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Muslims Storm Egyptian Church, Attack Worshippers, Call For It To Be Demolished - Religion (5) - Nairaland

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Re: Muslims Storm Egyptian Church, Attack Worshippers, Call For It To Be Demolished by jonadaft: 1:08pm On Dec 24, 2017
Hysterical rant! Like I noted, I wouldn't even dissipate my valuable time on a hardwired robot like you. I've got bigger fish to fry.

If your Mohammad had existed in this day and age, I'd do humanity a priceless favour and see to it that he's locked away in a air-tight jail with the keys thown into hades, for his numerous actrocities, top of which are terrorism and pedophilia.

If your vermin Mohammed is regarded a prophet, then Johnny Sinns, Mandingo and Rocco Siffredi are greater prophets too. grin grin
You don't have time yet, you keep typing all this fuckery...
What a retarrd you are grin
Feast on that grin
Bloody hypocrite criminals grin
Goan preach to your yahoo pastors, ritualists prophets and rapists pedophiIe bishops grin

Re: Muslims Storm Egyptian Church, Attack Worshippers, Call For It To Be Demolished by TheLogicalMind(m): 1:10pm On Dec 24, 2017
This is not it!
I am a Muslim,there is nowhere in the Quran where Allah said we should do all this..
All these people are just using Islam as a cover up..
May Allah's wrath be upon them!

Like all Muslims you are a chronic pathological liar:

Qur’an 9:29—Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth, from among the Jews and Christians (People of the Book), until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.


Re: Muslims Storm Egyptian Church, Attack Worshippers, Call For It To Be Demolished by zionmde: 1:14pm On Dec 24, 2017
nope.....but Hw many people did u cee voting otherwise..??

Must u join the crowd?
Don't u know what it means to be unique?
Re: Muslims Storm Egyptian Church, Attack Worshippers, Call For It To Be Demolished by zionmde: 1:17pm On Dec 24, 2017

The same way Christians attacking Muslims in France and UK, french, Australian government enacting law to ban hijab while encouraging others to expose their bodies which against fundamental Human Rights stated in their constitutions, but you and your likes eyes can't see it as your ears can't hear about that but once there's an incident of attacks perpetrated by fanatics of Islamic religion, most of Christians typing rubbish as if there's no fanatics amongst Christians too.
Hahahaa why didn't u just say the same way Christians are killing Muslims in those countries and the media is not recording it. Wat has ban of hijab got to do with lives of people Muslims are taking in their numbers.
Anyway u were brought up in lies and instructed to abide in lying.


Re: Muslims Storm Egyptian Church, Attack Worshippers, Call For It To Be Demolished by princejenks(m): 1:19pm On Dec 24, 2017
They don't believe in freedom of religion when they are in the majority but readily hide behind it when they are the minority.

Re: Muslims Storm Egyptian Church, Attack Worshippers, Call For It To Be Demolished by ObaKlaz: 1:24pm On Dec 24, 2017

You don't have time yet, you keep typing all this fuckery...
What a retarrd you are grin
Feast on that grin
Bloody hypocrite criminals grin
Goan preach to your yahoo pastors, ritualists prophets and rapists pedophiIe bishops grin
Time for you - no (you're featherweight)! Time for washing, squeezing, hanging, drying, ironing and folding Mohammad - YES! YES!! YES!!! I called your jinn-afflicted, jinn-fearing prophet a terrorist and p*rnstar, and you couldn't even clear his name 'cos you know that's what he was actuallygrin

S.A.W = Sex Award Winner. shockedgrin grin


Re: Muslims Storm Egyptian Church, Attack Worshippers, Call For It To Be Demolished by gozzlin: 1:25pm On Dec 24, 2017
They don't believe in freedom of religion when they are in the majority but readily hide behind it when they are the minority.


Exactly, you're on point bro.

A case in point is the urgurs (or whatever they're called) in China as well as the Muslims in Central African Republic.

I keep saying it, if Muhammad's father had worn a condom the night he fvcked his wife, this world would have been a very peaceful place.

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Re: Muslims Storm Egyptian Church, Attack Worshippers, Call For It To Be Demolished by Phaanie(f): 1:30pm On Dec 24, 2017
Evil religion


Re: Muslims Storm Egyptian Church, Attack Worshippers, Call For It To Be Demolished by femifemo123: 1:32pm On Dec 24, 2017
Stupid people
Re: Muslims Storm Egyptian Church, Attack Worshippers, Call For It To Be Demolished by DrMuzungu(m): 1:43pm On Dec 24, 2017
Religion of peace.
Re: Muslims Storm Egyptian Church, Attack Worshippers, Call For It To Be Demolished by enilove(m): 1:48pm On Dec 24, 2017

Do I look like an entertainer?
Do u know what I am doing about it in my own little way?

I'm here to share my view on how I understand my faith(in this case).
I never said u should not hate Muslim either. For I know most Muslim leaders are part of the problem we have in the word today.

Like I said,I'm a Muslim and that's my opinion.

What are you doing in your own little ways?

Why couldn't you be truthful and condemn the acts b4 telling us you are a Muslim and proud to be one?

When Christians do evil things we Christians are always the first to come to condemn or write against them, This is not so for muslims .

If it were Muslims that were killed by christians innocently like the case in Egypt , at least 95℅ of Christians would condemn it .
I don't hate Muslims but I hate the extremists among you.

You can share your view but not to create more hatred for your Muslim members.
First is to condemn the evil acts then tell us your views , at least people will see sense in you , unlike those that accept bad as good and good as bad.

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Re: Muslims Storm Egyptian Church, Attack Worshippers, Call For It To Be Demolished by Nathayas: 1:52pm On Dec 24, 2017
Muslims don't worship God, They morship demons that is why they are always angry like their father the devil.
Re: Muslims Storm Egyptian Church, Attack Worshippers, Call For It To Be Demolished by Awoo88: 1:53pm On Dec 24, 2017
You will not see those idiotic Muslims condemned this actions that is bringing shame to the religion of piss and shit. If the people retaliate or take any action to defend themselves, you will see Islamic idiots shouting Islam is peace. What is peaceful about Islam?
Re: Muslims Storm Egyptian Church, Attack Worshippers, Call For It To Be Demolished by Nasir123(m): 1:53pm On Dec 24, 2017

What are you doing in your own little ways?

Why couldn't you be truthful and condemn the acts b4 telling us you are a Muslim and proud to be one?

When Christians do evil things we Christians are always the first to come to condemn or write against them, This is not so for muslims .

If it were Muslims that were killed by christians innocently like the case in Egypt , at least 95℅ of Christians would condemn it .
I don't hate Muslims but I hate the extremists among you.

You can share your view but not to create more hatred for your Muslim members.
First is to condemn the evil acts then tell us your views , at least people will see sense in you , unlike those that accept bad as good and good as bad.

Do justice by reading my previous post b4 u lambast me.
Thanx. Enjoy ur day.
Re: Muslims Storm Egyptian Church, Attack Worshippers, Call For It To Be Demolished by perdollar(m): 1:55pm On Dec 24, 2017
dey wl come to ur land and wl want to dominate u. in dia land u r nothing but a kafir dt must not b allowed to progressed
Re: Muslims Storm Egyptian Church, Attack Worshippers, Call For It To Be Demolished by figure007(m): 1:57pm On Dec 24, 2017
And someone will open his mouth and ask me why I hate islam.
In Nigeria here the government has a way of preventing people from celebrating Christmas by ensuring there is no fuel. No ATM Machine has been paying since Saturday. All in a bid to fight the spirit of Christmas.
Muslims in the name of Fulani and so called unknown gunmen are all geared towards killing many Christians this period which they have started already
May God bring Judgement upon the doorstep of every single Christian that will support the continuance of this evil upon the church.
Be it rccg members or Yoruba Christians or Igbos or Northern Christians. May God judge anybody who will vote for the continuous oppression and killing of Christians in Nigeria
what are you saying? How do you expect a sane Christian to vote for his own people to be killed... Abi what are you saying g self.... No one supports all this attacks.... Am a redeemer... No one is happy with what's happening... We just need to pray for God to help us Christians cos this people are something else... Christians are peaceful... Don't know what's wrong with the doctrine of this animals
Re: Muslims Storm Egyptian Church, Attack Worshippers, Call For It To Be Demolished by Idecievedyou(m): 2:08pm On Dec 24, 2017
Little information about the book of all prophecies...the events are all bound to happen either known in heaven then the manifestation on earth...all this are bound to happen..God who already knows it will happen actually has his own plan for earth and everything is going just in accordance..love the Muslims if you love God because even God has not stop loving...He created all, from the killers to the caretakers and over two thousand years agone He told few people to tell us (currentl generation) what life will be..this sounds like no sense but just love your neighbour and love ur enemy...after all most of us will be consumed into known existence someday while others live forever..we running out of time...
Re: Muslims Storm Egyptian Church, Attack Worshippers, Call For It To Be Demolished by AFONJAPIG(m): 2:14pm On Dec 24, 2017
Islam religion of piss .... grin grin grin
Re: Muslims Storm Egyptian Church, Attack Worshippers, Call For It To Be Demolished by talk2emma: 2:16pm On Dec 24, 2017
Re: Muslims Storm Egyptian Church, Attack Worshippers, Call For It To Be Demolished by Obagreatdatoye(m): 2:28pm On Dec 24, 2017
This is not it!
I am a Muslim,there is nowhere in the Quran where Allah said we should do all this..
All these people are just using Islam as a cover up..
May Allah's wrath be upon them!

shut up!!... u better find your way out of that evil religion before u end your life in hell fire.... Jesus is the only true way!
Re: Muslims Storm Egyptian Church, Attack Worshippers, Call For It To Be Demolished by CAPSLOCKED: 2:31pm On Dec 24, 2017

Either Muslim, Christain, Pagan Or Whatsoever Religion You Practice. Have it in mind you are all bound for Hellfire, GOD is my religion. I refuse to serve & bow to any manmade religion. Some prominent powerful elites are the ones behind all these chaos turning u people against each other so there won't be peace in the world, or don't u know the elites derives joy in seeing less priviledge gullible people like u Suffer & You foolish gullible idiots will be here ranting about religions. Africa inclusive will always be backward.

Re: Muslims Storm Egyptian Church, Attack Worshippers, Call For It To Be Demolished by macsilver(m): 2:40pm On Dec 24, 2017

Apparently u are a frustrated fellow.

When u are ready to talk intelligently without bringing religion, I will be back for u to prove how Buhari was unleashed on Christians

Also watch your 'over spirituality'. That might be the reason for your lack of success.

Everything is not about Devil, Hell, Judgement etc

Some are simple Common Sense Principles.

Oh shut up! The argument was about religion in the first place. I have been following your responses since the first one and I see the traits of an evil person in you. So it is suffice to say that your religion has blinded you. Isn't it logical to think that fuel scarcity always surfaces during Christmas? And IMMEDIATELY after Christmas everything comes back to normal? Dear animal, I really have your time today. Please reply with your dogmatic thinking so I'll tell you how you should die. Bloody animalistic religion worshippers.

Hey if you need to observe your religious rites (killing people for not believing in your religion), I'll tell you my location.

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Re: Muslims Storm Egyptian Church, Attack Worshippers, Call For It To Be Demolished by mastermaestro(m): 2:42pm On Dec 24, 2017
They don't believe in freedom of religion when they are in the majority but readily hide behind it when they are the minority.


Very brilliant observation!


Re: Muslims Storm Egyptian Church, Attack Worshippers, Call For It To Be Demolished by Nobody: 2:48pm On Dec 24, 2017


Point of correction, Not Gods but GOD.
Re: Muslims Storm Egyptian Church, Attack Worshippers, Call For It To Be Demolished by oyatz(m): 2:53pm On Dec 24, 2017
If I was born into Islam, I would have left it and change my religion.

Islam needs to
1) Admit that Prophet Muhammad was a man, who like all other humans, had his mistakes and some of his actions may be acceptable in his tribal/ethnic group and in the period he lived but such actions may not have ETERNAL and UNIVERSAL applications.

2) Lay less emphasis on the hadits. The had it's are subjected to various interpretations and are often the reference points of many Islam induced terrorist acts.

3) Show more love, mercy and forgiveness than violence, aggression or terror.


You can say that again.
U can even say Muslim are animals, no problem.

Religion is like tribes.
If u can so detest a Muslim man,u can also detest people who are not of ur tribe. That's the truth.

That's why we still have problem even in our own religion.

I'm a Muslim.
A proud on.

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Re: Muslims Storm Egyptian Church, Attack Worshippers, Call For It To Be Demolished by MightySparrow: 2:53pm On Dec 24, 2017

Re: Muslims Storm Egyptian Church, Attack Worshippers, Call For It To Be Demolished by CAPSLOCKED: 2:54pm On Dec 24, 2017

Point of correction, Not Gods but GOD.
Re: Muslims Storm Egyptian Church, Attack Worshippers, Call For It To Be Demolished by realmanarken(m): 2:54pm On Dec 24, 2017
Well i can say that's a lie cos my bestfriend and her dad lives in Egypt and for 7months now she scarcely goes to church after what she experienced in March
What Does A Normal Human Do In Egypt. sad
Re: Muslims Storm Egyptian Church, Attack Worshippers, Call For It To Be Demolished by MightySparrow: 2:55pm On Dec 24, 2017
They don't believe in freedom of religion when they are in the majority but readily hide behind it when they are the minority.


Doctrine of Al- taquiyya
Re: Muslims Storm Egyptian Church, Attack Worshippers, Call For It To Be Demolished by Nobody: 2:56pm On Dec 24, 2017

Oh shut up! The argument was about religion in the first place. I have been following your responses since the first one and I see the traits of an evil person in you. So it is suffice to say that your religion has blinded you. Isn't it logical to think that fuel scarcity always surfaces during Christmas? And IMMEDIATELY after Christmas everything comes back to normal? Dear animal, I really have your time today. Please reply with your dogmatic thinking so I'll tell you how you should die. Bloody animalistic religion worshippers.

Hey if you need to observe your religious rites (killing people for not believing in your religion), I'll tell you my location.

Too many mad people roaming the streets of Nigeria Chai

Re: Muslims Storm Egyptian Church, Attack Worshippers, Call For It To Be Demolished by Nobody: 2:58pm On Dec 24, 2017

Think Very Well

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