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Why Should We Wash Our Hands? - Health - Nairaland

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Why Should We Wash Our Hands? by rmo19: 10:17am On Mar 25, 2018
As simple as it may seem, proper hand washing remains the most effective way of removing germs and harmful bacteria from our hands.

This prevents the spread of diseases and keeps your environment safe, fresh, and clean.

There are many easy ways to keep the hands clean.

The common methods used in many workplaces include the use of sufficient soap and water or good alcohol-based sanitizers when water is not easily accessible.

The Danger Zones
The most common place in our home or workplace where bacteria are most likely to have spread is the bathroom.

For obvious reasons, bathrooms are thriving places for bacteria to fester until they can be carried and transferred to other objects by contact.

The bacteria eventually gets on your mobile phones, clothes, door knobs and into your body. This is why it is important to properly wash the hands since that is the first line of defense against the bacterial contagion.

There are troubling statistics that indicate a large percentage of credit cards and mobile phones have tested positive for traces of faecal waste on them.

A study conducted by the Harvard Medical School gives the expression ‘dirty money’ and entirely new twist.

Namely, it showed that 94% of the dollar bills currently in circulation also tested positive for having traces of faecal waste on them.

You should wash your hands:


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