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Man Turns Lady Into A Goat In Port Harcourt - Facebook User Says (Photos) - Crime (5) - Nairaland

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Re: Man Turns Lady Into A Goat In Port Harcourt - Facebook User Says (Photos) by MrMystrO(m): 7:28pm On Jan 26, 2018
I see u sir..ur olodo de shine like star,everywhere u go...all hail grand olodo

Shut ya Trap

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Re: Man Turns Lady Into A Goat In Port Harcourt - Facebook User Says (Photos) by Nobody: 7:30pm On Jan 26, 2018
shut up abeg. It's peoplr like you that are easily scammed. You think everybidt just blindly believes whatever they hear. If we have people why believe they can turn an inanimate object to money then why arw 60% of Nigerians still under the poverty line undecided and moreover why couldn't the dude disappear with the goat after he was done. Yet we wonder why Africa is a 3rd world continent. Abeg dont bother quoting me I won't eveb reply you
grin grin grin grin that individual is one of the problems with Africans, i even asked him to show me a native doctor, and i will pay the native doctor to turn me into a lion, i am tired of living amongst some human.


Re: Man Turns Lady Into A Goat In Port Harcourt - Facebook User Says (Photos) by Nobody: 7:33pm On Jan 26, 2018

It's fake news. No such thing happened. It's meant for pea-brained people.

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Re: Man Turns Lady Into A Goat In Port Harcourt - Facebook User Says (Photos) by omonnakoda: 7:35pm On Jan 26, 2018
I don't understand this country again o.

grin grin grin grin grin grin grin cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy

Even if this rubbish was true, why turn a lady to a goat in a public place?
The Average Nigerian can believe anything. Little wonder why the nation is in a state of retrograde.
I think if you do it in public pig is better
Re: Man Turns Lady Into A Goat In Port Harcourt - Facebook User Says (Photos) by stilldoingokay(f): 7:37pm On Jan 26, 2018
too much of nollywood movies darkens the common sense

I don't watch onllywood movie,

but pray you see no evil and no evil see you
Re: Man Turns Lady Into A Goat In Port Harcourt - Facebook User Says (Photos) by EternalTruth: 7:38pm On Jan 26, 2018


I don't watch onllywood movie,

but pray you see no evil and no evil see you [/s]
too much of religion is the problem of this country


Re: Man Turns Lady Into A Goat In Port Harcourt - Facebook User Says (Photos) by Emperorempower(m): 7:39pm On Jan 26, 2018
it's impossible u can't turn a human in to animal wink

I was there live,
I was coming back from Rumosi
Re: Man Turns Lady Into A Goat In Port Harcourt - Facebook User Says (Photos) by AvailableCofOLa(m): 7:54pm On Jan 26, 2018
Incredibly funny grin
Re: Man Turns Lady Into A Goat In Port Harcourt - Facebook User Says (Photos) by Damibiz(m): 8:05pm On Jan 26, 2018
U gat a nice name,Mystro(my besty nickname) stop abusing it ok,get some sense please,thank me later.....i will NOT reply u again,

Shut ya Trap

Re: Man Turns Lady Into A Goat In Port Harcourt - Facebook User Says (Photos) by HotIce90(f): 8:07pm On Jan 26, 2018
u watch 2 much nollywood movies,it is impossible, it can't won't ever happen repeat after me it is impossible.

Oh, my son. I pray you should not experience any. I was onceike you, until I saw a coffin dangling on the floor and the head part of it points to the cousin of the deceased. He said it meant nothing, they told him to move, the coffin moved with him. I wasn't there to see how it all end cos I left asap. Doubt me, Delta Agbor is the place. Don't take your Scientological reasoning close to anything spiritual. This is Africa, anything is possible.


Re: Man Turns Lady Into A Goat In Port Harcourt - Facebook User Says (Photos) by amparas(m): 8:18pm On Jan 26, 2018
Lame. No business sense.

Instead of looking for charms that turns water to wine and start distributing to other companies.


Get lizards and turn then to cows then have thousands of cows to trade for cash.

Get registered in CAC and name his company "Miracle enterprise".

Be an employer of labor and get your name on Forbes.

The best comment so far ��
Re: Man Turns Lady Into A Goat In Port Harcourt - Facebook User Says (Photos) by naturefellow(m): 8:49pm On Jan 26, 2018

Chai dis one has reached the point of No return
these things happen. This is Africa by the way. It's mystical, can't be explained by logic. The earlier you accept things beyond your human understanding, the better for you. I expect you to know better judging from your handle, except you're one belonging to the so-called 'indomie generation', in which case I should have saved my breath.
Re: Man Turns Lady Into A Goat In Port Harcourt - Facebook User Says (Photos) by MrMystrO(m): 8:51pm On Jan 26, 2018
these things happen. This is Africa by the way. It's mystical, can't be explained by logic. The earlier you accept things beyond your human understanding, the better for you. I expect you to know better judging from your handle, except you're one belonging to the so-called 'indomie generation', in which case I should have saved my breath.

Re: Man Turns Lady Into A Goat In Port Harcourt - Facebook User Says (Photos) by naturefellow(m): 8:52pm On Jan 26, 2018

Oh, my son. I pray you should not experience any. I was onceike you, until I saw a coffin dangling on the floor and the head part of it points to the cousin of the deceased. He said it meant nothing, they told him to move, the coffin moved with him. I wasn't there to see how it all end cos I left asap. Doubt me, Delta Agbor is the place. Don't take your Scientological reasoning close to anything spiritual. This is Africa, anything is possible.

preach on, bro!

1 Like

Re: Man Turns Lady Into A Goat In Port Harcourt - Facebook User Says (Photos) by Aslawish(m): 8:52pm On Jan 26, 2018
it's impossible u can't turn a human in to animal wink

I saw it with my two necked eyes as the boys was arrested.

It was a live moving to me.
Re: Man Turns Lady Into A Goat In Port Harcourt - Facebook User Says (Photos) by Edelweiss44: 9:16pm On Jan 26, 2018

It's fake news. No such thing happened. It's meant for pea-brained people.

That's not the main point. The main issue is that I wasn't there, and you weren't there as well. The issue i have with folks above who have been almost swearing with their lives that such a thing cannot happen in this world where we live is the fact that they are either too naive or outrightly blind. Whoever tells me that witchcraft, demons, angels, God do not exist must be a big blind idiot. Who are they even trying to fool with their stupid delusion? Things most of us see happening every now and then, and they want to tell us such things don't exist. Do you know how many witches and occult men we've seen who confessed with their own mouth about the evil things they've done? Do you know how many yahoo+ guys who have undergone several human sacrifice rituals to acquire power to make money that we have seen? Let me ask you; You think politicians and yahoo+ people who use human beings to make rituals are very daft for them to keep killing human beings if they are not seeing the result of those sacrifices? You think people are joining Ogboni and other cults where human sacrifices are done every day if the people who belong are not seeing things happen? I can't shout. Whoever does not believe the supernatural exists is just a sitting duck for cheap death the day they mistakingly offend the powers that be.
Re: Man Turns Lady Into A Goat In Port Harcourt - Facebook User Says (Photos) by preciousan(f): 9:26pm On Jan 26, 2018
No jokes,I was an eye witness..
Re: Man Turns Lady Into A Goat In Port Harcourt - Facebook User Says (Photos) by Theboss100(m): 10:05pm On Jan 26, 2018
There was a Tension at Rukpokwu Port Harcourt This Morning, after 2 Men Turned a Grown up lady into a goat for ritual purpose, According to a lady Who shared the post on Facebook The Police has since arrested him..

Also An eye witness who was present at the scene, said its seemed like a movie to her, she said:

'They were apprehended when trying to escape. I have always read and seen this in the movies but when I saw the crowd I went close. .

'I saw the goat live with my eyes, though and the guys were beaten. One confessed that the other holding the goat, did the charm and he alone can do a reversal and yes they both work together. Along came the police who whisked them away. Stay woke people "nde ojo."

The police has since taken him for further investigation.

Watch the video here;


or here;

News From Ebiwali-- https://www.ebiwalismoment.com/2018/01/unbelievable-chaos-as-man-turns-lady.html

Op which part of my hometown did it happen? Cause Rukpokwu is very big for one to get to know what is happening. And more so I was not around.
Re: Man Turns Lady Into A Goat In Port Harcourt - Facebook User Says (Photos) by bodeskii(m): 10:53pm On Jan 26, 2018
if you can turn a human to a goat for sacrifice, why not buy a goat then turn it to a human.

grin grin too much sense will kill you one day

1 Like

Re: Man Turns Lady Into A Goat In Port Harcourt - Facebook User Says (Photos) by wildkat: 10:57pm On Jan 26, 2018
it's impossible u can't turn a human in to animal wink

Keep doubting, till they turn you to a kangaroo one day
Re: Man Turns Lady Into A Goat In Port Harcourt - Facebook User Says (Photos) by Nobody: 11:48pm On Jan 26, 2018

I have two clips for you in response to your question. The truths in these three clips may be the only pointer for you to what you will definitely discover the moment you close your eyes in death only to discover you are looking at your body lying on the death bed you were few moments ago, and you suddenly find yourself descending through a very dark tunnel with untold horror to a destination you will spend eternity. It is when you fail to realise that man lives forever and never dies, that is when it will sound like a joke to you when you hear people talk about heaven and hell.




Absolute Rubbish! more fairytales! i noticed that all your clips were made by white people, the same white people who introduced christianity, God and jesus to Africa, the same whiteys who kidnapped, slaved and brainwahed Africans with Religion, christianity, God and jesus, you Actually believe all these stupid clips? you live your life According to video clips? grin your gullibility is beyond redemption!

next time you are ill don't bother going to your doctor or hosptal wait for God or native voodoo man to heal you they both obviously has the power to kill or heal you.
Re: Man Turns Lady Into A Goat In Port Harcourt - Facebook User Says (Photos) by Tisham20(m): 11:52pm On Jan 26, 2018
what's the title of the movie
Re: Man Turns Lady Into A Goat In Port Harcourt - Facebook User Says (Photos) by Nobody: 12:17am On Jan 27, 2018

Keep doubting, till they turn you to a kangaroo one day
Rubbish! please! can you tell them to turn me into a lion, i will pay them grin
Re: Man Turns Lady Into A Goat In Port Harcourt - Facebook User Says (Photos) by promisedeco(m): 12:50am On Jan 27, 2018
Rubbish! please! can you tell them to turn me into a lion, i will pay them grin
OGA, YOU HAVE WON. Congratulations
Re: Man Turns Lady Into A Goat In Port Harcourt - Facebook User Says (Photos) by Edelweiss44: 1:00am On Jan 27, 2018
Absolute Rubbish! more fairytales! i noticed that all your clips were made by white people, the same white people who introduced christianity, God and jesus to Africa, the same whiteys who kidnapped, slaved and brainwahed Africans with Religion, christianity, God and jesus, you Actually believe all these stupid clips? you live your life According to video clips? grin your gullibility is beyond redemption!

next time you are ill don't bother going to your doctor or hosptal wait for God or native voodoo man to heal you they both obviously has the power to kill or heal you.

Do you know how I know you're a very unserious human being? It's because you have all the facts you could choose to verify or investigate right in the videos, especially the last one involving Dan Eke who happens to be a Nigerian and died in a Nigerian hospital and was kept in a Nigerian mortuary for 3days before he was taken to a crusade in Onitsha where he came back to life. The name of the hospital where he was confirmed dead is mentioned, the address of the hospital is still in the same place in Owerri, the records will be there. The time he died was mentioned there. If you were interested in truth, you could easily investigate for yourself, but no, You have refused to do your homework to search if those facts are truth or not. You would rather sit in the comfort of your sofa in your parlour and decide by yourself what happened in 2001 or not. Your type are the ones who are so full of themselves that they will never listen to truth if it conflicts with their mindset.

Keep on calling all the evidence rubbish. You will use the same mouth to plead for mercy when you stand before God and he reminds you of all the people who preached to you on earth but you chose not to listen or even do yourself a basic favour of investigating claims brought before you before tagging them as rubbish. No wonder God said "my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" and "because you have rejected knowledge, i have also rejected you".
Re: Man Turns Lady Into A Goat In Port Harcourt - Facebook User Says (Photos) by theDEVILisHERE: 4:54am On Jan 27, 2018
it's impossible u can't turn a human in to animal wink

Don't be naive
Get enlightenment

This is low level magic (witchcraft, sorcery etc)
Done by invoking the negative forces of nature aka jinns aka evil spirits
who then give you powers so you get what you want
(usually low level stuff ie: Money, fame etc)
You get the powers after you have done the mischievous demand the jinns gave you (Blood)
Re: Man Turns Lady Into A Goat In Port Harcourt - Facebook User Says (Photos) by theDEVILisHERE: 5:17am On Jan 27, 2018
if you can turn a human to a goat for sacrifice, why not buy a goat then turn it to a human.

You can't turn a goat to a human cause a human is the direct representative/descendant of the Almighty, NATURE

Animals are just components of this current phase of existence, which is the Zoopoo world (animal) aka Decay phase/world

Nature, the Almighty, experiences the phenomenon of "Decay" aka Death through the animal world, which it created
And it's representative in this "Death" world are Hue-mans (Humans)

Note i said "Humans" not "Mankind"
Humans and Mankind are not the same even tho they both exist on earth in this current phase
Re: Man Turns Lady Into A Goat In Port Harcourt - Facebook User Says (Photos) by 360command: 5:26am On Jan 27, 2018
It is very very possible
if it is possible, I will turn Joaquim el chapo guzman to insect...
Re: Man Turns Lady Into A Goat In Port Harcourt - Facebook User Says (Photos) by Nobody: 6:09am On Jan 27, 2018
World class music video directed & by Nigerian/Nairaland hip-hop artist, director & model @fugeeboi on IG
Please leave a comment on Youtube, feel free to share to your Facebook page and repost on all social media platforms wink

WayBack by fugeeboi


Re: Man Turns Lady Into A Goat In Port Harcourt - Facebook User Says (Photos) by jonbellion(m): 6:50am On Jan 27, 2018

Another definition of stupidity is believing that hundreds of people who witnessed an event while it was happening and even recorded it in video are all FOO.L.S , and you who was never anywhere within the vicinity of the event is the very wise man for disproving the possibility of such event happening. It is people like you who will never believe there is a place called hell for you to avoid it through salvation in Christ until you die and see with your eyes when it's already too late to repent. In your mind, you think this world revolves around your myopic philosophy of life, not knowing this world is deeper than the way your tiny mind views things.[/s]
bros China just successfully made clones of Monkeys. Better go and tell them that they could have easily done that with magic undecided

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