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Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) - Religion (5) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) (47806 Views)

Before I Go I Will Make Sure I Correct Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life- Pastor Kum / Commissioning Of Deeper Life International Headquarters, Gbagada Lagos (Live) / 5 Old Beliefs Of Pastor Kumuyi Of Deeper Life Which He Latter Abandoned (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by ONYII4TRUT: 7:02am On Feb 25, 2018

Smh for your insensitivity

Plz ask God for forgiveness before you die. The way you are going may lead U to painful death. For God is not mocked whatever a man does that shall he reap. Plz I beg U turn back before it's too late.

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Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by RealGucci: 7:04am On Feb 25, 2018
doctrine of man
to hell with u anti christ kumuyi
Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by seunlayi(m): 7:13am On Feb 25, 2018

Why all the arguments because by now after watching the whole massage,, freeze would have known he quoted the message wrongly except if he is dull

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Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by SarcasticMe(m): 7:14am On Feb 25, 2018

Tithe has no connection with Christianity. The upkeep of the pastor is well described in the new testament. It isn't through tithe but through normal free-will giving. I'm sure you know where such things are written in the scriptures.

Well, there's no compulsion to paying tithe. Pastors who claim it as their right are wrong.
My point, however, is that, if Abraham paid tithe to Melchizedek, (probably a thousand year before Moses) then you can chose to pay your tithe as well. It is true that Paul emphasized the abolition of the old laws, which includes compulsory tithe payment to the levites... So, if your pastor claims it as a Levitical right, he's wrong. But, out of sheer gratitude, you can pay your tithe to support your pastor.
Note my point again: it is not compulsory and it pains me to see pastors claiming it as a right. Because they do so, basing their claim on the Levitical regulations; in which case, they have no right to take tithes, because the entirety of Mosaic law needed change.
Most Nigerian pastors are of the habit of segregating their church members on the issue of tithe, which is wrong. This is what pains me.
Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by SarcasticMe(m): 7:17am On Feb 25, 2018

So why did christ and the apostles and early christians chose to abandon tithing that preceeded the law? Why did Paul make it clear that it has nothing absolutely to do with christians and he taught his followers about freewill giving?
Why is it up to modern day pastors to remind their followers that tithing predates the law even when nothing like that is stated in the bible? Whose theory is this?

Jesus and the apostles werd the first christian leaders,and any christian must follow their footsteps,they operated and lived at a time tithe was paid and received by non christian judaism religion,but they as christians neither paid nor received because they were not quified nor entitled to do so. So when did this become a christian tradition if christian originators and progenitors rejected it?

Well, there's no compulsion to paying tithe. Pastors who claim it as their right are wrong.
My point, however, is that, if Abraham paid tithe to Melchizedek, (probably a thousand year before Moses) then you can chose to pay your tithe as well; but not out of compulsion, which is what Paul preaches against. It is true that Paul emphasized the abolition of the old laws, which includes compulsory tithe payment to the levites... So, if your pastor claims it as a Levitical right, he's wrong. But, out of sheer gratitude, you can pay your tithe to support your pastor.
Note my point again: it is not compulsory and it pains me to see pastors claiming it as a right. Because they do so, basing their claim on the Levitical regulations; in which case, they have no right to take tithes, because the entirety of Mosaic law needed change.
Most Nigerian pastors are of the habit of segregating their church members on the issue of tithe, which is wrong. This is what pains me.
Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by achiever12: 7:19am On Feb 25, 2018

Well, there's no compulsion to paying tithe. Pastors who claim it as their right are wrong.
My point, however, is that, if Abraham paid tithe to Melchizedek, (probably a thousand year before Moses) then you can chose to pay your tithe as well. It is true that Paul emphasized the abolition of the old laws, which includes compulsory tithe payment to the levites... So, if your pastor claims it as a Levitical right, he's wrong. But, out of sheer gratitude, you can pay your tithe to support your pastor.
Note my point again: it is not compulsory and it pains me to see pastors claiming it as a right. Because they do so, basing their claim on the Levitical regulations; in which case, they have no right to take tithes, because the entirety of Mosaic law needed change.
Most Nigerian pastors are of the habit of segregating their church members on the issue of tithe, which is wrong. This is what pains me.

I understand your point, but I think giving shouldn't even be under the guise of a tithe.

And also, Abraham gave tithe to Melchizedek only once, not every Sunday or every month.
Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by Horlufemi(m): 7:24am On Feb 25, 2018
Religious manipulations. Why create the doctrines in the first place if they cannot be defended with verses in the bible?

Does anyone need anyone to interpret the bible for them? Why then do they need to adapt to misinterpretations from those that initially misinterpreted the verses for them? Same bible has been interpreted in millions of ways by all these prophets, some are now trying to make corrections forgetting some of their sheeples already passed their incorrect doctrines on to the kids and siblings. Nonsense.

I don't blame those that don't go to church anymore, too much confusion from different denominations.

Yet some people consume all these manufactured doctrines hook, line and sinker.

Doctrines is what I have most about Christianity. They actually do more harm than good.
Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by SarcasticMe(m): 7:30am On Feb 25, 2018

I understand your point, but I think giving shouldn't even be under the guise of a tithe.

And also, Abraham gave tithe to Melchizedek only once, not every Sunday or every month.

I appreciate your reply. And you're right; giving shouldn't be under the guise of tithe, given the abuse of it by some pastors...
Above all, a holy life is what is required of us all. And it is the only ticket to salvation.

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Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by Austileo: 7:43am On Feb 25, 2018
NAIRALAND WITH his insaned daddy freez cannot KILL the men of GOD.

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Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by Nobody: 7:57am On Feb 25, 2018
OP i am begining to think you are deluded. Pastor Kumuyi never said he would remove any doctrine. He only said he would remove some traditions which he has set up. I was at that service.
Fyi, Deeper Life has Doctrines and Traditions , d two are distinct. Most people confuse deeper life's traditions with doctrines. Deeper life has just 25 doctrines (visit their hq to get a copy). TV, Earrings, lip stick etc are NOT mentioned in them. Quote me.

Peace !!
Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by don4real18(m): 8:02am On Feb 25, 2018
It is appalling to see some churches laying great emphasis on tithes and paying less concern to the subject of holiness. It is these kind of churches that justify Freeze's argument. But Freeze's argument is wrong; and only wrong can justify wrong.

Pastors who lay so much emphasis on tithes do so because of the levite laws. That's where they shoot themselves, because the "law" doesn't bind us as Christians; which justifies Freeze's stance.
But, tithe paying preceded the Mosaic law. Abraham paid his tithe to Melchizedek, a priest of God (Gen. 14:20/ Hebrews 7)... Melchizedek, of course was a worthy priest, unlike many fake pastors we have these days. Here's my message to Christians, who face a dilemma concerning tithing:
Pay your tithes to your pastor for a job well done. If his teachings and intercessions have brought you closer to God. (Mind you, some pastors are doing their job very well. It's just some members who are not willing to adhere.)
But... If you're tricked into paying your tithes because you expect prosperity and blessings, and you are not living a holy life, either of these two things will happen:
-It's either you keep paying tithe and nothing happens. You continue to wallow in poverty. If this is your case, you should reexamine your spiritual life and get closer to God.
-Or the prosperity comes as expected. Then you should know that it is not from God. When you prosper in sin, it is a sign that your soul is at risk of eternal damnation.

The bottom line is, live a holy life and pay your tithes, bearing in mind that it is for the upkeep of your pastor; the pastor who prays for you and leads you in the path of righteousness. But... You're not compelled to do so. It is not by force.

I also have to note... When you're not living a holy life, your faith will be at the mercy of sugar-coated tongues. Most of these don't speak the truth, but because you are not even pursuing righteousness, you'll end up confused at the end of the day.

First of all, Abraham giving to Melchizedek have no spiritual backing... If using Abraham as an example, there are other things he did that you are not following. And you should know that he gave melc a portion of his war spoils just because he wanted to.
Any pastor asking for tithes is wrong, a manipulator or lacks understanding of the scriptures.
Firstly, they are not Levites... The early church never collected it. Peter, Paul and even Jesus.
So, why will our born and bred Naija pastors that have no tie with Levites claim suddenly that they are supposed to collect our tithes.

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Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by perryy(m): 8:05am On Feb 25, 2018
It is appalling to see some churches laying great emphasis on tithes and paying less concern to the subject of holiness. It is these kind of churches that justify Freeze's argument. But Freeze's argument is wrong; and only wrong can justify wrong.

Pastors who lay so much emphasis on tithes do so because of the levite laws. That's where they shoot themselves, because the "law" doesn't bind us as Christians; which justifies Freeze's stance.
But, tithe paying preceded the Mosaic law. Abraham paid his tithe to Melchizedek, a priest of God (Gen. 14:20/ Hebrews 7)... Melchizedek, of course was a worthy priest, unlike many fake pastors we have these days. Here's my message to Christians, who face a dilemma concerning tithing:
Pay your tithes to your pastor for a job well done. If his teachings and intercessions have brought you closer to God. (Mind you, some pastors are doing their job very well. It's just some members who are not willing to adhere.)
But... If you're tricked into paying your tithes because you expect prosperity and blessings, and you are not living a holy life, either of these two things will happen:
-It's either you keep paying tithe and nothing happens. You continue to wallow in poverty. If this is your case, you should reexamine your spiritual life and get closer to God.
-Or the prosperity comes as expected. Then you should know that it is not from God. When you prosper in sin, it is a sign that your soul is at risk of eternal damnation.

The bottom line is, live a holy life and pay your tithes, bearing in mind that it is for the upkeep of your pastor; the pastor who prays for you and leads you in the path of righteousness. But... You're not compelled to do so. It is not by force.

I also have to note... When you're not living a holy life, your faith will be at the mercy of sugar-coated tongues. Most of these don't speak the truth, but because you are not even pursuing righteousness, you'll end up confused at the end of the day.

Abraham never paid tithe, he gave tithe. There is a difference between giving and paying. In paying, you are boud by the law to do so, but in giving, you are doing so out of your free will and not under compulsion. Moreover, Abraham only gave once. Now, was it only once the Jews were asked to pay tithe ? Simply no. The one pastors collect from their members, is it once in a lifetime like that of Abraham? Simply no. The ones pastors collect is similar to the one collected by the Levites, that is to say, Christians are still paying tithes like the Jews under the law.

Is it not surprising that the Jews whom the law was given no longer pay tithe , but the Christians whom the law was not given at all are the ones holding tenanciously to tithing.
Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by sonofluc1fer: 8:16am On Feb 25, 2018

i dunno why i find this funny, i thinks its a deliberate attempt to provoke Christians, but you ended up being very humorous, very far from annoying grin grin grin grin
embarassed embarassed
Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by SarcasticMe(m): 8:16am On Feb 25, 2018
From the Old Testament God of war, terror, genocide, fury, anger and serial killing, to the New Testament God of unconditional love, sheepishness, foolishness, meekness and pacifism.

You still think your God doesn't change? Not only does he change----whenever he does, it has a 100% range.

Such a capricious, irrational deity is too unreliable and inconsistent to be trusted. He might change into something different again tomorrow. His words can't be trusted.

He is the same God... He will surely visit destruction on the wicked. And he will forever exalt the righteous. Your Bible is an account of how God dealt with generations after generations of people. The dynamics doesn't define God; it defines man's relationship with God.

There's a purpose for all and an account will be given at the end of the day. Each, according to his deeds, shall be judged. So, I encourage you to give your life to Christ. Let him lead you to God, through righteousness and Holiness.
Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by SarcasticMe(m): 8:24am On Feb 25, 2018

Abraham never paid tithe, he gave tithe. There is a difference between giving and paying. In paying, you are boud by the law to do so, but in giving, you are doing so out of your free will and not under compulsion. Moreover, Abraham only gave once. Now, was it only once the Jews were asked to pay tithe ? Simply no. The one pastors collect from their members, is it once in a lifetime like that of Abraham? Simply no. The ones pastors collect is similar to the one collected by the Levites, that is to say, Christians are still paying tithes like the Jews under the law.

Is it not surprising that the Jews whom the law was given no longer pay tithe , but the Christians whom the law was not given at all are the ones holding tenanciously to tithing.

I noted the voluntariness in payment of tithe. No pastor should enforce it on his church because enforcing it means adhering to the old laws.
But, you're free to pay/give your tithe to your pastor or any priest that leads you in the path of righteousness; not because it is his right, but because he deserves it.
Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by SarcasticMe(m): 8:30am On Feb 25, 2018

First of all, Abraham giving to Melchizedek have no spiritual backing... If using Abraham as an example, there are other things he did that you are not following. And you should know that he gave melc a portion of his war spoils just because he wanted to.
Any pastor asking for tithes is wrong, a manipulator or lacks understanding of the scriptures.
Firstly, they are not Levites... The early church never collected it. Peter, Paul and even Jesus.
So, why will our born and bred Naija pastors that have no tie with Levites claim suddenly that they are supposed to collect our tithes.

I noted the voluntariness in payment of tithe. No pastor should enforce it on his church because enforcing it means adhering to the old laws.
But, you're free to pay/give your tithe to your pastor or any priest that leads you in the path of righteousness; not because it is his right, but because he deserves it.
Some things are worth doing and they go beyond the law. Just like the issue of faith. Abraham is the father of faith and we are supposed to follow his great example. But, of course, faith and tithes are two different things. (One is the whole basis of our relationship with God, while the other is an appreciation to the servants of God.)
It is not compulsory. And don't pay your tithe because you expect prosperity or blessing, pay it because you appreciate your pastor. And live a holy life.
Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by Femmedy: 8:33am On Feb 25, 2018
Delusion and frustration at work,some idiot just wouldn't listen to the message and will start saying rubbish
Thank you very much. Nigerian are so quick to judge. They lack the ability to read a full post of few lines but are very quick to jump to wrong conclusions.

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Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by translux(m): 8:36am On Feb 25, 2018

Smh for your insensitivity

Sins against the Holy spirit can never be forgiven i see you roasting in hell fire soon.
Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by Femmedy: 8:38am On Feb 25, 2018

I noted the voluntariness in payment of tithe. No pastor should enforce it on his church because enforcing it means adhering to the old laws.
But, you're free to pay/give your tithe to your pastor or any priest that leads you in the path of righteousness; not because it is his right, but because he deserves it.
Some things are worth doing and they go beyond the law. Just like the issue of faith. Abraham is the father of faith and we are supposed to follow his great example. But, of course, faith and tithes are two different things. (One is the whole basis of our relationship with God, while the other is an appreciation to the servants of God.)
It is not compulsory. And don't pay your tithe because you expect prosperity or blessing, pay it because you appreciate your pastor. And live a holy life.

Tithe has always been a personal thing for me. No pastor has ever compelled or force any of his congregation to pay tithe. The same way non-payment of tithe agitators cannot force those who pay tithe regularly to do otherwise. We are all free to do what we deem fit. What works for "A" might not work for "B" and vice versa

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Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by translux(m): 8:50am On Feb 25, 2018
Dear Sonolucifer

Sins against the Holy spirit can never be forgiven i see you roasting in hell fire soon.
Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by Sunnyflex(m): 9:07am On Feb 25, 2018
Deeper Life founder, Pastor William Kumuyi has come out to say that he will be removing some of his doctrines.

Of course, Daddy Freeze was quick to point out a second ‘confession’ from a highly respected and renowned pastor in less than 24 hours.

The controversial OAP shared a post on Instagram showing Pastor Kumuyi’s tweet which is bound to have thrown the Deeper Life Ministry into chaos.

Daddy Freeze and the revolution that is Free Nation

Daddy freeze has quickly made a name for himself by creating a niche that tackles age-old Christian religious doctrines.

Being an OAP for popular radio station, Cool FM, gave him the platform he needed to lend his voice to every controversy that popped up among Nigerians.

However, he finally got our attention when he broached topics that were discussed in hushed tones or not at all in Nigerian Christian homes.

Earlier today, we reported that Daddy Freeze shared Benny Hinn post in which he admits to the fact that he may have overworked the prosperity teachings than was needed.

The controversial faith-healing televangelist said this in a shocking confession on Wednesday, February 21, in the wake of the death of renowned evangelist Billy Graham.

Daddy freeze was quick to share a post on Hinn’s admission, saying that “the thieves have started confessing,” captioning the post: “The thieves have started confessing.”

Daddy Freeze has also revealed via another Instagram post that when creating the branding for his drive, Free Nation, it was “ministered to me to make it about Christ, NOT about me.”

Daddy Freeze and tithing

Daddy Freeze’s anti-tithing protest gained a lot of attention this year. Apart from the attention, it also resulted in amazing things.

The Cool FM OAP really started his religious campaign and #freeTheSheeple movement sometime in 2016.

Since then, it has led to the some pretty awesome incidents.

In one of his Youtube videos, the Cool FM on-air personality and religious activist insists that God does not need our money.

He urged Christians to ask before doing paying tithe, offerings and anything in general.

Referring to instances of Pastors lying and taking advantage, Daddy Freeze also advised people to first understand everything before acting.

He says doing this will help to avoid confusion.



ok.lets watch and see the doctrines he originated and tends to remove
Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by NOETHNICITY(m): 9:15am On Feb 25, 2018
Hahahahahahaahahhaah Christianity is saturated with man made doctrines.... The word of God never changes

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Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by DonBobes(m): 9:48am On Feb 25, 2018
Tryna imagine dis daddy freez or daddy hot burnin in hell, wat a site to bhold tho.

Thank GOD i pay my tithe n even in multiples n m seeing d + results.

In eminem's voice ; .....vanilla ice colour of old daddy freez. dumyum.
Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by ItsMeAboki(m): 10:02am On Feb 25, 2018
Wonder how Nigerian Christians can consider their religion as pure when their so called men of God, mere mortals, keep tampering with their doctrines for their personal convenience.
Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by seunlayi(m): 10:09am On Feb 25, 2018
Another message is on live, kindly join and listen to do message that will impact your life and the country as a whole live from Abuja

Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by Misscaring(f): 12:17pm On Feb 25, 2018
Oya Everyone Lineup make we sing Deeper Life Anthem and Shame Devil Freeze

Jesus only is our message,
Jesus all our theme shall be;
We will lift up Jesus ever,
Jesus only will we see.

Jesus only, Jesus ever,
Jesus all in all we sing,
Savior, Sanctifier, and Healer,
Glorious Lord and coming King.

Jesus only is our Savior,
All our guilt He bore away,
He, our righteousness forever,
All our strength from day to day.

Jesus is our Sanctifier,
Saving us from self and sin,
And with all His Spirit’s fulness,
Filling all our hearts within.

Jesus only is our Healer,
All our sicknesses He bare,
And His risen life and fulness,
All His members still may share.

Jesus only is our Power,
He the gift of Pentecost;
Jesus, breathe Thy pow’r upon us,
Fill us with the Holy Ghost.

And for Jesus we are waiting,
List’ning for the Advent Call;
But ’twill still be Jesus only,
Jesus ever, all in all.

Caution: I am Proudly DLBC Member, Proudly Kumuyist, Kumuyism is running in my blood thats why am Good..Muyis

Can you imagine! Kumuyism is running in your blood and not God blood...

Worshippers of Men, you are sighted.
Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by GoodMuyis(m): 1:41pm On Feb 25, 2018

Can you imagine! Kumuyism is running in your blood and not God blood...

Worshippers of Men, you are sighted.

Just go and Read 1 Thess Chapter one only. If that does not clear your doubt read 1Cor 4:16, 1Cor 11:1

But Your Comment clearly shows that that You are not Born Again.
Just pray for the Saving Grace + Sanctifying Grace

God bless you
Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by SarcasticMe(m): 1:46pm On Feb 25, 2018

Tithe has always been a personal thing for me. No pastor has ever compelled or force any of his congregation to pay tithe. The same way non-payment of tithe agitators cannot force those who pay tithe regularly to do otherwise. We are all free to do what we deem fit. What works for "A" might not work for "B" and vice versa

It's a good thing we have this kind of disagreements. If not for anything, it makes us to realize our level of commitment and understanding.
The problem is most people don't even have any real conviction about their faith (tithe payers and non tithe payers included). Many people are only paying because they're subjected to some kind of shameful treatment in the church. It is wrong. We need to understand that giving to the church is not compulsory. But when you gain meaningfully from your pastor, it is just right to reward him.
But nowadays, many pastors have deviated from the true teachings of holiness and they keep promising the members prosperity even when they continue in their sin. It is very wrong. So, many people go to church but their spiritual lives remain unchanged either because the pastor does not lead them to righteousness or they themselves are just not ready to yield.

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Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by domino4211(m): 2:50pm On Feb 25, 2018
When doctrines were made by god of men and they claim God spoke to them.

Now that he's planning to remove, did his god also told to remove it??

The God that i know doesnt make mistake and does not do revised edition,cos He is yesterday, Today, tomorrow and forever. And He never make mistakes of addition or subtraction of His laws according to times and ages. SMH...
He did have regrets when he destroyed the world with a flood
Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by MistadeRegal(m): 2:50pm On Feb 25, 2018

Kumuyi is my mentor and father
His teaching had great influence on me
We bare same name
Am GoodMuyis and a kumuyist

If Kumuyi is your father, then what do you call the ONE in Heaven?
According to JESUS CHRIST in Matthew 6:9.
Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by MistadeRegal(m): 2:51pm On Feb 25, 2018

You didn't see Jesus all over the post you quoted?

And who is this one?
Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by Brightglory77: 3:27pm On Feb 25, 2018
I have often stated that "Nigerian "Christians" are more religious than been a Christian."

My practice of Christianity starts & ends with love "to God & my neighbours". And I don't need any man made doctrines or interpretations to achieve that, the bible is my guide translated in several languages for easy understanding with the ministration of the holy spirit. I have the option of reading in English & French.
Some people are mumu in thinking,they will just see headline and startd saying rubbish. What is wrong with what this man said here.

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