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Education And Academics: The Difference You Really Do Not Know by BlackPenNG: 11:42am On Mar 16, 2018 |
Black Pen “Education is a scam” That’s the watchword of an average Nigerian student, who is frustrated by the deteriorated system of schooling in the nation. Trust me, I shout this too. But, on my deeper thought, are we talking about Education or the art of schooling, which is termed Academics. What is Education? What is Academics? I’m an internet savvy that even learnt how to make concoction rice from the internet, so straight to my friend, Google. First, I went over to search for “What is Education?” and the number 1 online encyclopedia, Wikipedia popped up with an answer that if you don’t believe, then you have faith issues. It says “Education is a process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits. All the rest is bla bla bla, you can check for yourself. And then to “What is Academics?” gave me an answer this time, and it says “Academic is of or relating to a college, academy, school or other Educational institution, especially one for higher Education”. I know you might not be satisfied since the word Education popped up in its meaning, then leggo to, “Academic is used to describe things that relate to the work done in schools, colleges, and universities, especially work which involves studying and reasoning, rather than practical or technical skills.” If you have a mind that is so simple to receive basic facts, by now you should get what I mean when I tell you that you have been perceiving Education wrong, just like I used to do. Taking a cue from the definitions above, I can categorically tell you that, the process by which you learnt how to make Jollof rice is Education, when you learnt to wash your clothes clean, you were being Educated. And I will say Academics is all the la cramme la pour we do for physics, chemistry, history and the likes, and that, I believe is what you and I call “scam!”. Though I get where you are coming from, the use can be ambiguous, even our parents and the government are not helping matters, always looking at education with the lens of school, but, it’s time you get Educated about this, and you Educate them too. (Tell them that when you taught them how to use Facebook, they were being Educated by you.) If Education is a scam, then the art of me learning more about blogging and digital marketing, that I so much love to do must be a scam, cos I’m learning. You love playing football, and I’m sure the football joggling you can now do, didn’t jump on you from heaven, you had to learn it, that’s Education! I guess that is also a scam. Basically, all we do as humans are as a result of an Education, which is either Education of the body, that of the mind, of the intellects etc. Imagine a young baby yet to walk, he wants to, but because he doesn’t want to be scammed by Education, refused to learn how to walk, he would remain there, while his mates will be driving a Porsche. I know your resilient mind would have nailed me to the cross, saying “There are three types of Education.” This is how Wikipedia puts the three; Formal learning is Education normally delivered by trained teachers in a systematic intentional way within a school, higher Education or University. It’s one of three forms of learning as defined by the OECD (don’t worry about what it means, and if you rare curious, google is your friend), the others being informal learning, which typically takes place naturally as part of some other activities, and non-formal learning which includes everything else, such as sports, instructions provided by non-trained Educators without a formal curriculum. I’m getting tired of writing, and I’m hoping the little I would say after this would be able to make you see the point, amen. Formal learning is when you go to school, follow a curriculum, are under a trained educator, and you are involved in academic work. So, get it by force, Academics is simply a minute part of education, it’s not an equivalent. Even two third of the concept of Education is not Academics. Don’t get it twisted, Education is the best legacy, cos if you don’t train your mind, body and brain all round, you end up lacking, and unfit for the world. But, you might not go to school, only to learn basic English and still come out like Dangote. Schooling and engaging in academic work is very fundamental though, cos it trains your thinking capacity and exercises you reasoning faculty. That’s why schools like OAU is for ‘LEARNING AND CULTURE’, not ‘ACADEMICS and culture’. Learning something, learning anything, learning one thing, is education. Even if you are learning how to Vulcanize, you are being Educated. I hope you really get what I’m saying, and if not, all the best, your eyes of understanding will be enlightened. So, next time you wanna join me in criticizing Nigerian schools, let’s say “Academics is a scam, not Education”. We don’t like it, is why we say it, nobody likes reading, studying and racking brains in unfavourable conditions, but it’s still the reason why your brain is getting ‘sharper’ by the day. Educate yourself in a skill today, learn something, learn anything, every day. Education is the best legacy. Gracias. Source: |
Re: Education And Academics: The Difference You Really Do Not Know by marqueee(m): 11:51am On Mar 16, 2018 |
For you to write this am sure you went to school. moreover who get data to waste... 1 Like |
Re: Education And Academics: The Difference You Really Do Not Know by Olu4all: 8:21pm On Mar 16, 2018 |
kudos to OP, best post have read this night.OP are you a student of OAU? |
Re: Education And Academics: The Difference You Really Do Not Know by BlackPenNG: 8:16am On Mar 17, 2018 |
Yes. A student of OAU |
Re: Education And Academics: The Difference You Really Do Not Know by MaidaGislason: 4:57pm On Jun 24, 2022 |
Education will help you make your way in life. It will prepare you for the world. Education helps you become a better person and has many benefits on your personality and self-esteem. It teaches you how to think, how to learn, how to deal with people, how to be productive and useful in society. It also helps develop your mental abilities like creativity, critical thinking etc. Thanks to the website that also provided me the free examples of essay about education. |
Re: Education And Academics: The Difference You Really Do Not Know by crystalmoon(m): 8:54pm On Jun 24, 2022 |
BlackPenNG:Valid thank for this |
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