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My Fiancée Is 7 Years Older Than Me - Romance - Nairaland

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My Fiancée Is 7 Years Older Than Me by Amedak(m): 1:20pm On Feb 11, 2018
My girlfriend is 7 years older than me, I'm 28 and she is 35 and we plan to get married.

●She can cook
●Experienced sexually
●She looks younger than her age.

She has all the qualities I want in a woman.

What are some issues we might have to face that same age couples wouldn't?

Mature response please!


26 Likes 2 Shares

Re: My Fiancée Is 7 Years Older Than Me by braine(m): 1:27pm On Feb 11, 2018
Way to go.

I am really Looking forward to advice from Nairalanders on this.


Re: My Fiancée Is 7 Years Older Than Me by ashjay001(m): 1:28pm On Feb 11, 2018
My girlfriend is 7 years older than me, I'm 28 and she is 35 and we plan to get married.

What are some issues we might have to face that same age couples wouldn't?

Mature response please!


cc; lalasticlala

What tribe? Most naija babes, can't cope. They're soooo anxious to get wedded, then eyes go clear, wahala go start.

If she's born again n old skool mentality, just pass!

64 Likes 3 Shares

Re: My Fiancée Is 7 Years Older Than Me by Yemea1: 1:29pm On Feb 11, 2018
Be financially upright.
Be calm and threat all issues with maturity.
Be ready to accept all responsibilities.
Be prayerful
Respect her as your wife.
Take NO for answer when she is not ready to be submissive.

NB. Remember woman respect you when your level of responsibilities is at +/-100% in the house.
I wish you all the best.

132 Likes 2 Shares

Re: My Fiancée Is 7 Years Older Than Me by braine(m): 1:30pm On Feb 11, 2018

What tribe? Most naija babes, can't cope. They're soooo anxious to get wedded, then eyes go clear, wahala go start.

If she's born again n old skool mentality, just pass !

Please explain why you say this.


Re: My Fiancée Is 7 Years Older Than Me by faithugo64(f): 1:31pm On Feb 11, 2018
7 years?
You think she is really going to give you full respect as her husband?

Women age faster than men mainly because of some factors
I hope she won't be looking like your mum in 5 or 10 years to come.

Last last Op its your personal decision, if she makes you happy, and you are at peace with the idea, go for it
Happy married life in advance


Re: My Fiancée Is 7 Years Older Than Me by Nobody: 1:32pm On Feb 11, 2018
No issues at all. Hml in advance but make sure your mama is aware of the wedding. undecided

46 Likes 1 Share

Re: My Fiancée Is 7 Years Older Than Me by braine(m): 1:33pm On Feb 11, 2018
No issues at all. Hml in advance but make sure your mama is aware of the wedding. undecided


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Re: My Fiancée Is 7 Years Older Than Me by ashjay001(m): 1:35pm On Feb 11, 2018

Please explain why you say this.

Too rigid, mentally. Esp, when she's got siblings ur age.

I believe in omens. I posted on ur thread n d next thread I opened, I saw ds;

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Re: My Fiancée Is 7 Years Older Than Me by braine(m): 1:38pm On Feb 11, 2018

Too rigid, mentally. Esp, when she's got siblings ur age.

I believe in omens. I posted on ur thread n d next thread I opened, I saw ds;

Yes. This this is quite correct.

but do you think she'd want to treat the guy like she does her sibling?

Not all ladies are not the way you posted. The lady talked about is almost the same age as you. This one is obviously immature.

Here we're talking about way older ladies like 5, 7 years. Those ones won't like like this.

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Re: My Fiancée Is 7 Years Older Than Me by Nobody: 1:43pm On Feb 11, 2018
Its simple. Just know you will be the wife and she will be d husband any time soon.

Seem uve not seen d darkside of women before.

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Re: My Fiancée Is 7 Years Older Than Me by ashjay001(m): 1:47pm On Feb 11, 2018

Yes. This this is quite correct.

but do you think she'd want to treat the guy like she does her sibling?

Most ladies have ds in-built snobbishness n pettiness. When d marriage matures, all these will come up. Now, she's used to getting her way, with her younger siblings, if/when she doesn't get her way, sh*t will hit d fan!

Mostly, mentally liberal ladies(who don't compare age generally or act petty), can cope in such marriages.

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Re: My Fiancée Is 7 Years Older Than Me by braine(m): 1:51pm On Feb 11, 2018

Most ladies have ds in-built snobbishness n pettiness. When d marriage matures, all these will come up. Now, she's used to getting her way, with her younger siblings, if/when she doesn't get her way, sh*t will hit d fan!

Mostly, mentally liberal ladies(who don't compare age generally or act petty), can cope in such marriages.

But then, her siblings don't feed, provide shelter nor give good sex and ultimately not in control in anyway whatsoever and will be pushed around.

That will not be the same for the younger man who does all these and more. A man wise and bold enough to go after an older woman is obviously man enough (I think?)

42 Likes 2 Shares

Re: My Fiancée Is 7 Years Older Than Me by obiorathesubtle: 1:53pm On Feb 11, 2018
At 35?

Bro.. Her body count will shock you..

Forget all those good qualities she learnt last week when it dawned on her she needs a man to be stable in life...

Nigga.. Go and get a young bride you will enjoy..

Leave the old cargos and dinosaurs to marry old grandpas who are looking to remarry after their wives have died..

174 Likes 8 Shares

Re: My Fiancée Is 7 Years Older Than Me by Stevengerd(m): 2:01pm On Feb 11, 2018
35/28 = Improper Fraction. remember that facebook post where someone said marrying a woman over 30 is like buying newspaper in the evening. Bro think twice, dont let love wound you.

90 Likes 6 Shares

Re: My Fiancée Is 7 Years Older Than Me by ashjay001(m): 2:08pm On Feb 11, 2018

But then, her siblings don't feed, provide shelter nor give good sex and ultimately not in control in anyway whatsoever and will be pushed around.

That will not be the same for the younger man who does all these and more. A man wise and bold enough to go after an older woman is obviously man enough (I think?)

Yeah! I believe u're speaking for urself? Are u tryna speak for her too I prefer older ladies(u don't have to lie too much, as they're no longer looking for lovegrin) myself n that is my observation!

They love d attention n d pampering from a younger man, but when things go old, their true self shows. Even some broke ones, still have a chip on their shoulders!

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Re: My Fiancée Is 7 Years Older Than Me by LAGATA(m): 2:15pm On Feb 11, 2018
Woow! That's the best of all marriages. My wife is 4years older than me and wev bn married for more than two years now without any hitch. She so humble, patient, matured, caring, loving & the best woman I have met. Thou once in a while I feel so unsecure but she's just so caring and understanding. I must say that since we got married till date she always kneel down on her two knees to greet me in the mornings, welcome me with a deep hug when I return from work, unbutton my shirt then goes to dish my meal while I have a cold shower. I must say am lucky... So guys don't feel discouraged as not all older ladies have that 'big woman' or 'elder sister' attitude. U also have a lot to do interms of not allowing this 'i am your husband' thing to control you. Love and pamper her, help her with cooking, house chores, give her surprises, speak calmly with respect, and I assure you it's love forever���

296 Likes 38 Shares

Re: My Fiancée Is 7 Years Older Than Me by Kobicove(m): 2:26pm On Feb 11, 2018
Go for it if you have properly weighed all your options...

Just be sure you're not marrying her cos you're getting some financial inducement undecided


Re: My Fiancée Is 7 Years Older Than Me by Seun(m): 2:28pm On Feb 11, 2018
You need to get her pregnant a.s.a.p, and marry her before the pregnancy starts showing. tongue

36 Likes 5 Shares

Re: My Fiancée Is 7 Years Older Than Me by ubunja(m): 2:37pm On Feb 11, 2018
7 years?
You think she is really going to give you full respect as her husband?

Women age faster than men mainly because of childbirth
I hope she won't be looking like your mum in 5 or 10 years to come.

Last last Op its your personal decision, if she makes you happy, and you are at peace with the idea, go for it
Happy married life in advance
OP here is your answer
Re: My Fiancée Is 7 Years Older Than Me by MetroBaba1(m): 2:51pm On Feb 11, 2018
Woow! That's the best of all marriages. My wife is 4years older than me and wev bn married for more than two years now without any hitch. She so humble, patient, matured, caring, loving & the best woman I have met. Thou once in a while I feel so unsecure but she's just so caring and understanding. I must say that since we got married till date she always kneel down on her two knees to greet me in the mornings, welcome me with a deep hug when I return from work, unbutton my shirt then goes to dish my meal while I have a cold shower. I must say am lucky... So guys don't feel discouraged as not all older ladies have that 'big woman' or 'elder sister' attitude. U also have a lot to do interms of not allowing this 'i am your husband' thing to control you. Love and pamper her, help her with cooking, house chores, give her surprises, speak calmly with respect, and I assure you it's love forever���

You're Blessed Sir

61 Likes 4 Shares

Re: My Fiancée Is 7 Years Older Than Me by cyberaddict: 2:54pm On Feb 11, 2018
My girlfriend is 7 years older than me, I'm 28 and she is 35 and we plan to get married.

●She can cook
Experienced sexually
●She looks younger than her age.

She has all the qualities I want in a woman.

What are some issues we might have to face that same age couples wouldn't?

Respect! If she's really humble like you stated, then you may not have much probs. You have to man up and start acting 30 something though.

I hope you are sexually compatible.

If you've been together long enough to understand each other and she ticks all your boxes and you, hers, I guess you are good to go.

Always remember:
A woman is as old as she looks
A man is as old as he feels

49 Likes 1 Share

Re: My Fiancée Is 7 Years Older Than Me by Olalan(m): 3:00pm On Feb 11, 2018
Age they say is just a number, if you are convinced she has all you desire in a partner and she equally feels the same for you and never acted being older you can marry her. But I would advice you do not disclose this to your friends and some family members who strongly belief the man has to be older.


Re: My Fiancée Is 7 Years Older Than Me by Dekatron(m): 3:14pm On Feb 11, 2018
At 35?

Bro.. Her body count will shock you..

Forget all those good qualities she learnt last week when it dawned on her she needs a man to be stable in life...

Nigga.. Go and get a young bride you will enjoy..

Leave the old cargos and dinosaurs to marry old grandpas who are looking to remarry after their wives have died..

My head spins when I read comments like this.
The body counts was done by guys, No? Did she f.uck herself?

If I dig enough, I am sure that there is a topic here on nairaland where you mentioned and bragged about banging chick. Seriously, you need re-education my dear sir

@op, I hope you make it work. There are some ladies that dont see that as an issue, yet there are others that remind you every now and then that they were old enough to carry you as a baby, before you were even born. Never pull the I am your husband crap like my good sir up there said. Infact I believe even if you are the one older with 7 years, never pull the I am your husband crap in order to be bossy.

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Re: My Fiancée Is 7 Years Older Than Me by woodfrank(m): 3:16pm On Feb 11, 2018
Its simple. Just know you will be the wife and she will be d husband any time soon.

Seem uve not seen d darkside of women before.

You get sense. The thing go come be like africa magic. You will be confused, surprised and dazed at the same time when she begins to unfold.


Re: My Fiancée Is 7 Years Older Than Me by Nobody: 3:22pm On Feb 11, 2018
7 years?
You think she is really going to give you full respect as her husband?

Women age faster than men mainly because of childbirth
I hope she won't be looking like your mum in 5 or 10 years to come.

Last last Op its your personal decision, if she makes you happy, and you are at peace with the idea, go for it
Happy married life in advance

the last para says it all
Re: My Fiancée Is 7 Years Older Than Me by eagleonearth(m): 3:36pm On Feb 11, 2018
35/28 = Improper Fraction. remember that facebook post where someone said marrying a woman over 30 is like buying newspaper in the evening. Bro think twice, dont let love wound you.
I really laughed out loud reading this. Too much funny lines in a single comment.

Op pray and do God's will, simple.


Re: My Fiancée Is 7 Years Older Than Me by Nobody: 3:37pm On Feb 11, 2018
From personal experience, mature women are the most enjoyable. They are not confused and know what they want. You can understand them and things are easier.

It is not a curse to be 35 and unmarried. Rodger Federer has a wife way older than him and they are one of the best couple around. She has been so determinant in his success he always thank her after each grand slam title.

Emmanuel Macron wife is way older and sexy sef. Could it be that they both understood something that most men fail to understand due to their fears of being overshadowed by their wives?

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Re: My Fiancée Is 7 Years Older Than Me by eagleonearth(m): 3:40pm On Feb 11, 2018
You need to get her pregnant a.s.a.p, and marry her before the pregnancy starts showing.
the alaga himself wink
You don't want him to test the water with both feet. He can still marry her and get her pregnant you know.

Let's stop putting the cart before the horse

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Re: My Fiancée Is 7 Years Older Than Me by Nobody: 3:41pm On Feb 11, 2018
Woow! That's the best of all marriages. My wife is 4years older than me and wev bn married for more than two years now without any hitch. She so humble, patient, matured, caring, loving & the best woman I have met. Thou once in a while I feel so unsecure but she's just so caring and understanding. I must say that since we got married till date she always kneel down on her two knees to greet me in the mornings, welcome me with a deep hug when I return from work, unbutton my shirt then goes to dish my meal while I have a cold shower. I must say am lucky... So guys don't feel discouraged as not all older ladies have that 'big woman' or 'elder sister' attitude. U also have a lot to do interms of not allowing this 'i am your husband' thing to control you. Love and pamper her, help her with cooking, house chores, give her surprises, speak calmly with respect, and I assure you it's love forever���

You are blessed.

Even the men with younger wives do not such qualities in their wives.
Headache today, headache tomorrow. All the divorces cases u hear online and offline? Women running away from home with lover boy or former boyfriend leaving their children with their husbands. Are the women older than the men? Use your brain and think.

Op, if you are sure your fiancee loves you and she respects you, do the needful and have peace of mind.
Marriage is not all about age. It's about understanding, mutual love, respect and becoming a team player to your wife.
Best of luck.

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Re: My Fiancée Is 7 Years Older Than Me by dingbang(m): 3:49pm On Feb 11, 2018
At 35?

Bro.. Her body count will shock you..

Forget all those good qualities she learnt last week when it dawned on her she needs a man to be stable in life...

Nigga.. Go and get a young bride you will enjoy..

Leave the old cargos and dinosaurs to marry old grandpas who are looking to remarry after their wives have died..
true words bro


Re: My Fiancée Is 7 Years Older Than Me by Tapout(m): 3:54pm On Feb 11, 2018
op most times human beings become what/who you want them to become when they are in desperate need of something or a favour.

My point is.... If you totally sure she ain't painting a false picture, then HML to you smiley


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