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Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Literature / Life's Hope, A Short Story (6490 Views)
Here Is The Book That Changed My Life...hope You Don't Miss It!!!!! / Ireti Nbe(there Is Hope) A Poem / A Faint Ray Of Hope (a Must Read) (2) (3) (4)
Life's Hope, A Short Story by TiffanyJ(f): 1:49am On Jan 01, 2018 |
Good morning to you all. A few hours ago, I decided to write a short story to wish Literature lovers a happy new year. Happy new year all 3 Likes |
Re: Life's Hope, A Short Story by kennysam91: 2:26am On Jan 01, 2018 |
TiffanyJ:9ic 1 kip it up ![]() ![]() 1 Like |
Re: Life's Hope, A Short Story by TiffanyJ(f): 2:27am On Jan 01, 2018 |
1 'I'm sorry Tess, the wedding is off' Jacob informed me without a second thought. My heart immediately shattered. Jacob was the love of my life, the man of my dreams, the only man I have ever allowed near me. 'Are you kidding me Jacob?’ I shouted, the tears ran uncheck down my cheeks 'I'm sorry Tess, these things happen', he said to me. 'Jacob, our wedding is schedule to hold tomorrow. What should I do?’ I asked him 'Whatever', he said very calmly. As I stared down at Jacob's handsome face and perfect lips, I wondered how I would survive without him in my life. 'Look Tess, I know you love me, but the thing is, I can't marry you' 'You can't marry me? You waited ten years to tell me this? For crying out Jacob, tomorrow is our wedding, please, don't do this to me', I begged 'My mind is made up', he insisted I raised a brow and I looked at him. I was two inches shorter than Jacob! Who was six feet tall. 'It is her isn't it?' I asked with dread. 'Yes Tess. I want to be with Shannon, not you' My legs immediately wobbled and I took the sofa behind me. I always knew Jacob was cheating on me. Twice, I confronted him but when he threatened to leave me, I kept mute. That was how much I loved him. 'What went wrong?' I asked him 'Shannon's father is the manager of the R&B oil company. Do you know what that means? I would no longer be poor. I wouldn't have to spend quality time thinking of what to eat' 'Don’t say that Jacob, you have a job and I also have one', I told him. 'What work? How much is your salary? 30,000 and how much is mine? 45,000. No, my mates are riding jeeps and BMW. My mates live in mansions and here you are, talking about us living in a two room’s mini flat. No, I must be rich, no matter what' 'You are throwing the love we share for ten years for material things?' 'Tess, I am only being smart' 'What would I tell my parents? My parents had sacrificed a lot financially for this wedding. I have spent my savings for this wedding. You can cheat on me with her, I will share you with Shannon, please don't leave me', I begged 'My mi 3 Likes |
Re: Life's Hope, A Short Story by lonesome501(m): 2:38am On Jan 01, 2018 |
chaii.. see how person pikin dey beg on top marriage,,dis kind love self no be film trick ooo,,TIFFANYJ IS BACK WITH A BANGER((no let police catch u oo)) |
Re: Life's Hope, A Short Story by teel123(f): 2:41am On Jan 01, 2018 |
tiffanyj, welcome on board. I follow you for back. will update be constant ? will the story finish here or on okada |
Re: Life's Hope, A Short Story by Eddyella(f): 2:46am On Jan 01, 2018 |
TiffanyJ:Happy New Year.Lovely story,kip it coming. |
Re: Life's Hope, A Short Story by TiffanyJ(f): 2:58am On Jan 01, 2018 |
This is a short story. I shall update once and that's it. I would have done that a long time but I'm having issues uploading the file font know why it wouldn't select all at a time 1 Like |
Re: Life's Hope, A Short Story by heemah(f): 7:02am On Jan 01, 2018 |
Happy New year darling. Wish us all the goodies attached to this season |
Re: Life's Hope, A Short Story by anneboy02(m): 10:32am On Jan 01, 2018 |
Happy New yeareveryone Love don't cause a thing but in dis reverse is the case |
Re: Life's Hope, A Short Story by TiffanyJ(f): 2:34pm On Jan 01, 2018 |
The file isn't uploading. Heemah, can you help me upload the story? If yes, let me know |
Re: Life's Hope, A Short Story by TiffanyJ(f): 3:40pm On Jan 01, 2018 |
1 'I'm sorry Tess, the wedding is off' Jacob informed me without a second thought. My heart immediately shattered. Jacob was the love of my life, the man of my dreams, the only man I have ever allowed near me. 'Are you kidding me Jacob?’ I shouted, the tears ran uncheck down my cheeks 'I'm sorry Tess, these things happen', he said to me. 'Jacob, our wedding is schedule to hold tomorrow. What should I do?’ I asked him 'Whatever', he said very calmly. As I stared down at Jacob's handsome face and perfect lips, I wondered how I would survive without him in my life. 'Look Tess, I know you love me, but the thing is, I can't marry you' 'You can't marry me? You waited ten years to tell me this? For crying out Jacob, tomorrow is our wedding, please, don't do this to me', I begged 'My mind is made up', he insisted I raised a brow and I looked at him. I was two inches shorter than Jacob! Who was six feet tall. 'It is her isn't it?' I asked with dread. 'Yes Tess. I want to be with Shannon, not you' My legs immediately wobbled and I took the sofa behind me. I always knew Jacob was cheating on me. Twice, I confronted him but when he threatened to leave me, I kept mute. That was how much I loved him. 'What went wrong?' I asked him 'Shannon's father is the manager of the R&B oil company. Do you know what that means? I would no longer be poor. I wouldn't have to spend quality time thinking of what to eat' 'Don’t say that Jacob, you have a job and I also have one', I told him. 'What work? How much is your salary? 30,000 and how much is mine? 45,000. No, my mates are riding jeeps and BMW. My mates live in mansions and here you are, talking about us living in a two room’s mini flat. No, I must be rich, no matter what' 'You are throwing the love we share for ten years for material things?' 'Tess, I am only being smart' 'What would I tell my parents? My parents had sacrificed a lot financially for this wedding. I have spent my savings for this wedding. You can cheat on me with her, I will share you with Shannon, please don't leave me', I begged 'My mind is made up' I discarded my pride and threw it out of the window by going on my knees and pleading with him. 'Tess...' 'In ten years, I aborted five of your kids. You promised me you would marry me' 'That was a boy's dream Tess, please move on with your life' 'Jacob, what did I do wrong?' 'Shannon is carrying my child, I have to marry her' I immediately looked up and didn't realize I had momentarily stopped crying. 'Your...your…child?' 'Yes, my child' I immediately thought of all the times I got pregnant and had to get rid of it because Jacob wouldn't have it. Two times I underwent D &C and three times I took abortion pills pills. I was dumbfounded 'How could you Jacob?' He dug into his pocket and removed some money. 'This is one hundred thousand naira. You can start all over with it', he said mercilessly 'What?' I asked him ‘Look, Shannon’s father is stingingly rich. His name open doors but who is your father Tess?’ ‘What are you getting at?’ I asked ‘You are the daughter of a nobody. I can’t marry you’ ‘My father is a hardworking and honest farmer. He sent me school with the little money he made. I will never have you insult him’, I defended 'I'm so sorry Tess. We are never meant to be' I picked the money, tore them into shreds and looked at him. 'My love is not for sale. My kids, are worth more than that money' 'That's your problem' He strolled out of the room. As he walked out, I knew I had lost him forever. I sat on my bed and cried like a day old. My bedroom door was pushed and Ngozi, my best friend walked in. She was utterly surprised to find me in tears 'Tess, what is the problem?' 'I am finished', I told her 'What happened?' 'Jacob just called off the wedding' 'What?' I thought of all my weeks of hard work and sweat. I thought of the beautiful cake in my parents’ room, the wedding gown hung in my little bathroom, my friend and maids in the compound, laughing and singing, my uncles and aunties from different parts of the state. 'What happened?' she asked 'He wouldn't marry me, because, I am the daughter of a nobody' The door opened and my mum walked in 'Tess, don't forget to...’ she stopped short when she saw the tears in my ears. 'Tess? What is the problem?' 'Mum, Jacob just called of the wedding' 'Why?’ she asked 'I am the daughter of a no body' My mother sat next to me and as I cried, she cried. She knew I loved Jacob to a fault. 'Mother, I am finished' 'No, you are not. You are just twenty seven' 'I love only one man' My best friend, Ngozi would have been my chief bridesmaid. She was too shocked to say a thing. 'Tess, cry it all out', mother encouraged. 2 After the horrible incident, shame wouldn't let me step my foot outside my house. I switched off my phone and cried my heart out. My parents tried all they could to console me but couldn't. I lost all zeal of living. Nothing seemed right for me anymore. I ate only when my mum force me. On a Monday morning, I left my room for the first time and went into the kitchen. Everywhere was quiet. I picked a gallon of kerosene and gulped down its content. Without Jacob, life was meaningless. Thirty minutes later, I began feeling stomach ache. I welcomed the pain with zeal and determination. Soon, I heard my mother greeting neighbours in our compound. 'Tess, goodness, you finally left your room', she observed It wasn't until I fell on the cement floor that I heard her shout. I blacked out and knew death was finally coming. ******* I opened my eyes slowly to realize I was still alive and lying on the bed in a hospital. My mother sat beside me, so deep in thought. 'Oh God, I want to die', I thought. 'Tess, are you awake?' mother asked I didn't answer her. I was weak but I was already planning my own death. 'Thank God. You've been unconscious for three days', she informed me. She helped me to sit up and I looked around my surrounding, searching for a weapon that would do away with my life for good. I found none, but a woman crying bitterly. She was about my age, beautiful but on a bed like me. I wondered what was wrong with her. 'I saw people surround her and a boy of about four holding her hands. The doctor came, congratulated me for staying alive and told my mum I was recovering well. I said not a word. Two days later, I finally asked my mum why the woman in my room was always crying. 'Tess, that woman had been battling with cancer for years. The doctor said she has less than a month to live. The man that always visits her is her husband’s brother and the little boy, her son' 'Oh' I said nothing more and slept. I woke up to the woman's voice. She was on her knees, crying. 'God, please, spare my life. All I need is another chance. I want to see my son grow up. I'm not ready to die', she cried. While I was getting stronger, she was weaker. My mother was sleeping quietly next to me. I slowly left my bed and walked to her. 'Madam...' I called She looked up at me and for the first time since Jacob jilted me, I didn't see pity. All I saw was pains. 'I don't want to die', she repeated 'I know', I told her 'I saw them rushed you in here. Do you know how precious life is?' 'Jacob is my life', I defended 'I lost my parents at the age of twelve to an accident. I was raised in an orphanage. At fifteen, I was raped by a Reverend father, at sixteen; I ran away from the orphanage and lived in the street. I fought for water and food with other kids like me until I got a job to be a house help. My boss and I fell in love and we married in the court. I have a beautiful son for him. I, a no body, was given a chance of love. My husband died two years ago but I survived it. He was the only one kind to me since I lost my parents. Now, I'm dying and all I want is a chance to see my son grow. I don't want him to go through what I did' As she spoke, she cried her heart out. 'Why do you want to die over a man that doesn't want you? You are still young, beautiful, you have dotting parents and good friends. Why are you so ungrateful?' 'Ungrateful?' I asked 'Yes. You have reasons to thank God. You have family, you have friends and most importantly, you have life. My sister, where there is life, there is hope' 'I slowly went back to my bed. The woman was still crying her eyes out. Pleading with God to safe her 3 I was discharged the next day. I quietly walked into my room but couldn't erase the crying woman's face from my mind. Life had treated her so cruelly, yet she wanted to live. She lost both her parents at twelve, I still had mine. She lived in an orphanage but I lived with my parents and I attended school. She lost her dear husband but I only lost Jacob and I wanted to kill myself. Am I being ungrateful to God?’ I asked Yes, I am That woman’s story was pathetic. I drank a lot of Kerosene but survived, that woman had fought for everything all her life and she was still fighting for her life. At that moment, I knew I was kept alive for a reason. Jacob might have gone, but my heart still beats. I must live I told myself. That woman had shown me the importance of life. I am the daughter of a no body; I have life and hope just like Shannon, the daughter of a wealthy man. I won’t let Jacob take my life from me. It was a precious gift from God The next day, I took my bath and left home for the first time. ***** Exactly a month later, I attended the woman's burial and saw her child in her husband's sister's arms. I pray life treats him fairly. I was at home and decided to go through my emails. One caught my attention. I absentmindedly clicked on it and scanned the sentences with my eyes. Oh my God' I shouted. My parents ran into my room and stared at me. 'Tess, what is the problem?' dad asked 'Father, you remember that nursing form I filled online last year?' 'The one you sent to America?' 'Yes. You remember I had an interview online?' 'Yes, they said they would get back to you. It’s been a year already' 'Mum, dad, I have been offered the job. The mail was sent yesterday. The hospital would send me money for flight’ I told them with tears in my eyes. My mother began dancing. My father opened his arms and I went into them. 'My daughter, my only child, I knew I didn't waste my money when I sent you to study nursing. When my brothers said girls are a waste of time, I told them my daughter is not. I was right' 'You are a promised child. You are the daughter of a hardworking and honest farmer. Never you forget that God bless the work of our hands' 4 4 years later. 'I now pronounce you man and wife', the priest said. Jackson pulled me into his arms and kissed me. I looked at him with love in my eyes. Jackson was a self-made millionaire. He was into real estate. He was a Nigerian but born and brought up in Europe. He had agreed for us to return home and have our wedding. I turned and found my chief bridesmaid, Ngozi, smiling at me. She was married and a proud mother of two. I turned and gaze at my father, now old but doing well. Over the years, I had bought him modern farm tools. He was into mechanized agriculture and he also exported his product. My mother had her own boutique. My husband, my love, my happiness, smiled at me. He had loved me even when I told him I was the daughter of a no body. After the wedding, we would return to Washington and live our life. Jacob, I heard from Ngozi, was now poor. His wife Shannon and her family had lost their fortune. In fact, my husband owned the company. He had bought it specifically for me when Shannon's father was looking for a buyer. Jacob, too ashamed to stay, had quit. 'My love', Jackson, ever handsome in his tux called 'Thank you', I said 'I loved you Tess, from the day I walked into that hospital in Washington and saw you trying to save an old man’s life you took my breath away. It doesn't matter that you are the daughter of a no body, it doesn't matter that you committed abortions five times. I love you and I promise to spend my life loving you', he whispered in her ears. I closed her eyes and silently thanked Joanna, the cancer patient I had met four years ago. Life is indeed precious. 15 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Life's Hope, A Short Story by okeyben10: 6:01pm On Jan 01, 2018 |
thanks so much Tiffany 1 Like |
Re: Life's Hope, A Short Story by damis28crown(f): 6:07pm On Jan 01, 2018 |
wow jst d encouragement i need thanks GOD BLESS U TIFFANY 1 Like |
Re: Life's Hope, A Short Story by missuniverse(f): 7:43pm On Jan 01, 2018 |
when there's life ,there's hope... Life is indeed precious Happy New Year Tiffan... 1 Like |
Re: Life's Hope, A Short Story by crislyn(f): 8:06pm On Jan 01, 2018 |
Happy new year Tiff...i wish you the best this year has to offer and thanks for the beautiful story. 1 Like |
Re: Life's Hope, A Short Story by chiexcel: 9:55pm On Jan 01, 2018 |
U are d best Tiff....happy new year and new month ma 1 Like |
Re: Life's Hope, A Short Story by heemah(f): 9:58pm On Jan 01, 2018 |
**smiling** Thanks for this... ![]() ![]() 2 Likes |
Re: Life's Hope, A Short Story by henrieternal2016(m): 4:54am On Jan 02, 2018 |
At least this one is not for sale. it's for happy new year i suppose! 1 Like |
Re: Life's Hope, A Short Story by IStandWithFynes: 6:56am On Jan 02, 2018 |
Dope ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Life's Hope, A Short Story by Swegzfreak: 6:59am On Jan 02, 2018 |
Re: Life's Hope, A Short Story by Maryclaire1(f): 7:29am On Jan 02, 2018 |
A heart touching story with a life lesson too....TJ God bless u have been a source of inspiration through your books thanks for sharing this story...I pray God grant u more wisdom..happy new year ![]() 1 Like |
Re: Life's Hope, A Short Story by uju22(f): 7:30am On Jan 02, 2018 |
Happy new year Tiffany. Waoo you just made my morning with this story, thank you |
Re: Life's Hope, A Short Story by Omero(m): 7:51am On Jan 02, 2018 |
Splendid and superfluous! 1 Like |
Re: Life's Hope, A Short Story by Chommieblaq(f): 7:55am On Jan 02, 2018 |
Thanks Tiff! Lesson filled, and a prosperous new year to you and your family. 1 Like |
Re: Life's Hope, A Short Story by Nobody: 8:06am On Jan 02, 2018 |
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Re: Life's Hope, A Short Story by cerowo(f): 8:46am On Jan 02, 2018 |
TiffanyJ:Wow.... That's nice of you. Happy New Dear |
Re: Life's Hope, A Short Story by Rajosh(m): 10:04am On Jan 02, 2018 |
I'll come back to read when I'm through with what I'm doing because I know that anything from Tiffany is worth reading. 1 Like |
Re: Life's Hope, A Short Story by Aipete2(f): 10:21am On Jan 02, 2018 |
Wow!!! I love thou and thy work aunty tiffy 1 Like |
Re: Life's Hope, A Short Story by Dessydemmy: 11:59am On Jan 02, 2018 |
Short but insightful, weldone dear. 1 Like |
Re: Life's Hope, A Short Story by AryEmber(f): 1:28pm On Jan 02, 2018 |
So the man married a woman that has killed 5 babies? Kai! I think the title should be Life's unfair. 1 Like |
Re: Life's Hope, A Short Story by rachealfst(f): 2:58pm On Jan 02, 2018 |
Hmm... Nice story for a new year. We must not give up. Better days are ahead.
Thanks TiffanyJ, happy New year. 2 Likes |
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