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I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. - Romance (3) - Nairaland

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Re: I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. by Nobody: 11:20am On Jan 29, 2018
My ex girlfriend whom i dumbed during our year 2 has been disturbing me since we resume this session. I've been avoiding her but she just won't give up. Deep within me, i knw she want a chance into my life only to seek revenge cos i disvirgined her.. We re both in our final year nd d level of stalking has intensified, knwing fully well this is d last chance she's got.

Yesterday, while i was with my goons in sch, she walked up to me dt she wants to discuss something wit me. I gave her a listening ear, but she said she can't say it to my face she'll call me. I told her no p.

Last night.. She sent this msg to me via whasApp..

"Aff always hold grudge against u.... For everything that happened to us.. Year after year I have been nursing it..... I just want to let u know.... I forgive you.. I want my peace of mind... Have a great life dear" ..

What could she be up to guys?

P.S : I left her cos she nags too much, wants to knw everythng about me nd notice my CGPA was back sliding. So, i had to back off b4 i get emotionally involved in d shiit..

Cc ubunja , sagamite

Bro if you love your dick don't go back grin

The slightest opportunity she has, she will cut it off grin

Re: I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. by Sagamite(m): 11:25am On Jan 29, 2018

Intellectual on women affairs, smhhhh.
Guys And Baes are out there signing deals on monies. Increasing their bank accounts.
You are here busting your brains on one op with his ex girlfriend?
And you say, u are intellectual?

Anyways I don't have your time this morning .

For me, this is Monday morning and I have an important meeting coming up in the next 30mins.
Make yourself at home with nairaland relationship issues.
For me? Money must be made today, no time to waste here. The topic is yours, enjoy!
Am off. Byeee

You are a cretinous fuuktard!

Na me, Sagamite from SAGAMU, you dey try use "achievement" and "I have an important meeting coming up" to denge to? grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin

Oloshi ma lomo yi sha! (This kid na mooron sha) grin grin grin grin grin grin

Your FATHER, your GRANDFATHER and, in fact, your entire lineage, do not have one hundredth of the intellect I have to do what I do for a living. grin grin grin

"I have an important meeting coming up" ......"Money must be made today" ............Weere omo! (Mad child) grin grin grin grin grin grin

You think it is your agbero and Feyingbole University graduate friends you are talking to? grin grin grin grin

You actually got me cracking up for a few minutes. Meeting girl! You don become superstar because you dey go meeting. grin grin grin

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Re: I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. by Davedgr8(m): 5:40pm On Jan 29, 2018

Brilliant points!

Nonsense point!

He should not apologise shyt!

If she was the one, she would most likely not apologise.

When women do wrong, they only apologise when they are still interested or (at best, if at all) lamely if they are not interested.

They tend to only apologise for issues like this if they feel it can lead to calumny, if not, they just disconnect with the guy without any contrition.

I have said this shyt so many times:

Thanks my sure boss. I've always been a die hard believer of ur tutors on relationship issue. Ese gan

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