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Has Any Muslim Had A Journey From Islam To Atheism And Back To Islam? - Islam for Muslims (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Has Any Muslim Had A Journey From Islam To Atheism And Back To Islam? by Nihilist: 10:37am On Jan 12, 2018
[s]say that again, but this time face a mirror. grin[/s]

Not interested in a back and forth. I came here to read about people's experiences, not to engage in conversations with moröns.

Have a lovely day and regards to your mother.

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Re: Has Any Muslim Had A Journey From Islam To Atheism And Back To Islam? by tintingz(m): 11:39am On Jan 12, 2018

"Does your mother have HIV?"
"Does your mother have HIV from sleeping with various men in every hood like a Dog?"

Both are questions right? go figure...
Since you took it emotionally to an insult, it shows how unreasonable you're like I said in my previous post.

Asking if my mother is HIV positive is a personal thing, even medical doctors don't disclose people's medical test/health status without thier consent.

Questioning your faith/religion is a public matter just like politics, I've every right to question your religion without anyone's consent.

If I insult you now the MODs will quick to ban me.

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Re: Has Any Muslim Had A Journey From Islam To Atheism And Back To Islam? by tintingz(m): 11:43am On Jan 12, 2018
Is there any where that forbids you not to mind your business?

Why don't you seek your dad, if you are really sincere. Hypocrite!

Can religion also mind thier business?

You can't mind your business when something is a public matter, do people mind thier business when it comes to politics?

Your ignorance is alarming and don't take it emotional chuckle!
Re: Has Any Muslim Had A Journey From Islam To Atheism And Back To Islam? by Pataricatering(f): 11:48am On Jan 12, 2018
Says the person who is replying but who thinks he is not in an argument ! You should have kept quiet !

He probably thinks I engage in online arguments, grin grin grin he doesn't know he is still in his cycle... I wish you success..

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Re: Has Any Muslim Had A Journey From Islam To Atheism And Back To Islam? by lfleak: 12:01pm On Jan 12, 2018

Not interested in a back and forth. I came here to read about people's experiences, not to engage in conversations with moröns.

Have a lovely day and regards to your mother.
triggered grin
Re: Has Any Muslim Had A Journey From Islam To Atheism And Back To Islam? by lfleak: 12:06pm On Jan 12, 2018
Since you took it emotionally to an insult, it shows how unreasonable you're like I said in my previous post.

Asking if my mother is HIV positive is a personal thing, even medical doctors don't disclose people's medical test/health status without thier consent.

Questioning your faith/religion is a public matter just like politics, I've every right to question your religion without anyone's consent.

If I insult you now the MODs will quick to ban me.
Oh my! why did you skip comprehension classes in school?

now I will teach you for free, read again. I wrote those words in quotation marks to symbolize that its not a direct statement. Both statement was made to show you types of question since you said you want to question a faith. The second questions I wrote shows the way you ask your question in relation to the first...

Always read to understand... grin grin

You see? I thought you for free, go and get a refund from your school...

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Re: Has Any Muslim Had A Journey From Islam To Atheism And Back To Islam? by usmanktg2(m): 12:10pm On Jan 12, 2018
Sufism is your answer.

Most atheist land safe in Islam by upholding deeper spiritual part of Islam, Sufism.
Re: Has Any Muslim Had A Journey From Islam To Atheism And Back To Islam? by tintingz(m): 12:23pm On Jan 12, 2018
Oh my! why did you skip comprehension classes in school?

now I will teach you for free, read again. I wrote those words in quotation marks to symbolize that its not a direct statement. Both statement was made to show you types of question since you said you want to question a faith. The second questions I wrote shows the way you ask your question in relation to the first...

Always read to understand... grin grin

You see? I thought you for free, go and get a refund from your school...
I'm yet to get a good and sensible thing out from this crap you posted. undecided
Re: Has Any Muslim Had A Journey From Islam To Atheism And Back To Islam? by lfleak: 12:40pm On Jan 12, 2018
I'm yet to get a good and sensible thing out from this crap you posted. undecided
olodo grin
Re: Has Any Muslim Had A Journey From Islam To Atheism And Back To Islam? by tintingz(m): 12:45pm On Jan 12, 2018
olodo grin
Ok undecided

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Re: Has Any Muslim Had A Journey From Islam To Atheism And Back To Islam? by BalogunIdowu(m): 12:55pm On Jan 12, 2018
Quite a number must have, but no knows when death knocks... Don't look for what is not lost in the name whatever, may Allah make our feet firm in the deen of Al Islam
Re: Has Any Muslim Had A Journey From Islam To Atheism And Back To Islam? by Xisnin(m): 1:45pm On Jan 12, 2018
Is there any where that forbids you not to mind your business?

Why don't you seek your dad, if you are really sincere. Hypocrite!

Any thought you publicly express is everyone's business. Your second point is irrelevant, face the topic.

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Re: Has Any Muslim Had A Journey From Islam To Atheism And Back To Islam? by Xisnin(m): 1:47pm On Jan 12, 2018

"Does your mother have HIV?"
"Does your mother have HIV from sleeping with various men in every hood like a Dog?"

Both are questions right? go figure...

Product of a broken home if not, they would have taken you to yaba left where you belong.
Re: Has Any Muslim Had A Journey From Islam To Atheism And Back To Islam? by smulti(m): 2:23pm On Jan 12, 2018

Islam is the most perfect religion and anyone considering this will never leave Islam.

If we imagine a scenario it can be like’’16 Old thinking and then deciding there is no God then years later Do some researches and decides that he was wrong and gets back to islam’’

1-God:What is God…As Quran says ‘’Nothing is like him’’ but when an Atheist think of God he thinks that he is a Giant man holding a *Giant Fork* and does everything so absolutely he rejects the idea a more deep thinker would think God is something like Enormous peace of energy or something BUT what we all need to know that nothing is like GOD nothing we know is like GOD nothing ever is like GOD ‘NOTHING IS LIKE HIM’ he creates ‘something’ from nothing no one can do this he knows everything he created everything .

note:{we use the word him just because no replacement in our limited language he is not a male not a female we only know about him 1-he creates something from nothing 2-he is ONE}

Religion:after God brought Adam and eve into earth to test them and their Successors (Us) so good will live after life in heaven(immortally) and bad will be punished to ‘Jahanam’(Fire which is much stronger than earth’s) but we needed rules because we did not know what’s good and what’s wrong

now think with me if someone has just invented a machine you don’t know who would be the best to give you its guide —->its the creator/inventor of it ✔

so since we don’t know what’s wrong or right we got ‘Religion

God sent us religion so we know what’s wrong and what’s right so we can figure out what to do ….it started with a simple religion God sent Ibrahim(Abraham) with a very simple religion that people can adapt to at that time then it was Dawood(David) bit complex one since people got adapted to ‘religion’ then Mosa(Mosis) then Aeisa(Jesus) then at the time that we were able to understand the FULL Message he sent Muhammad with the final testament which is the Quran it contains all what the other books had (without being faked) and more …so Religion is just the Guide of life to heaven .

Proofing the Quran: Quran has so much scientific information that we have just discovered lately and it was in the Quran since 1400 years (Ex. the earth is circular/sun is a star/moon doesn’t emit light) and MUCH more so much more and all is proven to be right so Quran 80% of its information is 100% Scientifically right the other 20% ex.(there is an after life or science we haven’t discovered) is neither right nor wrong (we still didn’t prove it) so in my logic when all this information presented from 1400 years is proven to be right then the OTHER 20% MUST BE ALSO RIGHT!!

and Believe me the information in Quran proves so much thing we did not know (ex.how really the pyramids were build by the Egyptians and MUCH more i can not remember.)

Proving that islam is the right Guide for us:-

islam terms are 1-believing in ONE god and that islam is the last religion which God sent with Muhammad .

2– Five Prayers a day :not only the islamic prayer is considered an exercise for your body main parts keeping you much healthier but the main purpose can be observed:-Human has made with so much instincts ex(trying always to be better and considering him self the best and FORGETTING) our brain forgets and when we forget we do wrong so basically when you pray you say words which were presented in the Life’s guide (Quran) so you keep constantly remembering not to do wrong with out prayer we would sometimes forget the ex. is wrong so we would do it but praying 5 times a day will keep you always remembering what’s wrong and what’s right so you live without doing mistakes for a real life example:any muslim REALLY PRAYING will never do a mistake after a prayer ex.he won’t lie do bad even for me praying makes me much better i won’t lie/talk about others when they are not around/curse as i always remember because of praying and most importanly always knowing God is watching me

Other purpose :before you pray you have to clean your whole body which makes you constantly clean LEADING TO you never being affected by DISEASES thats why we pray for God its FOR US NOT FOR HIM subhanah Allah praying makes you :behave much better in life/always clean and fit+Healthy

3-Zakat: Zakat is to give a percentage of your earning to a ‘say a bank’ which gives this money to Poor its such best way to live and make others do so if you are mediocre earner you give 10% chance which is not much for you but much for the poor if you are so rich you give 10% which is not much for you but SO MUCH FOR THE POOR if this was really set for every country you would n’t see ONE DYING OUT OF STARVING and ofcourse praying would remind you to always pay it and make world live so Peacefully and equally would be right their because everyone is able to EAT have a shelter due to money from Zakat

also zakat prevents stealing as all would have money.

4-Fasting:Fasting is not to eat or drink or do mistakes all day long (day time like only when sun is present) you have to do it one month a year and it has incredible amount of advantages not only it reminds you how starving people live …it makes you so fit and behaving much better and MUCH healthier.

5-Hijab: Hijab is meant for women and it is to cover her hair and put clothes that doesn’t shape anyhing of whats on your body (just like a rope something that is not tight it can be any clothes that are not tight) why? because it is scientifically proven when men look at them with out hijab the first thing activates in mind is your sex drive leading to adultery and transmitting sex diseases by kissing etc failed unnecessary relationships with bad endings and PORN …with hijab all this wouldn’t have existed a woman can only reveal her self to her husband which makes the wold much better .

6-YOU HAVE BEEN ASKED :as the quran Says you have been asked if you want to be a human and take the life test or not but you do not remember it so remember you AGREED to take the test and live a better immortal life after then if succeeded

WHY should i believe in islam as the way of living the right life when most other religions say the same?? all the books before islam has said that islam is going to come and i can get verses if you want to also they got corrupted (i can get you so much false information from them proving its not the word of GOD but i dare you to get one mistake out of Quran)

look at isis they are muslims what are they doing ? in islam its 100% forbidden to kill a living so they are by the name muslims but not following islam and hence then considred non muslims

proving more about God/islam :this can go easy if you believe that we are in a fair world now lets take this chat if i am a non believer but a so logically person:

1-prove me stealing is wrong?

its bad you take stuff from others its hurting and bad

1-i care for my self only when i steal i become better and i can eat the turkey i love

yes but if you steal/kill/rape police will punish you

1-dude the Police is in my pocket i give them 20% of what i steal i cannot be killed i have 77 Guard men (this actually happens in Nigeria btw) annnd where were the police in before 1200 years who would punish at that time

man karma will punish you and people will steal from you

1-mate you forgot about the 77 THUGHSi can kill rape and live the best life..

so as you can see this would be able to happen without religion living a total clownfiesta would be like animals living ..

so the answer of this is solved that THERE IS AN AFTERLIFE AND YOU WILL BE BURNT IMMORALLY

real life example:Hitler burned 6 million jews alive what can we do about it ??punish him till death ?electric chair?good that solve one what about the 5.9 99999 innocent humans ?and thats the purpose of jahanam and as god tells us in the quran in jahanam(Hell) bad would be burnt till death then we would give him refreshed body so he feels pain again forever if god wanted so for example if god wants to burn hitler 6 million times as for what he did it can BE.

where is God located?are we only in this universe?

As i said nothing is like God being located is a property of a ‘creature’ while God creates so nothing in our characteristics is like god. he doesn’t have to be located or more clearly i should say thinking of this puts us on endless loops which means its the limits of our thinking.

In Quran as i remember it is said that we are not the only creatures in the universe while their can be different creatures with different properties of which why we can not discover them .

for example human need to see and communicate (speaking) maybe another creatures don’t need to talk or communicate as they get nothing from it may be they have different properties .

for example imagine imagine that we did not speak we communicated by eyes and sending thoughts we would know nothing about speaking/hearing and how it looked like aliens might be the same thing the might have totally different properties from humans maybe they don’t need to see maybe they dont need to move they ‘’insert something we don’t know here’’ maybe they don’t need to live they are’’jhjvkhcvkjhfgi’’ oops loops starting here thats our brain limit ..

everything in islam has a scientific logical reason which makes it the best way for living right!!

and remember you will feel life was one second when you die and you will regret all bad things you did so START FROM NOW I HAVE TOLD YOU ISLAM IS RIGHT.

hope this answers the question and caps doesn’t mean i am yelling, although I snore..

have a bright day

how much will you pay me if I should devote my time for your long epistle

let's talk this is business
Re: Has Any Muslim Had A Journey From Islam To Atheism And Back To Islam? by lfleak: 2:46pm On Jan 12, 2018

Product of a broken home if not, they would have taken you to yaba left where you belong.
Re: Has Any Muslim Had A Journey From Islam To Atheism And Back To Islam? by Sterope(f): 3:20pm On Jan 12, 2018
I am finding it hard to see where it concerns you. You are the.one with daddy issues. Go and meet your dad if you are so concerned about Islam. Don't be a nuisance.
Can religion also mind thier business?

You can't mind your business when something is a public matter, do people mind thier business when it comes to politics?

Your ignorance is alarming and don't take it emotional chuckle!
Re: Has Any Muslim Had A Journey From Islam To Atheism And Back To Islam? by Sterope(f): 3:20pm On Jan 12, 2018
Re: Has Any Muslim Had A Journey From Islam To Atheism And Back To Islam? by Sterope(f): 3:21pm On Jan 12, 2018
I don't have attention to give to you.

Any thought you publicly express is everyone's business. Your second point is irrelevant, face the topic.
Re: Has Any Muslim Had A Journey From Islam To Atheism And Back To Islam? by smulti(m): 3:44pm On Jan 12, 2018

Salaam brother
I saw two of your posts on other threads but decided not to make this comment over there
I just want to remind that we are not allowed to slit peoples throat
Let us try and restrain ourselves no matter the provocation
Re: Has Any Muslim Had A Journey From Islam To Atheism And Back To Islam? by tintingz(m): 4:21pm On Jan 12, 2018
I am finding it hard to see where it concerns you. You are the.one with daddy issues. Go and meet your dad if you are so concerned about Islam. Don't be a nuisance.
If I can be in my room and I keep hearing some loud chanting opposite my house then i wonder how it's not my concern, if they can use speakers to disturb the neighborhood without people's consent, if a group of religious people can block a public road in the name of praying then I wonder why I can't criticize the faith or question the faith.

And you must be a family member to know I've a daddy issue. grin
Re: Has Any Muslim Had A Journey From Islam To Atheism And Back To Islam? by tintingz(m): 4:24pm On Jan 12, 2018

Any thought you publicly express is everyone's business. Your second point is irrelevant, face the topic.
Thank you jare.
Re: Has Any Muslim Had A Journey From Islam To Atheism And Back To Islam? by ibsaq(m): 2:56pm On Jun 07, 2019
This person here didnt give good reason with evidence he/she thinks Allah and Islam are far authentic than every other Gods and religion.

What is the different between a God that limit himself to a human and die for his sins he created and a God that plan to throw people to hell for the sins he created? Why must he/she face the east to worship a black box?
. A human can decides to polish his shoes or throws them in fire we ate all Allah's savant's if he wish paradise if he wish fire
Re: Has Any Muslim Had A Journey From Islam To Atheism And Back To Islam? by tintingz(m): 7:49pm On Jun 07, 2019
. A human can decides to polish his shoes or throws them in fire we ate all Allah's savant's if he wish paradise if he wish fire
I don't quite understand your post.
Re: Has Any Muslim Had A Journey From Islam To Atheism And Back To Islam? by ibsaq(m): 2:39pm On Jun 08, 2019
I don't quite understand your post.
I. mean we are all Allah's savant's if he wish he will forgives us or punish us
Re: Has Any Muslim Had A Journey From Islam To Atheism And Back To Islam? by tintingz(m): 4:57pm On Jun 08, 2019

I. mean we are all Allah's savant's if he wish he will forgives us or punish us

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