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Sirius 4 Or W3a Please Help Me Choose (One Must Go) - Satellite TV Technology - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / TV/Movies / Satellite TV Technology / Sirius 4 Or W3a Please Help Me Choose (One Must Go) (2333 Views)

Which Lnb Is Best For Trackin W3a 7.0E / Help Tracking W3a And Sirus4 On A 65cm Dish / 2 In 1 Setup,ew3 And Sirius 4 On 1 Dish (2) (3) (4)

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Sirius 4 Or W3a Please Help Me Choose (One Must Go) by mjay(m): 5:30pm On Apr 14, 2010
Guys I maintain three 90cm dishes for lack of space for 1.8m, Presently I am adding startv (terrestrial tv that produces 40  channels with low subscription.) My problem now is that I want to reduce the number of dishes I maintain at my abode, of cos atrsa 2b stays, my prob is between sirius 4 and w3a. If you have to advise me which one shld i let go? my pref is w3a, but with channels like vox africa, canal 2/3,free2view, stv and the various feeds, what will you advise I hold on to and which one shld i let go. House gurus your advice is needed, thnks.
Re: Sirius 4 Or W3a Please Help Me Choose (One Must Go) by Malix: 5:43pm On Apr 14, 2010
4me i 'll let go of sirius 4.
Re: Sirius 4 Or W3a Please Help Me Choose (One Must Go) by Malix: 5:45pm On Apr 14, 2010
4me i 'll let go of sirius 4.
Re: Sirius 4 Or W3a Please Help Me Choose (One Must Go) by phizz: 5:46pm On Apr 14, 2010

Guys I maintain three 90cm dishes for lack of space for 1.8m, Presently I am adding startv (terrestrial tv that produces 40  channels with low subscription.) My problem now is that I want to reduce the number of dishes I maintain at my abode, of cos atrsa 2b stays, my prob is between sirius 4 and w3a. If you have to advise me which one shld i let go? my pref is w3a, but with channels like vox africa, canal 2/3,free2view, stv and the various feeds, what will you advise I hold on to and which one shld i let go. House gurus your advice is needed, thnks.

Its Obvious That U like sirus, from wat u said above undecided, for me i think sirius is ok. if u are a football fan, am not sure but i think i read somewhere on this thread that ew3a is ok for football.

Re: Sirius 4 Or W3a Please Help Me Choose (One Must Go) by zenus(m): 10:08am On Apr 15, 2010
Re: Sirius 4 Or W3a Please Help Me Choose (One Must Go) by alancruise(m): 6:00pm On Apr 16, 2010
4rm my own point of view,on w3a d only sensible channel there is mbc's(1,2,3,movies).all others r just there. For sirus 4,f2v is down,top tv has been encrypted, d feeds comes once in a while. D only advantage is dat durin d world cup various feeds wil be on it.
I'll suggest u remove sirus 4.
Re: Sirius 4 Or W3a Please Help Me Choose (One Must Go) by GeorgeD1(m): 9:43pm On Apr 17, 2010
take my advice, get rid of sirius! your better off with w3a for a thousand reasons!
Re: Sirius 4 Or W3a Please Help Me Choose (One Must Go) by mjay(m): 9:57pm On Apr 19, 2010

take my advice, get rid of sirius! your better off with w3a for a thousand reasons!

thanks men, am good to go.
Re: Sirius 4 Or W3a Please Help Me Choose (One Must Go) by reds4life(m): 6:11pm On Sep 01, 2010
Both can be received on one 90cm dish. As a technician, First nail the Eutelsat bird and then use the TP frequency of Voxafrica package to nail Sirius. NB. When One nails the two birds, they have to use different polarities. For example when Eutelsat receives channels with Vertical polarity, The Sirius one has to receive on Horizontal polarity and vice versa, Be adviced it takes a lot of patience and accuracy to nail the two birds on one dish of 90cm. All things are possible,

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