Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the German national library

Thomas's Katz
Thomas's J. Katz Nobelpreisbörse columbia.edu, columbia.edu

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
Refuge Kessler (1940) Nobelpreisbörse do-muenchen.de (off-line), google chache of it, university hamburg.de, mpg.de, isiknowledge.com, Kürschners

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1, March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
Robert long one (1948)
Robert S. of long ones
Robert Samuel of long ones
Robert Samuel of long ones, Jr. Nobelpreisbörse isiknowledge.com, EN, Who's Who in America

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1. March. 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
Richard Lerner (1938)
Richard A. Lerner
Richard Alan Lerner Nobelpreisbörse tufts.edu, isiknowledge.com, EN
Steven Ley (1945)
Steven Vth Ley
Steven Victor Ley Nobelpreisbörse, thomson.com, thomson.com cam.ac.uk, isiknowledge.com, EN, Who's Who
Tobin Marks (1944)
Tobin J. Marks Nobelpreisbörse, thomson.com, thomson.com report.de, northwestern.edu, isiknowledge.com, EN
Teruaki Mukaiyama (1927)
Mukaiyama Teruaki Nobelpreisbörse academie sciences.fr, isiknowledge.com
K.C. Nicolaou (1946)
K.C. Nicolaou
Kyriacos C. Nicolaou
Kyriacos Costa Nicolaou Nobelpreisbörse, in-cites.com scripps.edu, isiknowledge.com, EN, Who's Who in America

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
Helmut Ringsdorf (1929) Nobelpreisbörse isiknowledge.com, EN, Kürschners

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
Henry shepherd (1944)
Henry F. shepherds
Henry F. shepherd III
Henry F. shepherd III.
Henry Fritz shepherd
Henry Fritz shepherd III
Henry Fritz shepherd III. ocolly.com EN, pl

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1, March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
Manfred fitter (1934) Nobelpreisbörse epfl.ch, Kürschners

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
Stuart writer (1956)
Stuart L. writers Nobelpreisbörse, thomson.com, thomson.com harvard.edu, hhmi.org, mit.edu, isiknowledge.com, EN
Peter Schultz (1956)
Peter G. Schultz Nobelpreisbörse lbl.gov, searlescholars.net, isiknowledge.com, EN

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
George Sheldrick (1942)
George M. Sheldrick
George Michael Sheldrick Nobelpreisbörse university ac.gwdg.de, isiknowledge.com, Kürschners, Who's Who, Who's Who in America
Seiji Shinkai (1944)
Shinkai Seiji in-cites.com isiknowledge.com
Fraser Stoddart (1942)
J. Fraser Stoddart
James Fraser Stoddart in-cites.com isiknowledge.com, EN, Who's Who, Who's Who in America
Akira Suzuki (1930)
Suzuki Akira Nobelpreisbörse Suzuki clutch

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
George Whitesides (1939)
George M. Whitesides
George McClelland Whitesides Nobelpreisbörse, in-cites.com, columbia.edu harvard.edu, harvard.edu, isiknowledge.com, EN, Who's Who in America
medicine [Work on]
Name Suggestion Web on the left of and literature (see completely below)
David Bartel
David P. Bartel Nobelpreisbörse hhmi.org, Who's Who in America
Michael Berridge (1938)
Michael J. Berridge
Sir Michael John Berridge in-cites.com isiknowledge.com, EN, Who's Who
Patrick Brown (1954)
Patrick O. Brown Nobelpreisbörse plos.org, hhmi.org, isiknowledge.com, EN, Who's Who in America

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
Eugene Butcher (1950)
Eugene C. Butcher
Eugene Corning Butcher Nobelpreisbörse stanford.edu, stanford.edu, kva.se, isiknowledge.com
Mario Capecchi (1937)
Mario R. Capecchi
Mario Renato Capecchi Nobelpreisbörse, thomson.com, thomson.com hhmi.org, utah.edu, EN, Who's Who in America
(Ranjit Chandra) (1938)
Ranjit K. Chandra
Ranjit Kumar Chandra edbrill.com EN, Who's Who in America

* Literature of and over Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the German national library

Francis Collins (1950)
Francis S. Collins
Francis Sellers Collins Nobelpreisbörse, in-cites.com genome.gov, isiknowledge.com, approx., EN, it, it, Who's Who, Who's Who in America

PND: Data record to Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt with the DNB
no hits 1. March 2007
Vishva Dixit (1956)
Vishva M. Dixit Nobelpreisbörse cancerresearch.org, isiknowledge.com
Martin Evans (1950)
Martin J. Evans
Martin John Evans Nobelpreisbörse, thomson.com, thomson.com cardiff.ac.uk, EN, Who's Who

PND: Data record to Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt with the DNB
no hits 1. March 2007
Ronald Evans (BKL)
Ronald M. Evans (1949) thomson.com, thomson.com isiknowledge.com, EN, Who's Who in America
Peter Fromherz (1942) Nobelpreisbörse weltderphysik.de, mpg.de, zkm.de, Kürschners

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
(William Hammesfahr)
William M. Hammesfahr hni-online.com mediamatters.org, hni-online.com, EN
Elwood Jensen (1920)
Elwood Vth Jensen
Elwood Vernon Jensen thomson.com, thomson.com, EN, Who's Who in America
Alfred Knudson (1922)
Alfred G. Knudson
Alfred George Knudson Nobelpreisbörse, in-cites.com EN
Eric Lander (1957)
Eric S. Lander
Eric Steven Lander in-cites.com isiknowledge.com, EN, pt, Who's Who in America
Hugh McDevitt (1930)
Hugh O. McDevitt
Hugh O'Neill McDevitt Nobelpreisbörse stanford.edu, isiknowledge.com, Who's Who in America

PND: Data record to Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt with the DNB
no hits 1. March 2007. Auerdem am uncertain I me whether that is the correct
Yasutomi Nishizuka (1932)
Nishizuka Yasutomi in-cites.com jspsusa.org, isiknowledge.com, Who's Who in Japan
Tungsten Ostertag (1937) Nobelpreisbörse hpi hamburg.de, Kürschners

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
James Rothman (1950)
James E. Rothman
James Edward Rothman Nobelpreisbörse knaw.nl, isiknowledge.com, EN, Who's Who in America
Martin Schwab (1949)
Martin E. Schwab Nobelpreisbörse unizh.ch, unibas.ch, ethz.ch, unizh.ch, isiknowledge.com, Kürschners, Who's Who in Switzerland

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
(Eugenie Scott) (1945)
Eugenie C. Scott
Eugenie Carol Scott pandasthumb.org (joke nominating) EN, Who's Who in America
Olive Smithies (1925) Nobelpreisbörse, thomson.com, thomson.com isiknowledge.com, EN, Who's Who in America
Timothy Springer (1948)
Timothy A. Springer
Timothy Alan Springer Nobelpreisbörse sciencewatch.com, cbrinstitute.org, isiknowledge.com, Who's Who in America

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
Mark of Tuszynski
Mark of H. Tuszynski Nobelpreisbörse ucsd.edu
Bert bird stone (1949)
Bert E. bird stone Nobelpreisbörse, in-cites.com hhmi.org, isiknowledge.com, approx., EN, Who's Who in America
Robert vineyard (1942)
Robert A. Weinberg
Robert Allan vineyard Nobelpreisbörse, in-cites.com isiknowledge.com, approx., EN, Who's Who in America

* Literature of and over Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the German national library

Charles white man (1931) Nobelpreisbörse unicom.unizh.ch, mpg.de, EN, Kürschners, Who's Who in Switzerland 1992/93

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
Albert Zlotnik (1954) Nobelpreisbörse bioinfo.pl, isiknowledge.com
literature [Work on]
Name Suggestion Web on the left of and literature (see completely below)
Amal aluminium-Jubouri (1967)
Amal aluminium Jubouri
Amal aluminium-Jubouri
Amal aluminium Jubouri Nobelpreisbörse lyrikwelt.de, perlentaucher.de

* Literature of and over Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the German national library

Michael Hamburg one (1924) Nobelpreisbörse perlentaucher.de, lyrikwelt.de, EN, Kürschners of German literature calendars, Who's Who

* Literature of and over Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the German national library

Yusef Komunyakaa (1947) buzzer 2004.pdf mosaicmagazine uiuc.edu, csustan.edu, poets.org, poems.com, answers.com, EN, pl

* Literature of and over Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the German national library

Yi Munyol (1948) Nobelpreisbörse perlentaucher.de, EN, it, fr, ko

* Literature of and over Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the German national library

(Agbota Zinsou) (1946)
S. Agbota Zinsou
Senouvo Agbota Zinsou gatago.com (joke nominating) unrast verlag.de, augsburg.de, africadatabase, EN

* Literature of and over Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the German national library

peace [Work on]
Name Suggestion Web on the left of and literature (see completely below)
Zackie Achmat (1962)
Abdurazzack Achmat, Treatment Action Campaign (gegr. 1998) Nobelpreisbörse EN, EN, it
Helen Caldicott (1938) EN: Helen Caldicott EN, fr

* Literature of and over Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the German national library

Mohammed Daddach (1957) Nobelpreisbörse EN, it
Extreme Peace mission (gegr. 2004?) Nobelpreisbörse journalismus.com
(Farlis Calle Guerrero) (1980) zwire.com
To Tony resound (1942)
To Tony P. resound
To Tony Patrick resound yale.edu EN, Who's Who in America

Hello!!! This is John Glover. This document testifies that the world is seeing GAGUT as the Greatest Discovery in human history, and African people are the most precious race because GOD has ordained Professor G. Oyibo the Greatest Genius of all time. This is evidenced by it being ranked #1 out of 2,340 websites information pieces on GAGUT on a search on Yahoo. GOD bless you.

John Glover

PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 5:51 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
OFAPPIT Institute of Technology
The Official Home of God Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT)
Department of Mathematics
205 Seaman Neck Road, Dix Hills, New York, 11746
Phone : 631‑242‑3069 Fax: 631‑274‑5277ofappit@hotmail.com Web site www.geocities.com/igala1

To: To GOD’S Children
From: John Glover

1. Letter to Presidents of all Countrie
Re: Prof. Gabriel Oyibo (GAGUT Theorem): Mad man or Genius by harold77: 4:18am On Feb 11, 2008
▲OFAPPIT Institute of Technology
The Official Home of God Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT)
Department of Mathematics
205 Seaman Neck Road, Dix Hills, New York, 11746
Phone : 631-242-3069 Fax: 631-274-5277ofappit@hotmail.com Web site www.geocities.com/igala1



GOD has blessed Professor G. A. Oyibo with a total understanding of the truth about the universe through the GAGUT equation Gij,j=0. It is therefore a revelation of the secret code to the universe to humanity through Professor G.A. Oyibo. Gij,j=0 is a provable truth or theorem which shows that GOD does not change or everything in the universe is conserved within a transformation process over space and time, also called the Theorem of Everything. This is a fundamental or total understanding of the universe. Intelligence is defined by Webster’s Dictionary as an act of understanding. Therefore the one who understands the most is the most intelligent. Therefore by revealing the deepest understanding of the universe to Professor G. A. Oyibo ,GOD has blessed Professor G. A. Oyibo with the greatest intelligence. Genius is defined by Webster’s Dictionary as a person with extraordinary intellectual power. From that definition one can conclude that GOD has ordained Professor G.A. Oyibo as the greatest genius or the most intelligent person ever created by GOD in human history, since there has not been any known record of any other human being blessed with that level of understanding. GOD further revealed to Professor G.A. Oyibo, the secrets of how GOD created the universe through Eta sub n, the solutions to Gij,j=0, something humanity has been searching for since the beginning of time, which also supports the previous statements. Professor Stephen Hawking of Cambridge University in England, underscored the hugeness of the intelligence required to discover the Unified Field Theory or the Theory of Everything by saying that the discoverer would have to be permitted by GOD to understand the Mind of GOD, which he was not sure was possible in his “Brief History of Time” documentary in 1991. Therefore from Professor Hawking’s position, GAGUT can be described as a divine journey that brought Professor G.A.Oyibo spiritually and mentally under a privileged and blessed influence of the Infinite Mind of the Almighty GOD. Professor G.A. Oyibo is extraordinarily humbled and overwhelmed with that ultimate blessing from GOD,that he has vowed to be totally committed to glorifying the Almighty GOD through propagating GAGUT righteously to all of GOD’s creatures in order to transform all creatures into GOD glorifying entities. Professor G.A. Oyibo is also feeling very blessed that GOD is propagating this GOD news of GAGUT throughout the world from Gottingen University in Germany to People’s Daily Online in China, the world’s fifth largest news paper, to KerelaNext Newspaper of India, to Malaysia Sun, to San Diago Sun, to the Sudan News Network, to individual websites in Holland, to Math News in Italy, to the Tide Newspapers, the Guardian Newspapers, and Daily Trust Newspapers all from Nigeria, to the US Government’s National Technical Infomation Service (NTIS), to various websites in the UK, and other news sources worldwide. The world is praising GOD for blessing humanity with the gift of GAGUT which is being understood to be the greatest human discovery, thereby establishing Professor G. A. Oyibo, the discover of GAGUT, the most intelligent or the greatest genius ever created by GOD in human history. Professor G. A. Oyibo is an African, therefore the African Race can be considered the most intelligent or precious race which should be respected by the whole world. The killings, persecutions, and distablization of the African Race such as the assassinations of Ahmadu Diallo, and Sean Bell must be stopped right away since any one of these individuals could have been Professor G.A.Oyibo.

GOD bless you.

John Glover
Hello!!! This is John Glover. Please find below a link form Xignite WorldNews propagating, pronouncing, and broadcast that GAGUT has been declared the winner of the Africa International Prize for Science and Technology.


Nigeria's Prof Oyibo for Africa International Prize for Science, Technology
Originally published on 9/30/2006 by Radio Nigeria-Abuja in English

Prof Gabriel Oyibo who came up with the God Almighty Grand Unified Field Theorem of Theory of Everything [GAGUT] has been nominated for the maiden edition of the Africa international prize for science and technology.
The award attracts a cash prize higher than the $180, 000 attached to the famous Nobel peace.
The director general of the African International Foundation for Science and Technology, Dr Yakubu Awolawo, announced this at a news briefing in Abuja. Dr Awolawo explained that Prof Oyibo was nominated because his GAGUT theory had brought solutions to several problems.

: Abuja Radio Nigeria-Abuja in English -- Federal government-owned, independent radio
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OFAPPIT Institute of Technology
The Official Home of God Almighty=s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT)
Department of Mathematics
205 Seaman Neck Road, Dix Hills, New York, 11746
Phone : 631-242-3069 and 631-274-5277
ofappit@yahoo.com --Web site www.geocities.com/igala1

Praise GOD Brother, (Sister)

By the grace of the Almighty GOD and in collaboration with the New York State Progressive Baptist Convention (NYSPBC Resolution Number 200510_2) we are announcing the GAGUT FAll Workshop, Monday, October 23-Friday October 27, 2006, and every fourth week in March and third week in July, every year thereafter, which requires your urgent attention. We recognize that you have a very busy schedule. However, it is critical that you squeeze out some time to attend this GAGUT Workshop because it will teach you the theory of longevity and how to apply it practically in order to achieve good health and long life. The theory comes out of God Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT), which is a recent discovery from our institute. The GAGUT discovery is expressed by a formula, Gij,j = 0, which is being studied and discussed in universities, on the internet and other places all over the world. For example, a discussion of the GAGUT Longevity program in the Croatian language from the former Yugoslavia, Europe can be seen on the internet. We further request that you share this information with at least 10 family members, friends and others and encourage them to attend the GAGUT Workshop and pass the information to others as well, within the Each One Teach Ten concept. Finally, we would like to inform you that the GAGUT Longevity knowledge that you gain from this GAGUT workshop would help prepare you to survive the AVIAN Flu pandemic that is being predicted by the US government (http://www.pandemicflu.gov/) and other governments worldwide to begin this Fall, 2006. GAGUT workshops could have prevented the Katrina Disaster, but unfortunately people were not aware of GAGUT. However GAGUT workshops are now available to prepare everybody to survive the pandemic flu disaster only by the grace of the Almighty GOD. We are specifically requesting that you lead a delegation from your church of at least 10 people to this workshop at the end of this month or in October. We can register you and your delegation right now or you can contact us for registration of your delegations by calling our U.S. number (631)-274-5277. God Bless You.
John Glover
Director of GAGUT Workshops and Development

Contact: John Glover 631-274-5277

03-07-2006, 01:48


03-07-2006, 01:48 #86
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ne znam stvaaaaaarno zašto, ali ne vjerujem stranicama na geocities domeni koje imaju slova velièine 48,
Inace, na istom URLu na geocities je home page offapit institute of technology gdje je doticni nigerijski profesor Oyimba zaposlen. Ali nigerija je priznala svog najveceg matematicara prigodnom postanskom markom sa oyimbinim likom. I nominiran je za nobela

Simpa su te piramide na logou, samo zasto egipatske? Pa oridjidji je ona bosanska.

Treba procitati press release:
Press Release 1/29/06
God Reveals the Secrets of Longevity Through GAGUT
God Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT) is a revelation of the secret codes of the universe to humanity in the simple equation, Gij, j = 0. The Gij represents God and the comma defines a change in the equation, Gij, j = 0. Therefore, Gij, j = 0 can be interpreted as the change in God is zero. Creation therefore becomes a transformation of God, the only ENTITY that was in existence at the beginning of creation. Since part of God transformed into the material universe during creation it can be understood that God existed in Non-material form before creation. One version of that Non-material form is Waves that is called Spirit. GAGUT was blessed with a mathematical proof that God existed in the form of Waves, called Spirit before creation. GAGUT also reveals that the material universe is a concentration of some of these Godly Waves. Using this proof and conclusions GAGUT was able to, in a series of mathematical logic deduce that human lives exist in a form of waves. Through these GAGUT deductions that defined life, God revealed the answer to one of humanity’s toughest unanswered questions, which is-What is life? Medical sciences attempt to protect life. But, how can one protect life that one doesn’t know, see, or understand? This is another way of saying that all the good intentions of medical sciences is, at best, gambling or trial and error set of exercises. This is because in order to protect anything one has to know, see or understand what one is supposed to be protecting. God has now blessed GAGUT with the definition and knowledge of life as well as the opportunity to search for ways to protect life in order to achieve longevity. God has revealed to us through GAGUT a new dimension of the criticality of breathing to life and longevity that focuses on the reality that the only time human beings are considered dead is when they stop breathing. Another revelation through the GAGUT search for longevity is that distilled water is critical to life and longevity. Distilled water is the purest form of water that is known to or can be produced by humanity. The US Geological Survey states that, “Water is of major importance to all living things; in some organisms, up to 90 percent of their body weight comes from water. Up to 60 percent of the human body is water, the brain is composed of 70 percent water, and the lungs are nearly 90 percent water. About 83 percent of our blood is water, which helps digest our food, transport waste, and control body temperature. Each day humans must replace 2.4 liters of water, some through drinking and the rest taken by the body from the foods eaten.”* GAGUT is therefore requesting all the governments in the world to provide distilled water as drinking water for their populations. You are what you eat, drink and inhale and it is those things that make you sick. Therefore, since water is the highest portion of our human system, we are compelled to assure that the water we drink be the purest water possible, which is distilled water, if we are interested in longevity. Since these revelations from God, those mentioned above being a partial list, have been proven mathematically through GAGUT, they therefore form a basis for a rational, new paradigm for pursuing longevity. The more comprehensive list of these revelations is to be found in Professor G. Oyibo’s new book,

“God Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT), New Paradigm and Formula for Longevity, “and at the GAGUT WORKSHOPS, every Spring, Summer and Fall, beginning this spring (MARCH 27-31, 2006) to be held in Long Island, New York. USA. All nations, particularly African nations and other nations with less technology and resources, and those that are overwhelmed with deadly diseases, such as AIDS, must help their citizens obtain distilled water or at least boiled water as a matter of urgency and national policy.

Contact: John Glover 631-242-3069

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Home >> Sci-Edu
UPDATED: 10:20, October 02, 2006
Nigerian scientist wins Africa International Prize for SciTech
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Nigerian scientist, Prof. Gabriel Oyibo, has been named the recipient of the maiden edition of the Africa International Prize for Science and Technology.
Announcing the award in Abuja on Saturday, Director-General of the Africa International Foundation for Science and Technology ( AIFST) Yakubu Ugwolawo said Oyibo was recognized for his scientific discovery.
He explained that the three-time nominee for the Nobel Prize in Mathematical Physics was honored for his discovery of the God Almighty's Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT).
"It is for the imperative need to launch the continent of Africa into modern world of growth and prosperity that AIFST resolved to honor Oyibo with its maiden award for the Africa International Prize for Science and Technology," he said.
"In our opinion, this is the highest prize for academic achievement in history of science and technology, because GAGUT is the greatest human discovery," he added.
Ugwolawo said GAGUT, which was the holy grail of mathematics and physics was the equation that Albert Einstein and other luminaries searched for unsuccessfully.
The prize, which would become an annual event, featured the selection of persons and corporate organizations that have conveyed the greatest benefit to mankind by ways of making outstanding discovery or inventions within the field of science and technology.
Ugwolawo explained that the foundation instituted the award to honor and champion the promotion of Africans who have distinguished themselves in the field of science and technology.
"Oyibo, through his discovery of GAGUT, has ascended a greater height and this has been acknowledged by all those who matter in the world of science," he said.
GAGUT, discovered by Oyibo, is a revelation from God of the secret code to the universe for humanity in a simple equation of Gij,j=0.
The equation geometrically and exactly reveals that everything in the universe is conserved within a transformation process over space and time, he added.
He said the equation proved the existence of God and showed that God does not change.
Ugwolawo said "GAGUT is the only exact and correct equation in mathematics, the sciences and indeed all of knowledge; it is the mother of all correct equations."
Source: Xinhua

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▲OFAPPIT Institute of Technology
The Official Home of God Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT)
Department of Mathematics
205 Seaman Neck Road, Dix Hills, New York, 11746
Phone : 631-242-3069 Fax: 631-274-5277
ofappit@hotmail.com Web site www.geocities.com/igala1
GAGUT Spring Workshop 2007
An Intensive, One Week Course on GAGUT, the Discovery of the Unified Field Theory or the Theory of Everything: A Revolution of Science from the 118 Elements Basis to a One Element Basis
Instructor: Professor Gabriel Oyibo
Cost: $1,500.US Dollars per person (includes 2 text books) (1) Grand Unified Theorem, Representation of the Unified Field Theory or the Theory of Everything; and (2) Grand Unified Theorem: Discovery of the Theory of Everything and the Fundamental Building Block of Quantum Theory These books have outranked a book by the 1983 Nobel Laureate in Physics, Chandrasekhar and tied with a book by the 1979 Nobel Laureate in Physics Abdus Salam. This discovery was also the subject of news coverage worldwide at the time of the 2002 and 2003 Nobel Prize in Physics selection DATES: March 26-30, 2007 LOCATION: To Be Announced ATTENDANCE: Apply quickly to reserve your seat, space is limited
1 Introduction to GAGUT This lecture presents the Genesis of the Discovery of GAGUT.
2. GAGUT . The Geometry that Unifies Mathematics This lecture presents GAGUT as a generalization of Geometry and goes on to unify all branches of Mathematics.
3 GAGUT Generalizes RelativityThis lecture presents GAGUT as the origin of Relativity and generalizes Relatavistic Results.
4 GAGUT. The Geometry of the Universe This lecture answers the question:"What is the Universe?"
5. GAGUT. The Unified Field Theory or the Theory of Everything This lecture extends lecture 4 to formulate the Unified Field Theory or 'he Theory of Everything.
6. GAGUT . The Geometry that Unifies and Revises Physics and Other Sciences This lecture presents the various previous attempts in Physics and other sciences to formulate Unified Field Theories (quantum, string, hyper dimensional, etc.) as originating from GAGUT.
7. GAGUT. The Geometry that Unifies the Material Universe & Provides Solutions to Unsolved Human Problems such as Cold Fusion. AIDS. CANCER . etc. This lecture presents how GAGUT prescribes solution to real or practical human problems, including those that have been considered unsolvable before GAGUT
8. GAGUT. The Geometry that Defines LifeThis lecture uses the geometric solutions of GAGUT to define the concept of Life, the Soul and Spirituality.
9. GAGUT. The Geometry that Defines the Essence of the Almighty GodThis lecture explores the concept of the Almighty God using GAGUT, and analyzes the concepts of believers and non-believers.
10 GAGUT. The Geometry that Investigates the Dynamics of how God Created the Universe and the relationship to the Big Bang as well as Older African Creation Theories. This lecture presents God as the Greatest Mathematician, and shows how God developed the building block with which GOD created the Universe, as well as give insight into /solutions to some persistent problems in Cosmology.
For Registration or to order books for quick delivery call (631) 242-3069 (USA) Methods of Payment: Fee of $1, 500 US NAME______________________________Address________________________________TEL_________________
Credit Card ( check one) ❐MasterCard ❐ VISA ❐Amex ❐ Discover Card Number____________________
Expiration Date: Month____ Year _________Bank Wire Call Us to Get Instructions

▲OFAPPIT Institute of Technology
The Official Home of God Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT)
Department of Mathematics
205 Seaman Neck Road, Dix Hills, New York, 11746
Phone : 631-242-3069 Fax: 631-274-5277
ofappit@hotmail.com Web site www.geocities.com/igala1
GAGUT Summer Workshop 2007
An intensive, one week course on GAGUT, the discovery of the Unified Field Theory or the Theory of Everything
March 26-30, 2006
Registration Form
Please return this completed form with your check for $1, 500 US Dollars ( $200 Dollar Non refundable) by June 20, 2004. Make the check out to the OFAPPIT Institute of Technology( Instructions for other types of payments are listed below.)



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If you are a student, what school do you attend?

School Name_____________________________Department__________________________

School Address________________________________________________________________

Methods of Payment: Fee of $1, 500 US Dollars for a 5 day workshop

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Germans want GAGUT recognized with a Nobel Prize along with research works of the following luminaries in science

1) Professor Sir Samuel Edwards, the Cavendish Professor of Physics from Cambridge University in England

2) Professor Paul Steinhart, The Albert Einstein Professor of Science from Princeton University

3)Professor Jeffrey Goldstone, the Cecil and Ida Green Professor of Physics, Emeritus from MIT

4) Professor Betrand Halperin, the Hollis Professor of Mathematics at Harvard University

5) Professor Dmitri Diakonov, from the Russian Academy of Sciences

6) Professor Eli Yablonovitch, the Extraordinary Professor of Applied Physics from Harvard University

7) Professor Rupert Perrin, the Inventor of the First Pregnancy test

User: Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
< users: Ephraim33
Changes too: Navigation, search
My Nobelpreisträgerprojekt wants to supply possible future Nobelpreisträger with articles. All (serious) candidates or Geheimtipps, who emerge in the literature or in the Internet, are to receive an article, if they have still none.
New suggestions are always welcome!
Table of contents

* 1 determination of the candidates
* 2 evaluation
* 3 publication of the prices 2007
* 4 articles already written
* 5 articles still which can be written
o 5,1 physics
o 5,2 chemistry
o 5,3 medicine
o 5,4 literature
o 5,5 peace
o 5,6 economics
* 6 own suggestions
* 7 see also
* 8 literature

determination of the candidates [Work on]
There are different indications, which scientists for a Nobelpreis could be suitable:

* Number of scientific work
* Number and duration of quotation ions of its work (ISIHighlyCited.com, Science Citation index, h-index,…)
* Membership in scientific combinations (Royal Society, national Academy OF Sciences, Académie of the sciences,…)
* other prices (wolf price (sciences), Albert Lasker Award for basic Medical Research (medicine), peace price of of the German book trade (peace), John Bates Clark Medal (economics),…)
* Pupil/colleague of earlier Nobelpreisträger (a criterion which can be underestimated, because former Nobelpreisträger does not have right to nominate)

Because it no official nominating gives (you are subject 50 years to the secrecy. Older nominating can be scanned: Peace, medicine), are all suggestions/candidate pure speculation.
A goal is it that as much as possible Nobelpreisträger have already 2007 before the publication in October an article. There it to be difficult will write to all approximately 150 candidates to something, will concentrate I first on those, the 1.) in printed reference books to be led, because a greater importance is awarded to those 2.) and the price in the next year no more are old in receipt perhaps to take could, and 3.) to me at the nobelpreiswürdigsten then separate for example Dmitri Diakonov, Gabriel Oyibo, Rupert Perrin, William Hammesfahr, Ranjit Chandra, Eugenie Scott, Agbota Zinsou, Farlis Calle Guerrero and the Spanish coast guard appear personal immediately. But one can never know.
evaluation [Work on]

* 2001 0%=0 of 15 Nobelpreisträger had already before the price an article
* 2002 0%=0 of 13
* 2003 0%=0 of 11
* 2004 17%=2 of 12 (Elfriede Jelinek, Wangari Muta leading seaman shark)
* 2005 38%=5 by 13 (Theodor Hänsch, John Robin Warren, Harold Pinter, Mohammed el-Baradei, IAEO)
* 2006 44%=4 of 9 (Orhan Pamuk, Muhammad Yunus, Grameen bank, Edmund S. Phelps)
* 2007 a goal: more than 60%

publication of the prices 2007 [Work on]

* exact data of the publication (starting from at the end of of August)

articles already written [Work on]

* User: Ephraim33: Yakir Aharonov, Kurt binder, James Bjorken, Robert Brout, Markus Büttiker, Nicola Cabibbo, Praveen Chaudhari, Samuel Edward, Albert Fert, Hermann Gaub, Margaret Geller, Jeffrey gold clay/tone, Bertrand Halperin, Giorgio Parisi, David Payne, Calvin Quate, Eugene Stanley, Eli Yablonovitch

* User: RKraasch: Curtis Callan
* User: Traitor: Joel Lebowitz

articles still which can be written [Work on]
physics [Work on]
Name Suggestion Web on the left of and literature (see completely below)
Emmanuel Desurvire (1955) thomson.com, thomson.com sciencewatch.com, ieee.org
(Dmitri Diakonov) (1949)
Dmitri Ith Diakonov
Dmitri Igorewitsch Diakonow Nobelpreisbörse PAPER, nordita.dk, ruhep.ru
Nicolas Gisin (1952) Nobelpreisbörse gap optique.unige.ch, time.com, esi-topics.com, fr
Makoto Kobayashi (1944)
Kobayashi Makoto physicsweb.org, columbia.edu yes, Who's Who in Japan

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 15. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
Toshikide Maskawa (1940)
Maskawa Toshikide physicsweb.org, columbia.edu yes
Masataka Nakazawa (1952)
Nakazawa Masataka thomson.com, thomson.com tohoku.ac.jp, tohoku.ac.jp
(Gabriel Oyibo) (1952)
Gabriel A. Oyibo
Gabriel Audu Oyibo buffalo.edu,
buffalo.edu EN
(Rupert Perrin) (1928)
Rupert A.L. Perrin ariva.de secinfo.com, findarticles.com
Paul Steinhardt
Paul J. Steinhardt
Paul Joseph Steinhardt thomson.com, thomson.com princeton.edu, isiknowledge.com, EN, fr, sports association,
Yoshinori Tokura (1954)
Tokura Yoshinori columbia.edu, in-cites.com isiknowledge.com, Google search
Yoji Totsuka (1942)
Totsuka Yoji Nobelpreisbörse jspsusa.org, isiknowledge.com
chemistry [Work on]
Name Suggestion Web on the left of and literature (see completely below)
Steven Benkovic
Stephen J. Benkovic Nobelpreisbörse psu.edu, psu.edu
Robert Bergman (1942)
Robert G. Bergman
Robert George Bergman Nobelpreisbörse berkeley.edu, berkeley.edu, berkeley.edu, copernico.it, isiknowledge.com, Who's Who in America
Hans Herbert Brintzinger (1935) Nobelpreisbörse university konstanz.de, Kürschners 2005 (not 2007)

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
Gerald Crabtree (1946)
Gerald R. Crabtree
Gerald Rodney Crabtree thomson.com, thomson.com hhmi.org, isiknowledge.com
Samuel Danishefsky (1936)
Samuel J. Danishefsky Nobelpreisbörse do-berlin.de, columbia.edu, mskcc.org, isiknowledge.com, Who's Who in America

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
Fritz cornerstone (1932) Nobelpreisbörse university protokolle.de, Kürschners

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
David Evans (1941)
David A. Evans
David Albert Evans thomson.com, thomson.com harvard.edu, msu.edu, pitt.edu, EN

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 15. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
Otto God-dear (1920)
Otto R. Gottlieb
Otto Richard God-dear trieste.it,
pt: Otto God-dear terra.com .br, arkat-usa.org, pt
Harry Gray (1935)
Harry B. Gray
Harry Barkus Gray Nobelpreisbörse quantum-chemistry-history.com, isiknowledge.com, EN, Who's Who in America

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
Donald Hilvert (1956)
Don Hilvert
Donald M. Hilvert Nobelpreisbörse ethz.ch, ethz.ch, Kürschners
Ralph Hirschman (1922)
Ralph F. Hirschman
Ralph Franz Hirschman Nobelpreisbörse upenn.edu, scienceblog.com, upenn.edu, vill.edu, Who's Who in America
Henri Kagan (1930)
Henri B. Kagan
Henri Boris Kagan Nobelpreisbörse cirs-tm.org, fi.edu, Who's Who in France

* Literature of and over Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the German national library

Thomas's Katz
Thomas's J. Katz Nobelpreisbörse columbia.edu, columbia.edu

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
Refuge Kessler (1940) Nobelpreisbörse do-muenchen.de (off-line), google chache of it, university hamburg.de, mpg.de, isiknowledge.com, Kürschners

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1, March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
Robert long one (1948)
Robert S. of long ones
Robert Samuel of long ones
Robert Samuel of long ones, Jr. Nobelpreisbörse isiknowledge.com, EN, Who's Who in America

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1. March. 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
Richard Lerner (1938)
Richard A. Lerner
Richard Alan Lerner Nobelpreisbörse tufts.edu, isiknowledge.com, EN
Steven Ley (1945)
Steven Vth Ley
Steven Victor Ley Nobelpreisbörse, thomson.com, thomson.com cam.ac.uk, isiknowledge.com, EN, Who's Who
Tobin Marks (1944)
Tobin J. Marks Nobelpreisbörse, thomson.com, thomson.com report.de, northwestern.edu, isiknowledge.com, EN
Teruaki Mukaiyama (1927)
Mukaiyama Teruaki Nobelpreisbörse academie sciences.fr, isiknowledge.com
K.C. Nicolaou (1946)
K.C. Nicolaou
Kyriacos C. Nicolaou
Kyriacos Costa Nicolaou Nobelpreisbörse, in-cites.com scripps.edu, isiknowledge.com, EN, Who's Who in America

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
Helmut Ringsdorf (1929) Nobelpreisbörse isiknowledge.com, EN, Kürschners

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
Henry shepherd (1944)
Henry F. shepherds
Henry F. shepherd III
Henry F. shepherd III.
Henry Fritz shepherd
Henry Fritz shepherd III
Henry Fritz shepherd III. ocolly.com EN, pl

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1, March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
Manfred fitter (1934) Nobelpreisbörse epfl.ch, Kürschners

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
Stuart writer (1956)
Stuart L. writers Nobelpreisbörse, thomson.com, thomson.com harvard.edu, hhmi.org, mit.edu, isiknowledge.com, EN
Peter Schultz (1956)
Peter G. Schultz Nobelpreisbörse lbl.gov, searlescholars.net, isiknowledge.com, EN

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
George Sheldrick (1942)
George M. Sheldrick
George Michael Sheldrick Nobelpreisbörse university ac.gwdg.de, isiknowledge.com, Kürschners, Who's Who, Who's Who in America
Seiji Shinkai (1944)
Shinkai Seiji in-cites.com isiknowledge.com
Fraser Stoddart (1942)
J. Fraser Stoddart
James Fraser Stoddart in-cites.com isiknowledge.com, EN, Who's Who, Who's Who in America
Akira Suzuki (1930)
Suzuki Akira Nobelpreisbörse Suzuki clutch

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
George Whitesides (1939)
George M. Whitesides
George McClelland Whitesides Nobelpreisbörse, in-cites.com, columbia.edu harvard.edu, harvard.edu, isiknowledge.com, EN, Who's Who in America
medicine [Work on]
Name Suggestion Web on the left of and literature (see completely below)
David Bartel
David P. Bartel Nobelpreisbörse hhmi.org, Who's Who in America
Michael Berridge (1938)
Michael J. Berridge
Sir Michael John Berridge in-cites.com isiknowledge.com, EN, Who's Who
Patrick Brown (1954)
Patrick O. Brown Nobelpreisbörse plos.org, hhmi.org, isiknowledge.com, EN, Who's Who in America

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
Eugene Butcher (1950)
Eugene C. Butcher
Eugene Corning Butcher Nobelpreisbörse stanford.edu, stanford.edu, kva.se, isiknowledge.com
Mario Capecchi (1937)
Mario R. Capecchi
Mario Renato Capecchi Nobelpreisbörse, thomson.com, thomson.com hhmi.org, utah.edu, EN, Who's Who in America
(Ranjit Chandra) (1938)
Ranjit K. Chandra
Ranjit Kumar Chandra edbrill.com EN, Who's Who in America

* Literature of and over Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the German national library

Francis Collins (1950)
Francis S. Collins
Francis Sellers Collins Nobelpreisbörse, in-cites.com genome.gov, isiknowledge.com, approx., EN, it, it, Who's Who, Who's Who in America

PND: Data record to Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt with the DNB
no hits 1. March 2007
Vishva Dixit (1956)
Vishva M. Dixit Nobelpreisbörse cancerresearch.org, isiknowledge.com
Martin Evans (1950)
Martin J. Evans
Martin John Evans Nobelpreisbörse, thomson.com, thomson.com cardiff.ac.uk, EN, Who's Who

PND: Data record to Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt with the DNB
no hits 1. March 2007
Ronald Evans (BKL)
Ronald M. Evans (1949) thomson.com, thomson.com isiknowledge.com, EN, Who's Who in America
Peter Fromherz (1942) Nobelpreisbörse weltderphysik.de, mpg.de, zkm.de, Kürschners

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
(William Hammesfahr)
William M. Hammesfahr hni-online.com mediamatters.org, hni-online.com, EN
Elwood Jensen (1920)
Elwood Vth Jensen
Elwood Vernon Jensen thomson.com, thomson.com, EN, Who's Who in America
Alfred Knudson (1922)
Alfred G. Knudson
Alfred George Knudson Nobelpreisbörse, in-cites.com EN
Eric Lander (1957)
Eric S. Lander
Eric Steven Lander in-cites.com isiknowledge.com, EN, pt, Who's Who in America
Hugh McDevitt (1930)
Hugh O. McDevitt
Hugh O'Neill McDevitt Nobelpreisbörse stanford.edu, isiknowledge.com, Who's Who in America

PND: Data record to Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt with the DNB
no hits 1. March 2007. Auerdem am uncertain I me whether that is the correct
Yasutomi Nishizuka (1932)
Nishizuka Yasutomi in-cites.com jspsusa.org, isiknowledge.com, Who's Who in Japan
Tungsten Ostertag (1937) Nobelpreisbörse hpi hamburg.de, Kürschners

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
James Rothman (1950)
James E. Rothman
James Edward Rothman Nobelpreisbörse knaw.nl, isiknowledge.com, EN, Who's Who in America
Martin Schwab (1949)
Martin E. Schwab Nobelpreisbörse unizh.ch, unibas.ch, ethz.ch, unizh.ch, isiknowledge.com, Kürschners, Who's Who in Switzerland

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
(Eugenie Scott) (1945)
Eugenie C. Scott
Eugenie Carol Scott pandasthumb.org (joke nominating) EN, Who's Who in America
Olive Smithies (1925) Nobelpreisbörse, thomson.com, thomson.com isiknowledge.com, EN, Who's Who in America
Timothy Springer (1948)
Timothy A. Springer
Timothy Alan Springer Nobelpreisbörse sciencewatch.com, cbrinstitute.org, isiknowledge.com, Who's Who in America

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
Mark of Tuszynski
Mark of H. Tuszynski Nobelpreisbörse ucsd.edu
Bert bird stone (1949)
Bert E. bird stone Nobelpreisbörse, in-cites.com hhmi.org, isiknowledge.com, approx., EN, Who's Who in America
Robert vineyard (1942)
Robert A. Weinberg
Robert Allan vineyard Nobelpreisbörse, in-cites.com isiknowledge.com, approx., EN, Who's Who in America

* Literature of and over Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the German national library

Charles white man (1931) Nobelpreisbörse unicom.unizh.ch, mpg.de, EN, Kürschners, Who's Who in Switzerland 1992/93

PND: no individualized data record available (conditions: 1. March 2007)
Not individualized entry to the name Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the DNB
Albert Zlotnik (1954) Nobelpreisbörse bioinfo.pl, isiknowledge.com
literature [Work on]
Name Suggestion Web on the left of and literature (see completely below)
Amal aluminium-Jubouri (1967)
Amal aluminium Jubouri
Amal aluminium-Jubouri
Amal aluminium Jubouri Nobelpreisbörse lyrikwelt.de, perlentaucher.de

* Literature of and over Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the German national library

Michael Hamburg one (1924) Nobelpreisbörse perlentaucher.de, lyrikwelt.de, EN, Kürschners of German literature calendars, Who's Who

* Literature of and over Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the German national library

Yusef Komunyakaa (1947) buzzer 2004.pdf mosaicmagazine uiuc.edu, csustan.edu, poets.org, poems.com, answers.com, EN, pl

* Literature of and over Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the German national library

Yi Munyol (1948) Nobelpreisbörse perlentaucher.de, EN, it, fr, ko

* Literature of and over Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the German national library

(Agbota Zinsou) (1946)
S. Agbota Zinsou
Senouvo Agbota Zinsou gatago.com (joke nominating) unrast verlag.de, augsburg.de, africadatabase, EN

* Literature of and over Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the German national library

peace [Work on]
Name Suggestion Web on the left of and literature (see completely below)
Zackie Achmat (1962)
Abdurazzack Achmat, Treatment Action Campaign (gegr. 1998) Nobelpreisbörse EN, EN, it
Helen Caldicott (1938) EN: Helen Caldicott EN, fr

* Literature of and over Ephraim33/Mein Nobelpreisträgerprojekt in the catalog of the German national library

Mohammed Daddach (1957) Nobelpreisbörse EN, it
Extreme Peace mission (gegr. 2004?) Nobelpreisbörse journalismus.com
(Farlis Calle Guerrero) (1980) zwire.com
To Tony resound (1942)
To Tony P. resound
To Tony Patrick resound yale.edu EN, Who's Who in America

Hello!!! This is John Glover. This document testifies that the world is seeing GAGUT as the Greatest Discovery in human history, and African people are the most precious race because GOD has ordained Professor G. Oyibo the Greatest Genius of all time. This is evidenced by it being ranked #1 out of 2,340 websites information pieces on GAGUT on a search on Yahoo. GOD bless you.

John Glover

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1 - 10 of about 2,340 for GAGUT - 0.23 sec. (About this page)
Also try: grand unified theorem, gagut god, gagut discovery, gabriel oyibo

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Therefore GAGUT is the greatest discovery in human history. , G. OYIBO THE GREATEST GENIUS THROUGH GAGUT AND AFRICANS A VERY PRECIOUS RACE ,
www.geocities.com/igala1 - 140k - Cached - More from this site
, of God Almighty's Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT), which is the Holy Grail Unified , GAGUT GETS HIGHEST ACADEMIC PRIZE. geigercounter1. Pictures. Click here for ,
groups.msn.com/GAGUT - 22k - Cached - More from this site
GAGUT, therefore, changes all science as we know it. , The GAGUT discovery has been published in a reputable mathematics journal that ,
www.geocities.com/igala1/ pressrelease.htm - 42k - Cached - More from this site
The Sun News On-line/Cybersun
, "the official home" of his GAGUT discoveries, "this documentary is expected to , The Almighty God – the God Almighty's Grand Unified Theorem or GAGUT ,
sunnewsonline.com/webpages/ features/, /26/cybersun-july26-001.htm - 31k - Cached - More from this site
, of God Almighty's Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT), which is the Holy Grail Unified , GAGUT, TOE, Unified Field Theory, Theory of Everything, Regional ,
comunidades.msn.es/GAGUT/settings - 14k - Cached - More from this site
Nigeriaworld Feature Article - Rebuttal to review of GAGUT
As a native born Nigerian, the reviewer could have taken pride in Professor , of Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo's God Almighty Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT) ,
nigeriaworld.com/cgi-bin/axs/ax.pl?, /articles/2005/aug/235.html - 37k - Cached - More from this site
News -- Press Release: GAGUT proven to be the long-awaited Holy Grail ,
, global lectures were organized by the NUC to present GAGUT to the professors, , The overall goal of the GAGUT global lecture series was to solicit the scrutiny, ,
naijanet.com/news/source/2005/feb/ 4/1002.html - 19k - Cached - More from this site
Prof. Gabriel Oyibo (GAGUT Theorem): Mad man or Genius - Nairaland
, if they were serious about promoting GAGUT or whatever they want to call it, , I can't even find any books that talk about the GAGUT thingy anywhere. ,
www.nairaland.com/nigeria/ topic-4235.0.html - 119k - Cached - More from this site
Nigeriaworld Feature Article - Oyibo's Documentary Review
, the documentary that his controversial GAGUT theorem is

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From :

Krishnendu dasgupta
Reply-To :

"Krishnendu dasgupta"
Sent :

Wednesday, July 25, 2007 9:24 AM
To :

Subject :

God's mission and das gupta

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Dear Oyibo,
Good Day!
I heard that you have been successful in finding the unified field theory. Congratulations! You are more close to God than any of us. I was also working upon this theory, since my theory was different God was different to me.
Please write to me as I would like to know where I was wrong.
Thanking You ,

Krishnendu das gupta

pick great mobiles









MMag. Thomas Penz

Habitable planets in the Universe: An
interdisciplinary approach regarding the
origin and distribution of life


zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines
an der Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakult ¨at der
Karl––Franzens––Universit ¨at Graz

Univ.––Prof. Mag. Dr. Helfried K. Biernat
Institut f ¨ur Physik

Univ.––Prof. Dr. Werner Piller

Institut f ¨ur Erdwissenschaften

Mag. Dr. Helmut Lammer
Institut f ¨ur Weltraumforschung der


Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften



First of all, I want to thank my first supervisor, Prof. Helfried Biernat,
for his support and inspiration during writing this work. I really enjoyed
to work within his group and hope that many ideas from discussions in the
group are embedded in this thesis. Thanks also for giving me the opportu
nity to get in contact with great scientists from all around the world.
A big thank goes to my second supervisor, Prof. Werner Piller, for an in
teresting lecture on early Earth and discussions on this topic. Additional
thanks go to Helmut Lammer without whose knowledge and enthusiasm this
work could not have been done.
The ideas of many people I was in contact with during writing this work
have influenced this work. Therefore, I would like to say thanks to Jean––
Mathias Grießßmeier and Anja Stadelmann from the Technical University
Braunschweig, Germany, Naoki Terada from Nagoya Universtiy, Japan, Na
talia Belisheva from Polar Geophysical Institute in Apatity, Russia, Prof.
Nikolai Erkaev and Irina Arshukova from the Institute for Computational
Modelling in Krasnoyarsk, Russia, and Herbert Lichtenegger from the Space
Research Institute in Graz. Special thanks for my scientific education in
general goes to Prof. Vladimir Semenov and Igor Kubyshkin from the State
University St. Petersburg, Russia.
Thanks to all my colleagues at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, the Insti
tute for Geophysics, Astrophysics, and Meteorology, and the Space Research
Institute for helping me to manage all strange things appearing if you are
working in science. It was a pleasure for me to work and socialize with you.
This work is supported by the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the Aus
trian ""Fonds zur F ¨orderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung"", grant


P17099––N08. Also acknowledged is support by the ""Osterreichischer Aus
tauschdienst"" under projects I.12/04 and I.2/04. Travel support for this work
is due to the Austrian Academy of Sciences, ""Verwaltungsstelle f ¨ur Auslands
beziehungen"", the ""Land Steiermark"", a ""Paul––Urban––Stipendium"" from the


Institute for Theoretical Physics, and by the "" Osterreichische Forschungsge
My parents deserve thanks beyond any means for their unquestioning sup
port, both financial and emotional, during the last 26 years of their life. I
hope you are proud for the result. Thanks for all! A very special thank goes
to my grandfather Rudolf Trummer for continuous supply with the most nec
essary nutrients I needed for this work. A very special thanks goes to Jessi
for providing me with a warm place to sleep and a opportunity to watch
every stupid football game on TV. Remain as young as you look! ii

There is a famous book published about 1912 by Lawrence J. Henderson ,
in which Henderson concluded that life necessarily must be based on carbon
and water, and have its higher forms metabolizing free oxygen. I personally
find this conclusion suspect, if only because Lawrence Henderson was made
of carbon and water and metabolizing free oxygen. Henderson had a vested

C. Sagan, ""Extraterrestrial life""
Die Lebewesen sind seltsame Objekte.

J. Monod, ""Zufall und Notwendigkeit"" iii

Habitable planets in the Universe: An interdisciplinary
approach regarding the origin and distribution of life

MMag. Thomas Penz


In this work, the possible distribution of life in the universe is analyzed.
In order to consider all involved processes, the starting point is the creation of
hydrogen and helium shortly after the Big Bang. In the first stars, hydrogen
and helium were altered by nuclear burning, leading to the occurrence of all
heavier elements. Some of these elements, the biogenic ones, are necessary
prerequisites for the formation of life on planetary bodies. The origin of life
on Earth is discussed to estimate which conditions are appropriate for the
rise of life. The concepts of the prebiotic soup, hydrothermal systems, and
panspermia are critically investigated. Additionally, possible precursors of
the present genetic code are presented. The limits for life in extreme habitats
on Earth with regard to temperature, pH value, pressure, desiccation, radia
tion, and salt concentration are presented to exclude inhospitable planetary
environments from the study. By knowing these limits, potential habitats in
our solar system are investigated, leading to the conclusion that life might
be possible on several planets, reaching from the clouds and the subsurface
of Venus, the polar caps and the subsurface of Mars, to the outer solar sys
tem, where the atmosphere of giant planets, the subsurface oceans of some
Galilean satellites and Titan’’s prebiotic atmosphere are possible sites har
boring life. Since more than 100 extrasolar planets were found during the
last years, the work is expanded to planetary systems around other stars.
The standard definition of the habitable zone is introduced, and weaknesses
are discussed. An interdisciplinary approach leads to the conclusion that the
habitability of exoplanets depends on several important factors, namely the
radiation and particle flux evolution of the host star, the influence of tidal
locking on the magnetic moment and the protection of the atmosphere by
a planetary magnetic field, the cosmic ray impact in the upper atmosphere,
the influence of giant planets, and geological and geochemical processes on
the exoplanet.

1 Introduction

In this work, the possible distribution of life in the universe is considered. Due
to the complexity of this question, an interdisciplinary approach, combining
recent investigations of different scientific field, like space science, astronomy,
planetary science, atmospheric science, biology, and evolution theory, is used. The latest results of these fields are discussed and put into a general frame
in order to discuss the possibility of life elsewhere in the universe. Therefore,
the work is subdivided into several parts. In the first part, the basic physical
processes explaining the origin and distribution of matter in the universe are
discussed. This is important because only if all elements necessary for life,
it is in principle possible that life can arise. In the second part, the different
theories concerning the origin of life on Earth are discussed, because only if
we understand how life originated on Earth, it is probably possible to discuss
the origin of life on other planets. In order to understand which environmen
tal conditions must exist for the origin of life, the physical and chemical
limits for life on Earth are investigated. These results are used to estimate
on which planets and under which circumstances life may be possible in our
solar system. The last part deals with the expansion of the scope of the
previous discussion to the whole universe. This approach allows to minimize
the uncertainties of the habitability of exoplanets and is useful for the target
selection of future space telescope mission like Corot and Darwin/TPF.
From the cosmological standard model, it follows that the composition of the
early universe some 100.000 years after the Big Bang consists of about 75 %
hydrogen and 25 % helium (Dolgov and Zeldovich, 1981). About 13 Gyr ago,
galaxies were formed out of huge gas clouds consisting of the two existing
elements. Inside this huge clouds the first stars were created due to inho
mogeneities in the cosmic mass distribution. Inside these first stars, heavier
elements were formed by a number of nuclear burning sequences (Pagel,
1997), up to 56Fe, the most stable nucleus. Elements heavier than iron are
formed by adding neutrons and subsequent radiative decays via the so––called
s––process and r––process during supernovae and in hot stars(Burbidge et al.,
1957). The formation of planets is closely connected with star formation and
early stellar evolution (e.g., Mannings et al. 2000). The standard planetary
formation scenario is the so-called core accretion model, proposing that a
solid core is first formed by accretion of solid planetesimals which themselves
were formed by sedimentation and coagulation of small dust grains. Such
planetesimals can grow by mutual collisions up to terrestrial planet masses
and beyond, if sufficient material is available (e.g., Pollack et al. 1996). It
is also shown that the particle and radiation environment of stars is time––
dependent, leading to a decrease of the stellar wind pressure and the radiative


fluxes with increasing time (Lammer et al., 2004a). This has a strong influ
ence on the atmospheric evolution and habitability of planets (Lammer et
al., 2004b).
Before a further discussion of the planetary habitability it is useful to have
an idea about the origin of life on Earth. After some general attempts (e.g.,
Oparin, 1938), Miller (1953) did a first quantitative analysis of the origin
of amino acids on Earth in a primitive reducing atmosphere. The result was quite promising, but today there is some evidence that the primitive
atmosphere of the early Earth was not reducing (Selsis, 2004), leading to a
reduction of the yield of amino acids by several orders––of––magnitude. There
fore, in the last decades the search for the origin of life was shifted from wet
environments in contact with the atmosphere to hydrothermal vents on the
ocean floor (Corliss et al., 1981; Shock and Schulte, 1998). This environment
has several advantages, namely a continuous supply with energy, enough nu
trients, a stable environment, protection from impacts and UV radiation on
the surface, and probably some kind of template for the formation of complex
biomolecules (W ¨achtersh ¨auser, 1998). An other explanation for the occur
rence of biomolecules on Earth is the theory of panspermia (Lord Kelvin,
1871; Helmholtz, 1874; Arrhenius, 1903; Crick and Orgel, 1973). Direct
panspermia is based on recent observation that complex organic molecules
can be found nearly everywhere in the universe (Ehrenfreund and Menten,
2001), and thus can be delivered to Earth easily. It is also possible that pre
biotic molecules are transported via meteorites, asteroids, and comets and
can reach the Earth in that way (Chyba et al., 1990; Weiss et al., 2001). Dy
namical studies indicate that the transfer of rocks from Mars to Earth can
proceed on a biologically short time scale, making it likely that organic hitch
hikers have traveled between these planets many times during the history of
the Solar System (Mileikowsky et al., 2000). This theory is supported by
laboratory experiments demonstrating that bacteria can survive the shocks
and jerks expected for a rock ejected from Mars and impacting on Earth
(Mastrapa et al., 2001). Nevertheless, it is still unclear how the step from
prebiotic molecules to the complex biomolecules responsible for the genetic
system found in every life form on present Earth. Even the concept of the
RNA world as a precursor of the genetic code is much to complex to explain
this step (de Duve, 1995). It is evident that primitive replicating systems
must have used simpler

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