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Re: Relic by Oroolorun(m): 7:05am On Apr 06, 2018
[color=#006600][/color][color=#006600][quote author=ghostwritter post=66446791]
I'm not yet fit enough to be classed with great writers on this forum[quote]
You are. Just don't start what you won't finish and try to update constantly. Now lets go.

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Re: Relic by Adesina12: 9:26am On Apr 06, 2018
Well done ghostwriter
Sweet popcorn for you

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Re: Relic by queenitee(f): 8:29pm On Apr 06, 2018
Connecting with the supernaturals

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Re: Relic by Kelblaq(m): 10:52pm On Apr 08, 2018
This op is something else..

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Re: Relic by ashatoda: 9:56pm On Apr 09, 2018
this guy is a ghostwriter truly so arresting

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Re: Relic by phoenixchap: 8:10am On Apr 10, 2018
Ghostwriter has gone #ghostmode oo chimo!!!

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Re: Relic by rachealfst(f): 8:02pm On Apr 10, 2018
WELCOME GUYS, IT'S TIME I OFFICIALLY INVITE YOU MY FRIENDS AND CO-WRITERS INTO ANOTHER WORLD OF MINE. (If there is anyone I did not mention below, pls take to no offence and try follow me). Love you all.

Thanks for the mention.

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Re: Relic by Pilopher: 10:28pm On Apr 10, 2018
[quote][/quote][left][/left][color=#990000][/color]me to I dey here oooooooo

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Re: Relic by ghostwritter(m): 3:20pm On Apr 12, 2018



The sun crept upon the sky in full glare above the people within the city wall who went about their daily lives peacefully, the queen from the palace walked into the street, she was pleased to see everyone happy, many cheerful faces greeted as they passed by, the children running around the blocks playfully, she saw the traders sold happily to the rich buyers, the city was full of live, love and prosperity.



(Catch-up with chapter eight anytime next week. One love)


Re: Relic by skubido(m): 5:36pm On Apr 12, 2018
tanks a lot 4d update ooooooooooooo

God bless u oo

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Re: Relic by Nobody: 7:38pm On Apr 12, 2018
Gbori wole like kilode.. Thnks for the update!

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Re: Relic by Nobody: 8:05pm On Apr 12, 2018
Thanks for the update,i love your stories,they are completely wonderful.Your imaginations keep blowing me off my feet,take my respect

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Re: Relic by ghostwritter(m): 9:49pm On Apr 18, 2018



It’s been seven days since the awakening and yet the feeling was still awkward, one too hard to familiarize with and as well too strong to deny , she wasn’t sure what to say or what to do with her father’s soul housed within her son’s body.

Lord Seth in possession of prince Torberta’s body was delighted...


(Catch-up with chapter nine anytime next week...go and get your PVC, 2019 is for the Nigeria youth. One love)

7 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Relic by skubido(m): 8:32am On Apr 19, 2018
Tanks a lot 4d update oooooooooooooo

Jah bless

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Re: Relic by phoenixchap: 7:54pm On Apr 20, 2018
We need steady update ghost, let's maintain readerships.. Kudos bro for the fantastic job
Re: Relic by queenitee(f): 11:51pm On Apr 20, 2018
Wow!! can't get enough of the story
Re: Relic by Slimberry123(f): 5:58pm On Apr 21, 2018
Wow wow wow. kudos to u bro. more ink to ur pen.. and thanks for d mention.. ghostwritter all d way
Re: Relic by ghostwritter(m): 2:51pm On Apr 22, 2018



“Hey Tom, are you alright? Can you hear me?” he could hear father Paul’s voice echoing somewhere around his head as he tries to open his eyes.

“Father Paul, I suggest we get him to the clinic” he could tell that was Sister Rebecca with her shaky voice when in panic.



(Catch-up with chapter ten next week. I dedicate this chapter to every lazy Nigerian youth out there, may God grant us a sensible government that understand our plight)


Re: Relic by skubido(m): 3:50pm On Apr 22, 2018
Lol,, @lazy youth.

Tanks a lot for the update. God bless
Re: Relic by Bobosneh: 8:30pm On Apr 22, 2018
ride on bro
Re: Relic by Pilopher: 9:55pm On Apr 22, 2018



“Hey Tom, are you alright? Can you hear me?” he could hear father Paul’s voice echoing somewhere around his head as he tries to open his eyes.

“Father Paul, I suggest we get him to the clinic” he could tell that was Sister Rebecca with her shaky voice when in panic.

“Not yet, let’s give him time, I am sure he will be fine” said Professor Ford.

Tom slowly opened his eyes and was surprised to see many faces staring down at him. He sat up to realize he was on the floor by the foot of his bunk.

“Are you alright?” asked father Paul who was staring searchingly at him.

Tom stared back at the faces of father Paul, Professor Ford, Sister Rebecca. Then he saw Sister Alice and Sister Elizabeth rushing ahead towards them from the entrance. He wondered what was happening, he looked around and was amazed to realize he was in the dormitory.

“Hey Tom, are you alright, what happened to you?” Sister Rebecca inquired acting panicky.

Tom paused for a while, thinking of all he had seen, he wasn’t sure if it had been a dream or a vision or probably if he had been there to witness all that happened moments ago.

“I saw her” he finally found his voice, “I saw it all” he was eager to add.

“What did you see?” Professor Ford asked while watching him closely.

“Queen Nefertiti” he continued enthusiastically “She was here, she showed me everything. Egypt is falling, she needs help and that’s why she had come to tell me”. He paused to realize he had lost his listeners who all appeared puzzled right in front of him.

Reverend Father Paul was obviously furious , he snapped “Shut up for goodness sake, I’m sure you only had a dream, I guess a nightmare caused by the tale professor Ford narrated to you last night”.

“But it was real, I saw it happened” argued Tom.

“Shut up, none of it was real, you only had a nightmare and that’s all” Father Paul said in outburst.

Tom appeared confused, he wasn’t sure what had happened, not sure what to believe. He would had sworn to had been in Egypt moments ago and back but Father Paul will never allow him swear.

“Now get on your foot and go join the others in the assembly hall”. Father Paul ordered pointing at the door.

Tom quickly stood up and dashed out of the room. On his way to the hall, he couldn’t help but wonder how real his dream had felt but soon concluded that the reverend might be right after all, it could just be a dream just like the ones he had always had.

After the morning mass on the assembly hall, the children all returned to their dormitories where they are to wash-up and head back to the hall for breakfast. While in the hall having breakfast, Nate explained to Tom how he had been the first to see him unconscious on the floor and had called the attention of reverend father. Tom appreciated him for his help and concern but refrained himself from telling him about his dream even though he knew Nate would love to hear it, he wasn’t ready to sound like a fool.

While every child ate in silence, Sister Elizabeth walked up to Tom and Nate’s table, she ordered that Tom follow her immediately. Tom followed her sheepishly to the reverend’s office where he was standing with his back turned at them as they entered.

“Thank you sister, you may now leave” said Father Paul as he still had his back turned at them like he was staring at something of greater importance through the window.

Sister Elizabeth walked out of the room, then followed was silence from father Paul who still had his eyes looking through the window. Tom wasn’t sure what to do so he as well kept mute for a while and when he couldn’t stand it any longer, he broke the chain of awkward silence, “Father you sent for me” he noted almost in whisper as he wasn’t sure what father Paul would make of his intrusion.

“I believe you” said Father Paul more like he was talking to himself or someone out there through the murder.

“What is it father?” asked Tom not sure what to make of the phrase.

“All that you said in the dormitory, I believe you”

Little Tom was surprised, what had changed? How did he know it was true? Will he be punished or worst sent out of the orphanage home into the cold street of London under the assumption that he could had been responsible for making those strange carvings to the wall. He began to tremble fearing what punishment awaits him. He wished he had never mentioned the dream, he could had just pretended and lied he fell from his bunk while asleep but that would be worst knowing how serious father Paul detest liars.

“I am sorry Father, it won’t happen again” said Tom dolefully. If only he could see father Paul’s face, he was certain it would be hostile and would shout at him, reminding him of how God will rebuke him in heaven before handling him over to Lucifer in hell where he is meant to spend his eternity. His eyes widen in horror as he couldn’t stand the imagination of him burning in blazing fire for such a long time.

“So it’s true what I heard” Said father Paul then paused for a while before he added “that you are the one destined to end my reign”.

“What is he talking about? What reign? I am sure he must be talking to someone else through the window” Tom thought to himself.

Swiftly, father Paul turned around to face Tom in wrathful manner, his eyes fixed upon him detestably. Tom stared up to him fearfully, not sure exactly what to say or do, he pushed back behind the table he stood. Father Paul walked up to him and leaned to meet his eyes, “I am talking to you…Cencii!”

Tom stood petrified not by the words he heard nor for the scornful attitude towards him but he saw something strange, something strange through father Paul’s concave glasses, father Paul’s eyes had appeared mysteriously dark and scary like he was possessed.

“I am coming for you Cencii” his voice sounding croaky like there were multiple of people screaming through it, Father Paul said threateningly with every illumination in the room strangely going dim. Darkness slowly enveloped the room.

Tom’s eyes widen in horror, “Father Paul?” he inquired hoping he is right but the emotionless eyes kept staring at him mysteriously without answer. “Queen Nefertiti?” He asked searchingly.

Father Paul’s facial appearance slowly transformed into that of another man, a strange and stern looking man.

“Who are you?” asked Tom to the unfriendly and unfamiliar face staring down at him.

Father Paul pushed closer enough, close enough to feel Tom’s fear through the bang of his heartbeat that threatens to burst out of his chest, he replied malevolently “I am Seth…Lord Seth!!” The last words pricked Tom’s ears in a strange manner, he felt burning sensation growing inside his head and it hurt so bad that he shut tight his eyes, he firmly placed his hands on his ears and screamed in distress.


While he kept screaming, Tom felt a hand tapped him gently and he quickly opened his eyes, he was surprised when he realized he was seated in the hall filled with many other children already staring at him amusingly, he felt more confused than awkward as he scanned through the curious faces in the silent hall.

“What’s wrong with you Tom?” Nate asked while staring at his friend in a bizarre manner. He was surprise at how Tom had suddenly screamed while in the middle of eating his breakfast, he was then convinced that something wasn’t right with his friend.
Tom turned to Nate and was about to narrate to him what he just witnessed moments ago, how he had had a strange vision right there on his seat but then someone walked up to their table, the two boys looked up to see who it was.

“You two, father Paul request to see you right away in his office!” Sister Elizabeth said in sudden outburst with her eyes running from Tom to Nate in a manner that suggest it wouldn’t be a pleasant meeting.

Tom’s heart ceased a beat as he kept his gaze up to the nun, he appeared terrified “Father Paul?” he gasped.

“Come with me quick!” she snapped, turned around the way she had come and walked away in quick pace leaving the boys to catch up behind her. Sister Esther walked them inside the office, father Paul was standing with his back turned at them, he seem to be watching out for something through the window. Tom looked surprised on seeing Father Paul in such position as the Deja-vu rushed through him, causing a flash back to what he had envisioned. Sister Elizabeth informed father Paul of her presence with the boys and so did he kindly dismissed her from the room.

“I believe you” said father Paul after a long pause, he still had his eyes staring out through the window.

Tom eyes widen in disbelieve, he feared for his vision coming through.

“What is it father?” Nate asked looking confused.

Tom thought he needed to do something, something to prevent the awaiting doom he was certain would soon unfold, he had got to think fast right there on his feet, he could properly scream for help while he dash out of the room along with Nate or he could sneak out of the room before father Paul has the cause to turn around or better still he could just… “I already know who you are!” Tom yelled.

Father Paul quickly turned around to ask “For Christ sake, what was that about?” Looking astonished.

Tom stared back at him feeling embarrassed, he quickly apologized acting all tired and stressed.

“It’s obvious the nightmare had gotten to you” Father Paul noted, he then advised Tom to go pray and rest at the clinic when he is done from his office. He paused for a while, looking from Nate to Tom before revealing to them how he now believed their story, the one they had claimed innocence of the inscription on the wall. He requested the boys’ forgiveness for his misjudgment and so should the Lord. The boys simply appeared dump folded while they simply nodded their head in acknowledgment to not knowing exactly what to really make of Father Paul’s apology, they were of the believe that Father Paul was too holy to be in need of their forgiveness and that he could simply just talk to the Lord about it. Both boys were politely dismissed and while they were stepping out of the office, father Paul requested Tom stay behind.

“I’m sorry Tom, I understand your mind is too fragile to absorb the strange things going around lately” said Father Paul apologetically and then he proceeded “But I assure you that all will soon be fine” he concluded before dismissing Tom. Tom gently shut the door behind him as he walked out feeling so relieved as against the horror he had earlier assumed. While he walked through the long corridor to go catch-up with Nate and the other children in the hall, he felt somebody was coming from behind, he turned around to see who it was but there was no one else in the long quiet corridor but him. As he began to proceed further, a strong hand suddenly covered tight his mouth from behind, he tried to scream for help but couldn’t and while he kicked and struggled, he felt a sharp thin metallic object pieced into his neck and pulled out almost immediately. Before he could figure out what was happening, he grew weak and then fell unconscious.


(Catch-up with chapter ten next week. I dedicate this chapter to every lazy Nigerian youth out there, may God grant us a sensible government that understand our plight)
I dey c u
Re: Relic by ghostwritter(m): 10:12pm On Apr 22, 2018
I dey c u
for God sake pls unquote my post, I don't like it. Try put others into consideration.
Re: Relic by skubido(m): 10:39pm On Apr 22, 2018
If u want to comment, comment directly. Quoting all d story is not good enough...

At least pity persin like me dey use phone way no get button. Lol

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Re: Relic by Pilopher: 9:30pm On Apr 23, 2018
If u want to comment, comment directly. Quoting all d story is not good enough...

At least pity persin like me dey use phone way no get button. Lol
sorry sir I don hear u
Re: Relic by skubido(m): 8:46am On Apr 24, 2018
sorry sir I don hear u

Smile. Have a pleasing day ahead boss
Re: Relic by Ann2012(f): 3:17pm On Apr 24, 2018
I don balance here, following to d end. Well done @ghostwritter

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Re: Relic by devilmaycry1(m): 11:24pm On Apr 24, 2018

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Re: Relic by queenitee(f): 11:39pm On Apr 24, 2018
Amen to that prayer o

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Re: Relic by Cadec007(m): 10:19am On Apr 25, 2018
@lazy yoot! You dey mind that dullard! A product of crazy hormonal urge!!.....anyways following!

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Re: Relic by gabi98(m): 9:57pm On May 01, 2018
Ghostwritter please give us something na


Re: Relic by Nobody: 8:46pm On May 04, 2018
Ghost writer, wer are thou!!!!

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Re: Relic by ghostwritter(m): 10:12am On May 05, 2018




Voice of the narrator:

In the year 1952, four young men discovered a secluded grave in an underground just along the border of Mesopotamia (Present day Iraq) during one of their adventures, they had discovered strange things alongside the bones laying inside of it. They discovered the sketchy remains of a man who they believed had been of a wealthy and royal blood going by his ornament and decorated coffin. Beside the bones were five rocky slates with strange wordings to it surface. The men vandalized every ornament which they shared within themselves including the slates and afterwards...


Tom regained consciousness, opened his eyes into an unfamiliar environment where everything inside of it were different from all he had grown to see and know of the orphanage home.



Note: Pls no one should quote this story.

(Catch-up with chapter eleven next week)


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Lady In Tears After Receiving ₦1.3M Monthly Ghostwriting Contract For 5 Years / Puebla Festival Uninvites South African Guests Over Chidimma Controversy / Wole Soyinka Joins University Of Johannesburg

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