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Plan To Install Yoruba Oba In Ilorin Not Over- Afonja Descendant - Culture (12) - Nairaland

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Re: Plan To Install Yoruba Oba In Ilorin Not Over- Afonja Descendant by Dirkcoyt: 5:13pm On Feb 15, 2018

You are very correct.

Zuru people are supposed to be in Niger state. As a matter of fact, there were under Niger province during the colonial period.
Some Zurus are still in Niger & some in Zamfara.

During the division of the old north-western state into Sokoto & Niger states. Sokoto was meant for Hausas while Niger was meant for the minorities. As usual, Hausa-fulanis cheated the minorities and today they have Zamfara & Kebbi states from Old Sokoto state and they carved some Niger state minorities into Kebbi & Zamfara south in order to make the states bigger in population.

This is why Zuru people alongside other Kainji speaking tribes like Kambari, Dukawa, Shingini, Kadara & Kamuku in both Kebbi south & Niger north have been fighting for their own Kainji state. This state was recommended for creation in the 2014 national confab.

The past generations were completely deceived, this our generation are getting wiser and we must change a lot of things.

you're very right, the popular state creation I heard was that kontagora and zuru will match but kontagora people want the capital in kontagora if eventually a state is created.


Re: Plan To Install Yoruba Oba In Ilorin Not Over- Afonja Descendant by Konquest: 9:48pm On Feb 18, 2018

You are correct.

However, I think, Gbagyis of FCT have a senator, in the person of Sen. Philip Aduda. But that guy is just nothing but a disgrace to me, cos I cannot see anything reasonable that he has done to better the lives and secure the interests of his people. See how fat he is, just embezzling funds. And the most annoying part of it is that he is serving his 3rd term now. His people just keep on voting him cos he is a gbagyi man and most times, he is the only Gbagyi contestant for that position.

The case of Ilorin and millions of yorubas in Kwara & Kogi being added to northern population (with which the Hausa-fulani politicians use to boast of 19 northern states is just very embarrassing).

Sometimes I wonder whether these Fulani elites are using juju for we southerners & middlebelters. How can these people just be intimidating and holding all the rest of us ransome?......

Sometimes I feel our education is useless towards these people.
Our own leaders sold us to these people cos of peanuts, fear & cowardice.

I sincerely hope our own generation would be able to rectify and put an end to all these.

Thanks for your clarification on Sen. Philip Aduda. I've
heard of his name several times and didn't know he was
representing the Gwaris or Gbagyis of Abuja, but now I know. smiley

Uthman Dan Fodio was into mysticism in his days
and was of the Torodbe or preacher lineage
of the Fulbe who was born in Niger Republic
before coming into what is now Northern
Nigeria. In the archival materials that I have
read... did you know that pagan or non-Muslim
Bororo Fulani were also recruited by Dan Fodio
as mercenaries to fight in the so-called jihad?

The movement was really all about self-interest
and less to do with Islamisation otherwise, why
did the Fulani attack the Kanuri or Kanem-Borno
who were already Moslems for over 800 years before
the Dan Fodio so-called jihad?

Even the muslim Hausa leaders who were part of the
so-called jihad revolted when they saw that the Hausa
peasants were being oppressed and their farm produce
were being taken forcefully and some Hausa women
too were forcefully taken away into marriage. Those
Hausa muslim leaders who revolted against the
Fulani because the Fulani leaders had deviated from the
original mission of the jihad movement were termed
apostates by the Fulani leaders.

Fulanis are also into mysticism but now there
is a better awareness of what is going on and
the revolution is gaining momentum.

As for Ilorin, did you know that Balogun Alanamu
was the MOST POWERFUL man in Ilorin militarily
as of the time the British came to Ilorin in the
late 1890s. The British Resident of Ilorin had
him deported with other powerful Yoruba
Generals ["Baloguns" in Yoruba language]
and STUPIDLY replaced him with the mixed Yoruba-Fulani
Islamic leader who occupied just an ordinary religious
title as of then. The British Colonial officials also
contributed to this nonsense... But fortunately, there
are official Colonial British documents and in Sir. Allan Burn's
classic history book: "The History of Nigeria" that
clearly state that Ilorin is a Yoruba town. These are sources that
I have seen with both of my eyes in the archives and history

All the best! smiley

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Re: Plan To Install Yoruba Oba In Ilorin Not Over- Afonja Descendant by Konquest: 5:53am On Feb 24, 2018

2) Yes, there are rumours that Murtala's father was a Birom man from Plateau who converted to islam and relocated. No credible sources has confirmed any of this especially from his own immediate family.
Some rumours also claim Murtala's father is from Auchi, Edo state. His mother is actually proven to be from there, but that of his father being from Edo has not been proven.

3) Kwararafa (led by the Jukuns) was once a great kingdom which conquered parts of Hausa land. Kano was once under Jukun control. So, many Kano people have jukun ancestry.
So, I don't know if the Yakassai were of the older Jukun settlements in Kano, or were later migrants.

Kano (as well as the entire Hausaland) and Bauchi are places that accept anyone as long as you have a pure islamic/hausa name, you are a muslim and you speak Hausa language fluently.
Ibrahim Shekarau (former governor of Kano) was ancestrally a Bura man from Borno.
Sabo Bakin Zuwo (former governor of Kano) was of Nupe origin from Bida.

I have relatives from Plateau state who have indigeneship certificates for Kano, Bauchi & Katsina and even receive yearly bursary embursements in school. Just because they are muslims.

4) IBB & Abdulsalami. are both most likely of Hausa-fulani origin (from Sokoto state). But maternally, they are of gbagyi origin.

Niger state was together with Sokoto, Zamfara & Kebbi as one state for some time, and many Hausa fulanis migrated into Niger areas.
Infact, this migration has began long before now.

Most Niger state indigenes know this, but because many of them are muslims, they say nothing about it (in the name of islamic bond).
Niger state has for long been heavily infiltrated by Hausa fulanis through intermarriage.

Alright, thanks for adding some meat to
this post... and answering on behalf of

I actually didn't see this post in my mentions
but I'm just noticing it.

Yes I found the details of General Murtala Mohammed's Berom father in my organizer
as published on Page 10 of THE SUN, March 29, 2003, and the journalist who covered the story
was Mariam Aleshinloye Agboola in Jos.

The article was entitled: "Murtala Mohammed Is
A Birom Man"

A gentleman called Bitrus Bot(Zak), the oldest
surviving cousin of Gen. Murtala was
interviewed by THE SUN. General Murtala was the son of PAM ZATU, a Birom
man from DOGON GABAS in Chigwe District
in Jos South LGA.

Dogon Gabas is a small hamlet in JOS SOUTH

Pam Zatu [Gen Murtala's father] converted to
Islam in the same Dogon Gabas where he originally comes from, and which was frowned upon according to
Birom customs and traditions. So he had to
leave Dogon Gabas for Kano after the
conversion to Islam.

General Murtala Mohammed confessed to
a soldier in his battalion, by the name
"DAMU DUNG SHONG DUNG" that he was
a Plateau man but he NEVER got to visit
before he was assassinated by IRONICALLY
another Plateau man [Bukar Dimka] in 1976!

Yes Alh. Sabo Bakin Zuwo's parents were of Nupe origin.

Alhaji Tanko Yakasai's parents are
Jukun as well... first generation Jukuns who
migrated to Kano.

I saw the live TV interview of the former
Old Kano State governor Alh. Sabo Bakin Zuwo in the
early 1980s [1983] saying that Kano has the following as MINERALS: Coca Cola,
Fanta, Mirinda, Sprite... when he was asked what MINERAL resources Kano has
by the TV reporter! grin

I heard that business mogul Isiaku Rabiu
is from Auchi, and that Senetor Rabiu Kwankwaso has a Yoruba origin. I was told
by a man who still lives in Kano. I don't know
how true this is... But I've read online about
the Yarabawan Funtua [Funtua Yorubas]
who have lived in Funtua for over 60 years
and fully settled into the community as merchants/traders
and in other vocations.

It's amazing that your said Ibrahim Shekarau
the former Kano governor is a Bura man from
Borno State. The picture is getting CLEARER
NOW to me that the people who seem to
have held high positions in Kano are not
originally Kano natives!

I wonder if Gov. Ganduje too is originally from
Kano or is the child of a settler in the non-indigene Muslim Quarters of Fagge in Kano

Last but not least, it's good to know that you're
from Plateau State. While at the FGC for my
high school decades back, I had the fortune
of having friends from all over Nigeria... and
I had classmates from Langtang, Jos, Southern
Kaduna, Southern Borno, and more. Great friends
they all were!

Thanks again for you brilliant
responses to all my questions and
do have a GREAT year ahead! smiley

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Re: Plan To Install Yoruba Oba In Ilorin Not Over- Afonja Descendant by Konquest: 6:31am On Feb 24, 2018
Yes, am among the pure blood Hausas whose ancestors resisted Islam under pain of death from Danfodio and Ahmadu Bello's Islamasition movements. This resistance was passed from one generation to another with the aim of preserving the original Hausa Culture and Traditions.

I see the middle belt as the key to the liberation of the Hausa land because the Hausas are way too comfortable with their gradual disappearance. Hausas with my kind of opinion are too few and weak to effect the corrections but an alliance with a united Middle belt can get the job done. This is because even if the Middle belt region should liberate itself, so long as the Sokoto sultanate and their puppet Amirs remain, the victory remains halfway. Full victory requires total undoing of Dan Fodio's mess. Hausa Kings (Haɓe) are better than the Amirs any day. The Middle belt region has power beyond what I can say but they are too divided, that is why the Fulanis will try to decimate them ASAP before another Kwararrafa emerges that is sure to address the current nonsense. Wake up Middle belt, Unite under one banner, set your cause and correct history's mistakes.
Biri Jini, Kare Jini! grin

You and the original/pure blooded Hausa
Kanawas represent the REAL triumph of
the "Human Spirit" @Sasalite
#Kano... Kanawan Daba

Victory is certain.
All the best!

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Re: Plan To Install Yoruba Oba In Ilorin Not Over- Afonja Descendant by Cocolatti(m): 8:21pm On Feb 27, 2018
JikanƁaura, bisa ga dukan alamu, na fahimci kai ne ainihin mara kunya, babban jahili kuma. Na tabbatar kana ɗaya daga cikin mutanen nan mazauna birni waɗanda ba su taɓa fita daga birni ba, balle su san me yake faruwa a waje (kifin rijiya). To bari in ilimintar da kai. Na san Musulmi Bahaushe fiye da yadda kake tunani, na kuma san halin irin ku. Kana cewa ba kwa nuna ƙyama ga maguzawa amma da bakinka ka faɗa cewa kuna kiransu maguzawa "to show disdain that he is not from the Hausa tribe". Ina fatan ka san ma'anar kalmar "disdain" a turance, da kuma abin da ake nufi da "to show .... that he is not from the Hausa tribe" meaning to disown a person. By merely reading your post am convinced that your are a seriously misinformed Hausa man at best or a seriously brainwashed illiterate at worst. You are nobody to tell me about my origin because I know who I am; a pure bakutumbe of the maidawa clan (if you know what that means in Hausa). Go get yourself informed my friend. JAHILI, je ka tambaye kakanninka su gaya maka asalinka.
@ Sasalite, am happy to know that there's someone like you (Hausa Christian) on this forum cos this JikanBaura fellow and some of his kind have argued with me on another thread and vehemently denied the existence of Hausa Christians. Please don't waste your time and energy on him. I am from Southern Kaduna and have a Hausa christian friend and another as in-law(married my aunt).So I know a lot about the persecution, discrimination and even apartheid treatment meted out by the Hausa muslims against Hausa Christians. I I've known for a very long time that some Hausa muslims like JikanƁaura find it difficult to accommodate the fact that a fellow Hausa identify with Christianity rather than Islam. Hence they always deny the existence of Hausa Christians.
Re: Plan To Install Yoruba Oba In Ilorin Not Over- Afonja Descendant by JikanBaura(m): 10:35pm On Feb 27, 2018
@ Sasalite, am happy to know that there's someone like you (Hausa Christian) on this forum cos this JikanBaura fellow and some of his kind have argued with me on another thread and vehemently denied the existence of Hausa Christians. Please don't waste your time and energy on him. I am from Southern Kaduna and have a Hausa christian friend and another as in-law(married my aunt).So I know a lot about the persecution, discrimination and even apartheid treatment meted out by the Hausa muslims against Hausa Christians. I I've known for a very long time that some Hausa muslims like JikanƁaura find it difficult to accommodate the fact that a fellow Hausa identify with Christianity rather than Islam. Hence they always deny the existence of Hausa Christians.

Who is a bahaushe? A bahaushe is person who ethnicity is hausa, even if you live all your life in Hausaland and speaks only hausa language, wore hausa cloths all your life, Eat hausa food, retain hausa name. You can only be Hausa when your both of your parents are Hausa.

You are from southern Kaduna and have hausa cristian friend. Why Kaduna? All hausa from Kaduna knows where their original home is, where their parents /grandparents comes from. Saw many southerners on facebook claiming to have cristian hausa friends from southern kaduna. All i reminded them is Kaduna is not a Hausa states heck not everybody from original hausa states is hausa by tribe. We have hundreds of tribes residing in Hausaland and we hausa knows who they are, They also knows themselves, call your southern Kaduna hausa cristian let him introduce himself here and honestly answer our questions.

I don't deny the existence of none muslim hausa but they only make 0.07% or 1% of Hausa people. Hence i never met one and i doubt you had. You are mistaken cocolati as bahaushe grin that guy isn't hausa but Hausa-wannabe, Identity Fraud. Been able to speaks hausa does not makes you Bahaushe. You father and mother has to be hausawa for you to be called bahaushe. cool I doubt if any of his parents falls under
the 1% (None Muslims Hausa) cool but since we can't believe he is from the 1% just because he's speaks the Hausa language.

To prove he is hausa let's him post his picture smiley just like fulani have looks we can tell their identity so as hausa. I'm Hausa and i knows who is from my tribe when i see one.

Let him tell us from which hausa States he is from? and his village?

His parents state of origin? Among old hausa state and their village?

Every Hausa family have profession passed to them from generations to generation. What's his family profession? His father and mothers inherited professions/occupation?

who currently amongst His relatives is muslim?

Every Hausa has a family name, What's his family name? (Family name) and his mother's family name?

Is he and his parents later Christian convert?

When did him or his parents accept Christianity as faith?

Is he or his parents pagans before Christianity or were they muslims?

His age?

Is he married, if yes is his wife bahausa or not?

He needs more than the (capability to write in hausa) as his prove he's Bahaushe (Bahaushen jinsi) and not a gamagarin bahaushe (hausa by language)

Let him do us a favor by posting his pictures(3) and answer our questions.
Re: Plan To Install Yoruba Oba In Ilorin Not Over- Afonja Descendant by Cocolatti(m): 9:34am On Feb 28, 2018

Who is a bahaushe? A bahaushe is person who ethnicity is hausa, even if you live all your life in Hausaland and speaks only hausa language, wore hausa cloths all your life, Eat hausa food, retain hausa name. You can only be Hausa when your both of your parents are Hausa.

You are from southern Kaduna and have hausa cristian friend. Why Kaduna? All hausa from Kaduna knows where their original home is, where their parents /grandparents comes from. Saw many southerners on facebook claiming to have cristian hausa friends from southern kaduna. All i reminded them is Kaduna is not a Hausa states heck not everybody from original hausa states is hausa by tribe. We have hundreds of tribes residing in Hausaland and we hausa knows who they are, They also knows themselves, call your southern Kaduna hausa cristian let him introduce himself here and honestly answer our questions.

I don't deny the existence of none muslim hausa but they only make 0.07% or 1% of Hausa people. Hence i never met one and i doubt you had. You are mistaken cocolati as bahaushe grin that guy isn't hausa but Hausa-wannabe, Identity Fraud. Been able to speaks hausa does not makes you Bahaushe. You father and mother has to be hausawa for you to be called bahaushe. cool I doubt if any of his parents falls under
the 1% (None Muslims Hausa) cool but since we can't believe he is from the 1% just because he's speaks the Hausa language.

To prove he is hausa let's him post his picture smiley just like fulani have looks we can tell their identity so as hausa. I'm Hausa and i knows who is from my tribe when i see one.

Let him tell us from which hausa States he is from? and his village?

His parents state of origin? Among old hausa state and their village?

Every Hausa family have profession passed to them from generations to generation. What's his family profession? His father and mothers inherited professions/occupation?

who currently amongst His relatives is muslim?

Every Hausa has a family name, What's his family name? (Family name) and his mother's family name?

Is he and his parents later Christian convert?

When did him or his parents accept Christianity as faith?

Is he or his parents pagans before Christianity or were they muslims?

His age?

Is he married, if yes is his wife bahausa or not?

He needs more than the (capability to write in hausa) as his prove he's Bahaushe (Bahaushen jinsi) and not a gamagarin bahaushe (hausa by language)

Let him do us a favor by posting his pictures(3) and answer our questions.

You are not from Kaduna State and you are also not conversant with Hausa history, in fact I believe you are not a Hausa because if you are you will know that the present Kaduna State is not 100% hausa but the Hausa kingdom of zazzau(zaria) is located in present Kaduna State. Also I didn't say that my hausa christian friend and in-law are from southern Kaduna. The friend am referring to is hausa from Makarfi LGA of Kaduna which is close to kano and my in-law is also hausa from Tsafe LGA in Zamfara State and both are Christians. Again you are saying that sasalite should post pictures and personal profile to prove that he is Hausa? Me think you also need to do same and also give us your hausa ancestry and mention your fore father's that converted to Islam because the Hausa originally were neither christian nor muslims. finally, am not even surprised that you are trying to distort history and fact because of religious sentiment. The existence of Hausa Christians is a fact. Your claim not to have met one will not change this fact.

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Re: Plan To Install Yoruba Oba In Ilorin Not Over- Afonja Descendant by Nobody: 8:20am On Mar 15, 2018
Yes, am among the pure blood Hausas whose ancestors resisted Islam under pain of death from Danfodio and Ahmadu Bello's Islamasition movements. This resistance was passed from one generation to another with the aim of preserving the original Hausa Culture and Traditions.
I see the middle belt as the key to the liberation of the Hausa land because the Hausas are way too comfortable with their gradual disappearance. Hausas with my kind of opinion are too few and weak to effect the corrections but an alliance with a united Middle belt can get the job done. This is because even if the Middle belt region should liberate itself, so long as the Sokoto sultanate and their puppet Amirs remain, the victory remains halfway. Full victory requires total undoing of Dan Fodio's mess. Hausa Kings (Haɓe) are better than the Amirs any day. The Middle belt region has power beyond what I can say but they are too divided, that is why the Fulanis will try to decimate them ASAP before another Kwararrafa emerges that is sure to address the current nonsense. Wake up Middle belt, Unite under one banner, set your cause and correct history's mistakes.

Pure blooded Hausa? cheesy daga wani kauye? Waye babanka? LOL align with the middle belt? You resisted Islamisation but embraced Christianisation what have you done? Stop lying to yourself little small fry, there is no way in hell a Hausa person will speak the way you do. I don't care how well versed you are in speaking Hausa. Probably a middle Beltan with some fantasy or fairy tale of Hausa ancestry. The few hausas who have your mindset are confused as to who they are and their history and as far as I'm concerned traitors to our creed. You are not hausa, kaje Ka nemi kakannin Ka a kwararafa Ka bar bata mana suna.

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Re: Plan To Install Yoruba Oba In Ilorin Not Over- Afonja Descendant by Nobody: 8:24am On Mar 15, 2018
You are not from Kaduna State and you are also not conversant with Hausa history, in fact I believe you are not a Hausa because if you are you will know that the present Kaduna State is not 100% hausa but the Hausa kingdom of zazzau(zaria) is located in present Kaduna State. Also I didn't say that my hausa christian friend and in-law are from southern Kaduna. The friend am referring to is hausa from Makarfi LGA of Kaduna which is close to kano and my in-law is also hausa from Tsafe LGA in Zamfara State and both are Christians. Again you are saying that sasalite should post pictures and personal profile to prove that he is Hausa? Me think you also need to do same and also give us your hausa ancestry and mention your fore father's that converted to Islam because the Hausa originally were neither christian nor muslims. finally, am not even surprised that you are trying to distort history and fact because of religious sentiment. The existence of Hausa Christians is a fact. Your claim not to have met one will not change this fact.

He has already done that on this forum even though he doesn't have to. From the way a person speaks I can filter a true scion of bayajidda from a fraud. Sasalite is obviously some middlebeltan fraud with fantasies of Hausa ancestry. You meet them all over the place. They will tell you one ancestor or the other of theirs is Hausa using one funny fairytale or the other to justify. cheesy
Why the inferiority complex? I have no idea.

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Re: Plan To Install Yoruba Oba In Ilorin Not Over- Afonja Descendant by urahara(m): 12:34pm On Mar 20, 2018
the case for illorin and the original hausa indigenes of the northwest and the rest of the north is CLOSED.
The fulani happened to be the smartest and politically adept people.
When they want to subdue an enemy,they do so completely.
They arrest political power by installing an emir.
They arrest religious power by being in complete control of the Islamic religion,the imams and sultans are the exclusive of the fulanis.
Then lastly they seize economic power by owning the lands which is the instrument of production.
This method was so potent that Ibrahim Shekarau was the first and only hausa to become kano state governor.


At the last sentence
Re: Plan To Install Yoruba Oba In Ilorin Not Over- Afonja Descendant by Nobody: 9:56pm On Mar 20, 2018
the case for illorin and the original hausa indigenes of the northwest and the rest of the north is CLOSED.
The fulani happened to be the smartest and politically adept people.
When they want to subdue an enemy,they do so completely.
They arrest political power by installing an emir.
They arrest religious power by being in complete control of the Islamic religion,the imams and sultans are the exclusive of the fulanis.
Then lastly they seize economic power by owning the lands which is the instrument of production.
This method was so potent that Ibrahim Shekarau was the first and only hausa to become kano state governor.

Emirs today are basically less powerful than a state governor though i obviously feel it shouldnt be that way. If it were up to me i would scrape the governors office and revert back to a monarchial system with emirs in charge of their emirates.

Imams are not chosen by ethnicity but the most famous imams in the north are of various ethnic extractions including kanuri hausa and of course fulani. Ethnicity does not count into an imams fellowship, his charisma does. For instance, the most influential in recent times sheikh jafar adam is a mixture of all three and abubakar gumi was not fulani as far as i know.

Economic power in most hausa states as far as i know belongs to hausas because most of the most prominent business men in these states are hausas. Case and point, Dangote, sayyu dantata and their grand father dantata before them who was also the richest man in west africa. Plus isyaka rabiu. As a matter of fact politics has never been a concern of hausa people, we tend to focus more on business.

I dont even know shekaraus ethnicity for sure and i am from kano state, he might not even be hausa for your information. I didnt know kwankwaso or ganduje were fulani until recently but if what you're saying is true then a hausa man floored a sitting fulani governor in kwankwaso a few years back. The feudal system in the past means that in the old generation the educated ones are fulani and hence their presence in the political sphere. The only problem would be if a hausa man isnt voted in kano because he is hausa which has never been and can never be the case. We have never voted governors based on ethnicity, especially when its between hausa and fulani or even kanuri. The most important thing now is to educate the next generation and to get the right people into office.

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Re: Plan To Install Yoruba Oba In Ilorin Not Over- Afonja Descendant by Ayobami7(m): 12:29pm On Nov 11, 2018
this is my comment
Re: Plan To Install Yoruba Oba In Ilorin Not Over- Afonja Descendant by JikanBaura(m): 1:49pm On Nov 11, 2018

You misunderstand me, the Hausas are also in the same shoes with the Yorubas (they are both ruled by minority Fulanis). What am saying is the Hausas need to follow suit in this cause.

Sorry bro but we hausa are not suiting in - Fulani are our brothers and we don't problem with having them as our kings , emirs, sultan and president. You should know better “like the other dude said" don't involve us deal with your problem.

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Re: Plan To Install Yoruba Oba In Ilorin Not Over- Afonja Descendant by JikanBaura(m): 2:03pm On Nov 11, 2018
You àre very right. I was chatting with a northern customer of mine at a major market in Lagos who sells,yams.We were arguing about the price of things and I said,"Sebi na your brother be president?".he got very angry and said,me I no be Fulani,I be Hausa,he no be my brother. Let me just leave out other things he said.

My sister we don't want to label fulani not because we despise Fulani but becuz we are not them. I doubted you will want to be called white or chinise or ijaw when you clearly not them. Nobody want to be called other than what he is. Fulani also don't want to be called hausa either. You post add nothing.

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Re: Plan To Install Yoruba Oba In Ilorin Not Over- Afonja Descendant by Mahman: 2:10am On Mar 27, 2020
Please, by what term do the Yorubas designate the Kanuris?

To note: "Kannike" is a minority ethnic group from ilorin Kwara State. "Kannike" are Yoruba with mixture of fulani.

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Re: Plan To Install Yoruba Oba In Ilorin Not Over- Afonja Descendant by adecz: 5:51pm On Mar 28, 2020
Surprisingly, this descendant of
Afonja didn't mention how the Fulani
cornered their ancestor
on the streets of Ilorin & murdered him
like a mad dog with over twenty arrows
piercing his body.

So long as Hausa can not be Emir in
Hausaland, Yoruba can never smell
emirship in Ilorin unless they are prepared
to fight a very bloody fight..

The Fulani succeeded in turning the
Hausa into a people without any
cultural heritage, while the Fulani &
bororo are left to practice their own

But they should know that, Jagaba will
not be on their side
Re: Plan To Install Yoruba Oba In Ilorin Not Over- Afonja Descendant by Konquest: 6:22am On Feb 16
Over 90% of Ilorin indigenes are of Yoruba ancestry. The so-called Fulani being referred to in Ilorin are actually of mixed bloodlines (Yoruba/Fulani) and Yoruba is the language that is spoken in Ilorin because it is part of Yorubaland - right up to Jebba on the banks of River Niger where there is an Oba of Jebba, Kwara State.

Abdulfatah Ahmed the Governor of Kwara
State is a Yorubaman from "Share." Even Sen. Bukola Saraki's grandfather who was the leader of Nigerians in Côte d' Ivoire in the early 1960s was originally from Abeokuta before migrating to Ilorin for Quranic studies! This is an open secret in Kwara state. Bukola Saraki's mother is from the Royal family in Owo, Ondo State. I mean the Olagbegi Royal Family!

The late Dr. Olusola Saraki's mother is from Iseyin [Agarawu Compound, which is a Royal House] in Oyo State. I have an August 15, 1998 Saturday GUARDIAN, page 12 interview
where Dr. Olusola Saraki said if the majority of
Yoruba of Kwara and Kogi choose to join their kith and kin in the West in a boundary adjustment, he is in support of it because he considers himself a part of the West. He even made reference to his ancestral link with Abeokuta in that interview... But he only made reference to his father's grandmother [Dr. Olusola Saraki's paternal great grandmother] as being the daughter of Baase in Lafenwa, Abeokuta!

Even the British colonialists indicated in the colonial records and archives that Ilorin is a Yoruba town! Sir Allan Burns ALSO indicated this FACT in his book "The History of Nigeria" so there is NO need to fight or kill anyone.

The battle should be a LEGAL and intellectual
battle by using the historical documents that
the British left which clearly indicate that Ilorin is a Yoruba town! A referendum will be done and the Yoruba Oba will come into being. This is what the Ekundayo Panel suggested. You can Google the results of the Justice Ekundayo Panel on the Ilorin Chieftaincy struggle online.

Sir Allan Burns was the Acting Governor General of Nigeria and also the Governor of Gold Coast, so, he was saying the right thing.

I hope this helps.

PG 7 of 12
Re: Plan To Install Yoruba Oba In Ilorin Not Over- Afonja Descendant by Konquest: 7:01am On Feb 16

My brother. Eggon and Mada people made a very big mistake! They thought they were being dominated and marginalized in Plateau state, then they joined those wolves in sheep clothing (Kambari/Kanuri of Lafia) and others to agitate for their own state. See where it has landedd them, let them produce the governor of Nasarawa state let us see na.

Immediately Nasarawa state was created, the Kanuri and hausa fulani emirate minorities joined forces with the tribal muslims to hijack the state. All the stake holders agreed that the capital of the state should be in Akwanga, only for Abacha to turn around overnight and carry the capital to Lafia (where his kanuri brothers are).

Eggon/Mada people were clearly deceived and manipulated. They thought they would get the capital in Akwanga.

To worsen the case in Nasarawa, the muslims have set the Eggon/mada christians in enimity against the other Christians in the state using tribalism. Aren't you surprised that Buhari has never won Nasarawa state?
This is because when it comes to FG elections, all the christians in the state unite, but when it comes to state elections, they are divided along tribe.

Well, let's see how the next election will be, I hope the eyes of all Nasarawa christians will open this time around to see that they are being played. Governorship is to be zoned to Nasarawa north where the majority are christians (Eggon/mada people). Let's see how they will manipulate it this time around.

As for that Gbagyi king of Karu, I have never heard anything as such, but even if i did, I wouldn't be surprised! Gbagyi people have a slavish mentality and high inferiority. Can't you see how hausas are dominating them on their lands in Minna, Suleja and other parts of Niger east?

Gbagyi people are the reason why christians lost domination of Kaduna city. Infact, if not for other southern kaduna tribes who joined forces and have managed to influence the Gbagyis over there, it would have been a completely lost case.

Gbagyi christian political leaders used to support Hausa muslims in Kaduna state over southern kaduna people in the past. Not until Sharia 2001 crisis when thousands of the Gbagyis were killed by hausas, did they realize that hausas are the enemies and not their fellow Christians. It is just very sad. Gbagyi people act as if they are under a curse by hausas. Anyway, let me stop here.

And you are very correct, if not for the proximity of Karu to Abuja, Karu would have been no different from Keffi, Toto and Nasarawa LGA where most of the gbagyi towns are now dominated by hausas. It is just very shameful.

As for the Ebiras and Barubas, take them serious at your own peril. Most of them are pro caliphate and are no different from nupes and even hausas to an extent. They are tools of the caliphate to destabilize the unique middlebelt identity and struggle.

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