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Why Is Daddy Freeze Focused On Adeboye And Not TB Joshua? - Religion (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Why Is Daddy Freeze Focused On Adeboye And Not TB Joshua? by Pharaoh001(f): 10:27am On Jan 09, 2018
fvck TB, fvck freez
...Hail Baba Adeboye
Re: Why Is Daddy Freeze Focused On Adeboye And Not TB Joshua? by Monjerk: 10:29am On Jan 09, 2018
Why cant you focus on TB Joshua, must he do everything for you to be commenting.

If he do it, you will still be the one to complain.

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Re: Why Is Daddy Freeze Focused On Adeboye And Not TB Joshua? by Inspire01: 10:29am On Jan 09, 2018
Which kind op be this
I can only sense hatred and jealousy towards TB JOSHUA
And op is a pained rccg member


Re: Why Is Daddy Freeze Focused On Adeboye And Not TB Joshua? by Elnino4ladies: 10:29am On Jan 09, 2018
Because Adeboye is a con artist
Re: Why Is Daddy Freeze Focused On Adeboye And Not TB Joshua? by Elnino4ladies: 10:30am On Jan 09, 2018
fvck TB, fvck freez
...Hail Baba Adeboye

Fvck you! Fvck Adeboye
Re: Why Is Daddy Freeze Focused On Adeboye And Not TB Joshua? by neonly: 10:30am On Jan 09, 2018
Maybe Adeboye endorsed buhari
Re: Why Is Daddy Freeze Focused On Adeboye And Not TB Joshua? by Kay25(m): 10:31am On Jan 09, 2018
Daddy Freeze as you all know him is popular on this "tithe" payment issue and is specifically calling out Adeboye and RCCG on the tithe issue. Late last year we saw a video shared by Freeze himself that shows Popular Nigerian Pastor, TB Joshua supporting his comment on the to tithing issue where he said "it is better to give to the poor than to pay tithe".

Have we all forgotten about TB Joshua's 2016 Prophesy About Hillary Clinton winning the Election? Why is daddy freeze not attacking TB Joshua as being fake and deceiving Nigerians?

Because TB Joshua shows he helps the needy doesn't mean Those not showing it are not helping the needy. If you ask me, I'll prefer being prayed for to Prosper than to receive #200k or #500k to help myself in this country. And You all know TB Joshua Video tape each and everyone he helps, Whether you're a president or not, or a man who was rich before or not. Even if Dangote becomes broke he'll still decide to let the world knows that he helped him.

Come to think of it, When Jim Iyke gave his reasons for appearing on Emmanuel TV, Daddy Freeze didn't react. But if it is someone who was unknown said the same thing about RCCG, he would be the first to react.

Please Nairalanders what do u have to say about this?

You don't need compare let's leave daddy freeze in Gods hand and let him judge him accordinly
Re: Why Is Daddy Freeze Focused On Adeboye And Not TB Joshua? by notoriousbabe: 10:31am On Jan 09, 2018
I need a genuine pastor,I have missed my period
Re: Why Is Daddy Freeze Focused On Adeboye And Not TB Joshua? by Gruvychuky(f): 10:32am On Jan 09, 2018
someone is hungry, you have food to give to the person but you pray for the person to be filled. You have done nothing. Cos faith without work is dead.


Re: Why Is Daddy Freeze Focused On Adeboye And Not TB Joshua? by addikt(m): 10:33am On Jan 09, 2018
Lies. T.b Joshua doesn't video tape everyone he helps. If he Did there would be no cyber space to contain it.

Dele Momodu was also assisted by the church. Did you hear about it. If not that Dele Momodu personally said it sometime last year would you have known? I along with so many others were given money by the church, nobody put us on camera for that. Say what you know pls.


Re: Why Is Daddy Freeze Focused On Adeboye And Not TB Joshua? by abuaaliyah(m): 10:34am On Jan 09, 2018
What are they all saying, out of top 20 richest pastor in the world only nigeria have seven(7) haba
Re: Why Is Daddy Freeze Focused On Adeboye And Not TB Joshua? by freshkpomo(m): 10:36am On Jan 09, 2018
To be frank,i pay my tithe and i will not stop::but the emphasies pastors lay on it these days are just too much; u eat ur tithe u eat death,sickness,police case e.t.c.... These things are not called for!!!
Re: Why Is Daddy Freeze Focused On Adeboye And Not TB Joshua? by Drjavier(m): 10:36am On Jan 09, 2018

So what will you say about the fake prophesy?

Probably a test from God, often times we hv heard of situations wer anointed men of God with healing powers cannot even heal members of der own family wen need arise. I dont know abt freeze but he is not talking trash all d same... We hv our pastors nd prophets building stadiums for der generations to inherit from d moneys of der members who may be poor or worse... Freeze is barely pointing out how dat in its entirety is an anomaly

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Re: Why Is Daddy Freeze Focused On Adeboye And Not TB Joshua? by Hotshawarma(m): 10:36am On Jan 09, 2018
Daddy Freeze as you all know him is popular on this "tithe" payment issue and is specifically calling out Adeboye and RCCG on the tithe issue. Late last year we saw a video shared by Freeze himself that shows Popular Nigerian Pastor, TB Joshua supporting his comment on the to tithing issue where he said "it is better to give to the poor than to pay tithe".

Have we all forgotten about TB Joshua's 2016 Prophesy About Hillary Clinton winning the Election? Why is daddy freeze not attacking TB Joshua as being fake and deceiving Nigerians?

Because TB Joshua shows he helps the needy doesn't mean Those not showing it are not helping the needy. If you ask me, I'll prefer being prayed for to Prosper than to receive #200k or #500k to help myself in this country. And You all know TB Joshua Video tape each and everyone he helps, Whether you're a president or not, or a man who was rich before or not. Even if Dangote becomes broke he'll still decide to let the world knows that he helped him.

Come to think of it, When Jim Iyke gave his reasons for appearing on Emmanuel TV, Daddy Freeze didn't react. But if it is someone who was unknown said the same thing about RCCG, he would be the first to react.

Please Nairalanders what do u have to say about this?

boko haram killed thousands of people including people worshipping at the church sef,Fulani herdsmen doing the same thing,what happened to the prayers of this your so called pastors??where was the prayer while people keep getting killed??be deceiving yourself
Re: Why Is Daddy Freeze Focused On Adeboye And Not TB Joshua? by Nobody: 10:37am On Jan 09, 2018
Daddy Freeze as you all know him is popular on this "tithe" payment issue and is specifically calling out Adeboye and RCCG on the tithe issue. Late last year we saw a video shared by Freeze himself that shows Popular Nigerian Pastor, TB Joshua supporting his comment on the to tithing issue where he said "it is better to give to the poor than to pay tithe".

Have we all forgotten about TB Joshua's 2016 Prophesy About Hillary Clinton winning the Election? Why is daddy freeze not attacking TB Joshua as being fake and deceiving Nigerians?

Because TB Joshua shows he helps the needy doesn't mean Those not showing it are not helping the needy. If you ask me, I'll prefer being prayed for to Prosper than to receive #200k or #500k to help myself in this country. And You all know TB Joshua Video tape each and everyone he helps, Whether you're a president or not, or a man who was rich before or not. Even if Dangote becomes broke he'll still decide to let the world knows that he helped him.

Come to think of it, When Jim Iyke gave his reasons for appearing on Emmanuel TV, Daddy Freeze didn't react. But if it is someone who was unknown said the same thing about RCCG, he would be the first to react.

Please Nairalanders what do u have to say about this?

na mumu dey worry all of una for this country. i thought you all have one God as a christian, why no unity? una mumu suppose don do. idiots!!! T.B Joshua yen yen yen yen, Oyedepo Yen yen yen yen, Daddy Freeze Yen yen yen yen.

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Re: Why Is Daddy Freeze Focused On Adeboye And Not TB Joshua? by correctguy101(m): 10:37am On Jan 09, 2018
One thing I know is that Freeze has hidden agender even the Atheists, Muslims, Free thinkers and all the anointed but not converted Christians that are hailing him will be well served by Freeze when the time comes and then will they know that Freeze needs help. Just like Boko Haram that started their killings with Christians and ending with Muslims, Freeze is coming for them.

You're wrong and you're right.

The only thing Daddy Freeze is hiding is his being an infidel, a non believer of the BS religion spreads like bedsheets... undecided

As for those who support his theories getting"served when the time comes", com'on now, what can Freeze do to for example me? just me o.... not to talk of the countless people who can beat him in words or physically bash his fearful head in?

Or you mean served on judgement day? I'll not be there bro, I can't be judged when I'm dead.... tongue

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Re: Why Is Daddy Freeze Focused On Adeboye And Not TB Joshua? by legacy2k15(m): 10:37am On Jan 09, 2018
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Re: Why Is Daddy Freeze Focused On Adeboye And Not TB Joshua? by freshkpomo(m): 10:40am On Jan 09, 2018
fvck TB, fvck freez ...Hail Baba Adeboye
with this ur fucking rate, STD go soon be ur padi!!!
Re: Why Is Daddy Freeze Focused On Adeboye And Not TB Joshua? by lloyds(m): 10:40am On Jan 09, 2018
Freeze acknowledged and commended TB Joshua last year, have u forgotten?
TB Joshua has a private jet, but freeze will not see that.

He said Adeboye prayed that enemy of his followers should die, but that is the national anthem at MFM, he will not go there...

Is Adeboye or RCCG the only church collecting tithes. . It is more strategic to attack Adeboye since many usually see him as spiritual father for most Pentecostals.

People think that men of God are perfect beings, but they fail to realize that they are humans, thriving under grace.

As a true believer we need to pray more for them, and wisely point out areas of erring to them. Every organisation has its issues.

Freeze is comfortable that many baby and unstable Christians are backsliding as a result of his confusing assaults and attacks, but yet he is OK. No genuine believer will be comfortable with that.

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Re: Why Is Daddy Freeze Focused On Adeboye And Not TB Joshua? by Pharaoh001(f): 10:40am On Jan 09, 2018

wtf!? did I mention/quote you Fvck you! Fvck Adeboye
fvck all your generation ... TB shall spit on your grave!
Re: Why Is Daddy Freeze Focused On Adeboye And Not TB Joshua? by Nobody: 10:41am On Jan 09, 2018
smiley cheesy
Re: Why Is Daddy Freeze Focused On Adeboye And Not TB Joshua? by Ralo(m): 10:43am On Jan 09, 2018

Your brain is upside down sad
Brainwashed follower

Think before you post,kid
Don't be deceived.
Freeze might be a clown, but he do talk sense some time.
fvck both of you sad

E pain am
Re: Why Is Daddy Freeze Focused On Adeboye And Not TB Joshua? by Beedude(m): 10:43am On Jan 09, 2018
someone is hungry, you have food to give to the person but you pray for the person to be filled. You have done nothing. Cos faith without work is dead.
Dont Mind Op. He Thinks Everything In Life Is Prayer. 90% Of People That Attends Every Church Program Weekly Are Jobless And Poor. Nigerians Pray To God While China Practice Buddism, Taosm And Others. We Need To Work More Than We Pray
Re: Why Is Daddy Freeze Focused On Adeboye And Not TB Joshua? by Pharaoh001(f): 10:44am On Jan 09, 2018
with this ur fucking rate, STD go soon be ur padi!!!

you shall be diagnose with Aids.
duffer boy!
Re: Why Is Daddy Freeze Focused On Adeboye And Not TB Joshua? by seguno2: 10:44am On Jan 09, 2018
Daddy Freeze as you all know him is popular on this "tithe" payment issue and is specifically calling out Adeboye and RCCG on the tithe issue. Late last year we saw a video shared by Freeze himself that shows Popular Nigerian Pastor, TB Joshua supporting his comment on the to tithing issue where he said "it is better to give to the poor than to pay tithe".

Have we all forgotten about TB Joshua's 2016 Prophesy About Hillary Clinton winning the Election? Why is daddy freeze not attacking TB Joshua as being fake and deceiving Nigerians?

Because TB Joshua shows he helps the needy doesn't mean Those not showing it are not helping the needy. If you ask me, I'll prefer being prayed for to Prosper than to receive #200k or #500k to help myself in this country. And You all know TB Joshua Video tape each and everyone he helps, Whether you're a president or not, or a man who was rich before or not. Even if Dangote becomes broke he'll still decide to let the world knows that he helped him.

Come to think of it, When Jim Iyke gave his reasons for appearing on Emmanuel TV, Daddy Freeze didn't react. But if it is someone who was unknown said the same thing about RCCG, he would be the first to react.

Please Nairalanders what do u have to say about this?

He is exercising his choice.
Moreover, he has to leave something for others like you to also engage with. I don’t think that is a bad thing, do you?
Re: Why Is Daddy Freeze Focused On Adeboye And Not TB Joshua? by JONNYSPUTE(m): 10:46am On Jan 09, 2018
Daddy Freeze as you all know him is popular on this "tithe" payment issue and is specifically calling out Adeboye and RCCG on the tithe issue. Late last year we saw a video shared by Freeze himself that shows Popular Nigerian Pastor, TB Joshua supporting his comment on the to tithing issue where he said "it is better to give to the poor than to pay tithe".

Have we all forgotten about TB Joshua's 2016 Prophesy About Hillary Clinton winning the Election? Why is daddy freeze not attacking TB Joshua as being fake and deceiving Nigerians?

Because TB Joshua shows he helps the needy doesn't mean Those not showing it are not helping the needy. If you ask me, I'll prefer being prayed for to Prosper than to receive #200k or #500k to help myself in this country. And You all know TB Joshua Video tape each and everyone he helps, Whether you're a president or not, or a man who was rich before or not. Even if Dangote becomes broke he'll still decide to let the world knows that he helped him.

Come to think of it, When Jim Iyke gave his reasons for appearing on Emmanuel TV, Daddy Freeze didn't react. But if it is someone who was unknown said the same thing about RCCG, he would be the first to react.

Please Nairalanders what do u have to say about this?

... Seems you don't like TBJ? Cause I don't get why you are so pained. Are you not also a human being? If Daddy freeze is not attacking him,then you can start doing so or don't you ve mouth to attack. I hate when people try to play smart without knowing they are show casing their shallow mentality. Note. I don't support freeze,but for you to say it here means you are supporting somebody and ur mind is evil towards TBJ. Hypocrite.


Re: Why Is Daddy Freeze Focused On Adeboye And Not TB Joshua? by lloyds(m): 10:47am On Jan 09, 2018
Any genuine and firmly rooted believer in Christ will have deep reservation concerning TB Joshua's ministry. I don't want to say more than that.

Most of Freeze supporters are Muslim's, atheists, wild musicians/artists and gangsters. It shows a lot about the kind he is.
Re: Why Is Daddy Freeze Focused On Adeboye And Not TB Joshua? by Charlesberry(m): 10:50am On Jan 09, 2018
I respect adeboye, oyedepo, pastor Chris, David ibiyeomie and other great men of God.
God gave everyone free will and that gift in everyone to be prosperous and in health. It's left for our individuals to exercise it. Using your energy on men of God positively or negatively wouldn't change anything. Lolz.

It's a shame people waste time to urge. If you ask people now can you sell your expensive phone to assist the poor, they'll look at you as a fool. Nigerian give translation to every little details and have diverse meaning to it and interpret it the way they seem fit.

Those men of God teaches has taken me from zero level to unaccountable level.

God will continue to bless them to spread the gospel around the world even if it demand 1000 private jets, they'll buy and gospel must touch all corner of the earth. Amen!!!

If you abuse or qoute me, you're on your own. Lolz

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Re: Why Is Daddy Freeze Focused On Adeboye And Not TB Joshua? by LustreChris(m): 10:51am On Jan 09, 2018
Why draw unnecessary comparison between these pastors? Ehn? I can now see that the problem we have is not extensively some of these leaders' but followers who keep drawing and making irrelevant comparison between people.
I would want to think that this same OP is one of the fans of either wizkid or davido that keep bringing unwanted hating comparison just to see a clash between these persons.

If Freeze decides not to talk about TBJ, how is that your own headache? There are several pastors out there in the nation Nigeria, why pinpoint TBJ? And not Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo, Apostle Suleman and others?

This is pure hate instigation against one another.

It's high time we stopped fomenting troubles and quarrels in the Church, enough is enough.

Let each one of them be and stop the hate comparison.

Thank you. sad
Re: Why Is Daddy Freeze Focused On Adeboye And Not TB Joshua? by JONNYSPUTE(m): 10:51am On Jan 09, 2018
someone is hungry, you have food to give to the person but you pray for the person to be filled. You have done nothing. Cos faith without work is dead.
. I Iove this.
Re: Why Is Daddy Freeze Focused On Adeboye And Not TB Joshua? by JONNYSPUTE(m): 10:55am On Jan 09, 2018
na mumu dey worry all of una for this country. i thought you all have one God as a christian, why no unity? una mumu suppose don do. idiots!!! T.B Joshua yen yen yen yen, Oyedepo Yen yen yen yen, Daddy Freeze Yen yen yen yen.
. Hahahahah. I dey with you bro. Their mumu don do. No be one God all of them dey call upon?.
Re: Why Is Daddy Freeze Focused On Adeboye And Not TB Joshua? by buskie13(m): 10:57am On Jan 09, 2018
What have you said about the over 1000 accurate prophesies he has given? Do you know that he accurately predicted the location of the missing flight debris of the malaysian flight MH370 monhs before it was actually found and in the exact same location and same part of the plane as he had earlier described?

Same man also predicted Jonathan would lose his re-election. Also predicted about the Abiola's tragedy.
Also predicted many football matches accurately. Also predicted Geroge Weah's presidency so what more do you want?

So if someone scores 99 over 100 isn't that A+++++?? Watch out, he has also predicted the reconciliation of North and South Korea, when that happens I hope you will applaud him since you're castigating him for one failed prophecy.
shut up guy,stop defending a scam,the guy is diabolic, he's not a true servant ,and all those predictions abi prophecies are as fake as Nigeria's President's ambitions

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