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Muslim Woman Supports Man's Orgasm Over Female Orgasm - Photo - Family - Nairaland

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Muslim Woman Supports Man's Orgasm Over Female Orgasm - Photo by uvalued(m): 12:45am On Dec 22, 2017
Feminist won't like this... Muslim woman agrees that man's orgasm is necessary for reproduction while a woman's is not nessary for production.


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Re: Muslim Woman Supports Man's Orgasm Over Female Orgasm - Photo by mazimee(m): 12:46am On Dec 22, 2017
Ofcourse, feminists will call for her head

31 Likes 1 Share

Re: Muslim Woman Supports Man's Orgasm Over Female Orgasm - Photo by emorse(m): 1:20am On Dec 22, 2017
Rejoice o ye one minute men!!

243 Likes 7 Shares

Re: Muslim Woman Supports Man's Orgasm Over Female Orgasm - Photo by Foodforthought: 1:23am On Dec 22, 2017
Re: Muslim Woman Supports Man's Orgasm Over Female Orgasm - Photo by GAZZUZZ(m): 1:45am On Dec 22, 2017
so sex is primarily for reproduction?

Reason why some states in northern nigeria are over run with homless children.

Well a ewe will always be a ewe.

133 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Muslim Woman Supports Man's Orgasm Over Female Orgasm - Photo by Macgreat(m): 2:07am On Dec 22, 2017
True grin
Re: Muslim Woman Supports Man's Orgasm Over Female Orgasm - Photo by hakimi1974(m): 3:37am On Dec 22, 2017
many are the afflictions of the unlearned.

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Re: Muslim Woman Supports Man's Orgasm Over Female Orgasm - Photo by Nobody: 3:44am On Dec 22, 2017
ok. Let her reproduce with minute men while the rest of us enjoy wink

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Re: Muslim Woman Supports Man's Orgasm Over Female Orgasm - Photo by Gofwane(m): 3:51am On Dec 22, 2017
Rejoice o ye one minute men!!

Hmmmmmmm.... well done messiah abi na Prophet of sex


Re: Muslim Woman Supports Man's Orgasm Over Female Orgasm - Photo by Sturmbannfuhrer: 6:05am On Dec 22, 2017
For a religion that's really concerned about sex, Islam has a warped idea of human sexuality. As in zero idea sef.


Re: Muslim Woman Supports Man's Orgasm Over Female Orgasm - Photo by Godwinfury(m): 6:13am On Dec 22, 2017
Before nko? after all their cl!ts have been removed, how would they feel it....


Re: Muslim Woman Supports Man's Orgasm Over Female Orgasm - Photo by kaybams1(m): 6:16am On Dec 22, 2017
For a religion that's really concerned about sex, Islam has a warped idea of human sexuality. As in zero idea sef.

What has religion got to do with this? Can't you make a valid point without disparaging other people's sacred beliefs. Professor of human sexuality.

45 Likes 1 Share

Re: Muslim Woman Supports Man's Orgasm Over Female Orgasm - Photo by eTECTIVe(m): 6:43am On Dec 22, 2017
Some of dis ppl self.. Jus dis morning I was reading an Islamic scholar claiming beardless men put ideas in other men's head and I was like WTF!! How perverted can some of dis ppl b?

41 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Muslim Woman Supports Man's Orgasm Over Female Orgasm - Photo by femi4: 7:19am On Dec 22, 2017
so sex is primarily for reproduction?

Reason why some states in northern nigeria are over run with homless children.

Well a ewe will always be a ewe.
Yes, Any other benefits are secondary.

29 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Muslim Woman Supports Man's Orgasm Over Female Orgasm - Photo by Hhenryy: 7:58am On Dec 22, 2017
Before nko? after all their cl!ts have been removed, how would they feel it....

That is it, especially African women.

the lady has a strong and valid point there though. Male orgasm is very important for reproduction/continuity.

Most of our mothers in those days and even the current ladies we have now are only motivated to have sex because of the joy of having a child, or monetary/material compensation and not because they enjoy the act it self, as majority of them have been circumcised.

But men are motivated to do it purposely for the pleasure, so it is very important for men to experience orgasmm to keep the cycle of reproduction going.

With money/material things, it is easy to convince many women to have sex even though they don't enjoy it, it doesn't matter


Re: Muslim Woman Supports Man's Orgasm Over Female Orgasm - Photo by pocohantas(f): 8:04am On Dec 22, 2017

That is it, especially African women.

the lady has a strong and valid point there though. Male orgasm is very important for reproduction/continuity.

Most of our mothers in those days and even the current ladies we have now are only motivated to have sex because of the joy of having a child, or monetary/material compensation and not because they enjoy the act it self.

But men are motivated to do it purposely for the pleasure
, so it is very important for men to experience orgasmm to keep the cycle of reproduction going.

With money/material things, it is easy to convince many women to have sex even though they don't enjoy it, it doesn't matter

Continue to console yourself.

You'll know it matters the day one dude gives her mighty orgasm. That your money will be wired to him 24/7. She'll even climb fence to go fck him.

84 Likes 8 Shares

Re: Muslim Woman Supports Man's Orgasm Over Female Orgasm - Photo by Hhenryy: 8:26am On Dec 22, 2017

Continue to console yourself.
Until the day one dude will give her mighty orgasm, that your money will be wired to him 24/7. She'll even climb fence to go fck him.

This is not a matter of consolation, it is a fact that holds for majority of African women. Majority of them have been circumcised, so they cannot enjoy sex like their white counterparts, no matter how hard the man tries.

But like I said, it still doesn't matter because men/male species are the main driving force of reproduction which is the primary aim of sex as far as nature is concerned and since the sexuality of men (the driving force) has not been messed up like that of women through Female genital mutilation, nature doesn't care.

Planting the seed is the most important, getting a soil (woman) can be easy with the right amount and other material compensation as i have mentioned earlier. It doesn't matter if she enjoys it or not, as far as the seed is planted, nature has succeeded.

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Re: Muslim Woman Supports Man's Orgasm Over Female Orgasm - Photo by pocohantas(f): 8:34am On Dec 22, 2017

This is not a matter of consolation, it is a fact that holds for majority of African women. Majority of them have been circumcised, so they cannot enjoy sex like their white counterparts, no matter how hard the man tries.

But like I said, it still doesn't matter because men/male species are the main driving force of reproduction which is the primary aim of sex as far as nature is concerned and since the sexuality of men (the driving force) has not been messed up like that of women through Female genital mutilation, nature doesn't care.

Planting the seed is the most important, getting a soil (woman) can be easy with the right amount and other material compensation as i have mentioned earlier. It doesn't matter if she enjoys it or not, as far as the seed is planted, nature has succeeded.

The post I highlighted was what I was addressing and on that, continue to console yourself. Women want and love to enjoy sex. Except in some cases of FGM, it's quite normal she begins to resent sex and do it only for procreation or money when she isn't getting maximum satisfaction from it.

As if una done give the non-circumcised ones orgasm finish.
No wonder deeldo dey sell like pure water now, women have decided to work that pusee themselves grin grin


Re: Muslim Woman Supports Man's Orgasm Over Female Orgasm - Photo by LadyMarionette(f): 8:48am On Dec 22, 2017
Lmao!!! grin @feminists won't like this.... I wonder how many sleepless nights guys have over the feminist issue.

I don't believe that feminists are an unreasonable bunch, and this Muslim woman has just stated a biological fact that cannot be argued with: the male orgasm is necessary in order to make a man reproductively useful, while a woman can be efficient even on an off day. But people don't just engage in sex for reproduction. More often than not, babies are even a by-product of sex; pleasure is the goal. And if a woman cannot get sexual pleasure, what's the point? If she wants to have only four kids in her life time, what's she gonna hump around for?

19 Likes 1 Share

Re: Muslim Woman Supports Man's Orgasm Over Female Orgasm - Photo by pocohantas(f): 8:54am On Dec 22, 2017
Lmao!!! grin @feminists won't like this.... I wonder how many sleepless nights guys have over the feminist issue.

I don't believe that feminists are an unreasonable bunch, and this Muslim woman has just stated a biological fact that cannot be argued with: the male orgasm is necessary in order to make a man reproductively useful, while a woman can be efficient even on an off day. But people don't just engage in sex for reproduction. More often than not, babies are even a by-product of sex; pleasure is the goal. And if a woman cannot get sexual pleasure, what's the point? If she wants to have only four kids in her life time, what's she gonna hump around for?

Menist and one-minute men won't like this grin

23 Likes 1 Share

Re: Muslim Woman Supports Man's Orgasm Over Female Orgasm - Photo by LadyMarionette(f): 8:58am On Dec 22, 2017

Menist and one-minute men won't like this grin

Loool!! grin grin grin grin, let it pepper them.

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Re: Muslim Woman Supports Man's Orgasm Over Female Orgasm - Photo by nawtyme: 9:28am On Dec 22, 2017
The one minute men viewing this thread will be like ;

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Re: Muslim Woman Supports Man's Orgasm Over Female Orgasm - Photo by KingEbukasBlog(m): 9:29am On Dec 22, 2017
She obviously does not know that a man can have an orgasm without ejaculation . wink This can be experienced through the constant practice of Tantric sex

Related facts (A woman's orgasm should not ignored ) that can help for faster achievement of orgasm for a woman

- About 70 percent of women haven't experienced orgasm though vaginal penetration so look for other erogenous zones
- Stimulating the clitoris is a more efficient way to experience orgasm for a woman
- Women need emotional connection during sex to achieve orgasm
- The level of dissimilarity between a man and woman's MHC genotypes determines the intensity of the woman's orgasm .


Re: Muslim Woman Supports Man's Orgasm Over Female Orgasm - Photo by akeentech(m): 9:29am On Dec 22, 2017
who pvssy elp


Re: Muslim Woman Supports Man's Orgasm Over Female Orgasm - Photo by Heywhizzy(m): 9:30am On Dec 22, 2017
Mumu ideology.. Sex should be satisfaction between both parties.. Guys supporting this should not complain when their spouse decides to get the orgàsm feel from cucumber, carrot, candle, dildos and worst still from your best friend

If u sex solely for reproduction, then simply pour your spërm inside container, artificial insemination can do the job

This issue is more of one minute men than feminists.. feminists sure knows where to get their satisfaction from

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Re: Muslim Woman Supports Man's Orgasm Over Female Orgasm - Photo by loadedvibes: 9:30am On Dec 22, 2017
My god I never thought about this.. this is deep

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Re: Muslim Woman Supports Man's Orgasm Over Female Orgasm - Photo by chiwapz: 9:30am On Dec 22, 2017
This Muslim people with their thoughts


Re: Muslim Woman Supports Man's Orgasm Over Female Orgasm - Photo by oshe111(m): 9:31am On Dec 22, 2017
Feminist won't like this... Muslim woman agrees that man's orgasm is necessary for reproduction while a woman's is not nessary for production.

Please wats the Past Tense of "CUM" because some fellows keep using "CAME"grin

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Re: Muslim Woman Supports Man's Orgasm Over Female Orgasm - Photo by Offpoint: 9:31am On Dec 22, 2017
This news sweet my belle... there's hope for me when I taught all hope is gone.

Akoko south Branch

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Re: Muslim Woman Supports Man's Orgasm Over Female Orgasm - Photo by Odianose13(m): 9:31am On Dec 22, 2017
Hmmmmm..... Be ready for massacre from ur female folks my dear. Be ready to embrace popularity this way.

......ah! they will not like this at all!

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Re: Muslim Woman Supports Man's Orgasm Over Female Orgasm - Photo by enemyofprogress: 9:32am On Dec 22, 2017
Oyinda1599 come and see something o,you that is always fighting me for being a one minute man,this was wroted by a Muslim lady like you o,one minute shuke shuke sex is the best,no wasting of time and energy


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