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Prophet Samuel Kayode Abiara To Remarry At 75 - Religion (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Prophet Samuel Kayode Abiara To Remarry At 75 by Ladynia2(f): 7:47pm On Mar 18, 2018
Abiara isn't the general overseer of CAC. This op garnished the topic to fascinate people wink

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Re: Prophet Samuel Kayode Abiara To Remarry At 75 by Nobody: 7:47pm On Mar 18, 2018
ode is not about fvck...he needs a companion
you don't need to blame some people, when they hear marriage the only thing they can think of is s3x and children, they know nothing about companionship, care, warmpth. And you wonder why so many marriages are breaking today, SMH

Nothing will kill this old man faster than loneliness if he doesn't have anyone at home to aleast say "welcome " cos I am presuming all his children are grown up and moved on with their own lives
Re: Prophet Samuel Kayode Abiara To Remarry At 75 by sweetilicious(f): 7:49pm On Mar 18, 2018
Old man like u no go rest.. upon say u be pastor undecided must u fvck? angry
Its not sex.He needs someone to care about him.At least someone he can tell every time of how his day went.A companion not a sex mate.
Re: Prophet Samuel Kayode Abiara To Remarry At 75 by Ellabae(f): 7:53pm On Mar 18, 2018
That's means my dad is really trying for not remarrying. Don't worry dad, u will start enjoying the fruit of ur labour soon, trust me.
Re: Prophet Samuel Kayode Abiara To Remarry At 75 by sammirano: 7:55pm On Mar 18, 2018
It's not all about the sexual aspect, but a slightly different perspective. Do you ever wonder why they say there is no honor for a king without a queen.
Re: Prophet Samuel Kayode Abiara To Remarry At 75 by Nobody: 7:58pm On Mar 18, 2018
crooked pastor!
Re: Prophet Samuel Kayode Abiara To Remarry At 75 by Gangster1ms: 8:02pm On Mar 18, 2018
Its not sex.He needs someone to care about him.At least someone he can tell every time of how his day went.A companion not a sex mate.
But he will still be fvcking.. forget all those grammar. His deep intention is fvck.
Re: Prophet Samuel Kayode Abiara To Remarry At 75 by oxiide22(m): 8:08pm On Mar 18, 2018
Re: Prophet Samuel Kayode Abiara To Remarry At 75 by oxiide22(m): 8:09pm On Mar 18, 2018
Re: Prophet Samuel Kayode Abiara To Remarry At 75 by dasparrow: 8:10pm On Mar 18, 2018
Its not sex.He needs someone to care about him.At least someone he can tell every time of how his day went.A companion not a sex mate.

So you are saying he will be married and celibate? You and I know that is a lie from the pit of hell.

The reason why people like my humble self shun marriage is because of the sexual obligation attached to it. The day marriage does not include mandatory sex obligations will be the day I will say "I do." Honestly. Until then, I say no to marriage. Can't cope with another person's stinky genital fluids.
Re: Prophet Samuel Kayode Abiara To Remarry At 75 by clems88(m): 8:18pm On Mar 18, 2018
Old man like u no go rest.. upon say u be pastor undecided must u fvck? angry
if he doesn't who will grin
Re: Prophet Samuel Kayode Abiara To Remarry At 75 by DavIkenna(m): 8:24pm On Mar 18, 2018
We no talk say make u no remarry, in fact we no condemn u but no tell us say Na God say. Nwanne it's same way pst Kumuyi of deeper life tell us say God say... No wahala!
Re: Prophet Samuel Kayode Abiara To Remarry At 75 by Nobody: 8:24pm On Mar 18, 2018

He deserves to do what he wants with his life before fools start accusing him of sleeping with peoples wives..

Tell them...

Especially the fool you quoted.

What they don't know is, it could just be for companionship that he's marrying

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Re: Prophet Samuel Kayode Abiara To Remarry At 75 by sweetilicious(f): 8:26pm On Mar 18, 2018

So you are saying he will be married and celibate? You and I know that is a lie from the pit of hell.

The reason why people like my humble self shun marriage is because of the sexual obligation attached to it. The day marriage does not include mandatory sex obligations will be the day I will say "I do." Honestly. Until then, I say no to marriage. Can't cope with another person's stinky genital fluids.
Umm! Ok
Re: Prophet Samuel Kayode Abiara To Remarry At 75 by Olukokosir(m): 8:32pm On Mar 18, 2018

Oponu nie
Re: Prophet Samuel Kayode Abiara To Remarry At 75 by oluxy(m): 8:34pm On Mar 18, 2018
Old man like u no go rest.. upon say u be pastor undecided must u fvck? angry

Marriage is not all about f**uking or sex**g
That is where most young men usually get it wrong.

Marriage is sacred, ordianed and it's a command by God to replenish and that it is not right for a man to be alone why?
We are not spirit but mortal.

If any man wishes to have a successful married home n happy living then he should not see marriage from the view of f**k**g.
Re: Prophet Samuel Kayode Abiara To Remarry At 75 by Nobody: 8:51pm On Mar 18, 2018
OP receive sense...
This baba was the past general evangelist HE was never the general overseer. Nonsense

Re: Prophet Samuel Kayode Abiara To Remarry At 75 by Nobody: 8:52pm On Mar 18, 2018
crooked pastor!
Ode ni e
Re: Prophet Samuel Kayode Abiara To Remarry At 75 by gwama: 8:53pm On Mar 18, 2018
When you go to have a heart attack in bed, you will be surprised, at your age you still want to have sexual rales ?? undecided undecided
Re: Prophet Samuel Kayode Abiara To Remarry At 75 by Nairalane: 8:53pm On Mar 18, 2018
Its not sex.He needs someone to care about him.At least someone he can tell every time of how his day went.A companion not a sex mate.
Your assumption is very funny! It's like saying, the wife will be seeing another side chick to give her the sexual side of the marriage....... Holy Spirit is the true companion! Wives can Bleep up anytime
Re: Prophet Samuel Kayode Abiara To Remarry At 75 by Pedrocross4568(m): 9:07pm On Mar 18, 2018
Old man like u no go rest.. upon say u be pastor undecided must u fvck? angry
. Lol. U want kill somebody
Re: Prophet Samuel Kayode Abiara To Remarry At 75 by damilarea2(m): 9:15pm On Mar 18, 2018
Apart from sexual need there're roles woman needs to play in man's life.
You have a point my brother...Loneliness can send someone to early grave. Anything can happened at midnight that just only taking water would have saved you. But if no one is there for you...you are a gonner ..

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Re: Prophet Samuel Kayode Abiara To Remarry At 75 by prosnadis(m): 9:45pm On Mar 18, 2018
Shut up.
Old man like u no go rest.. upon say u be pastor undecided must u fvck? angry
Re: Prophet Samuel Kayode Abiara To Remarry At 75 by Thewesterner(m): 9:51pm On Mar 18, 2018
No HUMAN is above temptations...
Re: Prophet Samuel Kayode Abiara To Remarry At 75 by oxiide22(m): 10:00pm On Mar 18, 2018
Re: Prophet Samuel Kayode Abiara To Remarry At 75 by Nobody: 10:06pm On Mar 18, 2018
Old man like u no go rest.. upon say u be pastor undecided must u fvck? angry
marriage is not about fvck alone.. Jeez

The man needs companionship..loneliness is not a good thing to deal with at an old age
Re: Prophet Samuel Kayode Abiara To Remarry At 75 by Ayofaks(f): 10:19pm On Mar 18, 2018

This revered man of God was never at any time the General Overseer or CAC. He retired as CAC General Evangelist.
Thank you...I was about correcting the op
Re: Prophet Samuel Kayode Abiara To Remarry At 75 by santricedupas(m): 10:44pm On Mar 18, 2018
and I be 32 years, I never marry. baba God send me more blessings :Pand I be 32 years, I never marry. baba God send me more blessings
Re: Prophet Samuel Kayode Abiara To Remarry At 75 by livinbygrace: 10:49pm On Mar 18, 2018

You have a point my brother...Loneliness can send someone to early grave. Anything can happened at midnight that just only taking water would have saved you. But if no one is there for you...you are a gonner ..

Loneliness is a very bad experience,it can easily leads to fraustration and depression which later results to high blood pressure and heart heart attack.Marriage is not all about sex.Sometimes you need someone to talk and share your feelings.So i support his decision.
Re: Prophet Samuel Kayode Abiara To Remarry At 75 by shankara7: 10:54pm On Mar 18, 2018
That's means my dad is really trying for not remarrying. Don't worry dad, u will start enjoying the fruit of ur labour soon, trust me.
Your dad don't want to be restricted to one woman only.. He is a wise man.
Re: Prophet Samuel Kayode Abiara To Remarry At 75 by mandate12: 10:55pm On Mar 18, 2018

But he will still be fvcking.. forget all those grammar. His deep intention is fvck.

Lol...emm, emm
Re: Prophet Samuel Kayode Abiara To Remarry At 75 by Nobody: 1:39am On Mar 19, 2018
Old man like u no go rest.. upon say u be pastor undecided must u fvck? angry
you must be very funny. Marriage Na only for sèx? That man doesn't need any child again He had 3 set of twins and all of them are well and alive they're well placed worldwide. I won't be surprised if he marries an old lady like him who would take care of the house and prepare him food. If he refuses to remarry and temptation creeps in, it's same people like you who would book a space here , criticising him. When Pastor kumuyi wanted to do the same after the death of his wife, people were saying all sort of things. But by the time they saw him with a fairly old woman who was already in her menopause, everybody kept quiet. Please leave the man of God alone. It's not appropriate for a Pastor not to have a partner we live in a perverse and immoral society . Somebody like him shouldn't fall because if he does, millions will go to he'll fire cos they'd follow suit. It's better he remarries. Demon-possessed ladies abound

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